Episode 9 | 三孩政策,准备好了吗?Are you prepared for 3-children policy?
哈喽,大家好,欢迎大家来到我们的第9期,瞎扯学中文。今天我有请到一位现在人正在非洲的小伙伴,她的名字叫Gwin。 Hello, everyone, and welcome to our 9th installment of learning Chinese through chatting! Today I have a friend who’s in Africa right now, her name is Gwin.
大家好,我叫Gwin,我是和Joanne在内罗毕认识的,我是去年刚刚搬来内罗毕。然后因为和Joanne之前在同一家咨询公司工作,然后因此有很多机会在一起玩耍。 Hello, my name is Gwin, I met Joanne in Nairobi, I just moved to Nairobi last year. And then because we worked in the same consulting firm as Joanne before, then we had a lot of opportunities to hang out together because of that.
今天我们想要讨论一个还挺贴近实事的话题,那就是中国最近推出了一个三胎政策,也可以叫三孩政策。对,其实我们可以追溯到最开始的一胎政策,所谓的一胎。大家可能都听说过的独生子女政策。 Today we want to discuss a topic that’s pretty close to recent events, and that is China’s recent introduction of a three-child policy, or you could call it a three-child policy. Yes, actually we can go back to the very beginning of the one-child policy, the so-called one-child. The one-child policy that you may have heard of.
什么叫独生子女?独生就是单独生下来的子女,那子女就是小孩,孩子的意思,所以我和Gwin,或者说我们这一代人都是在独生子女政策下面出生的,这一代人,我们都是家里的唯一的一个小孩,通俗的来说就是这个意思。 What do you mean by one child? So Gwin and I, or my generation, were born under the one-child policy, and in this generation, we are the only child in the family, and that’s what it means in layman’s terms.
今天为了准备这一期节目,我还专门查了一些历史和数据,中国的话是从1979年开始正式的发布了这个开始实施独生子女政策,但是Gwin,你了解为什么中国要颁布这个政策,然后颁布了以后起到了什么样的效果? In order to prepare for this episode today, I also looked up some history and data, and China officially issued the one-child policy in 1979, but Gwin, do you understand why China enacted this policy and what kind of effect it has had since then?
其实今天刚刚录这个节目的时候,听到Joanne查了这些数据,我心里还紧张了一下,因为我意识到我就完全没有做准备,然后所以听到1979年其实也算是我第一次非常准确的听到他什么时候开始,然后我是92年生的,就说明他是在我出生之前13年就开始了。 Actually, when I was recording this program today, I was nervous when I heard Joanne check the data because I realized that I was not prepared at all, so I heard that 1979 was actually the first time I heard exactly when he started, and I was born in ’92, which means he started 13 years before I was born.
然后我的印象中就我的父母,然后老师给我们的解释,更多的是因为早期的时候中国的人口增长非常快,然后因为可能是在文化里面,我们是喜欢大家庭的,所以我们的上一代都是习惯家庭越大越好,然后导致在我的印象中应该是,比如说在中国建设初期,大家的经济条件不是很好,然后就没有办法支撑大的家庭,所以在政策上面就想要大家能够限制。是这样的吗? Then my impression was that my parents, and then the teacher explained to us that it was more because the population of China was growing very fast in the early days, and then because probably in the culture, we are into big families, so our previous generation was used to the bigger the family the better, and then it led to the impression that I should be, for example, in the early days of China’s construction, everyone’s economic conditions were not very good, and then there was no The way to support a big family, so on top of the policy you want people to be able to limit. Is that the case?
我觉得我个人的理解来说,也是因为当时人口增长的特别快,所以肯定是对中国经济发展以及一些可能生态环境都造成了很多的压力,所以当时控制中国的总人口是一个非常重要的社会的目标。 I think my personal understanding is that because the population was growing so fast at that time, it definitely put a lot of pressure on China’s economic development and probably on the ecological environment, so controlling the total population of China was a very important social goal.
