Episode 7 | 淘宝京东拼多多

Joanne 00:06
哈喽,大家好,欢迎大家来到我们的第7期节目。今天我请到了一个我的邻居,他和我住在同一幢楼里,他的名字叫Leo。 Hello, everyone, and welcome to our 7th episode. Today I have a neighbor of mine who lives in the same building as me and his name is Leo.
Leo 00:17
大家好,我是Leo。我跟Joanne是有一天在电梯里面突然间碰到的,因为我们这幢楼住的中国人不是很多,所以我就主动跟她搭了话,感觉也是非常奇妙的相遇方式 。 Hello, I’m Leo, and I met Joanne one day in the elevator out of the blue, because there are not many Chinese people living in our building, so I took the initiative to talk to her, and it felt like a really amazing way to meet her.
Joanne 00:32
对,因为大家之前听我的节目可能也知道我现在在巴黎,然后Leo现在也在巴黎对吧? Yes, because as you know from my show, I’m in Paris now, and Leo is in Paris now, right?
Leo 00:40
对我现在在巴黎高科的一所工程师学校读工程师学位,现在是第二年。 Yes, I’m in my second year of an engineering degree at an engineering school in ParisTech.
Joanne 00:47
然后今天我们想和大家聊一个挺时尚的话题:中国的电商。电商就是电子商务的,简称说白了就是在网上面买东西,在国外的小伙伴们肯定都知道,国外有Amazon啊,之前有eBay,中国的话。 And then today we want to talk to you about a very trendy topic: e-commerce in China. E-commerce is e-commerce, for short, it’s about buying things on the internet, and those of you who are abroad must know that there’s Amazon, and before that, there was eBay, and in China.
Leo 01:09
主要是对于中国来说,我觉得几乎所有中国人都知道的一个电商的网站叫做淘宝,感觉应该在中国的地位相当于在,中国以外地方亚马逊的地位了 mainly for China, I think almost all Chinese people know an e-commerce site called Taobao, I feel that the status in China should be equivalent to the status of Amazon in places outside of China
Joanne 01:25
淘宝就是,用的人现在应该还是最多的吧。应该是的。(对)我记得之前我看到过一个数据,淘宝它有一个节日叫双11,双11的意思就是每年的11月11号,是一个淘宝的购物节。地位相当于是外国的黑5,就是黑色星期五, Black Friday这么一个节日。 Taobao is that the people who use it now should still be the most, right? I think so. (Yes) I remember I saw a data before, Taobao it has a holiday called double 11, double 11 means November 11 every year, is a Taobao shopping festival. The status is equivalent to the foreign Black 5, is the Black Friday, Black Friday so a holiday.
Leo 01:49
但是你知道为什么双11会成为这样的一个购物的节日吗? But do you know why Double 11 has become such a shopping holiday?
Joanne 01:54
对我听说是因为双11他是4个1,然后它就有点像单身的人。所以它是(对)所以它是想让单身的人在这一天在网上疯狂的购物是吗? Yeah I heard it’s because Double 11 is 4 1s and then it’s kind of like single people. So it’s (right) so it’s trying to get single people to go on a shopping spree online on this day is that right?
Leo 02:07
通过我觉得应该是通过购物和花钱,来缓解自己内心的寂寞和苦闷。但是你知道我为什么会对这个故事记忆犹新吗?(不知道)是因为我的生日是11月11号,这个是真实的故事。所以在还没有双11这个节日之前,我过生日的时候,其实,其实大家都会已经把双11这个节日戏称为光棍节,但是有了双11之后,我就感觉我的生日会变得更加有意义了一些。 By I think it’s supposed to relieve your inner loneliness and bitterness by shopping and spending money. But do you know why I remember this story vividly? (I don’t know) is because my birthday is November 11, this is a true story. So before there was a double 11 holiday, when I had my birthday, in fact, in fact, everyone would have already teased the double 11 holiday as the bachelor’s day, but with the double 11, I felt that my birthday would become a little more meaningful.
Joanne 02:39
你的生日现在非常的重要,是创造中国每年创造GDP最多一天。 Your birthday is now very important and is the day that creates the most GDP creation in China each year.
Leo 02:46
就感觉所有的人在双11的那天晚上,都守在或者是电脑或者是手机前面,就在为我庆祝生日的感觉。 It just feels like all the people are guarding or in front of their computers or phones on the night of Double 11, just celebrating my birthday.
