Episode 11 | 我家住在北京五环

Convo Chinese
37 min readJul 5, 2021

Joanne 00:06

大家好,欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天邀请的一位朋友名字叫Yuna。大家好。 Hello and welcome to our new edition of Convo Chinese! We have a friend with us today named Yuna.

Yuna 00:16

我是Yuna,我是Joanne的硕士研究生同学,然后我现在在中国的北京工作,那是在一家互联网公司,主要是做一些投资方面的工作,很高兴跟大家有一个交流。 I’m Yuna, I’m Joanne’s master’s student, and I’m working in Beijing, China, in an internet company, mainly doing some investment work, and I’m happy to talk to you all.

Joanne 00:34

对,然后 Yuna其实前段时间不久之前刚刚在北京找了房子,因为Yuna你要搬家,所以今天就想跟大家聊一聊关于在中国怎么找房子,租房买房一些相关的内容。你是前段时间为什么要换房子,然后你在找房子的过程当中是个什么样的经验体会? Yes, and then Yuna actually just found an apartment in Beijing a while ago, because Yuna you’re moving, so today I want to talk to you about how to find an apartment in China, rent an apartment and buy an apartment. Why did you change apartments a while ago and what was your experience in the process of looking for an apartment?

Yuna 01:01

我来北京已经5年了,然后我自己不是北京人,所以5年的时间我是一直在租房的,然后5年期间我换了三次工作,每个工作基本上位置都比较远,所以每次换工作我基本上都会遇到需要去换房子这么一个情况,所以我租了三次房。基本上也是因为我换工作之后,原来的通勤时间可能会从半个小时延伸到一个小时以上,对我来说比较累,所以就想说找到跟工作比较近的一个房子去住。 I’ve been in Beijing for 5 years and I’m not a Beijinger, so I’ve been renting an apartment for 5 years. Basically, it’s also because after I changed jobs, my commute would stretch from half an hour to more than an hour, which was more tiring for me, so I wanted to find an apartment that was closer to my job.

对,然后最新的是今年的4月份我换了工作,然后原来住的地方到新的工作单位,大概是需要一个半小时的,地铁的时间是单纯的时间,所以一天要花三个小时在路上。所以考虑到我这边加班也比较多,就下定一个决心说换一个房子,所以5月份的时候就搬家了。 Yes, and the latest is that I changed jobs in April this year, and it takes about an hour and a half to get from my old place to my new workplace. So considering that I was also working a lot of overtime on my side, I made a decision to say I would change my house, so I moved in May.

Joanne 02:14

对,所以你这次找的房子,是在一个平台叫“自如”上面找的,因为我在北京的时候,当时我也住的是“自如”的房子,所以也可以给大家介绍一下,在北京有这么好几种,比如说,找房子房子租房子的方法。那我觉得“自如”可能是比较适合年轻人,或者适合白领的一种方法。 Yes, so the apartment you found this time was on a platform called “Ziru”, because when I was in Beijing, I was also living in a “Ziru” apartment, so I can also introduce you to the fact that there are so many different ways to find a house in Beijing, such as, for example, finding a house to rent. There are so many ways to find a house in Beijing, for example, to rent a house. I think “Ziru” is probably a more suitable method for young people, or for white-collar workers.

因为对我来说它比较方便,我在自如上面就可以看到,已经装修好的。基本上就是有很多家具,然后装修风格也比较统一,比较干净这样的房子,然后“自如”的价格我觉得也不是特别的贵,所以对我来说是一个怎么说比较方便,可以“拎包入住”,比较方便的这么一个选择。 It’s more convenient for me because I can see on the top of Ziru that it’s already furnished. Basically, there is a lot of furniture, and the decoration style is relatively uniform and clean, and I don’t think the price is particularly expensive. It’s a more convenient option for me.

Yuna 03:05

对,像自如比较方便,是因为它的装修是经过统一的标准的,如果我不通过平台去租的话,可能会遇到原来的老房子装修不好,或者是电器不够充分,比如没有空调,没有电视这种情况。但是像自如他就连WiFi也都有,所以对我们来说会比较方便,不用去特别去考虑说可能会有哪一些坑在那。 If I don’t rent through the platform, I may encounter old houses that are not well-decorated or don’t have enough appliances, such as no air conditioning or TV. But like Ziyou, he even has WiFi, so it’s more convenient for us, and we don’t have to think about which pitfalls might be there.

