Episode 28 |最近看了什么好看的电影?Let’s talk about movies!

Joanne Hello,大家好。新年快乐,好久不见了。上一次录节目好像还是在圣诞节以前,圣诞节和新年给自己放了一个假,也是有两个多月没有给大家录节目了,但是我们又回来了,今天邀请到了一个在日内瓦的新的小伙伴Linghan你来自我介绍一下。 Hello, everyone. Happy New Year, it’s been a long time. I think the last time I recorded a show was before Christmas, and I took a break for Christmas and New Year’s, and I didn’t record a show for you for more than two months, but we’re back, and today we have a new partner in Geneva, Linghan, so introduce yourself. Linghan 大家好,我是Linghan,我在日内瓦的一个国际组织工作,之前在咖啡店喝咖啡的时候遇到了主持人,于是我就这次有机会可以跟大家分享一下,我比较模糊的中文希望不会太模糊。 Hello, I’m Linghan, I’m working for an international organization in Geneva, and I met the host when I was having coffee in a coffee shop, so I had the opportunity to share with you this time, and my rather vague Chinese is hopefully not too vague. Joanne
等一下Linghan你是哪里人? Wait a minute Linghan where are you from?
我是福建厦门人,ok,我们那边还会说一个方言叫闽南话,对。 I’m from Xiamen, Fujian, OK, we also speak a dialect called Minnan, yes.
不知道听我的broadcast,观众听众朋友熟不熟悉,福建在哪里? I don’t know if you’re familiar with listening to my broadcasts, audience listeners, where is Fujian?
Linghan 01:15
然后福建的话是在中国的南边,所以相当于是中国的南方口音,但是闽南话是很不一样的口音。 And then Fujian is in the south of China, so it’s the equivalent of a southern Chinese accent uh huh, but Minnan is a very different accent.
对非常不一样,比如说我之前和其他同学在聊天的时候,有时候我接到我爸妈电话,然后和我爸我妈用闽南语讲话的时候,其他同学就跟我说这个简直就是一门第二外语,他们一个字都听不懂,不像比如说四川话或者其他东北话一样,有一些比较相近的词语,闽南话就是非常不一样,而且听起来更像东南亚语言,像听起来会像泰语、越南语这样子。 For example, when I was talking with other students, sometimes I got a phone call from my parents, and then when I spoke with my parents in Minnan, the other students told me that it was a second foreign language, they couldn’t understand a single word, unlike, for example, Sichuan or other northeastern languages, there are some similar words, Minnan is very different, and it sounds It’s more like a Southeast Asian language, like it sounds like Thai or Vietnamese.
今天想要跟Linghan聊的话题是今天是新年第一期节目,聊一个比较让人开心的话题,我们聊一聊我们最喜欢的书或者电影,比如说去年你看了什么好看的电影电视剧也可以。 The topic I want to talk to Linghan about today is that today is the first show of the New Year, so let’s talk about a happy topic, let’s talk about our favorite books or movies, for example, what good movies and TV shows you watched last year.
其实我去年工作比较忙,我很少有时间看电影,但是如果有时间的话,我之前一直从中学开始都比较喜欢看科幻电影,就去年看的比较多的是星际穿越,然后最近有一个新的电影叫分歧,所以看的比较,然后把之前其他的科幻电影又拿出来看了一遍,比如说安德的游戏之类的。 In fact, I was busy last year, I rarely have time to watch movies, but if I have time, I have always liked watching science fiction movies since middle school, and last year I watched more Star Trek, and then recently there is a new movie called Finch. And then I took out some other science fiction movies to watch again, such as Ender’s Game and so on.
说到安德的游戏,我没有看过这部电影,但是前两天我的男朋友给我买了这本书,安德的游戏,对,而且是法语版本的,所以我准备要读这个法语版本的,正准备下个星期开始读。 Speaking of Ender’s Game, I haven’t seen the movie, but two days ago my boyfriend bought me this book, Ender’s Game, yes, and it’s in French, so I’m going to read this French version and am about to start it next week.
你觉得好看吗? Do you think it’s good?
