Episode 42 |我真系好钟意香港 I really love Hong Kong

Convo Chinese
16 min readApr 22, 2023

Xinqing 00:02

Hello大家好,欢迎大家又回到我们新的一期节目。今天有一位我的老朋友,原来我们在中国的时候认识也是我以前的同事,他这个星期正好在日内瓦出差,所以很高兴可以跟他录这一期的节目, Anthony Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of our show. Today I have an old friend of mine who I used to work with when we were in China, and he’s in Geneva on business this week, so I’m happy to be able to record this episode with him, Anthony.

Anthony 00:28

大家好,很高兴今天有机会和Xinqing一起跟大家一起聊天,对就是聊天。 Hello everyone, it’s great to have the opportunity to talk with Xinqing today, yes talk.

Xinqing 00:39

然后Anthony正好其实现在一个公司是在总部在日内瓦的公司工作,对吧?对。 And then Anthony happens to be working for a company that’s based in Geneva, right? Right.

Anthony 00:47

所以也是其实之前很早就应该过来出差了,但因为疫情各种出差不够便利了,最近终于有这个机会可以当面和Xinqing我们一起开车一起聊天,聊聊以前一起工作的情况,所以好好高兴能够今天对一起对参加这个节目,对。 So it’s actually a long time ago that I should have come over for a business trip, but because of the epidemic all kinds of business trips are not convenient enough, and recently I finally had this opportunity to drive together with Xinqing and talk about the previous work together, so I’m very happy to be able to join this program today, yes.

Xinqing 01:09

其实也特别巧,我跟Anthony我们是一个初中的,在中国的时候,然后我们都在麦肯锡咨询公司工作过,然后后来又去了一个同样的公司,然后现在又在日内瓦见面。 Actually, it’s a coincidence that Anthony and I went to junior high school together in China, and then we both worked at McKinsey & Company, and then we went to the same company, and now we’re meeting again in Geneva.

所以其实人生旅途当中就是有很多相似的点。刚才我们还在回忆说,我们都在初中的时候学过德语,就特别的random So there are actually many similarities in our life journey. Just now we were reminiscing that we both learned German in junior high school, and it was particularly random

Anthony 01:33

而且上一次见面好像还是在肯尼亚。对,我那也是4年前了。 And I think the last time we met was in Kenya. Yeah, that was four years ago for me too.

Xinqing 01:39

真的。 Really.

Anthony 01:41

太不容易了,现在就是这次疫情缓和了之后,其实有机会能够见到很多老朋友,所以这次在日内瓦看到,因为我都对吧也是你也没有搬过来太久,然后看到自己的生活特别好,非常开心。 It’s so hard, now that the epidemic has subsided, I actually had the opportunity to see a lot of old friends, so it was great to see them in Geneva this time, because I’m all right also you haven’t moved here for too long, and then it’s great to see that your life is especially good.

Xinqing 01:57

对,今天早上Anthony你刚刚到日内瓦,其实飞机刚到,然后我们去了一个就是瑞士餐厅,吃了非常著名的Raclette. Yes, this morning Anthony you just arrived in Geneva, actually the plane just arrived, and then we went to a Swiss restaurant and ate the very famous Raclette.

Anthony 02:08

对,虽然跟想象的不太一样,但味道还不错的。 Yeah, it wasn’t quite what I expected, but it tasted pretty good.

Xinqing 02:14

对,然后刚才是说今天聊什么,因为安芬妮现在住在香港,因为他负责的是你负责的算是亚洲区业务,对。 Yeah, and then just talking about what we’re talking about today because Anfernee is now living in Hong Kong because he’s in charge of what you’re in charge of is sort of the Asian business, yeah.

Anthony 02:26

对,因为其实在金融界香港的金融行业还是比较发达的,我也是三年前搬到香港来工作,我觉得总体来说,当然这几年香港还是经历了挺多变化了,但还是一个非常不错的城市。无论是工作生活,而且有很多老朋友认识很多新朋友,对我也我觉得香港大家有机会可以一起来看看。 Yes, because in fact in the financial sector in Hong Kong, the financial industry is still relatively developed, I also moved to Hong Kong three years ago to work, I think in general, of course, these years Hong Kong still experienced a lot of changes, but still a very good city. Both work and life, and there are a lot of old friends to meet a lot of new friends, I also think that Hong Kong we have the opportunity to come to see.

