Episode 17 | 加纳利岛上的爱情故事 Love story on Canary Islands

Convo Chinese
14 min readAug 15, 2021


Joanne 00:02

哈喽,大家好。 Hello, everyone.

欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天邀请到了一位现在在一个岛上生活的小伙伴,她的名字叫Vigil。 Welcome to our new episode of Learn Chinese by Nonsense. Today we have a little friend who is now living on an island, and her name is Vigil.

Vigil 00:21

Hello大家好,我是Vigil,我现在加纳利群岛。 Hello everyone, I’m Vigil, I’m in the Canary Islands.

Joanne 00:25

加纳利群岛,是具体在哪里?你可以跟大家稍微解释一下吗? The Canary Islands, is that where exactly? Can you explain a little bit to everyone?

Vigil 00:31

加拿大利群岛行政上是西班牙的一部分,然后但它地理位置实际上是在非洲的西边,在大西洋上,然后离摩洛哥应该是最近的。 The Canary Islands are administratively part of Spain, but then it’s geographically actually west of Africa, in the Atlantic Ocean, and then it’s supposed to be the closest to Morocco.

Joanne 00:45

其实说到加纳利群岛,如果是中国的朋友的话,可能会像我一样第一反应会想到一本书,就是三毛的一本书,三毛他其实是一个中国台湾的很有名的女作家,然后他在书里面写了一个非常有意思的爱情故事,在书里她就是和一个西班牙的男生在一起,然后这个男生名字叫荷西,就是西班牙语的José。 In fact, when it comes to the Canary Islands, if you are a Chinese friend, you may think of a book like I did, a book by San Mao, who is actually a very famous female writer from Taiwan, and he wrote a very interesting love story in the book, in which she is with a Spanish boy, and the boy’s name is José, which is Spanish for José.

他们当中有很多的浪漫的故事就是发生在加纳利群岛,然后今天的主人公我们的Vigil,他为什么会搬到西班牙的西班牙所属的加纳利群岛,也是因为一段爱情故事,对不对? They have a lot of romantic stories that take place in the Canary Islands, and our hero today, Vigil, why he moved to the Canary Islands in Spain, where Spain belongs, is also because of a love story, right?

Vigil 01:32

可以这么说,好像也没有其他理由会来到这边。 So to speak, there doesn’t seem to be any other reason why he would come over here.

Joanne 01:39

对,然后我一直都觉得你的爱情故事非常的神奇,简直就是神仙爱情,所以今天也想跟你再聊一聊,然后就来讲一讲你跟你的荷西哥是怎么认识的,然后现在在岛上做什么? Yes, and I’ve always thought that your love story was amazing, it’s a fairy love story, so I’d like to talk to you again today and tell you a little bit about how you met your brother Jose and what you’re doing on the island?

Vigil 01:58

好,我的荷西哥名字叫David。我们是18年夏天在泰国认识的,然后当时我们是潜水的潜伴,然后所以这件事情说起来确实还巧合比较多,因为当时我其实跟朋友迫切需要一个假期,所以我们当时就只是说要去泰国,并没有定很细的行程,我们是到了普吉岛之后,就是说我来泰国为要完成的事情,想要去把高级潜水证拿到,然后就四周搜了一下,就看有什么能潜水比较好的地方,然后所以我们就临时决定去了皮皮岛。 Well, my brother Jose’s name is David and we met in Thailand in the summer of ’18 and we were dive buddies at the time, so it was a bit of a coincidence because I needed a vacation with my friend urgently, so we just said we were going to Thailand, we didn’t have a very detailed itinerary, we arrived in Phuket and said I was coming to Thailand to finish something. We arrived in Phuket, said I came to Thailand to complete the thing, want to go to the advanced diving certification, and then searched around to see what can dive better, and so we decided to go to Phi Phi Island.

然后我是在皮皮岛待了三四天,然后当时是有三天的时间要去上潜水课程,然后认识可惜哥是在我潜水最后一天的时候,然后那天后来我知道也很巧,当时他是很喜欢泰国,然后那次其实是我第一次去泰国, I stayed on Phi Phi Island for three or four days, and then I had three days to take a diving course, and then I met Pity on my last day of diving, and then I learned later that day that he was very fond of Thailand, and that was actually the first time I went to Thailand.

