Episode 8 | 祝大家端午节快乐!
哈喽大家好,欢迎大家又来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文,那么今天…surprise! 又是我一个人和大家在这里见面了 :) Hello everyone, and welcome to another edition of our new Chinese language course, so today…SURPRISE! I’m alone again with you all here :)
这个周末不知道大家过得怎么样,我过得还是挺充实的,但还是有点忙。可能听我的podcast的听众朋友们知道,我现在在巴黎读书,但是我的男朋友他住在德国,所以这个周末我从巴黎到德国,去见我的男朋友。所以我是星期四的晚上坐火车从巴黎到德国,星期天晚上从德国回到巴黎。 I don’t know how you all are doing this weekend, but I’m having a pretty good time, but I’m still a little busy. As you may know from listening to my podcast, I’m currently studying in Paris, but my boyfriend lives in Germany, so this weekend I traveled from Paris to Germany to meet my boyfriend. So I took the train from Paris to Germany on Thursday night and returned to Paris from Germany on Sunday night.
虽然说火车票不是很贵,但是还是时间挺长的,从巴黎到法兰克福就要5个小时,我还要转车,就是换一辆火车,从法兰克福到我男朋友所在的城市,所以来来回回、前前后后一共可能花了七八个小时单程在路上。 Although the train ticket is not very expensive, but it is still quite long, from Paris to Frankfurt will take 5 hours, I also have to change trains, that is, change a train, from Frankfurt to my boyfriend’s city, so back and forth, before and after a total of probably spent seven or eight hours on the road.
所以我这个周末,虽然见到我男朋友很开心,我们做了很多事情,但是我也挺累的。但今天还是一个挺重要的中国的传统节日,就是端午节! So I was very happy to see my boyfriend this weekend, and we did a lot of things, but I was also quite tired. But today is also a very important traditional Chinese holiday, that is, the Dragon Boat Festival!
不知道听众朋友这边有没有知道什么是端午?它是6月份的一个中国的传统节假日,一般发生在每年的6月份。其实传统来说,是为了纪念一个重要的爱国主义的诗人,什么叫诗人? 就是写诗的作者,他生活在中国的古代,他的名字叫屈原。 I don’t know if listeners over here know what the Dragon Boat Festival is? It is a traditional Chinese holiday that generally occurs in June every year. In fact, traditionally, it is to commemorate an important patriotic poet, what do you mean by poet? It is the author of a poem who lived in ancient China and whose name was Qu Yuan.
屈原他是一个非常热爱中华,热爱中国的这么一个诗人,但是他因为当时各种各样的因素,就是中国的当时朝代没落,他对当时的政府有很多的不满,导致他跳到了河里面,然后自杀了,就是杀死了他自己。 Qu Yuan was a poet who loved China very much, but because of various factors, namely the decline of the Chinese dynasty at that time, he had a lot of dissatisfaction with the government at that time, which led him to jump into the river and commit suicide, that is, to kill himself.
那么跳到河里自杀在我们中国也有一个成语,有一个4个字的成语可以叫”投江自尽”,所以我们经常会说屈原投江自尽了。就是因为屈原投江自尽,我们现在6月份这个节日就是为了纪念这位爱国的诗人屈原,所以在这个节日我们有两个特别的传统的庆祝方法。 So jumping into the river to commit suicide in our Chinese idiom, there is a four-character idiom can be called “throwing himself into the river”, so we often say Qu Yuan threw himself into the river. It is because Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, we are now in June this holiday is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan, so in this holiday we have two special traditional ways to celebrate.
第一个是吃粽子,什么是粽子? The first is to eat zongzi, what is zongzi?
其实粽子是我个人最喜欢吃的食物之一,而且有的时候不仅仅是在端午节,我也会自己去超市买粽子,吃粽子它也分两种,一种是甜的粽子,还有一种是咸的粽子。 In fact, zongzi is one of my personal favorite food, and sometimes not only in the Dragon Boat Festival, I will also go to the supermarket to buy zongzi, eat zongzi it is divided into two kinds, one is sweet zongzi, and another is salty zongzi.