Xinqing 02:53

对,之前我其实没有在香港住过,一般都是旅游去香港,我觉得给我印象比较深的一个是天气,我个人其实不是很喜欢香港,一个我觉得天气特别的潮湿,太热了。然后每次我觉得夏天的时候洗完澡出去就一身汗,基本上等于白洗。 Yes, I have not actually lived in Hong Kong before, usually travel to Hong Kong, I think I was impressed by the weather, I personally actually do not like Hong Kong, one I think the weather is particularly humid, too hot. Then every time I think the summer time after the shower out all sweaty, basically equal to wash in vain.

然后第二个是我觉得香港的住宿住房条件实在是太特别的贵,然后住的房子很小,对。 Then the second is that I think the housing conditions in Hong Kong are too expensive, and then the houses are very small, yes.

Anthony 03:25

是的,香港的确我觉得气候都是相对的,香港每年夏天很长,而且的确很热,但是它的春季和秋季或者说它短暂的冬季其实是特别舒适的。那个时候天气非常好,而且可以户外,因为香港整个城市里边都是各种山爬山,你到海上面做各种运动其实都是很便利的,所以香港我觉得在一年这个季节好的时候是特别舒服的。 Yes, I think the climate in Hong Kong is relative, Hong Kong has long summers every year, and it’s really hot, but its spring and autumn or its short winter is actually very comfortable. The weather is very good at that time, and you can be outdoors, because the whole city of Hong Kong is full of all kinds of mountains and hills, and you can go to the sea to do all kinds of sports is actually very convenient, so Hong Kong I think in the good season of the year is particularly comfortable.

但如果你只有在夏天去过香港,的确它是有点热,但是它也不会热到说40度那种,38度它一般就是三十五六度已经很热,因为也比较潮湿,但也不会像有些地方那么夸张。 But if you have only been to Hong Kong in the summer, it is indeed a little hot, but it will not be hot to say 40 degrees kind of, 38 degrees it is generally 35 or 36 degrees already very hot, because also more humid, but also will not be like some places so exaggerated.

Xinqing 04:12

我觉得因为特别潮湿,而且香港你大家可能也知道非常嘈杂,人非常多,所以有的时候比如说你去一个早茶店,早茶就是吃dim sum,然后你去找茶店就又很挤,人很多又很热的时候,心情会有点烦躁。 I think because of the special humidity, and Hong Kong you may also know that very noisy, very many people, so there are times such as when you go to a morning tea store, morning tea is to eat dim sum, and then you go to find a tea store is very crowded, a lot of people and very hot time, the mood will be a little irritable.

Anthony 04:32

对,的确会没有办法了。 Yes, indeed there will be no way out.

因为现在大家都在比较香港和新加坡,对。 Because now everyone is comparing Hong Kong and Singapore, right.

Xinqing 04:39

我刚才就想问你,你是感觉。 I was just going to ask you, you are feeling.

Anthony 04:41

从如果你说气候的话,肯定香港还是更好一点,新加坡是没有四季之分的,对吧?而且一年都是很热,香港其实还是有相对短暂,但其实如果运气不错的话,还是有几个月了,它的春天和秋天其实是非常舒服的。 If you’re talking about the climate, definitely Hong Kong is a little bit better, Singapore has no seasons, right? And it’s very hot all year, Hong Kong actually still has relatively short, but actually if you’re lucky, it’s still a few months, it’s actually very comfortable in spring and autumn.

它冬天会有那么一两周,就是五六度那种也会挺冷的,因为他们一般都没有那种热的空调。 It can be quite cold in winter for a week or two, just five or six degrees, because they generally don’t have the kind of hot air conditioning.

Xinqing 05:07

有暖气大多数。 There is heating for the most part.

Anthony 05:09

都是没有配备的,所以就那段时间你也比较难熬,但大多数时候都很好,而且香港就像我说的户外运动真的是一个非常好的地方。 are not equipped, so on that time you are also more difficult to survive, but most of the time it is very good, and Hong Kong as I said outdoor sports is really a very good place.

