Episode 32|这就是非洲!This is Africa!

Convo Chinese
27 min readMar 12, 2022


Hello大家好,欢迎大家来到我们的新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天有一个特别的朋友,她是远道而来,从非洲的尼日利亚来瑞士日内瓦看我们。我们上个周末在一起滑雪,跟大家say hi? Hello everyone and welcome to our new episode! Today we have a special friend who came all the way from Nigeria, Africa to see us in Geneva, Switzerland, so we were skiing together last weekend, say hi?


Hello,大家好,我是Hailey Hello, everyone, I’m Hailey!


Hailey其实是香港人,所以她的普通话会有一点点香港口音,你可以跟大家用广东话自我介绍一下吗? Hailey is actually from Hong Kong, so his Mandarin has a little bit of a Hong Kong accent, can you introduce yourself in Cantonese?


可以。大家好…. @#$!@$@!#)$)_$#@)%!*&~#@& Yes. Hello everyone …. @#$! @$@! #)$)_$#@)%! *&~#@&


我表示没有听懂,你可以用普通话再把刚才的那一段话重新说一遍吗? I said I didn’t understand, can you repeat the paragraph you just said in Mandarin?


好的,我叫Hailey,我是香港人,我现在是住在非洲已经差不多是两年了,然后之前是在四大洲都有住过,然后现在这是想跟大家分享在拉各斯Lagos的一个生活。 Okay, my name is Haley, I’m from Hong Kong, I’ve been living in Africa for almost two years now, and I’ve lived on four continents before, and now I want to share with you a life in Lagos.


拉格斯就是非洲的尼日利亚的首都,之前我们跟Hailey是在肯尼亚内罗毕的时候认识的,我之前也在肯尼亚住了两年,但是后来Hailey就因为工作的原因搬到了拉格斯,你在拉格斯做什么工作? Lagos is the capital of Nigeria in Africa, we met Hailey in Nairobi, Kenya, and I lived in Kenya for two years, but then Hailey moved to Lagos because of her job, what do you do in Lagos?


我现在在拉格斯是做一个虚拟货币的平台,是一个蛮新的 start up,然后那边其实也有很多比较成熟的虚拟货币平台,但是我们就想打造一个非洲专门是给非洲不论是新手,还是一个熟练的虚拟货币的玩家,都能用的平台。 I’m now working on a virtual currency platform in Lagos, it’s a fairly new start up, and there are actually a lot of established virtual currency platforms there, but we want to create a platform that is specifically for Africa, whether it’s for a newbie or a skilled virtual currency player.


虚拟货币就是crypto currency。 Virtual currency is crypto currency.

在你是什么时候来到的非洲,以及你为什么一开始会想到要来非洲呢? When did you come to Africa and why did you think of coming to Africa in the first place?


我是2020年2月1号到非洲的。 I arrived in Africa on February 1, 2020.


记得很清楚这个时间!为什么记得这么清楚?我都不记得我是哪一天坐飞机到的非洲。 Remember this time very well! Why do you remember it so well? I don’t even remember what day I got on the plane to Africa.


是因为那个时候我是刚刚就考完我硕士的考试,然后过了一天就已经是坐飞机了,所以那个时候就记得很清楚,而且那个时候还有半年才毕业。 It’s because at that time I had just finished my master’s exams, and then one day later I was already on a plane, so I remember very clearly at that time, and at that time there were still six months before I graduated.

然后我来这边有半年的时间,其实是一半是工作,就是part time工作,一边要写我自己的论文,所以日期就记得很清楚 Then I came here for half a year, actually half of it was work, that is, part time work, while I had to write my own thesis, so I remember the date very clearly!


你一开始来非洲是做什么?然后为什么会想到要来非洲? What did you do when you first came to Africa? And why did you want to come to Africa?


一开始来非洲是做小贷的,就是一个小型银行的一个贷款,那种模块,但是为什么会想来?是因为其实我应该是三四年前已经想来非洲,是一大州,因为自己没有接触过,然后觉得应该一定要过来看看,才能知道这边的发展是怎么样。然后一般是,我自己虽然说,以前都是在一些发达的国家生活,但是我心里面其实很喜欢在一个发展中国家生活,就觉得会比较有挑战性,而且发展机会比较大,所以选择来这边去看一看。 At first, I came to Africa to do a small loan, a small bank loan, that kind of module, but why did I want to come here? It was because I wanted to come to Africa three or four years ago, and it was a big state, because I had no contact with it, and then I thought I should come and have a look, to know how the development is. And then, generally speaking, although I used to live in some developed countries, I actually like living in a developing country, and I think it’s more challenging and has more opportunities for development, so I chose to come here to have a look.


