SE 9 | 和我们一起看综艺节目! Let’s watch reality show together

Convo Chinese
10 min readAug 28, 2022



Hello大家好,hello我们又回来了。终于回来了,回到了日内瓦。 Hello everyone, hello we are back again. Finally back, back in Geneva.


对,因为以前这三个星期我们在美国。 Yes, because we were in America for the last three weeks.


对我们在美国结婚。 Yes we got married in America.


对我们结婚了,所以现在我们是老婆和老公。 Yes we got married, so now we’re wife and husband.


我们是合法夫妻, We are legally married.


合法夫妻是什么意思?我们是legal夫妻 What does legal couple mean? We are legally married


所以今天我们想要跟大家聊什么? So what do we want to talk to you about today?


我们聊聊关于综艺节目。 Let’s talk about variety shows.


对,因为最近 David和我一起看中国的综艺节目,然后刚刚我们看完了一个综艺节目,你还记得叫什么名字吗? Yeah, because recently David and I have been watching Chinese variety shows together and then just now we finished watching a variety show, do you remember what it was called?


这是名字这个成语,但是我忘了这个成语是什么,但是成语的意思是 Persevere and work hard。 It’s the name of the idiom, but I forget what the idiom is, but the idiom means Persevere and work hard.


Overcome challenges,对。 Overcome challenges, yes.


所以成语是什么? So what’s the idiom?


披荆斩棘。 Overcome challenges.


所以成语的意思不太重要,但是这是综艺节目的怎么说称号(名字)。 So the meaning of the idiom is less important, but it’s the how-to title (name) of the variety show.


因为这个节目它有两个节目,一个是女生就是female version,女生版的叫乘风破浪的姐姐,然后这个版本是男生的,全都是男人参加,所以是披荆斩棘的哥哥。 Because this show it has two shows, one is for girls which is the female version, the girl version is called Sister of the Ride, and then this version is for boys, all men participate, so it’s Brother of Thorns.


所以这两个综艺节目都关于有点老的明星。他们需要合作,唱歌、跳舞,怎么表演,所以他们可以给观众很深的印象。 So both of these variety shows are about somewhat older stars. They need to work together, singing, dancing, how to perform, so they can give the audience a very deep impression.


你刚才说有点老,其实是不算很老,唯一的要求参加这个节目的明星需要是30岁以上,所以对于女明星来说30岁以上稍微有一点老,但是比如说也有60岁50多岁来参加节目的明星。 You said a bit old, but actually it’s not very old, the only requirement is that the celebrities on the show need to be over 30, so for female celebrities over 30 is a bit old, but there are also celebrities in their 60s and 50s for example who come on the show.

然后我觉得比较有意思的是参加这个节目的所有明星都是很有名的,就已经是比如说很有名的歌手或者演员,或者是跳舞的舞蹈演员,有一些是说唱演员说唱歌手rappers,然后对,所以比较有意思的是可以看到这些已经很有名的人,他们他们可能是互相的偶像,他们互相崇拜,但是这次比如说这样的节目,让他们有一个机会可以在一起创作一些新的舞台,创作一些新的歌曲表演。 I think it’s interesting to see that all the stars on the show are very famous, they are already famous singers or actors, or dancers, some are rappers, rappers, rappers, rappers, rappers. It’s a chance for them to come together and create some new stages and create some new songs to perform.


对,我觉得不是所有的人都是很有名的明星. Yeah, I don’t think all of them are very famous stars.