Joanne 03:39

对,而且我觉得自如有一个另外一个好处。是因为在北京租房子,如果一个人住的话还是挺贵的,所以基本上大家都会选择说和别的人合租。比如说是一个两居室三居室,那就跟两个人另外一个人合租。 Yes, and I think there’s another advantage of self-sustainability. It’s because it’s quite expensive to rent an apartment in Beijing if you live alone, so basically people choose to share an apartment with other people. For example, if it’s a two-bedroom, three-bedroom apartment, then you can share with two other people.

“自如”的好处就是你不用自己去找室友,相当于你只要租你自己的那一间房间就可以,然后其他的房间会有自如这个平台,这个公司来帮你找到。 The advantage of “Ziru” is that you don’t have to find your own roommate, you just need to rent your own room, and then the other rooms will be found for you by this platform, this company.

可能也有不好的地方,就是你的室友都是相当于你不认识的人,陌生人,你就不能够控制你想和谁住在一起,如果说你自己在外面找房子,你可以和你的朋友商量好,说我们一起搬到两居室里面去。 The downside is that your roommates are people you don’t know, strangers, and you don’t have control over who you want to live with, so if you’re looking for a place on your own, you can talk to your friends and say we’ll move into a two-bedroom apartment together.

Yuna 04:36

但实际上如果想找朋友合租也挺难的,因为北京还是比较大,所以如果你要找朋友一起住,首先得考虑到双方的通勤的时间,然后还得考虑你的朋友原来的房子是不是到期,是不是可以跟你一起去搬家,所以很多大部分人都是选择说直接在自如上面租一居,然后跟陌生人住,这种情况挺多的。 But it’s actually quite difficult to find a friend to share a room with, because Beijing is still quite big, so if you want to find a friend to live with, you first have to consider the commuting time of both parties, and then you also have to consider whether your friend’s original house is due to expire and whether you can move in with him or her, so many people choose to rent a one-bedroom apartment directly from Ziru and then live with strangers.

然后自如的话有一个好处,就是它每一个小屋子都是带锁的,所以你不用担心其他的陌生人会影响到你的居住,然后每个周末他都会有保洁,会去帮你清扫公共的空间,有点像国外居住的那种,对中文我不知道怎么说,(酒店式公寓)对,酒店式公寓,所以比较方便。 It’s a bit like living abroad, I don’t know how to say it in Chinese, (hotel style flat) yes, hotel style flat, so it’s more convenient.

Joanne 05:38

对,我记得很清楚,当时我在北京自如上面,它每个房间都有一个指纹的锁,或者是密码锁,我觉得密码锁还是挺方便的,但不知道为什么在国内推广的不是很多,基本上我只在自如的房子里看到过电子锁,一般的其他的就是正常的居住的房子都是钥匙锁,我觉得其实应该多多推广指纹锁或者电子锁还挺方便的。 Yes, I remember very clearly, at that time I was on top of Beijing Ziru, it has a fingerprint lock for each room, or a code lock, I think the code lock is still quite convenient, but I don’t know why it’s not promoted much in China, basically I’ve only seen electronic locks in Ziru’s house, generally the rest is normal living in the house are key locks, I think we should actually promote more fingerprint locks or Electronic locks are quite convenient.

然后当时也有保洁阿姨,他们中文里面叫保洁阿姨,其实是打扫卫生的人,比如说每周会来两次,然后如果你想要他们多来几次也很方便,只要在自如的 APP上面,要求他们多来一次,就可以直接在APP上面付钱。 I think it’s quite convenient to promote fingerprint locks or electronic locks more often, and then there are also cleaning aunties, which are called cleaning aunties in Chinese, but they are actually cleaning people who come twice a week.

Yuna 06:34

国内的话你提到门锁,基本上现在新房很多也是用指纹锁了,现在已经开始慢慢在普及了,但是有一些老年人可能会觉得指纹锁并不是特别安全。 In China, you mentioned door locks, basically a lot of new houses are now using fingerprint locks, which are slowly becoming more popular, but some older people may not feel that fingerprint locks are particularly secure.

Joanne 06:49

对,那反正现在你租的房子,你刚才和我说了是4500人民币左右是吗?一个月? Right, so the house you’re renting now, you just told me it’s around 4,500 RMB, right? For a month?

Yuna 06:58

对4500人民币。 Yes 4,500 RMB.

