Episode 39 | 在中国和国外上大学 University experience

Convo Chinese
42 min readFeb 12, 2023

XQ 00:02

Hello,大家周末愉快,今天是日内瓦的一个星期天中午的时间,跟一个新朋友和大家一起录今天的节目。Hello。 Hello, have a great weekend everyone, it’s noon time on a Sunday in Geneva, recording today’s show with a new friend and everyone. hello.

Frank 00:23

Hello Joanne!很高兴见到你。 Hello Joanne!

XQ 00:25

你跟大家自我介绍一下? Would you like to introduce yourself to everyone?

Frank 00:29 好的,大家我的名字叫Frank,也就大家可以叫我弗兰克。我是在中国出生长大,在来自云南昆明,在宁波念的本科,在学习本科学习结束后,我来到瑞士继续我的硕士学习,然后马上我要开始在瑞士进行我的博士学习,所以在瑞士待了有大概两年的时间,我自身的话专业是学习国际法,因为对国际组织感兴趣,对这个国家之间的历史文化不同的语言都很感兴趣,所以我自己也很喜欢学习语言。 Okay, everyone, my name is Frank, so you can call me Frank. I was born and raised in China, I’m from Kunming, Yunnan Province, and I did my undergraduate studies in Ningbo. I am interested in international organizations and the history and culture of the countries and the different languages, so I also like to learn languages.

然后今天有听到Joanne说有和中文学习相关的活动就很感兴趣,希望来能参与到其中。很高兴谢谢Frank。 Today, I heard from Joanne that there are activities related to Chinese language learning, so I am very interested and hope to come and participate in them. I’m glad to thank Frank.

XQ 01:34

对,然后也跟Frank认识也是差不多,三四个月之前的事情应该是,然后我觉得Frank经历也蛮有意思的,在国内上的本科,但是在国外已经生活了几年,对吧? 然后你还在你是在瑞典交换了一段时间。 I think Frank’s experience is also quite interesting, he went to undergraduate school in China but has been living abroad for several years, right? And then you also in you were in Sweden for an exchange period.

Frank 01:54

冰岛,在冰岛交换了一年。 Iceland, exchanged in Iceland for a year.

XQ 01:56

对,我有另外一个朋友在瑞典交换,所以感觉都是冰天雪地的北欧国家,然后今天其实就想到这个话题,想跟大家聊一聊的是在中国上大学和在国外上大学,特别是在欧洲国家上大学有什么区别? Yeah, I had another friend who was on an exchange in Sweden, so it felt like it was all about the icy Nordic countries, and then today I actually thought of this topic and wanted to talk to you about the difference between going to university in China and going to university abroad, especially in European countries?

Frank是在冰岛,现在在瑞士,我是在牛津、英国,后来在法国,所以大家都算是欧洲大陆的大学的体验。不然Frank你先说说你在冰岛上学感觉怎么样? Frank was in Iceland, now in Switzerland, and I was in Oxford, England, and later in France, so we all kind of have the experience of going to university in mainland Europe. Otherwise Frank you start by telling us how you feel about going to school in Iceland?

Frank 02:35

好的,冰岛当时我是去到雷克雅未克的冰岛大学进行了一年的交换,当时本来我本科学习的是法律,但是在冰岛,因为法学的课程全都要用冰岛语上课,我不会冰岛语,所以我当时就不能选法学的课程,所以我当时就选了一些各种各样的,比如说冰岛文化,冰岛神话,冰岛的犯罪学,还有一些语言。 Well, I went to Iceland for a one-year exchange at the University of Iceland in Reykjavik. At that time, I was studying law as an undergraduate, but in Iceland, because all the law courses had to be taught in Icelandic, and I didn’t know Icelandic, so I couldn’t take any law courses. I took a variety of courses, like Icelandic culture, Icelandic mythology, Icelandic criminology, and some languages.

XQ 03:08

课程这么搞笑,冰岛神话你都学了些什么? What did you learn about Icelandic mythology?