但他实际上已经去了4次了,然后那次是他带着他父母一起旅行,然后可能给他们介绍一个他非常喜欢的国家,然后他当时他潜水经验比我丰富一些时候,正好我们碰巧都是找到了在这个岛上众多潜店其中的一个,然后那天其实是他在皮皮岛的最后一天,然后就蛮巧的,早上的时候早上六七点钟,因为要出海又比较早,我记得那天到了前天之后,突然发现唉怎么多了一个人,因为当时其实我的潜水课程跟我的潜水教练其实应该是一对一的,然后结果就在最后一天的时候,就是突然有了一个有一个其他人,不是我教练的人来当我的前半。 But he had actually been there four times, and that time he was traveling with his parents, and then he probably introduced them to a country he really liked, and then he was more experienced than me in diving, and it just so happened that we both found one of the many dive stores on the island, and then that day was actually his last day on Phi Phi Island, and then it was quite a coincidence that in the morning, at 6:00 or 7:00 am I remember that on the day before I arrived, I suddenly found out that there was one more person, because at that time, my dive course and my dive instructor were actually one-on-one, and then on the last day, there was suddenly someone else, not my instructor, who came to be my first half.

Joanne 03:53

所以这一天也是你其实是最后一天。 So this was also the day that you actually was the last day.

Vigil 03:57

也是他的最后一天是我潜水的,对是我潜水的最后一天,我应该在皮皮岛比他多呆了一天,但我记得他那天已经是最后一天了,第二天就去另外一个岛了。 Also his last day was my last day of diving, yes it was my last day of diving, I should have spent one more day in Phi Phi than he did, but I remember he was already on his last day that day and he went to another island the next day.

Joanne 04:08

什么叫潜伴呢? What do you mean by dive buddy?

Vigil 04:10

潜水的话尤其可能是像我这种初学者,或者是即使潜水经验的人,推荐也是你需要有一个前半就是两个人一起,至少两个人一起,因为你潜水发生意外的就是机会比较多,所以你就要有一个潜伴来彼此照应,这样在水下你们要互相就是随时来check对方有,氧气够不够,还剩多少氧气。 Diving, especially for beginners like me, or even diving experience, it is recommended that you need to have a first half is two people together, at least two people together, because you diving accidents are more chances, so you need to have a dive buddy to take care of each other, so that underwater you have to each other is always to check each other there, enough oxygen, how much oxygen is left.

然后比如说对方嗯其中一个人出现了什么问题,有一个潜伴在旁边可以继续来帮忙,因为在水下它毕竟不是人类生活的世界,所以各种情况你可能觉得非常小的,在陆地上很容易处理的一个事情,道路水下可能就是一个非常危险的事情,所以潜水的话就一定要有一个潜伴。 And then, for example, if one of them has any problems, a dive buddy can continue to help, because after all, it is not the world of human life underwater, so all kinds of situations you may feel very small, on land is easy to deal with a thing, the road underwater may be a very dangerous thing, so diving words must have a dive buddy.

Joanne 05:01

你和荷西哥第一次见面是你还记得吗?是什么感觉?是不是一见钟情 Do you remember the first time you and Hossegor met? What was it like? Was it love at first sight?

Vigil 05:10

那倒没有。我记得我其实当时一开始是稍微有点烦,因为当时因为本来应该是我跟我教练一对一的,所以这样的话多了一个人,我觉得实际上我能受到我教练关注的这个部分就少了一些,而且那天我们需要是要去潜深水,我记得那天我们最深是潜到将近30米,我前世以来最深的一次,所以那天其实多少感觉还是还挺危险的,所以不放心,因为毕竟不认识这个人是谁,他的潜水经验是不是比我丰富,然后他是不是能做一个合格的潜伴,所以当时还是有点担心的。里群岛。 No, not really. I remember that I was a little bit annoyed at first because I was supposed to work one-on-one with my coach, so there was one more person and I felt that I could actually get less attention from my coach, and that day we had to go diving in deep water. I remember that day we dived to a depth of almost 30 meters, the deepest I’ve ever been in my life, so that day was actually more or less dangerous, so I was not sure, because after all, I didn’t know who this person was, whether his diving experience was richer than mine, and whether he could be a qualified dive buddy, so I was still a little worried. I was a little worried.