但住房刚刚Xinqing说的住房,这就是一个很大的问题,因为香港的确地很小,而且很其实香港的面积不小,但是很多地因为它自然风景也比较好,然后就没有去开发,大家房子又贵又小,我觉得这个是去过香港的人都有这个体会了。 But housing just Xinqing said housing, this is a big problem, because Hong Kong is indeed very small, and very in fact, the area of Hong Kong is not small, but a lot of land because it is also relatively good natural scenery, and then not to develop, we house and expensive and small, I think this is the people who have been to Hong Kong have this experience.

但如果在香港经常待,然后你愿意如果工作不是说天天要去市中心的话,其实香港有很多相对郊外的也有一个一些面积挺大的房子,而且那些生活它整个社区里边有学校那种,还有海滩什么都很舒适的,但这种就得自己去挖掘,这些有但绝大多数人的确他住的地方相对环境还是不是特别好。 But if you often stay in Hong Kong, and then you are willing to work if you do not have to go to the city center every day, in fact, there are many relatively suburban Hong Kong also has a number of houses with a large area, and those who live it the whole community has a school kind, and the beach what are very comfortable, but this will have to dig themselves, these have but the vast majority of people do he live in a place where the relative environment is not particularly good.

Xinqing 06:13

你说的那些房子在郊外大概离市中心多远? How far from the city center are the houses you mentioned in the suburbs?

Anthony 06:17

其实交通坐地,我比方说有个地方叫鱼景湾,它离机场很近,他其实去中环也很便利,因为他有渡轮,他直接是到达中环的,所以说你只要算好时间,每半小时一班你赶上去上班也很方便,让如果家里人像小孩在那里读书学习,然后他那里有海滩,待会看周末大家玩沙滩排球,对吧?就都很方便,但那里而且是不能开车进去的。 In fact, the traffic is sitting on the ground, I let’s say there is a place called Fishview Bay, it is very close to the airport, he actually go to Central is also very convenient, because he has a ferry, he is directly to Central, so that you just calculate the time, every half an hour you catch up to work is also very convenient, let if the family like children studying there, and then he has a beach there, later to see the weekend we play beach volleyball, right? It’s very convenient, but you can’t drive in there.

他们基本上里边像有这种高尔夫球车一样。 They basically have like this golf cart inside.

Xinqing 06:55

你说的有点像富人区的感觉。 You’re talking about kind of like a rich neighborhood.

Anthony 06:58

当然有这种感觉,但是其实它里边的房子跟中环相比是很便宜的,所以并没有说其实大多数住在那是中产阶级了,对吧?我觉得大家可以去了解一下,他现在也在开发,相信这段时间香港政府也在说北部都会区靠近深圳那块,它会更多的开发,然后新的就是大屿山,就是机场那边他也会有更多的开发,其实也是要解决住房的问题。 Of course it feels like that, but actually the houses in it are very cheap compared to Central, so it doesn’t say that actually most people living there are middle class, right? I think we can go to understand, he is now also in the development, I believe that this period of time the Hong Kong government is also saying that the northern metropolitan area near the Shenzhen piece, it will be more development, and then the new is Lantau Island, is the airport side he will also have more development, in fact, is also to solve the housing problem.

Xinqing 07:29

但你刚才说到一个点,就是在其实香港有很多的户外活动,我觉得其实跟很多人的印象相悖,我之前没有去过香港之前,印象中的香港就是 Shopping很多的购物中心,然后很嘈杂,但是我去了以后才知道离自然很近,有很多的山可以就周末可以去徒步。 But you just said to a point, is in fact, Hong Kong has a lot of outdoor activities, I think actually with many people’s impression contrary, I have not been to Hong Kong before, the impression of Hong Kong is Shopping a lot of shopping malls, and then very noisy, but I went to know after very close to nature, there are a lot of mountains can be on the weekend can go hiking.

对,其实是很多人其实不知道这个的。 Yes, in fact, many people actually do not know this.

Anthony 07:56

对,但其实你去问在香港生活过的人,基本上大家的兴趣爱好都有“行山”,行山其实就是去徒步的爬山,还有很多人喜欢像冲浪划船有在,因为它真的是很方便,而且像我们当时刚刚加入麦肯锡的时候,都会在香港参加划船爬山的这种户外的运动。 Yes, but in fact, if you ask people who have lived in Hong Kong, basically everyone’s hobby has “hiking”, hiking is actually to go hiking climbing, and many people like to surf and paddle in, because it is really convenient, and like when we just joined McKinsey, we will participate in this kind of outdoor sports in Hong Kong to paddle and climb. The sports.

