Episode 6 | 看相亲节目学中文
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Click here for the vocabulary in excel: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S5ptr0vFkRH4gIKb7OlPf_FB9f7X44ZC/view?usp=sharing
. Hello大家好,欢迎大家来到我们的第6期节目。这一期节目上一次我和大家提到,我会邀请一个特别的嘉宾,他的名字叫Sebastien。他是一个法国人,但是中文说的特别流利,所以今天有邀请到他来和我们分享一些他的经历以及学中文的心路历程和一些建议。 Sebastian你先自我介绍一下?
. Hello everyone and welcome to our 6th episode. Last time I mentioned to you that I would invite a special guest, his name is S. He is a Frenchman, but he speaks Chinese very fluently, so today we have invited him to share with us some of his experiences and his journey of learning Chinese and some advice. Sebastian, introduce yourself first.
. Sebastien 00:33
. Hello hello大家好。我叫Sebasiten,是法国人。
. Hello hello everyone. My name is Sebastien, I’m French.
. 然后我来介绍一下自己。我大学是在加拿大在学的,然后我上大学的时候开始学中文,所以我上了三四年的中文课,然后上中文课的时候,其实上大学的时候第二年去中国留学,去了一个学期。
. Then I’ll introduce myself. I studied in college a lot, and then I started studying Chinese when I was in college, so I took Chinese classes for three or four years, and then when I took Chinese classes, I actually went to study in China for a semester the next year when I was in college.
. 但是毕业之后现在加拿大在工作了几年,然后再去中国在中国工作了三,四年,但是然后去中国之后我就移到日本去了。然后我现在就在日本工作了三多年(三年多),然后现在开始旅游了。
. But after graduation now I often worked for a few years and then went to China and worked in China for three to four years, but then after I went to China I moved to Japan. And then I’ve been working in Japan now for over 3 years and then now I’m traveling.
. Joanne 01:25
. 那你,我们两个当时是在上海的时候认识的,当时在上海的时候。你学中文大概多长时间了?
. So you, we both met then when we were in Shanghai, when we were in Shanghai. About how long have you been learning Chinese?
. Sebastien 01:35
. 那时候在上海的时候,我在大学的时候学了4年,然后加拿大在工作了几年,所以我在上海的时候可能已经8年,7年之前开始学,但是真正的学的时间可能只有三四年,然后跟同学说话什么的,看电视剧什么的,就是比较被动的一个学习方式吧。
. When I was in Shanghai, I studied for 4 years in college, and then I often worked for a few years, so I was in Shanghai for maybe 8 years, I started studying 7 years ago, but I only really studied for maybe 3 or 4 years, and then I talked to my classmates or something, watched TV shows or something, just a more passive way of learning, I guess.
. Joanne 02:02
. 我觉得如果是真正学习了中文只有三四年的时间,中文水平我觉得真的是非常的厉害不容易。因为其实在中国的时候,Sebastian你就经常和所有的中国朋友一起玩,然后哪怕是很多人的环境很嘈杂的环境,你也可以完全和我们用中文对话。我觉得这个水平其实我认识的所有学中文的外国朋友里面,我觉得你的水平可能是最高的。回到一开始你是为什么会对中文学中文感兴趣?
. I think if it is really learn Chinese only three or four years of time, Chinese level I think is really very impressive not easy. Because actually in China, Sebastian you often play with all your Chinese friends, and then even if it’s a very noisy environment with many people, you can still completely talk to us in Chinese. I think this level is actually the highest among all the foreign friends I know who are learning Chinese. Back to the beginning, why did you become interested in Chinese literature?
. Sebastien 02:41
. 谢谢。其实一开始是因为我去学管理,然后学管理的时候,大家都说中国发展的很快什么的,所以你应该去学你应该去学。然后我是在我的家庭,我妈妈什么的,一直在,就一直在跟我说你应该去学什么的,然后所以我就报着中文课。
. Thank you. Actually, it started because I went to study management, and when I studied management, everyone said that China is developing very fast and so on, so you should go and study. And then I was in my family, my mom or something, and I was always telling me that you should go and learn something, and so I enrolled in Chinese classes.
