Episode 23 | 四周隔离体验报告 28-day Quarantine Report

Convo Chinese
15 min readSep 26, 2021

Joanne 00:03 Joanne 00:03

Hello,大家好。 Hello, everyone.

今天又回来请到了上一期节目同样的嘉宾Angelina。Hello。 We’re back today with the same guest Angelina from the last show. hello.

Angelina 00:18 Angelina 00:18

Hello大家好,我在隔离期间,所以我很闲,我又后来跟大家聊天了,对。 Hello everybody, I’m in quarantine, so I’m free, and I’m back to talk to you again, yes.

Joanne 00:26 Joanne 00:26

然后Angelina现在已经隔离已经两个星期了对吧? And then Angelina has been in quarantine for two weeks now, right?

Angelina 00:31 Angelina 00:31

过了一半没有一个星期多一点,可能8天。 Not more than a week past the halfway point, maybe eight days.

Joanne 00:35 Joanne 00:35

然后还有什么6天你就可以结束隔离生活。 And then there’s what 6 days before you’re out of quarantine.

Angelina 00:40 Angelina 00:40

对,所以说到了中国之后,现在的政策是你要在集中的酒店隔离14天,然后之后要在居家观察隔离在14天,所以整个是28天。然后现在我在28天的时间里面已经隔离了8天,还有6天就可以离开酒店,就可以回家叫外卖,然后对叫delivery就可以很开心的在隔离14天。 Right, so when you get to China, the policy now is you have to be in centralized hotel isolation for 14 days and then you have to be in home observation isolation for 14 days after that, so the whole thing is 28 days. And now I’ve been in quarantine for 8 days out of the 28 days, and I can leave the hotel in 6 days, so I can go home and order take-out, and then I can be very happy in quarantine for 14 days.

Joanne 01:15 Joanne 01:15

Ok,你现在隔离了8天,感受怎么样? Ok, you’ve been in quarantine now for 8 days, how do you feel?

Angelina 01:21 Angelina 01:21

我觉得感受很好,像这就像是一个retreat,感觉很像是大家付很高的价钱,然后去那种荒郊野外,然后想要与世隔绝的那种打开心灵的那种retreat,为什么这么讲?因为你有很多独处的时间,但是你没有地方可以去所以你,就可以思考很多的问题,再加上你不用做饭,对不对?就一日三餐都有人啊,按时按点给你配送,然后也是因为你有很多的时间,所以你也可以用这些时间来,比如说锻炼身体,比如说读书,比如说跟朋友聊天增进感情之类的。 I think it feels good, like it’s like a retreat, it feels very much like people pay a high price and go to the middle of nowhere, and then want to be isolated from the world kind of open mind kind of retreat, why do you say that? Because you have a lot of time alone, but you have no place to go so you, you can think a lot of questions, plus you do not have to cook, right? There are people who deliver three meals a day to you on time, and then also because you have a lot of time, so you can also use that time to, for example, exercise, for example, reading, for example, chatting with friends to improve relationships and so on.

所以说我觉得总体来说,对于我们现在这种生活比较忙碌的人来说,其实隔离是一个很好的跟自己独处的机会。我还是比较正面一点。 So I think that overall, for us now this kind of life is more busy people, in fact, isolation is a good opportunity to spend time alone with themselves. I’m still a little more positive.

Joanne 02:24 Joanne 02:24

但是我觉得这个可能也取决于你隔离的酒店或者这个房间的质量怎么样。因为我其实之前跟另外一个朋友聊,他隔离的酒店在上海隔离酒店它是随机分配的,所以真的是看运气。 But I think this may also depend on the quality of the hotel or the room you are isolated in. Because I actually talked to another friend before, his isolation hotel in Shanghai is randomly assigned, so it really depends on luck.

