Episode 18 | 我也想要有一个小农场 I also want my own farm

Convo Chinese
40 min readAug 21, 2021


Joanne 00:02

欢迎大家又回到我们的瞎扯学中文pod cast。今天我又把Vigil邀请回来了,因为今天我特别想跟Vigil聊一聊关于我们的职业的一些话题,大家可能不知道 Vigil也是在关于环境,关于可持续发展这个领域工作,我现在其实我之前在巴黎读的研究生也是这一块的,所以我特别想要了解一下 Vigil现在在岛上的生活对他对这个职业的看法有什么新的一些改变,新的看法。 Welcome back to our Chinese pod cast, today I invited Vigil back, because today I especially want to talk to Vigil about some of the topics of our career, you may not know that Vigil is also working in the field of environment, about sustainable development, I am now actually my previous graduate study in Paris is also this piece of, so I I’d like to know how Vigil’s life on the island has changed his view of the profession.

Vigil 00:41

好的,谢谢Joanne,hello大家好,我是Vigil. 我又回来了。这次跟大家聊一下,我在来搬到岛上之后,我对工作的一些新的想法。 Okay, thanks Joanne, hello everyone, I’m Vigil. I’m back again. This time to talk to you about some of the new thoughts I’ve had about my job since I came and moved to the island.

Joanne 00:54

所以你觉得你现在的生活跟原来最大的区别是什么? So what do you think is the biggest difference between your life now and what it was?

Vigil 00:59

区别太多了,尤其是我是20年3月份算是正式整个full time搬到这边来的,然后20年经历了好很多事情,就是我们都知道的新冠的事情,就是我工作上从原来一个全职在北京的人,现在变成了一个远程的算是自由职业的一个顾问之前的项目,然后生活上来讲在这边还比较与世隔绝,确实也是因为新冠的问题就很难回国,所以我之前朋友的圈子其实大部分都还在北京,有可能还有其他的分散在欧洲不同的地方,但都不在我们身边。 There are so many differences, especially because I moved here full time in March of ’20, and then I’ve been through a lot of things in the last 20 years, and that’s what we all know about New Crown, is that I’ve gone from being a full-time person in Beijing to being a freelance consultant on a remote basis, and then I’m still relatively isolated from the rest of the world. It’s really hard to go back to China because of the new crown, so most of my previous circle of friends are actually still in Beijing, there may be others scattered in different parts of Europe, but they are not around us.

然后去年也是确实开始了一个从单身到一个已婚的状态的转变,所以方方面面的变化我其实都很难讲,大到底是其中哪一项让我觉得变动就是变动最大,我觉得整个生活就是一个翻天覆地的一个变化,对。 And then last year, I did start a change from single to married, so it’s hard to tell which of these changes I feel is the biggest change.

Joanne 02:08

而且我觉得从我的角度看,有一块很大的变化是你现在可能会更多的过一些自给自足的,比较怎么说比较环保的,比较对环境比较友好的这么一个生活方式。 And I think from my point of view, one big change is that you may now live more of a self-sufficient, more environmentally friendly, more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

因为之前我们也是在北京认识的,你想北京大家周末可能就是去逛逛商场,然后生活在水泥森林,所谓的水泥森林,就是水泥,就是用来建造建筑的那些材料,所以“水泥森林”就是说整个北京或者上海这样的大城市,就像是用水泥建造的一座大的森林一样。 Because we met in Beijing before, you think people in Beijing might just go to shopping malls on weekends and live in a concrete forest, the so-called concrete forest is cement, the materials used to build buildings, so the “concrete forest” means that the whole big city like Beijing or Shanghai is like a big forest built with cement. A big forest.

所以现在你就会我看你的生活每天自己种种菜,然后自己有一个鱼塘,就感觉就感觉非常的田园,真的像是三毛小说里那样子,非常浪漫的一个生活状态。 So now you will I see your life every day planting your own vegetables, and then you have a fish pond, it feels very idyllic, really like that in San Mao’s novel, a very romantic state of life.

