Episode 22 | 聊聊回国那些事儿 Let’s talk about going back to China

Joanne 00:03 Joanne 00:03
哈喽大家好。 Hello everyone.
欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天邀请到了一位我的本家,什么叫本家?就是我们的姓是一样的,我们都姓陆。 Welcome to our new episode of Chinese Nonsense. Today we have a member of my family, what do you mean by “family”? It means our last names are the same, we are both named Lu.
Angelina 00:21 Angelina 00:21
Hello大家好,我是Angelina,然后很开心可以来这边录pod cast,然后帮助大家学习中文。 Hello everyone, I’m Angelina, and I’m very happy to be able to come over here to record the pod cast and help you learn Chinese.
我是15岁的时候离开家,然后去了在美国住了10年之后然后然后搬到了加拿大。 I left home when I was 15 and lived in the US for 10 years before moving to Canada.
然后认识Joanne是我们一起在内罗毕的时候待过了几个月很愉快的时光,所以现在很开心又可以跟她一起做这件事情。 Then I met Joanne when we spent a few months together in Nairobi, so I’m happy to be doing this with her again.
Joanne 00:50 Joanne 00:50
对,然后我们现在在打视频电话,在屏幕中间的Angelina现在在一个酒店里,那她为什么在一个酒店里呢。 Yeah, and then we’re on a video call and Angelina in the middle of the screen is in a hotel right now, so why is she in a hotel.
Angelina 01:04 Angelina 01:04
因为我最近刚回国,准确的说是昨天的飞机刚从多伦多飞回到上海,然后现在就在进行很严格的隔离的状态。 Because I just recently returned to China, yesterday’s flight to be exact, just flew back to Shanghai from Toronto, and then now I’m in a very strict state of quarantine.
所以现在隔离就是我要在政府的集中酒店隔离14天,然后回到家里面再居家观察14天,然后才可以出门,对。 So the quarantine is that I have to stay in a centralized government hotel for 14 days and then go back home for another 14 days of home observation before I can go out, yes.
Joanne 01:30 Joanne 01:30
对,所以其实今天就想跟Angelina聊一聊她回国的经历,包括怎么样之前做检测,然后飞机怎么被取消了,因为她已经跟我透露了一些悲惨的经历。 Yes, so I actually wanted to talk to Angelina today about her experience back home, including how the test was done before, and then how the flight was cancelled, because she had already revealed to me some of her tragic experiences.
因为其实背景是这样的,我大家可能之前听一些节目已经知道了,我现在人也不在中国,而且我已经有两年多没有回国了,相当于疫情爆发以后就没有办法回国,因为非常的难,所以今天大家可以听一下,来吐槽一下,回国到底是多么难。 Because in fact the background is this, I you may have listened to some programs before already know, I am not in China now, and I have not returned to China for more than two years, equivalent to the outbreak of the epidemic after there is no way to return to China, because it is very difficult, so today you can listen to it, to spit out how difficult it is to return to China in the end.
Angelina 02:08 Angelina 02:08
其实一直在一起以来,其实很想回国,但是跟Joanne的情况也是一样的。我也是在加拿大,然后待了两年多,也没有机会回家见父母。然后前阵子刚好辞职,然后就想在辞职的时候想回国见一下 In fact, since we have been together, we actually want to go back to our country, but it is the same situation with Joanne. I was also in Canada, and then stayed for more than two years, and did not have the opportunity to go home to see my parents. Then a while ago just resigned, and then wanted to go back home to see them when they resigned
本来很纠结,纠结的原因是因为现在Delta病毒,所以说现在回国的隔离期特别长,原本只是14天,现在基本上是到28天,就相当于一个月的时间不能出门,所以还是很纠结,但是最后还是决定说可能状况在短期时间内不会变得好,不会变得更好,早晚反正可能都是要隔离28天,还不如现在趁在工作的空档期回国一趟,然后见父母,然后下了决心之后就立刻买了一个星期以后飞的机票,那就是上周六的时间。 I was torn, torn because of the Delta virus, so the quarantine period is very long, originally it was only 14 days, but now it is basically to 28 days, which is equivalent to a month of time can not go out, so it is still very torn, but finally decided that the situation may not become better in the short term, will not become better, sooner or later anyway may be to quarantine 28 days, but also Why not take advantage of the gap in work to go back to China and see my parents, and then immediately after making up my mind, I bought a ticket to fly a week later, which was last Saturday.
