Episode 30 | 家里的水管爆了 My water pipe burst!

Convo Chinese
32 min readFeb 17, 2022

Joanne 00:02 Joanne 00:02

Hello大家好,欢迎大家来到我们新的一期,瞎扯学中文,今天这一期回到我们的正常的节目,请到了一位也是在日内瓦的好朋友Stella。 Hello everyone, welcome to our new episode, Nonsense Learn Chinese, today this episode is back to our regular show with a good friend Stella who is also in Geneva.

Stella 00:24 Stella 00:24

大家好,我是Stella,我是马来西亚华侨,我也是在日内瓦工作,我三个月前认识了Joanne,然后我们成为了好朋友很好的朋友。 Hello, I’m Stella, I’m a Malaysian Chinese, I’m also working in Geneva, I met Joanne three months ago, and we became good friends very good friends.

Joanne 00:40 Joanne 00:40

对我觉得我们的podcast经常会有各种各样的口音的嘉宾来和我们录节目,之前我们有一个朋友也是我们共同的朋友林涵,他是福建人,有福建南方的口音,今天大家可以来听一听马来西亚华侨的口音,对。 Yes I think our podcast often has guests with all kinds of accents to come and record with us, before we had a friend and our mutual friend Lin Han who is from Fujian and has a southern Fujian accent, today you can come and listen to the accent of a Malaysian Chinese, yes.

Stella 01:01 Stella 01:01

是的。 Yes.

Joanne 01:04 Joanne 01:04

Ok今天我想跟大家分享一些比较日常的话题,是关于我们家的公寓最近发生了很多故障,很多的问题,我感觉这些词汇应该还会挺有用的,所以正好可以跟Stella也一起吐槽一下 Ok today I want to share with you some more everyday topics, it’s about our family’s apartment that has been having a lot of breakdowns lately, a lot of problems, and I feel like these words should still be quite useful, so it’s just a good time to spill the beans with Stella as well

Stella 01:26 Stella 01:26

对,如果我们自己住在公寓,常常不时都会遇到一些问题,所以Joanne,你可以解释一下你最近公寓什么问题。 Yes, if we live in an apartment ourselves, we often have problems from time to time, so Joanne, can you explain what’s wrong with your apartment lately?

Joanne 01:40 Joanne 01:40

对,我其实真的觉得自从长大以后,自己一个人住就会发现要处理很多家里的这种杂七杂八的事情,真的是作为成人的一个很大的烦恼。然后,比如说我们家的公寓前两天的水管就是water pipe,爆了,爆裂了(是为什么?) Yes, I actually think that since I’ve grown up, living on my own, I’ve found that having to deal with a lot of these miscellaneous things around the house is really a big worry as an adult. Then, for example, the water pipe in our apartment two days ago burst(why?)

因为我们家公寓的水管应该已经很老了,全部都生锈,锈了 Because the water pipe in our apartment should have been very old, all rusted

Stella 02:18 Stella 02:18

所以是不是厕所的水管。 So is it the toilet plumbing.

Joanne 02:20 Joanne 02:20

对是我们家厕所的,但是厕所的洗手台下面的水管,就是 sink下面的水管,之前都没有发现水管已经生锈了,很脆弱,然后但是水管其实一直很堵,就里面应该有很多的什么头发,杂物,异物。所以我们因为觉得它很堵,就从超市买了一个那种,一个可以喷气的东西,然后它可以来疏通水管的堵塞,结果我们用充气桶,用了以后一下子水管就爆裂了,出现了一个洞。 Yes, it’s our toilet, but the plumbing under the toilet sink, the plumbing under the sink, we didn’t even notice that the plumbing was rusty and fragile before, but the plumbing has actually been very clogged, and there should be a lot of what hair, debris, foreign objects inside. So we bought one of those from the supermarket because we thought it was very clogged, a thing that can spray air, and then it can come to unclog the water pipe, the result we used the inflatable bucket, used after a burst of the water pipe, there was a hole.

