Episode 5 | 偷个小懒

Hello,大家好,欢迎大家来收听我们的第5期节目!不知不觉已经录了5期节目了,一开始做的时候呢,我也没有想到我能不能坚持下来,没有想到,做着做着就已经第5个星期了。今天我没有请到我的好朋友,或者是特邀嘉宾来跟我一起聊,因为这个星期我有一点忙,然后我也有一点累。 Hello, everyone, welcome to our 5th episode! I didn’t realize I had already recorded 5 episodes of the show, but when I started, I didn’t think I would be able to keep going. I didn’t have any of my good friends or special guests to talk with me today because I’ve been a little busy this week and I’m a little tired.
上周末是法国的一个国定节假日,所以说周一呢,我们不用上课,我就和几个小伙伴一起自驾开车去了比利时,比利时的首都布鲁塞尔,我们做了一个三天的自驾游,所以我昨天刚刚回来感觉有一点累,这周我就没有安排和我的朋友或者任何嘉宾来录这个节目,但是我又想每周我们都会更新一次,所以不能够放弃光荣传统。 Last weekend was a national holiday in France, so on Monday, we didn’t have to go to class, so I drove to Belgium with some friends, and we did a three-day driving tour to Brussels, the capital of Belgium, so I just came back yesterday feeling a little tired. So I can’t give up the glorious tradition.
所以今天我就偷一个懒,自己一个人录一小段独白,也算是交代一下这个星期的任务。然后下个星期我有打算邀请到我一位学中文的法国好朋友,他的中文说的真的是特别的流利,是我认识的所有外国人当中学中文说的最流利的,所以我希望能够请到他来跟大家分享一下,他在学中文的过程当中有什么心得啊、心路历程,以及他可以给大大家一些学中文的建议等等。 So today I’m just going to be lazy and record a little monologue by myself, to sort of explain this week’s task. Next week I am going to invite a good French friend of mine who is learning Chinese. He is really fluent in Chinese, the most fluent among all foreigners I know.
第二点今天我其实有看到我的节目已经在各个不同的平台上,比如说sportify, Google podcast,可能有二十几个到三十几个听众,我的follower。我觉得特别开心,因为在刚开始做这个节目的时候,我想可能只是为了我自己的周围的好朋友,那些学中文的外国的好朋友们来听来用我的 pod cast学习中文。没有想到现在我看到来自世界各地有很多不同国家的听众正在收听我的节目,我真的觉得很开心,然后很感动。 The second point is that today I have actually seen my program on various platforms, such as sportify, Google podcast, there may be twenty to thirty listeners, my follower, I feel especially happy, because at the beginning of doing this program, I think it may only be for my own good friends around, those who learn Chinese I thought it was just for my own friends around me, those who are learning Chinese, my foreign friends to listen and learn Chinese with my pod cast. I didn’t expect that now I would see many listeners from different countries all over the world listening to my show, I really feel very happy and touched.
比如我看到有很多东南亚国家的听众,有来自越南、马来西亚、印度尼西亚,也有很多欧洲的、美国的、加拿大的朋友,虽然一共就二十几个三十几个听众,但我还是觉得很开心,所以首先要谢谢你们。听我的节目。 For example, I saw many listeners from Southeast Asian countries, from Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, and many European, American, and Canadian friends, although there are only 20–30 listeners in total, I still feel very happy, so first of all, I want to thank you. So first of all, thank you for listening to my show.
其次我其实也很希望可以认识大家,所以说你们如果对我的节目有什么建议,有什么期待,或者是有什么你们感兴趣的话题,甚至你们也可以简单的介绍一下你们为什么要学中文,学中文多长时间了?以及你们在学习中文的过程当中,觉得最大的困难最大的挑战是什么?都可以在 pod cast下面的留言区留言,我非常的希望能够收到大家的留言,希望能够跟大家交一个朋友。 Secondly, I really hope to get to know you all, so if you have any suggestions, expectations, or topics of interest to me, you can even briefly introduce why you want to learn Chinese, how long have you been learning Chinese? What do you think is the biggest challenge in the process of learning Chinese? You can leave your comments in the comments section below the pod cast, I really hope to receive your comments and make a friend with you.
好,今天就让我偷个懒,就说到这里。我们下期节目再见。祝大家这个星期工作愉快,生活愉快,学习顺利。 Okay, let me be lazy today, and that’s it. I’ll see you all next time. Have a great week, enjoy your work, enjoy your life, and enjoy your studies.