Frank 03:12

冰岛它也是有一种本土北欧的Saga,但是冰岛的他的saga,就是故事的意思。我没有记错的话,他有他自己的故事,就还区别于其他北欧的一些故事。比如说冰岛有13个圣诞老人,每个都很调皮捣蛋,他们的父母是两个有点那种传说中的坏人,但是又是有点怪物的,感觉他们会在圣诞节的时候把不听话的小孩抓去锅里煮了,所以我觉得冰岛小孩的童年一定很害怕,不敢做坏事。 Iceland also has a native Nordic saga, but Icelandic saga means story. If I remember correctly, he has his own story, which is different from some other Nordic stories. For example, there are 13 Santas in Iceland, each of them is very naughty and mischievous, and their parents are two kind of legendary bad guys, but also a bit of a monster, it feels like they will take the disobedient children at Christmas time and cook them in the pot, so I think Icelandic children must have been very afraid to do bad things in their childhood.

XQ 03:52

Ok,所以你就学冰岛的神话,冰岛犯罪学,冰岛有犯罪吗? Ok, so you learn the Icelandic mythology, Icelandic criminology, is there crime in Iceland?

Frank 04:01

冰岛有好像是有150,平均有150个罪犯关在监狱里。有5个监狱,反正当时挺有意思的。冰岛其实犯罪率非常低,犯罪率非常低,然后因为大家也都互相认识,冰岛就35万人,所以其实犯罪率是很低,是一个很安全感觉很很和平的社会,但是犯罪学有这样的研究,也是非常有意思的。 Iceland has like 150, on average there are 150 criminals in prison. There were five prisons, which was pretty interesting at the time anyway. Iceland actually has a very low crime rate, a very low crime rate, and then because we all know each other, Iceland has 350,000 people, so actually the crime rate is very low, it’s a very safe and very peaceful feeling society, but criminology has this kind of research, and it’s very interesting.

XQ 04:32

对,你就上了这些课肯定跟中国感觉很不一样,我推测的话可能轻松一点,因为既然上的也不是你本科本来的专业法学的课,当时你在冰岛上这些课对你的成绩GPA有要求吗? Yes, you must have felt very different from China when you took these classes, I presume it was a little bit easier, because since it wasn’t your undergraduate major in law, did you have a GPA requirement for your grades when you took these classes in Iceland?

Frank 04:49

对,当时我心态其实是的确比较轻松的,因为其实我不用把冰岛的学分转到国内,但其实当时我感觉到的一点学习上的不同,就是在国内我上法学课程的时候,可能它阅读不会有太多的reading,但是来到冰岛,它作为它其实和欧洲的教学模式很相似,我会感到每每一节课之前都会有非常多的阅读材料,如果没有读这些阅读材料,上课很可能是听不懂的。 Yes, at that time I was actually quite relaxed because I didn’t have to transfer my Icelandic credits to my home country, but I actually felt a little bit different in terms of learning at that time, that is, when I took law courses in my home country, I probably didn’t have too much reading, but when I came to Iceland, it was very similar to the European teaching model, and I felt that before each class there would be very If I didn’t read these reading materials, I would probably not understand the class.

当时是我感到的第一个不同 GPA上面最后还好,最后我的成绩就也还行,但最后因为不用转去,我本科在国内的学校,所以其实就对我没有什么影响,所以那一年过的心理上在心态上是非常的开心,主要还是体验当地的生活文化这样多旅行这样。 The first difference I felt at that time was that my GPA ended up being okay, and my grades ended up being okay, but in the end, because I didn’t have to transfer to a school in my home country, so it actually didn’t affect me much, so that year was very happy psychologically in terms of mentality, and I was mainly experiencing the local life and culture so that I could travel more.

XQ 05:48

吃喝玩乐为主,在欧洲吃喝玩乐。 Eat, drink and be merry in Europe.

Frank 05:51

对吃喝玩乐。 To eat and drink and have fun.

XQ 05:53

你在冰岛的时候有班级吗?还是说你住在哪?你怎么交朋友? Did you have classes while you were in Iceland? Or where did you live? How did you make friends?

Frank 05:59

平时在冰岛的时候,我有住在宿舍一段时间,有住朋友家一段时间,自己租一段时间。 Usually when I was in Iceland, I lived in a dormitory for a while, stayed with friends for a while, and rented my own place for a while.