其实有很多外国朋友问过我,中国是到底怎么样实施独生子女政策的,或者说如果你不小心生了第二个孩子,或者说你当时怀的是双胞胎,这个情况要怎么处理?我个人的理解,当然如果你知道你是故意生下来第二胎,那么你可能是要接受罚款,甚至当时因为很多的,人都是在国企工作,就是国家的企业工作,如果你是违反政策生了第二胎,很可能你会被单位就是公司或者企业的意思,你就会被这些单位做处分处罚或者甚至被开除。 In fact, many foreign friends have asked me how China actually implemented the one-child policy, or if you accidentally had a second child, or if you were pregnant with twins, how would this situation be handled? My personal understanding, of course, if you know you are deliberately born down the second child, then you may be to accept a fine, even then because a lot of, people are working in state-owned enterprises, that is, the state enterprises work, if you are in violation of the policy to give birth to the second child, it is likely that you will be the unit is the company or enterprise means, you will be these units do disciplinary punishment or even be fired.
然后再加一个点,是我的印象中,它会区别就是农村户口和城市户口,因为那个时候另外一个大背景是农村有非常重的重男轻女的倾向。大家在生孩子的时候会希望能够有男孩而不是女孩。然后所以大家在落实政策的时候,特别会根据农村有这个需求来,怎么说,调整政策。所以就对于农村的户口的人来讲,如果你的第一胎生的是女孩,他在政策上是允许你再生一胎的,然后反之如果是城市户口的话,你就只能允许生一胎。 Then add one more point, is my impression that it will distinguish between rural hukou and urban hukou, because another big background at that time was the tendency of the rural areas to have a very heavy preference for sons over daughters. People would want to have boys instead of girls when they had children. So when people implement the policy, especially according to the rural areas have this demand to, how to say, adjust the policy. So for people in rural areas, if your first child is a girl, he is allowed to have another child in the policy, and then if it is an urban account, you will only be allowed to have one.
对,然后正好刚才Gwin提到了1个四个字的成语,重男轻女,其实这个词可以给大家解释一下,是个挺有意思的词,其实意思就是中国人比较看重男孩,比较希望能够生男孩,而不希望生女孩。那么重和轻是一对反义词,就是重的东西和轻的东西,所以重男轻女。 Yes, and it just so happens that Gwin mentioned a four-letter idiom, “Heavy on boys, light on girls”, which is actually an interesting word to explain to you, and it actually means that Chinese people value boys more and want to have boys more than girls. So heavy and light is a pair of antonyms, that is, heavy things and light things, so the son is preferable to the daughter.
我觉得其实我之前还真的没有听说过你说的政策,所以我还挺惊讶的。 也就是说中国政府当时在一定的程度上是默许了,承认了这个重男轻女的倾向是吗? I don’t think I’ve actually heard of the policy you’re talking about before, so I was kind of surprised. So that means that the Chinese government was, to a certain extent, tacitly acknowledging this tendency to favor sons over daughters, right?
我甚至觉得我在思考这个政策的时候,甚至觉得它有一些不得已而为之的原因在。因为当时的实际操作中,很多的农村人如果就只允许他生一胎的话,他大家就会走一些比较极端的行为。 I even think that when I think about this policy, I even think that there were some reasons why it had to be done. Because in practice, many rural people would have gone to some extremes if they were only allowed to have one child.
比如说会想要提前知道自己怀孕的怀的孩子的性别,然后甚至如果知道是女孩,那就会想办法堕胎,或者甚至生出来之后弃婴,就把它抛弃掉,然后当作没有生过这个孩子。 For example, they will want to know in advance the sex of the child they are pregnant with, and then even if they know it is a girl, then they will find a way to abort, or even abandon the baby after birth, and then abandon it as if the child had never been born.
所以允许农村户口或者重男轻女的,怎么说,倾向特别严重的地区,能够有生第二胎的话,相对的可以保障第一胎的安全,我是这么理解的,对。 So allow rural households or patriarchal, how to say, the tendency of particularly serious areas, to have a second child, then relatively safe for the first child, I so understand, yes.
然后堕胎这个词可能也比较难,堕胎就是英语的Abortion。 堕胎的话在中文里有堕落或者舍弃什么东西的意思吧。所以堕胎就是把你的孩子给(舍弃掉)。或者另外一种说法可以叫流产,在中文里面流产就是miscarriage,你失去了,在怀孕的时候失去了你的孩子可以叫流产。 The word abortion may also be difficult, abortion is the English word Abortion. Abortion in Chinese means to fall or give up something, right? So abortion means to give up your child. Or another way to say it could be called miscarriage, in Chinese miscarriage is miscarriage, you lose, you lose your child when you’re pregnant can be called miscarriage.
