Episode 38|流浪地球计划 Project Wandering Earth

Convo Chinese
8 min readFeb 4, 2023


Hello,大家好,大家最近怎么样? Hello, everyone, how are you all doing?

今天比较特殊,今天只有我一个人给大家录节目了,还蛮寂寞的。本来和一个朋友约好了一个中国朋友说今天可以一起录节目,可惜这个朋友其实现在在机场在伦敦的机场试了一下,发现伦敦机场的WiFi没有那么好,没有我们想象的那么好,所以最后没有办法录成。 Today is a special day, I’m the only one recording for you, it’s quite lonely. Originally, I made an appointment with a friend from China to record the show together today, but unfortunately, this friend is actually at the airport in London and tried it out, and found that the WiFi in London airports is not as good as we thought, so we couldn’t record it in the end.

然后我们的常客David,我的老公他也没有空,他今天和明天和几个朋友一起做一个 something called mini Hackathon,我其实也说不太清楚什么是mini Hackathon,但基本上它最近对人工智能artificial Intelligence比较感兴趣,平时他也花了一些时间自己在学人工智能的书,然后这个周末他就预留了每天预留了三四个小时和一个朋友一起来做一个小程序,可能是解决一个小问题,做一个小程序,反正我看他还是蛮enjoy。 Then our regular guest David, my husband he is also not empty, he today and tomorrow and a few friends together to do something called mini Hackathon, I actually do not say too clear what is mini Hackathon, but basically it recently to artificial intelligence artificial Intelligence more Feel interested, usually he also spent some time himself in learning artificial intelligence books, and then this weekend he set aside every day set aside three or four hours and a friend to do a small program, may be to solve a small problem, do a small program, anyway, I see that he is still quite enjoyable.

Anyways,这就是为什么今天只有我一个人,今天正好有空也是下午的时间,因为David他要做Mini Hackathon,我就正好有时间像新年新气象,一定要保持每两三个星期更新一期节目给大家问好。所以今天就我一个人,关于今天跟大家聊什么,我觉得正好昨天晚上我和David一起在家看了一部电影,叫流浪地球。我不知道有没有人听说过这一部中国的电影是一个科幻电影,科幻片,Sci-fi movie,然后他的英文名字叫wondering earth。 Anyways, that’s why I’m the only one today, I happen to be free today and also in the afternoon, because David is going to do the Mini Hackathon, I happen to have time like a new year and new weather, must keep updating a program every two or three weeks to say hello to everyone. So I’m alone today, and as for what I want to talk to you about today, I think David and I watched a movie at home last night, called Wandering Earth. I don’t know if anyone has heard of this Chinese movie, it’s a science fiction movie, sci-fi movie, and then his English name is wondering earth.

其实这个电影在中国特别的有名,好像当时是在中国票房最高的一部电影,也是中国的第一部走出国门的 scyphi科幻电影,反正我自己是很喜欢这一部电影,为什么? In fact, this movie is particularly famous in China, it seems to be the highest box office in China at the time a movie, but also China’s first out of the country scyphi science fiction movie, anyway, I myself is very fond of this movie, why?

因为首先它的作者很有名,就是这个电影的剧本,它的作者是这个剧本是基于一本小说,一本科幻小说,它的作者是刘慈欣,我不知道这个听众里面有没有科幻迷刘慈欣,其实在国际上还挺有名的,因为它有另外一本长篇小说叫做三体 three body problem,这部小说长篇小说一共有上中下三本,像也算是一本trilogy,他好像是获得了在科幻界的诺贝尔文学奖,就是雨果科幻小说文学奖,Hugo Prize,反正是听说是蛮重要的一个奖项,it’s a big deal。 Because first of all, its author is very famous, is the script of this movie, its author is the script is based on a novel, a science fiction novel, its author is Liu Cixin, I do not know this listener inside there is no science fiction fans Liu Cixin, in fact, in the international is quite famous, because it has another long novel called three body problem, this novel long novel a total of There are three books, like a trilogy, he seems to have won the Nobel Prize in Science Fiction, the Hugo Prize for Science Fiction,anyway, I heard that it’s a big deal, it’s a pretty important award.