其实冰岛我感觉它社会距离这会比较冰岛人之间社会距离会比较大一些人与人之间交流其实感觉没有很多,就有一些人他们一些认识的朋友可能就会冰岛人可能就会在屋子里的呆着过整个冬季或者就喜欢摄影,就会一个人开着车出去旅行拍照。 In fact, I feel that the social distance between Icelanders is relatively large, and there is not much communication between people.

就感觉好像那边的人相比,我在中国的环境中更适合一个人的那种孤独的或者也不一定是孤独,但是一个人的那种生活的方式对我自己来说的话,班级其实他也没有像中国国内那样一个班级,大家互相认识会有活动,主要还是自己选课,然后课上的一些同学,所以其实交到朋友的话,需要我去参加一些活动,有时候我会参加。 Compared to people over there, I feel that I am more suitable for the solitude or not necessarily the solitude in the Chinese environment, but the way of living alone for myself, the class is actually not like a class in China, everyone knows each other and there are activities, mainly I choose my own classes, and then some of my classmates, so in fact to make friends, I need to go to Sometimes I will participate in some activities.

比如说桌游,桌游的活动就会认识朋友,有时候会有时候我喜欢做饭,我就会做中餐,邀请一些中国或者冰岛或者对或者国外的朋友一起来吃,偶尔会一起出去旅行,但总的来说其实我感觉在冰岛过的一种至少相对国内来说是一种相对孤独的生活。 Sometimes I like to cook, so I will cook Chinese food and invite some friends from China or Iceland or abroad to eat together.

但是我很享受那种感觉,就是一个人有时候就学语言,学学我在那里学了德语和法语,一个人就通宵的学语言,就是学的一个人在那很开心的感觉,在冰岛是一种很好的氛围。 But I enjoy that feeling, that is, sometimes I learn the language alone, I learn German and French there, I learn the language all night long, that is, I learn the feeling that I am very happy there, in Iceland is a very good atmosphere.

XQ 07:46

我觉得这个是我可能体验最大的不同,就是在国内很有集体感,很有班级的感觉,国内的话上大学,比如说我选的是会计专业,咱们整个学院一共有大概6个班级,然后会计专业就只有1个班,我们班里面有40个人,然后这40个人基本上每天都在一起上课。 I think this is probably the biggest difference in my experience, that is, in China there is a sense of community and a sense of class.

虽然我们选的课会有不一样,但是大一和大二,就是大学一年级和大学二年级,会有很多的通选课,大家都要上的课必选课,所以那个时候可能上了比如说马克思主义之类的,然后像中文学习中国历史,然后一些专业的课,比如说会计学,经济学原理,大家都在一起上课。 Although the classes we took were different, freshman and sophomore year, that is, the first year of college and the second year of college, there were a lot of general elective classes that we all had to take, so at that time, we might have taken, for example, Marxism or something like that, and then Chinese history, and then some specialized classes, for example, accounting, principles of economics, we all took classes together.

然后另外一个不同的是在中国大多数的大学,大家都住在宿舍里,然后宿舍都是很多人一间肯定是没有单人间的了,所以当时我们是4个人1个小小宿舍,然后8个人1间大宿舍,让你想4个女生,我们从大一到大四4年的时间朝夕相处,从早上到晚上都在一起,所以这个感情还是很深厚的。 Then another difference is that in most universities in China, we all live in the dormitory, and then the dormitory is a lot of people a room is certainly no single room, so at that time we were 4 people a small dormitory, and then 8 people a large dormitory, let you think about 4 girls, we from freshman to senior 4 years of time together, from morning to night are together, so this relationship is still very deep.

到了国外大学以后就觉得只能要主动出击,主动交朋友。你选了一门课,如果你不交个朋友,这个课上的同学你就每周见一次或者每两周见一次。所以还是特别是我在法国的时候是疫情的期间,大家都是上网课,所以基本上根本线下见不到人,那时候还是蛮孤独的。 After arriving at a foreign university it feels like you can only take the initiative and make friends on your own. You chose a course, if you do not make a friend, the classmates in this class you will see once a week or once every two weeks. So especially when I was in France during the epidemic, everyone was taking classes online, so basically I couldn’t see anyone offline at all, and it was quite lonely at that time.

