Episode 24 | 她是一名小网红 She i a small influencer

Joanne 00:02 Joanne 00:02
大家好。欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文,今天 guess what?我们又请到了同样的嘉宾Angelina,因为他在隔离期间实在是太空了,非常的闲,所以他就可以经常和我们聊天。Hello~ Hello everyone. Welcome to our new episode of Learn Chinese by Nonsense, today guess what we have the same guest Angelina again, because she is really bored and very free during her quarantine, so she can chat with us a lot. hello~
Angelina 00:26 Angelina 00:26
对我觉得聊 podcast真的是在隔离期间解闷的一个小妙招,所以说以后如果大家想回国,然后苦于隔离期间没有事情做的话,就可以来联系Joanne,然后来聊一聊podcast。 I think talking about podcast is really a great way to relieve boredom during quarantine, so if you want to go back to your country and are suffering from lack of things to do during quarantine, you can come and keep in contact with Joanne and come and talk about podcast.
这样子每个星期过得也特别快,四个星期一下子马上就过去了。 Each week goes by very quickly this way, and the four weeks go by in no time at all.
Joanne 00:47 Joanne 00:47
对,然后今天要跟Angelina聊什么呢?是想聊一下你作为网红的转型之路,你现在是网红了吗?你觉得? Yes, and what do you want to talk to Angelina about today? It’s to talk about your transition as an internet celebrity, are you an internet celebrity now? Do you think?
Angelina 00:59 Angelina 00:59
我觉得我不是网红,只是一个在努力向网红道路上奋斗的。 I don’t think I’m a influencer, I’m just a struggling influencer.
怎么说算是一个content creator就是一直在做视频的人而已。其实我觉得我跟你差不多。 I’m just a content creator who’s been making videos. I actually think I’m similar to you.
Joanne 01:12 Joanne 01:12
不对,你的粉丝数量可比我的pod cast follower多多了。对你现在是在中国有一个网站叫哔哩哔哩上面有自己的一个频道对吧?有2万多了。 Nope, you have a lot more followers than my pod cast follower. Yes you now have your own channel on a website in China called BiliBili, right? It’s over 20,000.
Angelina 01:26 Angelina 01:26
没有2000多的粉丝,然后播放量应该是超2万了。超4万了,我觉得有超5万了,就好像数字是越说越多了 No more than 2,000 followers and then the play count should be over 20,000. It’s over 40,000, I think it’s over 50,000, it’s like the numbers are getting bigger and bigger
Joanne 01:42 Joanne 01:42
其实我也不知道具体你对你的频道,然后你的content、内容是一个什么样的想法,你主要是做什么主题呢? I actually don’t know specifically what kind of idea you have for your channel, and then your content, content, what kind of topics do you mainly do?
Angelina 01:51 Angelina 01:51
我觉得我做的主题其实比较关注于国际生或者是居住在国外的人的关于一些职场上的,或者是关于签证方面的或者是学业方面的一些介绍,因为我觉得很多时候我觉得作为一个独自在外,然后都没有什么亲人,然后你要独自生活的,就是大家在海外的留学生,特别是来说的话,其实还是一件挺不容易的事情,然后我觉得你也可以理解当时其实刚出国的时候也会吃很多亏,然后也会有很迷茫,然后找工作的时候也特别难,所以我就想通过做这个频道,然后来给大家讲一讲我的经验,然后希望可以帮助到更多的人。 I think the topics I do are actually more focused on international students or people living abroad about some of the workplace, or about the visa aspect or some of the academic aspects of the introduction, because I think a lot of times I think as a person who is alone, and then there is no family, and then you have to live alone, that is, we are international students overseas, especially in terms of words, is actually a pretty difficult thing. I think you can also understand that when you first go abroad, you will suffer a lot, and you will also be very confused, and it is also very difficult to find a job, so I would like to do this channel, and then to tell you my experience, and then I hope it can help more people.
Joanne 02:43 Joanne 02:43
但你当时你是从什么时候开始做这个频道,以及就是出于什么契机让你开始慢慢的想要做一个网红或者做一个content crea? But when did you start this channel and what was the reason for you to start slowly wanting to be an online celebrity or a content crea?