有一些人,他们是不太有名的(明星)。这是给综艺节目,更多的刺激,更多的excitement,更多的新鲜感。因为你可以看这个不太有名的明星,试着提高他们的(知名度) There are some people who are less famous (stars). It’s giving the variety show, more excitement, more excitement, more freshness. Because you can watch this lesser known stars and try to raise their (profile)


其实我觉得有可能这一些,我说不太有名的明星在更加年轻的观众群体当中其实很有名,因为不同的观众也会有代沟,比如说有一些60岁的明星,我认识我觉得很有名,但是对我爸爸妈妈来说,对我比如说爸妈这一代人是非常超级有名,但是我知道他们有名,但我也没有看过他们的电影或者电视剧,但是有可能我现在30岁了,有可能看这个节目的有一些18岁20岁的观众,他们完全不认识那些很有名的摇滚明星,他们可能会觉得那些很我以为没有名的明星 I actually think it’s possible that some of these, I would say less famous stars are actually very famous among a younger audience because there’s a generation gap between different audiences, for example, there are some 60-year-old stars that I know that I think are very famous, but to my mum and dad, to my generation like my mum and dad are very super famous, but I know they’re famous, but I haven’t seen their films or But it’s possible that I’m 30 years old now and it’s possible that there are 18 and 20 year olds watching this show who don’t know any of those famous rock stars at all, they might think that those are very I thought not famous stars.


他们要有更深的观众,更宽的观众。 They’re going to have a much deeper audience, a much wider audience.


就是他们希望可以吸引到不同年龄,不同的观众群体,对。 It’s that they want to appeal to a different age group, a different audience, yeah.

而且我觉得更有意思的是看这些完全不一样的明星们,他们在一起互动在一起怎么样?其实是一个真人秀节目,所以不仅仅是唱歌跳舞的比赛。 And I think it’s more interesting to see how these completely different stars, how they interact together and how they come together. It’s actually a reality show, so it’s not just a singing and dancing competition.


你可以给讲一下真人秀是什么? Can you tell us a little bit about what reality TV is?


真人秀就是reality show,其实这个节目会放很多这些明星在私下里面排练,然后吃饭,怎么样和别人打交道 It’s a reality show, it’s actually a show that shows a lot of these celebrities rehearsing in private, and then eating, and how they deal with other people.


对,你可以看这样的明星,他们是不是真实的人,真诚的人。他们可能在电影或者表演看起来很好的人,很善良的人,但是不知道在真实生活中他们善良不善良。 Yes, you can see if these stars are real people, if they are genuine people. They might look like nice people in the film or in the show, very nice people, but I don’t know if they’re nice in real life.


对,然后有一些明星在电影或者电视上看起来可能很外向,但实际上在真实生活中他们可能很内向。我们在中文有一个词叫社交恐惧。 Yes, and then there are some stars who may look very outgoing in movies or on TV, but in reality in real life they may be very introverted. We have a word in Chinese called social phobia.


很害怕社交,社交就是socialize, network。有一些人可能实际上是很内向的人。 There are some people who may actually be very introverted.

然后有一些人可能会说一些很不合适的话,然后也会在节目播出以后会被观众吐槽,观众就会说这个人其实他怎么老是说做一些不是很有礼貌的事情等等。 And then there are some people who might say something inappropriate and then also after the show is aired, the viewers will say how this person is actually saying and doing something that is not very polite and so on.


对,所以我觉得大部分的明星他们知道这个可以是可能是一个机会提高知名度,或者让他们的观众更宽。 Yeah, so I think most of the stars they know that this can be an opportunity to raise awareness or to get their audience wider.


对知名度,这个度是温度的度。但是他们知道也可能还有风险 Yes visibility, the degree is a degree of temperature. But they know that there can also be risks


可能会伤害到他们的名气,所以他们在节目当中也可能要比较小心的说话,和别人交朋友,但是这个我觉得男生的版本和女生的版本不一样的地方,我觉得男生比如说这些哥哥们就是这些男的男人都已经50岁60岁了,而且他们都是自己的领域最有名的明星,我觉得他们可能就不会那么在乎播出以后什么效果。 But I think the boys’ version is different from the girls’ version in that I think the boys, for example, these brothers are these male men who are 50 and 60 years old and they are the most famous stars in their field, so I think they probably don’t care so much about I think they probably don’t care as much about what it’s going to be like when it’s broadcast.