然后,当时可能第一印象就觉得还挺帅的,很帅的,很棕色的一个人坐在桌子旁边,然后我就还比较友好的打个招呼,然后去潜水,包括在去船上的路上也简单聊聊天,他英语水平其实有限,然后但是勉强我还是听懂了 Then, at that time, the first impression may feel quite handsome, very handsome, very brown a person sitting next to the table, and then I was more friendly to say hello, and then go diving, including on the way to the boat also briefly chat, his English level is actually limited, and then barely I still understand

然后我记得当时他一说出来 Canary Island,我当时一下子就听出来了,因为就像你说的,知道三毛的人肯定都知道加纳利群岛。然后他当时也很惊讶说你居然听说过这么一个在大西洋中间,然后非常middle of nowhere的地方。 Then I remember when he said Canary Island, I immediately heard it, because like you said, people who know Sanso definitely know Canary Islands. And then he was also very surprised that you had actually heard of such a place in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and then very middle of nowhere.

Joanne 06:37

你还记不记得你们刚开始的时候有没有一些小小的细节,或者是他说了什么做了什么,一开始就会让你觉得很绅士或者很心动? Do you remember if there were any little details when you first started out or anything that he said or did that would make you feel like a gentleman or a heartthrob right off the bat?

Vigil 06:51

其实第一天相处时间不太长,就是两次我们潜了两次,然后至于他后来回忆,他经常跟我说那天他救了我一命,但是那段我其实记不清,就是因为我们其实,你最潜水,最危险的就是你从水上爬到船上的时候,这时候你还背着一个非常沉的氧气罐,而且它已经空了,而且你的潜水衣里面就是空气都已经放掉了。 In fact, the first day together is not too long, that is, twice we dived twice, and then as he later recalled, he often told me that he saved my life that day, but that part I actually can not remember, is because we actually, you most diving, the most dangerous is when you climb from the water to the boat, at this time you are still carrying a very heavy oxygen tank, and it has been empty, and your wetsuit is inside the air have been released.

所以这个时候万一你从船上掉到水里,你会非常快的沉到底,然后这个过程你可能因为水压的问题,你可能很快的就失去意识,然后肺可能都会受到损伤,所以这个时候其实非常危险。 So this time in case you fall from the boat into the water, you will be very fast sink to the bottom, and then the process you may be because of the water pressure, you may quickly lose consciousness, and then the lungs may be damaged, so this time is actually very dangerous.

然后那天夏天其实不是特别适合在泰国潜水的季节,然后那个时候是风大浪大,我们上了船之后,因为你要潜水瓶背到你背后,你要把潜水瓶在你后面这个地方之后,插到它一个座椅后面的一些专门的一些洞里面,然后我当时没有找准那个地方,然后就一直放不进去,可我当时船可能就剧烈的晃了一下,我记得我其实不记得不太清,但是他跟我说当时他把我抓住了,要不然我可能掉到水里了,但是这个细节我是不记得的,但是他记得很清楚。 Then that summer was not particularly suitable for diving in Thailand, and that time was a big wind and waves, we got on the boat, because you have to dive bottle back to your back, you have to dive bottle in your back after this place, inserted into it a seat behind some special holes, and then I did not find the right place, and then it has not been put in, but I was the boat may be a violent shaking I remember that I actually do not remember very well, but he told me that he caught me at that time, or I may have fallen into the water, but this detail I do not remember, but he remembered very clearly.

Joanne 08:10

所以其实是一个英雄救美的故事,但是这个美人并没有意识到被英雄救美了,英雄自己觉得他救了你。 So it’s actually a story of a hero saving a beauty, but this beauty doesn’t realize that she was saved by the hero, the hero himself thinks he saved you.

