Episode 31| 和一个东北人唠嗑 Chatting with a Northeasterner

Convo Chinese
33 min readMar 8, 2022


Hello大家好,欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天请到了一位中国朋友,也是第一次和大家见面,她的名字叫Ella。 Hello everyone and welcome to our new episode of Learn Chinese by Nonsense. Today we have a Chinese friend who is also meeting you for the first time, her name is Ella.


Hello大家好,这里是Ella。 Hello everyone, this is Ella.


Ella和我也是在日内瓦认识的,Ella你稍微自我介绍一下。 Ella and I also met in Geneva, Ella, please introduce yourself a little bit.


我叫Ella,我是中国东北人,我在4年前来了日内瓦,在这边读了研究生,现在在日内瓦工作。 I’m Ella, I’m from Northeast China, I came to Geneva 4 years ago, I did my graduate studies here, and now I’m working in Geneva.


对,其实我跟Ella是同事,这也是为什么我们认识。但是今天想要跟Ella聊一聊关于东北和东北人的话题,不知道大家刚才有没有听出来一点点东北口音,但是Ella你和我说话的时候,其实没有特别强的东北口音。 Yes, actually Ella and I are colleagues, that’s why we know each other. But today I want to talk to Ella about Northeast China and Northeasterners. I don’t know if you heard a little bit of Northeastern accent just now, but Ella, when you talk to me, you don’t actually have a particularly strong Northeastern accent.


对,因为我本科在山东济南读的书,本科之后又在国外读的研究生,在外面工作很长时间,没有生活在东北,所以口音不是非常明显。 Yes, because I studied in Jinan, Shandong Province for my undergraduate degree, and then I studied abroad for my graduate degree after my undergraduate degree, and I worked outside for a long time and didn’t live in Northeast China, so my accent is not very obvious.


你是东北哪里人?吉林人。对,你上次和我说吉林市中国唯一一个吉林省,吉林省的省会是吉林市。 Where are you from in Northeast China? I’m from Jilin. Yes, you said to me last time that Jilin is the only Jilin province in China, and the capital of Jilin is Jilin City.


不是吉林省的省会,是长春市,但是吉林市是中国唯一一个省市同名的城市。 It’s not the capital of Jilin Province, it’s Changchun City, but Jilin City is the only city in China with the same name as a province.


对是这样的对。我们聊一聊在东北的生活,东北吉林冷吗? Yes, that’s right. Let’s talk about life in the northeast, is it cold in Jilin in the northeast?


吉林冬天非常冷嗯,没有黑龙江冷,但是冬天最冷的时候还是零下25度到零下28度左右。 Jilin is very cold in winter, not as cold as Heilongjiang, but the coldest time in winter is still about -25 to -28 degrees.


真的很冷,但是你们有暖气。 It’s really cold, but you have heating.


我们有非常好的供暖,大部分地方是中央统一供暖,大部分是地暖,所以地板下面有暖气,然后白天和晚上都非常暖和,在家不会感到冷,有时候很热,还要打开窗户。 We have very good heating, most places are centrally heated, most of them are underfloor, so there’s heating under the floor, and then it’s very warm during the day and night, you don’t feel cold at home, sometimes it’s very hot and you have to open the windows.


但是对我们对东北有一个特别强的一个印象,东北有一个热炕头是吧? But we have a particularly strong impression of the northeast, which has a hot bed, right?

怎么说你们的床,这是比较传统的,东北的床。 What do you say about your bed, it’s more traditional, the bed of the Northeast.


是比较传统,或者说比较在农村地区更常见的,现在城市里基本见不到炕,然后像我如果从小在城市长大的话,可能就几乎没有见过炕。 It’s more traditional, or more common in rural areas, but nowadays you don’t see kang in the city, and then if I grew up in the city, I probably haven’t seen a kang at all.


你可以跟大家解释一下什么是炕? Can you explain to people what a kang is?