. 然后第一年的时候开始学,我就觉得非常有意思了,然后我自己就开始非常喜欢的,为什么?因为很不一样,所以其实对我来说也是一个很大的挑战。所以这个挑战我就是喜欢。然后我又是发现中国语言,还有中国文化也是博大精深的。所以其实也对我来说也是很陌生的,所以我能学到非常多东西,所以我就喜欢,这样。然后因为喜欢上了开始去参加一些跟中国有关的什么艺术的运动的俱乐部,认识了很多中国朋友,在那边去留学什么的。所以进步了很多,所以一开始是这样开始的。
. Then in the first year I started to learn, I found it very interesting, and then I started to like it very much, why? Because it was very different, so it was actually a big challenge for me. So this challenge I just love. And then I discovered that the Chinese language and culture is also very profound. So actually it was also very new to me, so I could learn a lot, so I liked it. And then because I liked it, I started to go to some Chinese related clubs for arts and sports, and I met a lot of Chinese friends, and I went to study abroad there and so on. So it progressed a lot, so that’s how it started at first.
. Joanne 04:02
. 你有没有记得在加拿大的时候,你是怎么样开始学中文的?一开始的时候,你有没有觉得学中文很难?
. Do you remember how you started learning Chinese when you were in Canada? Did you find it hard to learn Chinese in the beginning?
. Sebastien 04:12
. 就一开始的时候,我上课了,然后上课的时候大概是每周都会学20个字30个字,然后每周都会有一个听写,所以一开始其实很慢,但是对我来说这个还是很简单的。我们是一周4个小时,然后在那个班里面其实也算是比较好,因为我可能听力比较好吧。所以对我来说这些听写不是很难。但是如果仅靠这个的话,其实也学不到多少,因为毕竟节奏很慢,所以必须在这个之外,也必须得自己学。但一开始是这样的,就是上课。
. Just at the beginning, I took lessons, and then the lessons were about 20 words and 30 characters a week, and then there was a dictation every week, so it was actually very slow at first, but it was still very easy for me. We had 4 hours a week, and we were actually better in that class because I was probably better at listening. So it wasn’t hard for me to do the dictation. But if you rely on this alone, you won’t learn much, because after all, the pace is very slow, so you have to learn it on your own, in addition to this. But at first it was like this, it was just lessons.
. Joanne 05:07
. 你说到一开始的时候,你就在自己学,主要是通过什么方法呢?
. You mentioned that at the beginning you were learning on your own, what was the main method you used?
. Sebastien 05:13
. 所以我自己学,也不是一开始的时候。就是在一定的水平之后,我就开始认识了很多中国朋友,然后开始跟他们多说点话什么的,然后我自己尤其是我到中国留学的时候,那时候已经学了一年半,我开始看一些电视剧,然后看电视剧的时候我就是,有一个非常辛苦的过程。就是我看电视剧,但是我不懂的时候,我就会停顿,然后停顿。
. So I was learning on my own, not at the beginning either. It was after a certain level, I started to meet a lot of Chinese friends, and then I started to talk to them more and stuff, and then I myself, especially when I studied in China, I had already studied for a year and a half at that time, I started to watch some TV dramas, and then when I watched TV dramas I just, there was a very hard process. It’s when I watch a TV show, but when I don’t understand it, I’ll pause, and then I’ll pause.
. 我看字幕,然后我会去搜,这个字是什么字?在词典里面,所以在字典里面,我就会去划这个字,然后就会看一下它的定义,看是怎么写,然后把它写到我的笔记本,然后这样的会慢慢的看,所以我那个电视剧大概看15分钟的剧,我需要大概一个小时。然后我主要是用这个方式学的。
. I’ll look at the subtitles and then I’ll go and search, what is this word? It’s in the dictionary, so in the dictionary, I would go and cross out the word, and then I would look at the definition of it and see how it was written, and then I would write it down in my notebook, and then this would slowly watch it, so I would watch about 15 minutes of that drama, and it would take me about an hour. Then I learned mainly in this way.
. 然后最开始的时候我看的是一个叫非诚勿扰的一个节目,我看的挺多。
. And then at the very beginning I watched a show called “Do Not Disturb Me if You are not Sincere”, which I watched quite a lot.
. Joanne 06:28
. 你可以跟大家解释一下非诚勿扰是什么样的节目吗?
. Can you explain to people what kind of show it is?
. Sebastien 06:34
. 对非诚勿扰是一个在中国很有名的一个相亲节目,所以相亲。
. Yes, it’s a dating show that’s very famous in China, so dating.
