Episode 26 |成为一名骄傲的铲屎官!

Convo Chinese
15 min readNov 18, 2021


Joanne 00:10 Joanne 00:10

Hello大家好,欢迎大家又再一次回到我们的瞎扯学中文。失踪人口终于回来了,我已经大概有三个星期没有跟大家见面了,所以首先还是要跟大家说一声抱歉,然后在中文里面叫放鸽子。对,放鸽子的意思,其实字面上来讲把一只鸽子给放出去,但是意思就是怎么说没有达成原来做的承诺,或者说跟某个人约好了要一起见面,最后没有见面就叫放鸽子。 Hello everyone and welcome back once again to our nonsense learning Chinese. It’s been about three weeks since I’ve seen you all, so first of all, I’d like to say sorry, and then in Chinese, it’s called a pigeon. In Chinese, it’s called “pigeon”, which literally means to let a pigeon out, but it means to say that you didn’t meet the promise you made, or to say that you had a meeting with someone and you didn’t meet them.

Angelina 00:57 Angelina 00:57

我觉得可能是因为你有很多人放了鸽子之后他就不回来了,所以说可能鸽子是没有完成约定,然后我们就把给叫做放鸽子。 I think it’s probably because you have a lot of people who let the pigeon go and then he doesn’t come back, so maybe the pigeon is not fulfilling the promise and then we call giving the give a pigeon.

Joanne 01:11 Joanne 01:11

对,总而言之,放了大家三个星期的鸽子,但是这一次充满斗志的回来了,所以希望我们不会再中断我们的节目,然后今天的嘉宾大家可能已经听出来声音了,就是我们的。 Yeah, in a nutshell, after three weeks of pigeonholing everyone, but this time coming back full of fight, so hopefully we won’t interrupt our show again, and then today’s guest who you may have heard the sound of, is ours.

Angelina 01:29 Angelina 01:29

Angelina! 我又回来了。 Angelina! I’m back again.

Joanne 01:32 Joanne 01:32

就Angelina现在已经回到了加拿大,对。 Just Angelina is now back in Canada, yes.

Angelina 01:39 Angelina 01:39

所以在国内待了大概两个月的时间,第一个月都一直在隔离,第二个月就一直在跟父母家人还有朋友在吃饭见面之类的,所以还是很充实的两个月。不过时光飞逝,所以一转眼时间就到了,然后我就要回来了。 So I was in the country for about two months, the first month I was in isolation and the second month I was having dinner and seeing my parents and family and friends and stuff, so it was still a very full two months. But time flies, so it’s just a matter of time and then I’m coming back.

我是昨天前天星期五回到的多伦多。 I got back to Toronto yesterday, Friday before last.

Joanne 02:07 Joanne 02:07

Anyways! 但是今天有一个非常令人激动的update,也是今天我要跟Angelina聊的主要的话题。你自己说。 Anyways! But there is a very exciting UPDATE today and the main topic I will be talking to Angelina about today. Speak for yourself.

Angelina 02:18 Angelina 02:18

我是一只特别可爱的小狗,叫nori的妈妈了。 I’m the mum of a particularly cute little dog called nori now.

Joanne 02:26 Joanne 02:26

对,叫铲屎官。 Yes, called a pooper scooper.

Angelina 02:32 Angelina 02:32

对铲屎官。 Yes pooper scooper.

Joanne 02:35 Joanne 02:35

什么叫铲屎官? What does it mean to be a pooper scooper?

Angelina 02:36 Angelina 02:36

铲屎官就是… 屎就是shit或者poop,铲就是把它给拾起来,官其实就指的是我这个人 literal就是最字面的解释,我是帮这只狗捡起大小便的人,应该是大便的人,所以叫铲屎官。 Shi is to shit or poop, chanis to pick it up, guan actually refers to me, this person literally. So I am to help this dog pick up the poop, so it’s called “pooper-scooper”.

Joanne 03:02 Joanne 03:02

对,就是字面上解释的话,英语就是dog poop,pick up officer something like that。是的。在中文里面就是骄傲的 铲屎官,无论是你是猫猫或者狗狗的主人,我们就会说我是它的铲屎官,所以还蛮有意思的这个词。 Yes, it is the literal interpretation of the words, English is dog poop, pick up officer something like that. yes. In Chinese it’s proud pooper scooper, whether you’re the owner of a cat or a dog, we’d say I’m its pooper-scooper, so it’s quite an interesting word.