Joanne 02:55
因为我刚才想提到那个新闻,我看到双11这一天淘宝上的购物销量已经远远超过外国,比如说英国的黑5的购物节,所以中国人民的消费水平真是不容小觑(是这样)。 Because I just wanted to mention that news, I saw that the shopping sales on Taobao on the double 11 day has far exceeded the foreign, for example, the UK’s Black Friday shopping festival, so the level of consumption of the Chinese people is really not to be underestimated (it is).
Leo 03:12
尤其是去年2020年的时候,不是因为新冠肺炎,大家基本都会,怎么讲,待在家里面的时间比较久,所以很少有机会去线下购物,我觉得这样反而更加推动了2020年双11期间淘宝的购物的业绩。 Especially last year 2020, not because of the new crown pneumonia, we will basically, how to say, stay at home face for a longer time, so few opportunities to go offline shopping, I think this rather more promote the performance of Taobao shopping during the double 11 in 2020.
Joanne 03:31
双11真的是非常夸张,就有一点像……因为双11的时候有很多东西会打折,但是它打折的额度,或者说你购买的数量是有限的,所以你还真的是要在11月10号的凌晨,那天晚上把东西都放到你的购物车里。购物车就是购物的推车,大家在网上购物过肯定都知道你要把东西放在购物车里,等到凌晨的时间一过,马上去点击购买。 Double 11 is really very exaggerated, it’s a little like …… because there are a lot of things that will be discounted on double 11, but it’s discounted amount, or the number you buy is limited, so you really have to put things in your shopping cart in the early hours of November 10, that night. The shopping cart is the shopping cart, everyone who has shopped online must know that you have to put things in the shopping cart, wait until the early morning hours, and immediately click to buy.
Leo 04:05
是要付钱,因为如果你付晚了的话,可能这个商品就已经下架了,就是说供不应求了,因为买的人太多了,就库存不够了。但是其实你讲的情况是已经是双11节日初期的一些购物的形态了,我不知道你有没有了解过,最近国内一些双11的怎么讲一些打折的政策。因为最近来看,现在的双11商家们都比较喜欢搞一个叫做定金的东西。你在双11之前可能提前一个月甚至提前两个月,就已经选好了你心仪的产品,然后你要把它加到你的购物车里面。这个时候为了防止你双11的时候忘记,或者是你双11的时候反悔,它会让你付一个定金,定金大概会是你这个产品价格的10%左右,然后在双11的这一天晚上,你可以选择付掉剩下的尾款。 It is to pay, because if you pay late, the goods may have been removed from the shelves, that is to say, demand exceeds supply, because too many people buy, there is not enough stock. But in fact, you speak of the situation is already some of the early double 11 holiday shopping form, I do not know if you have understood, recently some of the domestic double 11 how to speak of some of the discount policy. Because recently see, now the double 11 merchants are more like to engage in a thing called the deposit. You may have selected your preferred product a month or even two months in advance before the double 11, and then you have to add it to your shopping cart inside. This time, in order to prevent you from forgetting or regretting when you double 11, it will let you pay a deposit, the deposit will be about 10% of the price of your product, and then on the night of the double 11, you can choose to pay the rest of the final payment.
Joanne 05:05
你如果说在双11这一天不想要了,定金就是白白浪费了的。 If you say you don’t want it on the day of the double 11, the deposit is a waste of money.
Leo 05:10
是的,你如果不想要了的话,或者你忘记付款了,或者你漏掉付款了定金就拜拜了。 Yes, if you don’t want it, or if you forget to pay, or if you miss the payment, the deposit will be goodbye.
Joanne 05:15
我觉得这个政策… 反正我自己本人从来没有在双11的时候购物过,你有没有抢过双11? I think this policy… anyway, I myself have never shopped on double 11… have you ever grabbed a double 11?
Leo 05:23
我记得我上大一的时候就是2014年的时候,那个时候双11应该是刚刚兴起不久,我当时还是蛮疯狂的就买东西,买了很多就所谓的需要的或者是不需要的,然后也会因为一些原因,比如说尺码的原因,我会买了不适合我的尺码,就会进行一些勉强式的购物对吧?就是为了购物而去购物这样的感觉。 I remember when I was a freshman in 2014, when the double 11 was just emerging, I was still quite crazy to buy things, buy a lot of so-called need or do not need, and then also because of some reasons, such as size, I will buy the size that does not fit me, will do some reluctant shopping, right? It’s the feeling of shopping just for the sake of shopping.
