Episode 36 | 我们24小时走了100公里! We walked 100 km in 24 hours!

XQ 00:03
Hello大家好,欢迎又回到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天非常的特别,因为有两位嘉宾有,两位都是大家很熟悉的David。 Hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of our new episode of Learn Chinese by Nonsense. Today is very special because there are two guests there, both of whom are very familiar to you, David.
David 00:20
Hello大家好 Hello everyone
XQ 00:23
然后还有清静,hello清静。 And then there’s Qingjing, hello Qingjing.
Qingjing 00:27
你好,大卫你好,XQ大家好。 Hello David hello XQ everyone.
XQ 00:31
对,清静上一次已经和我们打过招呼,录过一次节目了,然后我也跟大家提起过,其实清静是David的中文老师,所以今天我们就有三个人一起。 Yes, Qingjing already said hello to us last time, recorded the show once, and then I also mentioned to you that Qingjing is actually David’s Chinese teacher, so today we’ll have three of us together.
David 00:42
对,我可以一边上课,一边录一个新的podcast Yes, I can record a new podcast while I’m teaching
XQ 00:48
一个新的节目,对,然后今天其实想跟大家聊一聊非常有意思的一个经历,是我跟David的上一个星期的周末,我们做了一件很有意思,也很艰难的事情,就是我们走了100公里,在24个小时内不睡觉,走了100公里。 A new show, yeah, and then today I actually want to talk to you about a very interesting experience, it was David and I’s last weekend, we did something very interesting and very difficult, which was we walked 100km, in 24 hours without sleep, 100km.
David 01:09
对, just in case you didn’t get that,we walked a hundred kilometers in 24hours, 特别艰苦的, Yeah, just in case you didn’t get that, we walked a hundred kilometers in 24hours, particularly tough
Qingjing 01:18
这是真的是一一项艰巨的任务。 It was really a tough task.
XQ 01:24
对,其实我本来不知道有这么一个活动,然后David他去年的时候走过一次,所以他已经经历过,然后去年他就觉得很难,然后他说一辈子再也不做这个,结果他就今年又约了一帮朋友以及说服了让我和他一起去走100公里。 Yes, actually I didn’t know there was such an event, and David had walked it once last year, so he had already experienced it, and then last year he found it difficult, and then he said he would never do it again in his life, and he ended up meeting a group of friends this year and convincing me to go with him to walk 100km.
Qingjing 01:47
是为什么David又计划去做这样的事情?他在之前已经走过这个历程,你知道吗? Why is David planning to do something like this again? He’s done this journey before, you know?
David 02:02
我觉得很有一种的困难,如果你走过去,你忘了所有的痛苦,所以在这样的情况,我在当下我肯定经历很多的痛苦,但是我很快忘了。 I think it’s very kind of difficult, if you walk through it, you forget all the pain, so in this case, I was in the moment and I definitely experienced a lot of pain, but I forgot about it very quickly.
第二天我已经忘了所有的痛苦,我只记得很高兴很快乐的的时刻时刻,可能比如说我晚上在很黑的晚上,你可以看到很多的星星,在很早的早上你可以看到日出,对,所以我觉得这样的快乐的时刻我记得,但是我忘了所有的痛苦。 The next day I’ve forgotten all the pain, I only remember the happy moments, maybe for example when I’m in the dark at night and you can see a lot of stars, in the very early morning you can see the sunrise, yeah, so I think such happy moments I remember, but I forget all the pain.
Qingjing 03:22
你描绘的这么美丽的景色景致,让我很羡慕。 Such a beautiful scenic view you portrayed, it makes me envious.
XQ 03:28
我觉得我们也应该跟听众朋友交代一下背景,比如说100公里是在哪里? I think we should also give a bit of background to our listeners, like where is the 100km?
David 03:36
对100公里是在Munich很近的地方。 Yes 100km is very close to Munich.
