Episode 12 | 马上又要奥运会啦!Olympics is around the corner

Convo Chinese
35 min readJul 13, 2021


Joanne 00:08

Hello大家好,欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天请到了一位return guest,就是上一次和我们大家一起聊过三胎政策的gwin小朋友。 Hello everyone, welcome to our new episode of Convo Chinese. Today, we have a return guest, Gwin, who talked about the three child policy with us last time.

Gwin 00:23

大家好,我是Gwin! 我又回来了,就很高兴能够在参加Joanne的节目,我是他的死忠粉。 Hello, I’m Gwin! I’m back and I’m just happy to be on Joanne’s show, I’m a big fan.

Joanne 00:36

我忽然想起来上一次录完节目以后,你有没有什么心得体会,或者你自己听了以后有什么感受吗? I suddenly remembered if you had any insights after the last time you recorded the show, or if you had any feelings after listening to it yourself?

Gwin 00:44

我听了以后就觉得中文还是蛮难的,尽管我作为一个土生土长的中国人,但我觉得可能去国外读书,然后工作有的时候用英文就很长时间,没有这么正儿八经的字正腔圆的讲话了,然后就会觉得有的时候话都讲不顺,希望这一次能够好好表现。 I think after listening to it, I think Chinese is still quite difficult, even though I’m a native Chinese, but I think maybe when I went to study abroad and worked in English for a long time, I didn’t speak in such a serious way, and then I felt that sometimes I couldn’t speak smoothly, so I hope I can perform well this time.

Joanne 01:09

然后今天我们想聊一个话题是关于奥运会,为什么想到这个话题?因为大家可能知道还有不到一个月的时间,东京奥运会夏季奥运会就要正式开幕了。这一届奥运会本来应该是2020年的,但是因为疫情的原因也是推迟了一年。 Today we want to talk about the Olympics. Because as you may know, the Tokyo Olympic Summer Games will be officially opened in less than a month’s time. This Olympics was supposed to be in 2020, but it was postponed for a year because of the epidemic.

我其实今年有一个小伙伴就是跟我一起读研究生的一个美国男生,他昨天坐飞机从巴黎到东京,因为他要给这一届的东京奥运会做志愿者,但是因为这一次奥运会疫情的原因也很特殊,所以他走之前还做了好几次的检测,并且他在东京的时候要一个月的时间都只能待在酒店里,不能出门。 I actually have a partner this year, an American boy who is a graduate student with me, he took a plane from Paris to Tokyo yesterday because he is going to volunteer for this year’s Tokyo Olympics, but because of the epidemic in this Olympics is also very special, so he also did several tests before he left, and he had to stay in the hotel for a month in Tokyo, and could not go out.

所以可以说是一届挺因为疫情影响还挺特殊的,奥运会,然后就让我想起来,我们中国2008年的时候,办了08年的北京奥运会,所以就想跟Gwin聊一聊,不知道你当年08年的时候你在北京吗? So it can be said that it was a very special Olympics because of the epidemic, and then I remembered that we in China in 2008, held the Beijing Olympics in 2008, so I wanted to talk to Gwin, I wonder if you were in Beijing in 2008?

Gwin 02:19

我不在北京,08年的时候是我第一次出国,然后所以那个时候我人在美国的宾夕法尼亚州,但我有印象08年那次奥运会,因为真的特别的怎么说,对于中国人来讲是一件特别意义重大的事情。 I wasn’t in Beijing, ’08 was the first time I went abroad, so I was in Pennsylvania at that time, but I have the impression that the ’08 Olympics was a very significant event for Chinese people, because it was really special.

然后尤其我觉得身在海外,然后看到我其实本身看奥运会就看的并不是特别多。因为我在大学之前其实运动不是特别的擅长,但是然后所以我们一般看运动奥运会的时候,重点看的都是开幕式。 And especially I think being overseas, and then seeing that I actually did not watch the Olympics very much. Because I was not particularly good at sports before college, but then we generally watch the Olympic Games, the focus is on the opening ceremony.