Joanne 05:51
你还记得当时这一次的双11你主要买了一些什么东西? Do you remember the main things you bought on the double 11?
Leo 05:56
主要买的产品应该是衣服类型和鞋子类型,我记得为什么我会提到尺码的问题,因为我记忆犹新的是我买了一件 dicks的一件外套,一件棒球外套,外套我正常的尺码应该是M码的,但是因为双11的关系,我只买到了S码的,然后衣服穿在我身上,特别像小朋友的衣服穿在我身上一样。 The main products I bought were clothes and shoes, I remember why I mentioned the size issue, because I still remember I bought a jacket from Dicks, a baseball jacket, the jacket my normal size should be M size, but because of the double 11, I only got the S size, and then the clothes on me, especially like children’s clothes on me.
Joanne 06:22
所以说就像你说的有一些勉强似的购物,其实你想买M码,但是为了享受折扣,反而买了一些不是很需要的东西。 So like you said there is some reluctant shopping, you actually want to buy M size, but in order to enjoy the discount, but instead buy something that is not very necessary.
Leo 06:33
是这样的,就是在尤其是在这种打折力度很大的时候,你会有一种感觉,就好像你不买你就亏了。但其实我觉得正常的逻辑,或者说一个健康的逻辑是,你不买你就省钱了,而不是你不买你就会亏了。 It’s like this, it’s in especially when this kind of discount is strong, you will have a feeling as if you don’t buy you lose. But actually I think the normal logic, or a healthy logic, is that you save money if you don’t buy, not that you lose money if you don’t buy.
Joanne 06:48
但我其实一直想不通的一件事情,是会不会存在这样一种现象啊?有一些商家他会提前把价格提高,然后再打折。 But one of the things I’ve actually been wondering is whether there is such a phenomenon ah? There are some merchants who will raise the price in advance and then discount it.
Leo 07:00
这个问题我觉得可能在双11的前期,就是在活动的前几年,比较容易出现。因为当时可能也是因为监管的方面的一些原因,但是最近几年好像没有怎么听说过这样的事情。 This problem I think may be in the early days of the double 11, is in the first few years of the event, more likely to appear. The reason for this is because of some regulatory reasons, but I haven’t heard much about this in recent years.
Joanne 07:17
反正我本人我特别不喜欢在网上面买衣服,因为女生的衣服,你知道,合体合身是很重要的,所以我也……虽然现在淘宝上面买衣服,你可以买一个东西叫做退货险。险就是保险的险,所谓退货险的意思,就是我可能在买衣服的时候多加一点点钱,比如说一块钱人民币相当于0.2欧元的意思。 Anyway, I personally I especially do not like to buy clothes on the net, because girls’ clothes, you know, fit fit fit is very important, so I also …… although now Taobao above buy clothes, you can buy a thing called return insurance. The insurance is the insurance, the meaning of the so-called return insurance, is that I may add a little more money when buying clothes, for example, one yuan is equivalent to 0.2 euros meaning.
我付了这一个退货险呢,之后如果我试到的,买到的衣服不合身,我不想要了,我就可以免费的给他寄回去,所以这个叫退货险。但是就算现在有了退货险,我还是觉得很懒,我就懒得去把衣服寄回去,所以我特别不喜欢在网上面买衣服,我觉得我最多的买的东西可能是电子商品。 I paid this a return insurance it, after if I try to buy the clothes do not fit, I do not want, I can send him back for free, so this is called return insurance. But even now with the return insurance, I still feel very lazy, I’m too lazy to send the clothes back, so I especially do not like to buy clothes on the Internet, I think I buy the most things may be electronic goods.
Leo 08:09
我觉得我和你的情况也类似,我也觉得因为网上买衣服一个最大的缺点,就是你退换不是很方便,哪怕我们用到了主要所提到的退货险,但其实还是需要等一个比较长的时间。 I think I am similar to your situation, I also think that because online buying clothes one of the biggest drawbacks, is that you return is not very convenient, even if we use the return insurance mentioned in the main, but in fact still need to wait a relatively long time.