Angelina 02:55 Angelina 02:55
其实我觉得有几点,其实最早开始是买下稍微有一点想开始往YouTuber, 或者他们叫up主,其实意思就是说你是一个想做网红,所谓网红其实是在202021年的1月份左右,我记得那个时候特别巧的是,我记得当时我在看一个在YouTube上再刷一个视频,那个视频就讲的是一个应该是年入百万的一个年轻人,他所他是通过什么样的途径然后来挣到这么多钱的,然后他就当时说YouTube其实是给了他一个很大的途径,因为他通过youtube的上的各种收益,然后他从一个大学都还没有读,慢慢然后积累到了几百万的粉丝,然后做到现在这个步骤其实还是很不容易的。 In fact, I think there are a few points, in fact, the earliest beginning is to buy a little bit want to start to YouTube or what they call the up owner, in fact, means that you are a want to do a influencer, the so-called influencer is actually in 202021 around January, I remember that time is particularly coincidental, I remember at that time I was watching a video on YouTube again brush, that video on the talk is a The video was about a young man who was supposed to make millions of dollars a year, and he was saying that he was earning so much money through what kind of ways, and then he said that YouTube actually gave him a great way, because he was earning all kinds of income through YouTube, and then he slowly accumulated millions of fans from a university, and then did this step now. It’s not easy.
当时我听了之后觉得很震撼,有两点,第一点就是这个人大学都没有毕业,其实工资还是挺高,然后我觉得很多时候大家对大家的可能固有印象就会觉得说可能他觉得学历不是很高,可能做网红是一些噱头或者做的做的东西内容不是很好,但是他让我很惊讶的是可能即使他的学历不是那么高,但是他做出来的很多东西的水平的质量还是很高的,所以就开始让我反思说是不是有其他的途径可以来,比如说又能锻炼我的其他的一项技能,可以学到一点新的东西,然后说不定以后如果能积累到足够的粉丝数量也可以变现,相当于是一个新的途径,因为我以后最想要达成的目标是可以早一点退休,或者是不用为了挣钱而工作这样子的状态。 At that time I felt very shocked after listening to it, there are two points, the first point is that this person has not even graduated from university, in fact, the salary is still quite high, and then I think a lot of times people may have the inherent impression of everyone will think that maybe he thinks that the education is not very high, may do net popularity is some gimmick or do the content of doing things is not very good, but he let me very surprised is that maybe even if his education is not so high, but he has made a lot of things of the content. So it made me think about whether there were other ways to do it, for example, to exercise my other skills, to learn something new, and maybe if I could accumulate enough followers in the future I could also cash in, which would be a new way to do it, because the most important goal I want to achieve in the future is to be able to retire earlier. I’d like to be able to retire sooner, or not have to work for money.
对,然后真正开始的时候应该是今年的好像是五六月份左右,那个时候加拿大的加拿大其实还都是在封闭的状态,那会儿的时候在工作上也比较清闲,觉得整个人都很无聊,有点发慌,就会有点紧张感。 I think it was around May/June this year, when Canada was still closed, and I was a bit bored and nervous at work.
然后正好当时我很喜欢 YouTube,他在网上说开了一节课,专门帮助想要变成content creator,但是还没有下决心,或者是就觉得自己还没有到能力的时候来开开开一些教程来帮助大家。 Then it just so happened that I was very fond of YouTube at the time, and he said on the internet that he had opened a class dedicated to helping people who wanted to become content creators, but hadn’t yet made up their minds, or just didn’t feel they were up to it yet, to open up some tutorials to help people.
然后我就一咬牙买了那节课,想说不然的话就试试看,反正最不济的话我也可以学一学怎么视频剪辑,或者是 YouTube上是怎么运行的之类的东西,我觉得还是挺有效果的。 Then I bought the class, thinking I’d give it a try, but at the very least I could learn how to edit videos or how YouTube works, which I thought would be quite effective.
然后上完这堂课之后,其实觉得还是受益匪浅,因为做一个真正很好的content,真的是像一个全职工作一样,里面有各种各样的门道,然后也有各种各样这样的技巧,其实是需要慢慢的摸索的。 After the class, I felt that I had benefited a lot, because making a really good content is really like a full-time job, there are all sorts of ways and skills, and you need to figure it out slowly.
所以说就觉得其实这是一件还蛮有意思的事情,我把它当做一个相当于我的另一个兴趣爱好,或者是另一份工作来做,就觉得还是挺有成就感的,我是怎么样开始的,对。 So I think it’s actually quite an interesting thing to do, I think of it as another hobby or another job for me, and it’s quite fulfilling, how I started, yeah.
