Episode 33 | 滑雪一定要注意安全!Safety first when skiing !

Convo Chinese
9 min readApr 3, 2022


Joanne 00:02

欢迎大家又回来收听我们的瞎扯学中学中文。今天请到的朋友是Weiyi,大家好。 Welcome back to another episode of our nonsense about learning Chinese. Our friend today is Weiyi

Weiyi 00:21

我是Weiyi I’m Weiyi.

Joanne 00:24

对Weiyi今天在这里他也是从内罗毕来看我们的朋友。 Yeah Weiyi is here today and he’s a friend who’s visiting us from Nairobi.

这个星期我们一起在瑞士滑雪,然后我们报了一个4天在Charmonix的滑雪课,所以我们想跟他大家聊一聊我们这4天的滑雪经历。 We were skiing together in Switzerland this week and then we signed up for a 4 day ski lesson in Charmonix, so we wanted to talk to him about our 4 day skiing experience.

Weiyi 00:44

对这4天的滑雪充满了各种大大小小的事故,但是总体来说是一个非常难忘的经历。 The 4 days of skiing were filled with all kinds of accidents, but overall it was a very memorable experience.

Joanne 00:55

对,首先我们来这边滑雪是应了一个朋友的生日的邀请,这个朋友也是我们在内罗毕认识的共同的朋友,其实他之前也和我们录过节目,如果大家有印象的话,是很早的一期关于奥运会的节目Gwin。然后 Gwin上个星期过她的30岁生日,所以她邀请了我们一群在内罗毕的好朋友一起来瑞士,然后这一群人当中大家都有一些滑雪的基础,只有我是完全没有基础,所以我可以先Weiyi可以先讲一下你之前是怎么样学滑雪的,然后这一次被Gwin邀请过来是为什么想要过来? Yes, first of all, we came here for a friend’s birthday, a mutual friend we met in Nairobi, who actually taped a show with us before, if you remember, it was a very early episode of Gwin about the Olympics. So can I start by telling Weiyi how you learned to ski before and why you wanted to come over this time when Gwin invited you?

Weiyi 01:40

好的,我第一次滑雪是在美国东部,当我还住在华盛顿的时候,就Washington DC,那个时候你大家都知道美国东部的雪场真的是非常的糟糕,全部都是人造雪,对于初学者来说是非常困难的,所以我学了一个雪季之后,没有特别大的进步,然后Covid就开始了,所以有两年都没有滑雪。这一次当Gwin邀请我们所有人跟她一起去Chamonix庆祝她生日的时候,她提出来让我们都报滑雪班,当然我也就只能够报Debutant 初学者班。 Well, my first time skiing was in the eastern part of the United States, when I was living in Washington DC, at that time you all know that the snow field in the eastern part of the United States is really bad, all artificial snow, it is very difficult for beginners, so I learned one season, no big progress, and then Covid started, so there were two years No skiing. This time when Gwin invited us all to go to Chamonix with her to celebrate her birthday, she offered to let us all take ski classes, and of course I was only able to take the Debutant beginner class.

Joanne 02:25

嗯哼其实也蛮巧的,我们是一共5个人,我们就报了1个是1个在宿舍里面,然后有点像回到了高中初中生活,一起坐大巴,一起过集体宿舍的生活,反正还是蛮好玩的。 Well, it’s actually quite a coincidence that we are a total of 5 people, we enrolled in 1 is 1 in the dormitory, and then a bit like back to high school junior high school life, together with the bus, together with the life of the group dormitory, anyway, it is still quite fun.

Weiyi 02:42

对大家一起每天一起住一起睡,然后一起滑雪。这这感觉就像是回到了,对,在上高中的时候一天到晚跟同学们混在一起。 Yes everyone together every day together live together sleep together and then ski together. This this feels like going back to, yeah, hanging out with classmates all day long when I was in high school.

Joanne 02:59

你先说说你这一次滑得爽吗? Can you tell us how is your experience this time?

Weiyi 03:03

还是挺爽的。 It was pretty cool.

它整个program我先说一下这个组织,它叫做UCPA,它是整个Charmonix地区提供滑雪课程最大的组织学校,然后这个课程它是一共是有4天,但是真正的教学时间其实是2天半的时间,所以我们在第一天的下午开始上第一堂课,然后第一堂课就是从最基本的怎么走路,然后怎么上坡开始,结果到第一节课结束的时候,老师放开来让我们自己坐着。 It’s called UCPA, it’s the largest organization in the Charmonix area that offers skiing courses, and it’s a four-day course, but the real teaching time is actually two and a half days. The first lesson started from the basic how to walk, and then how to go up the slope, and then at the end of the first lesson, the teacher let go and let us sit by ourselves.