对,其实我那时候在香港就真的感受到,虽然离是繁华的都市那么近,但是自己在一个无人区一样的地方搭着帐篷在那里睡。 Yes, in fact, I was in Hong Kong at that time really feel, although it is so close to the bustling city, but they are in a no man’s land like a place to sleep there with a tent.

Xinqing 08:33

我觉得这个很神奇的就是离繁华的世界这么近,但是却又有保护得很好的自然。 I think it’s amazing that this is so close to the bustling world, but yet there is well-protected nature.

Anthony 08:40

对,所以我觉得香港其实生活还是挺舒适的。当然如果他的住房能够更好的解决的话,我相信就是一个更加适合居住的地方。 Yes, so I think Hong Kong is actually quite comfortable to live in. Of course if his housing could be solved better, I believe it would be a much better place to live.

Xinqing 08:50

除了户外活动的话,还有什么方面你是觉得是香港住在香港的优势? Apart from outdoor activities, what other aspects do you think are the advantages of living in Hong Kong?

Anthony 08:56

我觉得香港的公共交通应该说是全世界最好的之一了,香港的地铁我去过很多地方,我感受大概只有日本的地铁可以比香港更好一点。因为香港地铁它的设计特别合理,基本上你想在中国大陆,其实那些新的地铁都非常现代化,但是它的设计比方说两条线的转乘对吧? I think Hong Kong’s public transportation is one of the best in the world. I have been to many places in Hong Kong, and I think only Japan’s subway can be a little bit better than Hong Kong. Basically, if you think about mainland China, those new subways are actually very modern, but its design, let’s say the interchange of two lines, right?

进出的队伍,是其实这个也是在当时工程师设计的时候没有考虑的特别周全。 The queue of entry and exit, is actually this is also at the time when the engineers did not consider the design of particularly well thought out.

Xinqing 09:28

对在上海转乘有的时候两条地铁线路中间转乘要走5分钟钟,对特别远。 Yes, in Shanghai, sometimes it takes 5 minutes to transfer between two subway lines, which is very far.

Anthony 09:35

香港基本上你下来对面就是你要转成的线对吧? Hong Kong is basically the line you want to transfer to when you get off, right?

而且它还有很多的住房商场跟地铁连着的,所以香港的港铁它其实是一个盈利的机构,对吧?因为当时香港政府也给了他很多地皮,然后他可以在那些地铁站上面的所谓的叫地铁上盖的那些住宅,像我现在就住在一个这样的小区,我上班的时候都不用打伞,如果下雨因为整个都是有顶的都连着。 And it also has a lot of housing malls connected to the MTR, so the MTR in Hong Kong is actually a profit-making organization, right? Because at that time the Hong Kong government also gave him a lot of land, and then he can be in those subway stations above the so-called called the subway roof of those residential, like I now live in a community like this, I do not have to play umbrella when I go to work, if it rains because the whole is covered are connected.

所以即使人很多的高峰的时候,像中环当时的确人很多,但他还非常有秩序,而且它基本上每两分钟就有一班一班,整个效率是非常高的。 So even if there are a lot of people in the peak hours, like Central, there are indeed a lot of people, but he is still very orderly, and it basically has a class every two minutes, the whole efficiency is very high.

Xinqing 10:14

地铁会很挤吗?上下班高分上下班。 Is the subway crowded? It’s a high commute to and from work.

Anthony 10:17

的时候是会挤,但是你不会觉得特别难受,我觉得首先很有秩序,而且它的地铁的频率非常高,所以你虽然人很多,但是走了也很快。 I think first of all, it’s very orderly, and the frequency of the subway is very high, so even though you have a lot of people, you can go very quickly.

我觉得这方面是还是挺不错的,所以香港虽然说也会有堵车,但是我觉得比起它人口的密度,它的交通不算差的。 I think this aspect is still quite good, so although Hong Kong may also have traffic jams, but I think compared to its population density, its traffic is not bad.

另外我觉得香港的饮食也是非常不错的。 Also I think the food in Hong Kong is very good.