电影塞法语版本的,当时我记得我是中学的时候,头一次看安德的游戏,当时我和我妈妈一起在电影院里看我,自己是觉得当时剧情安排到配乐设置,整个环境和走向都是对中学生的我来说,非常眼前一亮。 I remember when I was in high school, the first time I watched Ender’s Game, when I watched me in the cinema with my mother, I was thinking that the plot was arranged to the soundtrack setting, the whole environment and the direction was very new for me as a high school student.
焕然一新。 A fresh look, a new perspective
对于我来说,我当时是非常喜欢这部电影,但是当时我妈妈就在我旁边看,她可能看到一半睡着。 For me, I was very much into the movie, but my mom was watching it next to me at the time, and she probably fell asleep halfway through.
安德的游戏英文是Ender’s game Ender’s Game in English is Ender’s game
不知道可能听众里面会有一些人看过这个电影,但是不想我不要被剧透,所以Linghan你不要告诉我电影里发生了什么,因为我想先看书,看完书以后再去看电影,然后你说的分歧,英文的电影名字叫什么? I don’t know maybe there will be some people inside the listeners who have seen the movie but don’t want me not to be dramatized so Linghan you don’t tell me what happens in the movie because I want to read the book first and then go to the movie after I read the book and then the disagreement that you said, what is the name of the movie in English?
Finch Finch
finch他是讲什么的? finch what is he talking about?
是一个也是世界末日题材,然后世界末日的时候,有一个电影主人公他自己设置它叫做分歧,他自己做了一些他养了一只小狗,然后还自己给自己做了一个机器人,帮他导航开车找食物,找各种资源配置。 is also an apocalyptic theme, and then the end of the world, there is a movie hero he set it called divergence, he made some of his own he raised a puppy, and then also made himself a robot to help him navigate driving to find food, to find a variety of resource allocation.
然后这个电影就是讲他主人公怎么跟他设计的人工智能机器人交流,然后然后剧情怎么发展嗯,生活怎么在世界末日的时候展开的故事。 And then this movie is about how his main character communicates with the artificial intelligence robot he designed, and then how the plot develops well, how life unfolds at the end of the world.
ok有一点像当年是鲁滨逊漂流记吗?你知道很有名的汤姆克斯的电影,他飘到一个小岛上,然后有一个排球是他唯一的伙伴,你看过那部电影吗?没有,让我想起来有一点像那部电影还是蛮经典,的嗯。 ok there is a little like the year is Robinson Crusoe? You know the very famous Tom Fox movie where he floats to an island and then there’s a volleyball that’s his only partner, have you seen that movie? No, let me think of a little bit like that movie or quite classic, hmm.
你是什么时候看的电影? When did you see the movie?
很早的电影了,是比较经典,应该是汤姆汉斯还比较年轻的时候拍的,然后电影里最有名的一个镜头是因为它漂流到荒岛上,一个人也没有,但他非常的孤独,所以他就在漂流的漂流的一堆物品里面,他选中了一个排球,然后用他的血在这个排球上画了一个笑脸,这个排球就变成了他最好的朋友,陪伴他度过了他在荒岛上非常孤独的很多年。 Very early movie, is more classic, should be Tom Hans is still relatively young shot, and then the most famous scene in the movie because it drifted to the desert island, no one, but he was very lonely, so he drifted in the drift of a bunch of items, he selected a volleyball, and then used his blood in this volleyball painted a smiley face, this volleyball became his best friend The volleyball became his best friend and accompanied him through his many years of loneliness on the desert island.
荒岛求生那种。 The kind of desert island survival.
对叫荒岛求生,对叫荒岛求生,对,应该是荒岛求生。 Yes, it’s called Desert Island Survival, yes, it’s Desert Island Survival, yes, it should be Desert Island Survival.
我等一下搜搜。 I will google it later
看到了是2000年的电影,英文是cast away, 荒岛求生。 Oh I saw, the movie was in 2000, the English is cast away,
我还没有看过。 I haven’t seen it yet.
我忽然想到说起有很多英文电影的中文名字,中文翻译的名字会和英文电影完全不一样,所以有的时候我和我的外国朋友聊起来一部电影,我就会只知道这些电影的中文名字,然后我有时候会自己把中文翻译成英文,我记得最好笑的一次是我们看了哈利波特的外传,就是哈利波特和神奇动物在哪里,神奇动物在哪里? I suddenly thought of talking about the Chinese names of many English movies, the Chinese translation of the names will be completely different from the English movies, so sometimes I talk to my foreign friends about a movie, I will just know the Chinese names of these movies, and then I will sometimes translate the Chinese into English by myself, I remember the funniest time was when we watched the Harry Potter’s Gaiden, which is Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts in Where, where are the magical animals?
