Episode 37 | 哪个国家的火车最好?Which country has the best train?

Convo Chinese
19 min readOct 23, 2022

Xinqing 00:02

Hello大家好,今天又回到了我们的瞎扯学中文,然后是跟上次一样的三人组合,就是我和David和Qingjing Hello everyone, today we are back to learn Chinese with the same trio as last time, me and David and Qingjing!

David 00:21

对大家好。HelloQIngjing。 HelloQIngjing.

Xinqing 00:24

今天我们想跟大家聊一个很有意思的话题,是关于每一个国家的火车坐火车的体验是什么样的,为什么会聊到这个话题?因为最近我和David我们两个住在瑞士,我们就是出去玩,然后大家可能知道欧洲的火车系统非常的发达,所以我们到哪里去玩都是坐火车,然后我们也聊起来跟中国的高铁有很多的区别,然后顺便因为QIngjing前两天也是在坐多伦多火车,然后出了一些 bug,出了一些问题,所以今天想跟大家聊一聊,然后不然QIngjing,你可以先开始跟大家说一下,你在多伦多坐火车的体验是什么样的。 Today we want to talk to you about a very interesting topic, it’s about what it’s like to ride the trains in each country. I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get to the train, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get to the train. So today I want to talk to you all about that, otherwise QIngjing, you can start by telling us what your experience of riding the train in Toronto is like.

Qingjing 01:12

好,这个体验其实很有意思,他给我这次旅行就是增添了一些乐趣,其实我是认为是有乐趣的,是一个小插曲。我当天是想去Niagara Falls,从Ajax到Niagara Falls,然后我是坐火车,先从ajax到的多伦多,然后从多伦多到目的地去的时候,这个是特别顺利的。 Well, the experience was actually very interesting, he added just a little bit of fun to my trip, I actually thought it was fun, a little bit of a hiccup. I was trying to go to Niagara Falls that day, from Ajax to Niagara Falls, then I was taking the train, first from ajax to Toronto, then from Toronto to the destination to go, this is particularly smooth.

返程的时候出现了一些出了一个问题,我们坐火车返回多伦多的时候,我们上车是7:15列车,7:15出发,行驶了大概一个小时,然后火车就突然停下来了,然后我们都不知道是什么回事,为什么停下来了,因为前不着村后不着店的就这样停下来了。 When we returned to Toronto, we got on the train at 7:15 and left at 7:15, and it took about an hour.

然后大家就觉得挺奇怪的,然后后来这个列车司机他就播报说前方他有这个事故发生,然后目前正在处理这个事故,然后医护人员、救护车、警车,包括铁路的这方面也都派车过来了,各各行其是去调查的调查抢救的抢救什么的,具体就是多少人。 The train driver then broadcasted that there was an accident in front of him and that the accident was being dealt with.

Xinqing 02:43

你知道是发生了什么事故吗?是有救护车过来。 Do you know what kind of accident happened? There is an ambulance coming.

Qingjing 02:47

但是我们不太清楚就是多少人受伤或者什么的,但是司机肯定确切的得到司机的回复是有人受伤,然后具体是列车给什么撞了,也没有详细的去介绍。 But we’re not quite sure how many people were injured or what, but the driver must have gotten the driver’s reply exactly that someone was injured, and then exactly what the train gave a hit to, and there was no detail to go on.

因为当时突然发生的一个事故,大家都没有在这个信息方面它并没有有什么及时的更新,也没有这样的一个渠道去及时的更新,大家都是一头一头雾水的这样突然发生的。 It was a sudden accident, and there was no update on the information, nor was there a channel to update the information, so everyone was confused.

司机也是在这个列车上跟我们是一样的,你知道吗?他只是接到上级通知说前面有事故怎么样,你要停多长时间要停下来,然后到底停多长时间,他也是实时更新的,前方就是处理事故的人,他们也是不知道什么时候能处理完,所以我们在那等着。 The driver was on the same train as we were, you know? He just received a notice from his superiors that there was an accident in front of him, how long do you have to stop to stop, and then exactly how long to stop, he is also updated in real time, the front is to deal with the accident people, they also do not know when to finish dealing with, so we are waiting there.

Xinqing 03:36

你后来等了多久? How long did you wait afterwards?

Qingjing 03:38

我们在这等了差不多三个多小时。接近4个小时 We waited here for almost three hours or so. Close to four hours.

Qingjing 03:46

就是11点多才列车才重新出发。我们7点这就快到12点的时候,列车才再重新出发,我们七点十几分开始列车开车的,开了一个小时就这样的。对不到一个小时。 It was just after 11 o’clock before the train left again. We were here at 7 o’clock and it was almost 12 o’clock when the train started again. Yes less than an hour.

David 04:03

所以这个火车是从Niagara Falls到多伦多? So this train is from Niagara Falls to Toronto?

Qingjing 04:08

对,Union Station联合车站。到多伦多联合车站的,所以。 Yes, Union Station. To Toronto Union Station, so.

David 04:14

这个事故来从多伦多离多远(距离多远发生的)? How far away was this accident from Toronto (how far away did it happen)?

