SE 10 | 中华小当家!Watching Japanese Anime about Chinese cooking?!

XQ 00:03
Hello,新年快乐,新年快乐。 Hello, Happy New Year, Happy New Year.
David 00:11
大家好。 Hello everyone.
XQ 00:13
很长时间没有回来了。 It’s been a long time since I’ve been back.
David 00:16
好久不见。 It’s been a long time.
XQ 00:17
对,因为我们11月份的时候特别忙,然后12月份也特别忙出差,要对工作出差,然后去了美国过圣诞节。 Yes, because we were particularly busy in November, and then we were also particularly busy in December traveling, to travel to work, and then went to the United States for Christmas.
David 00:31
对这个很好玩,但是我们没有时间录podcast。 Yes this was fun, but we didn’t have time to record the podact
XQ 00:35
对,但是我们现在又回来了,所以我们又可以跟大家定期见面对。 Yeah, but we’re back now, so we can meet up with everyone again on a regular basis.
David 00:41
这是一个更放松的时刻。 It’s a more relaxed time.
XQ 00:44
这个星期我们没有特别多的事情。对,然后我们先跟大家说一说我们新年里或者圣诞节都做了什么。 We don’t have a lot going on this week in particular. Yeah, and then we’ll start by telling you a little bit about what we did in the New Year or at Christmas.
David 00:56
我们做了很多我们去美国,我们去我的爸妈的家,我跟我的家人过圣诞节和我们也见很多的我的朋友,但是我们有一个我们发现了一个很好的新的活动。 We did a lot of we went to America, we went to my mom and dad’s house, I spent Christmas with my family and we also saw a lot of my friends, but we had a we found a nice new activity.
XQ 01:18
对。 Right.
我们最近在看一个特别有意思的动画片。 We’ve been watching a particularly interesting cartoon lately.
David 01:26
跟大家解释一下动画片是an animated show or animated film动画片。 Explain to people that an animated film? It is an animated show or animated film animated film.
XQ 01:33
Literally字面上解释就是会动的画,所以like a moving picture动画片,然后这是一个日本的动画片,它是1996年。 Literally literally means it’s moving picture, so like a moving picture cartoon, and then it’s a Japanese animated film, it’s 1996.
David 01:47
对,1997或者97年。 Yeah, 1997 or ’97.
XQ 01:50
对,其实很早的30年前的一部日本动画片,但是其实是我小时候在中国在中国特别流行的中国,我觉得跟我这一个年纪这一代的中国小朋友,那时候都看过的,你来。 Yes, actually very early 30 years ago a Japanese cartoon, but actually I was a child in China in China especially popular in China, I think with me this one age this generation of Chinese children, at that time have seen the, you come.
名字是。 The name is.
David 02:07
中华小当家。 Chinese little master
XQ 02:09
对,中华小当家。 Yes, Chinese Little master (Chuuka Ichiban!)
日本动画片它讲的是一个中国小厨师的故事,是一个很年轻的在动画片里面他几岁你觉得10岁他是12岁,对一个12岁的小小朋友,小男孩他是一个天才厨师,他做菜做得特别好,对。 Japanese cartoon it tells the story of a young Chinese chef, is a very young in the cartoon inside he how old you think 10 years old he is 12 years old, to a 12-year-old little kid, little boy he is a genius chef, he cooks particularly well, yes.
David 02:34
然后他们也做菜做得很好,他的所有的家人都做菜做得很好。 And then they also cooked very well, all his family cooked very well.
XQ 02:39
对,他妈妈是什么中国的顶级厨师。 Yeah, his mom is some kind of top Chinese chef.
David 02:43
对四川的最好的厨师。 Yeah the best chef in Sichuan.
XQ 02:46
对,所以整个动画片一共50集,就是讲它一步一步成为中国顶级厨师的故事,但是它特别很有意思,是一个日本的动画片,但是讲的是中华料理中国菜对吧? Right, so the whole cartoon is 50 episodes, it’s about it becoming a top chef in China step by step, but it’s very interesting, it’s a Japanese cartoon, but it’s about Chinese cuisine, Chinese food, right?
David 03:02
对,我觉得也很有意思是,这个时光,是可能是清代吗? Yes, I think it’s also interesting that this time period is probably the Qing Dynasty?
XQ 03:09
清朝动画片发生的年代,是清朝,可能是明朝,对,明朝。 The Qing Dynasty cartoon takes place in the era of the Qing Dynasty, probably the Ming Dynasty, yes.
David 03:24
所以所有的东西都是很 Ancient。 So everything is very Ancient.
