Episode 14 | 你来过深圳吗? Have you been to Shenzhen?

Convo Chinese
10 min readJul 27, 2021


Joanne 00:03

哈喽,大家好。欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天邀请到了一位,现在人正在深圳的小伙伴,她也是我在牛津学习的时候最好的一个朋友之一,她的名字叫 Sissi Hello, everyone. Welcome to our new episode of Chinese in the Nonsense. Today we have a friend who’s in Shenzhen right now, and she’s one of my best friends from my time at Oxford, her name is Sissi.

Sissi 00:25

Joanne好,大家好,我叫Sissi。我现在在深圳的一家创业公司工作,我和Joanne是研究生的同学。 Hi Joanne, everyone, I’m Sissi, I’m working at a startup in Shenzhen, and Joanne and I went to graduate school together.

Joanne 00:37

对,今天大家其实看不到,我们现在正在用视频的聊天。现在已经是中国的时间晚上9:30了,我看到Sissi还在办公室里面非常辛苦的加班到了8点多今天是不是? Yeah, you can’t actually see it today, we’re chatting on video right now. It’s already 9:30 p.m. China time, and I see that Sissi is still working very hard in the office until 8:00 p.m. today, isn’t it?

Sissi 00:56

对,因为深圳这边的创业公司很多,然后深圳这边传统意义上应该是出口加工业比较多,所以深圳这边的工作文化基本上都是特别的刻苦,所以其实8:00对我们来说应该是正常的下班时间还可能会更晚。 Yes, because there are a lot of startups in Shenzhen, and then Shenzhen is traditionally more of an export processing industry, so the work culture in Shenzhen is basically very hard, so actually 8:00 is the normal time for us to get off work, and it might be later.

Joanne 01:18

但是你的公司你现在在那里做了两两年了,对吗? But your company you’ve been working there now for two or two years, right?

Sissi 01:25

其实2016年过来的应该已经快5年了,4年5年。 Actually it should be almost 5 years since you came over in 2016, 4 years and 5 years.

Joanne 01:31

时间过得好快,4年5年在之前我记得你是在北京对吧? Time flies, 4 years and 5 years before that I remember you were in Beijing right?

Sissi 01:37

对,在之前我是在北京,当时也是一家创业公司。对,就是平台类型的。 Yes, I was in Beijing before that, and I was a startup at that time. Yeah, it was a platform type of thing.

Joanne 01:46

你从北京搬到深圳有什么感触吗?你觉得深圳是一个什么样的城市? Do you have any feelings about moving from Beijing to Shenzhen? What do you think Shenzhen is like as a city?

Sissi 01:56

最大的感触有两点,第一点,因为当时在北京的时候是北京污染比较严重的,那一年是2015年,所以来到深圳第一个感受最开心的是深圳这边的气候特别好嗯,天气特别的温暖,然后特别的潮湿,空气也特别的干净,所以我可以重新恢复在室外运动的好习惯。 The first point is that when I was in Beijing, it was a very polluted city and the year was 2015, so the first thing I felt most happy about when I came to Shenzhen was that the climate was very good.

但是第二点可能第二点是北京的,在北京的时候有很多朋友,北京有很多的名胜古迹,所以像周末之类的大家会一起约出去玩。 But the second point may be the second point is Beijing, in Beijing when there are many friends, Beijing has a lot of attractions, so like the weekend and so on, we will go out together to play.

但是深圳这边因为本身我参加的也是一家创业公司,然后整个城市的工作文化又是比较刻苦,所以在深圳这边以后娱乐活动就少了很多,基本上都是在工作。 But in Shenzhen, because I joined a startup company, and then the whole city’s work culture is more hard work, so after Shenzhen, there are less recreational activities, basically all in work.

Joanne 03:01

刚才Sissi提到一个词名胜古迹,我觉得可以给大家稍微解释一下,大概的意思就是比较著名的旅游景点,但是是那些比较有文化或者比较老的旅游景点嗯。 Just now Sissi mentioned a word famous monuments, I think we can give you a little explanation, the general meaning is more famous tourist attractions, but those are more cultural or older tourist attractions hmm.

然后其实我觉得可能很多在听我们节目的外国朋友还不一定很清楚,深圳是个什么地方。深圳因为其实这这几年来会比较出名,以前的话大家可能只听说过像北京、上海或者广州对吧?所以深圳它的地理位置在哪? And then I think many foreign friends who are listening to our program may not be very clear about what Shenzhen is. Shenzhen is actually more famous in the past few years, but in the past, you may have only heard of Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, right? So where is the location of Shenzhen?