. Joanne 06:43
. 对,什么是相亲这个字可能也要解释一下。
. Yeah, the word what is a blind date might need to be explained as well.
. Sebastien 06:47
. 对,所以咱们会邀请一个应该独身(单身)的男生。
. Right, so we will invite a guy who is supposed to be celibate (single).
. 然后有在台上有很多女生在那边去评价男生,然后这个男生会一开始介绍一下自己,介绍一下他的背景什么的。
. Then there are a lot of girls on stage over there to evaluate the guy, and then the guy will start off by introducing himself, introducing his background and stuff.
. 然后这些女生会有两个选择,他们可以留灯还是灭灯。但是如果留灯的话,就是说他们愿意跟男生进一步的去发展。但如果灭灯的话,下面就是不愿意。
. Then these girls will have two choices, they can leave the light or extinguish it. But if the lights are left on, it means they are willing to go further with the boy. But if the lights are out, the following is not willing.
. 然后如果到最后还有几个女生留灯的话,男生就可以在他们其中去选一个,大概是这样一个过程。
. Then if there are still a few girls left, the guy can choose one of them, probably a process like this.
. Joanne 07:38
. 嗯我也给大家稍微解释一下,刚才说到了好几个我觉得可能比较难的名词,比如说非诚勿扰是这个节目的名字,它其实是四个汉字。
. The first thing I want to do is to explain to you that there are several terms that I think may be difficult.
. “非诚” 意思是:如果你不是诚心诚意。那诚心诚意的意思就是如果你不是Genuine的意思。“勿扰”就是不要来打扰。所以4个字合起来的意思就是如果你不是真诚的来寻找爱情,那你就不要来打扰我的生活,所以这个节目名字叫“非诚勿扰”。
. “Non-Sincerity” which means: if you are not sincere and sincere. That sincere means if you are not Genuine. “Do not disturb” means “do not bother”. So the four words together mean that if you are not sincere in your search for love, then you should not disturb my life, so the name of the program is “Do Not Disturb if you are not genuine”.
. 刚才 Sebastien还提到了一个动词叫相亲,相亲其实可能是父母或者朋友安排一个男生或者女生来和你约会,这种安排的约会就叫做相亲。所以说非诚勿扰是一个中国非常有名的,相亲的电视真人秀节目。你为什么当时选择看非诚勿扰,你觉得为什么非诚勿扰比较适合用来学中文的?
. Sebastien also mentioned a verb called matchmaking/arranged date, which is actually a way for your parents or friends to arrange a date with a boy or a girl, which is called matchmaking. So, it’s a very famous Chinese reality TV show about dating. Why did you choose to watch it and why do you think it’s a good choice for learning Chinese?
. Sebastien 08:50
. 不一定是适合在学中文,但是是觉得挺好玩的,其实看着挺有意思。然后在里面,其实那些男嘉宾女嘉宾,也都是跟中国不一样的地方来的。
. Not necessarily for learning Chinese, but I thought it was fun and interesting to watch. And in fact, the male and female guests are from different places than China.
. 然后,嗯,但是主要是觉得挺有意思的。就挺搞笑,而且我还蛮喜欢那些主持人孟非,还有那些老师。
. Then, well, but mainly I think it’s quite interesting. It’s funny, and I like the hosts, Meng Fei, and the teachers.
. Joanne 09:24
. 嗯嗯。对。我想问一个问题,你一开始学中文的时候有没有学?怎么写汉字?因为其实我认识很多外国人,他们觉得写汉字可能太难了,所以就会只学发音,就是学拼音,Pronunciation的系统。
. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I want to ask a question, when you started learning Chinese did you learn? How to write Chinese characters? Because actually I know a lot of foreigners who think that writing Chinese characters might be too difficult, so they would just learn the pronunciation, which is the system of learning Pinyin, Pronunciation.
. Sebastien 09:44
. 一开始我们就学汉字。对,我们最开始的时候当然会去学拼音,这样子我们就这样子我们会读所有的汉字,但是我觉得要是不学汉字的话,就不能读,如果不能读的话就会难很多,其实我觉得学汉字是必须的,学中文的话。
. At the beginning we learned Chinese characters. Yes, of course we will learn Pinyin at the beginning, this way we will read all the children, but I think if we don’t learn Chinese characters, we won’t be able to read, if we can’t read, it will be much harder, actually I think it’s necessary to learn Chinese characters, if you learn Chinese.