Xinqing 10:43

它吃的很便宜。 It’s very cheap to eat.

Anthony 10:44

对香港如果它当然有贵的,其实中环就是一个也可以说是美食沙漠,虽然它有很多好吃的饭店,但都特别贵,对吧? For Hong Kong if it certainly has expensive, in fact, Central is a can also be said to be a culinary desert, although it has a lot of good restaurants, but they are particularly expensive, right?

但是你只要到居民集中居住的地方,那里,你真的能找到很多非常便宜,然后味道又非常不错的,或者说你自己去买一点菜什么的,它都很新鲜,而且非常好吃。 But you just have to go to the place where the residents live centrally, there, you can really find a lot of very cheap, and then the taste is very good, or you go to buy a little bit of food or something yourself, it is very fresh, and very good.

其实香港它无无论是中餐还是西餐,还是像日本韩国料理等等,它其实选择非常多,我觉得香港在美食饮食这块应该是一个非常不错的地方。 In fact, Hong Kong, whether it is Chinese food or Western food, or like Japanese and Korean cuisine, etc., it is actually very much choice, I think Hong Kong in the food and diet this piece should be a very good place.

Xinqing 11:18

刚才我们在说香港和日内瓦有一个很大的区别,就是两个对立的对比起来的话,香港是住房很贵,但是饮食确实很比较便宜,又好吃又便宜。 Just now we were saying that there is a big difference between Hong Kong and Geneva, that is, the two contrasting words, Hong Kong is very expensive housing, but the food is really very cheap, and delicious and cheap.

然后我们在日内瓦的感受是日内瓦的房租其实没有那么贵,就是跟伦敦跟其他大城市比起来,房租不贵,但吃的特别贵,所以就是你生活衣食住行的两大方面,either你是住的很贵,要不然就是吃的很贵。 And then our feeling in Geneva is that the rent in Geneva is actually not that expensive, that is, compared with London and other big cities, the rent is not expensive, but the food is very expensive, so it is the two major aspects of your life, food, clothing, housing and transportation, either you are very expensive to live, or else it is very expensive to eat.

Anthony 11:50

的确了,我觉得香港住房是一个我觉得大家都认识到的问题,然后这两年其实无论是特区政府还是只要中央政府,也希望香港能在这方面解决,对吧? Indeed, I think Hong Kong housing is a problem that I think we all recognize, and then these two years in fact, whether it is the SAR government or as long as the central government, also hope that Hong Kong can solve in this regard, right?

这样子也是实现共同富裕,大家生活变得更好的一一个方面,所以我相信会越来越好的吃我觉得对,也就是其实你只要去挖掘,因为香港它有游客去的地方其实也都挺贵的,但是你只要自己知道哪里有不错的这种比较非常本地的这种馆子,对吧? This way is also to achieve common prosperity, everyone’s life becomes better an aspect, so I believe that will be better and better to eat I think, that is, in fact, you just have to dig, because Hong Kong it has tourists to go to places are actually quite expensive, but you just know where to have a good such a relatively very local this kind of restaurant, right?

然后又地道的这种广东菜,然后又便宜又好吃,这样的话的确我觉得整个生活还是很舒适的,然后也很适合家庭,也很适合年轻人自己在那里。 And then the authentic Cantonese food, and then cheap and delicious, so then indeed I think the whole life is still very comfortable, and then also very suitable for families, but also very suitable for young people themselves there.

Xinqing 12:43

我觉得可能不是很适合家庭的原因是有小孩的话您希望面积大一点,所以你就要住的可能稍微远一点或者是。 I think the reason it’s not very family friendly is because you want a bigger area if you have kids, so you have to live maybe a little further away or so.

Anthony 12:53

对,但是香港有一份他大多数的家庭,如果有小孩他会有菲佣,如果他有阿姨帮忙的话。 Yes, but Hong Kong has a copy of most of his families, if there are children he will have a Filipino maid, if he has an aunt to help.

Xinqing 13:02

菲佣就是可以跟大家讲一下 Filipino maids are just something you can talk to people about

Anthony 13:04

对,就是来自菲律宾的。 Yes, it’s from the Philippines.

Xinqing 13:06

对。 Yeah.