炕可能你进到一个屋子里,这个屋子有一半的部分都是一个床,床下面它是有一个加热的装置,它应该是用煤炭加热的,我也不是非常确定,这个就可以让你在睡觉的时候非常的暖和,可能过于暖和,就会变成了燥热。 A kang is a bed that you go into a house and half of the house is a bed, and underneath the bed it has a heating device, it’s heated by coal, I’m not really sure, and it makes you very warm when you sleep, maybe too warm, and then it becomes hot.


Ok我觉得东北话特别有意思,哪怕是像我们南方人,有的时候也会说话的时候夹杂一些东北的一些短语什么的,比如说唠嗑,应该是一个东北的短语。 Ok I think the Northeastern dialect is particularly interesting, even like us Southerners, sometimes we will speak with some Northeastern phrases or something, like nagging, which should be a Northeastern phrase.


我觉得可能是吧。 I think it might be.


唠嗑是什么意思,你可以跟大家解释一下吗? What does nagging mean, can you explain it to people?


唠嗑就是聊天的意思,你要带一点儿化音,才能有这个神韵唠嗑。 Chatter means to talk, and you have to have a little bit of a child’s voice to have that charm chatter.


还有什么东北特别有的短语吗? Are there any other phrases that are specific to the Northeast?


我觉得东北人的特点就是自己讲东北话的时候自己毫无意识,我们很多时候没有意识到我们讲的带有东北口音,比如说这个地方叫胳膊,我们有时候会叫胳膊或者叫胳膊肘,但是讲的时候自己很难清晰的意识到胳膊肘。 I think the thing about Northeasterners is that they don’t realize when they speak Northeastern, we don’t realize that we’re speaking with a Northeastern accent, for example, this place called arm, we sometimes call it arm or elbow, but when we speak it, it’s hard to realize that we’re talking about elbow.


还有有一个特别有名的,当每次我们模仿东北口音的时候,都会说你瞅啥瞅你咋地。 There’s another famous one, when we imitate the northeastern accent, we will say, “What are you looking at?


对,那你瞅啥,瞅你咋的呀。 Yes, so what are you looking at, what are you looking at?


对,你给大家解释一下。 Yeah, you explain it to everyone.


你说话的时候必须要带有一定的气势,这个就很相对于刻板印象一点,但是大街上如果你两个人对视起来,一个人说你瞅啥? You have to speak with a certain amount of authority, which is very relative to stereotypes, but on the street if you have two people looking at each other, and one person says what are you looking at?

另一个人说瞅你咋的,下面两个人就可以拿起酒瓶子打仗了,那打仗,我们有可能叫干仗。 The other person says “What are you looking at?” and the two people below them can pick up a bottle and fight.


这两句话的意思翻译过来,正常的普通话就是说你在看什么?一个人问,第二个人说看看你怎么了。 The meaning of these two sentences translated, the normal Mandarin is that you are looking at what? One person asks, and the second person says look what’s wrong with you.


对的对。 Right right.


然后两个人就可以打起来。 And then the two people can fight.




之前我们有一期,节目跟大家介绍过,春节联欢晚会是咱们中国人庆祝春节非常重要的一个传统,大家都会看这个春节联欢晚会,春晚其实我觉得是一个比较北方的节目,里面有很多的小品,所谓的小品就是一些skit,这些小品很多都是在北方口音的,特别搞笑。 Previously we had an episode, the program introduced to you, the Spring Festival Gala is a very important tradition for our Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival, we all watch this Spring Festival Gala, the Spring Festival Gala is actually I think a more northern program, there are a lot of skits, the so-called skits are some skit, many of these skits are in the northern accent, especially funny.

年好几年前了,有一个特别有名的小品演员在中国叫赵本山,赵本山就是特别善于用东北的一些段子东北的口音来表演小品。 Years ago, there is a particularly famous skit actor in China called Zhao Benshan, Zhao Benshan is particularly good at using some jokes of the Northeast accent to perform skit.