Stella 03:09 Stella 03:09

这种不是很麻烦,那你们怎么样,你们怎么办? This is not very troublesome, so how about you guys, what do you do?

Joanne 03:17 Joanne 03:17

特别的恶心,当时因为它出了一个洞爆了以后,很多的污水,脏水,黑乎乎的全部都直接溅到了墙上,然后我们墙上和地板上,全都是那些脏的黏糊糊的东西。首先我们要擦干净,然后当时我们就直接发消息,给我们楼里的维修的负责人,怎么说,负责的人来让他联系水管工,是他们来我们家维修,但是你也知道在瑞士这种东西就非常的慢 It was very disgusting, because it burst a hole, a lot of sewage, dirty water, black all directly splashed on the wall, and then our walls and floors, all those dirty slimy things. First we had to wipe it clean, and then we sent a message directly to the person in charge of maintenance in our building, how to say, the person in charge came and asked him to contact the plumber, they came to our house to repair, but you know in Switzerland this kind of thing is very slow!

每次联系就可能要有的时候几个星期,有的时候几天就不知道他什么时候能来,所以我们还要自己先想办法来把这个水管怎么样,就是给它包住,然后让水不要漏出来。 Each contact may take sometimes a few weeks, sometimes a few days to know when he can come, so we have to think of our own way to this plumbing first, is to give it wrapped, and then let the water do not leak out.

Stella 04:15 Stella 04:15

对,因为如果漏了就会flooding,怎么说flood。 Right, because if it leaks it’s FLOODING, how do you say FLOOD.

Joanne 04:21 Joanne 04:21

对水就会要淹出来,对,所以这就没有办法洗手,在厕所间。 Right the water would have to flood out, right, so that would be no way to wash your hands, in the toilet room.

Stella 04:30 Stella 04:30

对,怪不得我还记得我上个星期来的时候,不能用洗手台 sink。 Right, no wonder I remember I couldn’t use the sink when I was here last week.

Joanne 04:36 Joanne 04:36

对,当时我们放了一个纸条,就是说水管爆了,不能用洗手台,但你知道我们用了一个什么解决方法吗? Yeah, at that time we put a note saying that the plumbing had burst and we couldn’t use the sink, but do you know what we used as a solution?

Stella 04:47 Stella 04:47

啊哈用了什么? Aha what did you use?

Joanne 04:48 Joanne 04:48

是用了,你知道,健身的时候会又一个有弹力的带子,就是有的时候,你可以做一些健身运动,用一个健身带 It’s with, you know, another elastic band when you work out, that is, sometimes you can do some fitness exercises with a fitness band

我不知道中文怎么说,弹力带,对,然后我们就用它,因为它防水,我们就用缠住爆掉的水管。 I don’t know how to say it in Chinese, elastic band, yeah, and then we used it because it was waterproof and we used to wrap it around burst pipes.

Stella 05:10 Stella 05:10

那还不错,然后你们需要把主要的 water supply (供水管)你们需要把关掉吗? That’s not bad, and then you guys need to turn off the main water supply (water supply pipe) do you need to turn it off?

Joanne 05:27 Joanne 05:27

不用,因为它其实是出水口,所以说是outflow出水口,所以只要你不洗手,那里就不会有水,也不会有压力,但是我们还是想要洗手,所以我们就用健身的这种弹力带包住,所以就勉强可以用,这样子大概勉强过了三四天,但是这个洞越来越大,你知道吗? No, because it’s actually the outlet, so it’s the outflow outlet, so as long as you don’t wash your hands, there’s no water there, and there’s no pressure, but we still want to wash our hands, so we’ll use this elastic band of fitness to wrap it, so it’s barely usable, this way it’s barely three or four days, but the hole is getting bigger and bigger, you know?