Angelina 03:23 Angelina 03:23

是的。 Yes.

Joanne 03:23 Joanne 03:23

等一下,所以你的小狗叫Nori。 Wait, so your puppy’s name is Nori.

Angelina 03:30 Angelina 03:30

对,我的小狗Nori,意思就是海苔。因为我跟瑞夫都很喜欢吃,所以说当时就选了这个名字,也觉得很可爱。 Yes, my puppy Nori, which means seaweed. Because Ralph and I both like it so much, so that’s the name I chose at the time and I thought it was cute too.

Joanne 03:41 Joanne 03:41

然后能有多少大,现在几个月。 And then how old can he be, a few months now.

Angelina 03:46 Angelina 03:46

Nori现在是三个月大。 Nori is now three months old.

所以是这样子的,一般我可以把它故事给说一下,因为我跟瑞福一直很想要一只狗狗,然后我们就找了一个很好的一个就是专门饲养狗狗的,人家找了一个breeder,一般来说的话,breeder是你在大概小狗4个星期的时候,就大概1个月的时候,你是可以去breeder家里面,然后来选中你想要的小狗。 So it’s like this, I can usually tell you the story because Raffles and I always wanted a dog and we found a good breeder who specialises in breeding dogs and they found a breeder.

然后在大概8个星期的时候,就是2个月的时候,一般你就可以把小狗给带回家了,但是因为我跟瑞福都是第一次养宠物的人,所以我们选择又把nori送到了一个专门的宠物训练师那里,又过了又待了4个星期,所以说nori现在是3个月大了。 Then at about 8 weeks, that’s 2 months, you can usually take the puppy home, but because Raffles and I are first time pet owners, we chose to send nori to a specialist pet trainer for another 4 weeks, so nori is now 3 months old.

Joanne 04:38 Joanne 04:38

嗯哼,那是什么契机让你们终于下了这个决定要养一只狗狗呢? Hmmmm, so what was the opportunity that made you guys finally make this decision to get a dog?

Angelina 04:45 Angelina 04:45

我们两个我其实从小到大都特别想养狗狗。但是,我不知道大家是不是也有这种感觉,一般家里面要是如果你是小孩子,家里面想要养狗狗的话,妈妈肯定会不同意,因为狗狗带来狗狗就说明可能家里面会有更多的杂物或者家务要打扫,所以说我小时候的时候,我妈妈也不是很同意,也不是很同意我去养小狗,瑞福其实也是一样的。 We both I’ve actually wanted a dog since we were little. But I don’t know if you all feel the same way, but usually if you’re a kid and you want to have a dog in the house, your mother will definitely not approve of it because a dog brings a dog means that there might be more clutter or chores to clean in the house, so when I was a kid, my mother didn’t really approve of it and didn’t really approve of me getting a puppy, and it was actually the same with Raffles.

然后现在有了自己的房子,然后我们两个也都想了很久,所以就一致决定我们还是很想要狗狗。然后其实我们在今年的1月份交了申请想要养到狗狗,然后到大概好像是9月份的时候,breeder才跟我们确认说会有一窝小狗,所以说大家还是还是有非常多的人最近在养狗的 Then now that we have our own house, then we both thought about it for a long time, so we just unanimously decided that we still really wanted the dog. We actually submitted our application to get a dog in January this year and then it was about September when breeder confirmed to us that there would be a litter of puppies, so there are still very many people who have recently gotten a dog

Joanne 05:49 Joanne 05:49

因为最近真的蛮巧的,自从Covid疫情以后,真的周边有好多的人开始养宠物,觉得可能是因为那个时候隔离在家里一个人也很无聊,所以也是掀起了一番养宠物的热潮。 It’s quite a coincidence that since the Covid epidemic, a lot of people have started to get pets, probably because they were bored at home in isolation, so there’s been a boom in pet ownership.