所以其实我也有很多的朋友,就是外国朋友是科幻小说迷,他们有的读了这本三体小说也说很喜欢,我自己也是在好几年前一口气读完了三本,真的停不下来,所以我觉得首先这个作者是我很喜欢的作者刘慈欣,在中国我们管它叫大刘, So in fact, I also have a lot of friends, that is, foreign friends are science fiction fans, they have read this three-body novel also said very much like, I myself is also in a good few years ago read three books in one breath, really can not stop, so I think first of all this author is my very favorite author Liu Cixin, in China we tube it called big Liu, by the way, may be some listen to the author of the novel, the author of the novel, the author of the novel, the author of the novel, the author of the novel.

by the way,可能有一些听众朋友会听出来今天我有一些鼻音,因为我有点感冒,所以今天的声音有一点奇怪,鼻子有一点腮,但是也可以锻炼一下大家的听力,可能如果说鼻音发不准确的中国朋友,或者是在中国朋友感冒的时候的中文听力。 by the way, there may be some listeners friends will hear out today I have some nasal voice, because I have a little cold, so today’s voice has a little strange, nose has a little cheek, but also can practive everyone’s hearing, may be if the nasal voice is not accurate Chinese friends, or in the Chinese hearing of Chinese friends when they have a cold. 所以说回这部电影,我觉得这部电影最有意思的地方就在于它的整个设定,在英文可以叫这个故事的setting或者premise设定,这个电影应该是发生在未来2050年可能某一天,然后那个时候我们的地球已经不适宜人类居住了,好像是特别的冷,所以整个地球上所有的人类联合起来决定要把整个地球推离太阳系,好像是因为太阳会在100年后爆炸之类的,所以我们要逃离太阳系,然后我们找到了一个多少光年之外的一个新的星系。 So back to this movie, I think the most interesting place of this movie lies in its entire setting, in English can be called the story of the setting or premise setting, this movie should happen in the future 2050 years may be a day, and then that time our earth has been unsuitable for human habitation, as if it is particularly cold, so the whole earth all human beings united Up decided to push the whole Earth away from the solar system, as if because the sun will explode in 100 years or so, so we have to escape from the solar system, and then we found a number of light years away from a new galaxy.

在新的星系里有一颗恒星就和太阳一样可以提供光和热和能量,然后要把地球相当于搬家到新的行星,新的星系里作为一颗星星系里的行星,所以整个的计划叫做流浪地球计划。 In the new galaxy there is a star just like the sun can provide light and heat and energy, and then to move the Earth equivalent to the new planet, the new galaxy as a planet in the star system, so the whole plan is called the wandering Earth project.

流浪的意思在中文有一个词叫流浪汉,流浪汉其实就是homeless person,相当于没有家的,然后在街上在路上流浪的人,但同时流浪又有一层非常浪漫的意思。比如说有的诗人或者有的人他想要逃离城市的生活,他就会说我要去流浪,我要去比如说田园或者其他不同的地方流浪。所以这个词本身挺有意思的,它既有负面的意思,也有正面的意思。 The meaning of wandering, the word is LiuLang in Chinese, and Liulanghan is actually a homeless person, equivalent to a person who has no home, and then wanders on the street on the road, but at the same time wandering has a very romantic meaning. For example, some poets or people who want to escape from the city life, he will say I want to wander, I want to go to the field or other different places to wander. So the word itself is quite interesting, it has both negative and positive meanings.