Sissi 03:39

嗯啊。深圳它在一个特别著名的城市的旁边,这个城市叫香港,香港在之前是英国的殖民地,然后在97年的时候回归中国,现在香港还是世界的金融中心之一,有很多的外国朋友会在香港工作,也会去香港旅游。 Well. Shenzhen is next to a very famous city called Hong Kong, which was a British colony before, and then returned to China in 1997, and now Hong Kong is one of the world’s financial centers, and many foreign friends work in Hong Kong and visit Hong Kong.

所以大家可能对香港很熟悉,深圳其实离香港非常的近,只需要应该只是一一江之隔,只隔了一条江的样子,然后过了关过了海关之后就是深圳。 So you may be very familiar with Hong Kong, Shenzhen is actually very close to Hong Kong, only should be just a river apart, only separated by a river look, and then after crossing the customs is Shenzhen.

Joanne 04:23

所以说因为我我之前去香港的时候,有的时候会飞机飞到香港,但有的时候我也会飞机到深圳,然后从相当于陆地上坐一个大巴车,就可以从深圳到香港。 So that’s because I I I’ve been to Hong Kong before, sometimes I would fly to Hong Kong by plane, but sometimes I would also fly to Shenzhen and then take a bus from the land equivalent to get from Shenzhen to Hong Kong.

大概是大巴开多久?一个小时? About how long is the bus drive? An hour?

Sissi 04:44

对。像是深圳的话,深圳是一个东东边和西边很,它是一个很长的城市,其实从深圳的东边开车到西边,可能都没有从深圳到香港快,如果是坐大巴的话,取决于你从什么地方出发,像我可能一般会从深圳湾这边过去,其实坐出租车的话只需要40分钟左右就可以过关了。 Right. If you take a bus, it depends on where you start from, like I would usually go from Shenzhen Bay, it only takes about 40 minutes by cab to get through customs.

Joanne 05:14

深圳离香港这么近,就是它的文化或者饮食方面有没有受到香港的什么影响?我想肯定是有受到很多影响的,至少是像语言上面的话,深圳这边大多数人也是说粤语对不对? Shenzhen is so close to Hong Kong, is there any influence from Hong Kong in terms of culture or food? I think there is definitely a lot of influence, at least in terms of language, most people in Shenzhen also speak Cantonese, right?

Sissi 05:31

其实很奇怪,因为我来深圳之前也是这么以为的,但深圳它本身其实是一座移民城市,意思就是它不是一个传统,然后自己自然而然生长的城市。 In fact, it’s strange because I thought so before I came to Shenzhen, but Shenzhen itself is actually a city of immigrants, meaning that it is not a traditional and then grows naturally on its own.

深圳在之前其实是一个很小的渔村,然后在应该是邓小平改革开放之后,然后给了深圳这边非常优越的一个经济政策,因为它正好是离香港非常近,那么深圳才变得非常的繁荣起来,那之后就非常多其他省份的朋友来到深圳这边来工作。 Shenzhen is actually a very small fishing village before, and then in should be Deng Xiaoping reform and opening up, and then gave Shenzhen side of a very superior economic policy, because it happens to be very close to Hong Kong, then Shenzhen has become very prosperous up, that after very many friends from other provinces to work in Shenzhen side.

比如说我身边的同事就有很多是从湖南省来的,所以深圳这边其实可能除了土著居民,其实大多数人都是讲普通话的。 For example, many of my colleagues are from Hunan province, so most of the people in Shenzhen speak Mandarin, except for the indigenous people.

Joanne你说到深圳和香港,深圳受香港这边的影响,我觉得可能首先一个最大的就是深圳这边,在之前会有很多的代购的话,其实就是有些因为中因为很多产品卖到中国大陆之后是需要收关税的,那么在香港的话可能在香港买就会更加便宜一些,所以有很多人他们会从香港买到一些比较贵的产品,比如说奢侈品,然后人肉带回到大陆。 Joanne, when you talk about Shenzhen and Hong Kong, Shenzhen is influenced by the Hong Kong side, I think first of all, the biggest thing is that Shenzhen side, before there will be a lot of shopping on behalf of the words, in fact, there are some because many products sold to mainland China is required to collect tariffs, then in Hong Kong, it may be cheaper to buy in Hong Kong, so there are a lot of people they will buy from Hong Kong to some more expensive products, such as luxury goods. So there are many people who will buy some more expensive products from Hong Kong, such as luxury goods, and then brought back to the mainland.