Joanne 07:01

包含所有的相当于电费、水费、燃气费吗?你可以跟大家解释一下,比如说在中国租房子的时候,房租里面一般会包括哪一些杂项的费用? Does that include all the equivalent of electricity, water and gas? Can you explain to people, for example, when you rent an apartment in China, what are some of the miscellaneous expenses that are usually included in the rent?

Yuna 07:16

电费、水费、燃气费是不含的,对,这些都不在我的合约里面。我们一般签合约约定的函的费用是一个是房租,就基础的房租,然后物业费,物业管理费用,然后(第)三个是暖气费用,对这三个基本上是含的,然后对于像自如这种拎包入住的房子,他就会再含一个 WiFi的费用,网络费。对这个是免费的,以及它定期的保洁也是含在里面的。 Electricity, water and gas are not included, yes, they are not included in my contract. We usually sign a contract to cover the rent, the basic rent, then the property fee, the property management fee, then (the) third is the heating fee, which is basically included, and then for a turnkey house like Ziyou, he will include a WiFi fee, the internet fee. This is free of charge, and the regular cleaning is included.

Joanne 07:51

可以给大家解释一下什么是物业管理费、暖气费这几个词吗? Can you explain to us what the terms property management fee and heating fee are?

Yuna 07:58

物业管理费… 中国小区跟国外有点不一样,它是有一个小区的概念的,就是我几个公寓几栋楼是封闭起来,有一个围栏,然后这个小区会有专门的公司,来负责这一片区域的一些保洁,还有门禁,一些安防,对对这些费用还有。 Property management fees… Chinese communities are a little bit different from foreign countries, it has a concept of a community, that is, I have several flats and several buildings that are enclosed, there is a fence, and then the community will have a special company to take care of the area, some cleaning, and access control, some security, yes, these costs are also included.

Joanne 08:25

小区的公共区域有一些绿化,可能也是含在物业范围里。 There is some landscaping in the communal areas of the area, which may also be included in the property.

Yuna 08:32

对。暖气费用,是像北京这边冬天比较冷,所以整个市会集体供暖,会有提供免费的暖气。 Yes. The heating costs, it’s like in Beijing where it’s colder in the winter, so the whole city will collectively heat the area and there will be free heating provided.

Joanne 08:45

然后WiFi的费用也是含在里面的,但水费电费你还要自己额外的去付,大概的话在北京一个月水费电费要多少钱呢? And then the WiFi is included, but you have to pay extra for water and electricity, so how much does it cost in Beijing?

Yuna 08:57

我一般一个月的话水费是30块人民币,对电费的话是不到100块人民币。 I usually pay 30 RMB a month for water and less than 100 RMB for electricity.

Joanne 09:06

我一直有这个印象,就是中国的水费和电费很便宜。 I’ve always had the impression that water and electricity are cheap in China.

Yuna 09:12

相对来说挺便宜的。 Relatively speaking it’s quite cheap.

Joanne 09:16

30块钱一个月感觉还是挺便宜的,而且其实我一直都没有概念,我每个月付多少钱,为什么呢? 30 a month still feels quite cheap and I’ve never actually had an idea of how much I pay each month, why?

因为它现在和我的支付宝是联系在一起的,也就是说我可以通过我的支付宝信用卡直接每个月自动的去缴费,所以我基本上都不会看到账单,我都不知道我每个月花了多少电费和水费,它自动的就付,会自动缴费。 Because it’s now linked to my Alipay, which means I can pay my bill automatically every month directly through my Alipay credit card, so I basically don’t even see the bill, I don’t even know how much I’m spending on electricity and water each month, it pays it automatically, it pays it automatically.

Yuna 09:47

对现在就非常方便了。不像以前的时候,如果电费没有交的话,他有的时候还会给你把电给断了。 Yes it’s very convenient now. It’s not like the old days when he would sometimes cut off your electricity if it wasn’t paid.

Joanne 09:57

然后所以说房租是4500人民币,差不多是700美金对吧?七八百美金嗯。然后你这个房子是多少平方米? So the rent is 4500 RMB, which is almost 700 USD, right? Seven or eight hundred US dollars. And how many square metres do you have in this house?

Yuna 10:19

我是合租的,我跟我朋友合租的一间房,然后我们合租两个人的费用是8800人民币,对,差不多9000块钱,然后大概是100平米。 I share a room, I share a room with my friend, and then the cost for two of us is 8,800 RMB, yes, almost 9,000 RMB, and then it’s about 100 square metres.

Joanne 10:32

Ok,你觉得在南京的话租一个一样的,比如说100平米房租会是多少钱? Ok, how much do you think it would cost to rent a similar, say 100 square metres in Nanjing?