然后我有一个朋友,比如说有两个朋友在内罗毕也是开始一个人开始养猫,一个人开始养狗,而且我其实也是从小就是很喜欢狗,但对我来说我觉得我最大的有两个顾虑,第一个家里一直是住在公寓,然后觉得地方不够大,我一直觉得可能要有绿地,或者至少我的个人的作息要能够这么说,每天至少要带狗狗出去遛狗两次三次,这是一个我觉得比较大的。我在家里的话空间太小,不过狗狗就是自由的玩耍。 Then I had a friend, for example, two friends in Nairobi who also started to have a cat and a dog, and I actually grew up loving dogs, but for me I think I had two major concerns. I’ve always felt that there should be green space, or at least my personal routine should be such that I can walk my dog at least twice or three times a day, which I think is a big thing. I don’t have a lot of space at home, but the dogs are just free to play.

然后第二个孤立就是我觉得养一只小狗和养小孩其实挺像的,就是很大的责任,因为特别狗狗很小的时候,你也不能到处旅游,因为你要想着这狗要放到谁家里寄养之类的,所以我不知道你是怎么样克服这些重重的心理障碍,终于做了决定的? And then the second isolation is that I think having a puppy is quite similar to having a child, it’s a big responsibility because especially when the dog is very young, you can’t travel around because you have to think about who to put the dog in and so on, so I don’t know how you overcame all these mental barriers and finally made the decision?

Angelina 07:07 Angelina 07:07

是的,其实这些方面我们都想过,第一个你讲的家里面大家里面的房子的面积的问题够不够让狗狗来玩耍? Yes, actually we thought about all these aspects, the first one you mentioned is that the size of the house is not enough for the dog to play?

所以为什么当时我们在选择狗狗品种的时候,其实我们做了很多调查,像Nori它是一只labradoodle,就是拉布拉多和doodle的一个混合的犬种,像这种狗狗它其实不是需要不会像其他狗一样,需要特别多的在家里面跑来跑去的地方。 So when we were choosing a breed, we did a lot of research and Nori is a labradoodle, which is a mix of labrador and doodle, so this kind of dog doesn’t need as much space to run around as other dogs.

然后第二点也是我们选择的其实算是中小型狗,所以说nori长大长到成熟狗的时候,大概是会在20~25磅,可能也就是10~12公斤左右,所以说也不会是只特别大的狗,所以说需要活动的空间也不是很多。 The second point is that we have chosen a small to medium sized dog, so when Nori grows to maturity, she will be around 20–25lbs or 10–12kg, so she will not be a very big dog and will not need a lot of space to move around.

再加上我们现在住的地方,其实下了公寓,然后出门走大概一分钟,其实就是一个公园,所以说在努力经常出去散步之类的,也是很容易可以轻易做到的。 In addition, where we live now, we can get out of the flat and walk for about a minute to a park, so it’s easy to go out for walks and so on.

然后你讲第二点经常要出去玩,然后狗狗在家里面是一个很大的responsibility,很大的责任,我们其实也想过这个问题,我觉得第一点是我跟瑞福可能也是都想要小孩的,然后我有我很恐惧小孩,所以我就想说我们来试试着养一只狗狗,看我们能不能把狗狗给养的很好,要是可以的话也为我自己打一点信心,也相当于我跟他的一个磨合期。 I think the first point is that Raffles and I probably both want to have children, and I have a fear of children, so I thought we’d try to get a dog and see if we could raise it well, and if we could, it would give me a bit of confidence, and it would be like a bonding period for me and him.

然后第二点的话,其实我们现在的生活相对于比较稳,安定我们就会定居,暂时在多伦多,也不会去很多其他地方在各种飞。 The second point is that our life is relatively stable and we will be settled in Toronto for the time being, and we will not be flying to many other places.

然后加上其实现在有很多的宠物的旅馆,你可以把宠物给放在那里,比如说我们这次在12月的时候会去believes会去玩,我们可能会走两个星期,然后我们就决定把nori再放到就是当时训练他的呃呃trainer的地方再待两个星期。 And then plus there are actually a lot of pet hotels now, you can put your pet there, for example, we will go to Believes this time in December to play, we may go for two weeks, and then we decided to put nori again into is then training his uh uh trainer’s place to stay for two weeks again.

对所以说也是蛮放心的。 Yes so that was quite reassuring as well.