然后我这个朋友他分配到了一个特别小的房间里,这个房间就只有一张床和一个桌子,所以他都没有地方可以做运动,他就只能在床上做一些,然后他当时还问我们说能不能推荐一些在床上可以做什么瑜伽或者之类的运动,所以我觉得还挺惨的。 Then my friend he was assigned to a particularly small room, the room only a bed and a table, so he had no place to do exercise, he could only do some on the bed, and then he also asked us to say that we can recommend some in the bed can do what yoga or such exercise, so I think it is quite miserable.

Angelina 03:06 Angelina 03:06

是真的是这样,好像是这件事情真的是由怎么来说,由运气来决定的,就看你比如说什么时候排队,你排在什么位置,然后你上的大巴是怎么样。就会把你拉去不同的酒店。我现在是这样的,我之前在上海隔离了三天,然后现在在苏州隔离11天,在上海隔离的三天里面,酒店的房间还是挺大的,我有一个躺椅,有一张床。有桌子,然后还有很大的可以让我感觉好像可以到处走一走的地方。 It’s really true, it seems like this thing is really determined by how to say, by luck, depending on when you are in line for example, what position you are in, and then how the bus you get on is. It will pull you to a different hotel. I am now like this, I was in Shanghai for three days, and then now in Suzhou for 11 days, in the three days of isolation in Shanghai, the hotel room is still quite large, I have a recliner, there is a bed. I had a recliner, a bed, a table, and a big place where I could walk around.

现在的酒店在苏州就小了很多,可能只有之前酒店的1/2的大小,但是我还是因为在小的房间里面已经生活的很习惯,所以还是把它给规整的还是挺好的。我其实有另一个朋友,他现在在珠海隔离,他今天给我发的视频里面看,他的酒店真的是太豪华了,是他住了住在了一个loft里面,然后床是两张床,所以有两个楼梯的loft这样上去。 Now the hotel in Suzhou is much smaller, maybe 1/2 the size of the previous hotel, but I’m still used to living in a small room, so it’s still pretty well organized. I actually have another friend, he is now in Zhuhai isolation, he sent me today to see inside the video, his hotel is really too luxurious, is that he lived in a loft inside, and then the bed is two beds, so there are two stairs of the loft so up.

然后酒店是窗明几净,一眼看上去外面是绿荫丛丛,然后酒店里面还有一个按摩椅,然后还有洗衣机。他然后,他说他还可以租一个跑步机。 And then the hotel is clear windows, a look outside is green, and then there is a massage chair inside the hotel, and then there is a washing machine. He then, he said he could also rent a treadmill.

Joanne 04:31 Joanne 04:31

可是这样的隔离酒店一天要花多少钱呢? But how much does a day cost for such an isolated hotel?

Angelina 04:37 Angelina 04:37

我倒没有问,不过他,是因为工作的需要,他是CCTV的记者,然后之前在香港的时候报道的香港选举,然后所以现在回来之后要在珠海隔离。 I did not ask, but he, because of the need to work, he is a CCTV reporter, and then before in Hong Kong when covering the Hong Kong elections, and then so now after returning to quarantine in Zhuhai.

所以我觉得你要是可以找到报销的话,就应该没有什么顾虑。 So I don’t think you should have any concerns if you can find reimbursement.

Joanne 04:56 Joanne 04:56

因为我想隔离的费用肯定是和酒店的质量相关的,像你说你在上海房间比较大,400块人民币一个晚上相当于差不多50美金四五十美金的样子。 Because I think the cost of quarantine is definitely related to the quality of the hotel, like you said your room in Shanghai is bigger, 400 RMB a night is equivalent to almost 50 USD or 40 or 50 USD.

对,现在苏州的就比较小,然后也比较便宜,但是其实这样隔离两个星期,每天晚上50刀还是有点贵的,自己付的话。 Yes, now Suzhou’s is smaller, and then also cheaper, but in fact this isolation for two weeks, 50 yuan a night is still a bit expensive, if you pay for it yourself.