Vigil 08:21

对,然后而且我还不承认。 Yes, and then and I don’t admit it.

Joanne 08:25

但是你跟我说他的英语也不是很好,所以一开始的时候就是比较勉强的交流。 But you told me that his English wasn’t very good either, so it was a rather reluctant communication at the beginning.

Vigil 08:33

对确实,但是所以说所以交流这件事情还挺奇妙的,我之前是一个特别注重跟人语言上交流的一个人,所以我其实没有遇到很多,像他这样我可能跟我交流不是很通常的人。然后但是潜水的话,很多地方真的尤其是在水下,你本来也不能说话,就是要靠这些语言有一些专业的手势,然后你要互相检查对方的潜水衣是不是所有的东西都没有问题,没有漏气,所有东西所有的袋子都在它应该在的地方。 Yes indeed, but so it’s quite amazing that the communication thing, I was a person who paid special attention to communicating with people linguistically, so I didn’t actually meet many people like him with whom I might not communicate very often. But diving, many places really especially underwater, you can not speak, is to rely on these languages have some professional gestures, and then you have to check each other’s wetsuits are not all things are okay, no air leakage, all things all bags are in its place should be.

然后所以当时这个程序整个做下来,我觉得他还是比较细心的,然后因为这个船晃得比较厉害,我记得有一个时刻他确实在下水之前,我当时还有点小紧张,然后他确实还是比较照顾我,然后在水下的时候它有一个 go PRO,然后我记得当时还拉着我们两个就朝一个鱼群游过去,我在当时一直在录这一段,然后我当时的教练是一个智利的姑娘,我记得当时他那天在船上就开玩笑就是说说你要小心就是拉丁的男孩他有魅力的。 So then the whole procedure down, I think he is still more careful, and then because the boat is shaking more powerful, I remember a moment he did in the water before, I was a little nervous, and then he did still take care of me, and then underwater when it has a go PRO, and then I remember then also pulled us both on the swim towards a school of fish, I have been in the time I was recording this section, and my coach at the time was an Chilean girl, and I remember that he was jokingly saying on the boat that day that you should be careful of the Latin boy who has charms.

我当时其实完全没有多想,我就觉得ok还挺搞笑的。然后所以那天其实基本上就这样了,我当时其实并没有想到以后还真的会在遇到这个人,当时我们有互相加了Facebook,是因为他在水下有我的照片跟他录的鱼的那一部分,所以他说我把发给我,所以当时我们就这样还是留了一个联系方式。 I actually didn’t think much about it at the time, I thought OK was pretty funny. So that day was basically like this, I actually did not think that I would really meet this person in the future, at that time we added Facebook to each other, because he had a picture of me underwater and he recorded that part of the fish, so he said I would send it to me, so at that time we just left a contact.

但实际上在泰国那天早上之后在泰国就没有再见过。 But we didn’t actually see each other in Thailand after that morning in Thailand.

Joanne 10:21

但是我觉得你们相遇的时机和相遇的活动,就是潜水的这一项活动,其实是非常适合浪漫的东西发生,因为我以前听说过在两个人一起做一些比较危险,或者是让你心跳会加速的活动的时候,你的身体会下意识的更加靠近你身边的这个人,或者就是因为你的身体会把危险造成的,你的心跳加速和对旁边这个人有感情造成的,为心跳加速,这是两件事情混在一起,所以反而会让你更加对旁边的人有感觉 But I think the timing of your encounter and the activity you met, which is this activity of diving, is actually perfect for something romantic to happen, because I’ve heard before that when two people do some more dangerous together, or activities that make your heart beat faster, your body will subconsciously get closer to the person next to you, or it’s because your body will put the fear caused by the danger of danger, your heartbeat accelerated and the person next to you have feelings caused by the accelerated heartbeat, your brain will mix these two things, so instead you will have more feelings towards the person beside you.