Qingjing 04:23

当时不太记得,因为我上火车就开始睡觉,你知道吗?我的行程一般都是这样的,我在火车上我就是不是上课,我就是睡觉,充分利用这个时间,因为平时24小时都处于这种工作状态,因为晚上是北京的白天,然后我白天在多伦多.. I don’t remember much at the time because I started sleeping as soon as I got on the train, you know? My schedule is usually like this, I’m on the train I’m not in class, I’m just sleeping and making the most of it because usually I’m in this working state 24 hours a day because it’s daytime in Beijing at night and then I’m in Toronto during the day…

Xinqing 04:52

在多伦多的火车上,比如说你在上面待了4个小时,因为事故有没有人给你比如说提供一些水吃的和车上有餐桌。 On the train in Toronto, let’s say you’re on it for four hours, because the accident has no one to give you for example some water to eat and a table on the train.

Qingjing 05:03

没有。跟中国一个特别大的不同,我当时就特别感慨着,因为平时没注意到,我在突然发生这个事故之后,我突然意识到我还没有吃晚饭,然后很长时间没有吃,从1点多钟到那个时候。我是打算回家,到家10点多钟到家之后我吃晚饭,然后发生这个事故之后我就饿了,然后就找吃的,但突然意识到这个列车上它是没有餐车的,在中国的列车上是有餐车的,他有一节车厢他专门是什么的吃饭的,然后你不去这些车厢,一般它还有一个流动的餐车。 No. One of the major differences with China is that there is no one on the train. It was a very big difference from China, I was very emotional because I didn’t notice it, I suddenly realised that I hadn’t eaten dinner after the accident, and then I didn’t eat for a long time, from 1 o’clock to that time. I was planning to go home, and after I arrived home at 10 o’clock I had dinner, and then after the accident I got hungry, and then I looked for something to eat, but suddenly I realized that there was no dining car on this train, in China there is a dining car on the train, he has a carriage which is dedicated to what’s for dinner, and then you don’t go to these carriages, generally it has a mobile dining car.

Xinqing 05:47

对,在中国的火车上我觉得特别有意思,特别有特色的一点,我在国外从来没有见过,就是会有一个列车员,他的任务不是查车票,这个列车员就是推小推车,上面有很多好吃的东西,特别是方便面,然后也有这种餐放在盒子里的那种10,15块钱的午餐晚餐,然后他就会卖比如说水、可乐、方便面,然后在国外我就从来没有见到过这个服务。 Yes, in Chinese trains I think it’s particularly interesting and unique, I’ve never seen it abroad, is that there will be a conductor, his task is not to check the tickets, this conductor is pushing the cart, there are a lot of delicious things on it, especially instant noodles, and then also this kind of meal in the box kind of 10, 15 yuan lunch and dinner, and then he will sell, for example, water, Coke, and I’ve never seen this service abroad.

Qingjing 06:18

中国的餐车它还有一个非常有意义的地方,就是说它会卖当地的特色产品,特色产品,它除了你提供你和方便面这样的一些盒饭什么的,他还提供一些比方说起始点,它的特色产品 The Chinese food truck also has a very meaningful place, that is, it will sell local specialties, specialties, it provides you and instant noodles such as some boxed meals or something, he also provides some let’s say starting points, its specialties

Qingjing 06:46

特色的东西很有意思。 The specials are interesting.

Xinqing 06:47

因为你在中国火车上也经常泡方便面吃,一直还有一点是中国的火车上一定会有热水。 Because you often make instant noodles to eat on Chinese trains and there’s always the point that there’s always hot water on Chinese trains.

David 06:55

这是最重要的,我觉得这是最重要的,因为在美国我觉应该在加拿大这样的火车他们完全没有水,你可以喝的水。 That’s the most important thing, I think that’s the most important thing because in the United States I think it should be in a train like Canada they don’t have water at all, water that you can drink.

Xinqing 07:08

喝的水只有厕所里的水,厕所里的水是不能喝的。 The only water you can drink is the water in the toilets, the water in the toilets is not drinkable.

David 07:12

对,所以如果你要上一个比较长的火车,特别是有事故,没有水,你可能只有一个小瓶的水,所以我觉得这是我最怕的情况。 Right, so if you’re going on a longer train, especially if there’s an accident and there’s no water, you might only have a small bottle of water, so I think that’s the situation I’m most afraid of.

我在一个美国的火车有事故,我没有水。只有在比较长的时间的火车,在美国他们肯定有一个餐车,但是没有小推车的。 I was on an American train that had an accident and I had no water. Only on longer trains, in the US they definitely have a dining car but no trolley’s.

David 07:48

我觉得有点比较有意思是,我第一次看这个小推车,是在哈利波特的电影。 I think it’s a bit more interesting that the first time I saw this trolley was in the Harry Potter movie.