在如果大家是要想回国的话,就可以在网上查各种各样需要办的手续,但是我觉得最重要的就是两项要做一个Covid的检测,然后还要做一个 Antibody,也就是抗体, If you want to go back to China, you can look up all kinds of procedures on the Internet, but I think the most important thing is to do a Covid test for both, and then also to do an Antibody, that is, an antibody.
抗体的检测,对,然后这两项检测你都需要在48小时以内完成,然后在收到报告的时候,还需要给中国的大使馆,然后来申请提交这些报告,然后获得绿码之后才可以最终登上飞机。 Antibody test, yes, and then both of these tests need to be completed within 48 hours, and then when you receive the report, you also need to give it to the Chinese embassy, and then apply to submit these reports, and then get the green code before you can finally board the plane.
Joanne 03:50 Joanne 03:50
所以说对等一下,咱们刚才说绿码,这我觉得是一个特别有中国特色的东西,可以稍微解释一下。 So wait a minute, we just said the green code, which I think is a particularly Chinese thing, can explain a little bit.
其实我也不是很清楚这个绿码是怎么回事,可以。 I’m not really sure what this green code is all about, can you.
Angelina 04:03 Angelina 04:03
我觉得中国人很喜欢缩写,就我觉得绿码的意思其实绿色带绿色二维码,绿色二维码,对绿色二维码,但是作为简便就变成了绿码,不是green horse。 I think Chinese people like to abbreviate, on I think the meaning of green code actually green with green two-dimensional code, green two-dimensional code, on the green two-dimensional code, but as easy it becomes a green code, not green horse.
Joanne 04:18 Joanne 04:18
是绿色的QR Code,对。 It’s green QR Code, yes.
Angelina 04:24 Angelina 04:24
然后因为比较方便一点,然后就被叫成了叫绿码。对,然后在星期六我的飞机其实是在星期日的凌晨1:20,所以在星期六的晚上10点多的时候我就到达了机场。 And then because it’s a little bit more convenient, then it was called called called the green code. Right, and then on Saturday my flight was actually at 1:20am on Sunday, so I arrived at the airport just after 10pm on Saturday.
Joanne 04:41 Joanne 04:41
等一下在这个之前我还有一个问题,你的机票多少钱? Wait I have one more question before this, how much was your flight?
Angelina 04:46 Angelina 04:46
我的机票其实不是那么贵,为什么我说不是那么贵?是因为我是在离飞飞呃离飞行前大概一个星期买的,然后总体来说往往返的话是1600加币。 My ticket was actually not that expensive, why do I say not that expensive? It’s because I bought it about a week before I left the flight, and then overall it was $1,600 Canadian if I returned.
Joanne 05:04 Joanne 05:04
Ok真的为什么?因为你买的时间很短,已经在起飞前一个星期应该是比较贵的一个时间了,反而才1600加币,对。 Ok really why? Because you bought it a short time ago, a week before the flight should have been a more expensive time, but instead it was only $1,600, yes.
Angelina 05:17 Angelina 05:17
我觉得是有两个原因了。 I think there are two reasons for this.
第一个原因是其实这段时间相当于还是一个怎么说,是不是很火爆的期间可以这么说。 The first reason is that this time is actually equivalent to a period of how to say, is not very hot so to speak.
一般来说如果是没有疫情的情况下,在这段时间飞回国的人也是会比较少的,因为没有赶上暑假或者是放假的时候留学生的那种浪潮,所以说一般来讲的话,我估计往往返回往返飞的机票或者是1000加币以下,所以说相比而言可能1600家比现在的话是会比一般情况下要贵很多。 Generally speaking, if there is no epidemic, the number of people who fly back home during this period is relatively small, because they do not catch the summer vacation or the vacation time when the wave of international students, so generally speaking, I estimate that the return flight ticket is often less than $1000 Canadian, so compared to 1600 may be much more expensive than the current situation.
