SE 2 | 冬季奥运会的大新闻 Controversy from the Winter Olympic

Joanne 00:02
哈喽哈喽。今天又是我们的特别节目第二期,也就是和我的,大家期待很久的,男朋友又回来了。 Hello Hello. We are back. Today for the second installment of our special, which is with my, long awaited, boyfriend.
David 00:19
这是大卫。我很兴奋,在podcast 跟你们聊天 This is David. I’m so excited to be on the podcast talking to you guys
Joanne 00:29
对,也是顺便,每天我和David的中文练习时间,一石二鸟,一箭双雕。给大家复习一下上一期节目的成语 Yes also by the way every day my Chinese practice time with David, killing two birds with one stone. To give you a refresher on the idioms from the last episode
David 00:44
我很喜欢一边学习中文,一边跟我的女朋友聊天,一边跟你们聊天,这是我最好的,最希望的,最兴奋的爱好。 I love learning Chinese while talking to my girlfriends and chatting with you guys, it’s my best, most desired, and most exciting hobby.
Joanne 00:58
最让我兴奋的爱好。 The hobby that excites me the most.
David 01:00
很好的纠正,最让我兴奋的爱好 Very well corrected, most exciting hobby for me
Joanne 01:07
说起爱好。 Speaking of hobbies.
今天想要跟David聊一聊关于冬季奥运会,大家可能知道现在,在北京这个星期是冬季奥运会。 I wanted to talk to David today about the Winter Olympics, which as you may know now, in Beijing this week is the Winter Olympics.
David 01:23
对我听说过,但是我从没,我永远经常不看新闻,所以我不知道这个奥运会已经开始了。 Yeah I’ve heard about it but I’ve never, I never often watch the news so I didn’t know this Olympics had started.
Joanne 01:38
你从来不看新闻。 You never watch the news.
David 01:40
从来不看新闻。 Never watch the news.
Joanne 01:42
对奥运会上个星期就已经开始了。你知道第一名的奖牌榜,你知道什么是奖牌吗?奖牌不知道。有金牌、银牌、铜牌、 Golden medal or silver medal。 Yes the Olympics started last week. You know the first place medal standings, do you know what a medal is? Medals don’t know. There’s gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal, golden medal or silver medal.
David 02:00
我觉得你已经有一个节目,跟一个人… I think you already have mentioned it in one episode with someone..
Joanne 02:04
我觉得我跟以前上一次和Gwin聊起过夏季奥运会。现在已经到了冬季奥运会,但是我想问你,你知不知道现在奖牌榜的金牌第一名是谁? I think I talked to the last time I talked to Gwin before about the Summer Olympics. Now it’s on to the Winter Olympics, but I wanted to ask you, do you know who the number one gold medalist in the medal table is right now?
David 02:19
我不知道,可能是不是美国?瑞士? I don’t know, maybe it’s not the United States? Switzerland?
Joanne 02:25
不是。猜一猜,是哪个国家?再给你一次机会。 No. Guess? Guess which country it is? Give you one more chance.
David 02:30
可以给我暗示吗? Can you give me a hint?
Joanne 02:32
不可以。 Nope
David 02:34
可能是中国? Maybe it’s China?
Joanne 02:39
不是,是德国。德国是第一名。 No, it’s Germany. Germany is number one.
David 02:42
是在什么event吗? Which event is it?
Joanne 02:46
我不知道,但是我看到德国是第一名,你猜一猜中国是第几名? I don’t know, but I saw that Germany was number one, and guess what China was number one?
David 02:53
他们是4个吗? Are they 4?
Joanne 03:00
第四名。 不对,是第三名,现在中国是第三名,但是挪威是第二名,我没有想到挪威是第三名。 Fourth place. No, it’s third, now China is third, but Norway is second, I didn’t expect Norway to be third.
David 03:12
美国呢? What about the United States?