Xinqing 08:00

对,哈利波特跟在中国的火车上一样,对。也许有小推车会卖巧克力豆,青蛙巧克力什么的。对,但是你说的在火车上面没有水,我真的有一次经历过那个车还挺长的,我应该是从德国到法国之类的,反正大概在火车上一共有四五个小时,我忘记带水了,餐车上没有,才没有火车上没有餐车,我就非常渴,我还问列车服务员说我现在真的很渴怎么办?他说没有办法没有水。 Yeah, Harry Potter is the same as on the train in China, yeah. Maybe there’s a trolley that sells chocolate beans, frog chocolates or something. I was on the train for about four or five hours, and I forgot to bring water, and there was no water in the dining car, so I was very thirsty, and I asked the train attendant what I should do if I was really thirsty. He said there was no way there was no water.

Qingjing 08:37

对,这个在当时的所有的乘客面临的特别大的问题,让所有的乘客等这个是没有问题,但是我们当时处在比较荒芜的一个地方,然后虽然旁边有一个也不算是比较荒芜,一个是晚上,然后第二个就是说这个事情发生很突然,大家都没有什么准备,然后在路途当中经过的停的地方,它并不是说一个特别大的城市非常发达的地方,或者是说人烟比较多的一个地方。 The first one is the one that is the most important thing that you can do, and the second one is the one that is the most important thing that you can do, and the second one is the one that is the most important thing that you can do, and the second one is the one that is the most important thing that you can do, and the second one is the one that is the most important thing that you can do. The place where we stopped on the way was not a particularly big city, a very developed place or a place with a lot of people.

所以停下来之后,基本上我们是很多人下车以后他就去找一找,在附近找了一找,然后大家没有找到可以食物或者提供水的地方,所以当时就处在一个没有水喝没有东西吃的一个情况,但是等是没有问题,大家都有耐心去等,因为毕竟你没有别的解决办法, So after we stopped, many of us got out of the car and went to look for food and water, but we were in a situation where we had no water to drink and nothing to eat, but we had no problem waiting.

当时就跟司机去讨论,然后就发现旁边有一个,就是停列车停停的地方,有一个小的,就是他们货车系统当中的一个小站里面,它有一些好像是自动售卖机的这样一个东西,我当时没有去看,别的人看了,然后就过来跟司机商量,就是说你们能不能把小站的门打开,大家可以进去,去买这样的一个买去买水对吧? At that time, we discussed with the driver, and then we found that there was a small station next to where the trains were parked, and there was a small station in the truck system, which had something like a vending machine. One to buy to buy water, right?

这是唯一我们能找到的,就是喝的水喝东西吃,然后司机就是说现在我不是这个站点的服务司乘人员,所以我没有这个权限,我也没有这个渠道能把这个打开,但是我可以去跟上级部门沟通一下,知道吗? This is the only thing we can find, that is, water to drink and something to eat, and then the driver said that now I am not the service driver of this station, so I do not have this authority, I also do not have this channel can open this, but I can go to communicate with the higher authorities, you know?

这样的我觉得还是挺好,就是说相比之下我当时就意识到中国的火车跟这个地方。 I think it’s good that I realized that Chinese trains are different from this place.

Xinqing 10:41

那qingjing,你觉得你这次在多伦多坐的从火车的硬件设施上面来说,比如说座位,然后整洁程度新旧程度跟中国的火车,但中国也有好多种火车,比如说高铁也有绿皮火车,咱们就跟高铁比,你觉得怎么样? I think the train that you took in Toronto was very good in terms of the hardware and facilities, such as the seats and the cleanliness of the trains, but there are many kinds of trains in China, such as high-speed trains and green trains, so how do you think we compare to the high-speed trains?

Qingjing 11:07

我现在做的这种火车我不太清楚它在加拿大是处于什么样的一种分类的火车,因为我坐中国火车坐的是比较多的绿车,绿皮车我坐过,平常的这种什么Z开头。 I’m not quite sure what kind of train I’m doing now, because I’ve been on more green trains in China, I’ve been on green trains, the usual ones that start with Z.

Xinqing 11:26

可以给大家解释一下,绿皮火车是什么意思?Z字头的 can you explain to everyone what the green train means?

Qingjing 11:32

绿皮火车,它的车厢就是。为什么叫它绿皮车?因为它的车厢外面外观它是绿色的,所以我们叫它绿皮车,它的皮肤,像我们人的皮肤一样,在外面它是什么颜色?是绿色,所以我们叫绿皮车,然后这种火车它是中国应该是最早之一的火车,所以它的速度是在目前为止是最慢的一种。 The green train, its carriage is. Why do you call it a green train? Because the outside appearance of the carriage is green, so we call it a green car, its skin, like our human skin, outside what colour is it? It is green, so we call it a green train. It is one of the earliest trains in China, so its speed is by far the slowest.

然后他是最经济的最便宜的车,然后它停靠的站点是最多的,所以它就是极大的方便了小站的,这些住在小站的居民,比方说你住的不是高铁住的很小的一个地方,像比方说我去过的一些地方,像有一个叫花园站,它的人居民人口不到10万对吧? It is the most economical and cheapest train, and it stops at the most stations, so it is very convenient for the residents who live in small stations, let’s say you live in a very small place that is not a high speed train, like let’s say I have been to some places, like a station called Garden Station, which has a population of less than 100,000 people, right?