所以像你刚才说的在你潜水之前你有一些些紧张,然后可能你也是肾上腺素和心跳加速,然后我觉得这是一个非常完美的邂逅的体验。而且你想,在潜水,在泰国,又是碧海蓝天,又是一起,一起朝着鱼群游去。想象一下,就好像是浪漫的电视剧里面的情节。 So like you said before you dive you have some nervousness, and then maybe you also have adrenaline and a racing heart, and then I think it’s a very perfect experience for an encounter. And you think, in diving, in Thailand, again, blue sea and blue sky, again, together, swimming together towards the fish. Imagine, it’s like a romantic TV show inside.

Vigil 11:30

我觉得这个情形,所以就是肾上腺素这个问题,所以情侣一开始约会要一起去看恐怖片什么的,估计都是这样的想法。但当时我其实没有真的没有想太多,因为可能我就是大学研究生期间经常一个人去旅行,然后也有在路上遇到很多的人,所以这样的故事这样的经历可能怎么说我对他还是有感知,但我并不会太把他放在心上,我可能就是感受这个过程,然后大家可能以后再也不见了,我也不会一直会想着这个人可能没有那么没有到那种程度, I think this situation, so is the adrenaline this problem, so the couple started dating to go together to see a horror movie or something, I guess it is all this idea. But at that time I actually did not really did not think too much, because maybe I just often travel alone during graduate school in college, and then also have met a lot of people on the road, so such a story such an experience may how to say I still have perception of him, but I do not put him too much on the heart, I may just feel this process, and then we may never see each other again, I will not always think about this person Maybe not so not to that extent that

Joanne 12:10

你知道有很多的电视节目,或者电影里面,两个人刚开始约会的时候,约会的时候,就会做一些比如说去餐厅吃饭,然后不付钱逃走这么一件事,然后经常放他们一起,然后有说有笑的从餐厅逃出去,然后一边在街上跑,一边躲后面餐厅的服务生,然后两个人躲到一个幽暗的小巷里,一起喘着气,然后四目相对看着对方,我觉得这个就是典型的通过心跳加速,然后一起做一些冒险的事。这个是真的是非常能够催生浪漫的情绪的一个活动。 You know there are a lot of TV shows, or movies, when two people just started dating, dating, they will do something like go to a restaurant, and then do not pay to escape such a thing, and then often put them together, and then laughing to escape from the restaurant, and then while running in the street, while hiding behind the restaurant waiter, and then two people hiding in a dark alley, together gasping for breath I think this is the typical heartbeat accelerated, and then do something adventurous together. This is really an activity that can really generate romantic emotions.

Vigil 12:52

我同意这个确实是有道理的。 I agree that this does make sense.

Joanne 12:56

对,但是我像你说的,我觉得这是一个起点,但是后面肯定是你的荷西哥在加了你的Facebook以后,非常坚持不懈的和你发消息对吧?而且我记得当时因为我们你刚刚认识荷西哥了以后,我有一阵子住在你家,你当时还跟我说了说,说你认识了一个西班牙的,说西班牙语的男生,然后他经常很努力的用翻译软件,然后用西班牙语跟你跟你聊天给你发消息。 Yeah, but I think like you said, I think that was the starting point, but then definitely your brother Jose was very persistent in messaging you after he added you to Facebook, right? And I remember at the time because we you had just met Hershey’s brother, I was staying at your house for a while, and you told me at the time that you met a guy who spoke Spanish and then he used to try very hard to use the translation software and then talk to you in Spanish and send you messages.

Vigil 13:33

对,确实还挺奇妙的,我其实没有想到我们会这个对话会持续那么久,因为当时因为在泰国,所以我们当时用Facebook messenger,所以还是还比较方便,而且我们两个人毕竟还都在一个国家,从一开始可能传了这个照片,然后他会主动跟我说他去了其他地方,或者他就是潜水做的其他事情,有可能我们就交换一下关于泰国这个话题的一些内容,但后来我假期也很短,然后后来我就回国了,回国之后再用message就很麻烦, Yes, it is indeed quite amazing, I actually did not think we would this conversation will last so long, because at that time because in Thailand, so we were using Facebook messenger, so it is still relatively convenient, and we both are still in a country after all, from the beginning may have passed this photo, and then he will take the initiative to tell me that he went to other places, or he just dive I was very short on vacation, and then I went back to my country, and after I returned to my country, it was very troublesome to use message again.