Angelina 05:24 Angelina 05:24

对是会有一点贵,所以说很多人他们其实选择回国的时间久一点,这样子的话,你整个路程的平均的 Cost,成本费用就会稍微低一点,不好意思。 Yes, it is a little bit expensive, so many people actually choose to return to their home country for a longer time, this way, the average cost of your entire journey, the cost will be a little bit lower, sorry.

对所以说我在飞机上遇到的很多人,要么就是准备长期就回国了,要么就是准备在国内住最少2~3个月,因为现在真的是就你真的要是没有什么特别的想要回国的时候的话,回国还真的是挺不方便的嗯。 So I met a lot of people on the plane, either ready to go back home for a long time, or ready to live in the country for at least 2 to 3 months, because now it is really if you really do not have any special want to return to the country, then it is really quite inconvenient to go back home.

Joanne 06:07 Joanne 06:07

但我特别感兴趣的是你在隔离的时候会不会经常有人来每过3天4天要再测一次Covid? But I’m particularly interested in whether you’ll have people coming in every 3 or 4 days to take another Covid test while you’re in isolation?

Angelina 06:18 Angelina 06:18

是的,就是回国的检测的程序是这样子的,啊我们刚下飞机之后,你要在机场做一个检测,然后是在隔离的第好像是第5天第7天还有第14天在做检测。在国内的检测在跟在国外检测还不是很一样。 Yes, that’s the procedure for testing back home, ah we just got off the plane, you have to do a test at the airport, and then the test is done on like the 5th, 7th and 14th day of quarantine. The testing in the country is not quite the same as the testing abroad.

我之前在加拿大做检测的时候,那边很一般的检测就是桶鼻孔,就是把棉签放你的鼻孔里面,在这里不光要捅鼻孔,他们还要把棉签伸到你的嗓子里面,然后在喉咙那个部分取样还是挺痛苦的,特别是我发现我不知道是不是文化的原因,我觉得在加拿大的护士就不会插得那么深,但是来到国内之后就会插得很深,然后就有点难以忍受,不过不过 ok还可以,但是会觉得不是很希望这件事情,对。 When I did the test in Canada, the general test there is the barrel nostril, that is, put a cotton swab inside your nostril, here not only to stab the nostril, they also have to stick the swab into your throat, and then in that part of the throat to take samples or quite painful, especially I found I do not know whether it is cultural reasons, I think the nurses in Canada will not insert so deep, but came to China And then it was a little bit unbearable, but it was okay, but I didn’t really want it to happen, yeah.

Joanne 07:33 Joanne 07:33

对这个让我想起来,我第一次做Covid的检测是在内罗毕,然后内罗毕其实是跟国内一样,两个检测都要做,就是鼻子和喉咙,咽拭子和鼻拭子,中文这么叫,对都要做,然后我在内罗毕的护士,我觉得是人生最残酷,我碰到过最残酷的护士,当时他疼我鼻孔的时候,我觉得我的脑子都被捅到了,然后我就真的哭了。然后测完以后,我觉得这是我人生最痛的一次经历,没有想到我人生最痛的一次竟然是被捅鼻孔。 The first time I did the Covid test was in Nairobi, and Nairobi is actually the same as the country, both tests have to be done, that is, nose and throat, throat swab and nasal swab, so called in Chinese, yes both have to be done, and then my nurse in Nairobi, I think is the most cruel life, I have encountered the most cruel nurse, when he hurt my nostrils, I think my brain was stabbed Then I really cried. Then after the test, I think this is the most painful experience of my life, I did not think that the most painful time in my life was to be stabbed in the nose.

Angelina 08:17 Angelina 08:17

真的是看护士,然后我记得在机场做咽拭子的时候,护士把我用木条把我的舌头给压下来,然后很用力的在那边刷的时候,我就真的是有想要干呕,然后刷了第一次之后,他拿出来之后发现没有刷到位,然后又来了一遍。 I remember when I was doing a throat swab at the airport, the nurse pressed my tongue down with a wooden strip and then brushed it very hard over there, I really wanted to dry heave, and then after brushing it for the first time, he took it out and found it wasn’t in place and then did it again.