Joanne 06:29 Joanne 06:29
但我觉得对我们听众来说可能蛮有意思的一件事情是在中国的网红的一个 landscape是怎么样的,因为其实刚才我没有提到YouTube是国外的网红,主要用来赚钱,用来就是增加粉丝数的一个平台,那么在中国其实有很多的平台,比如说有哔哩哔哩,比如说有抖音抖音就是tiktok,然后我想你现在做这一块,你可能也有摸清或者研究过中国的不同的平台,它有什么不同的特点或者怎么样成为不同平台的网红,以及为什么你选择了哔哩哔哩和YouTube的区别是什么? But I think one of the things that might be quite interesting for our listeners is how the landscape is in China, because actually I didn’t mention that YouTube is a platform for foreign weblebrities, mainly for making money, for increasing the number of fans, so in China there are actually a lot of platforms, for example, there’s BiliBili, for example, there’s tiktok, and then I think you do this piece now, you may also have figured out or studied the different platforms in China, what are the different characteristics of it or how to become a influencer on different platforms, and why you chose BiliBili and what is the difference between YouTube?
Angelina 07:17 Angelina 07:17
可以,其实Tiktok在国外也有,国外有很多用Tiktok来走红的网红。 Yes, in fact Tiktok is also available abroad, there are many internet celebrities abroad who use Tiktok to become popular.
我觉得我先讲一下,我觉得国内跟国外在网红这个区域上的差别,然后我再主要讲一下短视频的平台,就是 talk和一般长视频的平台,比如说哔哩哔哩和YouTube之间的区别好了,我觉得总体来说我觉得国外的话,因为YouTube它确实已经是存在了很久的一件一一个平台,然后它所有平台的运营,然后包括它的广告投放,包括它对content creator一个支持,其实都已经做得是很成熟了。 I think I will first talk about the difference between China and foreign countries in this area of netfame, and then I will mainly talk about the difference between short video platforms, that is, talk and general long-form video platforms, such as BiliBili and YouTube. It’s all platform operations, including its advertising, including its support for content creator a, in fact, have been done is very mature.
做的很成熟的意味又是什么?说第一个就是你上了平台之后,其实什么东西都是很容易操作的,比如说你每播放一个视频,就是你每制作一个视频,Youtube会给你很详细很强的 Data analytic What is the implication of being very mature? For example, for every video you play, for every video you produce, Youtube will give you a very detailed and strong Data analytic
Joanne 08:18 Joanne 08:18
视频的数据是怎么样的。 What is the data of the video like.
Angelina 08:20 Angelina 08:20
对数据分析就是可以让你很清楚的知道你这个视频到底是做的怎么样的,所以我觉得还是挺对content create帮助还是挺大的。 Yes, the data analytic is that you can know very clearly what you are doing with this video, so I think it is still quite helpful for content creation.
然后第二点我觉得因为它视频存在,因为它平台存在的时间比较长,所以我觉得其实怎么来说,总体来说它的话它的content creator的水平会比较高一点,就你会看YouTube上的一般的一般的视频制作的水平其实会比国内的要高很多,就会有很多很精美的比如说bureau或者有很多很精美的各种各样的外拍场景或者剪辑之类的,但是你看国内哔哩哔哩其实很大部分的很大部分的视频都是比如说是一个人对着镜头在说,其实剪辑也没有那么精美,对,我觉得这个是第二个区别。 Then the second point I think because it video exists, because it platform exists for a relatively long time, so I think actually how to say, overall it words it content creator’s level will be relatively high, on you will see YouTube on the general general video production level will actually be higher than the domestic to a lot, there will be a lot of very fine such as say The video is actually a lot higher than the one on YouTube, and there are a lot of very beautiful, for example, a lot of very beautiful scenes or clips, but you can see that most of the videos on YouTube are, for example, a person talking to the camera, and the clips are not that beautiful, yes, I think this is the second difference.