Frank 09:35

是的。对,我在国内的的确也会有,因为很多事情,比如说宿舍生活、学习生活,甚至很多社会社会的社会活动会有社会实践,学校的社会实践,全部都是在学校一班级或者一一个集体展开的,所以其实周围都会不断的出现已经认识的或者新认识的朋友,就很少会去自己感受到好像自己有一块空白的时间,就不知道突然空白出来,不知道自己干什么,的确有一个适应的阶段,对。 I did. Yes, I did have a lot of things in my country, such as dormitory life, study life, and even many social activities in society, social practice, school social practice, all in a class or a collective school, so in fact, there will be constantly around the already known or new friends, and rarely will you feel as if you have a blank piece of The time, I do not know suddenly blank out, do not know what they do, there is indeed a stage of adaptation, yes.

XQ 10:23

对,特别是国内,我觉得这种集体活动的感觉,因为中国的文化我觉得collectivism还是很重要的,所以比如说宿舍我们要打扫宿舍,然后每每个星期会有人来检查宿舍是不是干净,宿舍的清洁的评分会算到你的班级的,比如说年度的总分里,所以大家就会为了集体荣誉感,非常认真的打扫宿舍。 Yes, especially in China, I think this feeling of collective activities, because the Chinese culture I think collectivism is still very important, so for example, the dormitory we have to clean the dormitory, and then every week someone will come to check whether the dormitory is clean, the score of the cleanliness of the dormitory will be counted to your class, such as the total score of the year, so everyone will be very serious for the sense of collective honor, very So we all cleaned the dorms very carefully for the sake of collective honor.

然后我们不知道 Frank你在云南上大学的时候有没有我们也有军训对吧?一开始上大学,前两个星期的时间要军训,你可以给大家解释一下什么是军训吗?我觉得还挺中国特色的军训。 And then we don’t know, Frank, if we had military training when you were in college in Yunnan, right? When you started college, you had to do military training for the first two weeks. I think it’s quite a Chinese characteristic of military training.

Frank 11:10

其实我在相对比中国和其他一些国家的时候,感觉军训其实本来它应该是一种服兵役的一种义务,但是可能我猜原因可能是因为中国人很多不需要每个人都服兵役,所以就把这个兵役制度改为一种自愿的两年的兵役,而军训就变成一种可能持续从2周到4周,或者有的学校可能更长一点,可能六七周的一个时间。 In fact, when I compare China and some other countries, I feel that military training is actually supposed to be a kind of military service obligation, but I guess the reason may be because many Chinese people don’t need everyone to serve in the military, so they change this military service system to a kind of voluntary two-year military service, and military training becomes a kind of training that may last from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, or some schools may be a little longer, maybe It may last from 2 weeks to 4 weeks, or some schools may last longer, 6 or 7 weeks.

所有学生在刚进入大学的时候,或者在大学的某一个期间结合在一起,会邀请在军队中的人或者接受了两年兵役的人,来为我们进行一个像在部队里面的生活,还有一些比如说站立走路,这种军队的姿势仪态的各方面的一些培训。 When all students enter the university, or during a certain period of the university combined, they will invite people who are in the military or who have received two years of military service to give us a training like the life in the army, and some other aspects such as standing and walking, this kind of military posture and grooming.

然后那两那一个月两周到一个月的生活,就是所有人都生活在这种集体大通铺大宿舍里,然后一起吃饭,一起训练,每天被太阳晒的焦头烂额的感觉。 Then the two that month two weeks to a month of life, that is, all live in this collective bunk big dormitory, and then eat together, together with training, every day by the sun’s burning feeling.

XQ 12:32

就因为每一次一般会是在开学前,然后开学一般是9月份,所以一般军训的时间就是8月份。那是中国的夏天,大家就会被晒得特别黑,所有的女生,我们因为是在军训完了以后会拍入学的照片,所以学生证上面的照片就是在暴晒两个星期以后,脸特别黑。 Just because each time will generally be before the start of the school year, and then the start of the school year is generally September, so the general time for military training is August. It was summer in China, so everyone would be very tanned, and all the girls, we would take the entrance photo after the military training, so the photo on the student ID was after two weeks of exposure to the sun, and our faces were very dark.