我当时真的是崩溃了。 I was really devastated.

幸亏没有怎么吃饭,不然我估计真的是所有人估计都要在那边有一个很不好的一个回忆,对。 Fortunately, there is not much to eat, otherwise I guess really everyone is estimated to have a very bad a memory over there, yes.

Joanne 08:51 Joanne 08:51

说到我还有一个有一点点敏感,有一点尴尬的问题,就是国外我看到很多的新闻报道说在中国要做肛拭子。什么叫肛拭子给大家解释一下,刚就是肛门,肛门就是你的屁股,就是要从你的Asshole, 对就是Anal,然后我在国外有很多人会问我,报道的还挺多的就说,中国现在有一个新的检测方法是做Anal的,大家就觉得很可怕,在中国你有碰到过有人做吗? Speaking of me there is a little sensitive, a little embarrassing problem, is that abroad I see a lot of news reports that in China to do anal swab. What is called anal swab to explain to you, just is the anus, the anus is your buttocks, is to be from your Asshole, yes is Anal, and then I have a lot of people abroad will ask me, the report is quite a lot to say, China now has a new test is to do Anal, we feel very scary, in China you have encountered someone to do it?

Angelina 09:32 Angelina 09:32

好像没有,不过Covid它不是一个呼吸道疾病,都应该是在你的呼吸道里面,为什么会跟你的后部挂上钩? It seems not, but Covid it’s not a respiratory disease, it’s all supposed to be inside your respiratory tract, why would it hang out with your posterior?

Joanne 09:42 Joanne 09:42

我不知道可以查一下,但是他们说当肛拭子还挺准确的,可能会比咽拭子和鼻拭子更准确,但我自己觉得也挺恐怖的,而且你要说在公共场合对吧,在机场怎么测多尴尬。 I don’t know can look it up, but they say when the anal swab is pretty accurate, probably more accurate than the pharyngeal swab and nasal swab, but I think it’s pretty scary myself, and you have to say in public right, how embarrassing to measure in the airport.

Angelina 10:05 Angelina 10:05

我觉得那样子可能对护士护士每天要做几百个人的话,估计也是一个不是很好的体验。 I think that look might be a not very good experience for the nurse nurse to do hundreds of people a day, then, I guess.

Joanne 10:12 Joanne 10:12

有心理阴影。 There is a psychological shadow.

Angelina 10:15 Angelina 10:15

对,不过我觉得这次回国的有两个很大的感受,第一个感受就是我觉得国内现在整个的它的从你下飞机之后,然后到你住上酒店,然后到即使你去到另一个酒店,它整个的过程它的logistics其实做的都很细致,做的细致,然后也很高效,细致是因为在每个不同的分布点都有工作人员,工作人员会指导你说下一步要去哪里,不会有任何的混乱,或者或者是不会有任何的疑惑。 Yes, but I think this time back home there are two great feelings, the first feeling is that I think the whole of the country now it’s from after you get off the plane, and then to your hotel, and then to even if you go to another hotel, it’s the whole process it’s logistics are actually very detailed, do detailed, and then also very efficient, detailed because in each different distribution points have staff, the staff will guide you to say what to do next. The staff will guide you on where to go next, without any confusion or doubt.

然后也很高效,是因为基本上没有怎么需要排队,我整个从下飞机开始到做完了检测等大巴,其实只花了大概半个小时的时间还是挺快的。 Then also very efficient, because basically there is not much need to queue, my whole from the plane to do the test and wait for the bus, in fact, only spent about half an hour of time or quite fast.