Vigil 03:09

现在的生活跟原来相比肯定都是有好有坏就好的地方,我很喜欢的我在这边有一小片地,然后可以种树,然后种一些日常需要的菜,这可能是我真的是第一次有机会自己来种点什么。 Now life is definitely better and worse compared to the original, I really like the fact that I have a small piece of land here, and then you can plant trees, and then plant some daily needs of vegetables, this may be the first time I really have the opportunity to plant something on their own.

然后其实很比较讽刺的,像我从事的职业其实是可持续发展这个部分,而且最近刚刚转到实物相关的一些项目,有经常讨论的,内容就是再生农业,然后农业对气候变化的一些影响,然后实物体系的各个方面,但其实我之前完全没有自身实践经历,所以之前讲的很多其实真的都是纸上谈兵,然后现在有了这个机会,能真正自己种种点东西,其实我觉得让我对我做的工作其实有了一个不同角度的理解。 It’s ironic that I’m in a career in sustainable development, and I’ve just recently switched to some projects related to the physical world, and I’ve been discussing a lot about regenerative agriculture, and the impact of agriculture on climate change, and various aspects of the physical system. Now that I have this opportunity to really do something on my own, I think I actually have a different perspective on what I do.

然后其实不光是农业这一部分荷西都在这边,有一些他自己在盖房子,虽然不是他的主业,但是他一直还是比较有创业精神的一个人,所以他确实是买了一块地,然后在上面盖房子,我在其中后面参与了一部分。就是他要办公的时候,我有帮他做一些事情,比如说刷墙之类的。就是像这样我之前完全没有想到我会做的一些东西,但他确实给我一个不同的角度来看我做的工作,或者是整个我之前所在的圈子,确实有点打破我之前的一个就是生活的气泡的感觉。 And then actually not only is this part of agriculture Jose is over here, there are some of his own building houses, although not his main business, but he has always been more entrepreneurial spirit of a person, so he did buy a piece of land, and then build a house on it, I was involved in the back part of it. I helped him do some things, like painting the walls and so on, when he wanted to have an office. It was just something like that that I didn’t think I would do at all, but he did give me a different perspective on the work that I was doing, or the whole circle that I was in before, and it did kind of break the bubble that I was living in before.

Joanne 04:53

对我其实非常的赞同,因为听众朋友可能不知道我的背景,我现在也在做关于气候变化和可持续发展,特别是跟土地跟食物体系相关的一些工作,所以我自己对这一块也很关心,经常也会跟Vigil聊这一些事情,但是就像Vigil说的,像我这样的我这样的怎么说职业的professional工作的人,其实我自己是很少有机会,脚踏实地的去体验一下种菜是什么感觉,自己去当农民,种树种菜,或者是怎么说,脚踏实地的从头开始装修一个房子,然后看这个房子怎么样能够节省能源,怎么样来装太阳能板等等。 I’m very much in agreement with you, because my listeners may not know my background, but I’m also doing some work on climate change and sustainable development, especially related to land and food systems, so I’m very concerned about this piece myself, and I often talk to Vigil about some of these things, but like Vigil said, like me, I’m such a how to say professional professional work, in fact, I have very little opportunity to experience on the ground what it is like to grow vegetables, to be a farmer, to plant trees and vegetables, or how to say, to decorate a house from scratch, and then see how this house can save energy, how to install solar panels and so on.

所有这些事情在自己亲手去做之前都是纸上谈兵,所以我也有点羡慕像非洲,我还有一个另外的朋友,他现在在日本做一个骑行,骑自行车环日本岛,他现在在日本岛环游已经快一个多月了,在环游的过程当中也会做一些Whoofing。 All these things in their own hands to do before are on paper, so I also a little envious of Africa, I have another friend, he is now in Japan to do a ride, cycling around the island of Japan, he is now in Japan island tour has been almost more than a month, in the process of the tour will also do some Whoofing.