他们已经有家庭,他们很多的男人说过他们的家庭,提起过他们的家庭,他们我觉得50岁以上的人,他们觉得如果我没有观众,我不在乎,有我的家庭就是足够。 They already have families, a lot of them men have talked about their families, brought up their families, they I think over 50, they think if I don’t have an audience, I don’t care, having my family is enough.


对,所以我觉得他们来参加这个节目的初衷,他们来参加的原因,可能就是和老朋友,或者和其他领域的很厉害的人艺术家或者音乐家合作,你其实他们除了这个节目以外,可能私下里别的也没有机会可以跟别的很有才华的人一起合作。 Yeah, so I think the reason they came to the show, the reason they came to the show, was probably to work with old friends, or to work with other great people in the field, artists or musicians, you know, you don’t actually have the opportunity to work with other very talented people in private, other than this show.


你觉得为什么这个女人的版本不一样。 Why do you think this woman’s version is different.


我觉得女人和男人在性格上会不一样,女人我觉得更加是群体动物,就是我们会更加希望和别人能够和谐。 I think women and men are different in terms of personality, women are more of a group animal I think, in that we want to be in harmony with others.


动物是什么? What is the animal?


Social animals,我们会希望和别人合得来,然后有的时候可能会比较不能说虚假,但是有的时候我们会假装或者戴上一个面具,就是like wear a mask,然后我们会很想要创造一个很和谐的环境,我觉得男人比较真实一点,有时候男人就会说想做什么就做什么,想说什么就说什么。 Social animals, we want to get along with other people, and then sometimes we may not be able to say that we are false, but sometimes we will pretend or put on a mask, that is like wear a mask, and then we will want to create a very harmonious environment, I think men are a bit more real, sometimes men will say that they will do whatever they want to do and say whatever they want to say. I think men are a bit more realistic, sometimes men will just say what they want to do and say what they want to say.


对,我觉得得看什么样的男人,得看什么样,这个男人为什么这么他们怎么做成明星,如果他们是表演,可能是他们他们的性格不太真实,不是更假装。 Yes, I think it depends on the kind of man, it depends on the kind of man, why this man is so they how to make a star, if they are acting, it might be that they their character is less real, not more pretentious.


我觉得不一定,我觉得单纯的性别的区别,然后因为女人就不是很喜欢冲突,女人一般会我觉得会避免冲突,然后不想做跟别人不一样的人之类的。 I don’t think it’s necessarily, I think it’s purely a gender difference and then because women just don’t like conflict very much, women generally I think avoid conflict and then don’t want to be different from other people or something like that.

但是anyway,所以你刚才看了第一集,我们刚刚看了男生版本的第二季的第一集,你感觉怎么样?好玩吗? But ANYWAY, so you’ve just watched the first episode, we’ve just watched the first episode of the boys’ version of the second season, how do you feel about that? Was it fun?


我觉得好玩,我觉得你应该觉得更好玩,因为你已经知道这所有的明星,我一个明星都不知道。这是你的小时候的明星,甚至就是你的爸妈小时候的明星,但是我完全不知道他们。但是我觉得很好玩。我觉得我很喜欢这些机会。对我来说是个机会,学会中国的文化,中国 pop文化 (流行文化)。对,也是个机会,看哥们的爱情,哥们的友情。 I think it’s fun, I think you should find it more fun because you already know all these stars and I don’t know any of them. It’s your childhood stars, or even just your mum and dad’s childhood stars, but I don’t know them at all. But I think it’s fun. I think I enjoyed the opportunities. It was a chance for me to learn about Chinese culture, Chinese pop culture (pop culture). Yeah, it’s also a chance to see buddy love, buddy friendship.


这里面没有爱情,但是哥们我觉得是一个好的词,就是英语是什么Bro-y,这些看这些哥们怎么打交道,然后也蛮真实的。 There’s no love in it, but buddy I think is a good word, that’s what Bro-y is in English, these see how these buddies deal with each other, and then it’s quite real.