另外对于电子产品的话,我觉得,我不知道你作为一个女生,或者说你作为一个文科学生,你有没有很了解电子产品?因为我是学理科的,所以我平常对这些电子产品也比较感兴趣。我是其实不太推荐你从淘宝这种渠道来进行电子产品购买。 In addition to electronic products, I think, I do not know you as a girl, or you as a literature student, you have a good understanding of electronic products? Because I am studying science, so I am usually more interested in these electronic products. I am actually not quite recommend you from Taobao this channel to electronic products to buy.
Joanne 08:46
没有没有,我也不在淘宝上买,但我一般在京东上面买电子产品,就是刚才也想跟大家提到的第二个中国可能是最…第二大的电子商务平台就是京东,然后京东和淘宝主要的区别可能就是,京东上面会主打更多的一些电子产品,对不对? No, no, I don’t buy from Taobao, but I usually buy electronics from Jingdong, which is the second most…the second largest e-commerce platform in China, and then the main difference between Jingdong and Taobao is that Jingdong has more electronic products, right?
Leo 09:07
是这样的。 That’s right.
Joanne 09:08
正好刚才提到几个词,我觉得还挺有意思的,给大家稍微回顾一下。第一个词我们提到光棍儿,光棍是带一个儿化音的词,其实本来应该念光棍。 I think it’s interesting to review a few words. The first word we mentioned is bachelor, bachelor is a word with a child’s pronunciation, in fact, it should be pronounced bachelor.
Leo 09:21
对,是光棍儿是三个字,但是在北方的方言里面,或者说在中国的普通话里面,是以北京方言为基础的,然后我们一般会把“儿”和“棍子”念到一起就念成棍,因为我是北方人。作为一个北方人,如果你碰到一些特定的词语,你不加儿化音的话,会感觉到这个词非常的奇怪。 Yes, it’s three words, but in the northern dialect, or in the Chinese Mandarin, is based on the Beijing dialect, and then we will generally pronounce “children” and “stick” together as a stick, because I am a northerner. As a northerner, if you come across some specific words, you will feel very strange if you don’t add the children’s sound.
Joanne 09:49
光棍是什么意思?呢你可以给大家解释一下吗? What is the meaning of bareback? And can you explain it to people?
Leo 09:52
光棍就是指单身的人,一个,但是我觉得这个词会带有一些贬义的色彩,会有一些说这个人好可怜,没有另外一半他是一个光棍。 A bachelor is a single person, a single, but I think this word will have some derogatory color, there will be some say this person is so poor, no other half he is a bachelor.
Joanne 10:05
“光棍”它本意就是一根棍子。(对是这样)。就是光。光这个词其实有怎么说,比如说你把衣服都脱完了,可以叫脱光衣服,所以光棍的意思就是什么都没有,单单的一根棍子,现在用来主要是称男生,我觉得是。 The word “bachelor” originally means a stick. (Yes, it does). It means light. The word light actually has how to say, for example, you take off all the clothes, can be called naked clothes, so the meaning of the bachelor is nothing, a single stick, now used mainly to call boys, I think it is.
Leo 10:26
单身的男生。 Single boys.
Joanne 10:28
对,所以刚才说到双11是单身节,也可以叫光棍节,是这么一个来头。 Right, so just said that double 11 is the singles’ day, can also be called the bachelor’s day, is so a source.
Leo 10:34
对因为双11有4根棍子,4个1,所以会叫光棍节。 Right because Double 11 has 4 sticks, 4 1s, so it would be called Bachelor’s Day.
Joanne 10:41
然后第二个词我觉得还挺有用的,然后我们日常生活中也一直提的叫“大神”。 And then the second word I think is quite useful, and then we have been mentioned in our daily life called “god”.
Leo 10:48
大神…大神这个词,它应该是从网络游戏当中流行出来的一个词汇。大,就是大小的大,神,就是神仙的神。我觉得你理解它可以通过字面的意思来理解。你首先是神,你已经不是人了,而且你还是一个大神,就表明你在某一个领域非常的厉害,你非常了解这个领域,所以叫做大神。而且大神这个词我觉得会用在电子产品或者是电脑游戏这方面比较多。 Da Shen…the word Da Shen, it should be a term popularized from the online games. Big, that is, the size of the big, god, that is, the god of the gods. I think you can understand it by the literal meaning. First of all, you are a god, you are no longer a human being, and you are also a great god, it shows that you are very powerful in a certain field, you know this field very well, so it is called a great god. And the word “god” I think will be used more in electronic products or computer games.
