Episode 16 | 汉语水平考试改版啦?HSK is reformed!

Convo Chinese
26 min readAug 4, 2021



Hello 大家好,欢迎大家来到我们的第16期瞎扯学中文的节目,不知不觉就已经做了16期了,今天会继续跟上一期一样的嘉宾,Laura是我在德国认识的一个好朋友,和他继续来聊一聊他学习中文的经验体会。


还没有听过上一期节目的小伙伴可以戳这个链接来听上一期的节目。 Hello everyone, welcome to our 16th episode of Convo Chinese. Suddenly we have already done 16 episodes!


If you haven’t listened to the last episode yet, you can listen to the last episode by clicking this link.

上期我们主要是和Laura聊了一聊他在中国好玩的事以及好玩的经验,然后所以说你是在住家做Au pair,然后当时也上中文课,上了很多中文课。 Last episode we mainly talked to Laura about his fun things and fun experiences in China, and then so that you are doing Au pair in your residence, and then also taking Chinese lessons at that time, taking a lot of Chinese lessons.


对我每天上就从8:00~12:00。 I had Chinese lessons every day from 8:00 to 12:00.


4个小时对。 4 hours, yes.


在南京大学,所以那个时候我觉得也比较幸福,我觉得因为南京那时候我不知道的是南京大学,只是跟我现在上的大学Goettingen大学有合作,所以现在我觉得很好的一个事情。 I was at Nanking University, so I felt happier at that time, I think because Nanking at that time I didn’t know was Nanking University, it was just a cooperation with Goettingen University, the university I go to now, so now I think it’s a very good thing.


还挺幸运的,所以每天上4个小时的课,你在中国待了多久?上了多少上这个课上了多少时间呢? It’s quite lucky, so four hours of classes every day, how long did you stay in China? How much time did you take this class?


在中国待了一年。两个学期,所以,两年的中年。呃,一年的中文,两个学期。 I was in China for a year. Two semesters, so, two years of middle school. Uh, one year of Chinese, two semesters.


你别的也没有上,别的课完全在学习。 You didn’t take anything else, you were studying completely in other classes.


对完全学习中文,而现在也是也用一些手机上的那些APP自己学习,对,但是别的中文课都没有上。 Yeah totally studying Chinese, and now also studying on my own with some of those apps on my phone as well, yeah, but not taking any other Chinese classes.


你觉得你在中国大概学了学到什么程度?几个月以后,你觉得我大概可以和中国人交流了,或者我可以跟住家的阿姨说些话了,因为你是从零开始学习。 How far do you think you’ve learned in China? After a few months, do you think I can probably communicate with Chinese people, or I can speak to my aunt in the house, because you’re learning from scratch?


其实我觉得一个月后已经开始跟他们家阿姨和奶奶可以交流。然后可能是三个月后我自己去旅行,北京…我觉得是北京,所以三个月后我的中文我已经有一定的中文水平。一年后,一年后我考上了 HSK 五级,所以一年后可能对差不多就是HSK5级,但是后来我忘记了很多,所以现在我的水平可能才到了 HSK5级差不多。 Actually, I think I started to communicate with my aunt and grandmother after a month. And then maybe after three months I went on a trip by myself, Beijing… I think it was Beijing, so three months later my Chinese I already had a certain level of Chinese. A year later, a year later I got on HSK level 5, so a year later it was probably about HSK level 5, but then I forgot a lot, so now my level is probably about HSK level 5.


你有没有考过hsk6级? Have you ever taken HSK level 6?


没有,其实我听很多人说hsk6级和5级比起来是有一个质的飞跃,就是会非常的难和x我不知道HSK456,你有没有感触?哪一个比较难或者有多难?对。 No, actually I heard many people say that there is a qualitative leap between HSK6 and HSK5, that is, it will be very difficult and I don’t know about HSK456, do you have any feelings about it? Which one is harder or how hard is it? Right.


但是你知道吗?现在有他们把 HSK变了,现在变成…. 从今年六月,或者七月开始,他们把 hsk改变,因为以前是这样的,以前HK1~4级比较容易,但是5和6级比较难做。 But you know what? Now there they’ve changed the HSK, it’s now …. Starting this June, or July, they changed the hsk, because it used to be like this, it used to be easier for HK1–4, but it was harder for 5 and 6.