上一季我看的时候里面有很多哥们在节目里面也会掉眼泪,也会哭,他们会说参加节目之前,从来都不会在真实生活里哭会,什么的,但是我觉得节目会营造一种不一样的不一样的氛围,因为你跟同一批人朝夕相处,每天都在一起相处三个月的时间会有不一样的友情。 When I watched the last season there were a lot of buddies in the show who would shed tears and cry, and they would say that they would never cry in real life before they joined the show, or whatever, but I think the show creates a different kind of atmosphere, because you’re spending time with the same people, and you’re spending three months together every day, and there’s a different kind of camaraderie.


对我同意,我觉得这是特别一个特别的环境,他们有很多的压力,他们也应该合作跟新的朋友,所以我觉得给这所有人很多的感情。 Yeah I agree, I think it’s a very special environment, they have a lot of pressure and they should be working together with new friends, so I think it gives a lot of emotion to all of them.


对,所以刚才我们也在说,如果这个节目在美国的话,可能会邀请到什么样的明星,然后我觉得可能以比如说中国第二季的明星的档次来说,可能会是像Backstreet Boys就是当年最有名的男子团体或者乐队的某个成员,比如说Backstreet boys或者像有一些很有名的演员,可能Brad Pitt,甚至Johnny Depp这样的人会来 Yeah, so we were just talking about what kind of stars we might get if the show was in the US, and I think maybe with the calibre of stars in China for the second season for example, it would be like Backstreet Boys which is one of the most famous boy groups or bands of the year, like Backstreet boys or like there are some very famous actors, maybe Brad Pitt, or even Johnny Depp.


他们还是特别有名,但是你觉得他们对这样的中国的明星,他们跟Brad Pitt一样,对一样的有名差不多。 They’re still particularly famous, but you think they’re about as famous as Brad Pitt for a Chinese star like that.


或者我觉得是像我有一个明星叫Ben Affleck Or I think it’s like I have a star called Ben Affleck


我觉得Ben Affleck应该特别合适,因为现在他不太流行,不太受欢迎。 I think Ben Affleck would be particularly appropriate because he’s not very popular at the moment, not very popular.


对,但就是这种现在可能没有经常演电影了。但是曾经非常有名演了很多电影的人,所以我觉得你想象一下,如果有一个美国这样的节目有Ben Affleck,然后有比如说back street boys在一起,然后但有一些年轻的有Justin Timberlake。 Yeah, but it’s the kind of person who probably doesn’t act in films very often now. But someone who used to be very famous in a lot of films, so I think you can imagine if there was a show like this in America with Ben Affleck and then there was, say, the back street boys together, and then there was some younger ones with Justin Timberlake.


yea that’s very high….他还是特别有名。但我觉得Ben Affleck是特别完美的 yea that’s very high …. He’s still particularly famous. But I think Ben Affleck is particularly perfect


可能会有Eminem for example There might be Eminem for example


他还是特别有名 He’s still particularly famous


对,但我觉得在中国的节目里有一些rapper适合Eminem差不多又名 Yes, but I think there are some rappers in the Chinese shows that fit Eminem aka


我觉得如果有Eminem在节目,我觉得这是所有人会看这个节目 I think if there was Eminem on the show, I think it’s something that everyone would watch


但是真的在中国节目里就有这么有名的rapper和这么有名的歌手。 But really there are such famous rappers and such famous singers on the Chinese show.


Will Smith也是完美的 Will Smith is also perfect


然后会有一些可能体育明星也会参加。 And then there will be some possible sports stars who will also participate.


我觉得我梦想不到,我想象不到,Will Smith和别的演员和明星的,我想参不到这样的dynamic。 I don’t think I could dream of it, I can’t imagine it, with Will Smith and other actors and stars, I don’t think I could participate in such a dynamic.