Joanne 07:11

等一下人肉带回,对。这个词其实还挺难解释的,因为人肉它本来的意思就是人身上的肉,但是现在大家说人肉什么意思?就是说手工的或者通过人来进行的这么一个操作,对吧? Wait a minute. This word is actually quite difficult to explain, because human flesh originally means human flesh, but now people say human flesh what does it mean? It means that the operation is done manually or through people, right?

Sissi 07:31

对对对就是亲自带回来放在行李箱里面这样带回来,而不是走货运货物通常走的这种进出口的途径嗯。 Yes, yes, yes, it is personally brought back in the suitcase so brought back, not through the freight goods usually go through this kind of import and export route um.

Joanne 07:44

所以你刚才说一般人肉代购的话,会带一些什么产品? So you just said that if you are a human shopper, what products will you bring?

Sissi 07:49

其实很多像比如说特别有名的是苹果手机,深圳这边跟其他城市很不一样的,我们这边只有一家平果店,有一个传闻,就是说因为苹果公司会希望深圳人去香港买苹果手机,我不知道这个是不是真的,还有很多像奢侈品、化妆品这种关税比较高的类型的产品,代购起来都是非常啊受欢迎的一些代购产品。 In fact, many like for example, especially famous is Apple cell phones, Shenzhen side is very different from other cities, our side only a Pingguo store, there is a rumor, that is, because Apple would like Shenzhen people to go to Hong Kong to buy Apple cell phones, I do not know if this is true, there are many like luxury goods, cosmetics, this type of tariff is relatively high products, the generation of shopping up are very ah popular some of the proxy products.

Joanne 08:27

我想我不知道哈,像苹果手机在香港卖多少钱,如果从香港买的话可以便宜多少钱呢? I guess I don’t know ha, like how much Apple phones are sold in Hong Kong, how much cheaper can it be if you buy it from Hong Kong?

Sissi 08:36

我的印象应该是比如说我好久没有买手机了,比如说如果是在大陆是卖人民币5000元的话,那么在香港也是5000元港币,然后按照汇率折算应该是80%。 My impression should be for example I have not bought a phone for a long time, for example if it is sold in the mainland for RMB 5,000, then it is also 5,000 HKD in Hong Kong, and then the conversion should be 80% according to the exchange rate.

Joanne 08:57

所以相当于在香港卖5000港币就是4000人民币,所以可以便宜,相当于20%左右打一个8折。 So the equivalent of selling 5000 Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong is 4000 yuan, so it can be cheaper, equivalent to about 20% to play a 20% discount.

Sissi 09:07

对,可以这么说,而且可能香港在发售上还会有一些时间的优势,因为有时候产品它可能会苹果手机可能会到达大陆的商店会更晚一些。 Yes, you can say that, and probably Hong Kong will also have some time advantage in the sale, because sometimes the product it may Apple phone may arrive in mainland stores will be later.

Joanne 09:20

你觉得像深圳的吃的东西受到香港的影响大吗?我跟你说我对深圳最大的印象就是有很多的海鲜,还有椰子鸡你记得吗?就是有一次因为我和Sissi的关系很好,有一年我从国外回深圳,然后我们在一起,你记得我们吃了吗? Do you think things like the food in Shenzhen are greatly influenced by Hong Kong? I tell you my biggest impression of Shenzhen is that there is a lot of seafood, and coconut chicken do you remember? It was once because I had a good relationship with Sissi, one year I returned to Shenzhen from abroad, and then we were together, do you remember we ate?

Sissi 09:49

记得记得。首先我不知道各位朋友知不知道火锅拿一个大锅,然后把各种原料就是肉蔬菜之类的放在汤里面去煮,你同时可以享受到吃东西和烹饪的乐趣。 remember remember. First of all, I don’t know if you know that hot pot take a big pot, and then put all kinds of ingredients is meat and vegetables and so on inside the soup to cook, you can enjoy eating and cooking at the same time.

对,虽然很简单,然后椰子鸡它很特殊的一点就是汤料。一般来说汤料可以是清水或者是高汤之类的,椰子鸡它是用椰青就是椰子里面的椰子,就是椰子汁,然后然后放在锅里面去煮,然后把鸡肉放进去,特别的鲜美。 Yes, although it is very simple, and then coconut chicken it is very special point is the soup. Generally speaking, the soup can be water or soup or something like that, coconut chicken it is used coconut green is coconut inside the coconut, is the coconut juice, and then put in the pot to cook, and then put the chicken in, especially delicious.