对,赵本山应该算是传统老一辈喜剧人,代表了东北的喜剧和小品,尤其是小品。很多人说东北人自带幽默感,我觉得可能是口音听起来比较有趣,加上东北人确实很多,为人比较豪爽。幽默感这个事确实天生自然就出来了。 Yes, Zhao Benshan should be considered the traditional old generation of comedians, representing the northeast comedy and skits, especially skits. Many people say that Northeasterners come with a sense of humor, I think it may be that the accent sounds funnier, plus there are really a lot of Northeasterners who are more gregarious. The sense of humor thing really comes out naturally.


刚才你说到东北人比较豪爽,你觉得在中国对比如说东北人有没有一些刻板印象? You mentioned that Northeasterners are more gregarious, do you think there are any stereotypes of Northeasterners in China?

东北人的性格一般是什么样的? What is the general personality of Northeasterners like?


可能对东北男生的刻板印象是能喝酒,脾气大,对东北女生的刻板印象可能是豪爽泼辣,但是确实一定程度上这也是的确的一个现实现象,我觉得在东北确实会感觉到人们的性格更为开朗活泼,更容易与陌生的人产生一些联系。 Maybe the stereotype of Northeastern guys is that they can drink and have a big temper, and the stereotype of Northeastern girls is that they are brisk and spirited, but to a certain extent this is indeed a reality, I think people in Northeastern China are more cheerful and lively, and it is easier to relate to unfamiliar people.

比如你出去吃饭饭店的老板娘可能会非常热情,邻桌的客人你也可以开启一个对话,觉得在我们那里很常见。 For example, if you go out to eat, the owner of the restaurant may be very warm and welcoming, and the guests at the next table you can start a conversation that feels very common in our area.


你觉得为什么东北的人会天生比较豪爽? Why do you think people in the Northeast are naturally more gregarious?


也许和气候有关系,也许天冷首先天冷的确人们会喝酒的频率会更高一些,酒精带来的这种兴奋和放松感,让人更容易与其他人产生联系。 Maybe it has something to do with the climate, maybe it’s colder in the first place, people do drink more often, and the euphoria and relaxation that comes from alcohol makes it easier to connect with other people.


有可能你能喝酒吗?你酒量怎么样? Is it possible that you can drink? How well do you drink?


我酒量还可以。 I can drink pretty well.


我觉得一般你听到有人说我酒量还可以的意思就是我酒量很好,因为我从来都不敢说我酒量还可以。你描述一下你的酒量大概是多少白酒,多少啤酒? I think usually when you hear someone say I can drink okay it means I’m a good drinker because I’ve never been afraid to say I can drink okay. Can you describe how much white wine you drink and how much beer you drink?


白酒喝不了,啤酒的话大概四五瓶左右。 I can’t drink white wine, but I can drink about four or five bottles of beer.


还是很厉害的,作为一个女生。 It’s still pretty impressive, for a girl.


可能在家乡那边一定是算不上厉害的,但是拿到不能喝酒的群,群体里比一比还算可以。 I’m sure it’s not great in my hometown, but it’s not bad for a group of people who can’t drink.


现在在东北喝酒喝白酒的风气还严重吗? Is the culture of drinking white wine in the Northeast still serious?


在年轻人群体中不是很严重,我很少有朋友聚会,会有人喝白酒,大家还是比较喜欢喝啤酒,比较少喝红酒,有时候会点鸡尾酒。 It’s not very serious in the young people group, I rarely have friends gathering, there will be people drinking white wine, people still prefer to drink beer, less wine, sometimes they will order cocktails.


确实我觉得东北人能喝酒是一个大家的刻板印象,每次在酒桌上看到东北人就会灌她白酒,因为觉得东北人都很能喝。 It’s true that I think it’s a stereotype that people in the Northeast can drink. Every time I see a Northeasterner at the table, I will pour her white wine because I think they can drink.