Anthony 13:06

他们香港大多数是来自菲律宾或者印尼的那些帮助家里,他有一些专门给他们来工作的这种签证,所以这样子帮助香港的很多妇女,他们还是生完小孩之后,自己可以有很成功的职业生涯,对吧? Most of them in Hong Kong are from the Philippines or Indonesia to help their families, and he has some kind of visa for them to come and work, so this kind of helps a lot of women in Hong Kong, they can still have a very successful career after they have children, right?

就在很多大公司,你看高层都是女性,的确这方面,所以使得他们即使有了小孩生活的压力没有那么大,因为整个工人费用的价格也不是特别贵,所以说他们甚至表示有两个小孩,他就请两位费用,这样子的话生活还行,当然每一个卧室的面积相对是小一点的,但是整体来说还是非常不错的一个生活环境。 In many large companies, you see the top are women, indeed, this aspect, so that even if they have children the pressure of life is not so great, because the whole cost of workers is not particularly expensive, so that they even said that there are two children, he hired two costs, this way, life is okay, of course, each bedroom area is relatively small, but overall it is still a very good The living environment.

Xinqing 14:02

还有一个问题,没有讨论到是关于语言,然后大家可能知道在香港的话主要的语言是粤语,广东话跟内陆大陆是不一样,大陆我们说的是普通话,然后安特尼和我其实都是上海人,我们刚才也在说上海话和粤语还有一点相似的地方,可能就是说南方的语系比较相似,所以我们学粤语也不是特别难。Anthony你说刚才说两个月基本上就能听懂粤语了。 There is another problem, not discussed is about the language, and then you may know that in Hong Kong, the main language is Cantonese, Cantonese is different from the mainland, the mainland we speak is Mandarin, and then Antony and I are actually Shanghainese, we are just talking about Shanghai and Cantonese and a little bit of similarity, maybe that means that the southern language system is more similar, so we learn Cantonese is not particularly difficult. Anthony, you said you could basically understand Cantonese in two months.

Anthony 14:35

对,我觉得粤语是如果要在香港生活学习粤语还是很重要的。 Yes, I think Cantonese is very important to learn if you want to live in Hong Kong.

Xinqing 14:41

大概有你觉得现在比如说年轻人或者老人,大家有多少人能说普通话或者说英语? There’s probably how many people do you think can speak Mandarin or English nowadays, for example, young people or old people?

Anthony 14:50

怎么说,我还是有人不太能说普通话或者年轻人普通话都是会的,英语也会的。更多是上面一些人,但是你跟住在那,你生活在那想跟大家有更深入的沟通的话,其实因为粤语的使用范围还是非常广的,他其实这个语言也挺好挺有意思的,如果你去去钻研一下,因为粤语它的音调首先非常多,它有9个音调对吧? How do you say, I still have people who can’t speak Mandarin very well or young people who can speak Mandarin and English. But if you live there, if you want to have more in-depth communication with people, because Cantonese is still very widely spoken, it’s actually a very good and interesting language, if you look into it, because Cantonese has a lot of tones, it has 9 tones, right?

应该是。 It has 9 tones, right?

Xinqing 15:23

可以给大家表演一下吗? Can you give us a performance?

Anthony 15:25

我不标准对,比方说……对就是这样的音调。 I don’t have a standard pair, let’s say …… pair is that kind of tone.

Xinqing 15:41

比如说刚才我听的最后三个是一样的。 For example, the last three that I just heard are the same.

Anthony 15:44

就是不同的高度,三个不同的高度,它有都是入声,就像即使上海话也有两个,比方说别对吧? It’s different heights, three different heights, it has all intonation, like even Shanghainese has two, let’s say don’t right?

有两个不同高低的短音。 There’s two different heights of the short sound.

对,我觉得发音的确会难一点,然后它的词汇是跟古汉语更接近一点,同时它又借用了很多英语的词。所以像什么样。 Yes, I think the pronunciation is a little bit harder, and then the vocabulary is a little bit closer to the ancient Chinese, and at the same time it borrows a lot of words from English. So it’s like what.

Xinqing 16:11

的词是借用英语的词。 The words are borrowed from English.

Anthony 16:13

就香港你去看比方说他们的草莓不是叫士多啤梨对吧? In Hong Kong, if you look at the strawberries, they’re not called strawberries, right?