但是那个也是我觉得另外一个原因,可能是为了训练你的集体,也是集体荣誉感集体感,然后也是为了训练你的纪律感,对吧?这是一个挺不一样的地方。 But that is also I think another reason, may be to train your collective, is also a sense of collective honor collective, and then also to train your sense of discipline, right? This is a quite different place.

然后我觉得像你刚开始说的关于很多阅读材料,这个也是我在国外和国内上大学感觉不一样,因为我在国内学的是数学数理科,我还学了一个数学的双学位,然后大多数就是做作业,对吧?然后做完作业以后,然后课其实我觉得课时会比较多,每天会有可能四五个小时都在上课,然后课外基本上做完作业就差不多。 Then I think like you said at the beginning about a lot of reading material, this is also I went to university abroad and at home feel different, because I studied mathematics and science in China, I also studied a double degree in mathematics, and then most of it is to do homework, right? After I finished my homework, I think I had more hours of class, maybe four or five hours of class every day, and then I basically finished my homework outside of class.

国外的话我觉得课会少一点,特别是我在法国念的是社会学,然后跟国内学数理化完全不一样,就是上课的时间会更少,但是会布置很多的课外阅读。 I think there are fewer classes abroad, especially in France where I studied sociology, and it’s completely different from studying mathematics and chemistry at home, which means less time in class, but a lot of reading outside of class.

Frank 13:59

对是是非常不一样的感觉,其实对课的确少了不少,像我记得我在大三的时候,因为我是大二去的冰岛,大三我就有很多课,大31年我上了40门课,这是一个比较多的量,但是在瑞士这里或者在冰岛的话,差不多一学期5门课已经是非常多的量了。 I remember when I was in my junior year, because I went to Iceland in my sophomore year, I had a lot of classes in my junior year, and I took 40 classes in my junior year, which is a lot, but here in Switzerland or in Iceland, almost 5 classes a semester is a lot.

XQ 14:22

对,我在法国6门课,一学期。 Yes, I took 6 classes a semester in France.

Frank 14:25

6门课已经非常多了,对。 6 classes is a lot, yeah.

XQ 14:27

但是在中国的话随随便便就是10门课12门课这样子。对,你上40门课? But in China, it’s like 10 classes and 12 classes at any given time. Yeah, you’re taking 40 classes?

Frank 14:36

40门课当时我也不知道怎么搞,但是可能国内有一点其就是我可能或者我自己有点数量剩余质量了,所以当时为了学完学分想毕业,然后感觉在这边上课质量还是非常重要的。 I didn’t know how to do 40 classes at that time, but maybe there was a point in China where I might have or I had a little bit of quantity over quality, so I wanted to graduate in order to finish my credits, and then I felt that the quality of the classes over here was still very important.

可能如果把reading都读了,然后好好写一篇课程的论文,还是能从中学到非常多的东西。可能在某一个知识某某一个知识的方面,至少可能从本来不太懂或者一知半解,到可以自己说出一些自己的观点,自己想一些想法,还是对这样的质课程的质量还是很重要的。 Maybe if you read all the reading and then write a good paper on the course, you can still learn a lot of things from it. It is possible that in a certain knowledge, at least from the original do not know much or half-understand, to be able to say some of their own views, to think of some ideas, or to such quality of the course is still very important.

XQ 15:17

对我觉得在这边国外上课小班级的讨论课特别多,然后在课上面会有很多的辩论,然后有小组做presentation,其实小组作业在中国挺少的,至少在我上大学的时候基本上都是个人完成作业。 Yes, I think there are a lot of discussion classes in small classes in foreign countries, and then there are a lot of debates on the top of the class, and then there are groups to do presentation, in fact, group work is quite little in China, at least when I was in college it was basically individual work.

Frank 15:36

也对于这样的一种团队合作的培养可能也是相对较少,但我感到特别比如说在国际组织或者在一个企业或者在一个工作环境中,很多情况下还是挺重要的这样一种团队合作的精神。 But I feel that especially in an international organization or in a company or in a work environment, in many cases it is still quite important to have a team spirit of cooperation.

还有一种氛围,其实我觉得在学生时期通过研讨会来培养或者小组作业来一起完成,还是很棒的一个体验。 There is also a kind of atmosphere, in fact, I think it is a great experience to develop through seminars or group work together when you are a student.