XQ 03:42
在德国的慕尼黑,对,然后它其实是从慕尼黑的一个城堡走到慕尼黑附近的另外一个城堡,因为这个活动是有一个巴菲尔巴伐利亚州的王子Prince,他赞助的这么一个活动,然后他其实是拥有这两个城堡,而且整个活动它其实是一个慈善活动,所以说我们走路的话,我们的亲朋好友,我们的朋友和亲戚家人可以来捐钱给到非洲的一个组织非盈利组织NGO。 In Munich, Germany, yes, and then it’s actually a walk from one castle in Munich to another castle near Munich, because this event is sponsored by a Prince of Bavaria, Prince of Bafel, who then actually owns both castles, and the whole event it’s actually a charity event, so that if we walk, our friends and family, our The event is a charity event, so if we walk, our friends and relatives can come and donate money to a non-profit organization in Africa, the NGO.
Qingjing 04:23
所以这个活动是很有意义的,对吧?这个活动它是首次举办,还是说已经有一段历史了? So this is a very worthwhile event, right? Is this the first time that this event has been held, or does it have a history?
XQ 04:35
David的去年参加过一次,你知道今年是第几次吗。 David’s attended one last year, do you know how many times this year is.
David 04:40
4年,第四年的活动,所以不太老,但是已经有1000差不多1000的人参加。 Four years, fourth year of the event so it’s not too old, but there’s been 1000 almost 1000 people attending.
XQ 04:55
对,但不是所有1000个人都参加100公里,因为这个活动可以每一个人自己选择走多少公里,所以好像最低是50公里还是30公里,你可以报名30 50 70 90和100。 Yes, but not all 1000 people take part in the 100km, because the event allows each person to choose how many kilometres they want to walk, so it seems like the minimum is 50km or 30km, you can sign up for 30 50 70 90 and 100.
David 05:12
对,所以我们都做100多公里,我和我们三个朋友,我们成功这100公里特别艰苦,但是如果你要大部分的快乐的时刻,你可以只走80公里。 Right, so we all do 100+ kilometres, me and three of our friends, and we succeed the 100 kilometres is particularly tough, but if you want most of the happy moments you can just do 80 kilometres.
XQ 05:36
今年好像是有300个人参加了100公里,但是去年David告诉我,一共有80%的人完成了100公里,所以其实还是蛮高的完成率,对。 This year it was like 300 people did the 100km, but last year David told me that a total of 80% of people finished the 100km, so it was actually still quite a high completion rate, yes.
Qingjing 05:50
那是什么促使你们俩或者说促使David的第一次参加这样的一个活动,即使这么艰难,还是这么有决心的加入。 So what motivated you two or rather David to join such an event for the first time, even though it was so tough, and still so determined to join.
David 06:05
我觉得如果我的朋友问我做一个东西,我就会说好的,我可以我特别容易被说服做。对我特别容易被说服。但是对我觉得去年我的朋友让我你要走100公里,一般我和我4个朋友你要走100公里的活动,我说我觉得这个不可能。没有人能在24个小时走100公里,但是我说好的,我可以尝试80公里。可能我觉得我可以做,但是100公里太长,所以我告诉他我会走第一个80公里,然后我会放弃,所以你们可以继续。但是当然,(最后)在80公里(的时候)我还有精力,所以我继续(走完了)成功(完成)。 I think if my friends ask me to do something and I say yes, I can I’m particularly persuaded to do it. For me to be particularly easily persuaded. But to me I think last year my friend asked me you have to walk 100km and generally me and my 4 friends you have to walk 100km for an event and I said I don’t think this is possible. No one can walk 100km in 24 hours, but I said yes I can try 80km. Maybe I thought I could do it but 100km was too long so I told him I would walk the first 80km and then I would give up so you guys could go on. But of course (at the end) at 80km (I still had energy) so I went on (and walked) through and managed (to finish).
XQ 07:20
第一次David你去是因为你认识一个活动的组织方,因为我们两个都在非洲待过,所以活动的一个组织方是我们的一个朋友。对, The first time David you went because you knew one of the organisers of the event, because we had both spent time in Africa, so one of the organisers of the event was a friend of ours. Right.
David 07:34
所以我觉得这是我的obligation,(作为)朋友的obligation(义务) So I think it was my obligation, (as) a friend’s obligation
David 07:40
这是作为我的朋友的义务。 It’s my obligation as a friend.
Qingjing 07:46
所以你是一个真正的朋友,为了朋友可以两肋插刀对吧?对。 So you’re a real friend and you can do both for your friends right? Right.