然后正好说到我其实正在看这个数据,当时说独生子女的政策,它的效果确实是很有效的控制了中国的人口增长。他说,根据中国的政府官方的估计,这个政策让中国少出生了4亿人,也就是说世界60亿人口这个数据推迟了4年到来,所以当时中国的独生子女政策还得到了包括像联合国人口基金会之类的肯定。 And then it just so happens that I was actually looking at this data, and it said at the time that the one-child policy was really effective in controlling China’s population growth. He said that according to official Chinese government estimates, this policy has resulted in 400 million fewer births in China, which means that the world’s population of 6 billion people has been delayed by four years, so at that time China’s one-child policy was also recognized by people like the United Nations Population Fund and so on.
我没有看过数据,但是就从我自己亲身经历来讲,我可以感觉得到它应该是非常有效的,很直接的一个点,就是我在长大的过程中,我大部分的、同学朋友都是独生子女,然后甚至我就在整个过程中,我都不觉得他有什么特别的,直到我去美国读了大学,然后发现身边大部分的美国的同学,他们都是一大家子人,不是三四个,就三四个已经算是比较平均的,甚至还有更大的七八个子女的家庭。 I have not seen the data, but from my own personal experience, I can feel that it should be very effective, a very direct point is that when I was growing up, most of my classmates and friends were only children, and then even I did not feel that he had anything special in the whole process, until I went to college in the United States, and then I found that most of my classmates around me in the United States, they are a large family, not three or four, just three or four is already considered relatively average, and there are even larger families of seven or eight children.
然后才接触到了,比如说大家会对独生子女有一些刻板印象,或者就家里的第一个最大的孩子,第二个孩子或者最小的孩子就有什么样不同的印象,这些都是我小的时候没有接触过的,也不会想到。 Then I realized that people have some stereotypes about only children, or what kind of different impressions they have about the first and oldest child in the family, and the second and youngest child, which I had not been exposed to when I was a child and would not have thought about.
对,你觉得从你的个人的经历来说,独生子女对你有什么影响吗? Yeah, do you think from your personal experience, did having one child affect you in any way?
我在小的时候我是完全没有什么感觉的,可能唯一的印象就是自己一个人玩的时间会多一些,但就因为没有对比,所以你也不会觉得这是一个特别大的问题。 When I was little I didn’t feel anything at all, maybe the only thing I remember is that I would have more time to play by myself, but just because there’s no comparison, you don’t feel like it’s a particularly big problem.
然后你就可能会有很多,比如说自己和娃娃聊天,然后演戏,然后我觉得我运气比较好的一点是我妈妈她有一个自己的弟弟和他年纪很近,然后他生了一个儿子就是我的表弟,我们两个年纪就相差半岁,所以我们经常被放在一起玩,所以他对我来讲就像半个亲弟弟,所以跟他玩的过程中,我觉得我也算是有体验了其他有兄弟姐妹的家庭的孩子的感受 Then you may have a lot, such as talking to the dolls themselves, and then acting, and then I think my luck is that my mother has a brother of her own and he is very close in age, and then he had a son is my cousin, we are half a year apart in age, so we are often put together to play, so he is like half a brother to me, so the process of playing with him, I think I also have experienced the feelings of other children in families with siblings
然后我甚至还觉得他有一个优点,这样的话我和我表弟在一起玩的时候,我们互相都有自己的父母,就不会有那种我听其他的同学就比如说会想要就会竞争,或者会担心就是父母究竟更喜欢谁,这样的问题就从来都没有纠结过。 And I even think he has the advantage that when my cousin and I play together, we have our own parents and we don’t have the kind of problems that I hear from other students like wanting to compete, or worrying about who their parents really like better, and never struggle with that.
对,说到我觉得对我来说最大的一个优点或者影响,就是爸爸妈妈会把所有的资源和他们所有的爱和关心都放在你一个人身上,但是这个也不一定就会造成,比如说中文里我们叫小公主或者小皇帝,意思就是这个孩子被宠坏了的情况,可能也不一定会出现。 Yes, I think the biggest advantage or influence for me is that mom and dad will put all their resources and all their love and care on you alone, but this does not necessarily cause, for example, in Chinese we call the little princess or the little emperor, meaning that the child is spoiled situation, may not necessarily occur.
但是我觉得造成的后果是比如说我的教育,我的爸爸妈妈就会放很多的重心在我的教育上,他们会比如说无论是付钱,无论是把我送到其他的周末的补习班,或者总而言之的话,我觉得可能这一代父母就会倾注很多的心血,在子女的独生子女的教育上面。 But I think the consequence is that for example, my education, my mom and dad will put a lot of emphasis on my education, they will, for example, whether it’s paying for it, whether it’s sending me to other weekend tuition classes, or in short, I think maybe this generation of parents will put a lot of effort into the education of their children as only children.