在这个电影里面流浪地球就一层意思是说地球失去了它本来的家园,我们离开了太阳系,所以我们没有家了,但是又很浪漫,我们会在未来的2500年去到一个新的在太空中流浪去到一个新的星系,所以这个计划叫流浪地球计划,所以这个电影叫流浪地球,然后这个电影主要是发生在流浪地球计划的可能第开始的阶段,第二百或者300年,我们慢慢的靠近木星,在我们快要接触到木星的时候,我们离木星太近了,然后因为木星的引力忽然增加了许多,然后整个地球忽然被吸入到了木星的引力场里面,然后如果我们不做一些什么的话,就会和木星相撞,整个地球就会毁灭会爆炸。 In this movie, wandering Earth means that the Earth has lost its original home, we left the solar system, so we have no home, but also very romantic, we will go to a new wandering in space to a new galaxy in the next 2500 years, so this plan is called the wandering Earth plan, so this movie is called wandering Earth, and then this movie is mainly happens in the wandering Earth The plan may be the first beginning of the stage, the second hundred or 300 years, we slowly approach Jupiter, when we are about to contact Jupiter, we are too close to Jupiter, and then because Jupiter’s gravity suddenly increased a lot, and then the whole Earth was suddenly sucked into the gravitational field of Jupiter, and then if we do not do something, then we will collide with Jupiter, the whole Earth will be destroyed will explode.

对了,前面忘记说了,我们怎么把整个地球搬家推移到一个新的星系,在电影的设定里面,在所有全人类全地球的人类结合起来,把我们所有的资源放在放到一起,然后在地球上建造了1000个推进器,推进器就是相当于一个propeller。在他说在赤道上面建了比如说100个很大的推进器,在赤道上的这一些推进器是用来旋转地球,相当于可能需要把地球先转到一个合适的角度,然后再往前推进。 By the way, I forgot to mention how we move the whole planet to a new galaxy, in the film’s setting, in all human beings of the whole planet combined, put all our resources together, and then built a 1000 thrusters on Earth, thrusters is the equivalent of a propeller. Propeller, some of these propellers on the equator is used to rotate the Earth, equivalent to may need to first turn the Earth to a suitable angle, and then forward.

然后在地球的另外就是在永日这一边,相当于在地球的半个表面上建造了1000多个推进的一推进器,相当于有点像一个火箭。大家可以想象火箭的推进器,所以我们在地球的一半建了1000多个推进器,然后另外一半就是永夜,它就会一直远离太阳,一直往前。 Then in the other side of the earth is in the eternal sun, equivalent to half the surface of the earth built more than 1000 propulsion a thruster, equivalent to a bit like a rocket. We can imagine the propulsion of a rocket, so we built more than 1,000 thrusters on half of the earth, and then the other half is the eternal night, it will always be away from the sun, always forward.

所以在这个小说也在电影的一开始就会说,这个计划的第一步是要先把地球转过来,转到一个合适的角度,然后推进。在这个时候因为我们这个造成了潮汐的变化,造成了大洪水,地球上一半的地方都没有办法居住了永夜的这一半。 So in this novel also at the beginning of the movie will say that the first step of this plan is to first turn the earth around, turn to a suitable angle, and then propulsion. At this time because we this caused a change in the tides, causing a great flood, half of the Earth are no way to live in this half of the eternal night.

所以所有的人类都搬到了永日的这一半,然后搬到了地下生活,因为地表上太冷了,然后我们地球就推进到了非常靠近木星的地方,忽然之间有一个很大的危机,人类可能要灭绝,然后就只当然知道大部分的电影都是这样,有一个超级英雄,然后也体现了全全人类的团结,最后破解了这个难题这个危机。 So all the humans moved to this half of the eternal sun, and then moved to the underground life, because the surface is too cold, blahblah, and then our planet advanced to a place very close to Jupiter, suddenly there is a great crisis, the human race may have to extinction, and then only of course know most of the film is like this, there is a superhero, and then also reflects the unity of all mankind, and finally cracked this The crisis of the problem.