Yuna 10:40

南京的话属于二线城市。对,基本上如果租100平米的话大概5000块钱。 Nanjing is a second tier city. Yes, basically if you rent 100 square meters, it’s about 5,000 RMB.

Joanne 10:49

所以在北京的话相当于要翻倍,差不多就是9000人民币,南京的话5000人民币。 So in Beijing the equivalent would be double, almost 9,000 RMB, and in Nanjing 5,000 RMB.

Yuna 10:58

对这个跟房子的地理位置以及它的装修情况都关系很大。 Yes it has a lot to do with the location of the house and how it’s decorated.

Joanne 11:07

你现在住的这个地方地理位置怎么样? What is the location of the place you are living in?

Yuna 11:12

我这边虽然很偏,但是因为周边有很多互联网的公司,等于说办公的人特别多,所以整体带动的这边的租金都比较贵了。 It’s very remote, but there are a lot of internet companies around, which means that there are a lot of people working here, so the rent is more expensive overall.

Joanne 11:25

我不知道可能有一些没有来过中国的听众朋友,外国朋友不是很清楚北京有多大。Yuna可以给大家一个概念,北京到底有多大? I don’t know if there are some listeners who have never been to China, foreigners who don’t really know how big Beijing is, can Yuna give you an idea of how big Beijing is?

Yuna 11:38

北京最直观的概念就是你去哪里,基本上你开车花40分钟都是很正常的。 The most intuitive concept of Beijing is that it’s basically normal for you to spend 40 minutes driving everywhere you go.

Joanne 11:49

40分钟我觉得就已经很快了,因为我记得当时北京是这样的,它有几个环线。所谓的环线,比如说在上海的话,有内环,中环和外环,相当于把整个城市分成了三个圆圈。 40 minutes I think would be fast enough because I remember when Beijing was like this, it had a few ring roads. The so-called ring roads, for example in Shanghai, are the inner ring, the middle ring and the outer ring, which are equivalent to dividing the whole city into three circles.

在北京的话是数字,从一环、二环、三环、四环、五环、六环。然后六环相当于是北京最外围的一个区域,就是最比较,比较大的北京的范围,一环就是北京的市中心。我记得很清楚,以前我工作的地方在东三环东边,三环的这个地方相当于是中间,然后我打车从东三环到西五环可能要一个半小时的时间。 In Beijing, there are numbers, from the first ring, the second ring, the third ring, the fourth ring, the fifth ring and the sixth ring. Then the sixth ring is equivalent to the outermost area of Beijing, the most comparable, larger area of Beijing, and the first ring is the centre of Beijing. I remember very clearly that I used to work in the east of the East Third Ring, and this part of the Third Ring was equivalent to the middle, and then it might take me an hour and a half to get a taxi from the East Third Ring to the West Fifth Ring.

Yuna 12:49

对像我们很多同事每天上下班距离大概能超过30公里,对,有很大一部分比例都是超过30公里的,基本上路上都是要一个小时以上才能到。 For like many of our colleagues the distance to and from work every day can probably be more than 30 km, yes, a large percentage of them are more than 30 km, basically the road takes more than an hour to get there.

Joanne 13:07

但是你说的一个小时一般是坐地铁。(对)大部分的人在北京的话,我觉得上下班通勤还是要靠地铁,但是地铁也非常的时间很长,而且非常的挤。所以说在北京找房子,我觉得首要的要素可能就是必须要离工作单位比较近。对我来说我找房子肯定这是第一条标准。 But the hour you mentioned is usually by underground. (Yes) For most people in Beijing, I think you have to use the underground to commute to work, but it’s also very long and very crowded. So I think the first thing to look for in Beijing is probably to be close to your workplace. For me, that’s definitely the first criterion.

Yuna 13:36

对,因为基本上如果你是租房的话,还是因为说,考虑到我需要通勤时间比较简短。有如果买房的话,可能考虑的因素就不太一样了。 Yeah, because basically if you’re renting, it’s still because say, given that I need a relatively short commute. There’s if you’re buying a house, it’s probably not quite the same consideration.

Joanne 13:55

你觉得在北京比如说一环二环或者最贵的地方,租房子可能要多少钱? How much do you think it might cost to rent an apartment in say the first ring, second ring or the most expensive part of Beijing?