对,所以才很有意思,所以有一个节目如果能把Will Smith和Justin Timberlake… Yeah, that’s why it’s interesting, so there’s a show if you can put Will Smith and Justin Timberlake…


我觉得真的是大部分的美国的明星不太善良,我觉得这是我的问题,我觉得在这个节目,大部分的中国的男人明星,他们都看起来和友好 I think most of the American stars are really not very nice, I think that’s my problem, I think in this show, most of the Chinese men stars, they all look and are friendly


然后这个节目我觉得还有一点比较有意思的是,在女生的版本一开始最吸引大家的是说怎么看女就是30岁以上的女人,或者甚至是40岁50岁的女人,她们可能没有那么漂亮或者身材,但她们身材还是很好,但是会有一些更其他的维度来评价一个女性的价值,我觉得这个是蛮有意思的。 And then the other thing that I think is interesting about this show is that in the girls’ version at the beginning the most interesting thing is that they say how to look at women is women over 30, or even 40 and 50, they may not be as pretty or fit, but they are still fit, but there are some other dimensions to evaluate the value of a woman, and I think that’s quite interesting.

然后男生的版本就他们也会反思,在这个节目里会有一些哲学的,更加philosophical的思考,比如说人生的价值。60岁的明星,他们曾经很有名,他们有很有意思的经历,他们会给一些建议给到那些30岁的明星。 And then the guys’ version they also reflect on the show and there are some philosophical, more philosophical reflections on the value of life, for example. 60 year old stars, who were famous and who have had interesting experiences, they give some advice to those 30 year olds.


对,我觉得在这个女生的版本,我觉得更年轻的女生她们有一个优势。因为很多的,如果你是观众,你会潜意识… Yes, I think in the girls’ version of this, I think younger girls have an advantage. Because a lot of it, if you’re a viewer, you’re subconsciously…


依赖于他们的长相来做判断。 Relying on their looks to make a judgement.


对依赖他们的长相来做判断,所以我觉得但是在男人。 Yes relying on their looks to make judgements, so I think but on the men.


对,就是女生大家会更加看重身材和长相,男生的话更加看重才华和魅力,就是看他们是不是真的会唱歌,是不是真的跳舞或者设计,或者可能去他们是更加明智 Yeah, it’s girls that people look at more for body and looks and guys that look at more for talent and charisma, whether they can really sing, whether they can really dance or design, or maybe go they are more sensible


但是反正蛮有意思的,我们会继续看这个节目,现在刚刚播出了第二集。我觉得然后也可以给大家推荐这个节目,虽然会有点难。 But anyway, it’s quite interesting and we’ll continue to watch the show, which has just aired its second episode. I think then I can also recommend this show to people, although it can be a bit difficult.


podcast可能会变成 commentary综艺节目的评论 The podcast might turn into a commentary on the variety show


看综艺节目是一个学习中文的,当然如果你是比较高级的中文学习水平。 Watching variety shows is a great way to learn Chinese, of course if you are at a more advanced level of Chinese learning.


对是很好,我觉得可能你不需要特别高级的水平,因为很多的,我特别喜欢很多的男生是香港人,他们第一个语言(母语)第一个母语是香港的话,所以他们的普通话他们说的有点慢,比较慢。 Yes it is very good, I think maybe you don’t need a particularly advanced level because a lot of, I particularly like a lot of the boys are Hong Kong people, their first language (mother tongue) the first mother tongue is Hong Kong words, so their Mandarin they speak a bit slowly, more slowly.


对,但他们也有口音,所以可能更加难听懂,对。 Yeah, but they also have an accent so it’s probably more difficult to understand, yeah.


但是我觉得他们普通话,我觉得口音还可以,他们用更简单的词,也学得更慢。 But I think their Mandarin, I think the accent is okay, they use simpler words and they learn it more slowly.


Ok,给大家再重复一下,这个节目我们两个看的是披荆斩棘的哥哥,女生的版本是乘风破浪的姐姐。好的,我们下期再见,下次再见。 Ok, just to repeat for you, the two of us watching this show are the brother of Phi Beta Kappa and the girl’s version is the sister of Ride the Wave. OK, we’ll see you next time, next time.


拜拜。 Bye bye.



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