XQ 03:31
对都是中国的古代的明朝的时候或者清朝的时候,但是他又所有正常的那些龙套角色,龙套的意思就是like not really important roles or the extra roles in the movie。 Yes, it’s all ancient China, the Ming dynasty or the Qing dynasty, but then he has all the normal roles of those dragons, dragons means like not really important roles or the extra roles in the movie.
我们在中文叫龙套。所有的龙套角色,他们就穿着很正常的明朝的衣服,发型也是明朝的发型,但是所有的主角就是比如说中华小当家小男孩,他的师傅和所有的敌人坏人都是日本动画片,就是非常典型的Japanese anime的那种蓝色的头发,粉红色的头发,但是所有其他的中国人就是一个长的黑色的辫子。 We call the dragon set in Chinese. All the dragon-set characters, they are wearing very normal Ming Dynasty clothes, hair is also Ming Dynasty hair, but all the main characters are, for example, the little boy of China, his master and all the enemy bad guys are Japanese cartoons, is very typical of Japanese anime kind of blue hair, pink hair, but all the other Chinese is a long black braid.
David 04:20
他们都有辫子。对。但是他们当然说日语,就是日语跟汉字subtitles或者跟英文sub的字幕。对。 How do you say? Dreadlocks they all have dreadlocks. Right. But of course they say Japanese Japanese is Japanese with kanji subtitles or with English sub’s subtitles. Right.
我觉得有点奇怪,因为有中国上下文,中国背景,都是中国,这个菜都是中国菜,但是他们的头发 I think it’s a little bit strange because there’s Chinese context is Chinese background, are Chinese, this dish are Chinese dishes, but their hair.
XQ 04:52
发型头发的颜色都是都是典型的日本动画片里的那种,对,但是我们很喜欢看动画片,主要是因为可以从从动画片里学会怎么做中国菜。 Hair hair color are all are typical of the kind of Japanese cartoons, yes, but we love to watch cartoons, mainly because you can learn how to do Chinese food from from the cartoons.
David 05:05
真的是真的可以。 It’s really really true
我觉得所有的所每一集都有一个新的中国菜,所以第一集有麻婆麻婆豆腐。 I think all of them have a new Chinese dish in every episode, so the first episodes has mapo toufu
XQ 05:18
对麻婆豆腐。 Yes mapo toufu
David 05:19
第二集有包菜吗? And is it cabbage in the second episode?
XQ 05:23
第二集是青菜(pak choi) 对,然后它其实每一个菜都还是做法还是蛮地道的,比较正宗的中国菜,他还会说这些中国菜的中文名字,比如说第三集讲的是青椒肉丝,青椒肉丝。 The second episode is pak choi. yes, and then it actually each dish is still quite authentic, more authentic Chinese food, he will also say the Chinese name of these Chinese dishes, for example, the third episode is about shredded pork with green pepper, shredded pork with green pepper.
David 05:42
青椒肉丝是什么?青椒肉丝是青椒,就是green peppers跟肉丝,猪肉的肉丝,所以这是 green peppers pork。 What is shredded pork with green pepper? Green peppers and shredded pork is green peppers, that’s green peppers with shredded meat, normally pork, so this is green peppers pork.
你可能如果你去一个在中国的地道的中国在饭馆,他肯定会有菜,青椒肉丝是在广东或者是上海。 maybe if you go to an authentic Chinese in China in a restaurant, it will certainly have this dish, green peppers shredded pork, in Guangdong or Shanghai.
XQ 06:10
对,然后我们最近看的一集里面是有饺子大赛,然后不同的餐馆和酒店会有煎饺,什么饺子,菠菜的饺子,所以还是蛮很有意思,然后它也有日本动漫里的那些热血动漫,也有恶棍就是坏人那些一Evil villain的角色,但是就想说这个里面最坏的人就是厨师,然后厨师有非常大的权力,好像最厉害的角色,最厉害的职业就是厨师。 Yes, and then we recently watched an episode in which there was a dumpling contest, and then different restaurants and hotels will have fried dumplings, spinach dumplings, so it’s still quite interesting, and then it also has those hot-blooded anime in Japanese anime, there are also villains is the bad guys those a evil villain’s role, but just to say that the worst person in this is the chef, and then the chef has very great power, and It seems like the most powerful role, the most powerful profession is the chef.