我觉得第三个区别,我觉得其实YouTube的平台它是更国际化的,因为可能除了中国以外的还有一些其他的国家,其实它YouTube上面对的受众其实是更加广泛的。这样你为意味着说你如果能在YouTube上成为一个网红的话,你的你可以积累的名气应该是说更加国际化,相比较中国而言。对,这也就是为什么其实作为一个新人新的网红来讲的话,其实想在YouTube上想要快速累积粉丝,其实是一件很难的事情。 I think the third difference is that I think YouTube is actually a more international platform, because there are probably some other countries besides China, and in fact the audience it faces on YouTube is actually much wider. This means that if you can become a netizen on YouTube, the fame you can accumulate should be more international, compared to China. Yes, that’s why it’s actually very difficult for a new internet celebrity to build up a following on YouTube quickly.
就好比我来讲,我现在在YouTube上只有35个还是45个粉丝我忘了,但是同样的视频,同样的一一模一样的内容,在哔哩哔哩上我已经积累到了有2000家的粉丝。 For example, I have only 35 or 45 followers on YouTube, I don’t know, but the same video, the same exact content, I have already accumulated 2,000 followers on BiliBili.
Joanne 10:09 Joanne 10:09
对,但是我觉得不一样。 Yes, but I don’t think it’s the same.
有一个点是因为你做的视频的内容,它其实是虽然你的语言是英语的视频,但你针对的听众观众其实还是中国人对吧?是那些在国外的留学生。那么可能问题就是这些在国外的中国人,他是看比例更多,还是看YouTube更多,以及可能是因为YouTube上的竞争非常强,所以对,所以在bilibili上你的粉丝会比YouTube上多很多。 There’s a point because the content of the video you’re making, it’s actually although your language is English for the video, the audience you’re targeting is actually still Chinese people right? It’s the international students who are abroad. So maybe the question is these Chinese people abroad, does he watch more proportionally or does he watch more on YouTube, as well as maybe because the competition on YouTube is very strong, so yeah, so on bilibili you will have a lot more followers than on YouTube.
Angelina 10:41 Angelina 10:41
我觉得有这种可能性,我觉得还有一点更好玩的是,一开始我其实没有打算想要花很多时间在哔哩哔哩上,因为我其实当时的平台主要是想着重还是YouTube,但当时想放哔哩哔哩,是因为想说这样子,我父母也可以看到我的视频,所以说我就把视频给加了中文字幕,虽然我觉得还是挺挺让我惊讶的一点,即使我的视频是全英文的,但是还是有很多观众会喜欢我,然后会有很多人跟我说你的视频对我的帮助很大,我觉得这个让我一直想要做下去的一个动力。 I think that’s a possibility and I think what’s even funnier is that at first I didn’t actually intend to spend a lot of time on bilibili because I actually wanted to focus on YouTube as my main platform at the time, but I wanted to put the bilibili category because I wanted to say this way, my parents can also see my videos, so that’s why I added Chinese subtitles to the videos, although I think it’s still quite… What surprised me was that even though my videos were in English, a lot of viewers would like them, and then a lot of people would tell me that your videos helped me a lot, and I think that’s what kept me wanting to do it.
Joanne 11:24 Joanne 11:24
其实刚才一开始我们也忘记介绍一下哔哩哔哩是一个什么样的平台,因为说实话我自己没怎么看过哔哩哔哩的内容,我自己的印象是可能很多年前中国有这么几个做视频的平台,那个时候有优酷、土豆,后来优酷和土豆合并了,然后哔哩哔哩在我的印象当中一直是一个以日本动漫为基础的为主的网站,他现在是慢慢有其他非就是日本动漫的视频什么样的都有吗? In fact, we forgot to introduce what kind of platform BiliBili is at the beginning, because to be honest, I haven’t seen much of its content myself. The website is now slowly getting other non-Japanese anime videos of all kinds?
主要还是做动漫。 The main thing is still to do with anime.
