SE4 | 大有考究的中文名字 Deep meaning behind Chinese names

Convo Chinese
6 min readMar 22, 2022



Hello大家好,今天又是我们的特别节目,David 跟大家say hi~ Hello everyone, it’s our special show again today, David, say hi to everyone!


大家好,我很高兴Xinqing邀请我再一次来她的pod cast。 Hello everyone, I am very happy that Xinqing invited me to come to her podcast again.


对其实是因为我又没有找到中国朋友录podcast,所以只能将就和David再录一次。 Yes, actually I couldn’t find any Chinese friends to record the podcast, so I had to record it with David again.


我是最好的substitute。 I’m the best substitute.


你是最好的备胎,对。 You’re the best spare tire, yes.

备胎这个词的意思就是spare tire。但是在中文里面备胎也可以是plan b也可以是,英文怎么说? The word spare tire means spare tire, but in Chinese, spare tire can also be plan b or plan b. How do you say that in English?


对plan B。我觉得英语没有这个词,如果你有一个关系,你可以有一个备胎,所以如果你在一个人在一起,你可以有一个备胎,这是一个别的人是你的backup plan。 Yes plan B. I think that English doesn’t have this word specifically, if you have a relationship, you can have a spare tire, so if you’re in a person together, you can have a spare tire, it’s someone else who is your backup plan.


对就是这个意思是说你可能有男朋友,或者你已经在和某一个人约会,然后同时你又在和另外一个男生调情或者flirt,这个男生就是你的backup plan就是备胎。 David是我的pod cast的备胎。 Yeah that’s what this means is that you might have a boyfriend or you’re already dating someone, but then at the same time you’re flirting or flirt with another guy. that guy is your backup plan is the backup. David is my podcast’s backup.


但是你的生活的“第一胎” But the “first tyre” of your life


唯一的轮胎! Anyways,今天我们想要跟大家讨论一下我的中文名字,其实我在 podcast里好像一直是把自己称为Joanne,所以可能很多人都不知道我的中文名字叫什么。 The only tyre! Anyways, today we want to talk to you about my Chinese name, actually I seem to refer to myself as Joanne in the podcast, so many of you may not know what my Chinese name is.


对,所以今天我们会发现Joanne的中文名字是什么。 Right, so today we’re going to find out what Joanne’s Chinese name is.


我们可以说揭露或者披露Joanne的中文名字,对disclose, 或者reveal Joanne的中文名字。我给你一个机会,你来跟大家表演一下你完美的拼音,完美的发音。 We can say reveal or disclose Joanne’s Chinese name, to disclose, or reveal Joanne’s Chinese name, Let I give you a chance, you come and show off your perfect pinyin, perfect pronunciation with everyone.


Joanne中文的名字是昕清。 Joanne’s Chinese name is Xinqing.


还有我的姓。 And my last name.


陆、昕、清。 Lu, Xin, Qing.


对好,非常标准! Yes, very accurate


好谢谢,我鞠躬,我Bow! Okay thanks, I bow, I Bow!


我再重复一下我的中文名字是陆昕清。然后我可以跟大家解释一下这三个字分别是什么意思。“陆”是我的姓,那“陆”就是大陆continent的意思,所以你可以说陆地land,但是“陆”本身没有什么意思,是我的姓就是我妈妈的姓。这其实也有一个故事,一会可以跟大家分享一下为什么我是和我妈妈姓,不是和我爸爸一个姓。 Let me repeat that my Chinese name is Lu Xinqing. Then I can explain to you what each of these three characters means. “Lu” is my last name, and “Lu” means continent, so you can say land, but “Lu” itself doesn’t mean anything, it’s my The last name is my mother’s last name. This actually has a story, I can share with you in a moment why I am with my mother’s surname, not with my father’s surname.