Xinqing 16:18

但是他们粤语怎么发音的? But how do they pronounce it in Cantonese?

Anthony 16:21

对,但是他们的士多就是store。是商店,所以他们借了很多英语的词,其实很多在广东,像广州深圳他们并没有用这些词,这也是因为香港受英语的文化影响。 Yes, but their strawberry is store. is a store, so they borrowed a lot of English words, in fact, a lot in Guangdong, like Guangzhou Shenzhen they do not use these words, this is also because Hong Kong is influenced by the English culture.

Xinqing 16:40

所以在广东叫草莓叫什么呢? So what do you call a strawberry in Guangdong?

Anthony 16:43

我估计就叫草莓,我不知道了。 I guess it’s called strawberry, I don’t know anymore.

Ok对,没有那么洋气,其实上海话里也有很多英语的词。 Ok yeah, it’s not that foreign, there are actually a lot of English words in Shanghainese.

Xinqing 16:52

比如说。 For example.

Anthony 16:55

比如比方说“噶三五”,就是gossip。 For example, let’s say “Ga sanwu”, which is gossip.

Xinqing 17:07

我刚刚意识到我给大家解释一下,在上海话里面我们有一个词叫聊天,八卦我们叫“噶三五”,其实是gossip,对。 I just realized that I’m going to explain to you that in Shanghainese we have a word called chat, gossip we call “噶三五”, it’s actually gossip, yes.

Anthony 17:19

还有说这个人很难搞叫“措科”,就是tricky。 There’s also a word that says this person is very difficult called “Tsoko”, which is tricky.

Xinqing 17:24

我都没有意识到,所以“错科”就是 Tricky这个人非常难对付的意思,所以上海话有很多事。 I didn’t even realize that, so “错科” means that Tricky is a very difficult person to deal with, so there’s a lot going on in Shanghainese.

Anthony 17:32

还有“涡色”就是worse,“忒拜”是too bad,其实都是这种英语来的一些词语。 There’s also “vortex” which is worse, “忒拜” which is too bad, in fact they are some of the words that come from this kind of English.

Xinqing 17:41

有趣, ok,所以粤语里面刚才说也有很多的英语。 Interesting, ok, so there’s a lot of English in Cantonese just now.

Anthony 17:45

就对广香港的粤语就更多了。一些外语的词汇,我觉得听懂其实不是特别难,要说得好还是挺难的,特别说它的词汇很多,俚语非常生动,但是要掌握的话就得经常的跟他们去沟通了,我比方说最近学了一个词叫照肺,什么意思?其实就是给你的胸做x光,但是其实它的引申义,你被老板照肺就是被老板骂了。他们好像有很多,特别是在职场上被各种贬义的词 It’s more Cantonese for Hong Kong. Some of the foreign vocabulary, I think it’s not particularly difficult to understand, but it’s still quite difficult to say well, especially when you say it’s a lot of vocabulary, slang is very vivid, but to master it, you have to often talk to the

Xinqing 18:27

,就是有一些职场上的委婉语。 , there are just some workplace euphemisms.

但在中国也有,比如说我们会说被老板请去喝茶,就是你like你去被老板去drink tea,但其实意思就是也是被老板骂了。 But in China there are also, for example, we would say being asked by the boss to drink tea, that is you like you go to drink tea by the boss, but actually the meaning is also scolded by the boss.

Anthony 18:42

对他还有一个词,我最近写的叫两束蕉,两束香蕉,然后什么意思呢?你空手的去人家家里没有带礼物,就像两个香蕉一样的这样子。 Yes he also has a word that I recently wrote called two bundles of bananas, two bundles of bananas, and then what does it mean? You go to someone’s house empty-handed without bringing a gift, like two bananas this way.

他们会有一些很生动的俚语,蛮有意思的。 They will have some very vivid slang, quite interesting.

Xinqing 19:09

所以有好多这样的词你要慢慢的学。 So there are a lot of these words you have to learn slowly.

Anthony 19:11

对,我觉得我当然也没有学得很好了,但是我觉得如果大家来香港生活,或者即使来玩的话,对粤语感兴趣也可以去多看看。 Yeah, I don’t think I’ve learned it very well either, but I think if people come to live in Hong Kong or even if they come to play, if they’re interested in Cantonese, they can go and look at it more.