Joanne 09:31 Joanne 09:31

刚才你说到在养小孩之前先养一个宠物或养一只小狗,作为训练和磨合,我真的听很多人有这个想法就是说在养小孩之前可以先养只小狗看看,我自己也有过这个想法,所以可能未来我要小孩之前也会跟我的男朋友养一只狗,但是其实我最喜欢的狗的品种是金毛,就是golden retriever,但金毛真的是蛮大型的狗,而且我觉得他可能需要的空间更大一点。 You mentioned getting a pet or a puppy before getting a child as a training and bonding experience, I’ve really heard a lot of people have this idea of getting a puppy before getting a child.

我觉得现在我也还没有定居的想法,因为现在我在日内瓦的工作可能两年,未来我要搬到新的国家的话,要把狗带过去真的还挺麻烦的。 I don’t think I’m thinking of settling down yet either, because I’ve been working in Geneva for maybe two years now, and it’s really quite a problem to bring the dog with me if I’m moving to a new country in the future.

所以我觉得养小养狗已经说明了安吉丽娜你现在的生活已经到了一个比较settle到比较安定的安稳的状态。 So I think having a small dog already shows that Angelina your life now has come to a more SETTLE to a more settled and peaceful state.

Angelina 10:32 Angelina 10:32

是的,暂时是这么想的,然后我跟瑞夫也很喜欢,比如说开车出去跑步或者出去骑车或者徒步之类的,这样子的话带着狗狗他也会很开心。 Yes, for the time being, and then Ralph and I also enjoy, for example, driving out for a run or going out for a bike ride or a hike or something like that, and that way he’s happy with the dog.

然后另一点其实当时你讲到金毛,其实我也特别喜欢金毛,因为我觉得真的是微笑的天使,但是当时没有养鸡毛有两点,第一点就是像你说的金毛需要的活动量其实是比较大的,所以说家里的空间可能要比较大一点,最好是可以有院子的地方让它可以玩耍。 The first point is that, as you said, the Golden requires a lot of activity, so the space in the house should be bigger, preferably with a yard where he can play.

第二点的考量其实就是金毛像那种毛越多越软的狗其实会掉毛就会更多,所以说家里面也需要打扫的工作量也更大,但是拉贝尔都罗因为它有都督的基因,所以说它其实是不易掉毛的,这也是我们当时为什么选择犬种的另一个考量之一。 The second consideration is that the more hair the Golden has, the softer the dog will shed more, so there will be more cleaning to do inside the home.

Joanne 11:32 Joanne 11:32

对,其实真的要做好准备,养狗狗之前还是有蛮多的研究和准备的工作要做的,你们当时做了哪些研究?特别是对于选哪一个,狗的品种,比如说什么狗的优势劣势都有一些什么? Yes, it’s really important to be prepared, there’s quite a lot of research and preparation to do before you get a dog, what research did you do? What kind of research did you do, especially about which one to choose, the breed of dog, like what are the advantages and disadvantages of any dog?

Angelina 11:51 Angelina 11:51

是的,所以说其实当时就像你讲的,我们大概看了几个方面,第一个方面就是狗狗的,运动量的需求每天需要多少运动量,他才会不会拆家的意思就是在家里面到处咬家具,咬家具其实是因为狗狗活动量不够的一个表现,因为他很无聊。 Yes, so actually, as you said, we looked at several aspects. The first aspect was the dog’s exercise needs, how much exercise he needed every day so that he wouldn’t demolish the house, meaning that he would chew the furniture everywhere in the house.

第二个其实就是清洁的问题,我们其实想要一只不会掉毛很多的狗,因为毕竟我们两个都是在工作,所以说可能没有那么多时间来收拾家里面。 The second issue is cleaning, we want a dog that doesn’t shed a lot, because after all we both work, so we may not have that much time to clean up the house.

然后第三点其实狗狗的大小我们其实想要一只中型。其实如果让我自己选的话,我其实想养大狗,因为我觉得大狗很有安全感。我不是很喜欢小狗,因为我觉得小狗就经常会一直叫唤,所以说我们就在中间选择了一个中型犬,其他还有的方面。 The third point is the size of the dog, we would like a medium sized dog. In fact, if I had to choose, I would like to have a big dog because I feel safe with a big dog. I don’t really like small dogs because I think small dogs bark a lot, so we chose a medium sized dog in the middle, and then there are other aspects.