这个在中国的南方和北方,在不同的城市之间也有很多的争议,有人喜欢吃甜粽子,有人喜欢吃咸粽子,但说回来什么是粽子啊?粽子它的重要的一个点它是用粽叶。粽叶是一种植物的叶子,很长,它本身会带有一些清香,所以我们古代人会想到用粽叶去把一些中国的糯米包在里面。 This is in the south and north of China, there is a lot of controversy between different cities, some people like to eat sweet zongzi, some people like to eat salty zongzi, but back to what is zongzi ah? It’s an important point of rice dumplings it is with rice dumpling leaves. The leaves of a plant are very long, and it comes with some fragrance, so we ancient people would think of using the leaves to wrap some Chinese glutinous rice inside.
糯米就是吃起来会比较黏的米叫糯米。如果是甜粽子,就是在糯米里面会和一些比如说甜枣、蜜饯等等,不同的一些干的水果甜的东西放在糯米里面。 The glutinous rice is the rice that will be sticky to eat is called glutinous rice. If it is a sweet rice dumpling, it is inside the glutinous rice and some, for example, sweet dates, candied fruit and so on, some different dried fruit sweet things put inside the glutinous rice.
刚才我说一些其实”和”这个字是一个多音字,它写字的话和 “和” 这个字是一样的,”我和你”的”和”。但是在这个句子里,我们说什么东西里面”和”一些什么东西,意思就是放一些什么东西啊,或者搅拌一些什么东西,混合一些什么东西。 Just now I said that the character “和” is a polyphonic character, and it is the same as the character “和”, “我和你”. But in this sentence, when we say “and” something inside something, we mean to put something in it, or stir something, or mix something.
比如说我们也可以说当你要做一个面团的时候,你要和面你要把面团和水和在一起。所以刚才我们在说甜粽子里面是糯米里和一些甜的东西。咸粽子就是糯米里面放酱油,然后放一些咸的蛋黄咸肉等等。 For example, we can also say that when you want to make a dough, you have to mix the dough and water together. So just now we are talking about sweet dumplings inside the glutinous rice and some sweet things. The salty rice dumplings are glutinous rice inside soy sauce, and then put some salty egg yolk salted meat and so on.
总而言之呢用这个叶子把这些糯米和各种各样的东西包起来,放在水里面煮,煮熟了以后,当然这个米就煮熟了,就变成了粽子,所以这个是第一个传统的庆祝方法吃粽子。 In a nutshell, the leaves are wrapped with glutinous rice and a variety of things, put inside the water and boiled, after boiling, of course, the rice is cooked, it becomes a zongzi, so this is the first traditional method of celebration to eat zongzi.
第二个方法就是划龙舟,划龙舟就是在其实说白了,两个队伍或者是几个队伍,他们划一条船,然后水在河里面划船比赛,有一点点像国外的或者英国的传统的rowing。因为龙舟的船,它也是窄窄的一条,然后里面可能有七八个座位是前后摆放的,但是为什么叫龙舟?因为在这个船的最前面一般会有一个龙的雕塑,所以叫龙舟。 The second method is to row the dragon boat, rowing the dragon boat is in fact, to be frank, two teams or several teams, they row a boat, and then water in the river rowing competition, a little like the foreign or British traditional rowing. because the dragon boat boat, it is also a narrow one, and then there may be seven or eight seats are placed before and after, but why is called the dragon boat? Because in the front of the boat will generally have a dragon sculpture, so called the dragon boat.
说回来”舟”其实是”船”的意思,但是一种古代的,以前一种比较传统的叫法,叫”舟”。划龙舟,吃粽子是端午节的两个传统,你可能要问为什么?这个也是跟我刚才介绍了端午节的来源有关,因为当时传说屈原就是爱国的诗人,他投江自尽,他跳到河里面自杀了以后,因为当时的老百姓… The word “boat” actually means “boat”, but it is an ancient, formerly a more traditional name, called “boat”. Dragon boat rowing and eating zongzi are the two traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival, you may ask why? This is also related to the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival I just introduced, because the legendary Qu Yuan is a patriotic poet, he threw himself into the river, he jumped into the river after suicide, because the people at the time …
老百姓:一种比较通俗的说,大家/社会/所有人。老百姓(社会上的所有人这么一个说法),当时的老百姓都非常的悲痛,非常的伤心,所以他们想要,第一个,是在河里面丢了很多的米,一些食物,这样河里的鱼就不会去动屈原的尸体,就是说这些鱼就不会去吃掉,或者去碰这个屈原他死去的身体。所以这是为什么当时的人会往河里面丢一些米食物,久而久之就变成了粽子传统。 The common people: a more common way of saying, everyone/society/everyone. The people (the society of all such a statement), the people at that time are very sad, very sad, so they want, first, is to throw a lot of rice, some food in the river, so that the fish in the river will not move Qu Yuan’s body, that is, these fish will not eat, or to touch the Qu Yuan his dead body. So this is why people at that time will throw some rice food into the river, and over time it has become a zongzi tradition.