然后我就记得那个时候看08年在北京做的开幕式,然后就第一次有一种身在海外,然后为自己是一个中国人感到特别的自豪。 Then I remember watching the opening ceremony in Beijing in 2008, and then for the first time I felt proud to be overseas and to be a Chinese.

Joanne 03:13

所以你当时在宾州在美国和你的中国朋友们一起看了开幕式吗? So you were in Pennsylvania in the U.S. watching the opening ceremony with your Chinese friends?

Gwin 03:19

不是的,我应该是和我的住家一起看的开幕式,然后我就印象特别深刻,是因为我不记得是哪一个导演的节目了,但是其中有一个节目用了特别多的人,就是一个人海战术,然后大家的这个动作就特别统一,然后对我就觉得特别的惊艳。 No, I think I watched the opening ceremony with my family, and I was impressed because I don’t remember which director’s show it was, but one of the shows used a lot of people, a sea of people, and then everyone’s movements were particularly unified, and then it was particularly amazing to me.

Joanne 03:44

我觉得人海战术还挺有中国特色的,就每一次看中国的阅兵,比如说阅兵方阵,还有开幕式都非常惊叹于,我觉得只有中国能找来这么多人,然后还把动作做得这么整齐, I think the human sea tactic is quite Chinese, every time I watch the Chinese military parade, such as the parade formation, and the opening ceremony, I am very amazed at, I think only China can get so many people, and then also do the movement so neatly.

Gwin 04:01

对,感觉它像是因为可能人口基数大了,它就可以挑的就是大家的身高,然后身材比例都特别的统一,然后动作训练的又这么说,特别的特别的好,于是对就有一种复制粘贴无数遍的感觉。 Yes, it feels like because of the large population base, it can be picked is everyone’s height, and then the proportion of the body are particularly uniform, and then the movement training and so to say, particularly good, so there is a kind of copy and paste countless times the feeling.

Joanne 04:23

有点像是电脑CG, 电脑特效做出来的感觉。 It’s a bit like computer CG, computer effects made out of the feeling.

我其实印象还挺深刻的,那一届奥运会有两个节目,就是开幕式的有两个节目,一个就是你说的人海战术,然后我记得当时好像每个人代表一个章,就是中国的敲章的那个章,然后最后显示出来一个图案是和而不同,我个人还是挺喜欢这个成语的 I am actually quite impressed, the Olympic Games has two programs, is the opening ceremony of two programs, one is you said the sea of people, and then I remember that each person seems to represent a chapter, is the Chinese knock the chapter of the chapter, and then finally show a pattern is and different, I personally still quite like this idiom

和而不同的意思就是” 君子和而不同“ 可能就是agree to disagreement.的意思就是大家虽然不一样,但是相处在一起仍然很和谐,我觉得这个可能是当时导演想要传递的一种精神 and different means “gentleman and different” may be agree to disagreement. means that although we are not the same, but still very harmonious together, I think this may be the director wanted to convey a spirit

就是说说中国在世界上我们的文化很多的不一样,但是我们还是能够和谐的相处,这个是我当时印象很深的一个节目。 That is to say that China has many different cultures in the world, but we can still get along harmoniously, this is a program that I was very impressed.

Gwin 05:15

对我的印象中就是那一届奥运会真的感觉整个国家都特别重视,所以花了很大的心血把它办得很好,就像你讲的那两个,就第一个我觉得就代表了中国就那个时候的外交政策,就让我想到了在小的时候学政治课,就讲周恩来总理讲的求同存异这么一个外交政策,然后后面一个他也有代表了中国的艺术文化,然后我就觉得设计的特别好,就把中国的各个方面就好像通过这个平台展示出来。 The first one I think represents China’s foreign policy at that time, which reminds me of the foreign policy of Premier Zhou Enlai when I studied politics in my childhood, and then the latter one also represents China’s art and culture. I think the design is very good, it’s like showing all aspects of China through this platform.

Joanne 05:59

对的是的嗯说回来,除了开幕式以外,你说你也不是很经常看奥运会,我不知道你如果看的话,你一般会对什么运动项目比较感兴趣? Yeah, yeah, well, apart from the opening ceremony, you said you don’t watch the Olympics very often, I don’t know what sports you’re generally interested in if you do watch?