然后其实我有一阵子想就很可能就这么不了了之了,因为就像这样的经历之前有,因为你在旅行路上遇到的人,他不是你真实生活的一部分,所以当时… 而且之前我在拉斯维加斯两个月,就是像这样的故事其实每天都在上演,所以我当时真的没有抱太多希望,或者没有多想什么 Then I actually thought for a while that it was likely that it would just end without results, because it was like this experience before. because the people you meet on the way to travel, he is not a part of your real life. And before tisI was in Las Vegas for two months, this story like this actually staged every day, so I really did not hold too much hope, or did not think much of anything

然后但是还是持续的这么聊,然后而且可能我对加那利岛,或者对这个人还是有一些好奇的。但是后来我觉得我觉得我们后来能在一起比较关键的一个因素是因为我工作的原因,我每年有几次会去英国,然后我正好发现伦敦到他所在的岛La Palma,就这两个岛之间有直飞的航班,然后我在差不多跟他见第一次见之后两个月,我当时也是去英国出差,然后正好后面就连上国内国一过庆节,然后我想那就去拜访他一下,可以顺便度个假,然后去看一下在加纳利群岛什么样子。 And then but still continued to talk so much, and then maybe I still had some curiosity about the Canary Island, or about this person. But later I think one of the key factors that we could get together later was because of my work, I would go to England several times a year, and I happened to find that there were direct flights from London to his island La Palma, between these two islands, and then two months after I met him for the first time, I was also on a business trip to England, and then I happened to go to the country for the first holiday. I thought I would go to visit him and take a vacation and see what it was like in the Canary Islands.

然后所以因为有这个方便,然后可能才有了我们第二次见面,才有了后面的事情。 And so because of this convenience, then maybe that’s how we met for the second time, that’s how things happened.

Joanne 15:40

我觉得如果说荷西哥一开始从泰国分别以后,就开始在Facebook上在messenger上跟你聊天,坚持不懈的跟你说他的事儿,这说明他对你其实是一见钟情的,对吗?他就是一开始就对你有感觉,然后死缠烂打。 I think that if Jose started chatting with you on Facebook on messenger after he separated from Thailand at the beginning and persistently told you about him, it means that he actually fell in love with you at first sight, right? He just had feelings for you right from the start and then stalked you.

Vigil 16:01

可能我直接假设应该就是这个情况,所以我其实后来也就没再细想,为什么他会一直还是跟我保持联系。 Maybe I directly assumed that this should be the case, so I actually didn’t think about it later, why he would have been still in contact with me.

可能但是我后来其实有觉得,当我来到他生活的环境的时候,我就意识到他可能他不是会经常遇到像我这样的人,我觉得可能他会对我有一些好奇或者是可能像我对他有好奇是类似的,这样异性相吸可能。 Maybe but I actually later had the feeling that when I came to the environment where he lived, I realized that he probably he would not often meet people like me, I think maybe he would have some curiosity about me or maybe like I have curiosity about him is similar, so opposites attract probably.

Joanne 16:37

对你第一次去到加纳利岛是什么?感觉跟他做了什么玩了多少天呢? What was your first visit to Canary Island? What did you feel like doing with him and how many days did you play?

Vigil 16:46

我当时其实想了好久,到底要在这边待几天,是因为像其实我们就有点类似像网友见面,因为毕竟之前在现实生活中相处的时间非常短,也就是两三个小时的样子。 I was actually thinking for a long time, in the end to stay over here for a few days, because like in fact we are somewhat similar to meet like online friends, because after all, the previous time together in real life is very short, that is, two or three hours.