Joanne 10:41

对,其实就是用椰子水来煮鸡肉就是椰子鸡,但是我也不知道是谁先发明的这个东西。 Yes, in fact, is the use of coconut water to cook chicken is coconut chicken, but I do not know who first invented this thing.

好像是深圳本地的原创还是从香港引进的,反正Somehow在中国深圳,就椰子鸡好像就在中国的深圳比较有名。 It seems to be a local Shenzhen original or introduced from Hong Kong, anyway, Somehow in Shenzhen, China, on the coconut chicken seems to be more famous in Shenzhen, China.

Sissi 11:03

你可问住我了?我感觉应该是的,因为在像我之前在北京和其他地方的时候,都从来没有听说过椰子鸡,深圳这边其实还有另外一个,下次如果你有机会,我会希望能带你一起去吃的叫潮汕牛肉火锅。 You can ask me? I feel like it should be, because when I was in Beijing and other places before, have never heard of coconut chicken, Shenzhen side actually there is another, next time if you have the opportunity, I will want to take you to eat together called Chaoshan beef hot pot.

Joanne 11:24 Joanne 11:24


好的,我对深圳还有一个印象,深圳一直是走在中国很多的创新创新的政策创新的产品最前端。比如说我知道深圳的电动车发展的很快,深圳的公交车现在是不是都是电动的? Well, I have another impression of Shenzhen, Shenzhen has always been at the forefront of many of China’s innovative and innovative policies and innovative products. For example, I know that the development of electric vehicles in Shenzhen is very fast, Shenzhen’s buses are now not all electric?

Sissi 11:54

对,原因是,因为深圳本身就是有很多年都有非常优惠的政策,在深圳这边最先发展起来的贸易以及出口加工业,所以逐渐在深圳就慢慢发展起来了,整个电子产品的供应链,因为有了供应链,就是各种供应链的意思,就是各种原料都可以在深圳这边买到。 Yes, the reason is, because Shenzhen itself is a lot of years have very preferential policies, in this side of Shenzhen first developed trade and export processing industry, so gradually in Shenzhen slowly developed, the entire supply chain of electronic products, because of the supply chain, is a variety of supply chain means that all kinds of raw materials can be bought in this side of Shenzhen.

深圳这边有一个非常著名的地方,就是电子产品的与各种,原料的采购的地方叫做华强北,然后因为有了工业基础的话,所以后面就会发展起来,各种高科技的公司就会非常的方便,又因为深圳背靠着整个中国大陆是一个很大的消费市场,所以在本地生产,然后本地加工再卖到本地会非常的方便,我觉得深圳这边可能高科技产业发达,可能是有这方面的原因。 Shenzhen has a very famous place, that is, electronic products and a variety of raw materials procurement place called Huaqiang North, and then because of the industrial base, so the back will be developed, a variety of high-tech companies will be very convenient, and because Shenzhen is backed by the entire mainland China is a large consumer market, so the local production, and then local processing and then sold to the local will be very convenient I think the high-tech industry in Shenzhen may be developed, there may be a reason for this.

Joanne 13:06

对,所以深圳其实有好多家中国最有名的科技企业啊,比如说腾讯对吧?腾讯是不是总部在腾讯? Yes, so Shenzhen actually has many of China’s most famous technology companies, such as Tencent, right? Tencent is not headquartered in Tencent?

Sissi 13:18

是的,深圳腾讯是深圳南山的,南山区的,然后深圳这边应该,还有华为也非常的有名。 Yes, Shenzhen Tencent is the Nanshan District of Shenzhen, Nanshan District, and then this side of Shenzhen should, and Huawei is also very famous.

Joanne 13:29

可能外国朋友会对华为比较熟悉,腾讯这个名字可能不熟悉,但说到腾讯下面的产品,比如说早些年我们用的QQ,现在我们用的微信都是腾讯的产品,所以说腾讯是中国最大最重要的科技公司之一然后呢,最近几年发展起来的还有电动车以及电池这一些公司,所以刚才提到的比亚迪,你知不知道比亚迪byd它的英文名字是什么? The name Tencent may not be familiar, but when it comes to the products below Tencent, such as QQ, which we used in the early years, and now we use WeChat are Tencent’s products, so Tencent is one of the largest and most important technology companies in China. know what is the English name of BYD byd?

Sissi 14:02

我不知道是什么。 I don’t know what it is.

