Episode 13 | 小时候超级讨厌的体育课

Convo Chinese
16 min readJul 21, 2021

Joanne 00:03

Hello大家好。欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。上一次 promise了大家会继续跟gwin聊关于运动的话题。 Hello everyone. Welcome to our new issue of learn Chinese by talking nonsense. Last time we promised that you would continue to talk to gwin about sports.

Gwin 00:18

我又回来了,很高兴能够在参加这个节目,非常期待能够和Joanne,然后和大家分享一下关于运动的心得。 I’m back and I’m very happy to be on this show and I’m looking forward to talking to Joanne and then sharing with you about sports.

Joanne 00:30

对因为上一次我们讲到了关于奥运会,就让我们想起来了一些小时候对于体育课的恐怖的回忆。 Yeah because last time we talked about the Olympics, it brought back some horrible memories of gym class when we were kids.

Gwin 00:40

其实说到你之前在跟我讲这个题目的时候,其实我还想到了关于运动这一点,我特别大的一个感受是其实在小的时候,运动对于我来讲,并不是一个特别让人享受或者向往的事情。 In fact, when you were telling me about this topic, I actually thought about sports, and one of my big feelings was that when I was a kid, sports was not something I particularly enjoyed or aspired to.

除了比如说看运动,就像我讲的,比如说在奥运会的时候看的运动也不会特别的多,直到长大之后,就大学毕业之后,才渐渐的开始就是喜欢上了运动这件事情。 In addition to, for example, watching sports, as I said, for example, in the Olympic Games when watching sports will not be particularly much, until after growing up, after graduating from college, only gradually began to like the sports thing.

然后现在看到国内也越来越多有大家全民健身这么一个风潮,然后我就在想前后之间的变化究竟是什么原因产生的,然后想听听你小的时候有这种感觉吗?对于运动? Now I see more and more people in the country have such a trend of national fitness, and then I wonder what the reason for the change between before and after, and then I want to hear you have this feeling when you were a child? For sports?

Joanne 01:34

有的。我觉得可能是因为我是上海长大的,所以就城市里的小孩子其实没有什么运动的空间,就不像是比如说你在比较郊区的长大的小孩,你平时没事啊出去就是跑步,然后可以有一些空间给你运动或者游泳之类的。然后在上海的话,平时有空的时候基本上都在家,对吧? Yes, I did. I think it’s probably because I grew up in Shanghai, so kids in the city don’t really have much room for sports, unlike, say, kids who grew up in the suburbs, where you usually have nothing to do but go out and run, and then you can have some space for sports or swimming or something like that. But in Shanghai, you’re basically at home when you’re free, right?

然后在家你就做不了什么运动,所以我觉得一个是没有没有这个基础,没有这个条件,然后当时第二个是因为学校的课程压力也很重,所以说体育课虽然说中国的小学都会有体育课,但体育课就变成了一个可有可无的,而且变成了一项压力的项目,因为我们也会有体育考试,但是体育考试总是会考那些非常无趣的项目,比如说立定跳远啊或者是实心球。 So I think one is that there is no foundation, no conditions, and then the second is that the school curriculum is also very heavy pressure, so that physical education, although it is said that all Chinese elementary school will have physical education, but physical education has become a dispensable, and become a stressful project, because we will also have physical education exams, but physical education exams are always The physical education exams are always very uninteresting, such as the long jump or throwing the solid ball.

Gwin 02:38

尤其是立定跳远,有一种让人觉得无从下手,不知道如何提高的这么一个东西,就是让我想到了是不是小的时候这些运动更让人让人觉得是一个直接和天赋身体素质挂钩的东西,而不是一个可以通过训练提高或者甚至,是一个你应该可以享受得到快乐的活动。 Especially the standing long jump, there is a kind of people feel no way to start, do not know how to improve such a thing, is to make me think is not a small time these sports let people feel is a direct and natural physical quality linked to things, rather than a training to improve or even, is an activity that you should be able to enjoy to get pleasure.

然后我就在想在立定跳远这一点上,我就真的不知道,反正我小学到初中高中一直都有立定跳远这么一个考试项目,然后我一直都是不及格,然后好像也没有人跟我讲说你应该这么训练,你就可以跳得更远,好像更多,这就是你的身体。 And then I was thinking about this point in the standing long jump, I really don’t know, anyway, I had a standing long jump test from elementary school to middle school and high school, and then I always failed, and then no one seemed to tell me that you should train so that you could jump farther, like more, that’s your body.

Joanne 03:35

对,然后关键是这个项目他也很无趣很无聊,你也不能在立定跳远当中得到乐趣,所以说跳得远。 Yeah, and then the key is that this event he’s also boring and boring and you can’t have fun in the standing long jump, so that’s why it’s a long jump.

Gwin 03:45

你要是长得不高就很难。 It’s hard if you’re not tall.

Joanne 03:50

我的实心球也特别差,实心球就是你要拿一个铁的铅球或者铁球,然后把它丢得越远越好,然后我就手臂力量很弱,所以我也是一直都是不及格,但是我觉得问题在于这些运动项目他不enjoyable,如果说你考试考羽毛球,或者你上课的时候可以教我打网球、羽毛球、乒乓球或者游泳,我可能会觉得还挺好玩的,但因为我们体育课每次都是做一些体能的训练,就是跑步,然后跳远,然后考试项目也很无聊,所以我觉得这为什么我们至少是我我也是从小到大都不是很喜欢运动。 My solid ball is also particularly bad, solid ball is you have to take an iron ball of lead or iron ball, and then throw it as far as possible, and then I have weak arm strength, so I also always fail, but I think the problem is that these sports he is not enjoyable, if you say you test badminton, or you can teach me to play tennis, badminton, table tennis or swimming in class, I may find it quite fun. I may feel kinda fun, but because our physical education class every time is to do some physical training, is running, and then long jump, and then the test project is also very boring, so I think this why we are at least I I also grew up not very fond of sports.