然后我自己还有一个刻板印象,就是觉得东北的男生怎么说呢,是一个比较负面的刻板印象,东北男生比较大男子主义,我不知道你认不认同。 I also have a stereotype of myself, that is, I think the Northeastern guys are, how to say, a more negative stereotype, Northeastern guys are more macho, I don’t know if you agree.


从细节上来讲,我觉得东北男生在很多场合更喜欢给女生付钱,这可以算是大男子主义的一种表现。尤其是老一辈来讲,我觉得虽然说女性的家庭地位不低,但是男性可能是更占主导做决定的那一方。 In terms of details, I think Northeastern guys prefer to pay for girls on many occasions, which can be considered a manifestation of machismo. Especially for the older generation, I think that although women’s status in the family is not low, men are probably the ones who make more dominant decisions.


觉得可能是因为男性比较豪爽的性格也会更加有保护欲,所以比如说付钱,然后在家里比较话语有话语权主导权,所以可能会比较大男子主义。 I think it’s probably because men are more protective, so for example, they pay and have more say in the family, so they may be more macho.


对东北男人来讲,做一个爷们是一件很重要的事,对很多东北男人来讲,有一个词叫大老爷们,在东北就是指男性,爷们。 For Northeast men, being a man is a very important thing, for many Northeast men, there is a word called big old man, in Northeast means male, man.


怎么说,对于男生,如果你是一个比较有男子气概的人,可以叫爷们。 How do you say, for guys, if you’re a more masculine person, you can be called a man.


可以这么理解。 You can understand it that way.


Ok我们刚才说了一些关于东北的语言文化,然后想问一下,因为其实我只去过一次长春,但是是很小的时候,不知道现在长春肯定有很多变化,你可以跟大家介绍一下长春这个城市,然后有什么好玩的,有什么可以推荐的。 Ok we were talking a little bit about the language and culture of the Northeast and then I wanted to ask because I’ve actually only been to Changchun once, but it was when I was very young and I don’t know how much Changchun must have changed now, can you tell us a little bit about the city and then what’s interesting and what you can recommend.


纠正一下你是吉林市的你,不是长春的,ok我不是长春市的,我讲一讲吉林省吉林市现在最好玩国内最热门的一项运动是什么? Correction you are from Jilin, not Changchun, ok I’m not from Changchun, I’ll tell you what is the most fun and the most popular sport in Jilin, Jilin Province now?


滑雪! Skiing


对吉林旁边有两大滑雪场,松花湖滑雪场和北大湖滑雪场,你现在看明星和一些网红的动态,她们一定去这两个地点之一打过卡。 Yes There are two major ski resorts next to each other in Jilin, Songhua Lake Ski Resort and Beida Lake Ski Resort, you now look at the stars and some of the influencers, they must have gone to one of these two locations to tick off the bucket list.


所以因为它是因为很冷,所以这些雪场是自然的雪还是人造的雪? So because it’s because it’s very cold, are these snow resorts natural snow or man-made snow?


自然的雪,东北怎么可能用人造的雪,东北人的底气。 Natural snow, how can the Northeast use man-made snow, the bottom line for the Northeast.


但是我不是特别了解,你可以纠正我。黑龙江冰雕是不是黑龙江省的还是吉林省也有冰雕。 But I don’t particularly understand, you can correct me. Is the Heilongjiang ice sculpture from Heilongjiang province or is there ice sculpture in Jilin province as well.


是黑龙江很出名的一个文化活动,叫做冰雪节一个公园,它是每年冬天的时候,黑龙江在哈尔滨市会建造这样一个完全由冰塑造成的公园,里面会有很多的冰冰雕,冰塑,然后用彩色的灯装饰起来非常好看。 It’s a very famous cultural event in Heilongjiang, called the Ice and Snow Festival, a park, which is built every winter in Harbin, and there are a lot of ice sculptures, ice sculptures, and then it’s decorated with colorful lights and it’s very nice.