Step比较大,对,但是我现在才开始学新的hsk。他们把这个问题有点改写,最重要的是HSK1到4变得难,以前HSK1和2非常容易。 Step is bigger, yes, but I’m just now starting to learn the new hsk. they’ve rewritten this a little bit, and the most important thing is that HSK1 to 4 became hard, and before HSK1 and 2 were very easy.

所以问题是,所以中国人说HSK,比如说HSK就等于欧洲的A1,但是欧洲的国家说不是说HSK3级才是A1。所以现在在变了,所以 HSK1变难得多。 So the problem is, so the Chinese say HSK, for example, HSK is equal to A1 in Europe, but the European countries say it’s not that HSK level 3 is A1. so now it’s changing, so HSK1 is getting much harder.


你觉得hsk5相当于欧洲的B2水平吗? Do you think hsk5 is equivalent to B2 level in Europe?


我觉得差不多。现在的可能差不多。 I think it’s about the same. It’s probably about the same now.


所以你现在在准备考HSK6? So you’re preparing for hsk6 now?




所以他们说这个是academic purpose怎么说?

(学术的目的,对。) No, I’m getting ready to take the new HSK5 again, but eventually I want to take HSK6, so I have a lot of studying to do now, but I’d better just take HSK6.

(Oh there’s still 7 to 9!)

So what do they say about this being academic purpose?

(Academic purpose, yes.)

所以如果你想到中国去在中国学习,就用中文学习,你需要 HSK7~9,但是那个不是三个级(别)。是一个级(别)。但是就考试的成绩估计你是哪一级。 So if you want to go to China and study in China, you need HSK7 to 9, but that’s not three levels (alike). It’s one level (level). But as far as the test scores are concerned estimate which level you are.


明白,所以就考一次,但是根据分数告诉你。 (对) I understand, so just take the test once, but tell you based on the score. (Right)


这样也挺好的,因为像欧洲的话有a1、a2、b1、b2、c1、c2,所以每一个都要考的话要考6次。 That’s good, because like in Europe there’s a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2, so you have to take each one of them six times.

再回头说一说你在中国学中文的经历,你觉得当时什么时候什么东西特别难,或者一开始有没有什么技巧? Going back to your experience of learning Chinese in China, when did you find anything particularly difficult, or did you have any tips at the beginning?


最难的我觉得可能是声调的,我一开始就真的不懂,这么用别的声调什么的,怎么记哪个是哪个声调,但是现在我觉得因为我不是在中国学习吗,所以比较容易。因为我每天都听到别的人,就听到他们这么说,我就这么说。但是如果我在德国学习,可能我觉得真的学不到。 I think the hardest thing was probably the tones, I really didn’t know how to use other tones and stuff at first, and how to remember which tones are which, but now I think it’s easier because I’m not studying in China. Because I hear other people every day, I hear them say that, so I say that. But if I were studying in Germany, I don’t think I could really learn.


而且我其实听你刚才说一个月以后,你就可以有一些基本的交流,三个月以后你就自己在中国旅游了,我觉得这个真的是非常的快。很多比如说在国外上中文课,或者是自己用一些APP或者用你知道youtube的,视频上课的3个月或者6个月,我觉得都开不了口,就只能用一些词语,但是说不出句子,所以说语言环境还是很重要的。 And I actually heard you say that after one month you can have some basic communication, and after three months you can travel in China by yourself, I think this is really very fast. I think this is really fast. A lot of people who take Chinese classes abroad, or who use some APP or you know youtube, video classes for 3 months or 6 months, I think they can’t open their mouths, they can only use some words, but they can’t say sentences, so the language environment is still very important.


对语言环境就是非常重要,因为那时候我家里面他们爸爸妈妈会说英语,但他们大部分的时候都不在家。拿别的认人,就我经常认识的人,他们都不会说英语,英语德语都不会说,所以这个非常重要。也是我们的老师,他也不会说…呃他会说英语,但就课程里面他不说,他只是说中文,这个也我觉得,这是非常重要的,让你学得非常快。 The language environment is very important, because at that time, my parents spoke English, but they were not home most of the time. Take other people, just people I often know, they don’t speak English, they don’t speak English-German, so this is very important. And also our teacher, he doesn’t speak…well he speaks English, but in the course he doesn’t speak it, he just speaks Chinese, and that’s also I think, that’s very important, so you learn very fast.


你现在回回到德国以后,你怎么样继续保持你的中文水平? Now that you’re back in Germany, how do you continue to maintain your Chinese language skills?