所以就没有办法继续,它特别的脆弱,然后我们就联系了我们楼里的负责维修的人,然后他们也是过了几天才派人。但是你知道我们家还有一个问题,就是我们家的地板木地板坏了,这个木地板自从我搬进来的时候,去年9月份就是坏的,后来陆陆续续来过三四次,有人来检查,到现在还没有被修好。 So there is no way to continue, it is particularly fragile, and then we contacted the people responsible for maintenance in our building, and then it took them a few days to send someone. But you know another problem in our house is that the wooden floor of our house is broken, this wooden floor since I moved in, last September is broken, then one after another came three or four times, someone came to check, and it still hasn’t been fixed.

Stella 06:28 Stella 06:28

它是什么坏法? What is it broken?

Joanne 06:31 Joanne 06:31

其实我也不知道,我觉得地板可能太老了,然后你知道我们家的地板是木板一格一格的,对,然后地板就翘起来了以后全部都怎么说,从地板上脱落了,对,所以现在我们家有一大块地板,很丑很难看,只有水泥,没有木地板。 Actually I don’t know, I think the floor may be too old, and then you know the floor of our house is a grid of wooden planks, yes, and then the floor buckled up after all how to say, came off the floor, yes, so now we have a big piece of floor, very ugly and ugly, only concrete, no wooden floor.

Stella 06:56 Stella 06:56

明白这种parquet的木地板其实不容易maintain。 Understand that this kind of parquet wood flooring is actually not easy to MAINTAIN.

Joanne 07:07 Joanne 07:07

不容易维护,对。很麻烦。 Not easy to maintain, yes. Very troublesome.

Stella 07:12 Stella 07:12

我家也是,因为我其实刚也是刚刚搬家,所以我是三个月前搬去新的公寓。所以这个公寓怎么它是刚刚装修好,对,所以所以他有一些东西,可能还没有完全装修到好。比如说家里的公寓的家里的灯,因为我本身觉得太暗了,所以尤其是现在冬天,所以觉得更需要更多的比较亮的灯。 My house is also, because I actually just also just moved, so I moved to a new apartment three months ago. So this apartment how it is just renovated, right, so he has some things that may not be completely renovated to good. For example, the lights in the apartment at home, because I think it’s too dark, so especially now in winter, so I think it needs more brighter lights.

可是这些都像Joanne说的,你在瑞士要修理东西真的是要挺麻烦,你需要长一点的时间,所以我也是麻烦了房东帮帮忙找新的灯,或者买更多,装更多一点灯或 Light supply,对。 But like Joanne said, it’s a lot of trouble to fix things in Switzerland, and it takes a long time, so I also asked my landlord to help me find new lights, or buy more, and install more lights or light supplies, yes.

Joanne 08:35 Joanne 08:35

装多一点的灯或者换一个灯泡。 Install more lights or change a bulb.

Stella 08:38 Stella 08:38

对,所以换了好几次,因为换了两次都还是太暗,就买,所以没办法,只好买多一点 standing lamp(落地灯)。 Right, so change several times, because change twice are still too dark, so buy, so no way, have to buy more standing lamp (floor lamp).

Joanne 08:56 Joanne 08:56

对,落地灯,放在地板上的那种。对,我喜欢落地灯。其实在家具这个领域真的有很多的词汇,非常的非常的specific,非常的具体。 Yes, the floor lamp, the kind on the floor. Yes, I like floor lamps. There’s actually really a lot of vocabulary in this area of furniture that’s very, very specific, very specific.

我今天有想到聊这个话题,是因为我本人自己我在学法语,上一次我想用法语和我的朋友讲我们家的水管的事情,然后我发现我完全不知道法语怎么说,所以感觉可以跟大家介绍一下这些东西中文怎么说。 I had the idea to talk about this today because I myself I’m learning French and the last time I tried to talk to my friend in French about the plumbing in our house and then I realized I had no idea how to say it in French, so I felt like I could tell you how to say these things in Chinese.