Joanne 03:14
好像是第四名,我不记得了,我今天刚刚查了。但是这是在我们录节目的这一天,所以听众听节目的这一天,我不知道奖牌榜会是什么排名。但是其实我想跟David今天分享一个新闻,她还没有可能还没有读到这个新闻,但是最近是一个怎么说非常controversial,有很多的争议的新闻。 I think it was fourth place, I don’t remember, I just checked today. But this was on the day that we recorded the show, so the day that listeners were listening to the show, I don’t know what the medal standings would have been. But actually I want to share a news with David today, he hasn’t probably read this news yet, but recently it’s a how to say very controversial, there’s a lot of controversy in the news.
你知不知道有一个滑雪的选手,滑雪跳台,ski jump, 跳台的选手叫谷爱凌 Did you know that there is a skier, ski jumper, ski jump, ski jumper called Aileen Gu
David 04:00
她的英文名字叫Aileen Gu Her English name is Aileen Gu
David 04:04
她是中国的吗? Is she from China?
Joanne 04:05
这就是争议的来源!她在这一次的冬季奥运会的女子滑雪跳台得了金牌,而且她做了一个非常有难度的动作,得到了金牌。 That’s where the controversy comes from! She won the gold medal in the women’s ski jump at this Winter Olympics and she did a very difficult move to get the gold medal.
她也很年轻,今年只有20岁好像,所以大家都觉得她是一个天才,很厉害的滑雪天才、但是这个争议的点在于,她是在美国出生美国长大的,但是她代表中国参加了中国奥运这次的北京冬季奥运会,所以她帮中国拿了一块金牌。 She’s also very young, she’s only 20 years old, so everyone thinks she’s a genius, a great skiing genius, but the controversy is that she was born and raised in the United States, but she represented China in the Chinese Olympic Games in Beijing, so she helped China get a gold medal.
David 04:49
真的吗?为什么?她不要跟美国的团队比赛? Really? Why? He doesn’t want to compete with the American team?
Joanne 04:58
因为她的妈妈是中国人,所以她很小的时候就说她以后要代表中国队参加比赛。我有看过谷爱凌的采访,她的中文说得很好很标准,应该是她从小在家里面,她妈妈对她的教育是让她对中国文化还是很认同,中国文化,也会说中文,她可能从心里觉得她还是中国人。但是这个你知道吗?在她夺冠就是拿到金牌以后,美国的媒体把她骂得很惨。 Because his mother is Chinese, so when he was very young he said he wanted to represent the Chinese team in the future. I’ve seen an interview with Gu Ailing, she speaks Chinese very well and standard, I think he grew up at home, his mother’s education to him is to make him identify with Chinese culture, Chinese culture, also speak Chinese, she may feel from the heart that she is still Chinese. But do you know this? After she won the championship is to get the gold medal, the American media scolded her very badly.
David 05:39
我觉得这个很遗憾。 I think this is a shame.
我觉得如果她要跟中国的团队比赛没问题,她的选择我有点surprised。 I think it’s okay if she’s going to play against a Chinese team, I’m a little bit surprised by her choice.
Joanne 05:53
有点惊讶 A little bit surprised
David 05:55
有点惊讶,因为我知道,我听说过,以前这样的情况已经发生跟别的国家,比如一个美国人,他们不能参加美国的游泳的奥运会的团队,所以她要跟这个,可能克罗地亚的游泳的团队参加,因为他们这个团队更小。 A little bit surprised because I know, I’ve heard that this has happened before with other countries, like an American, they can’t participate in the U.S. swimming team of the Olympics, so he’s going to participate with this, probably the Croatian swimming team because they’re a much smaller team.
Joanne 06:30
对,纠正一个小的地方,你可以说代表中国或者代表克罗地亚 Yes, correcting a small mistake. You could say representing China or representing Croatia
David 06:38
代表的意思是什么? What does represent mean?
Joanne 06:40
represent, on behalf of, in the name of。 represent, on behalf of, in the name of.
所以你可以说谷爱凌要去represent,代表中国参加。但是我觉得这一次可能是因为是中国,所以美国的媒体他们有很多的负面报道,说谷爱凌是美国的叛徒,你知道什么是叛徒吗? So you could say Gu Ailing is going to REPRESENT, on behalf of China. But I think this time maybe because it’s China, so the American media they have a lot of negative reports, saying that Gu Ailing is a traitor to the United States, do you know what a traitor is?