所谓的Whoofing在国外可能是一个挺火挺流行的概念,在一个农场在牛在一个农场帮忙,然后农场会提供食宿,就是食物和住宿。在这个过程当中,他也和我说,他也是第一次真的去农场采摘一些果实,或者去种菜,或者他甚至会给一头小牛接生等等,我觉得这些都是怎么说在大城市长大的,我们这些城市的人很难得有的体验。 The so-called Whoofing in foreign countries may be a quite hot and popular concept, in a farm in a cow in a farm help, and then the farm will provide food and accommodation, is food and accommodation. In the process, he also said to me that it was the first time he really went to the farm to pick some fruit, or to grow vegetables, or he would even deliver a calf, etc. I think these are how to say that growing up in the big city, we urban people rarely have the experience.

而且我,像Vigil,我们是从事环境这一块工作的,其实有这种亲身体验还是非常重要的。 And I, like Vigil, we work in the environment, so it’s very important to have that kind of experience.

Vigil 06:54

我觉得这一点确实是我之前没有想到的,但是如果是从职业这个角度考虑,当然在这边的弊端可能有很多就是在职业发展上确实会有一些阻碍,是因为在本地很难找到像跟我比较相关的工作。 I think this is something I hadn’t thought of before, but if you think about it from a career point of view, of course, there are a lot of disadvantages of being here, which is that there are some obstacles to career development, because it’s hard to find a job that’s more relevant to me locally.

然后所以我现在的工作由于旅行的困难,我很难经常能回国,所以我很多的工作其实现在还是受到一些局限,然后以后的发展我觉得可能一个我其实过去一年最头疼的一个问题,就是怎么能在我人在这边来体验生活的情况下,还能维持我之前职业的一个道路。 So my current job is very difficult to return to my home country because of the difficulty of travel, so many of my jobs are actually still subject to some limitations, and then the future development I think may be one of my biggest headaches in the past year, that is, how can I maintain my previous career path while I am here to experience life.

Joanne 07:39

对这有一点怎么说英语叫dilemma,中文可能叫两难的决策,两难的处境。一方面你又想体验生活,但为了体验生活就可能会去到农村去到比较偏远的地方,但是如果你想要在更高的层次做出贡献,可能你就必须要在大城市,在这些所谓的国际机构的headquarter国际机构的总部工作。 There is a little bit of how to say English called dilemma, Chinese may be called a dilemma decision, dilemma situation. On the one hand you want to experience life, but in order to experience life you might go to the countryside to a more remote place, but if you want to contribute at a higher level, you might have to work in a big city, in the headquarters of these so-called international institutions of headquarter international institutions.

所以但我觉得像你现在的工作状态,至少这两年做一个自由职业者,然后远程的办公,特别是像新冠疫情的时候,其实你的生活状态还挺合适的,因为大家无论如何其实都是在远程办公,所以你在岛上面办公也没有什么大的区别。 So but I think like your current work status, at least these two years doing a freelance job and then telecommuting, especially like the time of the new crown epidemic, actually your life status is quite appropriate because everyone is actually telecommuting anyway, so it doesn’t make a big difference if you’re working on top of the island.

Vigil 08:30

也好暂时还好,但是可能还是一直要跟焦虑对抗,然后比如说下一步要怎么办,虽然我在这边生活其实还蛮好的,完全是从物质精神角度来讲还挺快乐的,但是我其实也没有办法,我觉得我可能也不会长期就一直待在这儿,我希望这边成为我的一个base,就是有一个家在这儿,我其实很高兴。 I think I’m not going to stay here for a long time, I want this to be my base, I want to have a home here, I’m happy. I’m actually very happy.

然后但是可能以后过了一年或者是两年可能会开始考虑跟荷西哥一起去其他的地方,然后做不同的事情就是说。 But then maybe after a year or two I’ll start thinking about going somewhere else with Hershey and doing different things.