Stella 09:32 Stella 09:32

对,像不一样的 furniture。 Right,like all the different furniture

Joanne 09:38 Joanne 09:38

家具。 furniture.

Stella 09:40 Stella 09:40

有不一样的名称,对,所以今天学习到落地灯。所以因为 technician,怎么说? There are different names, right, so today I learned how to say floor lamp. So technician, how do you say that?

Joanne 09:55 Joanne 09:55

技工,或者“维修的师傅”。这个很奇怪,因为在中文里面我们会管 technician,或者是出租车司机,开车的司机,我们会管这一类人叫师傅。你知道师傅本来是什么意思吗? Technician, or “master of repair”. This is very strange, because in Chinese we will call technician, or cab drivers we will call this kind of people called “master”. Do you know what master originally meant?

Stella 10:17 Stella 10:17

知道。像expert。 I know. Like expert.

Joanne 10:21 Joanne 10:21

对expert,或者专家,master,在武侠小说,武功小说,里面你会经常听到,一般大家会说师傅。但现在在日常中文里会管这些修东西或者开车或者专家一类的人就叫师傅。 Yes, expert or masters, in martial arts novels, you will often hear, generally people will say master. But now in everyday Chinese, you’d call these people who fix things or drive or are experts, this type or experts or technicians are called master.

Stella 10:41 Stella 10:41

师傅,对。很好。所以就是师傅他来了公寓,看了看到家里的灯之类,所以他觉得,如果再装更多的灯的话,可能就会把整个Studio的 design,公寓的设计,对,公寓的设计就会不搭配,就会破坏了搭配. Master, right. Very good. So that’s the technician he came to the apartment, looked at the lights and so on, so he felt that if more lights were installed, it would probably put the whole design of the studio, the design of the apartment, yes, the design of the apartment would not match

所以师傅是这么建议的,所以过后我们就打算,好吧,我们就买落地灯放在了整个公寓,所以会更亮。尤其是冬天的时候,所以心情会比较好一点,对。 So that’s what the technician suggested, so after that we were going to, well, we bought floor lamps and put them in the whole apartment, so it would be brighter. Especially in the winter time, so the mood will be a little bit better, yes.

Joanne 11:50 Joanne 11:50

但是说实话这两个星期日内瓦的天气非常好,对。 But to be honest it’s been a very nice two weeks in Geneva, yeah.

所以这是我的另外一个问题,冬天的时候我嫌太暗,房间里太暗,但是现在太阳光照进来的时候,因为现在我们都是在家办公,我有的我很多时候要开视频会议,但是阳光无论从哪一个角度照在我的脸上 So that’s another problem for me, in the winter I was too dark, the room was too dark, but now when the sunlight comes in, because now we’re all working from home, I have I have video conferences a lot of the time, but the sunlight shines on my face from either angle

我在视频会议里面,要么就是超级亮,要么就是超级超级暗,要不然就是一半边脸暗,一半边脸亮,所以我就是完全没有办法调整家里的光线。 Sometimes I am in a video conference and it’s either super bright or super super dark, or else half of my face is dark and half of my face is bright, so I just have absolutely no way to adjust the light at home.

Stella 12:31 Stella 12:31

对,这个就是问题,所以刚好我的房东买了一个,怎么说呢它不算是窗帘,它是窗帘的另外一层。 Yes, this is the problem, so it just so happens that my landlord bought a, how do you say it’s not really a curtain, it’s another layer of the curtain.

Joanne 12:46 Joanne 12:46

百叶窗,百叶窗是像我们家这种,blind,一片一片的。 The blinds, like in our house, made of many pieces

Stella 12:55 Stella 12:55

不是百叶窗。是窗帘,里面的一层。对,所以那个是窗帘,一般的窗帘有两层,一个是比较厚的,一个是比较薄的。所以比较薄的窗帘就可能阳光太亮的时候,可以把它拉起来,所以就没有那么亮。 No not blinds. It’s a curtain, the layer inside. Right, so that’s a curtain, usually there are two layers of curtains, one is thicker and one is thinner. So when the sun is too bright, you can pull up the inside layer so that it’s not as bright.

