Episode 40 | 第一次和听众对话!First time talking to an audience!

XQ 00:02
大家好,今天的节目非常的特别,因为今天我们有第一次和听众的分享和听众一起聊天,所以非常高兴今天有OKJ在这里。 OKJ hello你好。 Hello everyone, today’s show is very special because today we have our first share with the listeners and chat with the listeners, so it’s very nice to have OKJ here today. OKJ hello hello.
OKJ 00:27
我实在我不懂是怎么称呼你,XQ好吧? I really I don’t know how to call you, XQ okay?
XQ 00:32
嗯嗯XQ可以的,对OKJ刚才我跟他稍微聊了一会儿,他竟然是我们 Podcast的非常老的听众粉丝,你可以讲一下你学中文,然后是怎么样发现我们这个频道以及比如说你对我们 podcast喜不喜欢,然后有没有对你的中文学习有帮助? OKJ I just had a little chat with him, he’s actually a very old fan of our Podcast, can you tell us how you learned Chinese and how you found our channel and how you like our podcast, for example, and then did it help you learn Chinese?
OKJ 00:57
首先我是怎么找到你的,其实是很简单的,我刚开始在学汉语的时候,我突然想到可能应该我一边在锻炼的时候,一边听podcast,应该会发挥我对这个语言的对他可能会比较熟悉一点。可是不懂为什么每次在Spotify找到的那些podcast,我觉得他们讲话的不自然,因为他们是在读小说的还是什么,我就对他们没有什么兴趣。 First of all, how I found you, in fact, is very simple, I just began to learn Chinese, I suddenly thought that I should probably be exercising while listening to the podcast, should play my on this language to him may be more familiar with a little. But I didn’t understand why every time I found those podcasts on Spotify, I felt that they spoke unnaturally because they were reading novels or something, so I had no interest in them.
当要放弃的时候,突然就找到了一个瞎扯学中文,其实我大那时候我不了解你的是什么,我就好吧,我就按你就有你更搭,然后你就跟你朋友讲话就很有趣。可能也是因为你的特点是,你的朋友是从全世界国外(世界各地)他们自己的经验。 When to give up, suddenly found a nonsense to learn Chinese, in fact, I am big that time I do not understand what you are, I will be okay, I will press you will have you more hitch, and then you will speak with your friends is very interesting. Probably also because your characteristic is that your friends are from all over the world abroad (around the world) their own experience.
OKJ 02:02
所以我就觉得那些内容特别的有趣,尤其是因为你对他们所聊的态度非常轻松,就很像在听朋友聊天一样。 So I found the content particularly interesting, especially because you were very relaxed about what they were talking about, it was very much like listening to a friend talk.
然后我就听过人家说如果要学语言的话,最主要的是听,然后说听了你的整个Podcast那么久,今天有这个机会能跟你一起说话是我的荣幸。 And then I’ve heard people say that if you want to learn a language, the main thing is to listen, and then they say that after listening to your whole Podcast for so long, it’s an honor to have this opportunity to talk with you today.
XQ 02:28
我也是第一次听到有听众的反馈,所以我也特别的高兴能够听到 podcast对你确实有帮助,而且像你说的就是这种自然的和朋友的对话,一开始也是我做 Pod cast的初衷,因为我在学习其他语言的时候也找不到非常自然的比较有意思的对话,很多都是像读一个script,所以也是为什么我开始了我的 podcast,而且我觉得ok你现在的中文已经真的说的很好,你是从去年1月份才开始学习的吗? It’s the first time I’ve heard feedback from a listener, so I’m especially happy to hear that the podcast was really helpful to you, and like you said, it’s this natural conversation with friends, and that was my original intention of doing the Pod cast in the beginning, because I couldn’t find very natural and interesting conversations when I was learning other languages, and a lot of them were like reading a script, so that’s also why I started my podcast. So that’s why I started my podcast, and I think ok your Chinese now has been really well spoken, did you just start learning from last January?
OKJ 03:05
这不代表我从可能我不是从零就好像连一个字都不会讲,因为我自己本身也是新加坡华人,所以我在家里我是讲华语的,可是可能就是应该没那么流利,拼音也是没有那么准,然后读跟写的方面是最弱的。 It doesn’t mean I’m not from probably I’m not from zero it seems like even a word won’t be spoken, because I’m a Singaporean Chinese myself, so I’m at home I’m speaking Mandarin, but maybe it should just not be that fluent, the pinyin is also not that accurate, and then the reading and writing aspect is the weakest.