Joanne 11:23
对,但其实我觉得各种领域,如果想要描述一个人非常厉害的时候,都可以用大神,比如说,举一些外国朋友比较熟悉的例子,我们可以说费德勒是网球界的大神,或者说甚至你可以说梵高是绘画界的大神都可以,所以大神是一个比较通俗的说法。 Yes, but actually I think all kinds of fields, if you want to describe a person is very powerful, you can use god, for example, to give some foreign friends more familiar examples, we can say that Federer is the god of tennis, or even you can say that Van Gogh is the god of painting, so god is a more general term.
那说回来说到网上电子商务的平台,刚才有介绍京东和淘宝,但是这几年中国又出现了一个非常非常火的新的电子平台,也是今天为什么我想要和Leo聊这个话题,电子平台叫拼多多,你能解释一下拼多多这个词这个来源是什么你知道吗? So back to the online e-commerce platform, just introduced Jingdong and Taobao, but in the past few years China has emerged a very, very hot new electronic platform, which is why I want to talk to Leo today, electronic platform called Jindo, can you explain the word Jindo what is the origin of this word you know?
Leo 12:10
我觉得拼多多这个词的来源,主要是来自于它的一个购物的模式,因为拼多多推行的一个购物的模式,我们叫做团购,比如说你一个人买一台电脑可能要5000元,但是你20个人一起买这台电脑,就每个人都买一台的话,它的价格就会降低很多。所以应该是在我看来应该是拼多多第一个推广这种购物模式的人,所以它会叫“拼”,因为就是大家拼在一起购物。“多多”,当然买的越多赚的越多,我觉得可能是这个意思吧。 I think the origin of the word Poundland is mainly from its shopping model, because Poundland promotes a shopping model, we call it group buying, for example, you buy a computer alone may cost 5,000 yuan, but if you buy this computer together with 20 people, everyone buys one, its price will be much lower. So it should be in my opinion the first person to promote this shopping model, so it will be called “spell”, because it is everyone shopping together. “The more you buy, the more you earn, I think that’s probably what it means.
Joanne 12:47
但是我觉得拼音多多可能不是第一个,因为国外的话就有Groupon。Groupon其实当年就是团购这个概念,所以买的多,然后省钱这个概念并不是很新鲜,为什么拼多多在中国会忽然之间崛起,忽然之间做的这么大? I think Pinyin Doduo may not be the first one, because abroad there is Groupon. groupon is actually the concept of group buying, so the concept of buying more and saving money is not very new, why Pinyin Doduo will suddenly rise in China and suddenly do so big?
Leo 13:05
这个问题我觉得可能和拼多多选择的一些产品有关系吧。因为比如拼多多上面,我们经常会买到的一些日用品方面的东西,他会以非常低的价格卖给你,我觉得这个是非常吸引我们就像爸爸妈妈这一辈人的消费的欲望。就比如说你买一管牙膏,可能正常的价格要10块钱人民币左右,但是你在“拼多多”上,可以买到类似,带引号的类似的产品的话,可能只需要5块钱人民币左右,这个是非常有吸引力的我觉得。 This question I think may have something to do with some of the products chosen by Jindo. For example, on Poundland, we often buy some daily necessities, he will sell you at a very low price, I think this is very attractive to our parents’ generation’s desire to consume. For example, if you buy a tube of toothpaste, the normal price is about 10 RMB, but you can buy similar products with quotation marks on “Poundworld” for only 5 RMB, which is very attractive I think.
Joanne 13:41
我一直有这么一个印象,就是拼多多他的目标客户、目标群体,是一些,二线城市和三线城市的人,你觉得我这个印象是对的吗? I always have this impression that the target customers and target groups of Jindo are people from second-tier and third-tier cities, do you think this impression is correct?
Leo 13:55
我觉得可以这么说,因为Joanne来自上海,上海其实是一个便利店行业发展非常迅猛的城市,你半夜12点出门都可以买到你想要的东西。但是在一些靠西部的或者说靠北部的一些,二线或者说是18线的小城市当中,其实人们买到这种日常生活用品的途径可能是去超市或者是去小卖部,这是非常不方便的。而且他们的价格其实会随着整个一个市场价格的波动进行变化。所以我觉得这就是为什么拼多多的受众群体,可能更多的是在一些小城市的家庭会选择拼多多。 I think you can say that, because Joanne is from Shanghai, Shanghai is actually a city where the convenience store industry is developing very rapidly, you can go out at 12 o’clock in the middle of the night to buy the things you want. But in some of the smaller cities in the west or north, the second or 18th tier cities, the way people can get their daily necessities is to go to a supermarket or a kiosk, which is very inconvenient. And their prices will actually change with the fluctuation of the whole market price. So I think that’s why the audience of Poundland, probably more families in some small cities will choose Poundland.