第二点觉得在一线的防护人员真的是太不容易了。我记得当时降落在上海的时候,上海的温度是34摄氏度,我穿着短袖还是站在户外还是很热的时候,然后防护人员很多人穿着整套的防护服,脸上戴着护目镜,然后带着整个手套就站在外面帮助我们,这样就真的觉得还是挺不容易的。 The second point is that the front-line protection staff is really not easy. I remember when I landed in Shanghai, Shanghai’s temperature was 34 degrees Celsius, I was wearing short sleeves or standing outdoors when it was still very hot, and then many of the protective personnel wearing a full set of protective clothing, wearing goggles on the face, and then with the whole gloves on the outside to help us, so I really think it is still quite difficult.

我觉得特别有一个直观的感受,就是我们在坐大巴从上海到苏州的时候,他让我们每个人戴上了手套,虽然整个坐大巴的过程可能加上中转只要两个小时,但是我记得我到了酒店脱手套的时候,手套里面都全都是汗珠,但是我还是在室内就还是有空调吹,所以真的是觉得太不容易了。 I think one intuitive feeling in particular is that when we took the bus from Shanghai to Suzhou, he made us all wear gloves, although the whole process of taking the bus may only take two hours plus the transfer, but I remember when I arrived at the hotel to take off my gloves, the gloves were all beads of sweat, but I was still indoors and there was still air conditioning blowing, so I really think it was too difficult.

Joanne 11:59 Joanne 11:59

对对,但这个说明确实也反映了中国现在防疫的工作,防疫就是防止的防疫情的防疫的工作做的组织的很好,也是比较有经验了,特别是境外输入的这些病例。 The work of epidemic prevention in China is to prevent epidemics, and the work of epidemic prevention is very well organized and experienced, especially for those cases imported from abroad.

但另外一方面其实对于在国外生活的人留学生,国外生活的华人来说,回国真的是挺不容易的,所以这也是硬币的两面。一边是保护了国内的群众,但一边是其实也有一点牺牲了。在国外的生活的华人的,怎么说,利益 But on the other hand, it is not easy for foreign students living abroad and Chinese living abroad to return to their home countries. One side is to protect the masses at home, but the other side is actually a little sacrifice. Of the Chinese living abroad, how to say, the interests

Angelina 12:38 Angelina 12:38

其实我之前看一篇文章说乡愁是一张健康码,因为就真的你是要拿到你的健康码,现在才可以回家,但是我觉得实际上来说的话,不光是你的健康码,然后现在你还要有足够的假期,因为你要是回国一趟的话,你如果没有2~3个月回来的话,其实整个过程是根本是不值得的,然后还有你要有金钱的支撑,因为因为加上隔离加上现在昂贵的机票,真的要回来的话还是真的挺贵的。 I actually read an article before saying that nostalgia is a health code, because it’s true that you are to get your health code, now you can go home, but I think that in reality, it’s not just your health code, then now you have to have enough vacation, because if you make a trip back to your country, if you don’t have 2~3 months to come back, in fact the whole process is simply not worth it, and then there is also you have to have The money support, because plus the isolation plus now expensive airline tickets, really want to return to the words or really expensive.

Joanne 13:14 Joanne 13:14

对好吧,我们聊一些开心的事。 Yeah okay, let’s talk about some happy things.

所以你现在回国了,然后还有几天就可以结束,6天就可以回家隔离,你最想做的事儿是什么?或者说你结束了整个格力以后最想做的第一件事儿是什么? So now that you’re back in the country and then you have a few days to go to the end, six days to go home to quarantine, what’s the thing that you’re most excited about doing? Or what’s the first thing you’d most like to do after you’ve finished the whole grizzly?

Angelina 13:33 Angelina 13:33

我觉得我现在在酒店结束隔离之后,我最想做的就是回家订外卖,我想喝奶茶,我想吃汤面,我想吃火锅,就很多关于吃的方面,为什么?因为现在在隔离酒店,它对食物的控制很严格,就可以让家人送食物来,不可以让人送外卖,但是我因为一直在锻炼,所以我又很容易饿,就当现在在在减肥,那就在回家之后就要吃回来了。 I think what I want to do after I finish quarantine in the hotel is to go home and order takeaway, I want to drink milk tea, I want to eat noodles in soup, I want to eat hot pot, on many aspects of food, why? Because now in the quarantine hotel, it is very strict control of food, so you can let your family send food, not let people send take-out, but I have been working out, so I am very hungry, as now in the diet, that will have to eat back after going home.