XQ 03:29
所以你现在有在学习读和写汉字。 So you’re learning to read and write Chinese characters now.
OKJ 03:34
对,尤其是因为我多三个月要去考,我最大的考试就是新加坡的 O水准(’O’ Level),在考试中是必须要读那些内容,读得快,了解他在问些什么,然后还需要写这些方面,其实我还是有些困难再来学习,可能也不开放不了。 Yes, especially because I’m going to take the test in three more months, my biggest test is Singapore’s O’ Level, in which you have to read the content, read fast, understand what he’s asking, and then you also need to write these aspects, in fact, I still have some difficulties to learn again, and it may not be open.
XQ 03:58
我和刚才我忽然想到一个问题,因为其实也是第一次你见到我的本人,刚才你也见到了David,也是我们 podcast的非常经常出现的嘉宾。我不知道你之前在只听到我们声音的时候,会不会对我们在日常生活中的长相或者真实的模样有什么的想象? I and just now I suddenly thought of a problem, because in fact it is also the first time you see me in person, just now you also met David, is also a very frequent guest of our podcast. I wonder if you had any imagination of what we look like in our daily lives or what we really look like when you only heard our voices before?
然后当你看到我们长相的时候,有没有一些比如说shock或者difference? And then when you see what we look like, is there any shock or difference, for example?
OKJ 04:29
那是一个很有趣的问题,其实我不懂为什么我没有去想你们应该是长怎么样的,可能如果我想去猜想你们是像怎么样的,我只能说你跟你所有的朋友在你的pdcast都是有一个很热情的感觉。那个是我最主要的这种这种description,因为尤其是你们当讲话的时候突然有笑,有开玩笑,这些,我就觉得Joanne的生活其实很有趣,还有因为一从 podcast认识你了,就了解你也是在很多国家生活,不管是Nairobi还是你现在是在瑞士。 That’s a very interesting question, actually I don’t understand why I didn’t think about how you guys should look like, maybe if I wanted to guess how you guys are like, I can only say that you have a very warm feeling with all your friends in your pdcast. That’s my main kind of this description, because especially when you guys are talking suddenly have a laugh, have a joke, these, I think Joanne’s life is actually very interesting, and because as soon as I met you from the podcast, I understand that you are also living in many countries, whether it is Nairobi or you are now in Switzerland.
XQ 05:26
对现在在瑞士。 Yes, I’m in Switzerland.
OKJ 05:30
可能我最好奇的是为什么这个人想讲华语的,有过在Nairobi,也是有现在在瑞士,然后我自己也是在网上寻找一下,才懂你是在World Economic Forum工作的,然后就更羡慕你了,因为你不只是会至少说双语,而是会在这种那么大环境使用这个语言,其实我觉得应该是蛮蛮难的挑战的,尤其是在压力方面。 Maybe what I’m most curious about is why this person wants to speak Chinese, there was in Nairobi, there is also now in Switzerland, and then I myself also looked on the Internet to understand that you are working in the World Economic Forum, and then I envy you even more, because you will not only speak at least bilingual, but will use this language in such a large environment, in fact, I think it should be It’s quite a challenge, especially in terms of pressure.
XQ 06:05
对我觉得其实对我来说非常的也是新的体验,因为我们在podcast当中像你说的和我的老公和我的朋友,我们也是非常真诚的来分享我们生活当中的很多的经历,但其实我有看到很多的统计数据,比如说每一集会有几千个人来听,但是从来没有真正的想过说,其实我是再把我的生活分享给几千个人,这个世界上有几千个人,他们actually follow my life,他们知道我每天或者这段时间做了什么,所以这个还是蛮神奇的。但其实OKJ你自己也有一个,你是纪录片的导演,刚才你有提到,然后也有一个 Tiktok上面的短视频。 I think it’s actually a new experience for me, because we share a lot of our life experiences with my husband and my friends in the podcast, as you said, but actually I’ve seen a lot of statistics, for example, thousands of people come to listen to each episode, but I never really thought that I was actually sharing my life to thousands of people. There are thousands of people in this world who actually follow my life, they know what I do every day or this time, so this is still quite amazing. But actually OKJ you have one yourself, you’re a documentary filmmaker, you just mentioned that, and then there’s also a short video on Tiktok.