David 06:45
对,我觉得所有的,政府有很多的很多的规则跟厨师有关。 Yeah, the government also has a lot of rules about chefs
所以有一个admiral of cooking so there is an admiral of cooking
XQ 06:59
一个将军,他是专门管厨艺的,对,他是所以这个人权利很地位很高,权力很大,但他专门在厨艺界地位很高,然后如果你是特级厨师,比如说最后小当家,他变成了特级厨师,他就可以在大街上,给皇帝做菜,然后他还可以打败就是坏人,它有一种就是像super hero的感觉,但它是一个chef super hero,所以非常有意思。 A general, he is specifically in charge of cooking, yes, he is so this person has a very high status of power, a lot of power, but he is specifically in the culinary world status is very high, and then if you are a special chef, for example, the last little pawn, he became a special chef, he can be on the street, cook for emperor and then he can also defeat is the bad guys, it has a kind of is like super hero, but it is a chef super hero, so very interesting.
David 07:33
中国在厨师的superheroes对。 China in the beginning of the superheroes right.
XQ 07:36
所以可以给大家推荐,但是对学中文没有太多的用处,但是可以学中国菜。 So I can recommend it to everyone, but it’s not much use for learning Chinese, but you can learn Chinese food.
对,可以看一下,对。 Yes, you can read it, yes.
David 07:44
你可以学中国的菜,我觉得我觉得应该也有一个中文的sub,但是我们找不到dub的 You can water dishes, I think I think there should be a Chinese sub as well, but we can’t find dub with Chinese.
XQ 07:55
有,我们在中国看的时候就是中国配音。 There is! When we watched it in China, it was with Chinese dub.
David 08:00
配音,中国配音,所以如果你们找到一个中国配音的版本,你们可以给我们的给我们留言。 dub, Chinese dub, so if you guys find a Chinese dubbed version, you can give our give us a message.
XQ 08:10
我觉得我应该能找到中文配音的。 I think I should be able to find it dubbed in Chinese.
如果你想看中文配音,但是因为我们也在学日语,所以我也想听日文的。 If you want to see the Chinese dub, but since we’re also learning Japanese, I’d like to hear it in Japanese as well.
David 08:18
现在正在学习日语,所以我们需要(交替)我们可以一一集可以看日语,一集可以看中文,可以交换着,对交换着。 Learning Japanese now, so we can swap, one episode we can watch Japanese and one episode we can watch Chinese and we can swap around.
XQ 08:33
对,说到中国菜,我们最近也做了很多中国菜,David也是越来越拿手做中国菜对吧? Yes, speaking of Chinese food, we’ve been making a lot of Chinese food lately, and David is getting good at making Chinese food, right?
所以你最拿手的中国菜现在是什么?麻婆豆腐。麻婆豆腐,你给大家讲讲麻婆豆腐的秘诀是什么呢? So what’s your best Chinese dish right now? Ma Po Tofu. Ma Po Tofu, what is the secret to Ma Po Tofu that you can tell us all about?
David 08:51
麻婆豆腐的秘诀在小唐小中华小当家他告诉我们有5个秘诀,一个是色香。 The secret of Ma Po Tofu is in Xiao Tang Xiao China Xiao Dangjia he told us there are 5 secrets, one is the color and aroma.
XQ 09:00
我也不记得了,反正是颜色。还有烫? I do not remember, anyway, is the color. And hot?
David 09:05
烫 Hot
XQ 09:08
口感要脆,我不记得了,要辣吗? The taste should be crunchy, I don’t remember, should it be spicy?
David 09:11
在我的麻婆豆腐。我觉得秘诀是老干妈和辣干面、辣椒面。 In my mabo tofu. I think the secret is Lao Gan Ma and spicy dry noodles and chili powders
XQ 09:20
辣椒面。 Chili powder
David 09:21
所以辣椒面是如果你去一个地道的中国超市,你可以找到这个粉丝这么说就是辣椒粉。 So chili noodles is if you go to an authentic Chinese supermarket, you can find this fan so to speak is chili powder.
XQ 09:30
调料,对。一个调料包里面有磨碎的辣椒粉,然后也有一些盐、孜然,其他一些 Seasoning, yes. A seasoning packet has ground chili powder in it and then also some salt, cumin, some other stuff
David 09:39
受欢迎的牌子是什么? What’s the popular brand?
XQ 09:40
翠宏辣椒面。 Cuihong Chili power
David 09:43
翠宏辣椒面,这个是特别有用。你可以把这个放在很多的中国菜,会突然让这个菜特别好吃。 Yes, Cuihong chili powder, this is particularly useful. You can put this in a lot of Chinese dishes and it will suddenly make the dish extra delicious.
