SE 3 | 为什么中国人那么喜欢喝热水?Why do Chinese people like drinking hot water?

Convo Chinese
9 min readFeb 28, 2022

Joanne 00:03 Joanne 00:03

Hello大家好,欢迎大家来到我们新的一期特别节目,hello David。 Hello everyone and welcome to our new special episode, hello David.

David 00:15 David 00:15

我是大卫,其实我不知道怎么说,很多的介绍(的话) I’m David, actually I don’t know how to say it, a lot of introductions (words)

Joanne 00:22 Joanne 00:22

你可以说大家好,很高兴,又跟大家见面了 You can say hello everybody, nice to see you all again

David 00:29 David 00:29

很高兴又和(大)家见面了! It’s good to see you all again!

Joanne 00:31 Joanne 00:31

大家见面了。 Hello everybody.

David 00:33 David 00:33

很高兴又跟大家见面了 It’s good to see you all again

Joanne 00:38 Joanne 00:38

今天我们想要聊一个很有趣的话题,就是关于在中国文化里面热水的重要性。 Today we want to talk about a very interesting topic about the importance of hot water in Chinese culture.

因为在中国经常可以听到,如果有人生病了,比如说你的朋友生病了,大家就会说多喝一点热水 Because in China you can often hear that if someone is sick, say your friend is sick, people will say drink more hot water

David 01:02 David 01:02

如果你喝冷水,会让你有很多坏处,这个会让你的肚子有很多问题 If you drink cold water, it will give you a lot of bad effects, this will give you a lot of problems with your stomach

Joanne 01:10 Joanne 01:10

让你的肚子不舒服。对,会让你的胃不舒服,所以在中国喝热水很重要,特别是在女生来大姨妈的时候,你知道什么是大姨妈吗? Makes your stomach upset. Yeah, it can make your stomach upset, so it’s important to drink hot water in China, especially when a girl has her period, do you know what a period is?

David 01:26 David 01:26

对我知道,但是如果你如果不是你以前告诉我,我觉得我会不知道。 Yeah I know, but if you if you hadn’t told me before, I think I would not know.

Joanne 01:36 Joanne 01:36

你要不要跟大家解释一下。 Do you want to explain that to people.

David 01:37 David 01:37

对你可以解释吗? Yes you can explain it?

我可以解释什么大姨妈。大姨,是阿姨,大的阿姨,所以如果你是女生,你每一个月,有一次,有几天,有这个问题。你知道,这是你的大姨,如果你不要直接说你有Period,你可以说 oh my aunt is visiting,所以这是你的大姨。 (大姨妈) I can explain what a great aunt. Great aunt, it’s an aunt, a big aunt, so if you’re a girl, you have this problem once a month, for a few days. You know, it’s your great aunt, and if you don’t just say you have Period, you can say oh my aunt is visiting, so it’s your great aunt. (Great Aunt)

Joanne 02:24 Joanne 02:24

It’s three characters. 大姨妈。因为姨妈是ant,所以大姨妈是你的big aunt。我觉得这个词的来源是因为大姨妈就是那一种,跟你关系不是很好,但是会每个月来拜访一次的亲戚,但是你又很不喜欢亲戚,所以你就会说我的大姨妈又来了。 It’s three characters. great aunt. Because aunt is ant, so great aunt is your big aunt, and I think the origin of this word is because great aunt is the kind of relative that you don’t have a very good relationship with, but will come to visit once a month, but you don’t like relatives very much, so you’ll say my great aunt is coming again.

所以现在在中文里面很经常用这个词就是大姨妈,但是如果是比较正式的词,可以说月经就是period。然后女生在月经的时候经常会痛,这个东西叫“痛经”。在中文,”痛经“就是在你period时候 period pain。所以anyways在中国如果你的女朋友痛经的话,你就可以跟她说多喝一点热水。 In Chinese, the word “menstruation” is often used, but if it’s a more formal word, you can say that menstruation is period, and when a girl has her period, she often has pain, and it’s called “dysmenorrhea”. So anyways in China if your girlfriend has menstrual cramps, you can tell her to drink more hot water.

David 03:25 David 03:25

对多喝一点热水,但是如果你的女朋友是中国人,她肯定已经知道。因为她肯定已经烧很多水,所以她可以喝水,她可以把水放在这个,怎么说。 Yes, drink more hot water, but if your girlfriend is Chinese, she must already know that. Because she must have already boiled a lot of water so she can drink water, she can put water in this, how to say.

Joanne 03:43 Joanne 03:43

热水袋。 Hot water bag.

David 03:46 David 03:46

Hot water bag。 Hot water bag.