刚才你说在发达国家,之前都是在发达国家生活,但是这一次想尝试一下在发展中国家生活,然后你也提到你之前四4个大洲都生活过,分别是哪四个大洲?你可以说英语我可以帮你翻译 You said you lived in a developed country, but this time you want to try living in a developing country, and you also mentioned that you have lived in four continents before. You can speak English and I can translate for you.


可以。亚洲(Asia),然后 America (美洲) Yes. Asia, then America.


但是是北美洲还是南美?(南美北美都有)你住在南美的哪一个国家?墨西哥。 But is it North America or South America? (Both North and South America) Which country in South America do you live in? Mexico.


不是南美,是中美洲应该是,然后是智利。 It’s not South America, it’s Central America I think it is, and then Chile.


你在欧洲哪个国家生活过?(捷克,布拉格)对是的。ok,然后你是想,在体验过这4个国家的发达国家以后,4个大洲的发达国家以后来非洲,所以你来非洲之前,对整个大洲对非洲有什么印象? What country in Europe have you lived in? (Czech Republic, Prague) Yes. ok, and then you were thinking, after experiencing the developed countries in these 4 countries, the developed countries in 4 continents and then coming to Africa, so what were your impressions of the whole continent towards Africa before you came to Africa?

然后来了以后,你觉得比如说肯尼亚和尼日利亚有什么比较大的文化冲击? And then after you came, what do you think is the bigger culture shock in Kenya and Nigeria, for example?


我觉得首先是更正一下,就是说虽然说以前是算是在发达的国家生活,但是譬如说在一个spectrum里面,其实捷克也算是比较,也不算最发达的国家,是偏向于发展中国家,在一个世界的一个 Spectrum里面。但是来非洲之前的一个想法。就是说肯定是会很不一样,很特别,因为包括我之前了解到的肯定是非洲文化,包括音乐,打鼓会很有节奏感,还有会比较热情,可能会偏向于拉丁美洲的那种讲话大声,然后喜欢跳舞,身体接触会比较多,有很多那种的想法,然后会有一个很大的 perception,觉得他们会很多事情可能都会比较是unreliable I think the first thing I want to correct is that although I used to live in a developed country, for example, in a spectrum, the Czech Republic is actually not the most developed country, but a developing country, in a spectrum of the world. But I had an idea before coming to Africa. That is, it will certainly be very different, very special, because including my previous understanding is certainly the African culture, including music, drumming will be very rhythmic, and will be more enthusiastic, may be biased towards the kind of Latin American speech loud, and then like to dance, physical contact will be more, there are a lot of that kind of ideas, and then there will be a great perception, think they will be a lot of things They may be more unreliable


不靠谱,中文可以说。 I can’t rely on it, but I can say it in Chinese.


对,然后但是很多都是没有一个很确定的想法,因为我看之前看过三毛的撒哈拉沙漠,然后觉得很多想象,就觉得他们会借东西,然后借完又不还。很不一样的文化,然后很想自己去看一下会是不是,真的像她写的这样那么特别。 Yes, but a lot of them don’t have a very definite idea, because I saw the Sahara Desert by Sanmao before, and then I think a lot of imagination, I think they will borrow things, and then they won’t return them after borrowing. It was a very different culture, and I wanted to see for myself if it was really as special as what she wrote.

对,但是来了以后,首先第一站是去内罗毕,其实挺失望的,因为就跟我去的其他大城市是差不多,反而有些中餐厅还比我在香港吃的更好吃,所以就觉得,妈呀,根本不是一个发展中国家是吧? Yes, but after I arrived, the first stop was Nairobi, and I was actually quite disappointed because it was similar to the other big cities I went to, but some Chinese restaurants were even better than the ones I ate in Hong Kong, so I thought, “Oh my God, it’s not a developing country at all, right?

然后其实来的头几个月是挺觉得都没有很特别,就没有我看小说的那种,就很有非洲特有文化的那种发现。但是后来越来越去一些没有那么城市的一些地方,譬如说别人经常去的一些马赛马拉,或是说比较小的一些地方,就是山里面,爬山,那些地方的时候就会发现,其实譬如说,动物也有看到以前没有很难接触到的动物,还有慢慢接触当地人,就是肯尼亚人,然后就学了一些他们的当地语言swahili以后,就觉得越来越去体验他们那边东非的文化。 The first few months I came here, I didn’t think it was very special, I didn’t read novels about it, but I found that it was a very unique African culture. But then more and more to go to some places that are not so urban, for example, others often go to some Masai Mara, or say some smaller places, that is, inside the mountains, climbing, those places will find, in fact, for example, animals have seen before it is difficult to contact the animals, and slowly contact the local people, that is, Kenyans, and then learn some of their local language After Swahili, I felt that I was getting to experience the culture of East Africa over there.