对每一个独生子女有自己的对父母,然后以及两对的怎么说,grandparents就外公外婆和爷爷奶奶,就有6个人就把所有的精力都关注在1个人身上。 For each only child has their own pair of parents, and then as well as two pairs of how to say, grandparents on grandparents and grandparents, there are 6 people on all the energy to focus on 1 person.
就怎么说,我觉得就像你说的有很多很好的一点,就是你从来都不需要担心,你就知道你的家庭,他可能肯定会把他最好的都给你,但就像很多人讲的,有的时候可能会造成大家…… Just how to say, I think like you said there are a lot of very good points is that you never need to worry, you just know your family, he may certainly give you all his best, but as many people speak, there are times when it may cause everyone ……
对,我觉得还有一个比较大的问题,可能更多的是以后这些独生子女结婚,然后比如说要供养年纪比较大的父母,或者年纪比较大的爷爷奶奶的时候,就两个人他没有兄弟姐妹分担,也是一个问题。 Yes, I think there is a bigger problem, probably more of these only children get married in the future, and then for example to provide for older parents, or older grandparents, on two people he has no siblings to share, is also a problem.
对,其实刚才我想说到对于现在的我来说,现在我的人生阶段,比如说快要到30岁成家立业的我来说,我觉得造成了一些最大的困难。我1个人要照顾我的父母,以及像你说的我的父母上面还有我4个人,相当于我的爷爷奶奶外公外婆。 Yes, in fact, just now I would like to mention that for me now, now that I am at the stage of my life, for example, approaching 30 years old and starting a family, I think it has caused some of the greatest difficulties. I have 1 person to take care of my parents, as well as my parents as you said above my 4 people, equivalent to my grandparents grandparents.
然后特别是像Gwin,或者像我们常年可能在国外居住,比如说我现在在巴黎,Gwin在非洲,这个时候我觉得怎么样照顾还还在国内的父母家人和爷爷奶奶外公外婆,是一个我们都需要做的比较难的人生选择,所以我觉得是独生子女我们这一代人都要面临的一个问题。 And then especially like Gwin, or like we may live abroad all year round, for example, I am in Paris now, Gwin is in Africa, this time I think how to take care of parents and family and grandparents still in the country, is a more difficult life choice we all need to make, so I think it is a problem that only children of our generation have to face.
然后2017年的时候,中国放开了独生子女政策,正式推出了所谓的二胎政策,所以当时的说法是如果父母双方都是独生子女就可以生第二胎。 Then in 2017, China liberalized its one-child policy and officially launched the so-called two-child policy, so the argument at the time was that if both parents were only children they could have a second child.
对,然后我我我记得政府当时的想法就非常的天真,就会对然后他们就会觉得开放了第二胎之后,肯定很多人立马赶紧生第二胎,这样的话他们就可以把中国的人口就重新带上去, Yes, and I I remember the government was very naive, and they thought that after the second child was opened up, many people would immediately rush to have a second child, so that they could bring the population of China back up.
因为我觉得当时我的印象中当时政策出来的原因也是因为考虑到就是人口老龄化这个问题,有越来越多的人就年纪大,需要有子女来供养,然后意识到就对于独生子女来讲,就像我们刚刚讲到的就压力会非常大,然后…… Because I think my impression at that time the reason for the policy was because of the consideration of the aging population, more and more people are getting older and need to have children to provide for them, and then realize that for the only child, as we just talked about the pressure will be very large, and then ……
但我的印象中,我没有看过数据,不知道是不是大家其实反应非常的冷淡,没有真的达到政府预期的人口就快速的增长。 But my impression is that I haven’t seen the data, and I don’t know if people are actually reacting very lukewarmly, not really meeting the government’s expectations for rapid population growth.
是这样的,当时我觉得一个问题是人口老龄化随之而来的问题,就是中国从70年代80年代快速发展,主要是因为这个,所谓的人口红利。就是有很多的年轻人劳动力。但是随着人口的老龄化,所谓老龄化就是越来越多老年人在这个社会里,那就缺少了更多的劳动力来维持中国的高速的经济发展,所以当时2017年出台了二胎政策。 Here’s the thing, at the time I think one of the problems that comes with an aging population is that China grew rapidly from the 70s and 80s, mainly because of this, the so-called demographic dividend. That is, there is a lot of young people in the workforce. But with the aging of the population, the so-called aging is more and more elderly people in the society, then there is a lack of more labor to maintain China’s rapid economic development, so the two-child policy was introduced in 2017.