Yuna 14:03

最贵的地方,比如说像在我们CBD那边,北京的国贸那边,如果住房的话,一个人起码要8000块钱。 The most expensive places, for example, like in our CBD side, the Guomao side of Beijing, it would cost at least 8,000 yuan for one person if housing.

Joanne 14:18

一个人8000。对,那就是1300 1400美金的样子。但是租房的价格其实和买房的价格比起来还算是便宜的,因为买房的话就是根本没办法想。一套房子100平米在国贸这边,你觉得要多少钱啊? 8000 a person. yes, that’s like 1300 1400 USD. But the price of renting is actually quite cheap compared to the price of buying a house, because buying a house is just not even a thought. How much do you think it would cost for a 100sqm house on the Guomao side?

Yuna 14:41

国贸基本上是10万一平米,100平的话就是1000万。 Guomao is basically 100,000 per square metre, so 100 square metres would be 10 million.

Joanne 14:47

1000万就是10 million人民币。换算成美金,对two million,one million dollar。 10 million is 10 million RMB. If you convert it to US dollars, it’s two million, one million dollar.

Yuna 14:58

真的。 It’s true.

Joanne 14:59

这几年的房价怎么样,我其实一直都没怎么关心过。中国的楼市,就是买房子卖房子的市场,这几年你有关心过吗? I’ve never actually cared much about how housing prices have been over the past few years. The property market in China, the market for buying and selling houses, have you been concerned about that over the last few years?

Yuna 15:13

北京现在房价比较稳定,基本上没有什么太大的波动,也主要是因为的确北京现在房价太贵了,所以政府就担心别房价越来越贵,然后大家都买不起房子,所以有一个比较稳定的调控的政策在这边。 The government is worried that the prices will get more and more expensive and then people won’t be able to afford to buy a house, so there is a more stable policy of regulation on this side.

Joanne 15:37

对,我刚刚正好想问你,因为政府我知道政府出了很多的政策来调控,所谓的调控中国的房市、楼市。比如说好像在上海是必须要有上海户口才能买一套房子还是两套房子。你比较了解,可以跟大家解释一下中国是怎么用政策来调控楼市的吗? Yes, I was just about to ask you, because the government I know has come out with a lot of policies to regulate, so-called regulate the housing market, the property market in China. For example it seems that in Shanghai you have to have a Shanghai hukou to buy one house or two houses. Do you know more about it and can you explain to people how China uses policies to regulate the property market?

Yuna 16:05

这个就得回到中国的户籍制度。 This one goes back to China’s hukou system.

Joanne 16:13

我们和大家听众介绍过一点,可以再简单的解释一下。 We’ve covered it a little bit with your listeners, can you explain it a little bit more briefly.

Yuna 16:20

对可能你们能介绍的更清楚一点。 户籍制度,简单来说,你需要一个你的归属的地方,比如说我是北京人,我的户口就在北京,我就会享受北京的一些福利和政策待遇,比如说教育医疗,对以及买房. Yes, maybe you could explain it a little bit more clearly. The hukou system, in simple terms, you need a place to belong to, for example, if I’m a Beijinger, my hukou is in Beijing, I’ll enjoy some of the benefits and policies in Beijing, such as education and healthcare, and yes, buying a house.

买房的话就提到刚刚的户口,如果你是要在北京买房的话。那么你有两种选择,一种是你在北京工作了5年,你是可以买房的,但你买完房子之后,你的孩子不能在北京房子享受周边的一些待遇,比如说像上学,是上不了的。 If you want to buy a house, you have two options. Then you have two options, one is you work in Beijing for 5 years, you can buy a house, but after you buy a house, your children can not enjoy some of the surrounding treatment in Beijing house, for example, like school, is not on.

另外一种就是你要拿到北京的户口,然后你去买房,对这样的话你等于说是能享受全套的北京的资源了。但是像北京户口给外地人发的就非常少。 The other is that you have to get a Beijing hukou, and then you can buy a house, in which case you can enjoy a full set of Beijing’s resources. But there are very few Beijing hukou for foreigners.

Joanne 17:33

如果你是北京户口的话,有没有政策来限制说你只能卖一套房子,两套房子之类的? If you’re a Beijing resident, is there a policy that says you can only sell one house, two houses or something like that?

Yuna 17:42

是你可以去买第二套房子,但是你在买第二套房子的时候基本上不能贷款,你就必须全款买,但这样的话对大部分来说压力还是比较大的。 Yes you can go and buy a second house, but you basically can’t get a loan when you buy a second house, you have to pay full price for it, but then it’s still more stressful for most people.