OKJ 06:52
所以我现在因为可能从小已经想要学华语了,可是因为小时候我觉得挑战太难了,然后也是为了其他的,因为我们也是有其他的科目,比如数学科学,所以在那时候放弃了。 So I’m now because I probably already wanted to learn Mandarin from a young age, but because as a child I found the challenge too difficult, and then also for other, because we also have other subjects, such as math science, so at that time gave up.
可是在那时放弃,我自己也就想到有一天,如果我长大后,可能在生活上已经真正的了解,哦这个语言,我必须要去学,所以才能使用。我会在那时候又再重新学习。 But giving up at that time, I thought to myself that one day, if I grow up, I might have really understood in life, oh this language, I have to learn it so I can use it. I would learn it all over again at that point.
那刚好因为我在做纪录片,然后我是在新加坡生活,新加坡我们大多数人祖先是华人,所以我总有一天,然后这已经发生过了,有这个机会采访有趣的人,可是他们只能说中文,在那个时候我就觉得很可惜,因为我有这个机会想要听了解这个人的故事,可是我无法真正的去了解他们的故事,因为我对华裔的语言没那么流利。 That just happened to be because I was doing a documentary, and then I was living in Singapore, most of us in Singapore have Chinese ancestors, so I always have one day, and then this has happened, there was this opportunity to interview interesting people, but they could only speak Chinese, at that time I felt very sorry, because I had this opportunity to want to listen to understand this person’s story, but I couldn’t really get to know their story, because I’m not that fluent in the Chinese language.
所以一有这些东西发生过,就去年在1月下定决心讲好,我真是又再重新开始学习华语。如果我只是学习华语,这样的话,我觉得我自己很容易放弃,因为我有在几年前过自己试一下,每一次太难了就放弃了。 So as soon as this stuff happened, it was last year in January when I made up my mind to speak well, and I really started learning Mandarin again again. If I had just learned Mandarin, I think I would have easily given up, because I had tried myself a few years ago, and every time it was too difficult, I gave up.
所以我突然有一个概念,反正我是做纪录片的,要不如我就在tiktok上做一个纪录片的系列,自导自演,每个星期我都必须要发出新的一集给观众看,这样也是有一种很好的压力去让我去进步,去面对这些挑战。还有也是要找有趣的内容,不然观众也是看了也是没有意义吗?我觉得对我来说对我的发展是挺好的。 So I suddenly have a concept, anyway I am making documentaries, why don’t I make a documentary series on tiktok, self-directed and self-acting, every week I have to send out a new episode for the audience to see, so there is also a good pressure to let me to progress, to face these challenges. There is also the need to find interesting content, otherwise the audience is also watching it is also meaningless? I think it’s good for me for my development.
XQ 09:10
我觉得你比我自律很多,每个星期都会发布一集新的,我的podcast经常一个月两个月,我就没有时间或者就懒,没有更新。那你的短视频,你在你的短视频当中最有意思的采访过的华语的嘉宾有什么有意思的经历,或者有意思的可以跟大家分享吗? I think you are a lot more self-disciplined than me, every week will release a new episode, my podcast often a month and two months, I will have no time or just lazy, no update. So what are your short videos, the most interesting interviews you’ve done with Chinese guests in your short videos, what are your interesting experiences, or interesting ones you can share with people?
OKJ 09:36
你这个是很像在问我在想我我最爱的孩子是谁?我可能只就会讲一些我刚拍完的一些视频,因为现在比较流利了,我就终于能拍一些我从几年前一直想要拍的,很像我刚才所说的,我有当做纪录片的时候遇到一些很有趣的人,可是因为我的华语没有那么流利,所以无法了解他的故事,他自己的历史。 You’re asking me who my favorite child is. I’ll probably just talk about some of the videos I just finished shooting, because now I’m more fluent, I’ll finally be able to shoot something I’ve been wanting to shoot since a few years ago, very much like I said earlier, I met some very interesting people when I was doing a documentary, but because I’m not that fluent in Chinese, I couldn’t understand his story, his own history.
而有这个先生叫黄耀天先生,是我4年前拍过他的一个纪录片,幸好他能听我讲英文,所以我会我采访他的时候用英文去问他问题,他会用华文回答,可是当我在做纪录片的时候我就懂,如果是很流利,在这个方面这个作品一定会更好。 And there is this gentleman named Mr. Huang Yaotian, a documentary I did 4 years ago, fortunately he can listen to me speak English, so I will I interview him in English to ask him questions, he will answer in Chinese, but when I was doing the documentary I understand, if it is very fluent, in this area this work will definitely be better.