这样它也设一个点,你们一般的高铁它不从那经过,那么如果没有这种像这样的绿皮车,它在早期的时候没有办法满足人民人们的出行要求。 So it also sets up a point, your general high-speed railway it does not pass through there, so without this kind of green car like this, it is not able to meet the people’s travel requirements in the early days.

除了绿皮车在中国人的印象当中就是很深刻的,特别深刻,有一些外国学生他们对这个也挺感兴趣,很多学生跟我聊过绿皮车,很感兴趣的。 In addition to the fact that the green train is very impressive to Chinese people, it is particularly impressive, and there are some foreign students who are also interested in this, many of them have talked to me about the green train and are very interested.

Xinqing 13:04

David也坐过绿皮。 David has also been on the Green Train.

David 13:06

我觉得,你是说你可以去很远的地方,很偏远的地方。我觉得我也喜欢这个车的摇着摇晃。 I think, you mean you can go to very far away places, very remote places. I think I like the rocking and swaying of the car as well.

Xinqing 13:29

你坐绿皮车的时候David你是去云南对不对? When you took the green car David you were going to Yunnan right?

David 13:33

我坐了三次,我坐了两三次坐绿皮车,我从新疆到成都坐一辆绿皮车,我从昆明到越南,我坐绿皮车。 I took three, I took two or three rides in a green car, I took a green car from Xinjiang to Chengdu, I took a green car from Kunming to Vietnam, I took a green car.

Xinqing 13:56

而且绿皮车你坐的是卧铺,是不是?卧铺的意思就是可以睡觉的火车,然后它也很挤,一般绿皮车就会有4个人或者6个人,它是一个上下铺的那种床,双层床。 And the green car you ride in a sleeper, isn’t it? A sleeper means a train where you can sleep and then it’s also very crowded, usually a green train will have four or six people, it’s a bunk kind of bed, a double bed.

David 14:11

但其实你可以随便跟人聊天,你可以玩游戏。 But you can actually just talk to people, you can play games.

Xinqing 14:17

很多大叔大妈,在绿皮车上 A lot of older men and women, on the green car

David 14:19

对我们去我们喝了很多酒,吃了很多小吃,玩很多的扑克。 Yes we went we drank a lot of wine, ate a lot of snacks and played a lot of poker.

Qingjing 14:30

对,绿皮车跟中国的其他的火车的一个比较大的区别,其实是可以拿那个房子来。比较绿皮车它很像北京的四合院里的大杂院,大杂院就是住在里面的人是各种各样的人,然后大家特别关系特别好,特别热闹,平时都因为就住在一起大杂院的人,他是这样,绿皮车上我。 Yes, one of the bigger differences between the green car and the other trains in China is actually that you can take that house. It is very similar to the Beijing courtyard, the courtyard is the people living in it are all kinds of people, and then everyone is especially close, especially lively, usually because they live together with the people of the courtyard, he is so, green car me.

Xinqing 15:00

觉得比较接地气,对有人情味,对。 I think it’s more grounded, yes there is a human touch, yes.

David 15:06

对,所有人都很接地气,用英文,英文说很 ground ed, down to earth Yes, everyone is very grounded, in English, English says very ground ed, down to earth

Xinqing 15:21

对,继续说,然后除了绿皮车以外,我们还是主要有 z字头的和高铁。 Yes, go on, and then apart from the green car, we still have mainly z-heads and high speed trains.

Qingjing 15:26

高铁应该是从高开头用g开头。z字头的是直达车,我们它是比较快的一种车,它是处于高铁和绿皮车之间的这个车,它会再稍微大一点的站点会停,它不会站站停。绿皮车是站站停,只要碰到站点,火车站点都会它必停。 The z-head is a direct car, we are a faster kind of car, it is in between the high speed train and the green car of this car, it will be a little bit larger site will stop, it will not stop at the station. The green car is station stop, as long as encounter station, train station point will it must stop.

然后直达车z字头,速度上它更快,然后它会停靠的站点是大点,它是比较舒适的,有硬座,还有软卧和硬卧跟绿皮车是差不多的,在舒适度上它是更好更高一些,然后环境上它是也是让更令人就是舒适一些。 The actual car is a lot more comfortable, there are hard seats, soft sleepers and hard sleepers and the green car is more or less the same, in comfort it is better and higher, and then the environment it is also let more is comfortable some.

Xinqing 16:27

舒服一点,对,然后除了然后就是高铁。 The comfort is a little bit more, yes, then in addition to then is high speed rail.

Qingjing 16:31

我相信David在中国高铁的经历肯定也是很多的,对吧?David说一说高铁怎么样? I’m sure David has had a lot of experience with high speed rail in China, right?

David 16:42

实际上我在中国的高铁的经历不太多,我在日本的高铁的经历很多,但是在中国,我只坐过从香港到广东 Actually I haven’t had too many experiences with high speed rail in China, I’ve had many experiences with high speed rail in Japan, but in China I’ve only travelled from Hong Kong to Guangdong

Xinqing 17:04

你没有坐过上海到北京的? You’ve never taken the Shanghai to Beijing one?