. Joanne 10:14
. 对,但是其实可能如果你会读汉字就足够了,但你不需要记住自己记住怎么样写汉字。因为其实的话,现在我们真的中国人打字用键盘或者用电脑打字也很多,有的时候我自己都会不记得用笔怎么写汉字,所以我其实挺可以理解。如果是外国人刚开始学中文的话,要记住几千个汉字或者几百个汉字怎么写,其实还是挺难的。
. Yes, but actually it’s probably enough if you can read Chinese characters, but you don’t need to remember how to write them yourself. Because actually, nowadays, we really Chinese people type a lot with keyboards or with computers, and sometimes I don’t remember how to write Chinese characters with a pen, so I can actually understand that. If a foreigner starts to learn Chinese, it’s actually quite difficult to remember how to write thousands of Chinese characters or hundreds of Chinese characters.
. Sebastien 10:49
. 对,但是其实我记住怎么写汉字,也不仅是为了去写汉字,也是为了去记住他们。所以如果在会议里面,或者小时候上课的时候也会写笔记,但是这些笔记,不一定会再去看。主要是为了当时记住的时候,就顺便写一下。所以我觉得学习怎么写,其实对记忆力而言是有很大的帮助。
. Yes, but actually I remember how to write Chinese characters, not only to write them, but also to remember them. So if you write notes inside a conference, or in class when you were a kid, but those notes, you don’t necessarily go back to them. It’s mainly for the sake of remembering at the time, just to write by the way. So I think learning how to write is actually a big help as far as memory is concerned.
. Joanne 11:25
. 后来你在加拿大学了中文以后,大概水平到了什么样的水平?之后你到了中国留学,觉得最大的提高是什么?或者最大的障碍是什么呢?
. After you studied Chinese in Canada, what kind of level did you reach? What do you think was the biggest improvement when you studied in China afterwards? Or what was the biggest obstacle?
. Sebastien 11:43
. Sebastien 11:43
. 就一开始的话其实还蛮有意思的,是一般我们欧洲人说个不同的语言的时候,比如说跟法国人去西班牙语的时候,一开始就是一点点,然后能听得懂很多,大部分都能听得懂,但是他不会说,但中文的话是相反的。我一开始其实会说很多,可是我什么都不懂,有很多字很多发音也都很像,然后人家也一般说的比较快,然后很多地方都有口音什么的,所以我自己想说的东西我就可以说,但是我听不懂。
. At the beginning, it’s actually quite interesting, because when we Europeans speak a different language, for example, when we speak Spanish with French people, at first we understand a little bit, then we understand a lot, most of us understand, but we don’t speak it, but the opposite is true for Chinese. I will actually say a lot at the beginning, but I do not understand anything, there are many words and many pronunciations are very similar, and then people also generally speak faster, and then many places have accents or something, so I want to say something I can say, but I can not understand.
. 其他人说的话,所以我当时学了一年半之后去中国的时候,发现其实我可以说很多东西,但是我听不太懂他人家的答案,所以我才开始去集中在听力上面,然后开始看电视剧什么的。因为我觉得听力要练得比较多。
. Other people say words, so I was learning a year and a half after going to China, found that I can actually say a lot of things, but I do not understand their answers, so I began to go to focus on listening to the top, and then began to watch TV series or something. Because I think listening should be practiced more.
. 然后当然比较重要的是词汇量,要慢慢的扩大你的词汇量,然后如果是像中文一个人的话,那个是非常难的,因为所有的词都不一样,所以需要花很多时间去学一个大概3000多个汉字在那,然后5000多个词才能慢慢的开始听得懂大家的答案。
. Then of course more important is the vocabulary, to slowly expand your vocabulary, and then if it is like Chinese a person, that is very difficult, because all the words are different, so need to spend a lot of time to learn a probably more than 3000 Chinese characters in that, and then more than 5000 words to slowly start to listen to understand everyone’s answers.
. Joanne 13:23
. 如果说当时你听不懂别人的答案或者中国人说的话,你是怎么样和中国朋友聊天,比如说你是希望会让对方说得慢一点,说得清楚一点,还是会让对方说一句中文,然后帮你翻译一下。
. If you couldn’t understand people’s answers or Chinese people’s words at that time, how did you talk to your Chinese friends, like would you like to ask them to speak a little bit slower and clearer or would you ask them to say a Chinese sentence and then translate it for you.