但这个是一个部分。后来去了西非以后,简直就是另外一个体验了,这一次我觉得我经常跟我朋友分享,像是从天堂到地狱的一种感觉。对。 But this is a part. After I went to West Africa, it was a different experience, and this time I think I often shared with my friends that it was like a feeling from heaven to hell. Yes.


因为其实我们是在肯尼亚认识的,我在内罗毕住了两年,觉得内罗毕的生活真的还是蛮方便,我也是蛮喜欢的。像你刚才说的内罗毕有很多的中国餐厅,中国超市,然后有蛮好的电影院,咖啡厅,其实生活就是当然说当地人他们的生活很不一样,但是如果作为一个expat,在那边可以体验到的生活和其他的大城市生活质量还是其实是蛮有保证的。 I lived in Nairobi for two years, and I think Nairobi is a very convenient place to live, and I like it. As you said earlier, there are many Chinese restaurants, Chinese supermarkets, and good cinemas and cafes in Nairobi, and in fact, life is of course very different for the locals, but if you are an expat, the quality of life you can experience there and in other big cities is actually quite guaranteed.

但是我去过一次尼日利亚的拉格斯,我自己真的很不喜欢拉格斯,我自己的第一印象就是我最不喜欢的一个点是交通非常的差,拉格斯应该是在全球的堵塞的,就是交通堵塞的指数,或者排名,是很有名的。 But I have been to Lagos, Nigeria, I really do not like Lagos, my own first impression is that I do not like a point is the traffic is very poor, Lagos should be in the global congestion, that is, the traffic congestion index, or ranking, is very famous.


是的,我觉得堵塞的话肯定是譬如说平日周一到周五,如果你是在一个rush hour里面要通勤的话,其实可能会堵这种平时的一个小时可以堵你堵到三个小时,所以这很可怕的一个事情。 Yes, I think the congestion is definitely, for example, from Monday to Friday, if you are in a rush hour to commute, you can actually block the usual one hour to three hours, so it’s a very scary thing.


你记得你最长的一次或者最让你崩溃的一次堵车,在拉格斯是什么情况,堵了多少时间? What’s the longest traffic jam you can remember or the most devastating one you’ve had, what was it like in Lagos and how long was it?


对于我来说其实我还好,因为我基本上不会让自己会去发生要在堵车的过程,但是我有一次从一个西部的地方,就是周末去的旅行,然后原来其实周末,周六周天的时候,其实比较少会有堵车的情况,因为他们很少去上班通勤。但是我那次原来应该是3个小时的话的车程,应该差不多用了我5个小时,然后幸好那一次因为就晚了3天就太累了,所以我基本上是睡了四五个小时在车上面。 For me I was actually okay because I basically don’t let myself go through the process of getting stuck in traffic, but I had a trip from a place in the west that I went to on a weekend, and then it turned out that actually on weekends, on Saturdays and Sundays, there’s actually less traffic because they rarely go to commute to work. But that time I should have been 3 hours drive, it should have taken me almost 5 hours, and then fortunately that time because I was too tired after 3 days late, so I basically slept for 4 or 5 hours in the car.


那也还好,我就去拉格斯的唯一一次,我是从我的酒店去机场堵车,但是我去机场之前,拉格斯的同事已经提醒我说,堵车很厉害,所以让我提早一点出发。然后我应该是提早了5个小时或者6个小时出发,但是因为我订的机票是下班的高峰时期rush hour,所以我当时在车子里就是堵得很崩溃,因为我特别怕不知道什么时候能到机场。 The only time I went to Lagos, I was stuck in traffic from my hotel to the airport, but before I went to the airport, my colleague from Lagos already warned me that the traffic was very bad, so I was told to leave a little early. Then I should have left 5 or 6 hours earlier, but because the ticket I booked was for rush hour, so I was in the car and the traffic was so bad, because I was especially afraid that I wouldn’t know when I would get to the airport.


然后还有一个让我特别不喜欢的是,拉格斯的天气很热,也很潮湿,然后就很吵,我记得我在出租车里面堵着,然后心情已经很烦躁,这个时候还就是天气又很热,但是摇了车窗以后外面又很吵,所以整个让我觉得这个很烦躁。 I remember I was stuck in a cab, and I was already very irritable, and the weather was very hot, but after I rolled up the window, it was very noisy outside, so I felt very irritable.


是的,我觉得烦躁这个词很适合去形容我在尼日利亚的心态,因为基本上我每天的生活都是被烦躁,或者很吵的一个环境过每一天. Yes, I think irritable is a good word to describe my state of mind in Nigeria because basically my life was irritable or noisy every day.


