Episode 34 | 这才是正宗的对外汉语老师 A real Teacher of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TCFL)!

Xinqing 00:02
Hello大家好。欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天有一位新的朋友,新的嘉宾,也可能是以后会经常出现的一位嘉宾,她的名字和我的很像,她的名字叫Qingjing. Hello你好 Hello everyone. Welcome to our new episode of Learn Chinese by Nonsense. Today we have a new friend, a new guest, and probably a guest that will be coming up a lot, her name is very similar to mine, her name is Qingjing. Hello Hello
Qingjing 00:24
我是Qingjing,大家好。 I’m Qingjing, how are you all doing?
Xinqing 00:28
对咱们俩这个名字确实是,我觉得可能有好多的听众朋友会傻傻的分不清楚,所以我的名字是Xinqing,它的名字是Qingjing。然后Qingjing其实是一个中文老师,所以其实今天我想跟Qingjing聊一聊,他是怎么样从一开始接触到对外汉语,就是教外国人汉语的职业,然后在过去的这些年当中有什么好玩的故事,有什么经历可以和我们分享? I think there are a lot of listeners who may not be able to distinguish between the two of us, so my name is Xinqing and his name is Qingjing. What are some of his interesting stories and experiences that he can share with us over the years?
可以吗? Is that okay?
Qingjing 00:59
可以,当然谢谢Xinqing,其实我是一个非常偶然的机会才误打误撞,可以说是误打误撞进入到这个行业。 Yes, of course, thanks Xinqing, actually I got into this profession by mistake, so to speak.
我还记得那一天是我刚到北京的第二个月,然后我带着孩子无所事事的在外面闲逛,一边是照看孩子,一边是看一下有什么外面的风景什么的,然后我就看到一个外国人在我们小区的石凳子上石桌子认真的学习,然后因为孩子和小朋友们在一起玩,然后我只是需要看着他一点就可以,然后我就想反正我也没什么事,我就跟外国人聊一聊,然后我就萌发了这种想法,我说一来我可以练习一下我的英语,二来我看一下他到底学什么对吧? I still remember that day was the second month after I arrived in Beijing, and I was wandering around with my kids with nothing to do, looking after them and seeing what’s out there, and then I saw a foreigner studying seriously on a stone table on a stone bench in our neighborhood, and since the kids were playing with the kids, I just needed to watch him a little bit, and then I thought I thought, “I don’t have anything to do anyway, I’ll just talk to the foreigner, and then I got this idea that I could practice my English and see what he was learning, right?
因为从来没有见过外国人去学习汉语这样的真正的在生活当中去见到这个场景。 I’ve never seen a foreigner learn Chinese before, and I’ve never really seen this scene in my life.
Qingjing 02:08
我就走上全去跟他介绍了一下,我说你在做什么,然后他听不懂这样,因为它的基础比较简单,它的基础比较水平比较低,刚开始学习汉语,然后我们一点汉语一点英语,然后我们就是这样聊起来,这是我认识的第一个学生。 I went up to the whole to introduce to him, I said what are you doing, and then he did not understand so, because it is relatively simple, it is relatively low level of foundation, just started to learn Chinese, and then we a little Chinese a little English, and then we are so chatting up, this is the first student I know.
Xinqing 02:35
那个时候是哪一年在北京? What year was that in Beijing?
Qingjing 02:50
2004年,那是18年前19年前了。(那个时候北京的外国人多吗?) In 2004, that was 18 years ago and 19 years ago. (Were there many foreigners in Beijing at that time?)
Qingjing 02:50
那个时候的外国人也比较多,也比较多,我住的这些地方,因为我当时住在天坛北门,那个时候能够见到外国人是还是比较多的,因为那个地方是旅游景点,一个是然后第二个就是我们在小区里面,也是可以见到居住在我们小区的外国人的。 At that time there were more foreigners, there were more foreigners in these places where I lived, because I was living in the Temple of Heaven North Gate, at that time I could see more foreigners, because that place is a tourist attraction, one is then the second is we are in the neighborhood, we can also see the foreigners living in our neighborhood.
Xinqing 03:16
但我觉得像你这样子有勇气去跟一个外国人打交道,然后说问他你学习汉语怎么样也挺有勇气的。 But I think it’s quite courageous for you to have the courage to deal with a foreigner and ask him how you are learning Chinese.