Joanne 14:05

特别逗,特别搞笑,其实byd它的英文是build your dream。 Special tease, special funny, in fact byd it’s English is build your dream.

这是中式英文吗? Is this Chinese English?

Joanne 14:17

我不知道他们是先有了byd还是先有了build your dream,总而言之这家公司但现在很多外国朋友也知道比外地了,他们还收购了好像一些国外的呃,汽车品牌。 I don’t know if they had byd first or build your dream first, in short this company but now many foreign friends also know than out of town, they also acquired what seems like some foreign uh, car brands.

Sissi 14:43

我觉得深圳是一个非常非常特别的体验,深圳这边应深圳应该算是中国的一个顶级城市,就是一线城市,所以比如说如果是外国友人,你可能会希望来到一个既有一线城市的体验,然后又有可能会比较习惯于像香港这边的一个文化。 I think Shenzhen is a very very special experience, this side of Shenzhen should be considered a top city in China, is a first-tier city, so for example, if it is a foreign friend, you may want to come to a first-tier city experience, and then there may be more accustomed to a culture like this side of Hong Kong.

然后深圳这边也有很多的就是外国人的社区,我会推荐你来到深圳这边,特别尤其是如果你有创业的梦想,比如说你想自己做自己的产品之类的,深圳这边是有专门的孵化器去帮帮助你的,尤其是跟硅谷那边会有一些合作,我会推荐你来这边,但是其他城市也非常好,它是不同的体验,北京的文化氛围会更加浓重一些,所以如果你对中国文化更感兴趣的话,包括比如说你可能想要从事一些媒体方面的工作,我可能会推荐你去北京,上海的话Joanne会更加了解一些。 I would recommend you to come to Shenzhen, especially if you have a dream of starting your own business, for example, you want to make your own products and so on, Shenzhen has a special incubator to help you, especially with the Silicon Valley side will have some cooperation, I would recommend you to come here, but other cities are also very good, it is a different experience, Beijing’s Beijing’s culture is a little bit more intense, so if you’re more interested in Chinese culture, including for example if you want to work in media, I would probably recommend you to go to Beijing, and Joanne would know more about Shanghai.

Joanne 16:10

深圳是一个移民城市,所以说移民城市它的特点就是文化会比较多元,多元的意思就是比较diversified。然后来自世界各地,中国各地不一很多不一样的人文化或者背景都不一样,所以他也可能会比较包容比较多元,所以我觉得这个是我比较喜欢深圳的一个地方。 Shenzhen is a city of immigrants, so that the characteristics of the immigrant city is that the culture will be more diversified, diversified means more diversified. then from all over the world, China is different a lot of different people culture or background are not the same, so he may also be more tolerant more diversified, so I think this is a place that I like Shenzhen more.

Sissi 16:37

Joanne说的非常对,深圳这边,而且它是一个非常年轻的城市,大家工作也很刻苦,所以你来到这边可以我再说一个成语,感受到蓬勃的生机。 Joanne is right, Shenzhen, it’s a very young city, and people work very hard, so you can come here and I’ll say another idiom, feel the vitality.

Joanne 16:53

蓬勃的生机不是成语,成语是一定要4个字的蓬勃的生机,只能说是一个固定搭配,生机勃勃,可以。 vigorous vitality is not an idiom, idiom is necessarily 4 words vigorous vitality, can only say a fixed collocation, vibrant, can.

Sissi 17:04

好的。 good.

Joanne 17:05

我觉得是如果你。想要在年轻的时候刻苦奋斗,然后不太需要睡觉的话,可以去深圳奋斗几年。 I think it is if you. Want to struggle hard when you’re young and then don’t need too much sleep, you can go to Shenzhen and struggle for a few years.

Sissi 17:15

对还是需要睡觉的,还是需要睡觉。 Yes still need to sleep, still need to sleep.

Joanne 17:20

的嗯现在已经快10点了,我觉得我应该放你回去睡觉了,谢谢,晚上这么晚了还陪我们聊天,希望下次请到你再聊一聊关于你的创业体验。 I think I should let you go back to bed. Thank you for chatting with us so late at night, and I hope to have you back next time to talk about your entrepreneurial experience.

Sissi 17:35

好的,没问题,谢谢Joanne,大家欢迎大家到时候来深圳找我玩。 Okay, no problem, thanks Joanne, everyone is welcome to come to Shenzhen to play with me then.

Joanne 17:42

拜拜。 Bye bye.

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