其实一开始就没什么保持着,一开始因为我开始学习我学物理,物理我觉得非常难,用的时间很多。所以可能一开始一两年那个时间,我什么都不,就什么中文都不学习,忘记了很多,我已经说了忘记了很多。那三年后我才开始又学习,中文那个时候已经忘记了很多,又要学很多东西。 In fact, I didn’t keep up much at the beginning, because I started studying physics, which I found very difficult and took a lot of time. So maybe in the first one or two years, I didn’t study anything, I didn’t study anything in Chinese, and I forgot a lot, I already said I forgot a lot. Then three years later I started to learn again, Chinese at that time has forgotten a lot, and have to learn a lot of things.

现在呢,我要学中文的方式,主要的可能是用手机,用一些 App,比如说 AnKi, 可以记住单词的一个APP。 Now, the main way I want to learn Chinese is to use my cell phone, using some App, such as AnKi, an App that can remember words.

还有一个是Skritter,是一个可以写字的一个App. 后来呢也要听,比如听你的Podcast. 因为你还要听。 还有一个是看YouTube有一些我们的YouTube channel,那就是我的学习方法,我觉得。Another App is Skritter which allows you to learn to write. Later on, you also have to listen, for example, listen to your Podcast, because you have to listen. Another one is to watch YouTube there are some of our YouTube channels, that’s how I learn, I think.


你上次是不是和我说你还会看你看不看一些中国的电视剧,因为有一次你和我说你很喜欢看中国的春节晚会。(对对对!) Did you say to me last time that you still watch some Chinese TV shows because once you said to me that you like to watch the Chinese New Year party. (Yes, yes, yes!)


我从来没有碰到过外国人喜欢看中国的春节晚会。 I’ve never met a foreigner who likes to watch the Chinese New Year Party.


对,但是除了春节晚会以外,可能不看电视剧,因为我觉得电视剧的中文说的还是太快了,对我来说还是太快了。但是可以春晚会,那么精彩的一个节目,(精彩)。就经常很大的晚会,就是这么多人这么多表演,表演里面的人就是呃,很多颜色什么的,就是我都是很喜欢的,就非常喜欢的。就让我回忆起,我在中国的时候,我和住家一起看出春节晚会。 Yes, but other than the Chinese New Year Party, I probably don’t watch the TV series because I think the Chinese in the TV series is still too fast for me. But you can Spring Festival Party, so wonderful a show, (wonderful). It is often a very big party, that is, so many people so many performances, performances inside the people is uh, a lot of colors and so on, that is, I am very fond of, on very fond of. It reminds me that when I was in China, I watched the Chinese New Year party with my family.


你在中国的时候和你的住家一起看过! You saw it with your family when you were in China!


对,都是跟我那时候照顾的孩子已经看过。对。 Yes, all with the children I was taking care of at the time. Yes.


因为春节晚会有很多都是跳舞、唱歌、魔术什么的,所以不需要特别多听懂。 Because a lot of the Chinese New Year party is dancing, singing, magic and so on, so you don’t need to understand much.

中文的我们两个去年一起看了春节晚会,一起吃了饺子,当时我在德国,但是我当时记得就是春节晚会的小品类节目,语言类节目还是挺难的,因为他不仅说得很快,还有很多的笑话笑点,有很多的文化的东西在里面。 I was in Germany at the time, but I remember that it was the Chinese New Year Party skit, and the language program was quite difficult because he not only spoke very fast, but also had a lot of jokes and laughs, and there was a lot of cultural stuff in it.


所以现在我还想需要到水平,可以看得懂听得懂那些sketch什么的,所以还是还没学到。想学到这个水平。 So now I still want to get to the level where I can understand and listen to those sketches and stuff, so I still haven’t learned. I want to learn that level.


那中文电影,你会看一些中文电影或者读一些中文书吗? What about Chinese movies, do you watch some Chinese movies or read some Chinese books?


我读中文的书现在还是做学习的书,比如说有一个有一些书,他们叫mandarin companion,他们是尤其为学习中文的人写的。 I read Chinese books now or I do study books, for example, there is a book that has some books, they are called mandarin companion, they are especially written for people who are learning Chinese.

在现在我看一本书叫盲人国,就是英语的country of the blind。 At the moment I’m reading a book called the country of the blind, which is the English country of the blind.

Joanne: 盲人国。 The country of the blind.


我觉得因为 mandarin companion他们有很多本来是欧洲的好像喜欢的书,翻译成翻译成中文,所以故事会认识,所以这种可以看得懂。 I think because mandarin companion they have a lot of books that are originally European like, translated into Chinese, so the story will be recognized, so this kind of can be understood.