对,后来跟你的第一个学生,你直接去教他汉语吗?还是你们是做一个语言交换? Yes, and then with your first student, did you go directly to teach him Chinese? Or did you do a language exchange?
Qingjing 03:35
我们刚开始的时候是作为语伴来共同学习,因为我毕竟是没有从业经验,我从来没有教过外国人汉语,所以我自己真的不知道是从哪里教起,也没有看过什么课本教材,我都不知道在哪里去找到这样的专业的教材。 We started out as language partners to learn together, because after all I have no experience in the field, I have never taught Chinese to foreigners, so I really don’t know where to teach myself, and I have never read any textbooks, I don’t even know where to find such professional teaching materials.
所以觉得比较好,就是我们在一起学习,另外我当时也没有想到说这可以是作为我以后的一个职业,去从事这样的一个职业,而且把它发展成为一个事业。 So I thought it was better that we were learning together, and I didn’t think that this could be a career for me in the future, to engage in such a profession and to develop it into a career.
我当时只是想我反正没事,因为在家里带孩子,然后刚到北京来,人生地不熟你知道吧?所以也不会马上去找到一个找一个工作,因为孩子很小才4岁多,所以我就想我们可以作为语伴,然后互相帮助,互相提高一下语言的你的、水平和语言的技能,是这样的,比较有意思。 I just thought I had nothing to do anyway, because I was at home with my children, and then I just came to Beijing, and I didn’t know the place well, you know? So I didn’t want to find a job right away, because my child was only 4 years old, so I thought we could act as language partners and help each other to improve our language skills.
Xinqing 04:50
这还真的是误打误撞。 It was really a misstep.
你是从什么时候开始慢慢的意识到说我可以把发展成一个事业,然后第一步你是怎么样怎么样开始发展这个职业的。 When did you start to realize that I could make a career out of it, and then the first step was how did you start to develop that career.
Qingjing 05:02
其实这个不是我意识到的,这是我的第一个学生,其实要提到他真的我想在这儿提到提一下他的名字就是丹尼尔。 Actually, this is not something I realized, this is my first student, in fact, to mention him really I want to mention his name here is Daniel.
这个人对我来说是我人生当中一个非常重要的人,可以说他完完全全的改变了我的命运,就是没有这个人不可能有今天的我。 This person is a very important person in my life, I can say that he completely changed my fate, that is, without this person would not have been possible for me today.
所以其实那个时候我完全没有想到我可以去从事这个职业,我可以去教外国人汉语。 So at that time, I didn’t think I could go into this profession, that I could teach Chinese to foreigners.
就是有一天我觉得感觉到自己怎么样,就是说好像找不到工作,有孩子,然后突然从在老家的那种非常繁忙的这种状态,突然到了转到北京的这种无所事事的,每天只是做家务,每天只是带孩子的这种状态,我突然发现自己的价值怎么样完全消失了,感觉不知道就是。 One day I felt like I couldn’t find a job, I had children, and I suddenly went from a very busy state in my hometown to a state of doing nothing in Beijing, just doing housework and bringing up my children every day.
Xinqing 06:04
忽然说找不到了人生的意义,对。 Suddenly I can’t find the meaning of life, yes.
Qingjing 06:07
所以在这个时候我就有一天就跟他在学习的过程当中,我说我其实不知道自己要做什么,我也不知道自己会做什么,就我就发出了这样的一个疑问,对自己的一个质疑,但是他听到以后就是丹尼尔听到以后,他说你现在你现在就可以做一个工作,我说做什么工作,他说你看你现在就在教我汉语,他说你教的又这么好,他就鼓励我。 So at this time I just one day with him in the learning process, I said I actually do not know what I want to do, I also do not know what I will do, on I issued such a question, a questioning of their own, but he heard after is Daniel heard after, he said you now you can now do a job, I said do what job, he said look you are now teaching me Chinese, he said you are now teaching me Chinese. He said you teach so well, he encouraged me.
真的我都从来没有意识到,就是说我是在和他做这样的一个教学工作,我就只是认为我们两个人在一起一起学习,看语言对吧?然后再了解一下双方的这种情况,了解一下两个国家之间的这种文化,还有习俗什么的,所以呢嗯我从来没有意识到自己还有这还能朝这个方向发展,然后他就非常坚定的跟我说,你没有问题的Qingjing,真的没有问题,我可以帮你,然后我们就开始了。 I really never realized that I was doing such a teaching job with him, I just thought we were learning together, looking at the language, right? And then learn about the two sides of the situation, learn about the culture between the two countries, and customs and so on, so well I never realized that I still have this can also develop in this direction, and then he said to me very firmly, you have no problem qingjing, really no problem, I can help you, and then we started.