Gwin 06:13

我记得我小的时候大家看的比较多的,通常都是中国表现特别好的一些运动项目,比如说跳水,就是因为我们经常拿金牌,所以就会重点关注,所以我小时候看跳水很多。然后其次羽毛球,因为一个是我们拿奖拿的很多,然后另外一个和我个人相关的是我小学其实是一个羽毛球重点培训小学,然后他的为什么会变成重点培训小学?是因为我们出了一个奥运金牌的冠军叫叶昭颖。 I remember when I was a kid, we watched more, usually some of China’s performance is particularly good sports, such as diving, because we often take the gold medal, so it will focus on, so I watched a lot of diving as a child. Then followed by badminton, because one is that we get a lot of awards, and then another and I personally related is that my elementary school is actually a key training elementary school in badminton, and then his why will become a key training elementary school? Because we came out with an Olympic gold medal champion called Ye Zhaoying.

然后我记得我小的时候,其实中国运动员在国际运动比赛上拿金牌,其实并不是一个特别常见的事情,所以每一块金牌都特别特别重视。然后因为这一个叶昭颖,所以就带我们学校有了这么一个叫什么羽毛球重点小学的这么一个名称,然后连带着就还会专门建了一个羽毛球馆。然后我就记得二年级的时候,大家就会挑有潜力的小朋友,然后再重点培训。 Then I remember when I was a child, in fact, Chinese athletes in international sports competitions to win gold medals, in fact, is not a particularly common thing, so each gold medal is particularly important. Then because of this one Ye Zhaoying, so it took our school has such a name called what the key elementary school of badminton, and then together with it will also be built a special badminton hall. Then I remember the second grade, we will pick the potential children, and then focus on training.

Joanne 07:33

所以你当年是有潜力的羽毛球种子选手吗? So you were a potential seeded badminton player back then?

Gwin 07:37

没有,是一个想要成为种子选手,但是并没有被选成的小朋友。 No, it was a kid who wanted to be a seeded player but wasn’t selected.

但是但因为这个原因,所以我就会看特别多的羽毛球比赛。 But but because of that, I would watch a lot of badminton matches in particular.

Joanne 07:50

我觉得除了像你说的,我们一般就会看中国人中国拿金牌比较多的,或者是在中国比较普遍的国怎么说national sport, 这种国家运动,比如说像乒乓球、羽毛球,然后跳水,就像你说的这两年最近的几届奥运会,我觉得看田径也会比较多,因为像你说的刘翔,是因为刘翔我觉得刘翔是上海人,所以我也感触挺深的,他其实和我是一个小一个小学的,所以说我们也是因为这个原因,学校里会有很多的宣传,刘翔是我们的校友,然后还有像中国表现一般比较好的项目,有射击射枪,气枪。 I think in addition to what you said, we will generally look at the Chinese people China take gold medals more, or in China is more common in the country how to say national sport, this kind of national sports, for example, like table tennis, badminton, and then diving, like you said this two years recently a few Olympic Games, I think look at athletics will also be more, because like you said Liu Xiang, because Liu Xiang I I think Liu Xiang is a Shanghai native, so I also feel quite deeply, he is actually a small an elementary school with me, so that we also because of this reason, there will be a lot of publicity in the school, Liu Xiang is our alumni, and then there are projects like China’s performance is generally better, there is shooting shotgun, airsoft.

Gwin 08:46

还有游泳、游泳,最近这几年来好像我们拿金牌的也比较多。 There’s also swimming, swimming, it seems like we’ve taken more gold medals in the last few years.

Joanne 08:52

我对气枪的印象特别深,因为它每一年都是奥运会最一开始比赛的一个项目,所以一般都是中国所谓的冲首金的项目,就是第一块金牌。所以每年看射击比赛会比较激烈,比较激动。 I am particularly impressed with air gun because it is one of the first events in the Olympics every year, so it is usually the first gold medal for China. So it’s more intense and exciting to watch the shooting competition every year.

Gwin 09:14

我记得排球好像也是一个特别受关注的项目,尤其是中国女排。对的。 I seem to remember that volleyball is also a particularly popular sport, especially the Chinese women’s volleyball team. Right.