对,然后我们想要一只很聪明的狗,比如说像哈士奇,他们就哈士奇会有一个名声很固执,所以我们很多时候也叫他二,因为他很多时候因为固执,所以说会犯各种各样的错误,或者说干一些很离奇的事情,所以说我其实想养一只就比较比较聪明的狗狗,其他的话倒是没有了,反正我跟瑞福在养狗狗之前也做了很多的沟通,一直在确认我们是不是想养这只狗。 Yes, and then we wanted a very smart dog, like a husky for example, they have a reputation for being stubborn, so we often call him Two, because he often makes all sorts of mistakes or does some very strange things because he is stubborn, so I actually wanted a dog that was just more intelligent, but not much else, anyway, Raffles and I did a lot of communication before we got the dog, and we were always checking if we wanted the dog.

因为我其实现在看到很多新闻,就是因为大家在疫情期间,很多人都很多人都养了狗,但是在疫情过后,特别是像现在,因为疫苗各种各样的国际间的旅行也开始逐渐开放,很多人就发现他其实并没有这个能力来继续养这只狗,所以说很多的狗狗可能变成了气狗之类的,所以说我在这里想呼吁大家,狗狗也是一个小生命,猫狗任何宠物都是一个小生命,因为他们也会有大概十几年的时间陪伴你。 I’ve seen a lot of news about how many people had dogs during the epidemic, but after the epidemic, especially now that international travel for vaccines is gradually opening up, many people find that they can’t afford to keep the dog, so many dogs may become angry dogs or something like that.

所以说在养小动物这个方面,除了看到它的可爱,也要想到你每天的责任,所以还是一个很重大的决定,大家一定要妥善考虑好。 So when it comes to this aspect of having a small animal, apart from seeing how cute it is, you also have to think about your daily responsibilities, so it’s still a very big decision and people must think about it properly.

Joanne 14:19 Joanne 14:19

对,所以我觉得像你说的,为什么说养狗也是养小孩之前的一个可以说是一个测试,因为其实也可以测试你和你的伴侣的沟通,以及两个人做好准备来承担责任的这么一个配合的程度,所以我觉得你跟瑞福在养狗之前确定了,然后做好心理准备做了研究还是挺好的。 Yes, so I think like you said, why is getting a dog also a test before getting a child, so to speak, because it can actually test your communication with your partner and how well you and your partner are prepared to take responsibility, so I think it’s good that you and Raffles decided before getting a dog and then did your research to be mentally prepared.

然后我刚才还想问一个问题,不知道在多伦多养狗的花费开销会不会很大,因为刚才你有讲到狗狗旅馆,其实我之前在巴黎的时候,有一个好朋友同学他也有一只小狗,但这个好朋友他因为有的时候也要经常旅行,有的时候要回国,他就会有一次跟我提到在巴黎的话,其实把狗送到啊,狗狗旅馆首先其实还挺因为这个需求很紧俏,现在有很多人养狗所以也不一定能找到空的旅馆,而且价格也比较贵,所以他有的时候会比较倾向于让朋友来帮他,就是dogsitter来看这只狗。但是dogsitter的问题就在于每个人养狗的习惯和养狗的能力都不一样,所以有的时候他回到家会发现各过两个星期跟陌生人以后就有些习惯被改变了。 I also want to ask a question, I don’t know if it will cost a lot to have a dog in Toronto, because you have just talked about dog hotels, in fact, when I was in Paris, I had a good friend who also had a small dog, but this good friend, because he sometimes have to travel a lot, sometimes have to return home, he will once mention to me in Paris, in fact, send the dog to ah, dog hotels First of all, because the demand is very high, there are a lot of people who have dogs nowadays, so it is not always possible to find an empty hotel, and it is also more expensive, so he sometimes prefers to ask his friend, the dogsitter, to come and look after the dog for him. But the problem with dogsitter is that everyone has different habits and the ability to keep a dog, so sometimes he comes home and finds that after two weeks each with a stranger some of his habits have been changed.