前个月在2月的时候,我终于又再见到了第一次用华语跟他交流,其实在那时候我自己也是蛮感动的,因为我也是用了那个机会把那个视频就是把我想问的问题终于问了他。 The month before last, in February, I finally met him again for the first time to communicate with him in Chinese, in fact, at that time I myself was quite moved, because I also used that opportunity to put that video is to put the questions I wanted to ask him finally.
XQ 11:06
这个真的非常的特别,在比如说跟这位黄先生你的采访嘉宾沟通的过程当中,他有没有也发现你的中文提高了很多,而且在用中文的交流的时候,他会不会觉得更加亲切,也更加容易跟你交流? This is really special, for example, in the process of communicating with your interview guest, Mr. Huang, did he also find that your Chinese has improved a lot, and when communicating in Chinese, will he feel more friendly and easier to communicate with you?
OKJ 11:25
有,其实我发现到除了黄耀天先生,有些人我采访的是第一次见面的,他们是刚好看到我整个过程就讲很有趣,我宁愿我肯帮你用我们聊天的方式去让我更加的学习我的话语。 Yes, in fact I found that besides Mr. Huang Yaotian, some people I interviewed were meeting for the first time, and they happened to see me throughout the process and spoke very interestingly, and I would rather I would help you to learn my words more by the way we chat.
我每次看到他们的反应有两种,第一是如果他们是从我的系列认识我的话,他们就很很善良,因为在那时候他们的华语还是毕竟他们华语比我好,可是他们会很体谅的听我表示我想表达的,不管是问答问题还是故事,第二可能可以看他们的表情,我不知道为什么很多人我遇到的他们都是好像有老师的态度,然后老师可能最喜欢看到一个很有心的学生,在这方面他们也是就是(张开手臂拥抱)。 I see their reaction every time there are two kinds, the first is if they know me from my series, they are very very kind, because at that time their Mandarin or after all they Mandarin than me, but they will be very sympathetic to listen to me to express what I want to express, whether it is a question and answer questions or stories, the second may be able to see their expressions, I do not know why many people I meet they are as if there teacher’s attitude, and then the teacher probably likes to see a very attentive student the most, and in this regard they are also is (open arms hug).
XQ 12:47
对,所以其实刚才说到你做纪录片,你一般做纪录片的时候会有什么样的主题?比较感兴趣的话题是什么?比如说刚才你说的这位黄先生,你跟他聊的话题是什么? Right, so actually when you talk about you doing documentaries, what kind of topics do you usually have when you do documentaries? What are the topics that interest you more? For example, this Mr. Huang that you just mentioned, what was the topic that you talked to him about?
OKJ 13:07
那时候我跟黄先生聊的话题是关于失智症,因为他的父母都得了失智症,然后为了要和他的妈妈一起沟通,他们就刚好发现到其实他们以前村子的村子的这些故事,他的妈妈还很还很清醒的去记住全部这些故事,所以他就开始画画了。 The topic I talked to Mr. Huang was about dementia, because his parents both had dementia, and then in order to communicate with his mother, they happened to find out these stories about their village in the past, and his mother was still very much awake to remember all these stories, so he started to draw.
村子以前像怎么样,当他在画这些的时候,突然他很多以前的邻居发现到他在做这些画画,他们很乐意的去帮他实现这个梦想。 The village used to be like how, when he was painting these, suddenly many of his former neighbors found out that he was doing these paintings, and they were happy to help him realize this dream.
现在整个村子也是开始从以前很多人都忘了,只剩下一些照片一些故事,现在他们也是能把全部这些回忆留了下来,给下一代去看读欣赏。可是你刚才也是问了我每次拍的纪录片内容还有主题是什么?其实在这方面我通常没有去选我的主题是什么,其实就是在你可以说就是生命的魅力。刚刚好,我在当做一个纪录片,它可能吸引到其他人的关注,然后有一个人就会给我一个意见,o哦你应该去拍这个。好像黄耀天是我的朋友的男朋友的干爹。 Now the whole village is also beginning to forget from the past many people, only some photos some stories, now they are able to keep all these memories, to the next generation to see read and appreciate. But you just asked me what is the content and theme of each documentary I make? In fact, I usually do not choose my theme, in fact, you can say is the charm of life. I’m doing a documentary, it may attract the attention of other people, and then one person will give me an opinion, o Oh you should go shoot this. It’s like Huang Yaotian is the godfather of my friend’s boyfriend.