David 07:04
Traitor. 但我觉得不是,我想问她为什么她代表中国,在奥运会代表中国,她是中国的公民吗? Traitor. but I don’t think so, I would ask her why she is representing China, representing China at the Olympics, is she a citizen of China?
Joanne 07:19
这是一个好问题,我也在想这个问题,但是好像媒体上没有报道她是中国公民还是美国公民。她好像选择不回答这个问题,但是我以为,因为在中国不可以拥有双重国籍,所以你要不然是中国国籍,要不然是美国国籍。 That’s a good question, I was thinking about that too, but it doesn’t seem to be reported in the media as to whether she is a Chinese or American citizen. She seems to have chosen not to answer the question, but I assumed that because you can’t have dual citizenship in China, you either have Chinese citizenship or American citizenship.
但是我不知道如果她是美国国籍,可以自己选择代表中国参加奥运会吗? But I wonder if she was a US citizen, could she have chosen to represent China in the Olympics on his own?
David 07:53
对,我不知道,我一直觉得,如果你要代表一个国家,在奥运会代表一个国家,你需要做这个国家的公民,但是可能不是,我觉得不是一个必须的条件。 Yeah, I don’t know, I’ve always felt that if you’re going to represent a country, represent a country in the Olympics, you need to be a citizen of that country, but maybe not, I don’t think it’s a requirement.
Joanne 08:21
对。 Right.
David 08:22
我觉得奥运会的olympic committee可能没有这个规定,对没有这个规定。每一个国家可以自己选择自己决定,他们要不要让不是公民的人跟他们代表他们的国家。 I think the olympic committee of the Olympics may not have this rule, yes there is no such rule. Each country can choose to decide for themselves whether they want people who are not citizens to represent their country with them.
Joanne 08:47
对,我也不知道,所以我觉得这是一个争议的点,也是为什么谷爱凌就是得了金牌以后,中国的报道和美国的报道完全不一样,但最近在中国的媒体上特别的火。 Yeah, I don’t know, so I think that’s a point of contention, and that’s why after Gu Ailing just won the gold medal, the coverage in China was completely different from the coverage in the United States, but it’s been particularly hot in the Chinese media lately.
David 09:06
火 Fire?
Joanne 09:08
火,流行,popular, went viral it means popular, went viral
David 09:14
我觉得如果反过来发生,如果一个中国人要跟美国代表美国,我觉得这个会变成很流行的新闻。 I think if it happened the other way around, if a Chinese person were to represent America with America, I think this would become very popular news.
Joanne 09:29
会成为很大的新闻。 It would become very big news.
David 09:31
成为很大的,很受欢迎的新闻。 Become very big, very popular news.
Joanne 09:35
之前还有一个类似的案例,也是出现过一些争议,有一个乒乓球选手,她叫福原爱,不知道你有没有听说过?她是一个日本,她出生在日本,但是她应该是妈妈也是家里有中国的血统,她的中文也是说的特别好,她就很喜欢中国,中国人也很喜欢她,很喜欢这个乒乓球选手。但她其实是代表日本队参加乒乓球比赛,但是她在日本却有很多的负面新闻,但中国人却很喜欢她,因为她一直会在采访里面说中文说她很喜欢中国文化,有有意思。 There was a similar case before, there was some controversy, there was a table tennis player, her name was Ai Fukuhara, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it? She is a Japanese, she was born in Japan, but I think her mother also has Chinese blood in her family, and she speaks Chinese exceptionally well, and she just loves China, and the Chinese love her, and they love this table tennis player. But she actually represents the Japanese team in table tennis, but she has a lot of bad press in Japan, but the Chinese love her because she will always speak Chinese inside the interview saying that she loves Chinese culture. Very interesting
David 10:28
对,我可以理解为什么这个是一个很敏感的问题,但是我的我的观念是,如果她要选择代表中国是她的选择,也是如果她很喜欢中国的文化就没问题。 Yes, I can understand why this is a very sensitive issue, but my my perception is that if she wants to choose to represent China is her choice, also if she likes Chinese culture a lot it’s okay.