Gwin 04:32

但你不觉得很讽刺的。小的时候,就听起来….因为我也是一样。特别我,比如说,我会特别的抗拒跑步,然后跑步也是经常不及格,但是反而长大了之后就会自己特地找时间去跑步。 But you don’t think it’s ironic. When I was a kid, it just sounded …. Because I was the same. Especially I, for example, I would resist running especially, and then running is often failing, but instead, when I grew up I would find time to run specifically on my own.

而且我觉得我现在长大了。就明明小的时候应该是身体素质最好的时候,有最多的时间,但我觉得我现在如果和我那个时候的自己比赛跑步的话,我应该跑的比那个时候要快。 And I think I’ve grown up now. When I was young, I was in the best physical condition and had the most time, but I think if I run now, I should run faster than I did then.

Joanne 05:01

对的我也觉得也是这两年我也是重新发现了,比如说钢琴的乐趣,我从小就学钢琴,但是那个时候都是被爸爸妈妈逼着学钢琴,所以钢琴课变成了很痛苦的事情,反而现在自己能够凭乐趣来学一些自己想弹的曲子,想什么时候弹就什么时候弹,然后就反而觉得很开心,然后发现音乐或者能弹钢琴这件事情是很好很有用的一件事情,所以就是说小时候被逼着做一些事情反而会不开心。 Yes, I think I have also rediscovered in the past two years, for example, the fun of piano, I have been learning piano since I was a child, but at that time was forced to learn piano by my mother and father, so piano lessons became a very painful thing, but now I can learn some pieces I want to play with fun, when I want to play, then I feel very happy instead, and then find music or can play the piano! This thing is a very good and useful thing, so that means that when you were a child, you were forced to do something instead of being happy.

Gwin 05:40

对。 Yeah.

Joanne 05:41

是的,我觉得这个挺讽刺的,经常会有人讨论中国的运动体制。奥运会的话是以举国之力来培养金牌。 Yes, I think it’s ironic that there’s often discussion about the Chinese sports system. The Olympic Games, if you will, is a national effort to produce gold medals.

但是反而怎么说,中国的运动基础或者全民健身的基础一直以来都不是很好,不是很强,但我觉得这几年像你说的有很大的提高。特别是现在马拉松像这种马拉松比赛在中国越来越火。 But on the contrary, China’s sports base or national fitness base has never been very good, not very strong, but I think it has improved a lot in the past few years, as you said. Especially now the marathon like this marathon race in China is getting hotter and hotter.

Gwin 06:11

对越野跑步也是好像甚至比如说健身馆,大家会有意识地花时间花金钱去锻炼身体之前也是没有办法想象的,比如说像我爸妈从来都没有运动习惯,现在居然也开始会至少坚持着,比如说想要尝试每天走一万步。然后我妈也会想要多做瑜伽,这个是我小的时候从来都没有提起来过的事情。 Yes trail running is also like even for example the gym, people will consciously spend time and money to exercise before there is no way to imagine, for example like my parents never had the habit of exercising, now actually will start to at least stick with it, for example want to try to walk 10,000 steps a day. And then my mom would also want to do more yoga, something I never mentioned when I was a kid.

Joanne 06:44

而且现在小朋友他可以选择的运动项目也越来越多了,我之前记得,呃五六年前,我听说有一些亲戚的小孩子。都开始学骑马、马术或者是冰球。这样的运动我小时候听都没有听说过。现在已经有培训班可以家长可以送小孩去学马术了。我觉得越来越高级了。 And now children he can choose more and more sports, I remember before, uh five or six years ago, I heard that some relatives of small children. All started to learn horseback riding, equestrian or hockey. Such sports I had never heard of as a child. Now there are already training courses that parents can send their children to learn equestrian. I think it’s getting more and more advanced.

Gwin 07:11

滑雪也是啊对,小的时候也从来都没有想想过滑雪,溜冰。现在小朋友真的太幸福了。 Skiing is also ah yes, when I was small I never thought about skiing, ice skating. Now children are really happy.

Joanne 07:27

最后一个问题,今年的奥运会你会看吗? One last question, will you be watching the Olympics this year?

Gwin 07:32

因为我们聊了这些节目,其实最开始录节目之前我在跟Joanne说,要不是因为她提出的这个话题,我都还没有意识到,东京的奥运会就要开始了。然后一搜发现只有两个星期,所以我肯定至少会看开幕式。然后再看一些其他的,比如说游泳跑步之类的。好。 Because we’ve been talking about these shows, I was actually telling Joanne before we started recording the show that if it wasn’t for her bringing up this topic, I wouldn’t have realized that the Olympics were coming up in Tokyo. Then I searched and found out that there are only two weeks, so I will definitely watch at least the opening ceremony. And then watch some of the others, like the swimming and running and stuff. Good.

Joanne 07:57

我们也预祝中国队,我们预祝所有的运动员在奥运会上取得好成绩。 We also wish the Chinese team, we wish all the athletes good luck in the Olympics.

Gwin 08:04

可以给他们折一个千纸鹤。 You can fold a thousand paper cranes for them.

Joanne 08:09

哈哈哈,好的,谢谢Gwin,我们下次再聊。 Hahaha, okay, thanks Gwin, we’ll talk next time.

Gwin 08:12

拜拜。 bye.

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