Angelina 12:03 Angelina 12:03
我觉得哔哩哔哩是靠做动漫起家,但是就也可以看到他现在其实野心很大,我觉得他是想像可能是想像YouTube那样子的发展,它其实有很多不同的板块,比如说像我做的视频都是会在他的知识区的板块,它也有比如说美食区、生活区各种各样不同的分区,然后我觉得哔哩哔哩是最近能发展很快的另一个原因就是它很快的可以吸引像我这个年龄层的观众,比如说在可能是你15岁可能到40岁之间的观众群,它是吸引了很好的,因为它上面有各种各样的视频,然后可以让大家会觉得说这其实是一个挺好的网站,我无论有什么需求,我其实是可以到这个网站上来找答案的。 I think Beeping Beeping started out by doing anime, but you can also see that he’s actually very ambitious now, I think he’s imagining that he might be imagining the development of YouTube, it actually has a lot of different sections, for example, like the videos that I do are going to be in his knowledge section of the section, it also has, for example, a food section, a life section, all kinds of different sections, and then I think Beeping Beeping is recently able to Another reason for the rapid development is that it can quickly attract viewers of my age group, for example, may be your 15-year-old to 40-year-old viewer group, it is attracted very well because it has a variety of videos on it, and then it can make people feel that this is actually a pretty good website, no matter what needs I have, I can actually come to this website to find answers. The
Joanne 12:55 Joanne 12:55
相比较来说,比如说中国还有一个网站叫爱奇艺,爱奇艺它是不是对标国外的不知道是Neflix还是HBO之类的,所以它是更多的是平台自己制作的一些内容,而不是个人creator。 相比較来说来说,比如说中国还有一个网站叫爱奇艺,爱奇艺它是不是对标国外的不知道是Neflix还是HBO之类的,所以它是更多的平台自己制作的一些内容,而不是个人creator。
Angelina 13:19 Angelina 13:19
对是样子的,我觉得这是一个区别。然后刚才讲到另一个点就是关于短视频平台,比如说Tiktok和长视频平台,比如哔哩哔哩和YouTube的区别,我觉得他们其实平台有很大的区别。在我看来的话像这种长视频平台,比如说是哔哩哔哩或者YouTube,你所上传的视频其实都是长期的视频,什么是长期的视频?意思? Yes it’s like that, I think that’s one difference. And then the other point that I was talking about is the difference between short-form video platforms, like Tiktok and long-form video platforms, like Beeping Beeping and YouTube, I think they’re actually very different platforms. In my opinion, if you look at a long-form video platform like Tiktok or YouTube, the videos that you upload are actually long-term videos. What does that mean?
比如说你有1个视频,你可能是在5个月之前上传的,但是你搜索的时候还是可以很容易的搜索到。5个月之前上传的视频,然后包括他们自己的运算法则也是会向用户也是会推,比如说可能是一年一两年之前所做的视频,所以说你那个视频在上面你是会一直有有流量的。短视频它最大的区别就是你要是想做一个很好的短视频的网红的话,你可能要每天都更新,因为它短视频的我一般 Tiktok的逻辑是它会向尽量向用户来推一些当天的视频,可能是最新的视频。 For example, if you have a video, you may have uploaded it 5 months ago, but when you search for it, you can still easily search for videos uploaded 5 months ago, and then including their own algorithm will also be pushed to the user, for example, may be a year or two before the video made, so that your video on it you will always have traffic. The biggest difference between short videos is that if you want to be a good short video web star, you may have to update it every day, because it’s short videos I generally Tiktok’s logic is that it will try to push some of the day’s videos to the users, probably the latest videos.
所以说作为一个博主的话,就是做一个你要content create的话,你可能可能做的量会更大一点,但是你视频所需要的内容剪辑可能不需要那么精美。 So that as a blogger, is to do a you want content create words, you may probably do the volume will be a little bit larger, but the content you need to video editing may not need to be so exquisite.
Joanne 14:46 Joanne 14:46
明白,我有一个另外的问题,刚才你也提到说给你继续做下去的一个很大的动力,是经常会有人给你留言说这个视频非常的有帮助,其实对我来说也是一样的,我现在做 pod cast完全是无偿的,未来短期之内我也没有想过要收费或者靠这个来赚钱,对我来说我的动力也是有时候会听到有人给我反馈说我的 pod cast帮助了他们学习中文我就很开心。 I understand, I have another question, just now you also mentioned that a big motivation for you to keep doing this is that you often get comments from people saying that this video is very helpful, in fact it’s the same for me, I’m doing the pod cast completely pro bono and I’m not thinking about charging or making money from this in the short term, for me my motivation is also that sometimes I hear people I’m very happy when I hear feedback from people that my pod cast has helped them learn Chinese.
但是你有没有收到过负面的评价,因为我知道网络上确实就是中文有一个词叫喷子,喷子就是英文英文是什么?就是那些网络上的heater。 But have you ever received negative comments, because I know that on the internet there is indeed a word called spray in Chinese, spray is English English is what? It’s those heater on the internet.
Angelina 15:29 Angelina 15:29
我觉得, 应该是haters,对。 I think, it should be haters, yes.