然后第二个字是昕。昕的意思是太阳刚刚升起的样子,就是sunrise Then the second character is Xin. Xin means “sunrise”, which means the sun has just risen. David

对,和朝阳不是完全一样的意思。这个昕的意思是,right before the sun rise Yes, it’s not exactly the same as sunrise. This Xin means, right before the sun rise


朝阳之前,对。然后“清”是清楚,清洁的“清”。意思就是Clean或者Clear。我爸爸和我说我这个名字是因为我是在早晨出生的,所以是昕这个字的来源,然后他希望我有一个很干净的很怎么说,clear conscious有一个很干净的良心,或者是干干净净做人,所以我猜是这个意思吧? Right before the sunrise, yes. And then “Qing” is clear, clean “Qing”. My father told me that my name is because I was born in the morning, so it is the origin of the word Xin, and then he wanted me to have a very clean, how to say, clear conscious to have a very clean conscience, or to be clean, so I guess this is the meaning, right?


然后呢,刚才有说到我的姓是和我妈妈姓的,其实在中国也不是很普遍,大多数人都是和爸爸一个姓,应该在美国在全世界都是 And then, just now I mentioned that my last name is with my mother’s last name, actually in China is not very common, most people are with their father’s last name, should be the same in the United States in the world


对,因为这个是patriarchy,但是你的家他们要推翻patriarchy。 Yes, because this is patriarchy, but in your family they want to overturn the patriarchy.


推翻patriarchy,差不多是这个意思,这是因为我的妈妈只有一个姐妹,然后我的外婆就是我的妈妈的妈妈,她非常希望我们能够把陆这个姓氏可以传递下去。意思就是说如果说我和我爸爸姓的话,那么因为我们家里都是一直是女儿,所以陆这个姓就会消失,所以我的外婆经常和我说,未来我找男朋友的时候,要确保我的男朋友或者我未来的老公同意我们以后的小孩也要姓陆。 Overturning the patriarchy, that’s pretty much what it means, because my mom only has one sister, and then my grandmother is my mom’s mother, and she really wants us to pass on the Lu family name. It means that if I have my father’s surname, then the surname Lu will disappear because we have always had daughters in our family, so my grandmother often says to me that when I look for a boyfriend in the future, I have to make sure that my boyfriend or my future husband agrees that our future children should also have the surname Lu.


我是唯一一个人,昕清能找到,让他做这个,所以她应该跟我约会。 I am the only person that Xinqing can find and let him do this, so she should date me.


但是我们的以后的小孩应该不会姓陆,应该会有一个美国的名字英语的姓,但是我觉得我的外婆应该这个应该没关系。 But our future child should not have the last name Lu, it should have an American name English last name, but I think my grandmother should this should be okay.


没问题!我要我的孩子有“陆”的surname,这个是更有意思的surname。 No problem! I want my child to have the surname “Lu”, which is a more interesting surname.


你的名字呢?你给大家讲一讲你的名字。 Your name? you can tell everyone your name.


这是David最流行的美国的名字。我的姓是Gaynor,Gaynor是从法国来的,Ganyor, something like that,差不多Ganyor。所以这当然是我的爸爸的姓,在美国也是传统系统是从你的爸爸来的拿来你的姓。他的家是一部分是法国人,一部分是苏格兰人。 This is the most popular American name “ David”. My last name is Gaynor, Gaynor is from France, Ganyor, something like that, so of course it’s my dad’s last name, and in America it’s also the tradition to bring your last name from your dad. His family is part French, part Scottish.

但是Ganyor是法国的。我的名字David是从我的妈妈的爷爷来。 But Ganyor is French. My name David comes from my mom’s grandfather.


Great grandpa,对在中文可以说曾祖父。 Great grandpa, in Chinese you can say great grandfather.


曾祖父 Great grandfather


曾祖母 Great Grandma Great grandmother


对是从我的曾祖父来的。他的名字也是David,但是他是Polish, 所以在Polish的Spelling是Dawid。但是我不知道发音是不是一样。现在我只最近(才)知道我的(曾祖父)的名字是David。因为我研究我的ancestry(祖先),我的家的历史。 Yes, it’s from my great-grandfather. His name was also David, but he was Polish, so the Spelling in Polish is Dawid, but I don’t know if the pronunciation is the same. Now I only recently learned that my (great-grandfather’s) name is David because I’m researching my ancestry, my family’s history.