XQ 07:52
其实我觉得这个活动也很有意思的一点,是因为一路上都在走路,所以有很多的时间可以和同行的朋友聊天,比如我们这一次一共是5个人,然后前30公里40公里我们都还蛮有精力,还蛮开心的时候就一直在说话,一边走一边聊天,因为也没有别的事可以干,所以可以很深入的了解跟朋友聊天。但当然是到了40公里以后,那个时候应该是到凌晨了,我们既所有人都走不动了,然后大家都低头默默走路,没有人想要再说话了。 I think this activity is also very interesting because all the way walking, so there is a lot of time to chat with fellow friends, for example, this time we are a total of 5 people, and then the first 30 km 40 km we are quite energetic, also quite happy when we have been talking, while walking and chatting, because there is no other thing to do, so you can get to know very deeply and friends Talking. But of course after 40km, when it must have been the early hours of the morning, all of us couldn’t walk any more and we all walked in silence with our heads down and no one wanted to talk anymore.
一直到第二天下午2点走完,因为我们是第一天下午2点开始,走到第二天下午2点,基本上从凌晨开始就没有人在讲话了。David就不跟我讲话了。 David didn’t talk to me anymore, because we started at 2pm on the first day and walked until 2pm on the second day.
David 08:44
对不要说话,特别是中文。 Yes don’t talk, especially in Chinese.
Qingjing 08:52
就是说在哪一个时刻,你们是觉得是最艰难的时刻,最难支撑下去的时刻?一路走过来? So at what point did you guys find it the hardest time, the hardest time to keep going? All the way through?
XQ 09:02
我觉得今年对我来说是大概在第二天早上7:00~8:00的时候,因为走路100公里,它其实组织得很好的,它有大概8个休息站,每1个休息站都会有一些水,水果和三明治供应,所以可以补充体力。但是休息站之间的分布不是平均的,所以比如说第一个休息站是6公里以后,第二个是10公里以后,但是它有一个非常残忍的一段路,是从大概第五个到第六个休息站,中间有20公里要走大概6个小时,然后这段路是从凌晨3点走到早上8点,没有休息站一路都在走,也没有停下来,然后觉得这一段非常的难。 I think this year for me it was around 7:00–8:00am on the second day, because the walk was 100km and it was actually very well organised, it had about 8 rest stops and each one had some water, fruit and sandwiches, so you could replenish your energy. But the rest stops were not evenly distributed, so for example the first one was after 6km and the second one after 10km, but there was a very brutal part of the walk, from about the fifth to the sixth rest stop, with 20km to walk for about 6 hours, and then this part of the walk was from 3am to 8am, with no rest stops and no stops, and then I found this section very difficult.
那个时候已经是从60公里走到第八十公里,已经非常累,中间又没有休息,觉得没有希望,而且觉得不可能走完最后20公里。 By that time, I had already walked from 60km to 80km and I was already very tired, and I didn’t have a break in between.
David 10:10
还有20公里,我觉得更糟糕是我一直告诉XQ,如果你看到这个日出,如果你看到日出,这个会给你很多的精力,因为去年我看到日出的时候,我突然有更多的精力,是很快乐的一个时刻,因为可能有10个小时都没看(到)阳光,所以我在那时候我(非常)绝望。 With 20km to go, I think it’s even worse because I kept telling XQ, if you see this sunrise, if you see the sunrise, this will give you a lot of energy because last year when I saw the sunrise, I suddenly had more energy and it was a very happy moment because I didn’t see (the) sun for maybe 10 hours, so I was (very) desperate at that point.
所以我告诉XQ,你现在很累,但是你看到日出的时候,你看到日出的时候,你肯定会突然有更多的精力,但是你看到日出的时候你感觉更有精力吗? So I told XQ, you’re tired now, but when you see the sunrise, you definitely suddenly have more energy when you see the sunrise, but do you feel more energetic when you see the sunrise?
XQ 11:05
没有,因为当时已经完全被摧毁了,我连太阳看都不想看。 No, because it was completely devastated and I didn’t even want to look at the sun.