Joanne 15:33 Joanne 15:33
你有碰到过吗?然后他们都会说什么。 Have you ever come across any? And then what they all say.
Angelina 15:36 Angelina 15:36
有碰到过。我其实还是挺惊讶的,我会这么早的碰到。我印象中其实应该是极少部分可能是1%的人会留这样的留言,但是每一个留言还是会在一个不成红就是不成熟的在向往,在向脸皮还没有那么厚的,我就是心灵上会留下一点点阴影。 Yes, I did. I’m actually quite surprised that I’ve come across it so early. I have the impression that a very small percentage, maybe 1%, will leave such a message, but each message will still be in a not red is immature in the aspiring, in to the cheek is not yet so thick, I just will leave a little shadow on the mind.
我记得最深的有几个,我觉得可能最集中的一些负面的评价。关于说比如说我不是中国人,或者有人说你装模作样,你在国外待了几年之后回来连中文怎么说都不会了。有的人就会说说你这样子,因为我的视频都是以英文为主的,然后就有人会说,说你这样子就不是中国人,不是中国心,这样真的好吗?就会有这样子的人,会觉得他们站在道德的制高点上,然后来评价你到底是一个怎么样的人,我觉得这些其实是是很伤人的。 There are a few that I remember most, and I think probably some of the most focused negative comments. About saying for example that I’m not Chinese, or some people saying that you’re pretending, that you can’t even speak Chinese after you’ve been abroad for a few years and come back. Some people will say that you are like this because my videos are mainly in English, and then some people will say that you are not Chinese, not Chinese at heart, is that really good? There are people who feel that they are on the moral high ground and judge you as a person, and I think this is actually very hurtful.
然后我也不理解为什么,你要是不喜欢这个视频的话,你完全可以就就把它给关闭,你为什么一定要来多一句嘴。 And I don’t understand why, if you don’t like the video, you can just turn it off, so why do you have to say more?
Joanne 16:55 Joanne 16:55
就问这就是网络喷子。中文里还有一个词叫键盘侠,键盘侠,英文这个词吗? Just ask this is internet spammer. Is there a Chinese word for keyboard warrior, keyboard warrior, in English?
Angelina 17:05 Angelina 17:05
我不知道,我倒是不是很清楚。 I don’t know, I’m not really sure.
Joanne 17:08 Joanne 17:08
对。键盘侠的意思: 平时我们会说什么侠,其实就是一个superhero?比如说蜘蛛侠在中文里面,意思就是Spiderman、蜘蛛侠,对,但是现在我们管这些网络上的hater叫键盘侠,因为他们的武器他们的weapon就是他们的keyboard,然后但是这是一个负面的weapon,他们不是一个superhero,所以我们就会管这些人叫键盘侠。 Yes. The meaning of keyboard warrior: usually we would say what warrior, in fact, is a superhero?For example, Spider-Man in Chinese, meaning Spiderman, Spider-Man, yes, but now we manage these web hater called keyboard warrior, because their weapon their weapon is their keyboard, and then but this is a negative weapon, they are not a superhero, so we would call these people keyboard warriors.
但我觉得在国内国外都是一样的,他们有什么负面的comments, 评论就是会因为可以躲在网络匿名的背后,所以他们就会肆无忌惮的来攻击你。然后我觉得你刚才说到的一个点很有趣,就是关于爱国可能爱国情怀,或者你是不是一个中国人的讨论。 But I think it’s the same at home and abroad, they have any negative comments, comments that they can hide behind the anonymity of the internet, so they will come at you with impunity. And then I think one of the points you made earlier is interesting, which is the discussion about patriotism, maybe patriotic feelings, or whether you are a Chinese person.
我之前因为我有自己的一个微信的公众号,我也写过一些文章,关于对比中国和国外的一些文化生活上的区别,然后我也会经常收到负面的评价,意思就是说我是卖国贼,就是like I am a traitor to China,或者就是因为有的时候我会说一些国外的好话,或者会觉得国外生活比中国好,然后立刻就会被人扣上卖国贼的大帽子,就说我不爱国我不是中国人,我就觉得这个事情在中国现在就是非常的常见,经常就有危险。 I have written some articles about the difference between Chinese and foreign culture and life, and I often receive negative comments, like I am a traitor to China, or because I sometimes say good things about foreign countries, or think that life abroad is better than China. I think this is very common in China now, and there is often danger.