David 17:06

我听说过现在它们有一个特别快的? I’ve heard that they have a particularly fast one now?

Xinqing 17:11

现在有一个特别快的高铁叫复兴号,它是从上海到北京只要三个半小时,对,因为一般的高铁好像是300公里每小时,300~350公里每小时,复兴号比这个还要快。 There’s a particularly fast high speed train now called the Fuxing, it goes from Shanghai to Beijing in three and a half hours, yes, because the normal high speed train is like 300 kilometres per hour, 300 to 350 kilometres per hour, the Fuxing is even faster than that.

所以现在从上海到北京基本上不需要坐飞机,因为飞机也要大概一个半小时,然后加上前前后后去机场安检什么的,所以基本上我觉得大家都会选择坐复兴号高铁,所以票非常的抢手。 So now you basically don’t need to fly from Shanghai to Beijing, because the plane takes about an hour and a half, and then you have to go to airport security and all that, so basically I think people will choose to take the Fuxing high-speed train, so the tickets are very much in demand.

David 17:44

我觉得我最喜欢的中国的火车系统的方面是,所有的火车、高铁什么的都很便利,比美国,比日本便宜很多。如果我要从香港到(广东),从东京到Kyoto便宜很多。 I think my favourite aspect of China’s train system is that all the trains, high speed trains and whatnot are very convenient and much cheaper than the US, than Japan. If I want to go from Hong Kong to (Guangdong), it’s a lot cheaper to go from Tokyo to Kyoto.

Xinqing 18:13

因为我以前经常坐高铁,我家在上海,我的大学4年都是在北京上的本科,所以每年的寒假暑假我都会做高铁,然后当时因为是学生,我还有折扣价格,所以真的很便宜,我记得可能30美元就可以买到高铁票。 Because I used to take the high speed train a lot, my family is in Shanghai and I did my undergraduate studies in Beijing for 4 years of my university, so I did the high speed train every year during winter and summer holidays, and then I had discounted prices because I was a student at the time, so it was really cheap, I remember maybe 30 USD to get a high speed train ticket.

David 18:37

你们忘了最重要的一种火车。 You guys are forgetting the most important kind of train.

Xinqing 18:41

是地铁? Is it the underground?

David 18:43

不是地铁。我们也可以讨论。但是最快的哪一种?最厉害的火车是哪一种? It’s not an underground. We can discuss that too. But which is the fastest one? Which is the most powerful train?

Xinqing 18:53

磁悬浮!还没有体验过?你可以给大家解释一下。 Maglev! Haven’t experienced it yet? You can explain it to everyone.

David 18:57

你没有体验过?就是上海的,对,我希望能够体验一下。 You haven’t experienced it? It’s the Shanghai one, yes, I wish I could experience it.

Qingjing 19:03

因为在多伦多这种坐火车的体验,让我给我的这次旅途增添了很多小插曲,让人难以忘记的小插曲挺有意思的,对,我希望这是在加拿大的这次旅行给我带来的深切的感受,就是的我们说读万卷书不如行万里路,真的是要去体验去走一走。 Because this experience of riding the train in Toronto, let me add a lot of tidbits to this trip of mine, unforgettable tidbits quite interesting, yes, I hope this is the deep feeling that this trip in Canada has brought me, that is, yes we say it’s better to read a million books than to travel a million miles, it’s really about experiencing to go for a walk.

Xinqing 19:30


David 19:42

我觉得肯定比美国好很多,但是我觉得比日本,我觉得差不多 I think it’s definitely much better than the US, but I think it’s better than Japan, I think it’s about the same

Xinqing 19:52

什么方面比较好? In what way is it better?

David 19:56

我觉得可能肯定速度不太快,(欧洲的火车)比日本,比中国速度要慢 I think it’s probably not as fast, (European trains) are slower than Japan, slower than China

但是准时很好,在瑞士准时经常很好,也是在日本也一样,中国也是一样,美国不是很准时 But the punctuality is very good, in Switzerland the punctuality is often very good, also in Japan, also in China, the same, the US is not very punctual

Xinqing 20:25

火车的不准时,有一个词我们叫晚点。 The trains are not on time, there is a term we call late.

David 20:31

我觉得在美国你会知道这个火车会晚点,你这不是一个possibility可能性,这是一个肯定的 I think in America you would know that this train would be late, you it’s not a possibility possibility, it’s a certainty

Xinqing 20:44

一般会晚点多久? How late is it usually?

David 20:48

你记得吗?在华盛顿,我们从华盛顿到Richmond,我们坐火车这个是两个半小时的旅行,我们晚了一个小时差不多。 所以这是33%,百分之三十三。对。我觉得在美国你不能相信你的connection,所以没有connection。只有一个线,你从波士顿到Atlanta,就只有一个线,你可以你不能转乘。 Do you remember? In Washington, we went from Washington to Richmond, we took the train this was a two and a half hour trip and we were almost an hour late. So that’s 33%, thirty-three percent. Right. I think in America you can’t trust your connection, so there’s no connection. there’s only one line, you go from Boston to Atlanta, there’s only one line, you can you can’t transfer.