划龙舟也是一样的,传说当时的老百姓会划着船到河里面去寻找屈原,所以现在变成了龙舟,这就是端午节的传统了。但是其实现在也有很多中国人不是很清楚为什么是吃粽子,为什么划龙舟? 而且,其实一般来说我们也就只是吃粽子而已,正常的人在生活里也没有这个条件去划龙舟。但是有很多的城市,比如说上海市,每年可能会在端午节这一天组织一些划龙舟的比赛,比如说在黄浦江里面,你可能会看到有一些划龙舟的庆祝活动比赛等等。 Dragon boat rowing is the same, the legend says that the people will row a boat to the river to look for Qu Yuan, so now it has become a dragon boat, which is the Dragon Boat Festival tradition. But in fact, there are many Chinese people who are not very clear why they are eating zongzi and why they are rowing dragon boats? And, in fact, generally speaking we just eat zongzi, normal people do not have this condition in life to paddle dragon boats. But there are many cities, such as Shanghai, every year may organize some dragon boat racing on the Dragon Boat Festival day, for example, in the Huangpu River, you may see some dragon boat racing celebration competition and so on.
说到端午节,我就想可能可以给大家介绍一些中国的其他的法定节假日。 Speaking of the Dragon Boat Festival, I thought I might introduce you to some of the other official holidays in China.
什么是法定节假日?法定就是”法律规定”的意思。就是法定节假日,节日是festival,假日是Holiday。节假日,就是说一个传统的中国的节日,变成了一天或者几天的假日,所以叫节假日。法定节假日,其实就和英国的banking holiday这个概念差不多,其实就是public holidays。 What is a statutory holiday? Legal means “prescribed by law”. A holiday is a traditional Chinese holiday that becomes a day or a few days’ holiday, so it is called a holiday. Legal holidays, in fact, is similar to the British bank holiday concept, in fact, is public holidays.
中国的节假日,它有很多都是传统的(节日)。比如说4月份有一个重要的节假日叫清明节,清明节这一天传统上大家会去扫墓。什么是扫墓?墓地就是你当人死了以后,他们就会把它埋葬在墓地里,所以就是grave,也就是墓地的意思。扫就是扫地的扫,比如说你要把房间打扫干净,你要扫地。 Chinese holidays, it has a lot of traditional (holiday). For example, in April, there is an important holiday called Qingming Festival, Qingming Festival day traditionally people will go to the tomb sweeping. What is tomb-sweeping? Grave is when you when a person dies, they will bury it in the cemetery, so it is grave, which means cemetery. Sweeping is the sweep of the floor, for example, you have to clean the room, you have to sweep the floor.
所以扫墓其实就是把你的亲人,你的朋友的墓地把它给打扫干净。其实扫墓的意思就是去看望死去的亲人朋友,去墓地探望他们的意思。所以清明节其实是纪念死去的亲朋好友,是纪念死去的亲人朋友,这么一个节日。每年的4月5号是清明节,也是有一天的法定节假日。 So to sweep a grave is actually to sweep the grave of your loved ones, your friends to clean it up. In fact, the meaning of tomb-sweeping is to visit the dead relatives and friends, to visit them in the cemetery. So Qingming Festival is actually a festival to commemorate dead friends and relatives, a festival to commemorate dead relatives and friends. Qingming Festival is celebrated on April 5th every year, and is also a legal holiday for one day.