Joanne 13:19 Joanne 13:19

对,其实我也很想在我们家里装一层,像你说的,比较薄的窗帘。但是瑞士的所有的窗户,我有注意到全都是装的百叶床,而且这个百叶窗是,在中国已经有很少的人家里会用的这种,是用一根管子,然后要卷上去。 Yes, I would actually like to have a layer of, like you said, thinner curtains in our house. But all the windows in Switzerland, I have noticed that all of them are equipped with blinds, and the blinds are, in China there are already very few people who use them in their homes. This type of blind with a tube, and then they have to be rolled up.

一个是它很吵,每次卷的时候,我都可以听到我的室友起床,或者晚上睡觉,就可以知道准确的知道室友的作息时间。 One problem is that it is very noisy every time someone rolls. So I can hear my roommate get up, or sleep at night, so I can know exactly when my roommate’s rest time.

Stella 13:55 Stella 13:55

对,说的没错。我察觉到瑞士跟法国都是用,很古老的卷的百叶窗。 Yes, that’s right. I noticed that Switzerland and France both use, very old rolled blinds.

Stella 14:08 Stella 14:08

所以一点是Joanne说的会有一点吵,然后你的作息习惯也是大家都听到了。第二点是说如果可能白天的时候太亮了,你也不可能把它完全关起来,对,所以很麻烦。 So one thing is that Joanne said it would be a little bit noisy, and then your routine is something that everyone hears. The second point is that if maybe it’s too bright during the daytime, you can’t close it completely, right, so it’s a pain.

Joanne 14:29 Joanne 14:29

而且我们家的百叶窗也有问题,它没有办法完全关起来,总是在最上面会留一个缝隙, And we also have a problem with the blinds in our house, there’s no way to close it completely, there’s always a gap at the very top that will remain.

但是最讨厌的是,缝隙在早上8点的时候,会正正好好的照射到我们房间。躺在床上,正好在我们的眼睛那里,所以每天早上8:30就一定会很准时的醒过来,因为阳光很亮。 But the most annoying thing is that the gap shines right into our room at 8am. Lying in bed, right at our eyes, so every morning at 8:30 am will definitely wake up on time, because the sun is very bright.

Stella 14:57 Stella 14:57

可能你们要在你们的窗口贴一个胶带,对, duct tape或者胶带。 Maybe you guys need to put a tape on your window, yes, duct tape or tape.

Joanne 15:07 Joanne 15:07

所以早上的时候只有太阳就照不进房间了,对。 So the sun is the only thing that doesn’t shine in the room in the morning, yeah.

Joanne 15:15 Joanne 15:15

但是这样也很好。阳光叫我起床,对,Natural light But that’s good too. The sunlight wakes me up, yeah, Natural light

Stella 15:23 Stella 15:23

对,自然的醒过来。 Yeah, natural wake up.

Joanne 15:27 Joanne 15:27

但是这种东西我都懒得叫房东来修,因为你跟房东联系了,肯定要好几个星期,这种不是紧急情况的,他就要花很多时间来修。 But this is the kind of thing I don’t even bother to call the landlord to fix, because you contact the landlord, it must take weeks, and this kind of not emergency, he will take a lot of time to fix it.

Stella 15:40 Stella 15:40

所以这一点我就跟Joanne不一样,我的房东反而是,他比较friendly So I’m different from Joanne in that my landlord is, on the contrary, he’s more friendly

Joanne 15:53 Joanne 15:53

比较友好。 More friendly.