然后我记得那个时候他是有一个在北京有一个网站叫北京人。 Then I remember at that time he was having a website called Beijinger in Beijing.
Xinqing 07:21
我也听说过这个网站,现在好像还有。 I’ve heard of this site too, and it seems to still exist.
Qingjing 07:27
对,应该现在还有很多年没有去上这个网站,那个时候那个网站是来北京的外国人,他们一般会去看的网站,所以如果他们有什么需求,他们会去那个网站去发布一些帖子,或者是看一些浏览一下别人以前写的一些帖子,然后可以从中获得一些在这儿生存学习工作的经验,或者是小贴士什么的,我觉得挺好的,是这样,所以他就说我可以在你在这个上面给你发一个广告,发一个帖帖子,你就可以开始工作了。 Yes, I think there are still many years that I haven’t been to this website, that website is the website that foreigners who come to Beijing, they usually go to, so if they have any needs, they will go to that website to post some posts, or read some posts that others have written before, and then they can get some experience of living and studying here, or tips or something from it. I think it’s good, it’s like this, so he said I can send you an ad on this, send a post post, you can start working.
Xinqing 08:08
这样的,所以一开始的话你是不是都是在线下在北京和学生然后见面教课? So in the beginning you were offline in Beijing with students and then you met to teach classes?
Qingjing 08:18
所以我们是他就在这个网站上发了一个英文帖子,发了以后,然后他就告诉我,如果一个学生联系你,你应该怎么回复他比较好一点,然后我们就两个人,他其实是他在指导我,不是说不是说我自己想到去走怎么样,他知道我然后我在一边听他说,然后我们就一起讨论,然后最后我们在这个网站上就知道了它是怎么样的一个流程,然后怎么去跟学生去沟通交流,最后能够达成意向,然后去学生家里去教学生这样的一个过程。 So we are he posted a post in English on this website, and after he posted it, then he told me that if a student contacts you, how should you reply to him better, and then we are two people, he is actually he is guiding me, not that not that I think to go how, he knows me and then I listen to him on the side, and then we discuss together, and then finally we are in this website I know how it is a process, and then how to communicate with the students, and finally be able to reach an intention, and then go to the students’ homes to teach them such a process.
Xinqing 09:00
你一般一开始教的都是一些汉语水平最基础的,比较汉语水平比较差的学生,还是比较高级的学生。 You generally start by teaching some of the most basic Chinese level, relatively poor Chinese level students, or more advanced students.
Qingjing 09:10
很有意思,我同时教就是这种各种水平的学生,我基本上在同一时期都能教到。 It’s funny, I teach students of all levels at the same time, and I basically teach them all at the same time.
我觉得我的第一个除了Daniel以外,第一个学生一个是一个西班牙的学生,他的汉语水平其实当时已经很高了,他应该是在HSK比较高了,HSK 3级,他在中国时间比较长,他住在5道口那边。所以我每天去他那上课,然后教了他一个星期之后,我找到了另外一个学生,他是来自加拿大的一个女生,他是完全的零基础,然后教他差不多两个星期之后,加拿大的女生给我介绍了他另外一个朋友,来自拉脱维亚的学生,然后这个学生水平真的很高,因为他是大使馆的二秘,然后他的主要工作是就是跟中国人打交道 I think my first student besides Daniel, the first student was a Spanish student, his Chinese level was actually very high at that time, he should be in HSK higher, HSK level 3, he had been in China for a long time, he lived in 5 Dokou side. So I went to his class every day, and after teaching him for a week, I found another student, who was a girl from Canada, and he was a complete zero foundation, and then after teaching him for almost two weeks, the Canadian girl introduced me to another friend of his, a student from Latvia, and then this student’s level was really high, because he was the second secretary of the embassy, and then his main job was to deal with Chinese people. work is to deal with Chinese people
所以他的汉语水平是很高的,当时就是这样的一种情况,同时教这三个人,然后和丹尼尔一起学习语言。 So his Chinese level was very high, and that was the situation, teaching all three people at the same time, and then learning the language together with Daniel.
Xinqing 10:27
所以相当于有一些水平很高的,也有一些零基础的,你觉得比如说在你教这些学生一开始的这些年的回忆当中,有没有什么有意思的事儿,或者他们有没有错误的发音之类的? So there were some very high level students and some zero level students, do you think there are any interesting things that you remember from the years that you taught these students, for example, or any mispronunciations that they had?