Angelina 15:48 Angelina 15:48

是的,所以说其实我们两个考虑的其实在狗狗太小的时候,不是很适合放在这样的狗狗旅馆,因为狗狗大概在我听说是大概在三个月,就应该是刚出生,然后到大概一年的时间都是一个在养成习惯的时间,都还是幼犬的时候。所以说在这个时候其实培养很好的习惯是很重要的,就是为什么我跟瑞福我们两个决定,即使有狗狗旅馆,而且价格可能还会比较便宜,大概是10~15加币,每天我们还是决定把狗狗放到我们他之前所在的trainer就是训练师那里,因为现在小nori才三个月大到去年去那里,他的可能都还不到6个月大,所以说我们想继续用这个机会,也让训练室来给他一些更好的一些习惯的培养,还有一些一些好的习惯的养成,就是作为花费来说的话,其实我觉得可能还是挺高的,我跟瑞夫我们买nori其实就花了大概3000多加币,因为我们还是想从一个好的breeder那里来就是养一只小狗,因为如果breeder不是很好的话,可能狗狗拿回来之后有很会比如说先天性有什么毛病之类的,所以说我们想想杜绝这个问题。 Yes, so actually the two of us are considering the fact that it’s not very suitable to put a dog in a dog hotel like this when the dog is too young, because the dog is probably at about three months I’ve heard, it should be just born, and then up to about a year is a time when the habits are being formed, when it’s still a puppy. So it’s important to develop good habits at this time, and that’s why Raffles and I have decided that even though there are dog hotels, and it’s probably cheaper, about 10–15 Canadian dollars, every day we still decide to put our dog in the trainer where he was before, because now little Nori is only three months old and when we went there last year, his So we want to continue to use this opportunity, also let the training room to give him some better some habits of training, and some good habits of formation, is as the cost of words, in fact I think may still be quite high, I and Ralph we buy nori actually spent about 3000 Canadian dollars, because we still want to come from a good breeder We wanted to get a puppy from a good breeder, because if the breeder wasn’t very good, the dog might have some kind of congenital problem or something, so we wanted to eliminate that problem.

还有另一点,我们其实当时把他给送到training那里,其实也是600块一个星期,但是我们也觉得这个钱花得很值,是因为我们两个都是第一次养狗,有很多东西是真的不懂,所以说我们决定用这个钱来买一个经验,这样子的话我们再把狗狗拿回来的时候,我们其实就已经发现nori,其实虽然才三三个月大,但是他非常的安静,然后他也不会在我们吃饭的时候来抢食,然后他也学会了怎么样要做好,然后怎么样要趴下,所以我觉得其实很多这些很好的习惯都是这个trained来帮我们养成的,如果是我们自己来训练nori的话,可能就会犯很多的错误。 Another point is that we actually sent him to training for $600 a week, but we thought it was worth the money because it was our first time to get a dog and we really didn’t know a lot of things, so we decided to use the money to buy an experience, and when we got the dog back, we actually found out that I think a lot of these very good habits were developed by this trained to help us, if we were to train nori ourselves, we would probably make a lot of mistakes.

Joanne 18:18 Joanne 18:18

现在你们把nori接回家了以后,训练师就是这个穿戴有没有给你们一些两两个三个小技巧,怎么样继续保持狗狗的良好的习惯? Now that you have taken nori home, has the trainer given you any two or two or three tips on how to continue to keep the good habits of your dog?

Angelina 18:31 Angelina 18:31

其实有很多,我觉得其实比如说有一个很大的你可能会看到有些狗看到人会比如说特别兴奋,完全不可以安静下来,训练师交给nori做的最好的只有到nori安静的坐下或者趴下的时候,他才会有吃的。 There are actually a lot of them, I think actually for example there is a big one you may see some dogs will be for example particularly excited to see people and not be quiet at all, the trainer handed nori to do the best only to nori quietly sit or down when he will have food.

如果nori是那种很闹的状态,然后想要爬裤腿或者是抢食的话,他就拿不到吃的。所以说nori在我们第一次见到他的时候,他就已经很安静很乖,会乖乖的趴在那里。然后我觉得还有另外一点训练师告诉我们的小技巧,我觉得也也是很重要的。当他给nori为任何的食物或者零食的时候,他都是把他的手放在nori的,就是把手给放在底下,这样子 nori就可以从下面开始吃。 If nori is in a frenzied state and tries to climb up his pant legs or grab his food, he will not get his food. So nori was very quiet and well behaved when we first saw him and he would lie down. Then I think there is another little tip that the trainer told us that I think is also important. When he gave nori any food or snack, he would put his hand on nori’s, just put his hand underneath, so that nori could start eating from the bottom.