但是像你刚才说的其实效果并不是很少,而且其实生育率,就是你有多少个小孩这个比例,简单的来说,生育率其实是持续的下降。 But as you just said, the effect is not very little, and in fact, the fertility rate, that is, the ratio of how many children you have, simply put, the fertility rate is actually declining.
然后我刚才有看到数据,现在的生育率到了1960年以来的最低出生人口生育率只有1.3,那么如果是要维持一个人口增长的话,至少是2.1。所以中国其实和日本啊,韩国很多东亚国家面临一样的问题,生育率越来越低。 So China is actually facing the same problem as Japan and Korea, many East Asian countries, the fertility rate is getting lower and lower.
我很好奇你身边有结婚,然后已经到了,可以考虑要孩子的年龄的家长,他们是怎么想的? I’m curious about parents around you who are married and then have reached the age where they can consider having children, what do they think?
我有听过一个朋友,他想说我们先生第一胎。成了第一胎,再看一看情况,可能想看一下家里的经济条件,然后比如说照顾小孩感受怎么样,是不是太辛苦等等。同时我觉得可能也在等中国的一些更多的优惠政策福利政策,看一下这些政策会怎么推出。 I had heard a friend who wanted to say our husband’s first child. After the first child, we’ll see how it goes, maybe we’ll see what the family’s financial situation is, and then we’ll see how we feel about taking care of the child, whether it’s too hard, and so on. At the same time, I think we may also be waiting for some more preferential policies and welfare policies in China, to see how these policies will be launched.
因为刚才有提到今年出了三胎政策以后,中国政府也承诺了一些,能够帮助女性更好的怎么说兼顾工作和家庭,有一些能够鼓励女性来生更多的小孩的一些政策。但我不知道你对这些政策怎么看呢? I think the Chinese government has promised to help women to better balance work and family, and to encourage women to have more children, because of the three-child policy this year. But I don’t know what you think about these policies?
从我的角度来讲,我就想假设自己到了需要做决定的年纪,我觉得我第一个害怕的就是养孩子,实在是太贵了,现在提看新闻就发现现在的小朋友一个人,可能又要上学。 From my point of view, I would like to assume that I’m at an age where I need to make decisions, and I think the first thing I’m afraid of is raising a child, it’s just too expensive, and now when I mention watching the news, I find that the children nowadays are alone and may have to go to school again.
然后又要报兴趣班,然后可能如果对他的全面发展更加有要求的话,你还得要带他出去玩,然后环游世界看不同的东西,就这些对经济的要求都非常的高。 And then you have to enroll in interest classes, and then maybe if his overall development is more demanding, you also have to take him out to play, and then travel around the world to see different things, on these economic requirements are very high.
然后我就觉得养一个孩子压力可能已经很大了,然后就很难想象要一样的方式,养第二个,养第三个。就是这一点我觉得可能和现在很多欧洲美国这些里面的国家比较面对的问题比较像。 Then I think the pressure of raising one child may have been very high, and then it is difficult to imagine the same way to raise a second, raise a third. That’s what I think is probably more similar to the problems that many European and American countries are facing now.
对我我,觉得我不仅仅是欧洲,而且在东亚像韩国、日本,这个问题非常的严重。 而且我觉得比较有意思的是政策推出了以后,在中国的社交媒体,中国的网上有很多吐槽的声音,有很多怎么说也不是批评,就是开玩笑的说法。 For me, I think I am not only in Europe, but also in East Asia like Korea and Japan, this problem is very serious. And I think what’s interesting is that after the policy was launched, there was a lot of trolling on social media in China, online in China, and there were a lot of how-to statements that were not criticism, but just jokes.
比如说你知道民不聊生这个成语,现在有一个新的解读,民不聊生是一个中国的成语,本来的意思是说人民的生活非常痛苦,所以民不聊生,但现在出了三胎政策以后,大家说民不聊生,意思是现代人因为生活压力特别大,没有生孩子的想法,连聊一聊都不愿意,所以民不聊生,不聊。 For example, you know the idiom of people do not chat about life, now there is a new interpretation, people do not chat about life is a Chinese idiom, originally means that the people’s lives are very painful, so people do not chat about life, but now after the introduction of the three-child policy, people say people do not chat about life, meaning that modern people do not have the idea of having children because life is particularly stressful, even chat about it, so people do not chat about life, do not chat.