我想到一个事儿,我有一个好朋友,他是丹麦人,他也学中文,但是也是比较基础入门,他有的时候会把声调发错,然后他有一天跟我说他要去四川看,他想说他要看熊猫,但他其实跟我说的是他要去看熊猫,然后我就把这个事笑话了他好久,我就跟他说不对,胸毛意思是chest hair。跟熊猫是完全不一样的,所以你一定要注意4个音调发的标不标准,然后我就一直记着这个事儿,我就想说外国人学中文还要小心,声调发音不对的话就完全意思不一样,我不知道你有没有像这样子好玩的事或者什么的。 I have a good friend, he is Danish, he also learns Chinese, but he is also a basic beginner, he sometimes pronounces the wrong tone, then one day he told me he wanted to go to Sichuan to see, he wanted to say he wanted to see pandas, but he actually told me he wanted to see pandas, then I laughed at him for a long time about this, I told him it was not right, chest hair means chest hair. It’s completely different from panda, so you must pay attention to the 4 tones that are not standard, and then I always remember this thing, I just want to say that foreigners have to be careful when learning Chinese, if the tones are not pronounced correctly, the meaning is completely different, I don’t know if you have something funny like this or what.
Qingjing 11:25
我觉得跟他们在一起学习的时候,肯定会有这样的一些发音上的发音上的一些,我觉得我记得我有一次跟一个学生学习,我们在谈一个事情的时候,然后我说太晚了,然后去不了。然后学生说台湾你去不了,然后他不明白,因为前面我们完全就没有起到这个地方的名字,台湾对吧? I think when I study with them, there will definitely be some pronunciation on the pronunciation, I think I remember once I studied with a student, we were talking about a matter, and then I said it was too late, and then I couldn’t go. Then the student said Taiwan, you can not go, and then he did not understand, because the front we did not play the name of the place, Taiwan, right?
我说的是太晚了,然后学生就在这纳闷的想,老师说什么,为什么突然提到台湾呢你,知道吗?所以有这样的事情很有意思。 I said it was too late, and then the student was here wondering, what did the teacher say, why did he suddenly mention Taiwan you, you know? So it’s interesting to have something like that.
另外我们还有一个有意思的事情,就是我和这个是我后来跟进入一个公司,当老师教汉语了。然后我和一个同事一起教一个学生,然后学生正在和我的同事上课,它应该是两个小时的课,然后中途他们有一个休息叫休息,间歇的时间休息,然后这个学生就从二楼办公室的二楼下来到一楼,我们在一楼办公,教室在二楼,然后他就去喝茶,然后我看见他了,就我说你在做什么,你不是在上课吗? Another interesting thing we have is that this is me and this is me later with into a company, when the teacher taught Chinese. Then I teach a student with a colleague, and then the student is teaching a class with my colleague, it should be two hours of class, and then halfway they have a break called break, interval time break, and then this student will come down from the second floor of the office on the second floor to the first floor, we are in the office on the first floor, the classroom on the second floor, and then he went to drink tea, and then I saw him, on I said what are you doing, you are not in class?
他说是老师我是在上课,但是现在我想喝点茶,因为我想睡觉,然后他说了这个以后,他说他突然觉得不对,他说我老师也想睡觉。然后我说,老师也想睡觉?他说,是的,他说我们两个人一起想睡觉。 He said yes teacher I am in class, but now I want to drink some tea because I want to sleep, and then after he said this, he said he suddenly felt wrong, he said my teacher also want to sleep. Then I said, “Teacher wants to sleep too? He said, yes, he said we both want to sleep together.
Xinqing 13:27
这个意思完全不一样,他们两个一起睡觉。 The meaning of this is completely different, they both sleep together.
Qingjing 13:31
对,他的意思是说我们两个人上课,因为他的时间很长了,知道吗?这个学生,他每天上课的时间比较长,然后他需要来到来我们办公室学习知道吗?所以他的语言水平当时也是初级,刚开始学习,他学习特别努力,知道吗? Yes, he means we both go to class because he’s got a long time, you know? This student, he has a longer class time every day and then he needs to come to come to our office to study you know? So his language level at that time was also beginner, just started to learn, and he studied extra hard, you know?