Xinqing 19:24

说实话粤语不是特别有用,基本上就只有在香港和广州。 To be honest Cantonese is not particularly useful, it’s basically only in Hong Kong and Guangzhou.

Anthony 19:29

对,其实海外的华人,原来这个圈子里说粤语的也挺多的,但是对你从有用没用的角度。 Yes, in fact, there are quite a lot of overseas Chinese who speak Cantonese in this circle, but for you from the point of view of usefulness and uselessness.

Xinqing 19:39

的确还是学普通话比较有用。 It’s true that it’s more useful to learn Mandarin.

Anthony 19:42

当然先要把普通话说好对吧?我觉得大家学有余力的时候可以再多学一些。 Of course you have to speak Mandarin well first, right? I think you can learn more when you have the ability to learn more.

Xinqing 19:50

对,那就是总而言之,你觉得你会未来还是想在香港多住一段时间? Right, so that’s in a nutshell, do you think you’ll be coming or do you want to live in Hong Kong for a while longer?

Anthony 19:55

我觉得目前看香港还是一个挺好的地方,但未来谁知道对吧?主要看人生不同阶段有不同的考虑吗?对。 I think Hong Kong is still a good place to live, but who knows about the future, right? Does it depend on the different stages of life and different considerations? Yes.

Xinqing 20:06

大家听过我们节目的人可能也知道,我老公Anthony特别喜欢香港,他一直想想劝说我未来可以搬去香港,所以我们到时候也可以考察一下,未来香港的生活。 As you may know from listening to our show, my husband Anthony is particularly fond of Hong Kong, and he’s been trying to persuade me to move to Hong Kong in the future, so we can also look into the future of life in Hong Kong when the time comes.

Anthony 20:20

香港特别的便利,就是它的机场,整个亚洲全世界对吧?都是航班非常多,而且同时你从市区到机场很快对吧? The special convenience of Hong Kong is its airport, the whole world of Asia, right? There are a lot of flights, and at the same time you can get from the city to the airport very quickly, right?

他机场快线特别快,然后到机场你要过关什么所有的都非常的便利,就是对于你周末出行,你生活在每个周末可以到不同的国家去玩。 He airport express line is very fast, and then to the airport you have to cross the border what all is very convenient, is for your weekend travel, you live in every weekend can go to different countries to play.

Xinqing 20:43

但我在这里也还是要给日内瓦打一个广告,日内瓦的机场到市中心也很快,只需要7分钟的火车,而且我觉得日内瓦的好处是这个地方非常的安静,日内瓦其实是一个很宜居很安静的地方,但是如果你想念繁华的大城市,你也可以周末去伦敦去巴黎坐飞机也是非常方便在欧洲,所以我觉得跟香港有一点点异曲同工之妙,但是在城市里面没有香港那么繁华。 But I still have to give Geneva an advertisement here, Geneva’s airport to the city center is also very fast, only 7 minutes by train, and I think the good thing about Geneva is that the place is very quiet, Geneva is actually a very livable and quiet place, but if you miss the busy big city, you can also go to London on the weekend to Paris by plane is also very convenient in Europe, so I think with Hong Kong There is a little bit of similarity, but in the city is not as busy as Hong Kong.

对。 Right.

Anthony 21:17

对,我觉得香港还是大很多,至少从人口来。 Yes, I think Hong Kong is still much bigger, at least in terms of population.

Xinqing 21:20

但我们其实日内瓦也是有个户外活动,就在城市里是城市,但是你只要走出去30分钟。 But we actually have an outdoor activity in Geneva, just in the city is the city, but you just walk out for 30 minutes.

Anthony 21:27

看到湖看到雪山,然后森林。 See the lake see the snowy mountains and then the forest.

Xinqing 21:30

然后也是非常户外,大家也喜欢“行山”,也喜欢徒步。对,其实很像在这一方面还挺像的是的。好好谢谢Anthony,我们今天就聊到这儿。 And then it’s also very outdoorsy, people like to “hike” and hike. Yeah, it’s actually quite similar in that respect. Thank you so much Anthony, that’s all we have to talk about today.

Anthony 21:43

好谢谢,很高兴跟大家分享。 Well thank you, it’s a pleasure to share with you all.

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