,所以我觉得难处就是说我那么为什么不喜欢拉格斯,除了你刚刚说的环境上就是交通堵车,还有整个吵,别人讲话很大声,然后基本上很多人都会譬如说开车都不太有理。然后你一堵,如果灯转了你不走的话,其实你就会一直听到哔哔哔,喇叭很吵的声音。 So I think the difficulty is why I don’t like Lagos, apart from the traffic jam you just mentioned, and the whole noise, people talking very loudly, and basically many people would say that driving is not very reasonable. Then you blocked, if the light turns you do not go, in fact, you will always hear the beep beep beep, the horn very noisy sound.

对,所以整体来说,无论是生活小小事情或者工作上跟同事尼日利亚的人开会,你就会是每分每秒都要跟他们去争吵。我第一次开完会我直接问我同事,我说:你们平时讲话像这么激烈要去吵架吗?然后他们说,这个是我们平时的交流跟说话。然后我第一天其实已经很头疼。 Yes, so overall, whether it is a small matter of life or work with colleagues in Nigeria, you will be every second to argue with them. After my first meeting I asked my colleagues directly, I said: you usually talk like this fierce to go to quarrel? Then they said, this is our usual communication and talk. Then I had a headache on the first day.


你觉得比如说你在尼日利亚住了这么长时间,最喜欢的一个点是什么? What do you think is one of your favorite things about living in Nigeria for so long, for example?


我觉得最喜欢的点肯定是因为它是靠海,所以我基本上每周末都会去海滩、就是游泳,还有去滑板,然后这个是令我最开心的。因为可能也关于我在香港的时候也是经常去沙滩,去 barbecue,还有去跟朋友一块,和一大群朋友玩,还有水上活动,然后我觉得是这一点,有它的地理的一个优势。但是当然它是一个很……怎么说,是一个很,一个国家只利于有钱人的一个地方。就譬如说它沙滩的入场费还要5~10美金,就看你去哪一个沙滩。然后我就很不爽,觉得你这样子更加划分贫富差距。然后我其实就头几个月是真的有点不舒服,就觉得我知道我是比较有privilege的,但是我真的不喜欢那么多事情,生活小事情上也会有那么多的区别对待。 I think my favorite point is definitely because it’s by the sea, so I basically go to the beach every weekend, swimming, and skateboarding, and that’s what makes me happiest. Because probably about my time in Hong Kong is also often to go to the beach, to barbecue, and to go with friends a piece, and a large group of friends to play, and water activities, and then I think it is this point, there is an advantage of its geography. But of course it is a very …… how to say, is a very, a country only benefit rich people of a place. For example, the entrance fee for its beaches is 5 to 10 US dollars, depending on which beach you go to. Then I was very upset, think you this way more divided between the rich and the poor. Then I was really uncomfortable for the first few months, I think I know I am more privileged, but I really don’t like so many things, and there are so many differences in the little things in life.


我在拉格斯的时候,我觉得我最喜欢的两个点,一个是西非和东非的区别,西非女生就是穿的衣服特别的鲜艳,颜色会比东非鲜艳很多。然后在西非的时候就买了很多的好看的裙子和首饰,然后而且他们也很敢穿,在街上你看到每一个人,哪怕是上街随便买一个菜,都会穿很漂亮的裙子,而且是很紧身,可以体现出非洲女生的身体的曲线。 When I was in Lagos, I think the two points I liked the most were the difference between West Africa and East Africa, the West African girls just wore particularly bright clothes, the colors would be a lot brighter than in East Africa. And then in West Africa bought a lot of good-looking skirts and jewelry, and then they also dare to wear, in the street you see every person, even if it is to buy a random vegetable, will wear a very beautiful skirt, and is very tight, can reflect the curves of the body of African girls.

然后第二个是我觉得尼日利亚菜还是要比肯尼亚菜好吃,因为肯尼亚其实没有什么真正的菜,它一般是印度菜或者肯尼亚,一般就是吃比如说samosa或者chapati,但是尼日利亚菜还是蛮有特色的,他很会用辣的味道和辣椒和一些香料,然后它还有但是比如说Jollof rice很好吃,但是它是介于加纳和尼日利亚之间。 Then the second is that I think Nigerian food is still better than Kenyan food, because Kenya actually has no real dishes, it is generally Indian food or Kenya, generally is to eat, for example, samosa or chapati, but Nigerian food is still quite distinctive, he will be very spicy taste and chili and some spices, and then it has but for example, Jollof rice It is delicious, but it is between Ghana and Nigeria.

Jollof rice

但总体来说尼日利亚的菜我觉得还是要比肯尼亚的菜更加有味道,也有特色一点,是的。 But overall I think Nigerian food is a little bit more flavorful and unique than Kenyan food, yes.

好哪今天我们就录到这里,谢谢Hailey! Well, that’s it for today, thanks Hailey!


谢谢Joanne,拜拜了。 Thank you Joanne, bye.

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