他的英文应该是 Fantastic beast,fantastic beast。对,然后但是中文的翻译就是神奇动物。我就跟我的朋友说,我看了一部电影叫magical animals,然后我的朋友就说没有电影叫magical animals是,叫Fantastic Beasts。对。就有很多像这样的中国的翻译名字非常不一样,还有比如说我记得在中文里面很多电影的名字很喜欢用什么总动员。对,可是不是,我其实一直都不太懂什么叫总动员。 The English title should be Fantastic beast, fantastic beast. right, then but the Chinese translation is magical animals. I just told my friend that I watched a movie called magical animals, and then my friend said no movie called magical animals is, called Fantastic Beasts. There are many Chinese translations of names like this very different, and for example, I remember that in Chinese, many movies have names that like to use what the “ total mobilization” . Yes, but not, I actually never quite understand what is called the total mobilization.
可能就是让大家动员动员所有总共,总体,所有人大家都动员起来,叫总动员。 Maybe it is to let everyone mobilize to mobilize all the total, overall, everyone everyone mobilized, called the total mobilization.
我记得小学时候我小学时候有很多这样的总动员,动画电影什么汽车总动员,动物总动员。 I remember when I was in elementary school there were a lot of such mobilization, animated movies what Cars, Animal mobilization.
对就是那个时候比如说Wall-e是机器人总动员,Toy Story是玩具总动员,finding nemo是海底总动员,就是所有的词所有电影都会变成什么总动员。 Yes is that time, for example, Wall-e is the robot mobilization, Toy Story is Toy Story, finding nemo is Finding Nemo, is all the words all the movies will become what the total mobilization.
没错,我记得我小学的时候,我们就会老师就会组织我们排队一起去电影院看电影。 Yes, I remember when I was in elementary school, we would teacher would organize us to line up together to go to the cinema to see a movie.
然后我记得有一周先去看了一部汽赛车总动员,然后下一周大家排队,然后我说今天看什么都大家就说今天又去看总动员,我以为两周都看同一部电影,小的时候后面发现其实是另一部总动员电影。 And then I remember one week first went to see a car racing Cars, and then the next week everyone lined up, and then I said what to watch today are everyone said today go to see the total mobilization again, I thought two weeks to see the same movie, small time later found out that it is actually another total mobilization movie.
对真的很奇怪,下一期节目我们可以搜一搜,下期节目之前我们可以搜一搜,到底为什么中国的电影都喜欢翻译成就是很多动画片都会被翻译成什么?总动员。 Yes really strange, the next show we can search, before the next show we can search, in the end why Chinese movies are like translation achievement is a lot of cartoons are translated into what? Total mobilization.
我想问你去年特别火的鱿鱼游戏你有没有看? I want to ask you last year especially hot squid game did you watch?
我没有看,但是一阵子特别火的时候,我记得每一天不管是在上班的时候或者下班跟朋友聊天的时候,他们都会问我说你有没有看由于游戏,然后甚至比如说我们开会的时候带老板就会说最近鱿鱼游戏特别火,我不知道后面的他是怎么做到,他用了什么营销手法让他这么火。 I have not watched, but a period of special fire, I remember every day no matter when I was at work or after work to chat with friends, they will ask me that you have not watched due to the game, and then even for example, when we had a meeting with the boss will say that the recent squid game is particularly hot, I do not know how the latter he did, what marketing techniques he used to make him so hot.
我记得有一阵子铺天盖地。是的。 I remember there was a period of time all over the place. It was.
对了,跟大家再解释翻译一下,鱿鱼游戏是 squid game,大家也知道前段时间特别火的 Netflix (中文叫网飞), Netflix上的一部剧。对,其实我后来看了,我还觉得没有特别的好看,但我觉得可能是电影或者像这种电视剧的宣传,它有一个临界点,一旦到了某一个临界点,你就会发现所有的人包括在网络上身边的人都在说,我就会按捺不住我的好奇心,然后我也要去看一看。 By the way, to explain to everyone again to translate, squid game is squid game, we also know a while ago especially hot Netflix (Chinese called Netflix), a drama on Netflix. Yes, in fact, I watched it later, I still feel that there is no special good-looking, but I think it may be a movie or like this kind of TV series publicity, it has a critical point, once to a certain critical point, you will find all the people including those around you on the network, I will not be able to hold down my curiosity, and then I also want to take a look.