所以它可以用热水袋延缓它的痛经,疼痛,痛经。 So it can use the hot water bag to delay it from menstrual cramps, pain, menstrual cramps.

Joanne 03:59 Joanne 03:59

热水袋,我不知道这个听众朋友们所在的国家还用不用这个东西。 Hot water bag, I don’t know if this listener’s friends are in a country that still uses this.

David 04:05 David 04:05

我觉得在美国还也有,但是我觉得如果你住在刚农村的地方,你应该有热水袋。 I think it’s still available in the United States as well, but I think if you live in a place that’s just rural, you should have hot water bags.

Joanne 04:16 Joanne 04:16

其实在中国现在我们也会用热水袋,我特别喜欢,因为在冬天的时候我觉得一直用空调会让房间里面变得很干燥,空气非常的干不舒服,所以我比较喜欢用热水袋。 Actually in China now we also use hot water bags, I especially like it because in the winter time I think using air conditioning all the time will make the room very dry inside, the air is very dry and uncomfortable, so I prefer to use hot water bags.

但是像David说的,在痛经的时候,把热水袋放在你的肚子上,或者用一个动词可以说 “敷” But like David said, when you have menstrual cramps, put a hot water bag on your stomach or with a verb you can say “compress”

David 04:46 David 04:46

敷在肚子上,lay on top of Lay on your stomach, lay on top of

你也可以说比如说你要做一张脸上的面膜,然后你可以说来facial mask,你可以说我要敷面膜。 You can also say for example you’re going to do a face mask and then you can say come facial mask, you can say I’m going to put on a mask.

Joanne 05:23 Joanne 05:23

所以你可以把热水袋敷在你的肚子上。 So you can put a hot water bag on your tummy.

David 05:30 David 05:30

对,所以热水有很多用途,第一个我们已经说了是你可以喝热水,如果你生病或者你有痛经。第二个是你可以把热水倒在一个热水袋,你可以用热水戴,如果你寒冷,你要睡觉,你可以… Right, so hot water has a lot of uses, the first one as we’ve said is you can drink hot water if you’re sick or if you have menstrual cramps. The second one is you can pour hot water on a hot water bag that you can wear with hot water if you’re cold and you’re going to sleep and you can…

Joanne 06:06 Joanne 06:06

敷在你的肚子上,或者放在床上。 Put it on your stomach or put it on your bed.

David 06:10 David 06:10

放在被子里面,放在床上 Put it inside the quilt, put it on your bed

Joanne 06:12 Joanne 06:12

所以这也是为什么所有的中国人最重要的一个东西就是热水壶,烧水壶 So that’s why one of the most important things for all Chinese people is the hot water kettle, the boiling water kettle

David 06:21 David 06:21

this is a hot water boiler。 This is a hot water boiler.

Joanne 06:24 Joanne 06:24

对就是water kettle,烧水壶,之前我有看到过有便携式的烧水壶就是portable water,cattle就是证明了烧水壶对中国人有多么的重要。 Yes it’s a water kettle, a boiling kettle, I’ve seen portable water kettles that are portable water, cattle is proof of how important a boiling kettle is to the Chinese.

David 06:42 David 06:42

对,在我们的家我们有两个烧水壶,对,这是这么重要。所以你要做茶,我们不需要去我们的厨房,我们可以在我们的卧室做茶,烧水。然后我们可以做泡茶 Yeah, in our house we have two boiling kettles, yeah, it’s so important. So you want to make tea, we don’t need to go to our kitchen, we can make tea in our bedroom, boil water. And then we can make brewed tea

Joanne 07:12 Joanne 07:12

对,因为我们太经常要烧开水,所以我们就在自己的房间里面买了一个烧水壶,每天早上的第一件事情就是要烧开水。 Yes, because we have to boil water too often, so we bought a kettle inside our room and we have to boil water first thing every morning.

David 07:27 David 07:27

烧开水,boil water。 Boil water, boil water.

Joanne 07:30 Joanne 07:30

然后烧开了的水就叫开水。Boiled water。 And then the boiled water is called boiled water.

David 07:35 David 07:35

开水。 Boiled water.

Joanne 07:37 Joanne 07:37

你可以说plain boiled water这个东西在中文里面叫白开水,没有茶。 You can say plain boiled water this thing is called white boiled water in Chinese, no tea.

David 07:44 David 07:44

如果你还没有泡这个茶。我觉得中国有一个特点。比如我第一次去中国,我我看到很多的热水machines,如果你在机场,如果你在一个博物馆…. 在美国我们有很多的 water fountains,但是在中国它们有这个hot water dispensers。怎么说water dispenser? If you haven’t made this tea. I think China has a characteristic. For example, the first time I went to China, I I saw a lot of hot watermachines if you’re in an airport, if you’re in a museum …. In the US we have a lot of water fountains, but in China they have this hot water dispensers. how do you say water dispenser?