Joanne 09:12

到我还挺好奇的,因为毕竟你是中国人,他是但是西班牙文化下长大的一个外国人,当然我知道你有过很多,比如说跟国外的人在国外留学的经历,但毕竟肯定有很多的所谓culture shock,或者像你说的价值观人生观不一样的地方,你有没有什么比如说一些争吵或者一些你觉得最大的不同点在哪里?有什么事情有什么事例吗? I’m curious because after all, you are Chinese and he is a foreigner who grew up under Spanish culture, of course I know you have had a lot of experiences like studying abroad with foreigners, but after all, there must be a lot of so-called culture shock, or like you said, different values and outlook on life, do you have anything like some quarrels or some of the biggest differences you feel? Where are the biggest differences? Is there anything that has any examples?

Vigil 09:45

我想我再尝试一下能不能把它落到实际的事例上,但是从从思维方式的角度来讲,我们非常不一样。他是一个非常脚踏实地,然后遇到问题解决问题,一切都是非常切实。 I think I’ll try to get it down to a practical example, but from a mindset point of view, we’re very different. He’s a very down-to-earth person who then solves problems and everything is very practical.

他每天都要面临非常具体的问题,比如说在工作的过程中要处理一个什么事情,很多可能是人事上一些变动或者是怎样,他其实他的本职工作是一个公务员,所以他是在这边管当地的一些学校,所以他是做这样的一个非常可以说基层的工作,然后生活中他自己其他的东西,比如说盖房子,他每天要处理的问题可能是水管要怎么放,然后要用什么材料,就这样非常具体的马上有解决方案的问题. He has to face very specific problems every day, such as what to deal with in the course of work, many may be some changes in personnel or how, he is actually his job is a civil servant, so he is in charge of some local schools, so he is doing such a very grassroots work, and then other things in his own life, such as building a house, he has to deal with every day The problems he has to deal with every day may be how to put the plumbing, and then what materials to use, so very specific and immediate solutions to the problems.

然后我的工作可能包括你的工作也是我们经常谈论的都是一些全球性挑战,就是气候变化,然后就是垃圾环境污染这样的问题,可能从某种程度来讲有点习惯了,因为我们要面对这种解决不了的问题,然后所以遇到这个问题之后,可能反而就不会有像,像他这种,什么东西都要看到他实际解决方案,而不是去谈这个概念怎么样,然后说一些非常高大上的词汇,其实这一点我觉得还挺有意思的,但这个可能并不是一个文化上的问题,而就是我们两个完全是不同的职业,或者是不同的生活方式带来的一些问题。 And then my work may include your work is also we often talk about some global challenges, that is, climate change, and then is the garbage environmental pollution problems, maybe in a way a little bit used to, because we have to face this kind of problem can not be solved, and then after encountering this problem, may not be like he has to see the actual solution to everything, rather than to talk about the concept of how to do it. Instead of talking about the concept, and then talking about some very lofty words, I think this is actually quite interesting, but this may not be a cultural problem, but the two of us are completely different professions, or different lifestyles bring some problems.

Vigil 11:28

然后从生活的角度,我觉得一部分可能是跟我们工作的内容相关,他是一个比我活在当下的人,他对生活有很多地方要求比较高,是我之前不会有的,比如说非常简单的一个房间要有多干净,然后每天边边角角又把它顾及到不能有灰尘,它这个标准比我高很多,因为我之前工作也好,就完全重心在工作这个方面,或者是可能也是因为生活在城市里面,有时间我可能会跟朋友去社交,在外面吃饭,或者是做很多这样的事情,我不会去特别关注我这个房间,就是要怎么把它打理的井井有条,然后要一尘不染这样,所以我其实对这个方面我的标准其实很低,就这个可能是我们日常中。可能会争执比较多的一个地方。 And then from the perspective of life, I think part of it may be related to the content of our work, he is a person who lives in the present than I do, he has a lot of high requirements for life, which I would not have before, for example, very simple a room to have how clean, and then every day around the corner and take it into account not to have dust, it this standard is much higher than me, because I worked before or, on the complete focus of In the work of this aspect, or may also be because of living in the city, there may be time I will go with friends to socialize, eating out, or do a lot of such things, I will not go to pay special attention to my room, is how to put it in order, and then to be spotless, so I actually to this aspect of my standard is actually very low, on this may be our daily life. This may be a place where we argue more.