XQ 16:09

对是的,最后一个问题就是想问问你在冰岛交换的时候,你是唯一的一个中国人吗?还是当时有多少中国学生,你对比如说不同的文化之间有没有感受到隔阂?比如说跟冰岛人。 Yes, the last question is, when you were on exchange in Iceland, were you the only Chinese person there? Or how many Chinese students were there, and did you feel any disconnect between different cultures, for example? For example, with Icelanders.

Frank 16:27

非常棒的问题。当时中国有留学生有一些很少,可能就是10多20个在整个冰岛有交换生可能其实有个四五名,有时候我们就会一起出去玩。因为冰岛大学和中国可能有十几所大学都签了交流的协定,包括北大、清华、复旦,很多学校对会有一些活动。 Very good question. At that time there were very few Chinese students, maybe 10 or 20 exchange students throughout Iceland, maybe four or five, and sometimes we would go out together. Because the University of Iceland and probably a dozen universities in China have signed exchange agreements, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, and many schools will have some activities.

对于其实文化上的隔阂其实的确会有,而且又因为语言非常的不一样,有时候就会比如说几个冰岛人在一起的时候,就算有中国人他们也会继续用冰岛语交流,我一个很深的印象,当时我从冰岛大学我又参加了一个交换,我和一群冰岛人一起交换到了德国图滨根大学,然后我们在那里上了一个月的德语的课程,当时可能有20个人,我是唯一一个非冰岛人。 I have a deep impression that when I was at the University of Iceland, I participated in an exchange with a group of Icelanders to the University of Tübingen in Germany, where we took a one-month course in German. There were maybe 20 people there, and I was the only one who was not from Iceland.

所以然后课程上就会有很多集体讨论或者一些 group work,我就会感到有时候大家都是说着英文,说着说着冰岛人就会一不小心突然有一个人说了一句冰岛语,结果大家就全部切换成冰岛语,很多时候我就很也不是说崩溃,但就是会提醒大家能不能说一下英文,大家又会切换成英文,但是过了几分钟又切换成冰岛语。 So there were a lot of group discussions or group work, and I felt that sometimes we were all speaking English, and when we were speaking Icelandic, one of us would accidentally say a sentence in Icelandic, and then we would all switch to Icelandic, and often I would not say that we were broken, but I would remind everyone to speak English, and then we would switch to English again. But after a few minutes, it switched to Icelandic again.

对,当时还是有一点就是无奈,不知道如何是好,然后冰岛人可能你是需要和他建立一个比较深厚的关系,需要很长的时间就需要花时间,然后就算花的时间,他可冰岛人可能就是很习惯一个人生活,很多时候也不会说经常见面。 Yes, at that time there is still a little is helpless, do not know how to be good, and then Icelanders may you need to build a deeper relationship with him, it takes a long time will need to spend time, and then even if the time spent, he can Icelanders may be very accustomed to living alone, and many times will not say often meet.

可能但是有时候可能会约你想不想泡温泉,因为冰岛到处是温泉,大家一个我感觉一个是社会活动,就一个社交活动是泡温泉。我有个好朋友就会经常喊我,时不时经常可能就是一个月喊我一次泡温泉,我说走,然后我们就一起去泡温泉。 Perhaps but sometimes may be about whether you want to soak in a hot spring, because Iceland is full of hot springs, everyone a I feel a social activity, on a social activity is a hot spring. I have a good friend will often shout me, from time to time often may be a month shout me once a hot spring, I said go, and then we will go together to the hot spring.

XQ 18:51

我觉得可能是比如说因为你在冰岛交换,整个交换的大多数都是冰岛人,也没有其他特别多的国际交流生,所以他们就会比较习惯一直用冰岛语讲话,因为比如说我在法国交换的时候学的是international affairs,整个班级里法国人其实不是很多,到各种国籍的人都有,所以法国人也必须被迫着说英语,那样感觉就没有那么多。 I think it may be for example because you exchange in Iceland, most of the entire exchange are Icelanders, and there are no other particularly large number of international exchange students, so they will be more used to speak in Icelandic all the time, because for example, I studied international affairs when I exchanged in France, the entire class is actually not a lot of French people, to a variety of nationalities are there. So the French people also had to be forced to speak English, so it didn’t feel like that much.