. Sebastien 13:43
. 当时其实就会就会很注意的听他们说的话,然后在他们说的话里面,我不懂的会把我不懂的词说出来,然后我就会在词典里面查一下。当时就是这样。但是我去中国留学的时候比较难的。因为那时候是2011年,2011年的时候还没有智能手机,所以当时就比较难,但是现在简单很多了,现在就可以用智能手机去看一个应用,然后看一下这个字是什么意思。这样比较简单。那时候会记住一下这个字,然后往前去查。
. At that time, I would actually listen very carefully to what they said, and then in what they said, I would say the words I didn’t understand, and then I would look them up in the dictionary. That’s how it was at that time. But it was harder when I went to study in China. But now it’s much easier, you can use your smartphone to look at an app and see what the word means. It’s easier that way. Back then you would remember the word and then go forward to look it up.
. Joanne 14:31
. 说到发音的话,其实我觉得我觉得你的中文很好的一个原因是你的发音,特别是中文的4个音调,我觉得说的大部分的时间还是比较标准的。很多其他的外国人最大的一个困难可能是分清楚这4个音调,你觉得这个方面你有什么建议吗?
. When it comes to pronunciation, I actually think one of the reasons I think your Chinese is very good is your pronunciation, especially the 4 tones of Chinese, which I think is still relatively standard most of the time. One of the biggest difficulties for many other foreigners may be to distinguish between these 4 tones, do you have any advice on this?
. Sebastien 14:54
. 其实最好的办法在这个方面上去录一下自己,然后再去听一下自己,然后再去比较,那个是最好的办法。但是这个也是需要很多时间的,然后需要很多耐心,其实我自己没有太多耐心去做这个东西。所以我就是自然而然的去学。
. Actually the best way is to go and record yourself in this area and then listen to yourself and then compare, that’s the best way. But it takes a lot of time and a lot of patience, and I don’t have a lot of patience to do that myself. So I just naturally go to learn.
. 然后学毕业的时候当然会去学,是声调是哪一个,我当然回去学。然后我觉得你要是锻炼的话,你要是说错声调的话,其实你的朋友,你的对方,一般也会去把这个说出来,因为经常是意思不一样的,所以我觉得会慢慢调整,自然而然的调整。
. And then when I learn to graduate, of course, I will go to learn, is the voice is which one, I certainly go back to learn. And then I think if you exercise, if you say the wrong tone, in fact, your friends, your opponent, generally will also go to say this, because often the meaning is not the same, so I think will slowly adjust, natural adjustment.
. Joanne 15:49
. 对你来说最难的一个中文字的发音是什么?
. What is the most difficult pronunciation of Chinese characters for you?
. Sebastien 15:54
. 中文字的发音呐?
. The pronunciation of Chinese characters?
. Joanne 15:57
. 比如说我以前你知道在北京有一站地铁,13号线有一站的地铁名字叫知春路。我听说一个外国人跟我说,知春这两个字是他见过最难的中文发音,因为知和春都是一个是翘舌音,然后春这个字也很难。我不知道你觉得对你来说有没有过一个很难的中文字。
. For example, I used to know that there is a subway station in Beijing, one of the stations on line 13 is called Zhichun Road. I heard a foreigner tell me that the word Zhi Chun was the most difficult Chinese pronunciation he had ever seen, because both Zhi and Chun have a retroflexes sound (sounds like “ zh” “sh” “ch”), and then the word Chun is also very difficult. I don’t know if you think there has ever been a difficult Chinese word for you. .
. Sebastien 16:28
. 不一定是发音的中文字对我来说比较难的是一些声调的组合,就比如说第一声和第四声这个比较难。对,第一声和第四声,比如说“饕餮Tāotiè”,这种词。
. It’s not necessarily the pronunciation of the Chinese characters that is difficult for me, it’s the combination of some tones, for example, the first and fourth tones that is difficult. Yes, the first and fourth tones, for example, “Taotie Tāotiè”, that kind of word.
. Joanne 16:46
. “饕餮Tāotiè”你觉得会比较难,哈哈
. 饕餮 Tāotiè you think it’s harder, haha
. Sebastien 16:51
. 还有第三声和第二声,比如说“组合”。
. There’s a third and a second sound, like “combination”.