然后第二个原因可能就是因为飞机真的其实也很空,我当时飞的时候我觉得好像基本上是飞机1/3或者是1/2的位置都是空着的,所以可能他们也不会想要提升价钱。 And then the second reason may be because the plane is really actually very empty, I was flying when I think basically 1/3 or 1/2 of the plane is empty, so maybe they don’t want to raise the price.
Joanne 06:12 Joanne 06:12
但是你知道从欧洲飞回国多少钱吗? But do you know how much it costs to fly back home from Europe?
Angelina 06:17 Angelina 06:17
不会是有1万欧元。 It wouldn’t be to have 10,000 euros.
Joanne 06:23 Joanne 06:23
因为我其实买了一张从巴黎飞回中国的机票,8月份的时候我是有想过狠下心下一个决定要回国的,所以我其实买了一张机票是单程3000欧元,单程相当于是2万,我买了25,000, 26,000的人民币,而且这个是我提前两个月买的机票,提前一周就是没有机票了,最贵的商务舱都已经被卖完了,所以我还挺羡慕的,也不是很理解为什么从北美从加拿大飞回去还挺方便的,我觉得欧洲机票这么贵的原因是我们每个星期只有三班飞机,好像从整个法国回整个中国就只有三个航班这样子。 Because I actually bought a ticket to fly back to China from Paris, in August I had thought about making a decision to go back to China, so I actually bought a ticket for 3,000 euros one way, one way is equivalent to 20,000, I bought 25,000, 26,000 RMB, and this is the ticket I bought two months in advance, a week in advance there are no tickets, the most expensive business class is sold out, so I’m quite envious. The most expensive business class was already sold out, so I was quite envious, and I didn’t quite understand why it was so convenient to fly back from North America to Canada.
因为每个航班现在的规定是每一个航线航航空公司就只能有一个航航班,所以说法国航空有一班,东方航空有一班首首航,首都航空有一班,that’s it,所以需求量虽然不算很大,但是供给实在是太少了。 Because each flight is now the rules of each route airline can only have a flight, so Air France has one class, Eastern Airlines has one first flight, Capital Airlines has one class, that’s it, so although the demand is not very large, but the supply is really too small.
Angelina 07:33 Angelina 07:33
这么奇怪,但是我当时在查机票的时候,其实直飞的飞机从多伦多的话,我也只看到了加航这一家航空公司,加拿大航空一家航空公司,然后它每个星期只飞两班,星期四就是星期四凌晨1班,还有星期日凌晨1班,所以我也觉得很奇特,就可能也是蛮幸运的这一次。 I think it’s very strange, but when I was checking the airline tickets, I actually saw only one airline from Toronto, Air Canada, and it only flies two times a week, one class on Thursday and one class on Sunday.
Joanne 07:54 Joanne 07:54
对回头可以再查一查,说不定你真的是在起飞前难道会降价吗?我真的是反正我当时是很狠心买了,然后后来我就没有回成果,所以现在我就有一张 open的机票,但是好,那好处是它可以免费改签,并且可以无数次无限次改签,所以我就一直在把它往后推,当然如果我要退票的话,会损失大概400欧,就相当于3000人民币。 Yes turn around and can check again, maybe you really are before takeoff does it drop in price? I really was anyway I was very ruthless to buy, and then later I did not return to the results, so now I have a ticket for open, but well, that benefit is that it can be changed for free, and can be countless unlimited changes, so I have been pushing it back, and of course if I have to return the ticket, I will lose about 400 euros, which is equivalent to 3000 RMB.
Ok anyway,所以你到了机场来继续。 Ok anyway, so you come to the airport and continue.
Angelina 08:32 Angelina 08:32
Alright so到了机场之后,其实所有办理登机的手续都还蛮简单,然后机场在那个时候好像也只有我们一班航班,所以说过安检的话也只开了两个安检口,然后也很容易基本上10分钟就过了安检,然后就走路就去了机场口,从来没有见到一个机场那么空荡过,就觉得真的还是蛮不可思议的。 Alright so after arriving at the airport, all the check-in procedures were actually quite simple, and then the airport seemed to have only one flight for us at that time, so there were only two security checkpoints, and then it was easy to go through security in basically 10 minutes, and then I walked to the airport entrance, and I never saw an airport that was so empty, so I thought it was really quite It is really quite incredible.