XQ 09:52
对老干妈也是一样,老干妈就是无论做什么中国菜都可以放老干妈,对。 Same thing for Lao Gan Ma, Lao Gan Ma is whatever Chinese dish you make you can put Lao Gan Ma in, yeah.
David 09:59
所以如果。 So if.
XQ 09:59
对我不知道这个听众有多少人知道老干妈 Yeah I don’t know how many people in this audience knows Lao Gan Ma.
你可以用英语解释一下什么是老干妈吗? Can you explain in English what Lao Gan Ma is?
David 10:05
老干妈is a very spicy,not that spicy,it’s actually not very spicy at all,but it’s very red sauce with fermented beans and peppers and sometimes other things like peanuts or tofu。但是姜是特别好吃也特别有用,你可以把姜到放在很多的菜,包括麻婆豆腐,或者如果你要做鸡蛋,或者如果你要做大盘鸡,都可以用那个吗?我觉得我们用在可能是60%的我们中国菜我们用老干妈。 Lao Gan Ma is a very spicy, not that spicy, it’s actually not very spicy at all, but it’s very red sauce with fermented beans and peppers and sometimes other things But ginger is particularly tasty and useful, you can put ginger in a lot of dishes, including mabo tofu, or if you’re making eggs, or if you’re making a big plate of chicken, can you use that? I think we use in probably 60% of our Chinese dishes we use Lao Gan Ma.
XQ 10:49
对,然后网上还有一个很有名的视频,叫那个人是谁,一个拳击手说他要每天都吃老干妈还是什么,他说我每天都用煮西兰花,吃配老干妈,有一个外国人。 回头我可以把这个视频的链接放在comment (It is John Cena) 所以就是老干妈,我觉得在中国留学生当中简直是厨房必备,一定会备着的一个除了麻婆豆腐,你还会做什么菜? Yeah, and then there’s a very famous video online called Who is that guy, a boxer said he’s going to eat Lao Gan Ma every day and www or something, he said I use boiled broccoli every day, eat with Lao Gan Ma, there’s this foreigner, Later I can put a link to this video on comment, so that’s Lao Gan Ma, I think among Chinese students is simply a kitchen essential, will definitely have one on hand What other dishes do you make besides Ma Po Tofu?
David 11:25
我还会做很多菜,我可以做大盘鸡,可以做回锅肉。 I can cook a lot of dishes, I can cook “Big plate chicken”, I can cook “Twice cooked port”
XQ 11:33
大盘鸡怎么做大盘鸡。 How do you make “Big plate chicken”
David 11:36
可能你不知道大盘鸡是一个新疆的本地的菜,所以这是鸡肉,star anis 不知道怎么说。 Maybe you don’t know that big plate chicken is a local dish in Xinjiang, so it’s chicken, and star anis
XQ 11:46
八角 Star anis
David 11:47
是不是star anis, 花椒,土豆,花椒是 numbing spice, and 豆瓣酱。 Is not star anis, peppers, potatoes, peppers are numbing spice, and bean paste.
XQ 12:01
对,主要是里面要有豆瓣酱 Yes, the main thing is to have inside is bean paste
David 12:03
豆瓣酱是很重要,豆瓣酱也也是一个比较有用的酱,比老干妈没有那么有用,但是你还可以在麻婆豆腐,或者在大盘鸡,还或者在回回锅肉,很多的比较辣的菜有豆瓣酱。 Doubanjiang is very important, doubanjiang is also also a more useful, compared to Lao Ganma not not so useful, but you can also use in the Mapatopu or in the “bit plate chicken” also or in the “twice cooked pork”, a lot of the more spicy dishes have doubanjiang.
XQ 12:24
对,在中国有一个很有名的网站叫豆瓣,这豆瓣是一个很重要的中国的酱,所以我们经常在菜里面会用到,要么是老干妈,要么是豆瓣酱,但是大盘鸡其实很容易,我们第一次做的时候还以为很难在网上面查了一下怎么做的食谱,菜谱,但其实后来我们自己研究了一下,简化了一下菜谱,基本上就是把把所有的鸡肉在国外你也可以买到,就是那些鸡胸肉和一些鸡腿鸡翅,一起放到高压锅或者instant pot里面,然后放豆瓣酱,放八角,放土豆放在一起煮,然后就放一些花椒一起煮就好了。 Yes, in China there is a very famous website called Douban, which is a very important Chinese sauce, so we often use it in dishes, either Lao Ganma or Douban sauce, but the big plate of chicken is actually very easy, we first made it thought it was difficult to look up the recipe on the net how to do it, recipes, but in fact, later we studied it ourselves and simplified the recipe, basically is to put all the chicken in foreign countries you can also buy, that is, those chicken breasts and some chicken legs and chicken wings, together into the pressure cooker or instant pot inside, and then put bean paste put anis, put potatoes together to cook, and then put some pepper together to cook it.