所以当我们第二次见面的时候,感觉就是是在线上聊天将近两个月之后,所以感觉有点像是网友见面的感觉。然后我就不太确定应该要来待几天,其实我的假期最长,我其实可以在这边待个七八天,但我觉得太长了,所以我当时后来想了半天,就是想来4天好了。 So when we met for the second time, it felt like we were chatting online for almost two months, so it felt a bit like meeting online friends. Then I was not quite sure how many days I should come to stay, in fact, my vacation is the longest, I can actually stay here for seven or eight days, but I think it’s too long, so I was thinking half a day later, just want to come to 4 days.

这样的话如果待的不开心,我其实就是可以把它时间可以过得比较快,或者哪怕我自己再随便去做点别的什么都没关系,所以当时我是这么想,然后到这边之后就感觉… This way, if I’m not happy, I can actually make it go by faster, or even if I just go do something else by myself, so I was thinking that, and then after I got here, I felt like well.

Joanne 17:46

但是我有一个小问题,你第一次去的时候就住在他家了,对吗?没有住酒店。 But I have a little question, you stayed at his house the first time you went, right? There was no hotel stay.

Vigil 17:53

对,因为就是因为我如果来然后还去住酒店的话,其实可能就没那么大意义,我觉得某种角度来讲。 Yes, because it’s because if I come and then go and stay in a hotel, it might not actually make that much sense, I think in a way.

Joanne 18:06

我觉得这个其实也挺冒险的,万一你和他合不来,或者万一他有一些你知道是个坏人,或者他会对你怎么样,住在他家,我觉得也挺冒险的,要住4天。 I think this is actually quite risky, in case you don’t get along with him, or in case he has something that you know is a bad person, or what he would do to you, staying in his house, I think it’s quite risky to stay for 4 days.

Vigil 18:21

我觉得当时确实可以说是建立了基本的信任,因为其实第一次见面虽然时间很短,但是大概有一个感觉对方是一个什么样的人,而且如果他是一个带着父母去泰国旅行好几个月这样的一个人,所以可能就是给你给我足够的信息,让我觉得安全还是可以保障的。 I think it is true to say that the basic trust was established at that time, because in fact the first meeting although a very short time, but probably have a sense of what kind of person the other party is, and if he is a person who took his parents to Thailand to travel for several months such a person, so it may be that you give me enough information to make me feel safe or can be guaranteed.

然后但确实多少可能担心比较多的是能不能合得来,所以这样的话我才就只在这边定了4天。 But it’s true that more or less you may be worried about getting along, so that’s why I’ve only booked 4 days on this side.

Joanne 18:55

所以事实证明这是改变你人生的4天。 So it proves to be a life-changing 4 days.

好,谢谢vigil,今天聊了很多关于你跟荷西哥怎么开始怎么样一见钟情的故事,我真的觉得和三毛,真正的三毛和他真正的荷西哥的爱情故事一样的浪漫,甚至更加浪漫。下一次我想再邀请你聊一下我们关于职业上的一些想法,因为我们两个都是做环境和持续可持续发展相关的职业,好吗? Well, thanks vigil, today we talked a lot about how you and Hershey started and how you fell in love at first sight, and I really think it’s as romantic as the love story of Sanmao, the real Sanmao and his real Hershey, or even more romantic. Next time I’d like to invite you to talk a little bit more about some of our thoughts on careers, because we both do careers related to the environment and sustainable development, okay?

Vigil 19:30

好没问题,我们就是结缘于工作的。 Okay no problem, we just bonded over work.

Joanne 19:34

对没错,我跟Vigil其实一开始认识就是在环境这个领域的一个工作的项目上面认识的,所以我们两个经常在生活里也会聊关于工作关于环境气候变化一些相关的话题。 Yes, Vigil and I actually met in the beginning on a work project in the environmental field, so we often talk about work and environmental climate change related topics in our lives.

Vigil 19:48

还蛮巧的,我曾经是Joanne的客户,没错。 It’s quite a coincidence that I used to be a client of Joanne’s, yes.

Joanne 19:55

好的,那就期待你下周回来继续跟我们聊。 Well, I’ll look forward to having you back next week to talk to us.

Vigil 19:58

好的。 Okay.

Joanne 20:00

下周见,拜拜。 See you next week, bye.

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