Stella 15:55 Stella 15:55

对,他想要一个比较友好的关系,跟他的租客有这种关系。所以我每一次有什么问题,或者比如我们需要买什么东西,比较重的东西,他都很乐意的帮我们的,所以可能说我们需要买一些很重的mineral water (矿泉水) Yeah, he wants a friendlier relationship, to have that relationship with his tenants. So every time I have a problem or we need to buy something, something heavy, he’s always happy to help us, so maybe we need to buy some heavy mineral water (mineral water)

Joanne 16:27 Joanne 16:27

很重的矿泉水。 Very heavy mineral water.

Stella 16:30 Stella 16:30

可能是那种一个一升两升的矿泉水。对因为我们在这里,我们不开车。所以房东他就在这一方面,他就很乐意帮忙,所以我们有什么问题,什么东西坏了,他都会尽快帮我们想办法修理,或者或者帮我们去买一些东西,比较重的东西,比较会需要到他帮忙送过来,或者所以这一点就我觉得还蛮幸运的。 Probably one of those one liter and two liter mineral water. Yeah because we’re here, we don’t drive. So the landlord, he is very helpful in this regard, so if we have any problems, if something is broken, he will help us to repair it as soon as possible, or or help us to buy something, something heavier, more will need to him to help to deliver it, or so this point on I think it is quite lucky.

Joanne 17:12 Joanne 17:12

但,我觉得也是因为你们是直接和房东签的合同。在瑞士的话也有很多种不同的系统,不同的方法。比如说最常见的是像我们家我们的公寓、是和中介签的合同,然后其实我们从来都不会见到房东,或者和房东打交道,只跟中介打交道,所以中介就没有那么的热情。 But, I think it’s also because you signed the contract directly with the landlord. In Switzerland there are many different systems and different ways of doing things. For example, the most common one is like our apartment, we sign a contract with an agent, and then we don’t actually meet the landlord or deal with the landlord, we only deal with the agent, so the agent is not as enthusiastic.

Stella 17:42 Stella 17:42

我觉得两个system,系统有它的好跟不好的地方,就是说你像 Joanne的中间人,中介,对怎么说,你的权利就会比较protected I think the two systems, the system has its good and bad places, that is to say, you are like Joanne’s intermediary, the agent, on how to say, your rights will be more protected

Joanne 18:06 Joanne 18:06

我们的权利会比较保护到。 Our rights will be more protected to.

Stella 18:10 Stella 18:10

可是因为我是直接跟房东签合同,所以我们什么东西我们都依照合同,而且更何况,房东他也可以跟我们说他想要签新的合同,因为我们没有中介,没有人可以帮我们mediate But because I signed the contract directly with the landlord, so we follow the contract for everything, and what’s more, the landlord can tell us that he wants to sign a new contract, because we don’t have an agent, there’s no one to mediate for us

Joanne 18:41 Joanne 18:41

调解。 Mediate.

Stella 18:43 Stella 18:43

所以我觉得有好,有不好。好是好在什么东西,可能什么东西需要打理就会比较快,因为我们直接跟房东联系,不需要经过中介。我觉得两个系统都有它的好跟它的不好的地方。有一个词可以叫各有利弊,对。 So I think there is good and there is bad. The good is good in terms of what things, maybe what things need to be taken care of will be faster because we are in direct contact with the landlord and we don’t need to go through an agent. I think both systems have their good and bad points. There’s a word for it, each has its pros and cons, yes.

Joanne 19:14 Joanne 19:14

Ok,今天我们就先聊到这里,希望你们家的灯的问题可以解决,希望我们家的地板的问题可以快一点解决。对,好的,谢谢Stella! Ok, that’s all we’re going to talk about today, hopefully the problem with the lights in your house will be solved and hopefully the problem with the flooring in our house will be solved soon. Yeah, okay, thanks Stella!

Stella 19:32 Stella 19:32

谢谢邀请!我很开心可以跟你聊天,拜拜。 Thanks for the invite! I’m happy to chat with you, bye.

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