Angelina 18:37 Angelina 18:37
对,我觉得是很危险的一点,因为我觉得我觉得其实是无论是什么时候,人都要保持自己的一个清醒清醒的一个自我的就是关于自己的评价。 Yes, I think it’s a very dangerous point, because I think I think it’s actually important for people to keep a clear and sober self-evaluation of themselves, no matter what time it is.
你要知道我觉得我本身来说我是非常自豪,作为一个中国人,但是我觉得我也要清楚的了解到,世界上没有任何一个国家它是完美的,所以说肯定你如果只是相比较片面而言的话,肯定会有一些地方可能是国外可能环境稍微好一点或者怎么样各种好一点。 You know I think I am very proud to be a Chinese, but I think I also have to clearly understand that no country in the world is perfect, so certainly if you just look at it in a one-sided way, there are definitely places where the environment may be a little bit better abroad or how about a little bit better.
很多时候的话国内也是有很好的东西的,只不过说你不可能完全的来,因为你喜欢一个东西,你就觉得他100%都是好的,是不允许任何人来持有不同意见的,我觉得其实这是一个挺危险的一点。 Very often there are good things in the country, but you can’t come to a complete conclusion, because you like something, you think it’s 100% good, you don’t allow anyone to hold a different opinion, I think that’s a dangerous point.
Joanne 19:34 Joanne 19:34
对。 Right.
所以我特别能理解说到负面情绪的感受,就是一开始在我做这个公众号写文章受到负面的评论以后,我还会跟人家互怼,对,这个词也是一个中文的意思,就是很有意思的fight back。跟人家fight back argue,然后中文叫“怼”。我还会给人家怼回去,后来就怼着怼着真的蛮没意思的,就是你何必要和这些键盘下来,对吧?讨论这些事情。是的。 So I can especially understand the feeling of negativity, that is, at the beginning when I did this public number to write articles by negative comments, I would also dislike each other with others, yes, this word is also a Chinese meaning, is very interesting fight back. with others fight back argue, and then the Chinese called “dislike “I also dislike people. I will also give people dislike back, and then dislike dislike dislike really quite meaningless, is why you have to and these keyboard down, right? I don’t want to discuss these things. Yes.
Angelina 20:08 Angelina 20:08
我记得,我当时跟瑞福抱怨,然后他说你不要给这些人,你的时间还有你的精力,这些人他是不值得你任何的比如说你的生气或者是任何的情绪的。 I remember, I was complaining to Revel, and then he said you don’t give these people, your time and your energy, these people he is not worth any of your for example your anger or any emotions.
所以说我现在的处理态度,要么我完全是如果还是一些比较温和一点的不是很好的comment的话,我就可能会置之不理。 So the way I’m dealing with it now, either I’m totally if it’s still some milder not very good COMMENT, I’ll probably just ignore it.
但是我发现另一个很很奇怪的一点不是很奇怪,就是让我很惊喜的一点,就是我的粉丝他们其实会帮助我,有人会看到有一些这些评论,然后会有人说你这样说是不对的。 But the other thing that I’ve found that’s not so strange, that’s the thing that surprises me, is that my fans actually help me, some of them will see that there are some of these comments and then some of them will say that you’re not right to say that.
对,所以说我觉得网络上还是好人多,然后如果有一些评论,我觉得是很过分的话,我就会直接删除加黑名单,然后加上我会举报这个人,因为我觉得这样子的人他是没有在这种没有在这种平台上继续让别人感到不好的这种权利的,对。 Yeah, so I think there are still good people on the internet, and then if there are some comments that I think are very excessive, I will just delete and blacklist them, and then I will report the person, because I think that this kind of person has no right to continue to make people feel bad on this kind of platform, yeah.
Joanne 21:15 Joanne 21:15
同意,我觉得网络环境需要大家共同来爱护,不然的话就是喷子太多,键盘侠太多,网络环境就挺乌烟瘴气的,有的时候都不敢开评论区,那就很怕开了评论区,就会收到很多负面的评论。 I agree, I think the internet environment needs to be cared for by everyone, otherwise there are just too many spammers, too many keyboard warriors, the internet environment is quite a mess, sometimes I am afraid to open the comment section, then I am very afraid that if I open the comment section, I will receive a lot of negative comments.