其实我都不知道中文怎么翻译,不是lift。 I I don’t know what is maybe it’s a lift。也许是lift,然后你就是一个棍子一样圆圆的东西插在两腿之间的,总之你就上了一个很缓的坡,你从坡上滑下来。 I don’t know what is maybe it’s a lift. maybe it’s a lift, then you are a stick like a round thing inserted between the legs, in short, you are on a very slow slope, you slide down from the slope.

然后第二天的时候,我们就又继续在一个很长的雪道上练习就练习怎么下坡,然后教了一些怎么转身的一些技巧。 Then the next day, we continued to practice on a very long track on how to practice downhill, and then taught some of the skills of how to turn around.

到第二天结束的时候,老师就开始让我们上初学者的蓝道上去,然后我们在最后是他还让我们稍微体验了一下有很多的障碍物的,那种起起伏伏的这种滑雪,我觉得进程还是挺快的。 At the end of the second day, the teacher started to let us go on the beginner’s blue track, and then we were at the end of the day when he let us experience a little bit of the ups and downs of skiing with a lot of obstacles, and I think it went pretty fast.

Joanne 04:56

然后最后一天你跟 David和Gwin他们两个滑得比较好,然后你和他们两个一起上了一个比较高的坡,划了一个比较难的红道,是不是?然后你是怎么下来的,感觉怎么样?是不是很惊险? And then on the last day you skied better with David and Gwin, and then you went up a higher slope with them and paddled a harder red course, didn’t you? And then how did you get down and how did you feel? Was it very thrilling?

Weiyi 05:12

谢谢你提醒了我,最后一天非常难忘的经历。其实最后一天我们是上了一个雪道叫做Le Tour。它其实风景是非常的美的,它整个雪道下来的话大概可以滑个半个小时是非常平缓的。但是从Le Tour一般我们上去的时候是坐着缆车上去。 Thank you for reminding me of a very memorable experience on the last day. Actually, the last day we went up a piste called Le Tour, which is actually very beautiful, and the whole piste can be skied for about half an hour, which is very gentle. But from Le Tour we usually go up by cable car.

Weiyi 05:41

然后上次一般来说要坐缆车上去就说明非常的高,然后我们当时坐缆车上去的时候,我就看着雪道心里在想,哇塞,那些可以直接从顶上滑的人,他们实在是太牛逼了。 The last time we had to take the gondola up, it meant it was very high, and then when we took the gondola up, I looked at the snow track and thought, “Wow, those people who can ski directly from the top, they are so awesome.

Weiyi 05:57

结果在跟Gwin还有David划完了Le Tour的蓝道之后,Gwin说, Weiyi我对你特别有信心,我觉得你可以尝试一下红道,然后我当时一定是被小小的胜利冲昏了头脑。我竟然相信了Gwin的话,然后我就上了红道,结果就下不来了。然后我就一路在红道上挣扎, David和Gwin他们都已经没有了踪影,只有我一个人还在红道上,滑一步摔一步,因为红道上的雪它是非常的都融化了,然后雪非常的重,像我这种初学者没有掌握技巧,重心非常不稳,所以滑一步就摔一步。 After paddling the blue runs of Le Tour with Gwin and David, Gwin said, “Weiyi, I have confidence in you, I think you can try the red runs, and I must have been overwhelmed by the small victory. I believed Gwin’s words and I went to the red lane and I couldn’t get off. David and Gwin were gone, and I was the only one still on the red trail, falling one step at a time, because the snow on the red trail was very melted, and the snow was very heavy, and beginners like me did not master the skills, and my center of gravity was very unstable, so I fell one step at a time.

幸运的是有很多的好心人看到我在那里挣扎都停下来帮助我,其中有一个大叔跟我说,你知道怎么用 snowplough吗?Snow plough就是把雪把你的雪橇撑开来,撑成三角形的样子,然后减速下去。最后我就用 snowplough的方法下了基本上整个红道当然姿势非常的难看和丑陋,摔了无数跤,成功了。 Fortunately, there were many kind-hearted people who saw me struggling there and stopped to help me, and one of them told me, “Do you know how to use snowplough? I ended up using snowplough to get down basically the entire red course, but of course the posture was very ugly and ugly, and I fell numerous times, but I made it.

Joanne 07:27

但是anyways,还是最后是有惊无险的下了红道。 But anyways, I ended up getting off the redway without any risk.

不像我们另外一个朋友,就是上一期和我们在上一期节目里碰到的Hailey,刚才上一期节目也跟大家介绍了,Hailey也在日内瓦和我们在瑞士和我们待了4天,因为她也报了滑雪课,但是很悲剧的是Hailey也上了一个比较难的,突破了她的滑雪技能的蓝道是吧? Unlike our other friend, Hailey, who we met in the last episode, as we told you in the last episode, Hailey also stayed with us in Geneva and Switzerland for 4 days, because she also took ski lessons, but tragically Hailey also took a difficult blue run that broke her skiing skills, right?