. 对,因为这是后面的第二声。就会到第三声这里面,然后会全部都在一起,然后也全部都反映在一起,然后一开始我就发音不出来。
. Yeah, because it’s the second sound after that. It would go together and then it would all be put together, and then it would all be reflected together. Therefore at first I couldn’t pronounce it.
. Joanne 17:15
. Joanne 17:15
. 而且其实在中文的发音里面有的时候第三声和第三声比如说连在一起,我们就会把它自动的修改成比如说第三声会变成第二声,所以其实有很多的发音,小小的规则,但这个可能要到学着就说着说着会慢慢的更加更加习惯。比如说我现在在学法语,其实有很多的联诵,中文叫“联诵”就是Liaison,我也很不习惯,但是我觉得这个都需要时间,吧可能。
. And in fact, in Chinese pronunciation, sometimes the third sound and the third sound together, for example, we will automatically modify it into, for example, the third sound will become the second sound, so there are actually a lot of pronunciation, small rules, but this may have to learn to say it will slowly become more accustomed to. For example, I’m learning French now, and there’s a lot of joint recitation, and in Chinese it’s called Liaison, and I’m not used to it, but I think it takes time, I think it’s possible.
. Sebastien 17:49
. 对,需要时间的,因为那些法国人都说得很快,他们“联诵”说的非常多,有时候有时候都不是联诵,咱们把几个词都放在一起的,然后就说成一个音。
. Yes, it takes time, because those French people speak very fast, they say a lot of liaison, sometimes it’s not even liaison. We put several words together and then we say it as one sound.
. Joanne 18:06
. 对。最后还有一个小问题,就是关于语法上面,你觉得中文的,语法最难的点是什么?然后有没有什么小建议呢?
. Yes. And one last question, about grammar, what do you think is the most difficult point of grammar in Chinese? And then do you have any tips?
. Sebastien 18:19
. 很多人都会说中中文没有语法,但是中国是有一个,我觉得是需要好好学,但是中文的语法是比较灵活一点的。但是还有一些比较难的点。难的点,比如说在比如说“了”字的用法,或者“把”的用法,或者一些被动的一些说法,这些都是比较难的中国语法的几个点。
. Many people would say that there is no grammar in Chinese, but there is one in China, and I think it needs to be learned properly, but the grammar in Chinese is a little bit more flexible. But there are some more difficult points. Difficult points, for example, in the usage of the word “ba-take”, or the usage of “gei-give”, or some passive expressions, these are some of the more difficult points of Chinese grammar.
. 然后这些,对,当然要好好练。我觉得主要是读书或者听电视剧什么的时候,要注意到这些点。然后注意到的话,比如说不要记住一个词,但是可以记住一个句子。然后如果是比较常用的句子的话,你就自己经常用。然后语法就会变得比较自然。
. And then these, yes, of course, need to be practiced. I think the main thing is to pay attention to these points when reading or listening to TV dramas or whatever. And then if you notice, for example, don’t remember a word, but you can remember a sentence. Then if it is a more common sentence, you will often use it yourself. Then the grammar will become more natural.
. Joanne 19:27
. 你有没有一个例子,比如说在你一开始学中文的时候,有没有一个固定的句子?是你当时记住的?
. Do you have an example, for example, when you were learning Chinese at the beginning, was there a fixed sentence? Is it something that you remembered at that time?
. Sebastien 19:39
. 我没有什么特别的例子呢,比如说有一些比较比较怪的东西,比如说要是说,“我把这个给忘了”这边有“把”,然后这边还有一个“给”。然后“给”到底是什么东西,其实这个是很怪的。
. I don’t have any particular example, for example, if you say, “I forgot this,” there is “put” and then there is another “give”. “. And then what exactly is “give”, this is actually very strange.
. Joanne 20:01
. “我把这个给忘了”。对,我们是有这个说法,其实有很蛮多的句子里面会用到,同时用到“把”和“给”。但我同意可能像这样的句子,你就要因为它没有什么很好的语法的解释,所以就要记住。
. I forgot about this. Yes, we do have that, and there are actually quite a few sentences that use both “put” and “give”. But I agree that maybe with a sentence like this, you have to remember because it doesn’t have a very good grammatical explanation.