上了飞机之后,所有的都感觉还是蛮准时的,然后空姐说我们会准时起飞,然后过了一段时间,机长说我们可能会有一些推迟,因为还有一些其他的手续,然后我就准备迷迷糊糊拿出我的脖枕,就准备开始要睡一觉了,因为正好是在凌晨的时候,然后睡得迷迷糊糊的时候,他来了一则广播说对不起你的航班被取消了,因为在上海有一个台风经过,然后我就记得就突然之间睁开眼睛,然后我就突然间睁开眼睛,就想说我是不是在做梦,然后就看看周边的人好像也是一样的反应。 After I got on the plane, everything felt on time, and the flight attendant said we would take off on time, and then after a while, the captain said we might have some delays because there were some other procedures, and then I was ready to take out my neck pillow in a daze, and I was ready to start sleeping, because it happened to be in the early morning, and then when I was sleeping in a daze, he came to an announcement saying I’m sorry your flight was cancelled because there was a typhoon passing through Shanghai, then I remember opening my eyes suddenly, then I opened my eyes suddenly and thought that I was not dreaming, then I looked around and people seemed to be the same reaction.
然后空姐又有又先是用英文,然后用中文又播报了一遍,然后我们所有人才觉得原来是真事儿,然后就有一种what the ***的感觉,我不知道你这个是不是不可以swear。没关系,没有关系,ok,整个人就会觉得说你是在逗我吗?然后空姐又说,但是你们现在不能下飞机,因为你们还要再过一次海关,然后就把海关申报表再一个的发给了我们,然后所有人就在半睡半醒中填了海关申报表,然后又去过了海关,然后在等行李的地方等了30分钟,然后才提到自己的行李。 And then the stewardess again and again first in English, and then in Chinese and broadcast again, and then we all feel that the original is the real thing, and then there is a kind of what the *** feeling, I do not know you this is not can swear. no matter, no relationship, OK, the whole person will feel that you are teasing me? Then the stewardess said, but you can’t get off the plane now, because you have to go through customs again, and then send us the customs declaration form again, and then all of us filled out the customs declaration form in half-asleep, and then went to customs, and then in the place of waiting for luggage and so on for 30 minutes, and then mentioned their luggage.
提到行李之后,其实当时我是想打电话给瑞福的,瑞福就是我的未婚夫,让他再来机场接我,因为我没有带钥匙,但是因为是半夜的时候,他的手机处在静音当中,我打了几十个电话他也不接,但是也可以理解,所以我也没有很生气,所以我只能一个人拖着两个行李箱,然后好不容易找到了一个出租车,然后打车回到了,我住的地方,我住的地方还是蛮幸运的,因为是住在一个一一栋楼里面,然后楼下是有安保人员的,所以我就敲门让安保人员让我来让我进来了。 After I picked up my luggage, I wanted to call Raffles, my fiancé, and ask him to pick me up again at the airport because I didn’t have my keys with me, but because it was the middle of the night, his phone was on silent, and he didn’t answer even after I called dozens of times, but understandably, so I wasn’t very angry, so I had to drag two suitcases alone, and then I managed to find a Taxi, and then a taxi back to the place where I live, I live in a place or quite lucky, because it is living in a building, and then downstairs is a security personnel, so I knocked on the door so that security personnel let me come to let me in.
然后本来想让想说服他们给用万能钥匙给我开一下门,但是安保人员很坚决的拒绝了,因为他们说这个不是一个紧急情况,你可能就要要么你要么就上楼,然后使劲敲门喊他的名字,要么你就在大厅先睡一晚上。 Then I tried to convince them to use the master key to open the door for me, but the security staff refused very firmly, because they said this is not an emergency, you may have to either you either go upstairs and knock hard and shout his name, or you will sleep in the hall for the night.
Joanne 11:34 Joanne 11:34
或者你可以出去找一个酒店。 Or you can go out and find a hotel.
Angelina 11:39 Angelina 11:39
对或者但是我想说我刚花了那么多钱买了机票,然后做了检查,我然后还有三个小时天就亮了。 Yeah or but I want to say I just spent all that money on a plane ticket and then had my checkup and I then have three hours before dawn.