对这个在中文也可以说家谱,就是family history或者family tree,family book,家谱。 Yes, in Chinese you can also say genealogy, that is, family history or family tree, family book, family tree.


所以我家谱和食谱一样吗?这是一样的谱。 So my family tree is the same as a cookbook? It’s the same recipe.

ok catalogue okay。所以我要研究我的家谱,因为我会申请 polish的公民。 So I’m going to research my family tree because I’m going to apply for polish citizenship.


Poland是波兰。 Polan


波兰的公民,citizen ship,波兰的护照。所以我需要确保,确认我的家谱包括波兰的人,所以我发现我的爸爸,我的妈妈的爷爷是波兰人,他的名字是David。 Polish citizenship, Polish passport. So I needed to make sure, make sure my family tree included Polish people, so I found out that my dad, my mom’s grandfather was Polish and his name was David.


我觉得最近在和David一起研究他的家谱,发现在欧洲很多的国家都可以找到 1940年、1930年甚至更早的,比如说出生的记录。当时的身份证、护照,各种信息,现在都被电子化digitalitized在网上都可以找到。 I think recently I was working with David on his genealogy and found that in many countries in Europe you can find records from 1940, 1930 or even earlier, like births. The ID cards, passports, and all kinds of information from that time are now digitized and available online.

对,我还是蛮羡慕的,因为我是从中国的农村长大的。我的爷爷奶奶外公外婆,他们完全不知道。就是我完全不知道我们的祖先叫什么名字,是从哪里来的。 Yes, I am still quite envious because I grew up in rural China. My grandparents and grandparents, they had no idea. That is, I have no idea what our ancestors’ names are or where they came from.


他们甚至可能没有birth certificate,他们甚至不能说普通话,不能说上海话。 They may not even have birth certificates, they can’t even speak Mandarin, they can’t speak Shanghainese.


对,他们没有出生证明birth certificate。然后因为我的爷爷奶奶外公外婆他们都是农民,所以他们都不认字,认字就是literate。所以他们是illiterate。所以在中国我觉得要找到自己的家谱,除非你是家里就很有文化的人,还是很难的。 Yes, they don’t have birth certificates, and then because my grandparents and grandparents were farmers, they didn’t recognize the words, so they were illiterate, so they were illiterate, so in China I think it’s hard to find your own family tree unless you’re a very educated person in your family.


对。我明白。我觉得中国很有意思,从这个角度来(说)。中国很有意思,因为中国很快很快发展,所以你的爷爷你的奶奶和你的生活完全不一样。 Yes. I understand. I think China is interesting, from that perspective. China is interesting because China is developing very quickly, very quickly, so your grandfather your grandmother and your life is completely different.

我的祖先,我的爷爷,他的生活跟我可能,肯定不是完全一样,但是有很多的类似的地方。 My ancestor, my grandfather, his life was probably, definitely not exactly the same as mine, but there are a lot of similarities.


对,比如说前两天David的妈妈给我们发了一张照片,是你的妈妈,在小的时候过生日的时候,和你的曾祖父,就是那个波兰的曾祖父一起。我当时看到这张照片,我就想说,在美国那个时候就有照相机了,我觉得在中国,好像我们家完全没有那个年代的照片。 Yeah, for example, David’s mom sent us a picture the other day of your mom, when she was little, on her birthday, with your great grandfather, the Polish great grandfather. I saw this picture and I thought, “In America, we had cameras at that time, and I feel like in China, we don’t have any pictures of that time in our family.


当然对,所以我觉得让我很感激,我有这个机会研究我的家谱,对。 Absolutely right, so I think it makes me grateful that I have this opportunity to research my family tree, yes.


好,今天蛮有意思的,跟大家聊了一聊我们的姓名和我们的家族的历史,我们下次再跟大家再见。 Well, it’s been a fun day, talking to you about our names and our family history, and I’ll see you next time.


对,好的,下次见,拜拜! Yeah, okay, see you next time, bye!

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