David 11:11
对所以XQ在那时候(非常)绝望,她说没有什么希望,最后的20个公里都(会一样)糟糕,所以我不要继续。 Yeah so XQ was (very) desperate at that point, she said there was no hope, the last 20km were (going to be) just as bad, so I didn’t want to continue.
Qingjing 11:30
那是什么,是什么鼓舞了你继续坚持下去,最终完成了这一项艰巨的任务,什么是你的日出呢? So what was it, what inspired you to keep going and finally finish this daunting task, what was your sunrise?
XQ 11:41
最后其实,我最后是也稍微作弊了一点,因为我从80公里我实在是走不动了,然后我就坐了他们工作人员的车,跳过了一个休息站,所以中间跳过了可能10公里,8公里,跳到了90公里的地方,最后就从90公里又开始走到100公里,然后中间我有休息了两个小时,但是david的从头到尾都走完了。 In the end actually, I ended up being also slightly cheating a little bit because I went from 80km I just couldn’t walk anymore, then I took their staff car and skipped a rest stop, so in the middle I skipped maybe 10km, 8km, skipped to 90km and finally just started walking again from 90km to 100km, then in the middle I had a two hour break, but david’s walked it from start to finish.
David 12:11
对我觉得,当然这样的100公里的路线,不是真的是具体100公里这么长。 Yeah I think, of course a 100km route like that is not really as long as 100km specifically.
XQ 12:27
不是很确切。 Not really exact.
Qingjing 12:31
不是实实在在的100公里,是吧?是一个大概的数目。 It’s not really 100km, is it? It’s an approximate number.
David 12:35
对是大概的100公里,所以在XQ的APP里,它告诉她已经走了100公里,所以她走了100公里。我可能走了110公里。 Yes it was an approximate 100km, so in XQ’s app it told her she had walked 100km, so she walked 100km. I might have walked 110km.
所以也我觉得如果你要给跳过一个休息站,这个是很好的注意,因为你已经走了很多。 So also I think if you’re going to give skipping a rest stop, this is good to note because you’ve walked a lot.
XQ 13:06
而且我很困,所以我当时休息了两个小时,我真的睡着了。 And I was very sleepy so I was taking a two hour break and I literally fell asleep.
David 13:11
对,他睡着了一个小时。 Yeah, he fell asleep for an hour.
Qingjing 13:15
但是David走了110公里对吧?你们两个人是一个互补,对吧? But David walked 110km right? You two are a complement to each other, right?
David 13:22
对,但是我觉得我不知道100和110公里的区别,在那时候我觉得每一个时刻都是艰苦,所以我不能想象更艰苦的,所以我觉得100公里和110公里都一样。 Yeah, but I don’t think I knew the difference between 100 and 110km, at that point I thought every moment was tough so I couldn’t imagine a tougher one, so I thought 100km and 110km were the same.
David 13:50
100跟110公里都一样,对。 100 is the same as 110km, yes.
XQ 13:54
但是我们今年还是做了比较充足的准备的,因为David他们去年走过了,所以我们一路上带了很多的邦迪,带了好多的咖啡因的吃的什么的。 But we were more prepared this year because David and the guys did it last year, so we brought a lot of bounty along the way, a lot of caffeine and food and stuff.
Qingjing 14:09
除了物资上面的一些准备,如果有比方说你的亲朋好友,比方说我要想参加下一次的这种活动,除了在物质上这方面上面进行一些准备之外,你建议他们还需要进行什么样的一些准备? Apart from the material preparations, if you have friends and family, let’s say I want to participate in the next event, what other preparations do you suggest they should make apart from the material ones?
XQ 14:35
我觉得还有一个也是物资上一半,精神上一半的准备,是我们都吃了消炎药,大概走到50公里的时候,我们就吃了布洛芬止痛药和Paracetamol,反正就是一些止痛药,消炎药,因为走路走很多了以后,膝盖会很疼,膝盖和大腿的拉筋会很疼。 I think another thing that we should prepare for is to take anti-inflammatory medication, we took ibuprofen and Paracetamol when we got to about 50km, just painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication, because after a lot of walking, your knees will hurt and the strains in your knees and thighs will hurt.