Joanne 11:48 Joanne 11:48
刚才你还漏说了一个点,是因为回国之前的检查必须要在48小时以内做,但是你飞机是延误到了什么3天以后是吗? You also missed a point just now because the checkups have to be done within 48 hours before returning home, but your flight was delayed to what 3 days later, right?
4天以后。 4 days later.
Angelina 12:03 Angelina 12:03
没有飞机,当时延误到,其实他当时给我的飞机是好像是定了另一班飞机,但是我不是很满意,所以我当天我晚上回到家之后把这班航班给取消了,然后我又重新订了一个周四走的,周四走的然后我,发现机票还是1600块,所以我觉得机票价格是没有任何浮动的,无论你是在什么时候定。 No plane, when the delay to, in fact, he then gave me the plane is as if it is scheduled for another flight, but I was not very satisfied, so I returned home that night after the class flight to cancel, and then I re-booked a Thursday to go, Thursday to go and then I, found the ticket is still 1600 yuan, so I think the price of the ticket is not any fluctuation, no matter what time you are set.
Joanne 12:26 Joanne 12:26
但是你要重新做那两次检测,所以还挺麻烦的。 But you have to redo those two tests, so it’s kinda a hassle.
Angelina 12:31 Angelina 12:31
对我要重新再做两次检测,然后每次做这两项检测都要花300块。 Yeah I had to redo the test twice more and then it cost $300 each time I did both tests.
Joanne 12:36 Joanne 12:36
所以300加拿大美金相当于。 So 300 Canadian dollars equivalent.
Angelina 12:40 Angelina 12:40
1500块,1500 600左右人民币。 1500 bucks, 1500 600 or so RMB.
Joanne 12:44 Joanne 12:44
这个也不能报销,或者你的医疗保险并没有。 This is not reimbursable either, or your health insurance doesn’t.
Angelina 12:49 Angelina 12:49
不可以,因为你是作为旅行,我们来做这些检测的,所以说政府不会给你报销,所以真的很贵,肉疼。 No, because you are traveling as, we come to do these tests, so that the government will not reimburse you, so it’s really expensive, the meat hurts.
Joanne 12:58 Joanne 12:58
肉疼的意思就是当你花了很多钱也,一般我们会说心疼,对,但是现在我也不知道为什么大家会说肉疼。 Meatache means when you spend a lot of money also, usually we would say heartache, yes, but now I don’t know why people would say meatache.
Angelina 13:09 Angelina 13:09
全身都疼,全身都疼,因为你真的花了很多钱。 The whole body hurts, the whole body hurts, because you really spend a lot of money.
Joanne 13:14 Joanne 13:14
Ok,所以但是你后来瑞福醒了,你的你的未婚夫醒了。 Ok, so but you then Revel woke up and your your fiancé woke up.
Angelina 13:21 Angelina 13:21
对然后后来我就决定上去敲门,然后敲门之后喊了很就是喊了他的名字也没有回应,但是我也不敢喊太大声,因为毕竟是三跟半夜,也不敢把邻居给吵醒,吵醒了之后还怎么做邻居呢? I decided to go up and knock on the door, and then knocked on the door after shouting very is to shout his name also did not respond, but I did not dare to shout too loud, because after all is three with the middle of the night, also dare not wake up the neighbors, woke up after how to do neighbors?
然后就回到楼下,然后回到楼下很巧的是我发现安保人员在打911就是在打报警电话说他们看到了这个楼里面有另一个很奇奇怪怪的人在出现,当然这个人不是我是另一个人。然后刚巧这个时候瑞夫给我打电话了,他就迷迷乎乎的半信半疑,周某说你怎么回事,为什么给我打电话,然后我说我在楼下surprise,然后就结果上了楼,他给我开门,就我觉得他是很惊讶,也有一点惊喜,然后他回去睡觉,然后我就开始准备重新改机票。 Then back downstairs, and then back downstairs coincidentally I found security personnel in the call 911 is to call the police to say that they saw the building inside a very strange person in the appearance, of course, this person is not me is another person. And then just this time Ralph called me, he was confused half-heartedly, Zhou said what happened to you, why call me, and then I said I was downstairs SURPRISE, and then the result went upstairs, he opened the door to me, on I think he was very surprised, but also a little surprise, and then he went back to sleep, and then I started to prepare to change the ticket again.