然后还有一个可能文化相关的,就是在吃的方面,它是一个它吃的东西基本上就是5样不同的菜式,然后来回循环,差不多就是它整个的菜单,然后我对这样单调的食物是没有办法接受的,可能这是一个非常中国人的地方。 And then there’s another one that might be culturally relevant, which is in terms of eating, it’s one of the things that it eats is basically 5 different dishes, and then it goes back and forth in a cycle, which is pretty much its whole menu, and then I’m not able to accept such monotonous food, which is probably a very Chinese place.

Joanne 12:51

对,刚才你说到第一个和第二件事,就让我想到中国有一句古古话,有一句,就是有一句怎么说呢嗯,古文里面的话说一屋不扫何以扫天下,翻译过来就是说如果你不把自己的房间自己的屋子打扫干净的话,你怎么来解决世界上天下其他的问题? Yes, just now you said the first and the second thing, let me think of an ancient Chinese saying, there is a, there is a sentence. how to say it well, the words of the ancient text said a house is not swept why to sweep the world, translated that is if you do not put their own room their own house clean, how do you solve the world’s other problems?

你说像荷西哥他就是一个比较脚踏实地解决问题,亲力亲为的人,我和你的工作,用比较用中文的成语高瞻远瞩,就是比较“高大上”,刚才你用的这个词高级,然后规模比较大,比较上层的一些问题,所以在中文里面叫高大上的一些问题,但这个我觉得确实是不同的职业不同的生活的方式,以及怎么说,需要在这两者之间找到一个平衡。 You said like Hershey, he is a more down-to-earth problem-solver, hands-on person, my work and yours, using the Chinese idiom of far-sighted, that is, more “lofty”, just now you used the word senior, and then the scale is larger, more upper-level issues, so in Chinese called lofty some issues, but this I think is really different. But I think this is really a different career, a different way of life, and how to say, need to find a balance between the two.

之前好像也有人跟我说过,这个既要脚踏实地,又要仰望星空,意思就是要在高大上的问题和生活的细细碎碎的小事里面找到一个平衡。 I think I’ve been told before that it’s important to keep your feet on the ground and look up to the stars, meaning to find a balance between the big issues and the small things in life.

Vigil 14:09

确实我觉得来寻找平衡在生活的各个方面,可能都是一直以来的一个挑战,就是每天要想去解决的东西,因为现在的生活跟我过去的生活真的是太不一样了,然后我每天当然可能不是每天,但经常会受到我过去固有的观念会受到很多冲击,然后所以总是要不停的在寻找平衡点。 It’s true that I think finding balance in all aspects of life is probably always a challenge, it’s something that I have to try to solve every day, because life is really different from my past life, and then I may not be every day, of course, but often I get a lot of shocks from my past ideas, and so I always have to keep looking for the balance.

Joanne 14:34

对,比如说像我在巴黎上研究生上课的时候,我们因为上的是环境政策的这一门课,我们每天讨论的问题,像你说的全球气候变化,然后每天大家可能下了课就会去咖啡馆,你知道在巴黎的露天咖啡馆点一杯咖啡,然后夸夸其谈也是一个成语,意思就是来聊这个来用非常高大上的词词汇来聊这么一些高大上的问题。 Yes, for example, when I was in Paris for my graduate class, we were taking this class on environmental policy, and we were discussing every day, like you said, global climate change, and then every day we would probably go to a café after class, you know, order a cup of coffee at an outdoor café in Paris, and then boast about it is also an idiom, meaning to talk about this and to use very high level words and vocabulary to talk about such high level issues. Some highbrow issues.