真的吗?我整个人是相反,比如说如果每个人都一直说你看了没有,我也在看,我就说我就会不太想看。 Really? My whole thing is the opposite, like if everyone keeps saying have you seen it and I’m watching it, I’ll say I’ll be less inclined to watch it.
因为我看很多的剧、电视剧、电影,没事的时候,我晚上吃饭或者中午吃饭的时候,我一般就会看一看剧,在中文我们会管这个叫刷剧。 Because I watch a lot of dramas, TV shows, movies, when I have nothing to do, when I eat in the evening or at lunch, I usually watch a drama, in Chinese we would call this binge watching (brushing up on the drama)
对。 Yes.
在家刷剧非常的形象,刷着brush,但我不知道好像你用一个很大的画笔,一个很大的brush,然后去看很多的剧,大概是这个感觉,所以我们叫刷剧。 At home binge watchin… thsi is very literal and descriptive.. I don’t know, it is as if you use a very large brush, a very large brush, and then go to watch a lot of drama, probably this feeling, brush over the series so we call “binge watching”
然后因为我就一个特别喜欢刷剧的人,所以一般时下比如说最近比较流行的电影剧,我都会去看,你有没有看最近哈利波特的重聚?Hbo? And because I’m a person who likes to “binge watching” I usually watch the most popular movies and TV seriesof the moment. Have you seen the recent reunion of Harry Potter?
我也没有看,但是我感受到了他们要重聚的氛围,因为我去在逛街的时候,店店里或者橱窗里都会重新放出来哈利波特的东西。我当时就好奇说为什么大家又开始流行这个东西,后面我跟同学聊天的时候就说,就说哈利波特重新有一个剧集,但是我还没有了解过。 I did not watch it, but I felt the atmosphere that they were going to reunite, because I went in the shopping, the store store or window will be replayed Harry Potter things. I was curious to say why people started to popularize this thing again, and later when I talked to my classmates, I said, let’s say that Harry Potter has a renewed episode, but I haven’t learned about it.
你小时候有没有读过或者有小时候是不是哈利波特的粉丝? Did you read it as a child or were you a fan of Harry Potter as a child?
小时候我也不是。 I wasn’t either when I was a kid.
Linghan 13:28
经常偶尔会看一看,但是我不会特意说我要看完第一步再看第二部,然后一直往往后面看下去。 Often occasionally will take a look, but I will not specifically say that I want to read the first step and then read the second, and read further
但是我记得我有很多同学都很喜欢哈利波特,而且最特别的是我有一次呃。我记得我在英国交换的时候上一门英语文学课上上的是中世纪戏剧,然后当时就在说这个魔法如何,他在戏剧里面怎么创作,说怎么描述他,用了这个魔法作为一个桥段,做有什么作用?当时老师就看看着我们说你在中国的时候,你是不是有没有喜欢看哈利波特?我当时说也没有看几部老师当时就是比较失落,但是我就对队形印象很深刻,后面多看了几部。 But I remember I had a lot of classmates who loved Harry Potter, and most especially I had one uh. I remember when I was on an exchange in England on an English literature class on the medieval drama, and then at that time was talking about how this magic, how he created in the drama, said how to describe him, used this magic as a bridge, do have what role? At that time, the teacher looked at us and said, “When you were in China, did you like watching Harry Potter? I said at that time also did not watch a few teachers at that time is more lost, but I was very impressed with the team, and later watched a few more.
你小时候是他的电影还是读的书? Was it his movies or the books you read as a child?
看的是电影,我记得我当时同桌很喜欢看,还有买了很多部书,到时候在上课的时候在抽屉里默默的看哈利波特。 watched the movie, I remember my table at the time loved to watch, and bought a lot of books, to the time in class in the drawer silently reading Harry Potter.