太强了,中文的博大精深,而且网友就特别擅长把原来有的成语变成当下非常时事,非常应景的表达。 It is too strong, the profoundness of the Chinese language, and the netizens are particularly good at turning the original idioms that are there into very current and very seasonal expressions of the moment.
你觉得如果说现在中国政府想要更加鼓励女性多生孩子,应该配套应该去提出一些什么样的政策,才能够真正的鼓励家庭更多的生孩子? Do you think that if the Chinese government wants to encourage women to have more children, what kind of policies should be proposed to really encourage families to have more children?
我不知道,我觉得会很难。因为就从我的角度来讲,作为一个独生子女,作为跟我同龄的大家都是独生子女的人来讲,我觉得我首先第一点就比较难想象,有两个孩子的家庭是怎么样的,有三个孩子的家庭是怎么样的。 I don’t know, I think it’s going to be very difficult. From my point of view, as an only child, as a person of my age who is an only child, I think the first thing I can’t imagine is what it’s like for a family with two children and what it’s like for a family with three children.
之前我和我朋友聊天,第一个出来我们就说我们就没有办法想象有一天小孩子问我你是喜欢哥哥还是我或者姐姐还是我,这样的问题我完全不知道他应该是怎么样被回答的,有哪些选项。 I was talking to my friend earlier and the first one out we said we just couldn’t imagine a day when a small child would ask me do you like brother or me or sister or me, and with a question like that I had no idea how he should be answered and what options were available.
对然后我觉得刚才你说到的最大的困难,多数家庭最大的挑战可能还是财务上的经济上,的那,还有我觉得对于妈妈来说,对于女性来说比较大的问题是怎么样对怎么样平衡你的家庭和事业,比如说你有三个小孩,你要花三倍的时间来照顾你的小孩,你怎么样继续在公司工作对吧? Yeah and then I think the biggest challenge that you just mentioned, the biggest challenge for most families is probably the financial aspect, the financial aspect, of that, and I think for moms, the bigger issue for women is how to balance your family and your career, like if you have three kids, you have to spend three times as much time taking care of your kids, and how do you continue to work at the company, right?
所以我觉得可能对我来说最重要的是怎么样,公司怎么样提出更多的政策来帮助妈妈,或者说有一些更好的幼儿园,日托班或者晚托班,来帮助妈妈照顾孩子,或者说我觉得中国社会应该更加鼓励爸爸们承担更多的家庭责任,这样我觉得可能会可能会鼓励一些妈妈来去考虑生二胎三胎。 So I think the most important thing for me is how can the company come up with more policies to help mothers, or how can there be better kindergartens, day care classes or evening care classes to help mothers take care of their children, or I think Chinese society should encourage fathers to take more family responsibilities, so I think it may encourage some mothers to consider having two or three children.
今天我觉得这个话题真的蛮有意思的,也是来自Gwin和我两个人,我们都是真正的独生子女这一代,我们的一些自己的经历和对未来发展的思考。 Today I think this topic is really interesting, and it comes from Gwin and me, both of us are the real only child generation, and we have some of our own experiences and thoughts on the future development.
然后我觉得让我感触很深的是,中国在短短的40年50年的发展过程当中,发生了非常大的转变,就是刚才Gwin说到的我们的爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈,他们经历的事情和他们的想法,到了我们这一代完全不一样了,他们可能希望有大的家庭。到了我们这一代,我们连一个小孩都不想生,就不要说两个小孩三个小孩。所以我觉得中国的社会经济发展和整个所有的人的理念真的是改变非常的大。 I think what touches me deeply is that China has undergone a very big transformation in the short 40 years and 50 years of development, and our grandparents and parents, as Gwin mentioned earlier, have experienced things and thought differently in our generation. In our generation, we don’t even want to have one child, not to mention two or three children. So I think China’s socio-economic development and the whole philosophy of all people has really changed a lot.
我同意是的,然后也真的非常希望在接下来的5年10年能够看到一些实质性的改变。 I agree, yes, and then I really hope to see some substantial changes in the next 5 years and 10 years.
好的,我们下一期节目再见,拜拜。 Okay, we’ll see you on the next episode, bye.