Xinqing 21:36

这connection叫转乘,转乘在欧洲的火车,我们经常会搜索到一些火车的路线,有两个,三个,甚至四五个转乘,而且每一个转乘站中间它只会给你,短则3分钟,长的可能10分钟15分钟的转乘。但他他的火车系统就是这么有自信,虽然是只有三分钟转乘,但一般来说都可以准点到。 This connection is called interchange, interchange in Europe train, we often search to some train route, there are two, three, even four or five interchange, and each interchange station middle it will only give you, short then 3 minutes, long may 10 minutes 15 minutes of interchange. But he his train system is so confident that even though it is only a three minute transfer, you can generally get there on time.

然后你从一个站台奔到另外一个站台,还基本上都可以成功,所以我们其实有好多次都是转乘只有两三分钟的,都成功了。 And then you run from one platform to another and it still basically works, so we’ve actually had a number of times where the transfer was only two or three minutes and it’s worked.

David 22:14

但是我觉得还让我有点紧张,对,因为我们不知道,我们经常没有晚点,但是可能百分之10%的可能性,我们会有这个晚点,所以我们我们知道这个是一个可能性。 But I think it also makes me a little bit nervous, yeah, because we don’t know, we’re often not late, but there’s probably a 10% chance that we’ll have this late, so we we know this is a possibility.

Xinqing 22:44

所以会有点紧张,对。 So it would be a bit nerve wracking, yeah.

David 22:47

因为特别是如果你要去一个比较偏远的地方,如果你有一个晚点,你可能在一个很小的火车站,等一小时两小时,或者一个晚上 Because especially if you’re going to a more remote location, if you have a late arrival, you could be in a very small train station, waiting for an hour or two hours, or an evening

Xinqing 23:05

所以后来我们结束一下Qingjing的故事,你后来火车晚了4个小时以后,听说你在火车站睡了1个晚上,对。 So then we finish the story of Qingjing, you then after the train was four hours late, I heard that you slept at the train station for one night, yes.

Qingjing 23:13

因为到联合多多联合车站的时候,回Ajax的火车全部都没有了,公交车也没有了,所以我当时是想反正已经是2点多了,凌晨2点多,我凌晨5:30要上课,然后又特别累,是因为没有水喝没有饭吃的这种情况持续了很长时间,然后有白天又是在游玩,尽兴的享受瀑布给我带来的这种乐趣,知道吧? Because by the time I got to Union Dodo Union Station, all the trains back to Ajax were gone, and the buses were gone, so I was thinking it was already 2:00 am anyway, 2:00 am, I had a class at 5:30 am, and then I was especially tired because there was no water to drink or food to eat for a long time, and then there was daytime swimming again, enjoying the waterfalls as much as I could bring me this kind of fun You know?

所以当时很累,我就想我在外面找了很长时间,发现所有的商铺所有的饭馆酒吧全部都关门了,然后走了三条街才找到一个卖热狗的。 So I was very tired and I think I looked outside for a long time and found all the shops and all the restaurants and bars were closed and then I walked three streets to find a hot dog vendor.

然后我还是挺担心的知道吗?因为路上还是比较黑,相对于我住在北京的这种那个地区,它还是相对比较黑的,然后我又从匆忙的走回来之后,我就想考虑我就在火车站待三个小时,然后坐最早的火车6:30回Ajax,5:30开始上课就行。 And I was worried, you know? I thought I would stay at the train station for three hours and then take the earliest train back to Ajax at 6:30 and start my class at 5:30.

这样的情况,但是突然旁边的男人他跟我说,他说现在是最后一趟的公交车,现在已经让乘客上车了,你不上车吗? But suddenly the man next to me said to me, he said it’s the last bus and the passengers are now getting on, aren’t you getting on?

我说我不上车,这不是我的车,然后他说你去哪?我说我去Ajax,他说这个不是,然后我说我想在火车站待着,然后他告诉我,他说你不能在火车站待着,我说什么?他说火车站会关门,然后我当时一听脑袋都大了。你知道吗?我说什么?因为我在中国的印象就是我在中国坐火车还是特别多的,因为我出行一般地铁和火车这两种方式,所以中国只要是跟多伦多联合车站差不多级别的这种火车,火车站就是365天24小时晚上都开门的 I said I’m not getting on, it’s not my bus, and then he said where are you going? I said I’m going to Ajax, he said this is not, then I said I want to stay at the train station, then he told me, he said you can’t stay at the train station, I said what? He said the train station would be closed, and then I was having a big headache. You know what? What did I say? Because my impression in China is that I take the train a lot in China, because I travel by both underground and train, so as long as the trains in China are about the same level as Toronto Union Station, the train station is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

它没有说什么关门没有这个概念,我们对火车的概念就是说没有关门这一概念,这个说法。 It doesn’t say anything about the concept of closing down, our concept of trains is that there is no concept of closing down, that statement.