但是他会说就有很多人会把食物放在n位的头部上方,我会把手会把手放在狗狗的头部上方,让狗狗来跳起来,来揭示这样子其实是一个很不好的习惯,因为这样的狗狗时间长了之后,会想要有这种扑人的冲动,所以说其实是一个很不好的习惯,但 again所有这些都是我们事先不知道的,然后trainer给我们做了很好的解释,我们才明白。 But he would say that there are many people who would put food on top of nori’s head, and I would put my hand would put my hand on top of the dog’s head to make the dog come and jump up to reveal that this is actually a very bad habit, because after such a long time, the dog would want to have this impulse to jump on people, so that is actually a very bad habit, but again all of these were unknown to us beforehand, and then trainer gave us a very good explanation before we understood.

Joanne 20:01 Joanne 20:01

对我觉得养狗其实真的有很多的技巧需要去,不是说第一次养狗一下子就可以学会的,其实跟养小孩是一样的。我刚刚才跟你提到说我在巴黎的同学的狗狗现在已经一年一岁多大了,但他就是像你说的看到人会很激动,然后完全停不下来,觉得可能和小时候养成的养生的习惯确实有关系,但他还是很可爱,我非常喜欢他。 Yes I think there are really a lot of skills that go into dog ownership, it’s not like you can learn them all at once for the first time, it’s actually the same as raising a child. I just mentioned to you that my classmate in Paris has a dog that is now a year and a half old, but he just gets so excited to see people like you said and then can’t stop at all, I think it might have something to do with the nurturing habits I picked up as a child really, but he is still very cute and I love him so much.

我当时在这个同学家住了三个星期两个星期,然后稍微感受了一下当一名陈时光的感受,然后我还带狗狗出去,这个狗然后真的有帮它铲屎,第一次捡起温暖的狗狗的狗屎的时候,觉得完成了人生一大成就,真的还是那个时候天还挺冷的,然后你在塑料袋里它还是软软的暖暖的。 I was staying at this classmate’s house for three weeks and two weeks, and then I got a little taste of what it’s like to be a chan time, and then I also took the dog out, and this dog and then really helped him shovel his shit, and the first time I picked up the warm dog’s shit, I felt like I had accomplished a big achievement in life, and it was really still quite cold at that time, and then you were still soft and warm in the plastic bag.

Angelina 21:03 Angelina 21:03

是的,其实就是我们的状态,因为昨天是第一天把nori给领回家,所以说他在家里面还在适应的时候,已经不小心在家里面大小便各一次,然后就把我们指定让他上上厕所的地方放到了阳阳台上,然后我们就尝试每个小时带他去外面的指定的地方,让他去上厕所。 Yes, that’s actually the state we’re in, because yesterday was the first day we brought nori home, so that means that he’s still getting used to being inside the house, he’s already accidentally peed and pooped once each inside the house, and then put the place we designated for him to go potty on the yang yang table, and then we try to take him outside every hour to the designated place for him to go potty.

但是问题是现在在多伦多,而且晚上风很大很冷,在外面真的待两分钟都已经要受不了的感觉,但是我们两个但是我们的穿着跟我们说说nori需要时间来适应,你要给他15分钟的时间,所以我们两个就真的是穿着冬天的那种羽绒服,然后在外面寒风瑟瑟,每两分钟换一下,希望他可以在指定的地方大小便,真的还是很不容易。 But the problem is that we are in Toronto and it’s very windy and cold at night, so it’s really hard to stay outside for two minutes, but the two of us but our clothes told us that nori needs time to get used to it and you have to give him 15 minutes, so the two of us are really wearing winter down jackets and we are outside in the cold wind, changing every two minutes, hoping that he can pee and poo in the designated place, it’s really hard.

Joanne 22:06 Joanne 22:06

你现在是新手妈妈,只有两天的经验,看看下一次我们录节目的时候看你的养狗的心情有没有变化。 You’re a new mum now, only two days experience, let’s see if your dog-owning mood changes the next time we record a show.