对,冰雕就是雕塑,雕塑就是sculpture,但是是用冰雕出来的雕塑。但是吉林省也有冰雕吗? Yes, ice sculpture is sculpture, sculpture is sculpture, but it’s a sculpture made of ice. But are there ice sculptures in Jilin Province?


吉林省比较少,吉林市出名的一个冰雪景点叫做雾凇,雾凇是冰雪凝结在树上之后形成的类似于树挂的景观。 There are few ice sculptures in Jilin Province, but one of the famous ice sculptures in Jilin City is called fog and snow, which is similar to a tree hanging after the ice and snow condenses on the trees.


吉林或者东北有什么好吃的呢? What are the best things to eat in Jilin or Northeast China?


很多好吃的,首先东北菜特点是量大,不管你点什么,她上来一大盘你总觉得是吃不完的,最好吃的几道菜有锅包肉,地三鲜。 First of all, Northeast cuisine is characterized by a large amount, no matter what you order, she came up with a large plate you always feel that you can not finish, the most delicious dishes are potted meat, ground three fresh.

其次近些年非常火热的铁锅炖大鹅,虽然我没吃过。 Secondly, in recent years very hot iron pot stewed goose, although I have not eaten.


我其实每次提到东北菜,首先想到的两个菜是小鸡炖蘑菇和猪肉猪肉炖粉条。 I actually every time I mention Northeast cuisine, the first two dishes that come to mind are chicken and mushroom stew and pork and pork vermicelli stew.


对这两个菜非常家常,我们很少在我家很少在饭店点,但是过年过节的时候家庭聚会经常会有这个菜,但是锅包肉,地三鲜在饭店吃的比较多,因为她们做起来用很多油非常麻烦。 These two dishes are very homely, we rarely order them in my house and rarely in restaurants, but they are often served at family gatherings during the New Year holidays, but the potted pork and ground pork are eaten more often in restaurants because they use a lot of oil to make them.


我觉得应该跟大家稍微解释一下,锅包肉地三鲜这两个菜分别是什么调料,什么菜? I think I should explain to you a little bit, what are the seasonings and what are the two dishes?


锅包肉一般是猪里脊肉裹上淀粉,在油中生炸,要炸两次,然后再用一些酸甜口味的调料再翻炒一下。 Potted pork is usually pork tenderloin covered with starch and fried twice in oil, then stir-fried with some sweet and sour seasoning.

地三鲜主要是土豆、茄子、青椒三样,同样也是要炸过,在调料中翻炒,之后出锅 The three main types of vegetables are potatoes, eggplant and peppers, which are also fried and stir-fried in the seasoning, and then removed from the pot.


地三鲜这个名字其实还是蛮有意思的,它的意思是从地里面长出来的三样蔬菜,三个非常鲜美的蔬菜,所以是地三鲜,所以刚才说的土豆、茄子、青椒都是从地里长出来的,对。 The name “Di San Xian” is actually quite interesting, it means three vegetables that grow out of the ground, three very fresh vegetables, so it is Di San Xian, so the potatoes, eggplants and peppers that we just mentioned are all growing out of the ground, yes.


东北在冬天的时候,青菜供应是比较稀缺的,尤其是很多年以前,土豆、茄子、青椒就是比较常见的四季都能找得到的蔬菜。 In the Northeast, in the winter, the supply of green vegetables is relatively scarce, especially many years ago, potatoes, eggplants and peppers are the more common vegetables that can be found in all seasons.


但说到有一个笑话,我每一次做地三鲜都会记不清楚到底是哪个三个蔬菜,所以我每次都会放上番茄,因为我每次都觉得番茄也是从地里面长出来的,然后我就会烧成第四鲜,但是地三鲜里面是没有番茄的,没有的,好吧,所以我一直都是做的错的地三鲜。 But when it comes to the joke, every time I make the ground three, I can’t remember exactly which three vegetables, so I put tomatoes in every time, because I always think that tomatoes also grow from the ground, and then I’ll burn them as the fourth fresh, but there are no tomatoes in the ground three, no, okay, so I always do the wrong ground three.