然后等全部28天隔离结束之后,我最想做的事情就是去看家人,然后看朋友,然后有时间的话希望可以在祖国其他的城市去玩一圈,因为我觉得虽然是在中国长大的,但是真的祖国就太大了。有很多城市或者有很多地方都想去看,但是之前就没有时间。 Then after all 28 days of quarantine, the thing I want to do is to see my family, and then see my friends, and then if there is time, I hope to go around other cities in the motherland, because I think although I grew up in China, but really the motherland is too big. There are a lot of cities or there are a lot of places that I want to see, but I just didn’t have the time before.

Joanne 14:36 Joanne 14:36

我有一个问题,你等一下回家居家隔离是一个人吗?还是你爸爸妈妈也会在家? I have a question, are you coming home alone for home isolation later? Or will your mom and dad be home too?

Angelina 14:44 Angelina 14:44

居家隔离是这样的,如果你家里面有其他人住的话,必须是单套房,意思就是你必须一个人住在房间里面,然后房间里面有卫生间,你不可以出来,这样子的话就保证了,你跟家人是隔离的,家人还可以正常出门。但是我父母就选择跟我一起隔离,那意味着就是什么?就是在这14天里面,我们三个人都不能出门。 The home isolation is like this, if there is someone else living in your house, it must be a single suite, which means you must live alone in the room, and then there is a bathroom in the room, you are not allowed to come out, this way you are guaranteed that you are isolated from your family, and your family can still go out normally. But my parents chose to stay in isolation with me, so what does that mean? It means that for 14 days, all three of us can’t go out.

Joanne 15:12 Joanne 15:12

Ok,但是国内有什么样的政策会来检查你在居家隔离的时候有没有出门。 Ok, but what kind of policy does the country have to check if you’re going out while you’re in home quarantine?

Angelina 15:25 Angelina 15:25

据说现在会装电子锁,如果是你推开门的话,电子锁就会随时给社区,然后还有警察局通报。 I’m told there are now electronic locks, so if you push the door open, the electronic locks will keep the community and then the police informed.

Joanne 15:39 Joanne 15:39

对,所以这个是真的吗?他们在你离开的时候,他们会给你发一个电子锁。 Right, so is this true? They send you an electronic lock when you leave.

Angelina 15:48 Angelina 15:48

我是这么听说的,但是我也不是很清楚,因为政策其实一直都在变,因为我记得我还没有回来那会儿,他们说的是14天集中隔离以后,你的后14天是居家观察,那居家观察当时的意思就是你是可以出门的,但是不可以去人多的地方,现在政策就变了,因为有很多境外输出的案例,现在的政策你就要再加隔离再14天。 I heard so, but I’m not really sure, because the policy is actually changing all the time, because I remember before I came back, they said after 14 days of centralized isolation, your second 14 days is home observation, that home observation means you can go out, but you can’t go to crowded places, but now the policy has changed, because there are many cases of out-of-country export, and now the policy You have to add another 14 days of isolation.

然后我目前听说又有新的政策出台,说是28天隔离之后,还要有一个28天的观察,在这28天里面你可能不能出你所在的市区城市不可以去到其他的地方,对,所以政策一直在变,好像变得越来越严格。 And then I’ve heard that there is a new policy that says after 28 days of isolation, there is a 28-day observation, in which 28 days you may not be able to go out of your urban city can not go to other places, yes, so the policy has been changing, seems to become more and more strict.