然后比如说我在牛津第一次的时候,那时候我英语还没有那么好,但大家所有人都讲英语,那个班级有80个人还是1个挺大的项目,有20个中国人,因为大家中英文可能都没有那么好,所以就会中国人抱团,然后你也知道其实也会被诟病的一点。 Then for example, when I was in Oxford for the first time, at that time my English was not so good, but everyone spoke English, the class had 80 people or a pretty big project, there were 20 Chinese people, because everyone in English may not be so good, so it will be Chinese people huddle, and then you know actually will be criticized a little.

在国外留学的时候,很多人会说中国留学留学生就老是自己混在一起,但我觉得这个也是可以理解,为什么?一个是当然说中文比较容易,大家英语没有那么好。 When studying abroad, many people will say that Chinese students are always mixed together, but I think this is also understandable, why? One is, of course, it is easier to speak Chinese, and everyone’s English is not that good.

第二个是吃的东西,就是大家喜欢做的社交活动真的很不一样。我们中国人在一起社交,就是说去吃饭,然后吃中国菜吃火锅,然后外国人就没有办法加入进来 The second thing is that the food is really different from the social activities we like to do. We Chinese socialize together, that is, we go to dinner, and then eat Chinese food and eat hot pot, and then there is no way for foreigners to join in

Frank 20:12

是,不过对最初感觉是这样,但是渐渐我现在可能我主要的一个在社交活动还适合中国人,但是我会渐渐的有时候可能遇到外国朋友的话,就会邀请他们一起来吃饭,或者一起尝试做饭,但有时候可能他们喜欢,有时候可能没有这么喜欢。 Yes, but at first it feels like that, but gradually I may now my main one in the social activities still suitable for Chinese, but I will gradually sometimes may meet foreign friends, will invite them to come together for dinner, or try to cook together, but sometimes they may like, sometimes may not like so much.

但是感觉这样的一些多和当地人或者和其他一些来这里的外国同学一起交流是非常棒的体验,我觉得我应该还是会努力的越来越多的这样去做。 But I think it’s a great experience to interact with the locals or other foreign students who come here, and I think I’ll try to do that more and more.

XQ 20:52

对,还是要打破这个偏见,然后打破自己的圈子,我觉得语言是一个大比较大的隔阂,但是一旦比如说英语其他语言比较comfortable了以后,还是可以跟当地人多交流。 Yes, we still have to break this prejudice, and then break our own circle, I think the language is a big comparative barrier, but once for example English and other languages are more comfortable, you can still communicate with the locals more.

Frank 21:06

多走出语言的舒适圈,对。 I think it’s important to get out of the comfort zone of the language, yes.

XQ 21:10

然后我觉得外国人其实也是一样的,如果学中文的外国朋友,其实中国人很喜欢跟外国朋友讲中文的对吧?特别是正在学习中文的,我们是很欢迎的,所以也不要羞涩,如果你在国外在中国交流的话,多多跟中国朋友混在一起,跟他们一起吃火锅,他们就会很高兴的。 I think foreigners are also the same, if they learn Chinese, Chinese people actually like to speak Chinese with their foreign friends, right? Especially those who are learning Chinese, we are very welcome, so don’t be shy, if you are abroad in China, if you communicate with Chinese friends, mix more with Chinese friends, eat hot pot with them, they will be very happy.

Frank 21:33 Frank 21:33

是的,对,我在国内上学的时候,因为我喜欢学语言,我每次见到外国同学就特别开心,就和他们一起聊天的讲英语、法语、德语这些就让我感觉很开心,然后又可以了解到新的事物,新的文化每次都非常的期待,对。 Yes, yes, when I went to school at home, because I like to learn the language, I was particularly happy every time I saw foreign students, just chatting with them speaking English, French, German, which made me feel very happy, and then I could learn new things, new culture every time I was very much looking forward to it, yes.

XQ 21:53

好,谢谢Frank,今天我们先聊到这里,好,下次我们再见,周末愉快,好谢谢。 Okay, thanks Frank, that’s it for today, okay, we’ll see you next time, have a good weekend, okay thanks.

Frank 22:00

拜拜。 Bye!

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Thank you sm for the transcriptions and translation of this podcast !! It helps me with improving my listening and reading chinese skills ❤️