所以当时一说我就一愣,我就说这怎么办,然后我又有点似信非信的这种感觉,我说是吗?然后一过来他说一会警察就会来,他说如果说你看还有没有什么别的办法,他说你可以坐Uber回Ajax,然后他就帮我查一下Uber,然后一看一下Uber要286加元。然后这个时候警察也来了,对警察说这是一个Uber的price就是不贵了,然后警察就让所有的人出去了,乘客旁边这个男人说,他说我在外面,然后我会去一个24小时开的一个地方,如果你要去你可以跟我。然后我在外面,他跟我这样说,他就离开了,然后这个时候警察来就跟我说,他说你得出去,我们的火车站关门,我说我就跟他说了一下我的这种情况,我说我买了One day pass,你计划是什么时候到火车站然后回ajax,但是因为列车事故导致我现在滞留在这个地方,我回不去,没有任何途径. Uber我也付不了账,因为我当时银行卡出现了,我们出现了问题,中国银行卡在这边不能支付,所以我说我一个人,然后我又带着电脑,我又带着现金,我然后我一个女人在外面,我说我觉得还是挺担心,我万一发生什么事情我还是挺害怕的,你知道吗? So when I said that I was stunned, I said what about this, and then I kind of felt like I didn’t believe it, and I said is it? He said if there was anything else you could do, he said you could take an Uber back to Ajax, and then he looked up Uber for me, and then he saw that it cost $286. Then this time the police also came and said to the police that this is an Uber PRICE that is not expensive anymore, then the police let all the people out and this man next to the passenger said, he said I am outside and then I will go to a place that is open 24 hours, if you want to go you can follow me. Then I was outside and he said this to me and he left and then this time the police came and said to me, he said you have to get out, our train station is closed and I said I told him about my situation, I said I bought a one day pass, what time did you plan to be at the train station and then go back to ajax but because of the train accident I am now stranded in this place and I can’t go back, there is no way. There’s no way back. Uber I can’t pay either because I had a problem with my bank card, we had a problem, Chinese bank cards don’t pay over here, so I said I’m alone and then I have my computer with me and I have cash with me and I’m then I’m a woman out there and I said I still feel quite worried, I’m still quite scared in case something happens, you know?

我说在中国我们没有我们的火车站是24小时开门的,所以我以为我可以待在火车站,然后等到第二天头一趟火车,然后回Ajax I said in China we don’t have our train stations that are open 24 hours, so I thought I could stay at the train station and wait until the first train the next day and then go back to Ajax

我当时就这样跟他说,我说这是我理解的,我说我能不能在这儿呆着,我想这样带着更对我来说更安全一些,然后警察他就听到我这种描述,他也知道这个事这个列车的事故你知道吗?然后他就说你这种情况是非常特殊的,然后考虑到你只是只身一人,然后又是一个女性,她说这样我们就破例,你可以待在我们的二楼候车室。 I told him this, I said this is what I understand, I said can I stay here, I think it’s safer for me to take this with me, and then the police officer he heard this description of me and he knew about this thing this train accident you know? Then he said that your situation was very special, and considering that you were alone and a woman, she said that we would make an exception and you could stay in our first floor waiting room.

对,因为为你的人身安全考虑,确实是你本身也带着电脑,然后你又是一个又是女性,她说我们就破例一下,你呆在二楼,你不能在一楼候车室,然后我就特别感激,当时这种真的是我们说,油然而生这个词。 Yes, because for your personal safety, it’s true that you yourself also carry a computer, and then you are a and a woman, she said we will make an exception, you stay on the first floor, you can not be in the ground floor waiting room, and then I was particularly grateful, at that time this kind of really we say, oiled up this word.

Qingjing 27:52

那就是瞬间就崩了,因为在那种情况我其实有点着急了,就是说着说着,我就想着,我从来没有遇到这种情况,就是我要出去在外面一个人在这样的一个陌生的环境,异国他乡,这种情景出现。 The first thing that I did was to get to know the people who were going to be in the room.

我也没有去预想到说我不能待在火车上,我要一个人走在多伦多的大街上面,然后外面什么商店也没有一家商店开门,没有一个地方亮灯,除了街灯和火车站的灯,这种情况我当时在外面买热狗的时候,我就挺害怕的,你知道吗? I didn’t think that I would be able to stay on the train, that I would be walking alone on the streets of Toronto, and that there were no shops open, no lights on, except for the street lights and the train station lights, and I was scared when I was out buying a hot dog, you know?

然后回来之后警察这样说,我确实真的是特别感激,当时就是眼眼眶就湿润了,你知道吗?也就差点流泪,当时特别然后警察就说你可以上去,我说上去安全吗?他说很安全。 Then when I came back and the police said that, I was really grateful and my eyes got wet, you know? I was almost in tears, and then the police officer said you can go up there, and I said is it safe to go up there? He said it was very safe.