Joanne 16:38 Joanne 16:38

那也挺惨的,如果说还要再做28天的观察,也不能到处去别的城市看朋友什么的。 That’s pretty bad, if anything, you have to do another 28 days of observation, and you can’t go around to see friends in other cities or anything.

但是anyway,所以你这一次居家隔离,你就是爸爸妈妈和你一起在家,你们也没有办法做菜,就是只能14天一起一直点外卖。可以点火锅,可以点外卖吗现在? But ANYWAY, so you are home isolated this time, you are mom and dad at home with you and you have no way to cook, you just can only order takeout all the time for 14 days together. Can you order hot pot, can you order takeout now?

Angelina 17:02 Angelina 17:02

应该是可以的,我觉得国内现在什么都可以点,我觉得其实如果不是国内生活压力那么大的话,只要有钱国内生活还是挺方便的,我觉得比北美啊或者欧洲方便多了。 should be able to, I think the country can now order everything, I think in fact if not domestic life is so stressful, as long as the money domestic life is still quite convenient, I think than North America ah or Europe is much more convenient.

Joanne 17:17 Joanne 17:17

但是我其实也很久没有回国了,然后有的时候觉得啊国内的消费品,特别是零食,然后饮料这一块,真的是日新月异,更新换代太快了,我就经常看到有很多爆款的,所谓爆款就是忽然之间非常popular的一些产品,比如说你知道钟薛高雪糕吗? But I actually haven’t been back to China for a long time, and then sometimes I think that ah domestic consumer goods, especially snacks, and then drinks this piece, really is the rapid change, the new generation is too fast, I often see a lot of pop models, the so-called “popular” models is suddenly very popular some products, for example, you know Zhong Xue Gao ice cream?

钟薛高,(对我就是听到过,加拿大还看到过,真的)它已经在加拿大有了,有的卖我好想尝。 The first time I heard about it, I saw it in Canada, really) it has been in Canada, some sell I want to try.

雪糕是我出国以后忽然间变得很很爆款在中国,然后他们都是很好吃,我就一直没吃过。 Ice cream is I went abroad after suddenly become very very explosive in China, and then they are very good, I have never eaten.

Angelina 18:01 Angelina 18:01

但是我觉得很多东西也是跟营销有关,然后我觉得不知道这样说对不对,我觉得因为现在其实国内有很多的那种营销的平台,比如说某红书,比如说微博。 But I think a lot of things are also related to marketing, and then I think I do not know if this is right, I think because now there are actually a lot of domestic kind of marketing platform, such as a red book, such as microblogging.

Joanne 18:16 Joanne 18:16

我们可以说名字。 We can say the name.

Angelina 18:20 Angelina 18:20

比如说小红书之类的,我觉得会很快增长它的一个知名度,但是我觉得有所有的平台都是有利也有坏的,但是有弊的地方我觉得让大家变得可能更加 Materialistic一点,就更加物质一点,就会更有更多攀比的平台,对还是要注意一下,我记得中学他刚开始的营销的巨头最贵的雪糕,然后大家才会想说为什么雪糕这么贵,然后才突然之间爆红了,对,是这样子的,我记得是真的吗? For example, the little red book and so on, I think it will quickly grow its a popularity, but I think there are all the platforms are both good and bad, but there are disadvantages I think let everyone become more Materialistic a little bit more materialistic, there will be more climbing platform, yes or to pay attention to it, I remember high school he just started the marketing of the most expensive ice-cream of the giant, and then people will want to say why ice-cream is so expensive, and then suddenly burst into popularity, yes, it is this way, I remember is it true?

Joanne 18:58 Joanne 18:58

所以它的噱头是最贵的,水高它就是以价格来作为一个吸引的点。 So its gimmick is the most expensive, water high it is the price to use as a point of attraction.

Angelina 19:05 Angelina 19:05

Ok对,然后大家都会笑,就会好奇为什么凭什么雪糕这么贵,然后就会想买来尝一下。 Ok right, and then everyone will laugh, they will wonder why by virtue of the ice cream is so expensive, and then they will want to buy it and try it.