Joanne 09:23

中国女足中国其实还挺有意思的,因为中国的男足男子足球水平就真的不怎么样,但是男子的排球也不是很有名,所以说在排球和足球上面都是中国的女子女队表现比较好。 Chinese women’s soccer China is actually quite interesting because the Chinese men’s soccer team is not really good at men’s soccer, but the men’s volleyball is not very well known either, so it’s the Chinese women’s women’s team that does better in both volleyball and soccer.

Gwin 09:40

对对。Somehow中国女排就讲到整个人莫名的感觉热血沸腾。 Somehow China’s women’s volleyball team is a great way to get the blood flowing.

Joanne 09:53

因为以前有一段时间,我记得宣传的很多新闻里面经常会讲中国女排精神,可能是因为中国女排一个是表现比较好,然后女排训练也很辛苦,他们在赛场上每一次比赛都很拼搏,然后比如说受了伤还要继续比赛,所以就老师会提这个词,女排精神。 Because there was a time in the past, I remember a lot of publicity news often talk about the spirit of the Chinese women’s volleyball team, probably because the Chinese women’s volleyball team is a better performance, and then the women’s volleyball team training is also very hard, they are very hard work in every game on the field, and then, for example, injured but also continue to play, so the teacher will mention this word, the spirit of the women’s volleyball team.

Gwin 10:17

其实这么跟你一聊,我觉得其实我看的奥运会的运动项目还挺多的,因为这么聊着的过程中,我又想到了那个叫什么体操。 In fact, once I talked to you, I think I actually watched quite a lot of sports in the Olympics, because in the process of talking like this, I thought of what is called gymnastics again.

Joanne 10:29

对艺术体操,对。 Yeah artistic gymnastics, yeah.

Gwin 10:32

而且每次看艺术体操,不管是男性的运动员还是女性的运动员,我都会觉得他们做的动作真的是非人,非常厉害。我现在脑海中就浮现着他们各种跳跃旋转,然后尤其是他对身体控制的精准度,我就会觉得背后的训练应该非常的残酷。 And every time I watch artistic gymnastics, whether it’s a male athlete or a female athlete, I think the moves that they do are really inhuman and very impressive. I now have a mental image of them jumping and spinning and then especially the precision of his body control, and I think the training behind it should be very brutal.

Joanne 11:02

对,然后除了体操,你说到我又想起来比如说像花样游泳,很好看,我就会看一些像这种很好看的运动,虽然可能不是中国的强项,对,但是滑冰不是夏季奥运会,应该是冬季奥运会。我不记得了。 Yeah, and then in addition to gymnastics, you mentioned that I remembered again for example like synchronized swimming, which is very nice, I would watch some sports like that which is very nice, although maybe not China’s strength, yeah, but skating is not the summer Olympics, I think it’s the winter Olympics. I don’t remember.

Gwin 11:20

我不知道。 I don’t know.

Joanne 11:21

刚才正好我也想起来,中国的冬季运动,就是冬天,比如说像冬季奥运会的运动,其实在中国都不是很流行,所以我感觉在中国看冬季奥运会还挺少,的对。 It just happened to occur to me that winter sports in China, that is, winter, like the Winter Olympics, for example, are actually not very popular in China, so I feel like there’s quite little winter Olympics to watch in China, yes.

Gwin 11:37

但我觉得可能以后会越来越多,因为像我知道北京附近不是开了一个滑雪场,好像最近这几年有一种全中国人民都开始学滑雪这么一个趋势,好多人在社交媒体上都会发布自己第一次就是穿上雪橇滑雪的照片。 But I think there will probably be more and more in the future, because I know that there is a ski resort near Beijing, and it seems that in recent years there is a trend that all Chinese people are learning to ski, and a lot of people are posting pictures on social media of themselves skiing for the first time in a sled.

Joanne 11:58

而且下一届的冬季奥运会也是在中国在北京,记得有人跟我说北京是世界上唯一一个城市,既开了夏季奥运会,又开了冬季奥运会的,我们可以等一下证实一下。 And the next Winter Olympics is also in China in Beijing, I remember someone telling me that Beijing is the only city in the world that has both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics, we can wait to confirm that.