OKJ 15:00
然后他就讲他有一个很有趣的故事,你不如去看他,去聊一下,可能我觉得他的故事值得当做是一个纪录片。所以就是这样。 And then he’ll talk about how he has a very interesting story and you might as well go see him and talk about it and maybe I think his story is worthy of being a documentary. So that’s it.
XQ 15:13
觉得这个非常有意思。 Thought this was very interesting.
OKJ 15:16
对。 Right.
XQ 15:17
其实你是发现生命当中有意思的故事,有意思的经历,然后把它们记录下来,也是发现美丽的眼睛,很非常有意义。我觉得像比如说这些故事,如果不是你看到不是被你记录下来的话,可能就没有人会知道,也大家就会慢慢忘记这些故事。 In fact, you are finding interesting stories in life, interesting experiences, and then record them, is also to find the beautiful eye, very very meaningful. I think that if you didn’t see these stories, if you didn’t record them, no one would know about them, and people would forget about them.
而且我觉得通过对镜头的语言,因为我之前我大学的时候有一段时间非常喜欢拍照摄影,然后当我觉得我背着摄像机去到一个新的城市旅游的时候。我的心态会很不一样,因为我会想说我在想我就会经常想,这个画面很漂亮,我可以这样拍照,那个画面很漂亮,就会比我没有抱着摄影的心态去旅游的时候,更加专注,更加去就是我会每每时每刻在街上都会看,这个是一个美丽的画面,所以其实是我觉得会让人在来live a more examined life。 And I think through the language of the camera, because I was very fond of photography for a while before I was in college, and then when I think I carry a camera to travel to a new city. My mind will be very different, because I will want to say I am thinking I will often think, this picture is beautiful, I can take pictures like this, that picture is beautiful, it will be more focused than when I did not hold the mindset of photography to travel, more to go is I will every moment in the street will look, this is a beautiful picture, so in fact is I think will let people in to live a more examined life.
OKJ 16:22
我非常同意,对。 I couldn’t agree more, yes.
XQ 16:27
就是说回到你学中文的这个话题,因为刚才也聊了,其实是为什么你学中文的动机目标,然后你也提到说未来的考试还有80天对吗?你就要去参加很困难的中文考试,然后也有读和写的部分,可以给大家分享一下,比如说你学中文的时候最大的困难是什么?特别是在写汉字,我知道这是一个对于很多中文学习者来说最难的部分。你有什么心得体会吗? I mean, back to this topic of you learning Chinese, because just now we also talked about, actually, why you learn Chinese motivation goal, and then you also mentioned that there are 80 days left for the future exam, right? You’re going to take a very difficult Chinese exam, and then there’s also the reading and writing part, can you share with us, for example, what was the biggest difficulty you had when you were learning Chinese? Especially in writing Chinese characters, I know that’s one of the most difficult parts for many Chinese learners. Do you have any tips on how to do that?
OKJ 17:00
我不知道是有什么新的体会,他们每次就是说在学习汉语的时候就是听讲读写,那是后来我才发现到听讲读写这也是它的难度,听可能最容易,学是最难,然后现在可能听跟讲我已经发展的比较多,可是在读跟写每天就是一个新的挑战,尤其是可能是在我自己的信心,因为我可能ok好,今天我想练习写多50个字,很难的终于写完了,明天又再重新的开始,为什么我在50个字突然40个字我都忘了怎么写,或者有时在当考试的时候,我就会连最基本的事可能因为压力我就忘了怎么写,然后突然我自己觉得我是不是笨,还是不会认字,为什么会那么困难。 I don’t know what new experience I have, but every time they say that when learning Chinese it’s all about listening and reading and writing, that’s when I found out later that listening and reading and writing is also its difficulty, listening is probably the easiest, learning is the hardest, and now maybe I have developed more in listening and speaking, but reading and writing is a new challenge every day, especially maybe in my own confidence, because I am probably ok, today I Why do I suddenly forget how to write 40 words out of 50, or sometimes when I take a test, I forget how to write even the most basic things because I’m under pressure, and then suddenly I think to myself that I’m not stupid, or I can’t recognize words, and why it’s so difficult.
我到现在还没有去找真正的原因是什么,可是就是因为这样,我对这些东西很好奇,所以我是会把整个系列当做是一个借口去找这些有趣的人,可能会有我所想找的答案。 I haven’t looked for what the real reason is until now, but because of that, I am curious about these things, so I am going to use the whole series as an excuse to find these interesting people who might have the answers I am looking for.