但是说实话,像我们在咖啡馆聊天的这些同学老师,可能没有几个有过真正的自己去种菜,自己去做农业农活的一个体验,所以我觉得跟你讨论下来也是我觉得感触也挺深的。 But to be honest, like we chat in the cafe of these students teachers, may not have a few have really own to grow vegetables, their own to do agricultural farming an experience, so I think with you to discuss down is also I feel also quite deep feelings.

Vigil 15:25

嗯,我觉得像我们都是怎么说,之前一直都比较关注精神层面的一些东西,然后我们去发展自我,然后追求进步怎么样也好,很多时候都是在用力来怎么说来提高自己的大脑,然后但确实核心的生活它还是那种 Well, I think like we are how to say, before has been more concerned about the spiritual level of some things, and then we go to the development of self, and then the pursuit of progress or how, many times are in the force to how to say to improve their brains, and then really the core of life it is still the kind of

很多东西就是要靠你通过双手来完成,然后你真正是要是去改变身边的一些东西,去改变你切身周围的环境。然后相比来讲,可能我做的工作虽然我觉得还是很有意义的,它可能有一些长远的影响,即使你短期的时候在身边看不到任何不同,他也会给你带来很多的沮丧,然后你要不停的去。 A lot of things have to be done by your hands, and then you really have to change something around you, to change the environment around you. And then in comparison, maybe the work I do, although I think it is still very meaningful, it may have some long-term impact, even if you do not see any difference in the short term around, he will also bring you a lot of frustration, and then you have to keep going.

怎么说就是make peace with it。 然后但是确实就在他看来,我的工作他就觉得他完全不能理解为我在做什么,他看到我每天在开会就在发邮件,可能是在写一些东西,他觉得你这样怎么改变世界,他就觉得我们就应该他希望等他可能一两年之后,等我们都比较自由的时候,可能去一些地方,就真正的去比如说清理海滩,或者是做一些教育方面的工作,就像这样的东西,他觉得才是真正的去能帮助到人,但是他很难理解,像我们常说的我们要去改变这个系统,我们可能要去改变政策,或者是改变就是商业里里的人的一些思维。 How to say is make peace with it. And then it did seem to him that my work he felt that he could not understand at all what I was doing, he saw me in meetings every day just sending emails, probably writing something, he felt that you so how to change the world, he felt that we should just he hoped that after maybe a year or two, when we are all more free, may go to He thinks we should wait for a year or two, when we’re all more free, and maybe go to some places and really clean up the beaches, or do some educational work, like that, and he thinks it’s really going to help people, but it’s hard for him to understand, like we always say we’re going to change the system, we might have to change the policies, or change the thinking of the people in the business.

像这样的东西它可能确实不是很能干涉到,但是从他的角度来看,我也是觉得他也是有他的道理的。 It’s true that it’s not very interventionist, but from his point of view, I think he also has his reasons.

Joanne 17:13

我觉得可以从他的生活学到很多东西,而且我们也必须要体验生活,也必须要有这样的经验,才能刚才说的一屋不扫和一扫天下。 I think one can learn a lot from his life, and we also have to experience life, and we also have to have that experience in order to be able to just say that a house is not swept and a sweep.

Vigil 17:28

对我觉得可能,我不知道你有没有看过那本书,黑天鹅系列的其中一本,大概我觉得那本书也让我感触蛮深的,就是说很多像你说的我们在夸夸其谈的一些东西,我们个人不是利益相关者,如果你从来都没有做过利益相关者,你怎么能去告诉别人怎么这件事情应该怎么做,我觉得可能就会很容易缺少同理心。 I think maybe I don’t know if you have read that book, one of the Black Swan series, probably I think that book also let me feel quite deep, that is, a lot of things like you said when we are talking big and vague, we are not personal stakeholders, if you have never been a stakeholder, how can you go to tell others how this thing should be done, I think it may be easy to lack of empathy.