David 15:03
我觉得每一个人有不一样的痛苦,所以我和XQ,我们都有很多的inflammation,怎么说发炎,所以我们的腿很痛,但是我们的朋友他们有很多的blister(水泡),怎么说? I think everyone has different pain, so me and XQ, we both have a lot of inflammation, how do you say inflammation, so our legs hurt, but our friends they have a lot of blister (blisters), how do you say?
David 15:23
脚上的水泡。 Blisters on the feet.
David 15:27
对,所有的朋友有很多的脚上的水泡,所以他们不需要这个消炎药,他们需要(停止)走路。因为我们可以有需要让我们的身体觉得更好,但是他们没有办法(减轻)他们的痛苦。 Yeah, all our friends have a lot of blisters on their feet so they don’t need this anti-inflammatory, they need to (stop) walking. Because we can have the need to make our body feel better, but they don’t have the means to (relieve) their pain.
Qingjing 16:01
说明每个个体每一个人,他的身体对同一环境,同一情况的反应是不一样的,对吧?在这种情况下,如果有一个人他想参加这种活动,我们如果想尽可能的给他一些建议,让他做好准备,做充足的准备,你们两位觉得他们应该准备哪些方面的?就像XQ刚才说的在物资上面的一个准备,当然是考虑到不同的个体,对吧?还有一个就是我们精神上的准备。 It means that every individual every person, his body reacts differently to the same environment, the same situation, right? In this case, if there is a person who wants to participate in this kind of activity, if we want to give them as much advice as possible so that they are prepared and well-prepared, what do you two think they should prepare for? Like XQ said earlier, it’s about preparation in terms of materials, of course, taking into account the different individuals, right? There’s also our spiritual preparation.
XQ 16:43
你觉得精神上需要什么准备? What do you think is needed spiritually?
David 16:46
我觉得最好的准备是,不(要)尝试走走这么长的时间,这么长的路线,所以我觉得最好的是你觉得你开始的时候,你应该觉得这个是一个比较容易的路线,如果你知道第二个50公里这么痛苦这么艰苦,你(就不会想)要继续,所以最重要的是你需要有这个乐观的(想法)。所以很多人觉得应该已经走了100公里或者可能是50公里。但是如果你几个星期以前(已经)走了100公里,或者50公里,你会觉得这个50公里已经这么艰苦,这么难,我怎么可能再走50公里。 I think the best preparation is to not (to) try to walk such a long walk, such a long route, so I think the best thing is that you feel that when you start, you should think that this is an easier route, if you know that the second 50km is so painful and so hard, you (won’t want) to continue, so the most important thing is that you need to have this optimistic (idea). So many people think they should have done 100km or maybe 50km. But if you’ve (already) walked 100km a few weeks ago, or 50km, you think this 50km is already so hard, so difficult, how can I possibly walk another 50km.
XQ 17:57
你的意思是不要练习,对,就根本不要尝试走50公里试试看,因为走了以后会感觉更绝望,就是对知道有多么艰苦,不要练习。 You mean don’t practice, yes, just don’t even try to walk 50km to try it, because you’ll feel more desperate afterwards, just don’t practice knowing how hard it is.
David 18:10
但是你可以你(一定要)习惯你的鞋子,所以不要(穿)新的鞋子。不要穿新的鞋子,你可以可能4个或者5个星期以前买你要穿的鞋子,你可以每天用穿这个鞋了。但是除了这个,我觉得没有办法准备这样的。 But you can you (must) get used to your shoes, so don’t (wear) new shoes. Don’t wear new shoes, you can maybe buy the shoes you’re going to wear 4 or 5 weeks ago and you can use to wear that shoe every day now. But apart from that, I don’t think there’s a way to prepare like that.
XQ 18:42
我觉得,对我来说最重要的心理准备就是我对自己说,随时随地,如果我坚持不下去,都可以quit,都可以退出。 I think that the most important mental preparation for me is that I say to myself, anytime, anywhere, if I can’t keep going, I can QUIT, I can quit.
因为如果说自己对自己说一定要走完100公里,心理压力会比较大,所以我每次我就一直在想,如果我走不下去了,就有休息站,都会有工作人员可以来 take care of me照顾我,所以我就没有那么大的心理压力。 Because if I say to myself that I must finish 100km, the psychological pressure will be bigger, so I always think that if I can’t go on, there will be rest stops and staff can come to take care of me, so I don’t have that big psychological pressure.