Joanne 14:44
拼多多我觉得最可怕的一点,它就是,它需要你经常转发一些广告,然后通过别人的点击和转发来给你更多的折扣。我本人因为没有用过拼多多,但是我经常会收到一些朋友或者是亲戚亲朋好友,他们给我转发说,“欸,Joanne,你能不能点击一下这个链接?”如果你点击了,我就可以享受更多的折扣,所以通过这样一种模式,相当于让更多的人来加入拼多多,知道拼多多。 I think the scariest thing about Poundland is that it requires you to repost some ads often and then give you more discounts through other people’s clicks and reposts. I personally because I have not used Poundland, but I often receive some friends or relatives friends and relatives, they forwarded to me and said, “Hey Joanne, can you click on this link?” If you click it, I can enjoy more discounts, so through such a model, equivalent to let more people come to join Poundland, know Poundland.
Leo 15:20
对,我觉得这个应该是他们的一种宣传的手段,就是为了让其实就是相当于是一种做广告的手段,你通过给客户一些折扣,来让大家更多的人知道,同时怎么讲分享给大家,然后通过大家点击链接的行为,其实在中文的网络世界有一个更加形象化的一个说法,叫做“砍一刀”。 I think this should be their means of publicity, is to make actually is equivalent to a means of advertising, you give customers some discounts, to let more people know, and how to talk about sharing to everyone, and then through the behavior of people click on the link, in fact, in the Chinese network world has a more figurative a saying, called “cut a knife”.
因为经常你会在尤其是在家族的群里面,你会看到比如说你的姑姑会突然发来一个拼多多的链接,然后请求大家说“家人朋友们帮帮忙帮我来砍一刀”,然后点过链接的家人会在群里面回复说已砍,已砍,已砍。这样的话砍的人越多,你得到的折扣也就越多。 Because often you will see especially in the family group, you will see for example your aunt will suddenly send a link to Poundland, and then request everyone to say “family friends help help me to cut a knife”, and then click the link of the family will reply in the group to say has cut, has cut, has cut. The more people you have, the more discounts you will get.
Joanne 16:14
“砍”这个动词本来其实就是用在刀,就是说你用刀来砍什么东西,“砍树”比如说。 The verb “chop” is actually used in the knife, that is, you use a knife to cut something, “chopping trees” for example.
那现在的话,因为其实在中文里面,如果你要价格说的更低一点,我们有一个说法叫砍价,就是把价格砍得更低一点,所以现在就在拼多多上面有这么个说法叫砍一刀。 Now, because in fact, in Chinese, if you want the price to say a little lower, we have a saying called chopping, is to cut the price a little lower, so now there is such a saying called chopping a knife on top of Jindo.
Leo 16:37
对其实这是我觉得这还是一种蛮形象蛮具体的说法,因为就有一种符合了他企业内涵的感觉,又是拼就是叫大家一起来。又是砍,又可以帮你拿到更多的优惠,感觉还是蛮有趣的一个词汇。 The actual fact is that I think this is still a kind of image quite specific statement, because it has a kind of connotation in line with the feeling of his business, and is spell is called everyone together. And also cut, and can help you get more discount, feel or quite interesting a vocabulary.
Joanne 16:54
对然后刚才又想到提到二线三线和18线城市,这个词我觉得可能也是中国独有的。我们的定义里面哪些城市算是二线城市,你觉得,什么叫二线城市? Yes and then just thought of mentioning second-tier, third-tier and 18th-tier cities, a term I think may also be unique to China. What cities are considered second-tier cities in our definition, and what do you think, what do you mean by second-tier cities?
Leo 17:10
对于我来说,我个人的理解二线城市就是一些,在一线城市周边的一些省市的首府,或者说是紧邻着一线城市的一些城市。举一个最恰当的例子,比如说杭州、苏州或者是南京,在我看来这些就是很典型的二线城市。因为它首先不如北京、上海、广州、深圳这么出名,其次它距离这些中心的城市是有一定的距离的,我觉得这就是为什么它叫做二线城市。 For me, my personal understanding of second-tier cities is that they are the capitals of some provinces and cities around the first-tier cities, or some cities that are close to the first-tier cities. For example, Hangzhou, Suzhou or Nanjing are, in my opinion, typical second-tier cities. Because it is not as famous as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and secondly it is a certain distance from these central cities, I think that is why it is called a second-tier city.