是的,在我们Podcast今天结束之前,最后一个问题,就是你未来的规划是什么样的,对你的对你的频道会不会用中文做,还是继续要用英文做,以及你觉得你什么时候可以达到多少粉丝以及赚到钱。 Yes, before we end the Podcast today, the last question is what kind of planning you have for the future, for your to your channel will you do it in Chinese or will you continue to do it in English, and when do you think you can reach how many fans as well as make money.
Angelina 21:52 Angelina 21:52
我现在其实已经开始有一点点赚到钱,但是赚的钱真的特别少,就可能给我赚了5杯奶茶钱这样子。 I’m actually starting to make a little bit of money now, but it’s really small, maybe 5 cups of milk tea for me.
Joanne 22:04 Joanne 22:04
你是怎么赚到的? How do you make it?
Angelina 22:06 Angelina 22:06
梅因为你像一般短时像一般哔哩哔哩或者YouTube的平台,它是会根据你的播放量,然后给你一定的收益的,对,可能比如说YouTube上的话,你可能是要达到1000个粉丝,然后4000小时的播放的时长在哔哩哔哩上,因为现在他们好像最近在想要有一个鼓励计划,想要支持海外的up主,所以我就被联系到,然后所以我的激励是是提前开放的,不然的话也是会有一个一个标准,然后你才可以开始盈利,我觉得现在就做我觉得完全是兴趣爱好,第一个是兴趣爱好,然后第二个我觉得这就好像是我自己一个小baby一样,我就可以不断的试错,然后尝试新的东西。 May, because you’re like a general short time like a general beeper or YouTube platform, it’s going to give you a certain amount of money based on the amount of plays you get, yeah, maybe on YouTube for example, you probably have to reach 1000 followers and then 4000 hours of plays on beeper, because now they seem to be trying to have an incentive program recently, trying to support So I was contacted and so my incentive was opened up in advance, otherwise there would have been a standard before you could start making a profit, I think it’s a hobby right now, the first one is a hobby and then the second one I think it’s like my own little baby, I can just keep trying it out and trying new things.
所以我准备下一段时间来尝试一下,可能是一些更短一点的更casual一点的视频,然后可能是会用中文来做,然后试试看看效果怎么样。然后我还没有想好未来到底是要怎么样继续分享,但是我觉得在这过程中我已经学到很多了,然后也认识到了很多其他的好朋友,我觉得其实是一件特别幸福的事情。 So I’m going to try it out for a while, maybe some shorter, more casual videos, maybe in Chinese, and then try it out and see how it goes. And I haven’t really thought about how I’m going to continue sharing in the future, but I think I’ve learned a lot in the process and I’ve met a lot of other good people, and I think that’s a very happy thing.
Joanne 23:23 Joanne 23:23
你要不要给大家打一下广告,说一下你的视频叫什么名字? Do you want to advertise a bit and say what your video is called?
Angelina 23:30 Angelina 23:30
好如果大家感兴趣的话,大家可以搜我的在哔哩哔哩上的频道是叫Angie的世界,然后我在you tube上的频道是miss Angie Lu,到时候我会把链接发给你们,然后就完全你可以放在你的pod cast下面,如果大家有兴趣的话可以看一下。 Ok if people are interested, you can search my channel on bleeps is called Angie’s World and then my channel on you tube is miss Angie Lu, I’ll send you the link then and then it’s totally you can put it under your pod cast if people are interested in watching it.
Joanne 23:50 Joanne 23:50
没问题,不过我的粉丝比你的还要少,所以我觉得不一定能够帮助到你,而且我们可能target的人也不一样,but anyways我觉得我们就在互相成为网红的路上互相扶持。 No problem, but I have less followers than you do so I don’t think I can necessarily help you and we probably target different people, but anyways I think we’ll just support each other on our way to becoming internet celebrities.
Angelina 24:05 Angelina 24:05
对互相扶持我或者大家想知道我到底长什么样,因为只听到我的声音。 For supporting each other I or people want to know what I really look like because they only hear my voice.
Joanne 24:11 Joanne 24:11
有道理,好的,谢谢。 Good point, ok, thanks.
这里祝你最后一个星期隔离快乐。 Here’s wishing you a happy last week of isolation.
Angelina 24:20 Angelina 24:20
我还有10天很快了,我已经可以开始倒数了嗯,好的。 I have 10 days to go soon and I can already start counting down hmmm, ok.
Joanne 24:25 Joanne 24:25
拜拜。 Bye bye.