对我也经常用这个方法来学其他的语言,比如说哈利波特,我先我想我的高中的时候我就读了英语版的,然后我学德语的时候读了德语版的,然后西班牙语版的,现在读法语版的,所以这个真的是非常有用,因为你知道所有的故事情节,所以很就比较容易看懂。你可以读哈利波特中文版的。 Yes I often use this method to learn other languages, for example Harry Potter, I first I think I read the English version when I was in high school, then I read the German version and the Spanish version when I was learning German, and now I read the French version, so this is really useful because you know all the storyline, so it’s very easy to read and understand. You can read the Chinese version of Harry Potter.


我觉得还是可能第一本还可以,但是别的因为他是小孩子的书,那是后面,看到后面觉得还是太难了。 I think still maybe the first book is okay, but the others because he’s a kid’s book, that’s the back, see the back and think it’s still too hard.


对但是有很多的词语,因为你知道故事大概的情节,所以你就可以跳过,有很多不懂的也不用太担心。 Yes, but there are a lot of words, because you know the general plot of the story, so you can skip it, and there are a lot of things you don’t understand and don’t worry too much.

我觉得这个读你知道读过的书的好处。但是我其实好像没有问过你,你为什么要学中文? I think this is the advantage of reading books that you know you’ve read. But I don’t think I’ve actually asked you, why did you learn Chinese?


我其实都不知道,我已经说过我上高,上高中的时候想要去国外,但不是我要去中国,只是去国外,去一个不同的地方,认识不同的文化什么的。那时候我就是看到那个中国的海报。 I actually don’t even know, I’ve already said that when I was in high, when I was in high school I wanted to go abroad, but it wasn’t that I wanted to go to China, it was just to go abroad, to a different place, to get to know a different culture or something. That’s when I saw that China poster.

这就是我就第一个看到的海报,什么的,那么我就网上申请去中国。但没什么我想去中国的原因什么的,总是想去海外,然后就是中国。但是现在呢,后面觉得去中国真是个好东西,因为现在呢我就是认识中国文化,中国变得有点越来越重要。 That was the first poster I saw and stuff, then I applied online to go to China. But there was no reason why I wanted to go to China or anything, I always wanted to go overseas, and then China. But now, I think it’s a good thing to go to China, because now I know Chinese culture and China is becoming a little bit more and more important.

现在比如说在我们德国的新闻上,每天每天都说到中国,因为他们现在都非常重要。那以前呢,以前可能我们都觉得中国可能是有有意思的国家,有意思的文化,但没那么重要,现在每次每次都说到。 Now, for example, in our German news, we talk about China every day, because they are very important now. Before, we used to think that China might be an interesting country, an interesting culture, but it wasn’t that important, and now it’s talked about every time.


你现在学了中文会说中文以后,你会不会想要在跟中国有关的工作,跟中国有关系的地方工作? Now that you’re learning Chinese and speaking Chinese, would you want to work in a place that has something to do with China, something that has something to do with China?


我现在还不清楚的其实,我真的想就是做一个 expat,比如说在一个公司工作。然后差不多三年就到中国去在这里工作,然后回去什么的。因为我现在还是物理,现在如果我作为一个科学家,也可以到中国去,在那里研究什么的。 I’m not sure yet actually, I really want to be an expat, like working in a company. And then go to China for almost three years and work here and then go back or something. Because I’m still in physics, now if I’m a scientist, I can also go to China and do research there or something.


对因为你是学物理的,所以我不知道在物理上面,可能,对,你可以在中国做一些研究,或者做一些研究上的交换交流项目,但毕竟不是国际关系对吧?也不是经济贸易什么的。 Yeah because you’re studying physics, so I don’t know on top of physics, maybe, yeah, you could do some research in China or do some research exchange programs, but after all, it’s not international relations, right? It’s not economic trade or anything like that.

嗯好呀,那谢谢Laura,今天非常感谢您过来做客,而且我觉得也是给其他学中文的同学们一些信心,因为Laura其实也当时在中国就是学了一年多,说的这么好。 Well, thank you Laura, thank you very much for coming over today, and I think it also gives some confidence to other students who are studying Chinese, because Laura was actually studying in China for more than a year, and she speaks so well.


谢谢让我来 Pod cast,我们下次见吧! Thanks for letting me come to Pod cast, see you next time!


好下次见拜拜了,拜拜。 Okay, see you next time, bye, bye.

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