Qingjing 19:16
这样的话多多少少可以减轻一些内心的压力,同时对历程的艰苦的程度这样的一个考虑,对吧? I think it’s a good idea to take care of me.
XQ 19:30
对,而且我现在走过了以后,我觉得最重要的是要记得其实人的身体还是蛮神奇的,恢复能力很强,的对我们第一天走完就是2:00走完以后,我们要去一个饭店吃饭,然后饭店离我们走完的地方只有8分钟,走路一公里都不到,我们完全不想走,我们就打了一个车然后,开车开了来2分钟的出租车。然后当时我就在想说,可能我星期一星期二都会完全不想走路,但是我星期一早上起床了以后就觉得完全正常了,我所有的炎症几乎都消了,然后我就活蹦乱跳很正常,所以我觉得对如果有朋友想要参加,就会跟他们确保跟他们说,不要担心人的恢复能力是很强的,这些痛苦都不是不是永久性的损伤。 Yes, and I have now walked after, I think the most important thing is to remember that in fact the human body is still quite amazing, the ability to recover is very strong, the pair of our first day of walking is 2:00 after walking, we have to go to a restaurant for dinner, and then the restaurant is only 8 minutes from where we walked, walking a kilometre is less than, we do not want to walk at all, we called a car then, drove to come 2 minutes of taxi. I was thinking that I might not want to walk at all on Monday and Tuesday, but when I woke up on Monday morning I felt completely normal, all my inflammation was almost gone and I was alive and well, so I think it’s important to make sure that if you have friends who want to participate that you tell them not to worry that people are very resilient and that the pain is not permanent. injury.
David 20:33
对,这是一个特别安全的活动,你可以挑战你的身体,但是你现在身体不会得到永久的伤害 Yes, it’s a particularly safe activity, you can challenge your body but you don’t get permanent damage to your body now
Qingjing 20:51
所以这次也是给了你们一个机会,对自身身体有一个更深度的认识、认知认识,对吧? So this is also an opportunity for you to have a deeper understanding, cognitive awareness of your own body, right?
XQ 21:03
对,说了这么多,Qingijng你有没有想你觉得你会不会愿意跟我们一起对。 Right, having said that, Qingijng do you have any thoughts do you think you would like to join us on.
David 21:09
你可以明年参加吗? Can you attend next year?
Qingjing 21:12
对我通过你们的描述这个经历,我觉得是很有意思很有意义的。首先这个活动的主旨他是帮助在于帮助他人,这是第一个。对它是一个公益活动对吧?它是目的是非常好的,非常积极的,我很喜欢这样的活动。 I think it was very interesting and meaningful for me to go through your description of this experience. First of all, the main idea of this event is to help others, that’s the first thing. It is a public service activity, right? It’s a very good and positive purpose, and I like that.
第二个,我也很喜欢你们在经历了这么艰难困苦的时刻之后,走到终点,享受喜悦。开心就像David的说,我看着天上黑黑的天空闪烁着点点的星光,还有在凌晨看到日出,就是凌晨之后看到日出这些美景,都是在经历这些艰难困苦之后,能更深刻地体会到那种特殊的喜悦。我觉得没有经历这种痛苦,我们不会有那么那么样的一个体会,所以我觉得经济痛苦会让我们对幸福开心喜悦有怎么样更深的体会,我们会更珍惜他,我也很喜欢这样的一个经历。 Secondly, I also like the fact that you have come to the finish line and enjoyed the joy after such a tough and difficult time. Happy as David’s said, I looked up at the dark sky twinkling with bits of starlight, and the beauty of seeing the sunrise in the early hours of the morning, that is, seeing the sunrise after the early hours of the morning, all of these are the special joy that can be experienced more deeply after going through these hardships and difficulties. I don’t think we would have had such an experience if we hadn’t gone through such pain, so I think economic pain would have given us a deeper appreciation of happiness and joy, and we would have cherished it more, and I also enjoyed such an experience.