Joanne 17:58

因为我理解就是政策,它的目的是希望大家怎么说,刚性需求基于刚性需求来买房子.刚性需求的意思,就是你对买房子这件事情的需求原因是刚性的,也就是你需要住这个房子。 Because I understand the policy, it is intended to be how you want people to say, rigid demand based on rigid demand to buy a house. Rigid demand means that the reason you need to buy a house is rigid, that is, you need to live in the house.

如果不是刚性,它的反义词,就是投机行为。什么叫投机行为呢?你买房子是为了等待这个房子,作为你的资产财产,它今后涨价了,你再把它卖掉。所以说相当于宏观调控的政策就是要阻止房市的投机行为,对吧? If it is not rigid, its opposite is speculation. What does speculation mean? You buy a house to wait for

Yuna 18:45

对,它的目的是把投机行为尽量减少,因为之前北京房子的确涨得非常快,像他们老北京08年也就10年之前买的房子很多,已经涨了七八倍。 Yes, it aims to minimize speculation, because before Beijing houses did go up very fast, like their old Beijing 08 also just before 10 years bought a lot of houses, has gone up seven or eight times.

对,所以房价涨得是很快的,导致了很多人都觉得房价会一直涨,所以就把钱都投入到这个房子里面来,就有点像现在的比特币这种感觉大家是对,目的并不是说我真的是需要住,而是希望能通过买房这件事情来赚一笔。 Right, so house prices are going up very quickly, leading to a lot of people thinking that house prices will keep going up, so they put all their money into this house, it’s a bit like bitcoin now this kind of feeling everyone is right, the purpose is not that I really need to live, but I hope to make a profit by buying this house thing.

Joanne 19:27

这个和以前的股票,什么郁金香泡沫都是一样的,就是当你买一样东西,你的目的其实是为了之后再把它卖掉,这种投资的行为就在中文里面叫投机,就是speculation. This and the old stock, what the tulip bubble are the same, is when you buy the same thing, your purpose is actually to sell it afterwards, this kind of investment behavior is in Chinese inside called speculation, is speculation.

那Yuna我问你最后一个问题,你有没有考虑在北京买房子? So Yuna let me ask you one last question, have you considered buying a house in Beijing?

Yuna 19:49

我有考虑买房,但是真的太贵了,所以非常谨慎。 I have considered buying a house, but it’s really expensive, so I’m very cautious.

Joanne 19:56

你买房子的话也是肯定要贷款对吧? You definitely need a loan if you buy a house too right?

Yuna 20:01

对会贷款,因为相对来说贷款还是比较划算的,嗯因为现在贷款利率不算特别高,大概5%一年。对,但是像北京这边的通胀其实也按照3%这样速度去涨,所以贷款其实是比较划算。 Yes I would get a loan because it’s relatively good value for money, well because the interest rate is not particularly high now, it’s about 5% a year. Yes, but the inflation rate in Beijing is actually going up at 3%, so it’s actually more economical to get a loan.

这也看你房子买多少钱,然后基本上我们如果去贷款的话,都是会贷到最多,普遍印象来讲,大家都是按照顶格来去贷的。 It also depends on how much you buy, and basically if we go for a loan, we’ll get the maximum loan, and the general impression is that we’re all going to get a loan at the top of the scale.

现在首付是新房,买新房的话首付是40%,你可以贷款贷到这个房子总价格的60%,然后按照20到25年。 Now the down payment is for a new house, if you buy a new house the down payment is 40%, you can get a loan for 60% of the total price of the house and then it’s based on 20 to 25 years.

Joanne 21:02

首付就是down payment,就是你一开始要付的钱,首次付钱首付,然后后面是贷款。 A down payment is a down payment, it’s the money you have to pay at the beginning, the first time you pay the down payment and then the loan after that.

Yuna 21:11

对是的,首次付款。 Yes, yes, the first payment.

Joanne 21:14

好,我觉得今天我也学到了挺多的,因为我其实这几年没有在国内,所以对租房买房子房价之类的市场都不是特别熟悉了,所以今天还谢谢Yuna给我普及了一下这一课。说不定之后我在国内买房子的时候还要找你问一下!那我们下期再见。 I think I’ve learned a lot today because I haven’t been in China for a few years, so I’m not familiar with the market for renting and buying a house, so thanks to Yuna for giving me this lesson today. Maybe I’ll have to ask you when I’m buying a house in China! See you next time then.

Yuna 21:39

好的,拜拜。 Okay, bye.

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