所以他每一次跟中国人沟通交流,不管是老师还是外面的碰到的,他都努力的用他学过的生词去跟他们沟通交流,想去尝试一下使用这些词汇,所以他把他学过的这些词汇全部都放到里面,结果就是表达的时候,没有想到是这样的。你知道吧给人的感觉。实际上当时我们办公室的老师听了都是突然都笑起来了,然后他看看我们不知道我们为什么笑你知道吗?对。 So every time he communicated with the Chinese, whether it was the teacher or outside the encounter, he tried hard to use the raw words he had learned to communicate with them, wanted to try to use these words, so he put all these words he had learned into it, the result is the expression, did not think it was like this. You know how it makes people feel. In fact, the teachers in our office suddenly laughed when they heard it, and then he looked at us and wondered why we were laughing, you know? Right.
Xinqing 14:27
但是在中文是这样的,一起睡觉,在中文其实的意思就是两个人有关系,两个人是比如说男朋友和女朋友他们在一起睡觉,是这个意思。 But in Chinese is this, together with sleep, in Chinese actually means that two people have a relationship, two people is for example boyfriend and girlfriend they are sleeping together, is this meaning.
所以其实在中文里就不能用睡觉这个词,说“一起睡觉”是另外的意思,是这样的。对,其实就说到这个。正好可以跟大家也解释一下我和Qingjing是怎么认识的,Qingjing其实是David的中文老师,相信就是听我 broadcast,听众朋友们都知道David是我的男朋友,是我的未婚夫。但是 David在跟我练习中文以外,是跟Qingjing学习了好多年的汉语。然后因为前两天我正在跟David说他怎么样继续提高他的汉语水平,然后他最近在看这个中文中国的脱口秀大会,脱口秀在中文的意思就是talk show,相当于英文里的stand standup comedy。 So in fact in Chinese you can’t use the word sleep, say “sleep together” is another meaning, it’s like this. Yes, that’s what we’re talking about. Qingjing is actually David’s Chinese teacher, and I believe that if you listen to my broadcast, you will know that David is my boyfriend, my fiancé. But David has been learning Chinese with Chingjing for years, in addition to practicing Chinese with me. Then two days ago I was talking to David about how he could continue to improve his Chinese, and then he was recently watching this Chinese talk show conference, talk show in Chinese means talk show, equivalent to the English stand standup comedy.
然后他觉得还是挺难听懂的,就是因为脱口秀里面有好多的中国的一些文化,然后一些谐音的笑点,一些梗,就是他哪怕这些中文单词都能听懂,但是他还是没有办法意识到笑点在哪里,他听完了就觉得不好笑,所以我就跟David说,你在听脱口秀简直就是中文的最高水平,你要学到很高级,然后深安中国的文化才能听懂这些笑话。 Then he felt that it was still quite difficult to understand, that is, because there is a lot of Chinese culture in the talk show, and then some harmonic laughs, some stems, that is, even if he can understand these Chinese words, but he still has no way to realize where the laughs are, he listened to it and felt not funny, so I said to David, you are listening to the talk show is simply the highest level of Chinese, you have to learn very advanced I told David, “You have to learn very advanced Chinese, and then you have to understand Chinese culture in order to understand the jokes.
Qingjing 15:58
对对这个,笑点就是语言的学习最基本的,可能是说先是沟通交流日常生活,工作学习的一种需要,然后如果要达到理解脱口秀里面的梗,或者说我们是笑点在哪里,我们还要更多的深入的去接触跟国家的文化,包括历史习俗等各个方面的所以这一点的话可能对学生的水平一个是要求比较高一些,第二个也是可能也是需要学生对语言所在使用语言的国家,它的方方面面都多多少少都有一些涉猎,而且层次会更深一些,它才能够能够完完全全的,就是领悟到或者去理解到笑点。 The most basic thing about learning a language is that it is probably a need for communication and daily life, work and study, and then if we want to understand the stems of the talk show, or where we are laughing, we have to go deeper into the culture of the country, including history and customs, and other aspects of so this point may be a higher requirement for students’ level. The second thing is that students may also need to have more or less knowledge of the country where the language is spoken, and the level will be deeper, so that they can fully comprehend or understand the punch line.
我觉得应该说是比较是比较难,对。 I think it is more difficult to say, yes.