如果大家有想看这部电影的话,我也不剧透了,但是我个人是很喜欢宏大的设定,同样我觉得像刘慈欣的另外这本书,刚才我提到了三体,也是一个非常宏大的设定,是关于外星人,关于不只是太阳系关于整个宇宙的一些思考和秘密,我觉得非常有意思,但是昨天看完以后也和David有很多的讨论, If you want to see the movie, I will not spoilers, but I personally like the grand setting, I think like Liu Cixin’s other book, just now I mentioned the three bodies, is also a very grand setting, is about aliens, about not only the solar system, but also some thinking and secrets about the entire universe o I think very interesting, but yesterday after watching, and David have a lot of discussion

一个是 David觉得这个电影没有他想象中的这么好看,有一些是因为中国的特别的元素,比如说有一些中国的集体主义,有一些中国的梗,中国的笑话,他也没有办法完全理解,然后他也会觉得整个故事的情节会有一些生硬,不像我觉得可能跟国外的科幻电影来相比说国外的科幻电影已经非常成熟了,特别是有很多最近几年有很多很好的电影,像interstellar在故事设定、整个剧情推动、人物塑造,也包括所有的演员都非常的到位。 One is that David thinks the movie is not as good as he thought it would be, because there are some special Chinese elements, such as some Chinese collectivism, some Chinese stems, Chinese jokes, which he can’t fully understand, and he also thinks that the whole story is a bit stiff, unlike I think compared to foreign science fiction movies, which are very mature. Science fiction films have been very mature, especially in recent years there are many very good films, like interstellar in the story set, the whole plot to promote, character building, also including all the actors are very much in place. 所以我就跟他说,当然这一部流浪地球没有办法和像英特斯拉这样的经典的作品来比较,如果这样比较的话也是不公平的吗?因为这是中国的相当于第一部真正的科幻电影,但我自己觉得已经是非常不错的。这部流浪地球其实是好几年前的一部电影,然后昨天我们重新看了一遍,为什么?是因为现在流浪地球的续集,也就是流浪地球二正在中国上映,然后我个人是非常期待很想看,我也看到网上有很多的评论,好像说第二部的续集比第一部更加好看,然后在imdb上的评分也更加高,所以我个人还蛮期待的。 So I said to him, of course, this one wandering earth there is no way to compare with the classic works like interstellar, if this comparison is also unfair? Because this is China’s equivalent of the first real science fiction movie, but I myself think it’s already very good. This Wandering Earth is actually a movie from several years ago, and then yesterday we re-watched it, why? Because now the sequel to Wandering Earth, that is, Wandering Earth II is being released in China, and I personally am very much looking forward to watching it, I also saw a lot of comments on the Internet, as if to say that the second sequel is more beautiful than the first, and then the score on imdb is also higher, so I am personally quite looking forward to it.

我就逼迫着David和我一起重新看了第一部,然后希望我们过两天可以在网上或者可以看到流浪地球的第二部,不知道这个听众里面有没有和我们一样是科幻电影的粉丝,反正我个人是了,我可以给大家推荐一下,可能你们看完也会和David有一样的感觉,觉得这个可能太中国元素有一些不适应,但是我个人觉得无妨尝试一下,然后看看第二步,接下去看看这个续集,看看你们会不会喜欢。 I forced David and I re-watched the first part together, and then I hope we can be online in a couple of days or can see the second part of the wandering earth, I do not know if this listener has the same science fiction movie fans as us, anyway, I personally am, I can recommend it to everyone, maybe you will have the same feeling as David after watching it, think this may be too Chinese elements have Some do not adapt, but I personally think it does not hurt to try, and then look at the second step, then look at this sequel to see if you will like.

Ok今天就跟大家分享到这里,我们下期再见,希望下期会有其他的朋友和我一起录音,不要像今天这么的寂寞,然后也希望我的感冒,希望过两天可以好转,这两天一直鼻子很塞。Ok拜拜,大家周末愉快。 Ok today I’ll share with you here, we’ll see you next time, I hope there will be other friends recording with me next time, not so lonely like today, and then I hope my cold, I hope I can get better in two days, this two days have been very stuffy nose. ok bye, have a good weekend.