所以是幸好我现在华语比较流利,我终于可以采访一些老师,比如他们是在专业去研究双语的能力,或者他们是老师,可是我就是想好,我用华语跟你采访我用华语,基本上就是我可能已经Earn this opportunity,有这个机会能从你学习。 So it is fortunate that I am now more fluent in Mandarin, I can finally interview some teachers, for example, they are in the profession to go into the ability to be bilingual, or they are teachers, but I just think well, I use Mandarin to interview you with me in Mandarin, basically that I may haveEarn this opportunity, there is this opportunity to be able to learn from you.
XQ 18:58
我觉得这是一个非常棒的主意,就是学语言,就像你说的很容易会失去动力或者失去信心,所以想一个办法,比如说对你来说,是逼迫自己去用华语跟别人对话,拍短视频拍纪录片系列这样的方式,然后来也是一种一个是激励自己,第二个也是说我可以用我学到的东西,然后把它用在我真正的生活当中,我可以看到它是有用的,这是一个非常棒的。 I think it’s a really great idea, is to learn the language, like you said it’s easy to lose motivation or lose confidence, so think of a way, for example, for you, is to force yourself to use Mandarin to talk to other people, to make short videos to make documentary series in this way, and then come also a kind of a motivation for yourself, the second is also to say that I can use what I learned, and then use it in my real I can see that it’s useful, and that’s a really great thing.
我觉得比如说 David,像我的老公,我们之前也说到过,他是一个软件工程师,有的时候我们会一起开发一些新的软件,然后他也学习中文,我们最近就在做一个新的软件,是可以把一个中文的书翻译成英语的书,然后每一段中文的下面就会有一段英语的翻译,这样你读起来的时候就会比较容易就可以,如果你中文没有读懂,可以直接看这一整段话的英语。 I think David, for example, like my husband, we have talked about it before, he is a software engineer, sometimes we will develop some new software together, and then he also learns Chinese, we are recently making a new software, it is possible to translate a Chinese book into an English book, and then under each paragraph of Chinese there will be a paragraph of English translation, so when you read it, it will be relatively easy to read. If you don’t understand the Chinese, you can read the whole paragraph directly in English.
然后我们想做这个软件是你可以把你自己想读的任何的中文的书上传到这个网站上,然后我们就会自动生成一个中英文这样interlace的,然后你可以下载到你的Kindle 或者epub,这样的话你就永远都可以读你感兴趣的小说,而不是下载那些已经网上生成的比较无聊的小说。 Then we want to do this software is that you can upload any Chinese book you want to read to this website, and then we will automatically generate a Chinese and English interlace, and then you can download it to your Kindle or epub, so that you can always read the novel you are interested in, rather than downloading those already online generated more boring novels.
通过这个方法我们就已经翻译了比如说哈利波特的中文版,然后我们做了之前我们读完了一整套的西游记,然后每天晚上他就会读一些,因为这个故事本身很有趣,所以也会经历它一直读下去。所以anyways我觉得学语言确实是需要一个找到你感兴趣的文章,找到你感兴趣的方法。 Through this method we have translated for example the Chinese version of Harry Potter, and then we did it before we finished reading a whole set of Journey to the West, and then every night he would read some of it, because the story itself is very interesting, so it would also go through it to read all the time. So ANYWAY I think learning a language does require a way to find articles that interest you and find what interests you.
OKJ 20:54
这样的话我可以问你一个问题吗?其实我很好奇的是关于因为你们的软件是直接翻译汉语,成英文现在我自己也是有这个困难,我的英语还是比较有利的。 In that case can I ask you a question? I’m actually curious about because your software is directly translating Chinese into English now I myself have this difficulty, my English is still more favorable.
Speaking English to me is perfectly fine and sometimes when it gets too difficult,I really want to use English的,可是当在用华语来沟通,意思还有用的词完全不一样。我现在在这方面,其实很多人都在推荐我,当我在刚开始学习,不要在脑海里把想到英文的造句,把它翻译成华语,也可能意思不一样。还有你这样做的话会有险,因为华裔他的表达的可能表达的能力完全不一样,你在这方面你有什么看法? Speaking English to me is perfectly fine and sometimes when it gets too difficult, I really want to use English, but when in using Chinese to communicate, the meaning and the words used are completely different. I am now in this area, in fact, many people are recommending me, when I am just starting to learn, do not put in your mind to think of English sentences, translate it into Chinese, but also may not mean the same. And you will have a risk if you do so, because the Chinese may express his expression of the ability to express completely different, what do you have in this regard what do you think?