Xinqing 17:08
我们再说回来说到刚才你的教中文的职业发展,之前你说到在北京都是线下的,可能是学生的家里面上课,然后我知道你后来有用一些网上的平台开始教课,是怎么样开始接触到这些网上平台,然后包括估计你可能也看到在北京在中国外国人学汉语的需求越来越大,可能后来你的课就越来越多,不止这4个学生了。 We’ll come back to your career development of teaching Chinese, before you mentioned that in Beijing, you were offline, probably in students’ homes, and then I know you started to teach classes with some online platforms, how did you start to get in touch with these online platforms, and then including the estimation that you might also see the increasing demand for foreigners to learn Chinese in Beijing, and maybe later your classes became more and more, not just for these 4 students. It’s not just these 4 students.
Qingjing 17:40
从线下课程发展到线上课程,其实有三个学生对我的就是突破发展是有起到了至关重要的作用。 From offline courses to online courses, there are actually three students who have played a crucial role in my breakthrough development.
第一个学生还是我提到的Daniel,英国的Daniel,因为他有一个朋友在伦敦住,然后他对中国文化还有语言非常感兴趣,现在他的太太也是中国人,Daniel的太太也是中国人,所以他就想介绍他的朋友詹姆斯跟我一起学习汉语,但是詹姆斯不能像Daniel一样来到中国在中国居住,在北京居住。所以在这种情况下,他怎么跟我一起学习汉语,我们就只能是通过线上来达到教他的,还有他想学习的共同的一个诉求需求,所以当时的詹姆斯就说老师没问题,我们可以用skype,所以我们开始就用Skype就是一对一的自己的一个学生,慢慢的就积累了一些线上课程的经验。 The first student is Daniel from England, as I mentioned, because he has a friend who lives in London, and he is very interested in Chinese culture and language, and now his wife is also Chinese. China and live in Beijing. So in this case, he how to learn Chinese with me, we can only be through online to reach the teaching him, and he wants to learn a common demand demand, so then James said teacher no problem, we can use Skype, so we began to use Skype is a one-to-one students of their own, slowly accumulated some experience in online courses.
然后第二个比较重要的一个学生在这个方面给了我一些怎么说,给了我一些在策略上面还有这个想法就是大胆去想去做这个事情,这个学生他是西班牙人,当时他才20多岁,啊儿子他叫路易斯,然后他就跟我说,他说老师你每天这么累,从你的家跑到我们上课的星巴克来,虽然每个学生都跑到星巴克来,那是在境外搜狐星巴克,我有四五个学生每天都去那,然后我们就从在那上课,他说你要跑这么长跑得这么远,他说老师你可以就在线上去开始线上课程,你可以自己有一个网站怎么做,这样他就当时建议,但是我在这方面一个是没有什么经验,第二个当时网络我也不太了解,最重要的就是说我当时对自己的设备方面其实还是怎么样,还是没有很好的设备,另外网络上也没有谁可以去怎么样帮助,我当时只是全心的去教学,所以把这个事情就停下来,但是有的这样一个想法, Then the second more important one student in this area gave me some how to say, gave me some in the strategy above and this idea is bold to think to do this thing, this student he is Spanish, at that time he was only 20 years old, ah son he called Luis, then he said to me, he said teacher you are so tired every day, from your home to our class Starbucks to come, although every student run to Starbucks, that is in the foreign Sohu Starbucks, I have four or five students go there every day, and then we went from there to the class, he said you have to run so long run so far, he said teacher you can go online to start online courses, you can have a website how to do, so he suggested at that time, but I have no experience in this area, the second at that time I did not know much about the Internet, the most important The most important thing was that I didn’t have very good equipment, and I didn’t have anyone on the Internet to help me, so I just stopped teaching.
然后后来就遇到了一个非常重要的学生,这个学生也叫Daniel,他是美国的美国人,然后这个学生他就告诉我,他说老师他说老师我可以告诉你一个网站,然后他说你线下课程教得这么好,而且我们现在每天中午都用 skype上课,我觉得你可以去网站上课,肯定会教得很好,肯定会有更多的学生,你不用跑到学生家里,或者你跑到大学里去,每天路上花四五个小时上课,然后这个学生就告诉了我一个网站, Verbling。 And then I met a very important student, this student is also called Daniel, he is an American American, and then this student he told me, he said teacher he said teacher I can tell you a website, and then he said you teach offline courses so well, and we are now using skype lessons every day at noon, I think you can go to the website lessons, certainly will teach very well, certainly will have More students, you don’t have to run to the student’s home, or you run to the university and spend four or five hours a day on the road to take classes, and then this student told me about a website, Verbling.