还有另外一个原因是我觉得在这些,在这些所谓的二线城市,其实我们正在努力的过一种所谓的国际化的生活。就是,怎么讲,试图追赶一线城市的步伐,这是我为什么叫它二线城市。 Another reason is that I think that in these so-called second-tier cities, we are actually trying to live a so-called international life. That’s, how do you say, trying to catch up with the first-tier cities, and that’s why I call it a second-tier city.
Joanne 18:05
二线一线这两个词,我觉得也不仅仅可以用在城市,它其实本来的意思。就是第一个档次或者是第一个最好的那一批。 二线呢,不是最好的,但是也不错的那些东西。不仅仅是城市,比如说你可以说一线明星,明星就是演员呀,歌手呀,也有二线明星。 The words second tier and first tier, I think can also be used not only in the city, it actually originally meant. It is the first class or the first best of the bunch. Second tier, not the best, but also good for those things. Not only the city, for example, you can say that the first-tier stars, stars are actors, singers, there are also second-tier stars.
如果说有一些明星他没有很多的电影,或者他不是很有名,就可以管他们叫18线明星。在中国非常喜欢用18这个数字,我也不知道为什么,凡是要说很后面,数字很后面的时候,就会用18这个词(我也很好奇) If there are some stars who do not have a lot of movies, or he is not very famous, you can call them 18-line stars. In China very like to use the number 18, I do not know why, where to say very back, the number is very back, will use the word 18 (I am also very curious)
Leo 18:50
因为我不知道这个事情是不是只在中国的文化当中存在,因为我们在说地狱的时候,我们会说18层地狱,我不知道为什么。可是在我看来在中国的文化体系里面应该是没有地域这个概念的。 Because I don’t know if this thing exists only in Chinese culture, because when we say hell, we say 18 layers of hell, I don’t know why. But it seems to me that within the Chinese cultural system there should be no such concept as geography.
Joanne 19:04
对,但是十八确实是一个非常神奇的数字,所以刚才就说有一线城市,一线明星,也可以说一线品牌,反正是可以分档次的东西,都可以说一线二线。 Right, but eighteen is really a very magical number, so just now it says there are first-tier cities, first-tier stars, you can also say first-tier brands, anyway, something that can be graded, you can say first-tier and second-tier.
Leo 19:19
其实另外一线还有另外的一个用法,比如说一线工人,一线教师就是指他们是冲在最前面,最直接接触到生产活动的人,所以会叫他们比如一线工人、一线教师、一线医生等等。 In fact, in addition there is another use of first-line, for example, first-line workers, first-line teachers means that they are at the forefront, the most direct contact with the production activities of people, so they will be called, for example, first-line workers, first-line teachers, first-line doctors and so on.
Joanne 19:36
所以这两个一线的意思是挺不一样的。刚才说的第一个“一线”其实是first-tier,first class。然后第二个“一线”,刚才没有说的一线工人其实是frontline的意思,所以一线有这两个不同的意思。 So the meaning of these two lines is quite different. The first “first line” is actually first-tier, first class, and then the second “first line”, which I didn’t say earlier, is actually frontline, so first line has these two different meanings.
我觉得我心目中或者传统意义上的一线城市只有4个,北上广深对吧?就是北京、上海、广州、深圳。然后二线我觉得就像你说的是一些省会城市,比如说苏州、杭州、南京之类。你觉得中国大概有多少个二线城市? I think I have in mind or the traditional sense of a first-class city only four, North, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, right? That’s Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. And then the second tier I think like you said are some provincial capitals, like Suzhou, Hangzhou, Nanjing and so on. How many second-tier cities do you think there are in China?