XQ 21:58
我觉得你说得很对,其实学任何的语言到到某一个阶段都不应该是把你脑海中的就是自己的母语翻译成目标语言,所以我觉得翻译是一个不确实是不对的一个策略。 I think you’re right, in fact, learning any language to a certain stage should not be to translate what is in your head is your native language into the target language, so I think translation is a strategy that is not really wrong.
我觉得对于我们这个软件来说,为什么我们不是每一个字或者每一句话翻译,而是一段一段的翻译,就是因为这个原因。我们希望读这个小说的人你读一整段的中文,然后如果你有一句一个字看不懂,然后你可以在英文的一段话里面去找那个字,而且因为你是一整段话去翻译的话,它会把它的意思保持的比较完整,所以就不会是非常literal的翻译,对,所以它是有context。 I think for our software, why we do not translate every word or every sentence, but paragraph by paragraph, is because of this reason. We hope that people who read this novel you read a whole paragraph of Chinese, and then if you have a sentence a word can not read, and then you can go in the English paragraph to find that word, and because you are a whole paragraph to translate words, it will keep its meaning more complete, so it will not be very literal translation, yes, so it is there context.
OKJ 22:46
其实你们做的蛮有意义的,尤其我就是很我当在整个学习的过程也是发现到了一件东西,我现在必须要欣赏我们今天所有的这种特技,因为很像我在学校的时候,是15年15年前iPhone都还没出来,现在2023年,你要词典吗?有Pleco,这些都很容易都很方便。科技真的是很让我们学习的方式变多了。 In fact, what you guys are doing makes quite a bit of sense, especially I just very much I when in the whole process of learning is also found to one thing, I now have to appreciate all the kind of stunts we have today, because very much like when I was in school, it was 15 years 15 years ago the iPhone was not even out, now in 2023, you want a dictionary? There’s Pleco, all of this is easy all very convenient. Technology is really very much making us learn in more ways.
XQ 23:33
对多元化,因为现在想学习一门新的语言,网上面有非常多的资料,特别是中文,像你说的YouTube,你可以看很多的综艺节目,可以看电视剧,然后也可以听podcast,现在也有AI人工智能,所以其实我们在这个软件的开发当中,我们还想到用ChatGPT,因为ChatGPT现在非常的就是发展得非常快。 Diversity, because now you want to learn a new language, there is a lot of information on the Internet, especially in Chinese, like you said YouTube, you can watch a lot of variety shows, you can watch TV shows, and then you can also listen to podcasts, and now there is AI artificial intelligence, so in fact, we also think of using ChatGPT in the development of this software, because ChatGPT is now developing very fast.
然后我们在想有一个功能是可以,比如说每一个用户他可以生成自己的flash card,比如说你有你的单词本vocabulary,对吧?但是 instead of你不是单纯地去背这些单词,而是每天我们会用chatGPT来根据你的今天的单词生成一个小故事。 And then we were thinking that there is a function that can, for example, each user he can generate his own flash card, for example, you have your word book vocabulary, right? But instead of you simply memorizing these words, every day we will use chatGPT to generate a short story based on your word of the day.
这个小故事里面会包含你所有的单词,然后你就在可以读每天一个新的故事的时候来复习你想要复习的这些单词,所以这就是也会让复习单词的过程变得更加有意思,也可以在语境当中在context里面复习。 This small story will contain all your words, and then you can read a new story every day to review these words you want to review, so this is what will also make the process of reviewing words more interesting, but also in context in the context of review.
但是anyways我觉得人工智能的发展让现在很多的语言学习,自然语言就natural language processing发展得非常快,所以有很多可以想象的空间。 But anyways I think the development of artificial intelligence makes a lot of language learning now, natural language processing is developing very fast, so there’s a lot of room for imagination.
OKJ 24:58
我也是希望可能接下来的5年或10年,我们的学习的方式又在完全改变了,也是这样,也是可以希望更多学生还是更多文明能找他自己最适合的方式去学习。 I also hope that maybe the next 5 or 10 years, our way of learning is completely changed again, also so, also can hope that more students or more civilization can find his own most suitable way to learn.
因为其实我刚刚也是采访了一个就是翻译家?我现在好像David专业昂样,每次都会华语的词忘了就要问你。 Because in fact, I just interviewed a translator? I now seem to David professional ang kind, every time will Chinese words forgotten to ask you.