但是没关系,然后还有想到一个点,刚才说到另外两个菜,小鸡炖蘑菇和猪肉炖粉条,两个菜的名字里面都有炖这个字,我感觉东北菜比较有名的一个特点就是乱炖,什么东西都炖在一起。 But it’s okay, and then there’s another point that comes to mind. Just now we talked about two other dishes, chicken and mushroom stew and pork and vermicelli stew, both of which have the word stew in their names.


对,可能继承了东北菜量大这个特点,而且炖菜可以让你吃得热乎乎的,这个在冬天可以给你带来很多温暖。 Yes, probably inherited the characteristic of Northeastern cuisine of large quantity, and stew can make you eat hot, which can bring you a lot of warmth in winter.


但炖烧菜的方法,烹饪的方法怎么跟大家解释什么是炖。 But how do you explain to people what stewing is, the way you cook it.


把食材放到锅里,加入一定的汤汁,然后煮比较长的时间。 You put the ingredients in a pot, add a certain amount of stock, and then cook it for a relatively long time.


对,但它也不是汤。 Right, but it’s not a soup either.


对吧?它汤因为它里面的食材比较丰富。 Right? It’s soup because it has more ingredients in it.


回头我可以问一下我男朋友炖的英文是什么,我还不知道怎么确切的翻译。 I can ask my boyfriend later what the English word for stew is, I don’t know how to translate it exactly yet.

中文里面有很多烹饪的方法,其实准确的翻译成英语还是挺难的。对的。说的我都有点想吃小鸡炖蘑菇。 There are a lot of cooking methods in Chinese, and it’s actually quite difficult to translate accurately into English. Right. I kind of want to eat chicken and mushroom stew.


我也很想吃,我觉得在欧洲很难找到好吃的东北菜,为什么?大部分移民来欧洲常居的中国人或者华人都是从偏南方的地方过来的,北方可以经常看到北京过来欧洲的人,但是很少看到东北人。对, I’d love to eat it too. I think it’s hard to find good Northeastern food in Europe, why? Most of the Chinese or Chinese immigrants who come to Europe to live permanently are from the south, you can often see people from Beijing coming to Europe in the north, but rarely see people from the northeast. Right.


之前我刚刚认识Ella的时候,她跟我说从来没有在日内瓦见到过东北人。 When I just met Ella before, she told me that she had never seen any Northeasterners in Geneva.


对我知道一定有的,但是没有碰到。 Yes, I know there must be some, but I haven’t met any.


而且你见不到东北人的话,跟我们说话你就没有很强的东北口音。 And you don’t have a strong Northeastern accent when you talk to us if you don’t see Northeasterners.


我可能要见一群东北人,我才能有很强的东北口音。 I would probably have to meet a bunch of Northeasterners for me to have a strong Northeastern accent.


我特别想听Ella,下次我可以找两个东北人跟大家展示一下真正的东北口音,东北人真的是自带幽默的腔调,我觉得东北人一说话就感觉很好笑。 I especially want to hear Ella, next time I can find two Northeasterners to show you the real Northeastern accent. Northeasterners really bring their own humorous accent, and I think Northeasterners feel funny when they talk.


东北人一说话可以让你感觉很亲切,可以让你感觉啥都不是事儿。 Northeasterners can make you feel very close when they speak, and can make you feel that nothing is a problem.


啥都不是事儿。 Nothing is a problem.

对,这就是一个东北口音,啥都不是事儿。 Yes, it’s a northeastern accent, nothing is a problem.

好,谢谢Ella。今天聊得很开心,我们下期再见。 Well, thank you Ella, we had a great time today and we’ll see you next time.

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