还有一个传统假日,也是传统也是法定节假日,是每年的中秋节。中秋节应该比较有名了,在国外也有很多人知道中秋节月亮节,也就是说每年的8月份或者9月份,根据中国的阴历,也就是根据月亮的日历 lunar calendar。那么根据阴历每年月亮最大最圆的那一天就是满月,full moon满月的那一天,我们会庆祝中秋节中秋这两个字字面上就是”中间”的”秋天”,”中秋”,也就是秋天中间的某一天。我是这样猜测的。 There is another traditional holiday, which is also a traditional and legal holiday, the Mid-Autumn Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival should be more famous, in foreign countries there are also many people know the Mid-Autumn Festival Moon Festival, that is, every year in August or September, according to the Chinese lunar calendar, that is, according to the calendar of the moon lunar calendar, then according to the lunar calendar every year the moon is the largest and most round day is the full moon, full moon of that day, we will celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Festival these two The word literally is the “middle” of “autumn”, “mid-autumn”, that is, the middle of autumn on a certain day. This is my guess.
刚才说了清明、端午、中秋这三个是传统的节假日,除了这些以外,中国还有当然有元旦放假,元旦就是每年西方日历上的1月1日,我们也会放三天。然后是最重要的一个节日,春节就是中国的阴历,也就是刚才说的月亮的月亮里上面的中国的今年第一天,所以春节我们会放7天,也就是春节Spring Festival会放7天的假。 As I said earlier, the three traditional holidays are Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, in addition to these, there is of course the New Year’s Day holiday in China, which is January 1 on the Western calendar every year, and we will also take three days off. Then is the most important holiday, the Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar calendar, which is the first day of the year in China above the moon, so the Spring Festival we will take 7 days, that is, the Spring Festival Spring Festival will take 7 days of vacation.
春节一般是在每年的1月份,2月份左右。按照时间顺序来说,下一个假日是刚才我们已经提到的清明节,4月5号。5月份我们有国际劳动节,劳动节就是Labor Day,这个和全世界都一样,我们是5月1号庆祝劳动节,在后面就是6月份的端午节,也就是今天了。 Spring Festival is usually in January, February or so every year. In chronological order, the next holiday is Qingming Festival, which we have just mentioned, April 5. May we have International Labor Day, Labor Day, which is the same as all over the world, we are celebrating Labor Day on May 1, followed by Dragon Boat Festival in June, which is today.
6月份之后可能要到9月份10月份,会庆祝中秋节或者是国庆节。国庆就是”国家” + “庆祝”。 国庆,那其实就是中国建国的这一天,是每年的10月1号,可能大家知道1949年的10月1号是中华人民共和国成立的这一天,所以说我们要庆祝10月1号,这也是最重要的节日之一,因为我们会放7天的假日,所以总结来说,中国法定节假日最多的两个星期就是春节放7天的假,国庆节也放7天的假。 After June, we may celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival or National Day in September and October. National Day is “country” + “celebration”. The National Day, which is actually the day China was founded, is October 1 every year, as you may know October 1, 1949 is the day the People’s Republic of China was founded, so we have to celebrate October 1, which is also one of the most important holidays, because we will take 7 days of holidays, so in summary, the most two weeks of legal holidays in China is the Spring Festival, which is 7 days of holidays. The National Day also takes 7 days off.
那么在这两个7天的假假日里面,就会有很多的人出门旅游,或者是回家看爸妈,比如说从工作的城市或者学习的城市回到自己父母的城市,所以两这两个大的节日当中,中国的公共交通,特别是火车飞机这些票都会非常的难买,而且会有几百万人在中国这个区域里面不同的城市之间迁移,是非常壮观的一个景象。 During these two holidays, many people go out to travel or go home to see their parents, for example, from the city where they work or study to their parents’ city, so during these two major holidays, public transportation in China, especially train and airplane tickets are very difficult to buy, and millions of people will move between different cities in this region of China, which is a very spectacular sight. It’s a spectacular sight.
可以说,春节一般大家是要回家,回到父母家去和家人团聚。国庆一般大家会选择出去玩,无论是在国内选一个不同的城市玩,或者是出国在比较近的东南亚的国家,或者是日本韩国玩,或者是去远一点的地方玩。 The Chinese New Year is generally a time when people go home to their parents’ homes to reunite with their families. On the National Day, people usually choose to go out to play, either in a different city in China, or abroad to play in a nearby country in Southeast Asia, or in Japan and Korea, or to play in a place far away.