整个火车站你和客厅他是这样说,然后他很贴心的跟我说二楼还有什么都有洗手间什么的,还有售卖机自动售水小零食的这些东西他都有,他说你就待在里面,然后千万不要出去,你一出去了这个门就锁上你就进不来了。他就告诉我这些,然后他让我指着上二楼的店出口入口,然后我上去了,然后他就在请他就把这个门全部再亲再看一下大楼,然后没有人他们就离开了,你知道吗? The whole train station and the living room he said so, and then he was very kind to tell me that the first floor and what else there are toilets and so on, and vending machines vending water small snacks of these things he has, he said you stay inside, and then do not go out, you go out of this door will be locked you can not get in. He then told me this and then he asked me to point to the exit entrance to the shop on the first floor and then I went up and then he was asking him to just kiss this door all over again and look at the building again and then there was no one there and they left, you know?

Xinqing 29:27

还挺好的,所以最后是有惊无险,也是让你体验了一下,我们要不然今天先聊到这儿。好的,还挺有意思的,火车的经历,然后反正每个国家也是很不一样,谢谢QIngjing和David,我们今天先聊到这里,拜拜。 It was quite good, so in the end it was a scare and it gave you the experience, we’d otherwise talk about it for today. Okay, it was quite interesting, the train experience and then each country is very different anyway, thanks QIngjing and David, that’s all we’ll talk about for today, bye.


火车 Trains | Huǒchē
系统 System | xìtǒng
高铁 High Speed Rail | gāotiě
多伦多 Toronto | duōlúnduō
小插曲 Anecdote, Hiccups | xiǎo chāqǔ
返程 return journey | fǎnchéng
行驶 Travel, driving on the way | xíngshǐ
播报 Broadcast | bōbào
事故 Accidents | shìgù
医护人员 Paramedics | yīhù rényuán
救护车 Ambulances | jiùhù chē
警车 Police car | jǐngchē
受伤 Injured | shòushāng
渠道 Channel | qúdào
一头雾水 confused | yītóu wù shuǐ
上级通知 notification from above | shàngjí tōngzhī
实时更新 Live updates | shíshí gēngxīn
感慨 emotion | gǎnkǎi
餐车 dining car | cānchē
车厢 Carriage | chēxiāng
列车员 train crew | lièchēyuán
查车票 ticket check | chá chēpiào
小推车 Trolley | xiǎo tuī chē
可乐 Coke cola | kělè
方便面 Instant noodles | fāngbiànmiàn
特色产品 Speciality products | tèsè chǎnpǐn
起始点 Starting point | qǐ shǐdiǎn
哈利波特 Harry Potter | hā lì bō tè
面临问题 Facing problems | miànlín wèntí
荒芜 desolation | huāngwú
人烟 populated | rényān
站站停 station stop | zhàn zhàn tíng
自动售卖机 vending machines | zìdòng shòumài jī
权限 permissions | quánxiàn
硬件 hardware | yìngjiàn
整洁程度 Cleanliness | zhěngjié chéngdù
新旧程度 Newness | xīnjiù chéngdù
绿皮火车 Green Train | lǜ pí huǒchē
开头 Opening | kāitóu
车厢 Carriages | chēxiāng
出行要求 Travel requirements | chūxíng yāoqiú
偏远 remote | piānyuǎn
摇晃 rocking | yáohuàng
小吃 snacks | xiǎochī
扑克 poker | pūkè
大杂院 A type of traditional Beijing houses | dàzáyuàn
接地气 local, down to earth, grounded | jiēdì qì
人情味 with human touch | rénqíngwèi
软卧 Soft sleeper | ruǎnwò
硬卧 hard sleeper | yìngwò
舒适 Comfortable | shūshì
前前后后 front and back | qián qiánhòu hòu
安检 security check | ānjiǎn
抢手 Popular, high demand | qiǎngshǒu
折扣价格 discounted prices | zhékòu jiàgé
磁悬浮 magnetic levitation | cíxuánfú
读万卷书不如行万里路 it’s better travel a million miles than reading a million books than to | dú wàn juǎn shū bùrú xíng wànlǐ lù
晚点 late, delayed | wǎndiǎn
转乘 transfer, connection | zhuǎn chéng
短则..长则.. Short ones are… Longer ones are… | duǎn zé.. Zhǎng zé..
紧张 nervous | Jǐnzhāng
可能性 Possibilities | kěnéng xìng
尽情享受 Enjoy fully | jìnqíng xiǎngshòu
瀑布 Waterfalls | pùbù
游玩 excursions | yóuwán
饭馆 restaurants | fànguǎn
酒吧 bars | jiǔbā
关门 close the door | guānmén
热狗 hot dog | règǒu
脑袋大 surprised, upset (big head) | nǎodai dà
一愣 in a daze | yī lèng
似信非信 half believing | shì xìn fēi xìn
破例 make an exception | pòlì
候车室 waiting room | hòuchē shì
人身安全 personal safety | rénshēn ānquán
油然而生 spring up unbidden (of emotion) | yóu rán’ér shēng
眼眶湿润 eyes moistened | yǎnkuàng shīrùn
有惊无险 There was a scare and no danger | yǒu jīng wú xiǎn

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