然后在5分钟之后,我们我们整个整栋楼的火警开始响了,那种很响的滴滴的声音在凌晨四五点的时候,然后我就想说刚好我不用睡,刚好我现在还没有睡觉,那就整栋楼的人都陪我不用睡觉好了。 Then after 5 minutes, we our whole building fire alarm began to ring, the kind of very loud dripping sound at four or five o’clock in the morning, and then I thought that just I do not need to sleep, just I have not slept now, then the whole building people are with me do not need to sleep well.
Joanne 14:38 Joanne 14:38
我觉得你刚好从这一天开始可以倒时差,你可以从那一个凌晨开始晚上不睡觉,然后早晨中国时差对是的。 I think you just happen to be jet lagged from this day, you can start from that one early morning no sleep at night and then morning China jet lagged right yes.
Angelina 14:49 Angelina 14:49
是的,anyways重新买了机票,然后是周四凌晨走,然后又重新做了两项检查。这一次这次的飞行还是蛮顺利的,整个飞行大概是17个小时,中间的话在降落在上海之前,他们是降落在首尔,然后就下了一批乘客,然后后来又飞到了。 Yes, anyways re-bought the ticket, then it was Thursday early morning to go, and then redid two more checks. This time the flight went pretty smoothly, the whole flight was about 17 hours, in the middle then they landed in Seoul before landing in Shanghai, then they got off a group of passengers and then later flew again.
Joanne 15:12 Joanne 15:12
但是你在飞机上有什么防护措施吗?你有没有特别夸张的穿一整套的防护服你? But did you have any protection on the plane? Did you wear a full set of protective clothing that you were particularly exaggerated in?
知道,就是因为我有的时候会看到中国人在机场,我那天在德国的机场正好看到有一批一群可能有10个中国人,他们就是机场里唯一一批全身穿着白色的防护服,戴着、面罩以及口罩,就有一种他们马上要进入生化实验室的感觉,我觉得特别夸张你有没有这样? I know, because I sometimes see Chinese people at the airport, I happened to see a group of maybe 10 Chinese people at the airport in Germany that day, and they were the only group at the airport wearing white protective clothing, wearing, masks and masks, and there was a feeling that they were about to enter the biochemical laboratory, I think it was particularly exaggerated did you?
Angelina 15:48 Angelina 15:48
我觉得在加拿大还少,在我那班飞机里面,我好像只看到了一个就是穿全部防护服的人,但是我觉得可能原因是因为加拿大的打疫苗的概率还是比较高的,我觉得中国人可能基本上在那在那架飞机上也都打了,然后基本上整个加拿大来说的话,大概百分之超过8012%岁以上的人全都打了疫苗,所以说大家可能会觉得心里稍微比较放松一点。 I think in Canada there is still less, in my flight, I seem to have seen only one is wearing all the protective clothing, but I think the reason may be because the probability of vaccination in Canada is still relatively high, I think the Chinese people may basically in that plane also have been vaccinated, and then basically the whole of Canada, probably more than 8012% of people over the age of all vaccinated So people may feel a little bit more relaxed.
Joanne 16:19 Joanne 16:19
我不是的,我跟你说很多中国人打了疫苗依然很很谨慎,而且你在飞机上有吃饭吗?对,因为我真的听说很多中国人回国就是为了对为了防止病毒,防止接触,一路只喝水也不吃饭,我觉得他们真的蛮辛苦的,你想17个小时的飞机,然后又穿一整套的衣服,然后戴口罩也不吃饭。 I’m not, I’m telling you a lot of Chinese people are still very cautious after getting vaccinated, and did you eat on the plane? Yes, because I really heard that many Chinese people back home is to the in order to prevent the virus, to prevent contact, all the way only drink water nor eat, I think they really quite hard, you think 17 hours of flight, and then wear a whole set of clothes, and then wear a mask also do not eat.