但是为什么大家都会集中的在春节和国庆放假的这两个星期出去玩?我觉得很重要的一点是其实除了法定节假日以外,中国的年假,也就是工作单位,就是工作的公司给到你的带薪假日是很少的。 But why do we all concentrate on the Spring Festival and the National Day holiday these two weeks to go out to play? I think the important point is that in fact, apart from the statutory holidays, the annual leave in China, that is, the workplace, that is, the company you work for gives you very few paid holidays.
等一下,刚才说到 “带薪” 这两个字也可以跟大家解释一下。薪就是薪水的薪,”薪水”就是”工资”,两个意思是一样的,但薪水比较正式一点,工资就是salary、薪水、salary。 Wait a minute, just mentioned the word “paid” can also be explained to you. Salary is the salary of salary, “salary” is “wages”, the two meanings are the same, but salary is more formal, salary is salary, salary, salary.
所以带薪的意思就是当你在休息,当你在享受你的节假日的时候,你还是可以拿到这一天的薪水,所以就叫带薪节假日。也有不带薪的节假日了。对,就是说你也可以请假,但是如果你的假,你请的假期超过了你本来可以,你最多的,比如说你有5天年假或者10天年假,如果你超过了,你就这几天的工资你就没有了,所以叫不带薪的节假日。 So paid means that when you are off, when you are enjoying your holiday, you can still get the day’s salary, so it is called paid holiday. There are also unpaid holidays too. Yes, that means you can also take leave, but if your leave, you take more than the most you could have, for example, you have 5 days of annual leave or 10 days of annual leave, if you exceed it, you won’t get paid for these days, so it’s called unpaid holidays.
在中国的带薪节假日其实天数还是挺少的,特别是我知道在一些中国的国企,就是state owned enterprises,在中国的这些”国家企业”里面,带薪节假日一开始可能只有5天,然后根据你的工作的时间慢慢变多,会变成10天或者15天。 In China, the number of paid holidays is actually quite small, especially I know that in some Chinese state-owned enterprises, that is, state-owned enterprises, in these “state enterprises” in China, the paid holidays may be only 5 days at first, and then slowly become 10 or 15 days depending on your working hours.
但是跟欧洲的国家比,真的是不能比。比如说我记得我在美国的这家公司工作的时候,当时我一进公司,带薪的节假日就有30天,后来变成了35天,像在法国德国就有更多的节日了。特别是法国人,他们每天可能工作的时间也很少,而且每年夏天都有这么多的时间可以出去度假。 But compared to European countries, it’s really not comparable. For example, I remember when I worked for this company in the United States, when I joined the company, there were 30 paid holidays, and then it became 35, like in France and Germany there are more holidays. Especially the French, they probably work very few hours a day and have so much time to go out on vacation every summer.
在中国就是很不一样,经常的话,年假可能就只有5天10天,所以说大家都会选择在法定节假日,就是刚才说的国庆元旦春节出去玩,所以中国人的生活还是挺不容易的,特别是工作特别的辛苦。 In China is very different, often, the annual leave may only be 5 days 10 days, so that everyone will choose to go out in the legal holidays, that is, just said the National Day New Year’s Day Spring Festival, so the life of the Chinese people is still quite difficult, especially the work is particularly hard.
我觉得下一次还可以专门有一期节目来介绍一下什么是996或者什么是内卷。 I think next time there can also be a special issue to introduce what is 996 or what is in-roll.
这两个词在中国的新闻里,在中国的社会媒体上特别的有名,996就是三个数字996,意思是每天的9点开始上班到9点下班,每个星期要工作6天,所以叫996。 These two words are particularly famous in the Chinese news and in Chinese social media. 996 is the three numbers 996, which means to work from 9 o’clock to 9 o’clock every day, 6 days a week, so it is called 996.
然后内卷就是另外一个最近用的特别多,特别火的词汇,那种基本上就是描述一种中国的社会高度竞争非常的激烈这么一种状态,我们可以留到下次再说了。 And then the inner volume is another recently used especially, especially hot vocabulary, that kind of basically is to describe a kind of Chinese society is highly competitive so a state, we can save for another time to talk about it.
所以今天其实只是想给大家介绍一些中国的传统的节假日,以及祝大家今天端午节快乐。大家要记得吃粽子,下次节目再见了,拜拜。 So today I just want to introduce you to some traditional Chinese holidays and wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival today. Remember to eat your zongzi, and I’ll see you next time, bye.