Joanne 10:56
应该是“我的想法是”,或者“我的观点是”,你刚才说我的观念 It should be “my idea is”, or “my opinion is”, you just said my idea
Joanne 11:05
说起来,我们现在在瑞士也是一个特别适合滑雪,特别适合冬季运动的地方,但是其实我们两个都不会滑雪。 That said, we are now in Switzerland, which is also a particularly good place for skiing, particularly good for winter sports, but neither of us actually know how to ski.
David 11:18
对我小时候一年每一年去滑雪,但是我觉得每一次去滑雪,我当然会伤害。 Yes I went skiing every single year when I was a kid, but I think every time I went skiing, I certainly hurt.
Joanne 11:34
一定会伤害到自己。一定会受伤。 Definitely hurt myself.
David 11:43
这是我要说的词,我一定会受伤,所以可能是15年以前,是我上次去滑雪。 That’s the word I’m going to say, I’m bound to get hurt, so probably 15 years ago, was the last time I went skiing.
Joanne 11:59
15年以前是我最后一次去滑雪。 Fifteen years ago was the last time I went skiing.
David 12:02
最后一次去滑雪。 The last time I went skiing.
Joanne 12:06
你也可以说我每一次去滑雪都肯定会受伤,或者每一次都受伤。 You could also say that I’m sure to get hurt every time I go skiing, or every time I get hurt.
但是我们终于要去学滑雪了。下个月两个星期以后我们终于报了一个滑雪课。 But we’re finally going to learn how to ski. We’re finally signing up for a ski lesson two weeks into next month.
David 12:26
对我很兴奋,我觉得滑雪在瑞士是一个特别流行的运动,所有的人都来,每一个周末所有的人在日内瓦,去别的山上,可以滑雪。 For me it’s exciting, I think skiing is a particularly popular sport in Switzerland, all the people come, every weekend all the people in Geneva, go to other mountains and can ski.
Joanne 12:48
今天我还和一个朋友聊到一个话题,你会想学滑雪还是滑板? Another topic I was talking to a friend today, would you want to learn how to ski or snowboard?
David 12:59
滑板是snowboard吗?我想学滑雪,因为我已经学习一点滑雪。我知道我可以我可以从山上到山下,下来可以,滑雪没问题,有可能我会受伤,但是我可以做这个,但是我不知道我能不能做滑板。 Is it snowboard? I would like to learn to ski because I have learned a little bit of skiing. I know I can I can go from the mountain to the mountain and down I can, skiing no problem, there’s a chance I’ll get hurt but I can do this but I don’t know if I can do snowboarding.
Joanne 13:33
我听说滑板一开始学的时候比较难,而且经常会摔跤,经常会摔跤,fall on the ground。对,我其实是一个特别害怕摔跤的人,这也是为什么我不喜欢滑雪,我也不喜欢滑冰。你知道什么是滑冰吗? I’ve heard that skateboarding is harder to learn at first and that you often fall, often, fall on the ground. yes, I’m actually a person who is particularly afraid of falling, which is why I don’t like skiing, and I don’t like skating. Do you know what ice skating is?
David 13:57
滑冰对,我知道 skating。 Ice skating yeah, I know skating.
Joanne 13:59
对,其实这两个词还蛮有意思的。滑冰:滑的意思是slide,冰是 ice,所以滑冰就是slide on ice,所以就是skating,雪是snow,所以滑雪就是skiing Yes, actually those two words are quite interesting. Skating: skating means slide, ice is ice, so skating is slide on ice, so it’s skating, snow is snow, so skiing is skiing
David 14:16
在别的材料吗? any other materials?
Joanne 14:19
你可以滑旱冰是rollerskate,就是在地上滑,中文叫旱冰。 You can rollerskate, that is, skating on the ground, Chinese called dry ice.
因为旱,这个词就是干燥的意思是非常dry,所以你就是slide on dry ice,滑旱冰。 Because dry, the word is dry means very dry, so you are slide on dry ice, skating dry ice.
David 14:40
我觉得中国的做新的词的人很creative。 I think Chinese people who make new words are very CREATIVE.