Joanne 08:17 Joanne 08:17

饮水机。 water dispenser.

David 08:21 David 08:21

饮水机 water dispenser

Joanne 08:22 Joanne 08:22

饮就是喝的意思,饮水机就是让你喝水的机器,饮水机在中国,几乎所有的饮水机都有热水和冰水两一个功能,但是有热水这个功能是非常的重要的,对。 Drinking means drinking, drinking fountain is the machine that allows you to drink water, drinking fountain in China, almost all the drinking fountains have hot water and ice water two a function, but there is hot water this function is very important, yes.

David 08:41 David 08:41

很多人用热水功能做的instant noodle。 A lot of people use the hot water feature to make instant noodle.

Joanne 08:48 Joanne 08:48

做方便面。 Make instant noodles.

David 08:51 David 08:51

对很多人用做方便面或者泡茶,或者如果他们要喝白开水,他们可以用大部分的人不喜欢喝冷水或者room temperature。 For a lot of people use to make instant noodles or make tea or if they want plain water they can use most people don’t like to drink cold water or room temperature.

Joanne 09:13 Joanne 09:13

室温的水 Room temperature water

David 09:16 David 09:16

对。 Right.

Joanne 09:16 Joanne 09:16

像我们一开始说到,我觉得在中国人的认知里面,中国人的想法里面,喝冰水会让你生病,所以中国人特别不理解为什么美国人会喜欢喝冰水,ice water。 Like we said at the beginning, I think in the Chinese perception, in the Chinese thinking, drinking ice water will make you sick, so Chinese people especially don’t understand why Americans would like to drink ice water, ice water.

David 09:36 David 09:36

对,是真的有冰块。 Yes, it’s true that there is ice.

Joanne 09:40 Joanne 09:40

真的有冰块的水,这个在中国,会觉得会对你的胃非常的不好。 Water that really has ice cubes, this in China, would feel like it would be very bad for your stomach.

David 09:47 David 09:47

冰和病有一样的声音,是巧合吗? Is it a coincidence that ice and sickness have the same sound?

Joanne 09:52 Joanne 09:52

我觉得是巧合,哈哈。但是我觉得在中国反正一般大家都会喝开水。然后刚才你也说到在中国的很多机场,公共的地方都有热水的饮水机,特别重要的是在中国的火车上,你在中国坐过火车的话就会知道,一定会有热水的机器。 I think it’s a coincidence, haha. But I think in China people generally drink boiled water anyway. And then just now you also mentioned that in many airports in China, there are hot water dispensers in public places, and especially importantly on trains in China, you would know if you’ve been on a train in China, there must be a hot water machine.

David 10:19 David 10:19

如果你在美国坐火车,我觉得你肯定(会)带一个水瓶,因为火车没有water,没有饮水机,但是在中国大部分的火车有饮水机,但是他们可能只给你热水。 If you take a train in the US, I think you definitely (will) bring a water bottle, because trains don’t have WATER, they don’t have water fountains, but in China most trains have water fountains, but they may only give you hot water.

Joanne 10:56 Joanne 10:56

对,在中国很经常你会发现火车上的饮水机只有热水,没有冷水,所以大家都会用热水来泡茶或者做方便面对。 Yes, in China very often you will find that the water fountains on the trains only have hot water, no cold water, so everyone will use hot water to make tea or make convenient face.

然后中国人还有特别喜欢带的一个东西是保温杯。Thermal cup And then there’s another thing that Chinese people like to bring is a thermal cup.

Joanne 11:25 Joanne 11:25

保温杯的意思,保是保护,保障。温是温度的温,temperature,所以杯子是杯cup,所以保温杯就是 thermal cup。然后你会经常看到,中国上了一些年纪的老爷爷老奶奶,随身必须携带的,一定会带的保温杯,然后他们无论在哪里,坐到一个地方,就会拿保温杯倒一些开水,倒一些茶。 Thermal cup means, protect is to protect, safeguard. And then you will often see, China on some of the older grandparents, must carry, will definitely bring the thermal cup, and then they wherever, sitting in a place, will take the thermal cup to pour some boiling water, pour some tea.

David 11:59 David 11:59

对。我觉得美国完全不一样,因为很少看(到)热水的饮水机。 Right. I think it’s totally different in America because it’s rare to see (to) a hot water dispenser.

Joanne 12:11 Joanne 12:11

很少看到热水饮水机 Rarely do you see hot water dispensers

David 12:13 David 12:13

大部分的饮水机都是冷水的。 Most of the water fountains are cold water.