Leo 20:14
其实比较难讲,我觉得。因为就像我们现在讲一线城市的概念,北上广深其实我们现在已经不把它叫做一线城市了,我们叫它“超一线城市”,是因为我们有太多所谓之前的二线城市,慢慢通过发展变成了之前所谓上海北上广深的模样。所以现在在2021年这个情况下,我觉得在中国你讲二线城市,可能是会提到更多,以前你都没有听说过城市的名字,比如说合肥。 It’s actually harder to say, I think. Because just like we talk about the concept of first-tier cities now, we actually don’t call them first-tier cities anymore, we call them “super first-tier cities” because we have too many so-called second-tier cities that have slowly developed into what Shanghai, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen were like before. So now in 2021, I think when you talk about second-tier cities in China, you’re probably going to mention more cities that you haven’t heard of before, like Hefei.
Joanne 20:51
合肥怎么会没听说过,合肥是安徽的。 How can you not have heard of Hefei, Hefei is from Anhui.
Leo 20:55
那是因为你是江浙沪的人,你可能会听说过这个名字,或者比如说呼和浩特。这个城市就是在内蒙古的一个城市,我觉得在目前看来,他可以算上是一个二线的城市了。因为所谓我们刚才说的南京、苏州、杭州这些已经变成了一线城市,而之前的一线城市也变成了超一线城市。 That’s because you are from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, you may have heard of the name, or for example, Hohhot. This city is a city in Inner Mongolia, I think at the moment, he can be considered a second-tier city. Because the so-called Nanjing, Suzhou and Hangzhou that we just mentioned have become first-tier cities, and the previous first-tier cities have become super first-tier cities.
Joanne 21:19
刚才正好说到江浙沪这个词,我觉得也可以展开说一下,顺便让我想到了什么叫包邮区,因为正好讲到电商。江浙沪就是三个省,江是江苏,浙是浙江,沪是上海,所以这三个省份或者上海市它是连在一起的。然后还有一个词叫江浙沪包邮区。 Just now it happens to say the word Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, I think it can also be expanded to say, by the way, let me think of what is called the package area, because it happens to talk about e-commerce. The three provinces are Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, so the three provinces or the city of Shanghai are linked together. And then there is a word called Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai package mail area.
Leo 21:45
包邮的意思就是你在网上购物的时候,通常来说由这个东西通过邮局运到你家,你是要交邮费的吗?包邮就是你不需要交邮费,邮费通过商家来包揽了,就叫做包邮区。 The meaning of inclusive postage is that when you shop online, usually speaking by this thing shipped to your home through the post office, you are to pay the postage? The first thing you need to do is not to pay the postage, the postage through the business to cover it, it is called the package area.
Joanne 22:01
对,邮费就是运费对吧?对。然后所以包邮其实是在中国购物的时候经常会用到的一个词,还挺有用的。 Yes, postage is the shipping cost, right? Right. And then so package shipping is actually a term that’s often used when you’re shopping in China, and it’s pretty useful.
Leo 22:11
可是你知道为什么“江浙沪”叫做包邮区吗? But do you know why “Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai” is called the free shipping area?
Joanne 22:15
因为阿里巴巴的总部在杭州是吗?(是这样的,对。)所以从杭州出发,江浙沪比较近,所以就可以包邮对对。 Because Alibaba’s headquarters is in Hangzhou, right? (That’s right, yes.) So from Hangzhou, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is closer, so it can be shipped, right?
Leo 22:24
还有一个原因,是因为江浙沪本来就是一个一体的经济体系,所以它之间的交通什么的都会非常的快。在包邮区,其实在今天来看,包邮区的另外一个意思就是今天下单明天送到,在江浙沪这个速度是可以达到的。 There is another reason, because Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is originally an integrated economic system, so it will be very fast traffic between anything. In the package mail area, in fact, in today’s view, the package mail area means that the order is placed today and delivered tomorrow, in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai this speed can be achieved.
Joanne 22:44
那今天我们就讲到这里,你还有什么最后要补充的吗?关于你的中国的电商购物体验。 So that’s it for us today, do you have anything final to add? About your e-commerce shopping experience in China.
Leo 22:52
大概就是这样了。 That’s about it.
Joanne 22:54
我觉得中国发展速度可能过几年就会有新的拼多多呀,新的平台出现,更新换代真的是非常的快。(是的。) I think the speed of development in China is probably going to be a new Jindo, a new platform in a few years, and it’s updating really fast. (Yes.)
好了,今天就聊到这里,谢谢Leo。 Well, that’s it for today, thanks Leo.
Leo 23:09
谢谢Joanne。 Thank you Joanne.
Joanne 23:10
好,我们下期再见,拜拜。 Okay, we’ll see you next time, bye.