对,翻译家,因为我自己对这个题目非常有好奇,因为有些人我觉得他们的看法是如果有这些融人工的科技,我为什么要去学习语言?因为很像我现在在录这个是在用 Google pixel, Google pixel它的一个功能就是我说英文它可以传script的华语,这样你就不需要去写新的语言了。 Yes, translator, because I myself am very curious about this topic, because some people I think their view is that if there are these melt artificial technology, why should I go to learn the language? Because it’s very much like I’m recording this right now with Google pixel, one of the features of Google pixel is that I can speak English and it can transmit the script in Mandarin, so you don’t need to write a new language.
可是我现在因为跟这些长辈,如果你可以这样说,这些讲长辈真正的了解语言的质量是什么?我自己也是学会去欣赏它的魅力,不管是很像在写字,还是自己,它可以发挥你的自己的想想法,好像如果我现在去用英语去想一些东西,跟用华语去想一些东西,其实是不一样的。 But I am now because with these elders, if you can say so, these speaking elders really understand the quality of the language is what? I myself have learned to appreciate its charm, whether it is very much like in writing, or myself, it can play with your own thinking ideas, like if I go now to think of something in English, and think of something in Mandarin, it is actually not the same.
我也是希望在学新的华语的语言,我可以也是提高我自己英文的想象力。 I also hope that in learning a new Chinese language, I can also be improving my own English imagination.
XQ 26:50
对你说的没错,其实又有很多的科技可以帮助我们翻译,但是语言学习语言的过程并不是那么的功利化,不是就是为了沟通,当然沟通是很重要的一部分,但是是学习一门新的语言,是可以让你的脑子改变脑回路,改变rewire your brain,所以你可以有新的想法,然后你对世界的整个怎么看世界理解世界的方法都会不一样,所以我同意对我来说,学习语言这个过程本身本身就是非常的enjoyable。 Yes you are right, in fact there is a lot of technology again can help us translate, but the process of language learning language is not so utilitarian, not is to communicate, of course communication is a very important part, but is learning a new language, is possible to make your brain change brain circuit, change rewire your brain, so you can have new ideas, and then you to the world The whole how to see the world to understand the world will be different, so I agree that for me, the process of learning the language itself is very ENJOYABLE.
OKJ 27:25
对我希望在接下来今年能在学多一点成语,因为我真的很喜欢成语,他们能表示的故事还有道理。还有也是很像学习孔子这些,我才刚刚学到孔子是谁,还有他的全部这些道德的故事,还有解释这些都很有意义的,可是如果你翻译的话,有时他的意思就失去了。所以学习新的语言句式可能就是提高我整个人生的能所体验到的机会,对。 Yes I hope to learn more idioms this year because I really like idioms, the stories and the truths they can represent. I just learned who Confucius was and all his moral stories, and it makes sense to explain them, but if you translate them, sometimes the meaning is lost. So learning new language sentences might be the opportunity to improve what I can experience throughout my life, yeah.
XQ 28:13
对,下一次我们可以做一期节目,专门来讲一讲成语,然后古汉语,歇后语都很有意思。 Yeah, next time we can do a show dedicated to idioms, and then ancient Chinese, hysterics are very interesting.
OKJ 28:20
你要给我多一点时间。 You have to give me a little bit more time.
XQ 28:23
也祝你80天以后的中文考试顺利通过。这个也蛮有意思的,好今天也聊了很多了,谢谢OKJ我们之后请麻烦把你的所有的纪录片,然后你的txt的频道链接都发给我,这样可以放到我们的pod cast的留言区,大家都可以看到。 I also wish you good luck in passing your Chinese exam in 80 days. This is also quite interesting, well today also chatted a lot, thanks OKJ we after please trouble to send me all your documentaries, and then your txt channel links, so that can be put into the message area of our pod cast, everyone can see.
然后真的非常感谢第一次跟听众聊天,我也是非常开心受益匪浅。 And then really appreciate talking to the listeners for the first time, I’m also very happy to benefit a lot.
OKJ 33:40
受益匪浅这个词我还没听得懂,可是等一下你写你发给我,我会去读!可是这也是想谢谢你今天给我这个机会又再去练习,跟你用华语沟通。 I don’t understand the word “benefited” yet, but wait a minute you write you send me, I’ll read it! But this is also to thank you for giving me this opportunity to practice again today and communicate with you in Mandarin.
XQ 33:51 谢谢你,好的好的,拜拜。