Joanne 19:13 Joanne 19:13

我觉得中国真的是消费升级了,现在都可以更高的更贵的价格来吸引一部分就是中产阶级的,你知道城市里的上海人,然后就说我要尝一下那些更贵的我我,刚才想到几个词,我在想是不是可以解释一下,就是攀比,攀比和噱头这两个词我觉得还挺难的是。 I think China is really an upgrade in consumption, now can be higher more expensive prices to attract part is the middle class, you know the city of Shanghai people, and then say I want to try those more expensive I I, just thought of a few words, I’m thinking is it possible to explain, is climbing, climbing and gimmick these two words I think it’s quite difficult is.

Angelina 19:37 Angelina 19:37

攀比的话就是compare的意思,攀比的话就是意思大家会互相比较。 Climbing words is the meaning of compare, climbing words is the meaning of everyone will compare with each other.

互相比较,但是攀比跟比较不同的一点是攀比是有一点贬义词,那意思是不好的,比较可能说大家会比较谁的包价钱更高,或者是谁的车更贵一些,很物质的比较是叫攀比。 The difference between compare and compare is that compare is a little bit of a pejorative word, that means bad, compare may say that people will compare whose bag price is higher, or whose car is more expensive, very material comparison is called compare.

Joanne 20:07 Joanne 20:07

另一个词是然后第二个词是噱头。 Another word is then the second word is gimmick.

Angelina 20:10 Angelina 20:10

噱头的话我觉得理解的话应该就是 marketing的一些message,就是说你是想要用什么样子的。用什么样子的语言或者结构什么的,对,然后让大家来注意到这个商品噱头的话也是有一点点贬义词在里面,因为噱头很多时候也是指说可能是一些不切实际的东西,或者是没有什么意义的东西,但是你可以把它拿来作为一个你商品的卖点。 The gimmick then I think the understanding of the word should be some message of marketing, that is to say what kind of look you are trying to use. With what kind of language or structure or whatever, yes, and then let people to notice this product gimmick word is also a little bit of a pejorative word in it, because gimmick is also often refers to say may be some impractical things, or is nothing meaningful things, but you can use it as a selling point of your products.

Joanne 20:44 Joanne 20:44

对噱头其实就是卖点,或者说是用来炒作的一个hook,一个卖点,对吧? Yes, a gimmick is actually a selling point, or a hok, a selling point for hype, right?

Angelina 20:52 Angelina 20:52

你要不要解释一下炒作是什么意思? Do you want to explain what hype means?

Joanne 20:56 Joanne 20:56

炒作词还挺有意思的,炒其实是做饭的时候说炒菜 Work fry,但是炒作这两个字放在一起的意思就是hype The word “hype” is quite interesting, hype is actually the time to say stir fry when cooking Work fry, but the meaning of the two words put together is hype

Angelina 21:11 Angelina 21:11

是的,就是让他通过各种各样的手段,然后让一件事情来慢慢的有名起来,但是可能这样子的手段的话,也是有一点点贬义词的,我觉得在里面还是怎么说,就不是说通过口口相传,是说比如说可能是通过一些小的事件或者是编撰的事件。让他来提高知名度。 Yes, that is, let him through a variety of means, and then let a thing to slowly famous up, but may this kind of means, then, is also a little pejorative words, I think in the inside or how to say, it is not that through word of mouth, is to say that for example, may be through some small event or a compiled event. Let him to raise awareness.

Joanne 21:35 Joanne 21:35

好谢谢,今天也很高兴继续跟着Angelina聊了关于隔离的感受。谢谢Angelina,那祝你隔离最后6天过得愉快,拜拜。 Good thanks, it’s also nice to continue to follow Angelina today and talk about the feelings of isolation. Thanks Angelina, so have a great last 6 days of quarantine, bye.

Angelina 22:25 Angelina 22:25

好的,谢谢。 Okay, thanks.

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