像之前我其实研究生刚毕业实习的时候,我的工作是在就是建Excel上面建模型,然后来计算阿姆斯特丹以后的建筑垃圾,就是一个完全上层停留在纸面上的白领的工作,然后在这边开始我第一次有机会去接触,你盖一个房子的,流程方方面面刷墙也好,铺地板也好,然后或水泥或者是这样的工作,你就真的知道了建筑它到底是什么意思,有建筑垃圾到底是怎么产生的,它有多么的难以避免。然后我在回想我之前做实习的工作,我就感觉完全不接地气,我就真的觉得那些东西可能也不是完全没有价值,但真的就很脱离实际。 Like before I actually just graduated from graduate school internship, my job is in is to build Excel above the model, and then to calculate the construction waste after Amsterdam, is a completely, staying at very high level and on paper, so-called white-collar work, and then in this side of the beginning of my first opportunity to contact, you build a house, process all aspects of painting walls or laying the floor or, and or cement or so You really know what construction is all about, how construction waste is generated, and how difficult it is to avoid. And then when I think back to my previous internship, I feel completely ungrounded, and I really feel that those things may not be completely worthless, but they’re really out of touch with reality.

Joanne 18:46

没错,刚才你说的接地气也是一个很好的词,其实我们今天说了很多类似于是同义词,像接地气,接是接受的,接和地气就是大地的地气息的气,所以比较实际的比较切实的一些东西,我们管它叫接地气。 Yes, the grounding you just said is also a very good word, in fact, we said today a lot of similar is synonymous, like grounding, receiving is accepted, receiving and grounding is the ground breath of the earth’s gas, so more practical more practical some things, we call it grounding.

对,然后我还有最后的一个问题,就是回到你的爱情故事,也是你刚才说到的第三个文化差异。因为我们知道中国人真的是对美食有着不可无法避免的追求,无法不可比拟的追求,在岛上你会自己做饭,还是至少可以吃到一些中餐的外卖,你是怎么解决你对中餐的热爱的? Yes, and then I have one last question, which is back to your love story, and also the third cultural difference that you just mentioned. Because we know that Chinese people really have an unavoidable and incomparable pursuit of food, do you cook your own food on the island or can you at least get some Chinese take-out, how do you address your love of Chinese food?

Vigil 19:41

我是别无选择的,要自己做饭,当地离我们最近的有一家中餐,然后我们偶尔会在那点餐,然后算是改善一下伙食,但实际上点的东西他每次都会点炒饭,我每次都会有点炒粉丝,唯一的条件就是这样,然后我在这边饭店其实不太多,然后也都在海边,而且它的菜单上的东西其实也就是反反复复的那些,然后也没有特别能让我觉得得到满足,所以我真的是过去一年我觉得在吃上选择少了太多,所以我过去一年其实瘦了很多,可能是我历史过去几年应该是最瘦的一段日子,可能我现在了完全是因为没有什么可吃的。 I have no choice but to cook my own food, there is a local Chinese food nearest to us, and then we will occasionally order food there, and then kind of improve the food, but actually order something he will order fried rice every time, and I will have a little fried vermicelli every time, the only condition is this, and then I am actually not too many restaurants over here, and then also all on the beach, and it is actually the same thing on the menu over and over again I’ve lost a lot of weight over the past year, probably the thinnest period in my history over the past few years, probably because I have nothing to eat now.

Joanne 20:30

真是苦了你了,希望有一天疫情过去以后你可以回北京,然后吃遍北京的餐厅,回归中国菜博大精深的中餐的怀抱。 I hope one day after the epidemic is over you can go back to Beijing and eat all the restaurants in Beijing and return to the embrace of Chinese cuisine, which is so profound.

Vigil 20:43

我打算9月份有找机会的时候可以回去,我已经想好了,回去之后绝对是胖十斤回来。 I plan to go back in September when I have the opportunity to do so, I have already thought about it, after going back is definitely fat ten pounds back.

Joanne 20:54

对好,谢谢Vigil,今天和你聊了很多的东西。 Yes well, thanks Vigil, I talked to you today about a lot of things.

Vigil 20:59

谢谢好的,拜拜! Thanks ok, bye!

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