然后他帮我解释了Verbling是怎么工作的,另外就是他也在这个verbling上帮助我注册,然后在这上面买了课,然后第一次课他就和我用verbling里上课,其实我真的特别感激他,完全是手把手的教我,我对这个网站是一无所知,因为那个时候在网在线上课,对我们来说是一个全新的全新的,基本上所有的课程全部都是这个线下的,然后如果是线上像我们这样一对一的很少非常少,所以不是很了不了解,不是说不是很了解,完全不了解,然后也特别胆怯,对吗? He helped me explain how Verbling works, and he also helped me register on Verbling, and then I bought a class on Verbling, and then the first time I took a class with him, I was really grateful to him for teaching me. I didn’t know anything about this website, because at that time, online lessons were brand new to us, basically all the lessons were offline, and if they were online, there were very few one-on-one ones like ours, so I didn’t know much about it.
特别胆怯,然后这个学生就说老师没问题,他说我们明天就在这个上面上课,我就给你我们俩就可以一起看一下,你作为一个老师的界面它是怎么样的,然后你就分享一下屏幕,然后我就告诉你每一步应该怎么操作,然后学生就连着三天就在 verbling上给我上课,其实不是上课,就是他教我。 Especially timid, and then this student said teacher no problem, he said we will be in this tomorrow on the top of the class, I will give you two of us can see together, you as a teacher interface it is how, and then you share the screen, and then I will tell you how each step should operate, and then the student on three days in a row on the verbling to my class, in fact, not a class, is He taught me.
Xinqing 22:18
老师这个这个怎么你给他教语言,他教你怎么样用这个软件用这个网站,对。 teacher this this how you give him to teach the language, he taught you how to use this software with this site, yes.
Qingjing 22:26
就是因为他也看不到老师的界面知道吗?我看不到学生的界面,因为我们注册的时候是以不同的角色,注册的话它显示的界面是完全不一样的,学生他就帮我告诉我这个老师这个是什么,你要注意什么,你要注意什么。 It’s because he can’t see the teacher’s interface either, you know? I can’t see the student’s interface, because we are registered with a different role, the registration words it shows the interface is completely different, the student he will help me tell me what this teacher this is, what you have to pay attention to, what you have to pay attention to.
然后呢因为注册之后,然后还有一些策略方面的东西,因为完全不知道,然后这个学生根据他看到的界面,然后他就跟我说了一些策略,还有跟学生沟通交流的一系列的一些建议,知道吗?对我来说真的特别重要。 And then, because of the registration, and then there were some strategies, because I didn’t know anything about it, and then this student told me some strategies based on the interface that he saw, and he gave me some suggestions for communicating with the students, you know? It was really important to me.
包括我们开始起步的时候,他告诉我,他说老师我看了一下所有的老师,他们的定价,然后他们的有多少个学生,然后他就建议我,他说老师你现在刚开始你应该定大概从多少钱到多少美元,多少美元到多少美元在这个阶段,然后你在过多长时间你要看一下有多少学生增长,然后你再可以把这个价格再提高,多少啊。 Including when we started, he told me, he said teacher I looked at all the teachers, their pricing, and then how many students they have, and then he advised me, he said teacher you just start now you should set about from how much money to how much dollars, how much dollars to how much dollars at this stage, and then you in how long you have to look at how many students grow, and then you can then put this price again, how much ah.
这个时候以后再说,然后他说如果老师你收到这个学生的什么样的一个信息,你应该怎么样去回复更好。所以在他的建议下,然后还有很多他自己怎么样,真的他亲自帮我写,我就在他的帮助下,建立了一整套的在verbling上的一个工作的自己的一个系统,就说哪个学生发了什么信息,我用哪个信息直接去回复就可以了,不用每一次我都去自己去看一看,自己写一写,对吧? This time later, then he said if the teacher what kind of a message you receive from this student, how should you go about responding better. So with his advice, and then a lot of his own how, really he personally help me write, I’m in his help, set up a whole set of in verbling on a work of their own a system, just say which student sent what information, I use which information directly to reply on it, not every time I have to go to their own to look at, write a write, right?
他就是特别的贴心的,特别专业的把在这个网站上工作的方方面面全部都考虑到了,所以我在那个网站上工作了大概两个月, 学生上课的课时量就特别多。 He’s just very considerate and professional in all aspects of working on the site, so I worked on the site for about two months, and the amount of hours that the students were taking was very high.