Weiyi 07:56

其实是我的错。其实Hailey摔伤的地方都不是蓝道,是在栈道旁边的Off Piste Actually, it was my fault. Actually, the place where Hailey fell was not the blue run, it was the Off Piste next to the trestle.

Joanne 08:07

Off Piste其实就是没有道,就是一个森林 Off Piste is actually no road, is a forest

Weiyi 08:13

其实当时是因为在第二节课的时候,老师教了我们怎么样去,他带着我们从蓝道旁边的森林里面小道上划过。 In fact, at that time because in the second lesson, the teacher taught us how to go, he took us from the blueway next to the forest inside the trail to paddle through.

当时他带我们的时候我们有点怕,但是因为他带着其实我们也觉得有点好玩,就是因为当你在就是森林小道上的时候,你的雪板会上下跳,跳动,你会感觉到有点失去控制,就会给你带来一种让人难以描述的愉悦的感觉,挺刺激的。 At that time he took us when we were a little afraid, but because he took actually we also feel a little fun, is because when you are in the forest trail, your snowboard will jump up and down, jumping, you will feel a little out of control, it will give you a kind of indescribable pleasure feeling, quite exciting.

所以当时后来了下课了之后,我就跟怂恿Hailey跟我一起去再划一次森林小道,然后结果再摔了两三次之后,差不多,结果她就再也没有爬起来了。 So then after class, I encouraged Hailey to go paddling with me on the forest trail again, and then after falling two or three times, almost, she never got up again.

Joanne 09:04

没有,她再也没有爬起来的意思,Hailey最后他虽然没有爬起来,但是她还活着,她还回来和我们录了节目,所以听众朋友不要害怕。 但是发生了什么,当时再给大家交代一个背景,就是我因为完全没有滑雪的经验,然后像刚才为跟大家介绍了,我们报的虽然是初学者班,但是因为有很多人已经有一些滑雪的背景,加上课进展非常快,第二节课第二天他们就上了已经有一些坡度的,然后我因为完全没有滑雪的经验, No, she never got up again, Hailey finally he did not get up, but she is still alive, she also came back and we recorded the show, so listeners do not be afraid. But what happened is that I had no skiing experience at all, and as I told you earlier, we enrolled in a beginner’s class, but because many people already had some skiing background, and the class was progressing very fast, the second day of the class they had some slopes, and then I had no skiing experience at all.

我就完全跟不上课的进度,所以第二节课我就自己又重新去划一些比较平缓的坡,但是依然没有掌握好技巧,所以就一直摔,所以其实我第二天以后就放弃了滑雪,我就觉得滑雪应该不是适合我的运动,完全没有天赋,所以第二天我就待在了 ucpa的宿舍里,没有跟他们出去滑雪,所以后面这段话是我在Whatsapp群里接收到的信息,因为我并不在现场。 I couldn’t keep up with the lesson at all, so I went back to paddle some gentle slopes by myself in the second lesson, but I still didn’t master the skills well, so I kept falling, so I actually gave up skiing after the second day, I thought skiing should not be a sport for me, I have no talent at all, so I stayed in the dormitory of ucpa the next day, and didn’t go out skiing with them, so later This is the message I received in the Whatsapp group because I wasn’t there.

第二天我们忽然就收到了一张照片,是Hailey倒在雪地里被被救援的一张照片,她被裹在一个红色的袋子里,有点像毛毛虫的茧,然后她就完全不能动,然后根据Weiyi的描述。Hailey就是一开始哭的还是蛮惨的,因为扭到了膝盖很疼,所以就不得不叫了专业的救援人员,然后把她裹起来,然后从山上面运到地面,然后去了医院,但是那个照片还是蛮好笑的。 The next day we suddenly received a photo of Hailey falling in the snow and being rescued, she was wrapped in a red bag, kind of like a caterpillar cocoon, and then she couldn’t move at all, and then according to Weiyi’s description, Hailey was crying quite badly at first, because she twisted her knee and it hurt, so she had to call a professional rescuer, and then The photo is still quite funny.

Weiyi 10:58

是的,其实当时Hailey心情还不错,我估计是因为裹在毛毛虫雪橇里面,其实可以看风景也还是挺好的,但是代价有点大。等Hailey被裹进去了之后,救援的大叔掏出了iPad,然后开始记录他的信息,跟我们讲说这次救援收费500欧,对收费500欧。 Yes, Hailey was actually in a good mood, I guess because wrapped in a caterpillar sled, you can actually look at the scenery is also quite good, but the cost is a little big. After Hailey was wrapped up in it, the rescue man took out his iPad and started recording his information, telling us that the rescue charge was 500 Euros, and the charge was 500 Euros.