David 13:12
对特别容易肯定我们不是完全地道的版本,但是对我们来说还是很好吃。So 我们的bar很低 Yes especially easy to be sure we are not completely authentic version, but for us it is still delicious. So we have a pretty low bar
XQ 13:29
正宗的大盘鸡,下面是要放面条,在底下铺一层面条,然后那一层面条是很好吃的。 Authentic big plate of chicken, underneath is to put noodles, lay a layer of noodles underneath, and then that layer of noodles is very delicious.
David 13:37
对吧?但是我们只有土豆,所以没有面条。 Right? But we only have potatoes, so no noodles.
XQ 13:41
然后再说一个菜还有哪个菜最拿手的,我觉得我们做的豆角肉末也很好吃。 green bean and grounded port And then say another dish and which dish is the best, I think we do beans minced pork is also very good. green bean and.
David 13:53
对,这是我们最近发现了一个豆角 yes it is a new discovery
XQ 14:00
豆角肉沫 green beans and minced meat
XQ 14:06
肉末就是ground pork。豆角是 long bean,green bean。然后怎么做?把豆角先切碎,把它切成很小的一段一段的,然后放在锅子里和肉末一起炒,放点酱油放一点蚝油。 The ground meat is ground pork. bean curd is long bean, green bean. How do you make it? You chop the bean first, cut it into very small sections, and then put it in the wok with the ground pork, put some soy sauce and a little oyster sauce.
David 14:24
还有一个秘诀秘诀是什么?是榨菜。 What is another secret secret? It’s pickled mustard
XQ 14:28
对放一些榨菜,榨菜也是很有用的,中国的调料 Yes put some picked mustard, it is also very useful, Chinese seasoning
David 14:35
榨菜可以是各种蔬菜,可以是mustard leave it can be a variety of vegetables, so can be mustard leave
XQ 14:47
它是腌制过的,有一些比较咸的,有一点像像pickles。 It’s pickled and quite salty, like pickles.
David 14:55
对,但是一些是leaves,也是一些根 Yes, but some are of leaves and some are roots
大多数都是根。 Most of it is roots.
XQ 15:03
如果是叶有叶子的话是另外一个版本。一般我们说榨菜的话,它是蔬菜的根。所以我们榨菜也是经常用的。对,其实在国外做中餐也没有那么复杂,有的时候就是需要简化一下菜谱。 If the leaves have leaves then it is a different version. Generally if we say picked mustard it is the root of the vegetable. Yes so picked mustard is very useful Yes, in fact, doing Chinese food abroad is not that complicated, sometimes it is necessary to simplify the recipe.
David 15:25
不是菜谱是最重要,我觉得这个是食谱不太复杂,但是如果你没有食材,这是一个问题,但是只要你可以找到豆瓣酱和老干妈和其他的榨菜,你可以做很好吃的中国菜。 It’s not the recipe that’s the most important, I think this is the recipe is not too complicated, but if you don’t have the ingredients, that’s a problem, but as long as you can find the bean paste, laoganma and the other picked vegetables, you can make very good Chinese food.
对。 Right.
XQ 15:46
今天晚上我们就要做大盘鸡。 Tonight we’re going to make big plate chicken.
David 15:49
对我们会做大盘鸡,大盘鸡对我们来说,我们版本的大盘鸡是这么容易,我们可以我们现在在一个虾类,我们不在我们的家,我们没有很多的很多的调料。 Yeah we’re going to make big plate chicken, big plate chicken for us, our version of big plate chicken is so easy, we can we’re in a shrimp class right now, we’re not in our home, we don’t have a lot of a lot of seasoning.
XQ 16:05
所以但我们还是可以做大盘鸡。好,我们今天就先聊到这里,然后也给大家推荐了中华小当家,然后看看大家对动画片有什么评论可以告诉我们。 So but we can still make a big plate of chicken. Okay, we’ll talk about that for today and then also give you a recommendation for Chinese Little Pawn and then see what comments you can tell us about the cartoon.
David 16:20
对,也如果你们找到一个有中文的中文的怎么说。 Yes, also if you guys find one with Chinese dub
XQ 16:26
中文的配音的,中华小当家也可以告诉我们,对谢谢ok拜拜。 If you can find Chinese dubbed ones “Chukka Ichiban” plesae tell us!
David 16:32
下期再见。 See you next time!