Xinqing 24:37
对,一下子提高了很多,那个时候可能对,而且我在想那个时候你刚开始用Verbling的时候,可能线上这些学语言的工具网页还不是很多。你看三年前自从有新冠以后,大家都开始慢慢的在网上办公,特别是语言教学也基本上都搬到了网上线上,所以现在越来越很多很丰富的这些网上的工具,所以现在应该说选择也很多,而且像broadcast像YouTube这些视频的材料也越来越多,所以我觉得现在学汉语的外国人真的是比以前要方便很多了。 Yes, it was a lot better all of a sudden, and I was thinking that when you first started using Verbling, there weren’t a lot of online pages for language learning tools. You can see that three years ago, after the new crown, everyone started to work online slowly, especially language teaching has basically moved to online, so now there are more and more very rich online tools, so now I should say there are many choices, and there are more and more video materials like broadcasts and YouTube, so I think it is really much easier than before for foreigners to learn Chinese. It’s a lot easier than before.
Qingjing 25:20
对他们的选择更多,除了这个选择,选择不仅是上课的方式,还有他学习的内容。 There are more choices for them, besides this choice, the choice is not only the way of the class, but also the content of his study.
Xinqing 25:34
对资源材料,对。 To the resource materials, yes.
而且现在你看有的时候我和David或在家里面一起看,在YouTube上就有中国的古装的电视剧,有中国的现代的喜剧,然后下面就有英文的翻译,甚至还有一些比如说我之前在YouTube上看到有一个完整的哈利波特的拼音和读音,有一个人在读哈利波特的,每一张下面有拼音和英文注解,所以其实现在这样的资源真的是蛮多的,还蛮好的。 And now you see sometimes I watch with David or at home, there are Chinese costume dramas on YouTube, there are Chinese modern comedies, and then there are English translations underneath, and there are even some for example I saw before on YouTube there is a complete Harry Potter pinyin and pronunciation, there is a person reading Harry Potter, there is pinyin underneath each one and The English notes, so in fact now such resources are really quite a lot, and quite good.
Qingjing 26:09
对,比方说像你现在做的这pocdast也是一个非常好的资源,因为什么?因为这是一个真实的语料,它是跟生活它是以生活的真实的完全的体现。如果我们说去看这个电影对吧?可能电影它是艺术,它来源于生活,高于生活对吧?所以我觉得咱们普通人,我作为一个普通人,虽然这个老师是普通的老师,一个普通人,他是一个真实的,所以在这种情况下,我们怎么去运用语言,我觉得跟电影和YouTube上面的一些视频,跟他们的比较来说,我们可能更有这个方面的优势。 Yes, let’s say like you’re doing this pocdast is also a very good resource, because what? Because it’s a real corpus, it’s with life it’s with the real embodiment of life. If we say go see this movie, right? Maybe film is art, it comes from life, above life, right? So I think our ordinary people, I as an ordinary person, although this teacher is an ordinary teacher, an ordinary person, he is a real, so in this case, how we go to use language, I think with the film and YouTube videos, with their comparison, we may have the advantage of this aspect.
Xinqing 26:55
对没错,我非常同意所以也是为什么我们的这个pod cast最重要的就是每次都是日常生活的对话,然后虽然我们的语速会比较慢一点,但是我们的用的一些语言的结构词语都是非常贴近日常生活的。 Yes, I agree very much, so that’s why the most important thing about our pod cast is that every time it’s a conversation about everyday life, and then although our speech speed is a little bit slower, but the structure of our language is very close to everyday life.
谢谢Qingjing,今天和我们聊了一聊你的发家史,希望下次我们继续可以聊一些其他的话题,又特别高兴可以跟你聊天。谢谢辛勤,然后谢谢大家。 Thank you, Qingjing, for chatting with us today about your family history. I hope we can continue to talk about other topics next time, and I’m especially happy to chat with you. Thank you, Qingjing, and then thank you all.
Qingjing 27:27
很高兴认识大家,这个是听Xinqing的录音,还有一个好处是可以认识到更多的朋友对吧?现在大家认识到我了,所以以后很希望跟大家做朋友。好好的。 It’s nice to meet you all, this is a recording of Xinqing, and one of the benefits is that you get to meet more people, right? Now you know me, so I hope to be friends with you all in the future. Be well.
Xinqing 27:42
谢谢Qingjing,好了拜拜。 Thanks Qingjing, well bye.