对,我也记得,但是我其实看哈利波特是比较晚的时候,当时他特别流行的时候,我也没有看,后来他的书出来特别流行的时候我没有读,但是后来他电影出来的时候我去看了,我已经不记得那个时候我几岁了,但是后来我去里伯特对我的影响还是蛮深的。 Yes, I also remember, but I actually watched Harry Potter is relatively late, when he was particularly popular, I did not watch, and then his book came out particularly popular when I did not read, but then his movie came out when I went to see, I do not remember how old I was at that time, but then I went to Ripert on my influence is still quite deep.
是,因为我在大学的时候,我听了Stephen Fry读的有声书,有声读物,我听了一整就7部的哈利波特全都是听的电子有声书。 Yes, because when I was in college, I listened to Stephen Fry read the audiobooks, audiobooks, I listened to a whole 7 Harry Potter all listened to the electronic audiobooks.
当时其实是大三的时候,大学三年级的时候,那个时候我因为要做实习就是internship,然后实习的公司离我上的大学特别远,所以我每天早上要坐地铁,晚上坐地铁,但是通勤的时间很长,可能有一个小时,而且你知道中国的地铁高峰的时候非常的挤别挤,你在几对你在地铁里什么事情都不能干,你的手被完全的束缚住了,所以唯一能做的事情就是听东西。 At that time, I was actually in my third year of college, and at that time I had to do an internship, and the internship was very far from my university, so I had to take the subway in the morning and the subway in the evening, but the commute was very long, maybe an hour, and you know the Chinese subway is very crowded at the peak, and you can’t do anything in the subway. You can’t do anything in the subway, your hands are completely tied up, so the only thing you can do is listen to something.
所以我记得我就是这样听完了几本书,每一天早上一个小时晚上一个小时就听Stephen fry,然后我觉得他是我英语进步的最大的原因,就是我一直一直练习经历听这个哈利波特,所以我觉得他对我的影响还是蛮深的。对。 So I remember that I just listened to a few books and listened to Stephen Fry for an hour every morning and an hour at night, and then I think he was the biggest reason for my English progress, that is, I always practiced listening to this Harry Potter all the time, so I think his influence on me is still quite deep. Right.
我觉得这个是一个很好的语言学习方法。我之前大学的时候也很喜欢有声书 I think this is a great way to learn a language. I used to love audiobooks when I was in college.
是。 Yes.
Linghan 16:43
有好多有,我当时记得芒果街的小屋是他坐着自己录的有声书,所以他对里面的经历都描述的绘声绘色。 There were so many there, I remember at the time the Mango Street hut was an audiobook that he sat down and recorded himself, so he described all the experiences in it in a very colorful way.
芒果街的小屋,我不知道它的英文是什么。 Mango Street Hut, I don’t know what it is in English.
The house on the mango street是一个美国西班牙易的女作家写的,他小时候在芒果街上,他那个街叫做芒果街的故事,ok。 The house on the mango street is an American Spanish easy female writer wrote, he was a child on the mango street, he that street is called the story of the mango street, ok.
对我其实还是很喜欢听有声书,我现在还会一直听audible,在睡觉之前听着听着就睡着了,哼对,但是我刚才想说新的重聚,哈利波特的重聚还是蛮好看的,就是我看完了以后蛮感动的,毕竟是陪伴了我们这一代人童年的怎么说? Yes I actually still like listening to audiobooks, I will now also have been listening to audible, before going to bed listening to fall asleep, hum right, but I just want to say that the new reunion, Harry Potter reunion is still quite good-looking, that is, I finished reading after quite moved, after all, is accompanied by our generation of childhood how to say?
陪伴我们童年的十年时间,然后他们三个主演,包括所有的演员也是相互陪伴着度过了10年。他们在回头看的时候自己也很感慨,我觉得还是蛮感动的。 Accompanying our childhood for 10 years, and then their three main actors, including all the actors are also accompanied by each other through the 10 years. They are also very emotional when they look back, I think it’s still quite moving.
Linghan 17:59
是所有原班人马都在在一起录的剧集。 It’s an episode where all the original cast members are recording together.