. Sebastien 20:18
. 是的。对,所以有时候只要记住这种句子,然后就会说话的时候我会听起来比较自然。但是在语法上面的话,其实很难解释为什么是这样呢?
. Yes. Yeah, so sometimes just remembering these kinds of sentences and then I’ll sound more natural when I speak. But in terms of grammar, it’s actually hard to explain why it’s like that?
. Joanne 20:33
. 你最后觉得在学中文的过程当中,除了非诚勿扰这个节目以外,还有什么别的资源?什么别的书或者电视剧可以给大家推荐的。
. What other resources do you think are out there for learning Chinese besides the show “Nonetheless”? Any other books or TV shows you can recommend?
. Sebastien 20:46
. Sebastien 20:46
. 然后我给大家特别推荐,金庸的武侠小说那个是非常好的,而且所有的中国人都知道,基本上所有的中国人小时候或者在学校的时候都读过、这这些书,还有这些电视剧,其实都做得非常好。所以我建议大家都读一下。然后还有另外一个最近的科幻小说《三体》。
. Then I would recommend to everyone that Jin Yong’s martial arts novels are very good, and all Chinese people know, basically all Chinese people read them when they were kids or in school, and these books and these TV shows, they are actually very well done. So I recommend that everyone read it. And then there’s another recent science fiction novel, “Three Bodies”.
. Sebastien 21:20
. 这个是非常推荐的,非常好,特别好像也会做一个电视剧,然后好像现在有电影,所以也是推荐大家去看一下。
. This one is very recommended, very good, especially it seems like there’s going to be a TV series done as well and then it seems like there’s a movie now, so it’s also recommended that people go and watch it.
. 然后我觉得学习中文的资料其实非常多的,尤其是我们所有的电视剧,所有的电影都有字幕,所以我推荐大家都去看一下中国的电视剧,看一下中国的电影,然后放中文的字幕。然后听不懂的话,我听不懂的话,还是也停顿一下。然后看一下是什么意思,什么的,我觉得这个是非常好。
. And then I think there are actually a lot of materials to learn Chinese, especially all of our TV series, all of our movies have subtitles, so I recommend everyone to watch Chinese TV series, watch Chinese movies, and then put Chinese subtitles. And then if you can’t understand, if I can’t understand, or also pause. Then look at what it means, or something, I think this is very good.
. 然后,最后的话,当然也是听一下podcast。在podcast的时候你可以听一些比较自然的话,然后你自己听podcast的时候,也可以去重复。去重复的话,其实也会慢慢说话说的比较流畅。而且podcast也可以有时间的时候,抽空听一下,所以是非常方便的。所以给大家推荐一下,听一下Joanne的这个podcast。
. Then, the last words, of course, is also listen to the podcast. in the podcast time you can listen to some more natural words, and then you listen to the podcast time, you can also go to repeat. If you repeat the words, you will actually slowly speak more fluently. And podcasts can also have time to take time to listen to, so it is very convenient. So I recommend you to listen to Joanne’s podcast.
. Joanne 22:43
. 谢谢,然后也顺便重复一下刚才Sebastian提到的书,第一个提到的是金庸作者的武侠小说,我可以在留言区给大家提一些金庸的武侠小说的名字。然后第二本,他提到的是《三体》,《三体》是最近中国非常流行的一本科幻小说,我本人也读了,非常的有意思,所以它不仅仅是为了学中文,它的内容本身也很有意思,而且这本书也得到了科幻小说的雨果奖,所以我也非常推荐大家来读这两本书。最后podcast欢迎大家多多收听我们的podcast。好的,今天谢谢Sebastien!
. Thank you, and then also by the way repeat the books Sebastian mentioned earlier, the first mentioned is the martial arts novels of Jin Yong author, I can mention some names of Jin Yong’s martial arts novels to everyone in the comment section. And then the second book he mentioned is “Three Bodies”, “Three Bodies” is a very popular science fiction novel in China recently, I myself also read it, it’s very interesting, so it’s not only for learning Chinese, its content itself is also very interesting, and this book also got the Hugo Award for science fiction, so I also highly recommend everyone to read these two books. Finally podcast welcome to listen to more of our podcasts. okay, thanks Sebastien today!
. 好,今天就录到这里,我们下周再见,拜拜。
. Okay, that’s it for today, we’ll see you next week, bye.