Joanne 12:17 Joanne 12:17

或者冰水的 Or the ice water ones

David 12:18 David 12:18

对,所以大部分的人不需要一个温暖杯。 Right, so most people don’t need a warm cup.

Joanne 12:27 Joanne 12:27

保温杯。 A warm cup.

David 12:30 David 12:30

保温,大部分的人不需要保温杯,所以大部分的人有正常的水瓶 Insulated, most people don’t need a thermal mug, so most people have normal water bottles

Joanne 12:40 Joanne 12:40

大部分的人有正常的水瓶。对,normal正常的水瓶 Most people have normal water bottles. Yeah, NORMAL normal water bottles

Joanne 12:48 Joanne 12:48

上一次上个星期六的时候,我们在家里办了一个小小的聚会,有一些朋友来我们家,我们有一个日本朋友,他就自己带了保温杯,当时我就觉得日本文化我们亚洲文化真的是很相似的,我们所有的朋友里只有日本朋友和我一样,到了餐厅都会先要热水,而且不一定要泡茶,白开水都很好。 Last time last Saturday, we had a little party at home, we had some friends come to our house, we had a Japanese friend, he brought his own thermos, at that time I thought Japanese culture we Asian culture is really similar, all of our friends only Japanese friends like me, when we arrive at the restaurant will ask for hot water first, and not necessarily make tea, plain water is good.

David 13:18 David 13:18

对。我觉得在我住过上海的时候,我有点搞不清楚,因为很多人要很多人说 tap water怎么说。 Right. I think when I lived in Shanghai, I was a little confused because a lot of people wanted a lot of people to say tap water how to say it.

Joanne 13:34 Joanne 13:34

自来水。 Tap water.

David 13:36 David 13:36

自来水有点危险,你不能直接喝,你需要烧开你的水。但是我在网上搜索一下,发现上海的水只有一个问题是 heavy metal的问题,所以没有bacteria的问题,没有病(细菌)的问题。所以烧开你的水没用,不用烧开水。如果你烧开水,你只会增加heavy metal的concentration。 Tap water is a bit dangerous, you can’t drink it straight away, you need to boil your water. But I searched the internet and found that the only problem with the water in Shanghai is the heavy metal problem, so there is no problem with Bacteria, no problem with disease (bacteria). So it’s useless to boil your water, you don’t need to boil your water. If you boil the water, you will only increase the heavy metal concentration.

Joanne 14:20 Joanne 14:20

对我同意,我觉得这个是一个习惯的问题。可能以前中国比较穷的时候,水不是很干净,所以爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶都会教育我们说中国的自来水是不能直接喝的,所以我们都会习惯的把水烧开了才会喝。 Yes I agree, I think this is a matter of habit. Maybe in the past when China was poorer, the water wasn’t very clean, so our mothers and fathers and grandparents would teach us that the tap water in China was not to be drunk directly, so we would all get used to boiling the water before we would drink it.

所以这也可能是为什么我们都很喜欢喝热水,喝开水,但是自从我搬到了国外以后,我就开始养成直接喝自来水的习惯。但是很有意思的是,去年前年我的爸爸妈妈出国和我们一起旅游的时候,他们就refuse,他们拒绝喝自来水,哪怕我跟他们说,比如说这个国家,比如说英国的水是很干净的,你可以直接喝自来水,他们不习惯不相信,所以一定要把水烧开了才会喝。 So that’s probably why we all like to drink hot, boiled water, but since I moved abroad, I’ve gotten into the habit of drinking tap water straight from the tap. But it’s funny, when my mom and dad traveled abroad with us last year before last, they REFUSE, they refuse to drink tap water, even if I tell them, for example, the water in this country, for example, in England is very clean, you can drink straight from the tap, they are not used to not believe it, so they must boil the water before they will drink it.

David 15:19 David 15:19

这真的不方便。 It’s really inconvenient.

Joanne 15:24 Joanne 15:24

所以真的需要一个portable的烧水壶喝。 So you really need a PORTABLE boiling kettle to drink.

David 15:31 David 15:31

要保温杯,对很重要。 It’s important to have a thermos, yes.

Joanne 15:36 Joanne 15:36

对ok,今天我们聊到这里,跟大家聊了很多关于中国文化里面热水开水的用途。那我们现在继续喝茶,然后跟大家说拜拜。 Right ok, so today we’ve talked a lot about the use of hot water boiling water in Chinese culture. So let’s move on to tea and then say goodbye to everyone.

David 15:51 David 15:51

好的,下次见!拜拜 Okay, see you next time! Bye bye!

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