他们邀请到了所有的主要演员,就是比如说Ron, Hermoine, Harry potter肯定,然后他们我觉得比较好的一点就是比较神奇的一件事是他们请到了所有的导演,因为7部电影8部电影好像有4个不一样的导演,3个还是4个,所以他们请到了每一部的导演来重新回忆当时拍这部戏的时候的一些有趣的事情,和这些小演员的互动,一些经历回忆,这个还蛮有意思的。 They invited all the main actors, that is, for example, Ron Hermoine and Harry Potter, for sure, and then they I think the better point is that one of the more amazing things is that they invited all the directors, because 7 movies 8 movies seem to have 4 different directors, 3 or 4, so they invited the director of each one to re-remember some of the interesting things that happened at the time of shooting the scene, and the interaction of these small actors, some experience memories, this is quite interesting.
可能找个时间看一看。 Maybe I’ll find time to watch it.
对的,然后但是还比较可惜的是有很多老的演员已经去世了。 Yes, but it’s also a shame that a lot of the older actors have passed away.
是对,所以总而言之这个是我最近看的一部,我觉得还不错,最近我还看了蛮多纪录片,我真的是一个在家宅着刷剧的人,我还看了披头士乐队的一个纪录片Beatles。 So all in all, this is one of the most recent ones I’ve watched, I think it’s pretty good, I’ve watched quite a few documentaries recently, I’m really a person who stays at home and brushes the drama, I also watched a Beatles documentary Beatles.
你有没有看过Amy White House的纪录片? Have you seen the Amy White House documentary?
没有,但是我听说过这一部Amy White House。但我不是很喜欢他,你喜欢他吗? No, but I’ve heard of this one Amy White House, but I don’t really like him, do you like him?
Linghan 19:28
我当时大学的时候老师很喜欢他的rehab这首歌,但是我当时是觉得纪录片拍得很好,都可以。 I was in college when my teacher liked her rehab song, but I was thinking that the documentary was well made and all.
ok可以去看一看,一般我会看一些我比较感兴趣的人或者感兴趣的电影的纪录片。 ok can go to see it, usually I will watch some documentaries of people I am more interested in or movies I am interested in.
可以给听众朋友们普及一下,很快的普及一下不同的电影的类别,中文怎么说,对。你来说 You can popularize it to your listeners and friends, quickly popularize the different categories of movies, how to say in Chinese, yes. You say
Sci Fi 科幻电影 Sci Fi Science Fiction Movies
Rom com 浪漫爱情片。 Rom com Romantic romance.
浪漫爱情喜剧。 Rom com Romantic comedy.
就比如说像哪一部是你最喜欢的? Like for example like which one is your favorite?
浪漫爱情喜剧。 Romantic comedies.
我最喜欢的是诺丁山 My favorite is Notting Hill
诺丁山是吗?是我好像真的很少,我好好很少看浪漫爱情喜剧。 Notting Hill is it? Yes I seem to really rarely, I rarely watch romantic comedies properly.
就是像那个sleepless in Seattle或者像Notting hill就是浪漫爱情喜剧,然后还有什么类型恐怖片? It is like that sleepless in Seattle or like Notting hill is a romantic comedy, and then what other types of horror films?
Horror movies,对horror movies 恐怖片。 Horror movies, yes horror movies
然后还有惊悚片 Thrillers And then there are thrillers Thrillers
惊悚片,还有什么悬疑片。 Thrillers, and what a suspenseful movie.
悬疑片 Suspense Suspense
Joanne Joanne 21:40
纪录片,documentary, 剧情片,drama。
对。 Right.
动画片、动画电影。 Animation Animated films, animated movies. Animation
如果要你选一个类别的话,你最喜欢哪一个类别? If you had to pick a category, which one would be your favorite?
我最喜欢科幻电影,还有一个类别是动作电影。 I like sci-fi movies the most, and another category is action movies.
对 Action movie。 Yes Action movie.
成龙、李连杰。 Jackie Chan, Jet Li.
李小龙对,但我特别不喜欢看动作片。 Bruce Lee Yes, but I especially don’t like watching action movies.
对我也很少看,最近好像也没有什么新的。 Yes I rarely watch them either, and there doesn’t seem to be any new ones lately.
就比如说像James Bond,这种mission impossible,它是动作偏对吧?或者间谍片之类的, For example, like James Bond, this kind of mission impossible, it is almost like action , right? Or a spy film or something like that.
对,还有侦探片。 Yeah, and detective movies.
好的,那今天就聊到这里。下一期再见啦!谢谢Linghan拜拜拜拜。 Okay, that’s it for today. See you next time! Thanks Linghan bye bye bye.