然后我其实之前也跟朋友做过这样有过这样的一个历程,但是我们就是没有像XQ和David这样这个行程安排的这么紧,这么艰巨,这么难度这么高,我们是一个星期的时间徒步旅行。然后我每天是要走平均是25公里,然后晚上的时候是在背着帐篷,我们自己设置帐篷,然后就地找一个宿营的地方,银所有的装备都是我们背着,然后途中自己在找一些什么超市饭馆,如果我们途经城市的话,我们会找就近补给,找一些饭馆,找一些超市,补给一些我们需要带的水粮食什么的。 I’ve actually done this before with friends, but we didn’t have such a tight schedule as XQ and David, we were on a week-long trek. I had to walk an average of 25 kilometres a day, and at night we were carrying our tents, setting up our own tents and finding a place to camp, carrying all our equipment on our backs, and then looking for supermarkets and restaurants on the way, and if we passed through cities, we would look for nearby supplies, restaurants and supermarkets, and resupply the water and food we needed. We’ll find some supermarkets to resupply the water and food we need.
XQ 23:43
但是也是整间这个过程,每天25公里要走多少时间,六个小时,对。 But also the whole process, how long does it take to walk 25km a day, six hours, yeah.
Qingjing 23:52
然后另外一个我们当时有一个特别特殊的情况,因为当时是在英国的天气,大家应该知道是喜怒无常的,我们早上出发的时候,然后是艳阳高照,然后可能两个小时之后就是倾盆大雨,我们常是在雨中行走,有一次几乎是这种什么下的雨,就是我们眼睛都睁不开,但是我们还是一直坚持着走。 And then another thing that we had at that time was a special situation, because the weather in the UK at that time, as you know, was unpredictable, we set off in the morning, and then it was sunny, and then maybe two hours later it was pouring rain, we were often walking in the rain, and once it was almost this kind of rain, that is, we couldn’t open our eyes, but we still kept going.
还有一个难度比较大的,行程中是有孩子最小的孩子就是9岁,就是一起同行的有3个孩子,3个大人,六个人一起完成这个行程。最后我们走到终点的时候确实是非常开心。我们当时没有完成这个全程的这种徒步旅行,因为我们中间有别的安排,朋友他们从开始一直开始走到最后。我们呢就只走了一半的行程。剩下的一半行程我们安排去了其他的地方。当时非常遗憾,没有机会完成全程的。所以如果有这样的一个机会,能够跟你们一起去参加这样的一个公益活动,我觉得是应该是一个非常好的体验 There was another difficult one, the youngest child on the trip was nine years old, so there were three children and three adults, six people who completed the trip together. We were really happy when we reached the end of the journey. We didn’t finish the whole hike because we had other plans and our friends started at the beginning and finished at the end. We only did half of the walk. The other half of the trip we arranged to go to other places. It was a great pity that we didn’t have the chance to do the whole thing. I think it would be a great experience if I had the opportunity to go with you to such a charity event.
好呀,看来我们又成功的说服了一个人。我们在我们的podcast里做广告,看看明年有没有 Well, it looks like we’ve managed to convince one more person. Let’s advertise it in our podcast and see if we have it next year
David David
如果听众要参加就给我们留言,消息、我们明年可以有一个中文学习的走路团。 If listeners want to attend just drop us a line, message, we can have a Chinese learning walking group next year.
而且我觉得如果有别的朋友一起参加的话,既是认识新朋友的机会,也是挑战自己毅力的机会 And I think if we have other people joining us, it’s a chance to meet new people as well as challenge ourselves to persevere
我们可以市场营销,我们可以说成是24小时1对1沉浸式的汉语辅导,不睡觉连续的辅导汉语 We can market it as a 24 hour 1 to 1 immersion Chinese tutoring, no sleep continuous Chinese tutoring
这是一个学习汉语的马拉松 It’s a marathon of learning Chinese!
好主意,好的,那就这样,如果有听众朋友感兴趣的话要给我们留言哦。好呀那今天就聊到这里,谢谢qingjing和david Good idea, okay, that’s it then, if any of our listeners are interested leave us a comment. Well, that’s it for today, thank you qingjing and david!
感觉你们两位给我们带来这么丰富的经历,我希望下次有机会和你们一起参加! I feel like you two have given us such an enriching experience and I hope to join you next time!