Angelina 16:50 Angelina 16:50
我有这么考虑过,但是我是觉得有点不切实际,因为我觉得我会饿晕,但是我也带了其他防护措施,比如说我所有时间都是在戴着口罩,然后我也带了很多我也带了消毒的纸巾,然后再坐在坐下之前把座位都给擦了一遍,然后因为飞状也很空,所以说我那一排基本上就只有我一个人,然后机舱的空气其实也是好也是可以的,因为机舱是一个密闭空间,所以说它要保证空气流通,所以它每次它的空气是一直不停的在净化的过程当中,所以说总体来说我觉得飞机还是足够安全的。 I have considered this, but I think it is a little impractical, because I think I will be hungry faint, but I also brought other protective measures, such as all the time I am wearing a mask, and then I also brought a lot of I also brought a disinfectant paper towels, and then sit down before the seat are wiped once, and then because the fly shape is also very empty, so that I said that row is basically only me, and then the cabin of the The air is actually good and okay, because the cabin is a closed space, so it is necessary to ensure air circulation, so it each time its air is constantly in the process of purification, so that overall I think the plane is still safe enough.
Joanne 17:35 Joanne 17:35
Okay,你在飞机上休息的怎么样睡了吗? Okay, how did you sleep on the plane?
Angelina 17:41 Angelina 17:41
睡的就还一般,因为之前我们两个我不知道你做咨询的时候经验是怎么样的,反正我之前做咨询的时候飞国际航班都是商务舱,所以说也是比较 I don’t know what your experience was like when you did the consultation, but when I did the consultation before, I flew international flights in business class, so it was more
Joanne 17:58 Joanne 17:58
凡尔赛一下,我觉得。 Versailles a bit, I think.
Angelina 18:04 Angelina 18:04
需要解释一下。 Need to explain a little.
意思,凡尔赛一下的意思就是说,你很谦虚的想要夸耀自己,你想很不经意的让向别人夸自己,但是又想表现得很谦虚这样子。 It means, Versailles means that you want to boast about yourself very modestly, you want to let others boast about you very unintentionally, but you want to appear very modest.
Joanne 18:23 Joanne 18:23
对,这是一个中国最近的新的网络名词,其实国内也有蛮多这种新兴词汇的,法尔赛其实是巴黎的凡尔赛宫,但为什么是不是有一种文学的叫什么凡尔赛体。 Yes, this is a recent new Chinese Internet term, in fact, there are quite a lot of such emerging vocabulary in China, Fareside is actually the Palace of Versailles in Paris, but why is there not a literary called what Versailles body.
Angelina 18:40 Angelina 18:40
凡尔赛体,对。 Versailles body, yes.
Joanne 18:41 Joanne 18:41
但我也不知道这个词是怎么出来的,你可以举一个例子来反尔赛一下。 But I don’t know how the word came out, you can give an example to counter the Versailles.
Angelina 18:46 Angelina 18:46
来放一下,比如说我可以说我在大学的时候读书也不是很好,GPA只有3.8,这样就比较凡尔赛体,因为你是先说自己自己觉得自己不是很好,但是你其实后来想表达的意思,我其实干得还是不错的,但是你们可以夸我一下。 to put it, for example, I can say I wasn’t very good in college either, my GPA was only 3.8, so it’s more Versailles style because you’re saying first that you don’t think you’re very good, but you’re actually trying to express the meaning later, I’m actually doing pretty well, but you guys can compliment me a little bit.
Joanne 19:07 Joanne 19:07
对,或者说我举个例子说,我的房间真的我住的地方太大了,我每一次出去上个厕所都要走好远,我真的好讨厌这样的大房子。 Yeah, or let me give you an example and say that my room is really I live in a place that is so big that I have to walk a long way every time I go out to go to the bathroom and I really hate such a big house.
这也是一种凡尔赛体。 It’s also a kind of Versailles body.
Angelina 19:22 Angelina 19:22
对。 Right.
Joanne 19:24 Joanne 19:24
好,我觉得要不然因为今天已经聊了差不多20分钟,我们可以下一期继续再聊。其实我还有蛮多问题的关于检测,然后关于因为我听说打了疫苗就会有抗体,所以其实我还蛮想了解一下检测的问题以及回国隔离的体验,我们下一期再跟你聊回国的隔离。 Okay, I think otherwise because we’ve talked for almost 20 minutes today, we can continue the conversation in the next installment. I actually have quite a few questions about the testing and then about the fact that I’ve heard that you get antibodies when you’re vaccinated, so I’m actually quite interested in learning more about the testing and the experience of returning to isolation, so we’ll talk to you about returning to isolation in the next issue.