Joanne 11:32

但是说实话500欧在瑞士也不算贵。之前我有一个朋友在山里面徒步被直升机救援,可能是要2万,20000欧元,所以500欧的话就是被拖着看一下风景,我觉得也蛮值的,但是看到了Hailey悲惨的英勇负伤以后,我就觉得放我放弃了滑雪是一个非常明智的决定,因为如果我继续滑的话,我觉得我也会扭伤。 But to be honest 500 Euros is not expensive in Switzerland. I had a friend who was rescued by helicopter while hiking in the mountains, and it probably cost 20,000, 20,000 Euros, so 500 Euros is just to be dragged around to see the scenery, I think it’s worth it, but after seeing Hailey’s tragic and heroic injury, I think it’s a very wise decision to let me give up skiing, because if I continue to ski, I think I will also sprain.

Weiyi 12:05

对我觉得Xinqing说的是没错的,Xinqing是一个特别有决断的人,做出了一个正确的决定。对,但是其实500欧并不是这并不是所有的费用,结果我们到了终点之后,Hailey她就觉得他的脚差不多了,她觉得她可以站着走了,结果就原来大叔说不行,the full package is not finished yet,就是说我们还有救援,还包括叫救护车送到最近的医院,所以他就不顾我们的反对,叫了救护车,这又是180欧,然后又去了医院照了x光,然后要买药,回来还要继续做MRI所以还是蛮贵的。在医院的费用又是195欧。 Yes I think Xinqing is right, Xinqing is a particularly decisive person and made a good decision. Yes, but in fact 500 euros is not the cost of this is not all, as a result of we arrived at the end, Hailey she felt that his foot almost, she felt that she could stand and walk, the result on the original uncle said no, the full package is not finished yet, that is to say we still have rescue, also includes calling an ambulance to the nearest hospital, so he defied our objections. So he called an ambulance despite our objections, which was another 180 euros, and then went to the hospital to take x-rays, and then to buy medicine, and then to continue to do MRI so it was still quite expensive. The cost at the hospital was another 195 Euros.

Joanne 13:05

但 anyway,还是一次蛮有趣的经历,反正我们这次滑雪的4天的课程,有人这个决定再也不滑雪了,比如说我。有人英勇负伤,但是第二天仍然哭着喊着要去滑雪,对,这个也蛮好笑的。就是在Hailey英勇负伤,膝盖扭伤,医生跟她说一个月都不能做运动的情况下,她休息了一天,最后一天就居然很勇敢的,又换上了鞋子和衣服,然后准备用她已经完全不能动的膝盖去滑雪。 But anyway, it was still an interesting experience, anyway, we had a 4-day skiing session, and some people decided never to ski again, like me. Some people got injured, but the next day they still cried and wanted to go skiing, yes, this is also quite funny. It was when Hailey was heroically injured, sprained her knee, and the doctor told her she couldn’t do sports for a month, she took a day off, and on the last day was brave enough to change her shoes and clothes and get ready to go skiing with her knee that was completely immobilized.

Weiyi 13:47

是的,我们都非常的佩服Hailey的决心,但是事实无情的打了Hailey的脸 Yes, we all admired Hailey’s determination, but the truth hit Hailey in the face!

Joanne 13:59

这是一个中文的词,就是被打脸,意思就是slap in the face。如果你信誓旦旦的,你很有自信的说了一句话,但是很快你就发现你说的这个话没有成真,这个就叫被打脸。 It’s a Chinese word that means slap in the face. if you swear by something and you say it with confidence, but soon you find out that what you said didn’t come true, it’s called being slap in the face.

Weiyi 14:19

是的,然后Hailey到了雪场之后,在最平坦的地方决定走一走,结果她迈不出第一步。 Yes, and then after Hailey arrived at the snow park, she decided to walk on the flattest spot, and she couldn’t take the first step.

Joanne 14:28

对,她换上了所有的整套的装备和鞋子,站在了最平坦的雪,在雪场最平坦的地方站了两分钟,然后决定放弃了 anyways。这一段不好意思,我们都觉得这个很好笑,所以希望大家可以听懂我们带着笑声的普通话。Ok,我觉得今天我们就跟大家分享到这里,我们的滑雪经历跟大家say拜拜。 Yes, she changed all the whole set of equipment and shoes, stood on the flattest snow, stood on the flattest part of the snow park for two minutes, and then decided to give up anyways. this paragraph sorry, we all think this is very funny, so I hope you can understand our Mandarin with laughter. ok, I think today we will share with you to here, our skiing experience with you say Bye bye.

Weiyi 14:58

拜拜,祝大家可以享受雪季的尾巴,一定要注意安全,拜拜。 Bye, wish you can enjoy the end of the snow season, be sure to pay attention to safety, bye.



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