Angelina 22:19 Angelina 22:19

是的,然后包括今天早上,因为今天是周日,然后早上的时候如果没有狗狗的没有nori的时候,我们可能会睡到大概八九点钟,但是因为有nori,然后穿着说他一般的日程,就是他大概早上6:00~6:30之间醒,起床之后就立刻要带他去大小便,然后我们就6:15醒,在一个周日的早晨醒了就没有在睡懒睡懒觉,然后在寒风之中带他去阳台上接受,然后我觉得他好像撒了一点点尿,然后我们两个就很激动。 Yes, and then including this morning, because it’s Sunday, and then in the morning if we didn’t have the dog’s without nori we would probably sleep until about 8 or 9 o’clock, but because of nori, and then wearing say his general schedule, which is he wakes up between about 6:00 and 6:30 in the morning, and immediately after he gets up he has to be taken to pee and poo, and then we wake up at 6:15 on a And then we woke up at 6:15, and on a Sunday morning we didn’t sleep in, and then we took him out on the balcony in the middle of the cold to take it, and then I think he peed a little bit, and then we both got very excited.

Joanne 22:58 Joanne 22:58

真的好像是新手爸爸新手妈妈对这个新的啊新的小生命充满了期待。 It really does seem like new parents and new mums are so excited about this new ah new little life.

是的,但是说实话责任真的蛮大的。 Yes, but it’s really quite a lot of responsibility to be honest.

我在那个同学家住了两个星期,就有亲眼看到要每天三四次,而且你的个人生活的作息要跟着狗狗来,就像你说早上要带他出去,然后下午可能五六点钟你就不能一直在外面待着,家里必须要有一个人回去给狗狗喂食,带他出去散步,所以责任重大,但是我看到今天等一下你给我发一张nori的照片,我可以放到我们的podcast配图,然后大家都可以看到nori真的好可爱,好可爱。 I stayed at that classmate’s house for two weeks and just had to see with my own eyes that you have to follow the dog three or four times a day, and your personal life’s routine has to follow the dog, like you said you have to take him out in the morning and then in the afternoon maybe five or six o’clock you can’t stay out all the time, there has to be someone in the house to go back and feed the dog and take him out for walks, so it’s a big responsibility, but I see that today later you send me a picture of nori that I can put on our podcast with pictures and then everyone can see that nori is really cute and adorable.

Angelina 23:47 Angelina 23:47

很像一个很像一个玩具,因为它是毛茸茸的,昨天刚洗完澡然后还是淡淡的金色,然后就真的很可爱,小眼睛炯炯有神。 It’s very much like a very much like a toy because it’s fluffy, it just got a bath yesterday then it’s still a light blonde and then it’s just really cute, little gorgeous eyes.

然后现在我跟Joanne在讲话的时候,nori在我脚下的桌子旁边睡着了,像一个小天使一样。 Then now when I’m talking to Joanne, nori is asleep at my feet next to the table like a little angel.

Joanne 24:10 Joanne 24:10

对,真的是puppy eyes。 Yes, it really is puppy eyes.

狗狗的小眼神,对的,好,谢谢Angelina跟我们介绍第二天当这个新手成屎官新手妈妈的兴奋的心情。 Little doggy eyes, yes, well, thank you Angelina for telling us about the excitement of being this newbie into shit newbie mum the next day.

Angelina 24:26 Angelina 24:26

好的,谢谢,我很欢迎大家,如果以后有人去多伦多的话来找我撸狗,我可以介绍nori给你们认识nori,很喜欢认识新的朋友。 Ok, thanks, I’m very welcome, if anyone comes to Toronto in the future to jerk off to me, I can introduce nori to you to nori, love meeting new people.

Joanne 24:37 Joanne 24:37

对我也可以经常在云吸狗,就是在云上来享受当一名 Virtual铲屎官的乐趣,就看着Angelina的nori长大。 Yes I can also enjoy having a dog on the cloud a lot, just go to ehe cloud and enjoy being a Virtual pooper scooper, just watching Angelina’s nori growing up.

Angelina 24:49 Angelina 24:49

好。 Good.

Joanne 24:51 Joanne 24:51

好的,谢谢,我们下次再聊。 Ok, thanks, we’ll talk next time.

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