我不知道你还记不记得中国申请奥运会,那一年2000年,在中国我们管叫”申奥“,申请奥运会。是非常大的一件事情,因为中国其实当时还从来没有办过一个国际性的这么大的赛事,所以说是中国走进国际舞台吧,走上国际舞台的一个非常重要的一步。 I don’t know if you remember China’s application for the Olympic Games, the year 2000, in China we call “Olympic bid”, the application for the Olympic Games. It was a very big deal, because China had never hosted an international event of this magnitude, so it was a very important step for China to enter the international arena.

Gwin 12:38

对我有印象,我记得那个时候中国申奥成功就感觉好像是每一个人都觉得特别意义重大的一件事情,而且就。从你讲的2001年到之后,每一年感觉好像都有持续在想这件事情,一直到2008年终于它是一个非常长,然后一直都让人觉得非常激动的过程。 I have an impression, I remember that the success of China’s Olympic bid at that time felt like a particularly significant event for everyone, and on. From 2001, as you said, to every year after that, it felt like there was a constant thought about it, until finally in 2008 it was a very long and then always a very exciting process.

Joanne 13:10

我觉得可能外国朋友都不会很理解为什么我们对深奥这么的执着,我觉得可能在国外都不会都不知道深奥这个过程是什么样的。后来才知道看新闻,可能你知道说我们国家要办奥运会了。 I think foreign friends may not understand why we are so obsessed with Shen Ao, and I think they may not even know what the process is like abroad. Only later did I know that watching the news, maybe you know that our country is going to host the Olympics.

Gwin 13:27

但是说会在这个城市而不是那个城市。 But it says it will be in this city and not that city.

Joanne 13:31

对的,但是我记得00年的时候我才8岁,所以其实我当时也不是很懂,但我已经知道深奥是很重要的一件事情。 Right, but I remember I was 8 years old in ’00, so I actually didn’t know much about it at the time, but I already knew that esoteric was a very important thing.

然后我记得特别清楚,我特别可爱,那个时候我还折了千纸鹤,我就会许愿中国申奥成功,对千纸鹤这个词也要解释一下,它是一种折纸艺术,其实是一个日本的词语,意思就是把一小块方纸彩色的方纸把它折成一只鸟的样子,然后在日本或者在中国的文化里面,千纸鹤是用来许愿的一种方法。 Then I remember especially well, I was particularly cute, at that time I also folded a thousand paper cranes, I would wish China’s bid for the Olympic Games, the word thousand paper cranes should also be explained, it is a kind of origami art, actually a Japanese word, meaning that a small piece of square paper colored square paper folded it into a bird, and then in Japanese or in Chinese culture, a thousand paper cranes is used to make a wish a way.

所以我当时可能有折了100只千只鹤,就是为了希望8岁的我希望中国深奥成功,我的心是多么的虔诚。 So I may have folded 100 thousand cranes at that time, just to wish for the success of the 8-year-old me wishing for the Chinese deep Olympics, how devout my heart was.

Gwin 14:23

对太感动了Joanne。然后就幸亏有你托你的福,托你千纸鹤的福,然后中国申奥就真的成功了。而且我记得那次已经不是第一次成呃第一次申奥了。它为什么特别重大?是因为我们其实尝试了几次,然后终于在00年01年的时候成功。 The first time I saw you, I was so impressed, Joanne, and then thanks to your blessing, to the blessing of your thousand paper cranes, then China’s Olympic bid was really successful. And I remember that time has not been the first time into uh the first time to bid for the Olympics. Why is it particularly significant? It’s because we actually tried a few times and then finally succeeded in ’00 ’01.