Joanne 14:48
中国的发明新的词汇的人很有创造力。对,我还有最后一个问题来结束今天的podcast。 Chinese people who invent new words are very creative. Yeah, I have one last question to end today’s podcast.
你在冬季奥运会最喜欢看什么运动? What’s your favorite sport to watch in the Winter Olympics?
David 15:05
我最喜欢看这个冰球队,因为我在小时候我玩冰球 I like watching the hockey team the most because I played hockey when I was a kid.
Joanne 15:17
今天我还学到了另外一个词叫冰壶,冰壶的英语是curling Another word I learned today is curling, the English word for curling is curling
David 15:25
我知道冰壶 I know curling
Joanne 15:29
但是我其实从来没有看过冰壶。 But I’ve never actually watched curling.
David 15:33
这个壶是“一壶茶”的壶? Is this pot a “pot of tea” pot?
Joanne 15:36
一壶茶的壶,对。 A pot of tea, yes.
David 15:37
因为curling的东西看起来很像一个壶。 Because the curling thing looks a lot like a pot.
Joanne 15:42
很像一个壶。对,但是冰壶我们在中国几乎没有听说过这个运动。 Very much like a jug. Right, but curling we hardly ever hear of the sport in China.
David 15:49
对,我觉得大部分的美国人也不知道curling是什么运动。 Yeah, I think most Americans don’t know what curling is either.
Joanne 15:57
但是在加拿大是不是流行? But is it popular in Canada?
David 16:00
有点流行对嗯,我觉得在美国的北方也有点有的。 It’s a little bit popular. Well, I think it’s a little bit popular in the northern part of the United States too.
Joanne 16:06
也比较流行。 It’s also more popular.
David 16:10
对。 Right.
Joanne 16:11
你知道我最喜欢看什么运动吗? You know what’s my favorite sport to watch?
David 16:13
最喜欢的可能figure skating? Favorite probably figure skating?
Joanne 16:17
对!Figure skating的中文你知道吗? Yes! Do you know the Chinese word for figure skating?
David 16:19
漂亮的滑冰。 Beautiful skating.
Joanne 16:22
差不多哈哈,figure skating Almost haha, figure skating
Joanne 16:25
花样滑冰,花滑 figure skating, figure skating
David 16:28
so flower looking ice skating。花样滑冰。 so flower looking ice skating. figure skating.
Joanne 16:34
所以也可以简称叫花滑。 So it can also be called figure skating for short.
对,花样滑冰很好看,而且我很喜欢看双人的花样滑冰,非常的浪漫,对。 Yeah, figure skating is beautiful and I love watching pairs figure skating, it’s very romantic, yeah.
David 16:49
你觉得大部分的双人花滑的人,你知道他们是couple吗?是情侣吗? Do you think most of the pairs figure skaters, do you know if they are couples? Are they couples?
Joanne 17:11
情侣。我们是情侣。 Couples. We are couples.
David 17:20
我们是情侣吗? Are we a couple?
Joanne 17:33
哈哈哈哈。在中国有一对非常有名的花样滑冰,双人花样滑冰的是一对情侣,真的,他们拿了很多的奖,他们划得很好,而且是一对真正的情侣。 Hahahahaha. There’s a very famous figure skating couple in China that are a couple, really, they’ve won a lot of awards, they row very well and are a real couple.
David 17:36
我们可以做双人花滑旱冰吗? Can we do pairs figure skating roller skating?
Joanne 17:42
花样滑冰吗?但是我不会滑冰,说不定我们可以做花样双人滑雪。 Figure skating? But I don’t know how to skate, so maybe we can do figure pairs skiing.
David 17:51
对我可以做这个,然后我们可以做很有名的双人花样滑冰。 Yeah I can do that and then we can do the very famous pairs figure skating.
Joanne 18:01
好吧!我们拭目以待。再接再厉!ok,好的,今天的节目就到这里,希望大家也多多关注北京的冬季奥运会,对。 Okay! We’ll see. Keep up the good work! OK, well, that’s it for today’s show, and I hope you’ll also keep watching the Winter Olympics in Beijing, yeah.
David 18:13
再见,拜拜。 Bye