Joanne 14:51

对,其实现在的中国可能大家2020 2021年的中国已经是比如说世界上公认的非常重要的一个国家,但是在2000年的时候并不是这样的,所以当时觉得说中国能不能有实力办好一届奥运会,中国能不能当时是举全国之力来筹集资金啊,然后来建造场馆,以及包括安保啊,天气等等,中国能不能办好国际性的赛事,在00年的时候并不是很确定的一件事情。然后我觉得08年办完以后,2010年在中国上海办了世博会,在那之后就觉得好像这些事情都很稀松平常。 Yes, in fact, now China may be recognized as a very important country in the world in 2020 and 2021, but it was not so in 2000, so it was thought that China would be able to host a good Olympic Games, that China would be able to raise the funds and build the venues, as well as the security, the weather, and so on. Whether China can host a good international event was not a very certain thing in 2008. Then I think after 08, the Expo was held in 2010 in Shanghai, China, and after that it seemed like these things are very common.

Gwin 15:41

是的对,因为记得那个时候我我我现在看了一下资料,其实我们最开始申办了2000年的第27届奥运会。但是输给了澳大利亚的悉尼。然后第二次申办08年的夏季奥运会的时候,北京才成功当选,所以也算是第二次尝试才成功,所以就特别的有意义。 Yes, yes, because I remember at that time I I now look at the information, in fact, we first bid for the 27th Olympic Games in 2000. But lost to Sydney, Australia. Then the second bid for the 08 Summer Olympics, Beijing was elected, so it was a second attempt to succeed, so it was particularly meaningful.

Joanne 16:10

可以说是我觉得像在中国在奥运会上得金牌是一件特别怎么说为国争光的事情,一切都是跟国家联系在一起的,它其实已经是不是个人的事情是超越个人的国家荣誉。 I think that winning a gold medal in the Olympics in China is a special thing for the country, everything is connected to the country, it’s not a personal thing, it’s a national honor beyond the individual.

Gwin 16:29

对,我记得小的时候我们看奥运会就特别喜欢刷奖牌的数量,尽管有的时候你甚至都没有看运动,但是你就会想要看排行榜。 Yes, I remember when I was a kid we watched the Olympics we especially liked to brush up on the number of medals, even though sometimes you didn’t even watch the sport, but you would want to see the rankings.

然后看现在中国有几就我们会关注两个,一个是金牌的数量,还有一个是总奖牌数,包括金牌在内的银牌铜牌,然后排行榜每天都会变化,然后这就是一件特别大的事情,然后我记得反正小的时候,中国的金牌数量通常会比较高,有的时候会是世界第一,然后但是总奖牌数永远都一直都落后于美国。直到最近的几年 And then seeing how many China has now we would focus on two things, one is the number of gold medals, and the total number of medals, silver and bronze including gold, and then the rankings would change every day, and then that was a big thing, and then I remember when I was little anyway, China would usually have a higher number of gold medals, sometimes it would be number one in the world, but then the total number of medals would always be behind the United States. Until the last few years

Joanne 17:19

我刚刚查了一下2008年的这一届奥运会,中国的金牌是48块,美国是36块,所以我们金牌数是第一名,但是奖牌数是比美国少。 I just looked up the 2008 Olympics and China had 48 gold medals and the US had 36, so we were number one in gold medals but less medals than the US.

对,就是像你说的,但我记得40我们中国金牌数第一名也是可能近几届的事情,因为我以前老记得我们要跟美国争第一,所以我们有的时候是第二名第三名。 Yes, it’s like you said, but I remember 40 we China gold medal number one is also maybe the last few years, because I always remember we used to have to compete with the United States for first place, so we were sometimes second and third place.

Gwin 17:50

我这个和美国的竞争意识特别强烈。 We have a particularly strong sense of competition between this and the US.

Joanne 17:54

第三名是俄罗斯,所以其实真的是中国、美国、俄罗斯,然后后面是英国、德国。 Third place is Russia, so actually it’s really China, the United States, Russia, and then behind that is the United Kingdom and Germany.

嗯好,今天我们先聊运动会,先聊了奥运会,然后我们下一期可以再聊一聊我们小时候做运动的一些感受,一些回忆! Well okay, today we talked about the Games, first we talked about the Olympics. Next time we can talk about some of the feelings, some of the memories of doing sports when we were kids in the next issue!

Gwin 18:13

今天先聊到这里,谢谢Joanne That’s all for today, thanks Joanne!

Joanne 18:16

拜拜。 Bye bye.

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