SE5 | 休假了!Vacation time!

Convo Chinese
19 min readApr 24, 2022


Xinqing (Joanne)

Hello。大家好,好久不见,欢迎大家来到我们新的一期瞎扯学中文。很久不见的原因是因为我两个星期都在休假,我在肯尼亚休假和我的原来是我的男朋友,现在是我的未婚夫, Hello everyone, it’s been a long time and welcome to our new installment of Chinese nonsense. The reason I haven’t seen you for a long time is because I’ve been on vacation for two weeks, and I’m on vacation in Kenya with my former boyfriend, now my fiance, David.


这是我第一次听这个词,我觉得我很喜欢跟Xinqing在内罗毕,在肯尼亚旅游,特别她是我的未婚妻。 This is the first time I’ve heard this word, and I think I really enjoyed being in Nairobi with Xinqing, traveling in Kenya, especially since she’s my fiancée.

Xinqing (Joanne)

对,因为我们在三个星期以前订婚了,对。 Yeah, because we got engaged three weeks ago, yeah.


Xinqing给我很特别的求婚。 Xinqing gave me a very special proposal.

她组织一个很大的派对,告诉我这是我们的朋友的派对,她邀请我们所有的在Geneva的朋友,也邀请我所有的在美国的朋友和家人,但是这个人都是在一个zoom call,然后他等我当我去派对来派对,我到的时候,她给我唱(了)四(首)歌。 She organized a big party and told me it was a party for our friends, she invited all our friends in Geneva and all my friends and family in the U.S., but this person was in a zoom call and then he waited for me when I went to the party to party and when I arrived, she sang (four) songs to me.

Xinqing (Joanne)

四首歌。对我唱了四首歌,然后我把歌词都改编成了讲述我们两个怎么样认识,怎么样谈恋爱,最后在一起的故事。 Four songs. I sang four songs to me, and then I adapted the lyrics to tell the story of how we two met, how to fall in love, and finally together.

然后对像David说的有大概30个 David在美国和世界各地的朋友和家人、亲朋好友。亲朋好友在zoom上面和我们一起庆祝非常的特别,因为是我求婚,但是但是我很高兴,我很喜欢可以给David这个惊喜。 And then for like David said there were about 30 of David’s friends and family and close friends in the U.S. and around the world. It was very special for friends and family to be on top of the zoom to celebrate with us because it was me proposing, but but I was so happy and I loved being able to surprise David with that.


我完全(特别)惊讶,这是一个特别好的惊喜,因为我完全不知道她在打算这个机会这个求婚,所以我特别高兴,谢谢Xinqing。 I was totally (especially) surprised, it was a nice surprise because I had no idea that she was planning this opportunity to propose, so I’m especially happy, thanks Xinqing.

Xinqing (Joanne)

然后求婚以后正好是复活节Easter的假期,所以我就请了一个星期假,然后我们回到肯尼亚,因为我们是三年以前在肯尼亚内罗毕认识的,所以在这里有很多我们的好朋友, David,你要不要跟大家讲一讲我们在肯尼亚休假都大概做了什么? And then after the proposal, it was the Easter Easter holiday, so I took a week off, and then we went back to Kenya, because we met in Nairobi, Kenya three years ago, so we have a lot of good friends here, David, do you want to tell everyone about what we did on our vacation in Kenya?

David David.

对,我们有点忙,因为我们有很多的朋友,一些是我的朋友,一些是Xinqing的朋友,一些是我们的共同朋友,所以我们需要花很多时间见所有的人,所以我们第一个星期在内罗毕,我们一边工作一边见我们的朋友,一边去做我们的所有的最喜欢的活动。 Yeah, we were very busy because we had a lot of friends, some of my friends, some of Xinqing’s friends, some of our mutual friends, so we needed to spend a lot of time seeing all of them, so our first week in Nairobi, we worked and saw our friends while we went and did all of our favorite activities.

Xinqing (Joanne)

我们最在内罗毕最喜欢的活动是什么? What was our favorite activity in Nairobi?


跑步在kaura forest, 是一个森林,这个是的在内罗毕的最大的森林,所以我们跑步在森林,然后吃中餐。 Running in the kaura forest, it’s a forest, it’s the biggest forest in Nairobi, so we ran in the forest and then ate Chinese food.

Xinqing (Joanne)

对我们其实是星期天的早上凌晨,可能是5:00才到了内罗毕,然后我睡了大概5个小时,早上11点多醒了以后就被David拉出去,跑步然后我们就去了最喜欢的这个森林Karura forest,跑了10公里,然后我们去了我们最喜欢的咖啡厅,所以我觉得这个是我们的旅游的非常好的开始。 Yes, we actually arrived in Nairobi at 5:00am on Sunday morning, and I slept for about 5 hours, then I woke up at 11:00am and was dragged out by David to run and then we went to our favorite forest, Karura forest, and ran 10km, and then we went to our favorite cafe, so I think this was a very good start to our tour. very good start to our tour.

然后第一个星期我因为要远程工作,所以大部分的时间我都在家里工作,但是David出去见了好多的朋友,我们的朋友也对我们特别好,给我们组织了接风宴,然后给我们组织了很多的惊喜,比如说有improv的游戏,给我们组织了 poker game。因为我和David都很喜欢打德州扑克。 Then the first week I had to work remotely, so most of the time I was working at home, but David went out to meet a lot of friends, and our friends were very good to us, organized a reception for us, and then organized a lot of surprises for us, for example, there were improv games, organized a poker game for us. Texas Hold’em.

对,然后非常特别的是复活节假期的这4天,我们去了Watamu Yes, and then the very special thing is that during the 4 days of Easter holidays, we went to Watamu

David 对,Watamu是我在肯尼亚最喜欢的地方,Watamu是一个海边的地方,很热,很潮湿。但是我特别喜欢这样的天气,所以我们游泳,我们跑步,我们吃这个海鲜。我们去了所有的在Watamu最喜欢的地方。我们也漂流,在一个很长的河,所以我们可以走路到河的起点。然后我们漂流可能40分钟。到河的终点。 Yeah, Watamu is my favorite place in Kenya, Watamu is a beach place, it’s hot and humid. But I especially loved the weather, so we swam, we ran, we ate this seafood. We went to all of our favorite places in Watamu. We also rafted in a very long river so we could walk to the beginning of the river. Then we rafted maybe 40 minutes. To the end of the river.

Xinqing (Joanne)

对,我觉得这个漂流是非常有意思,对我来说也是第一次的经历。因为Watamu它海边城市非常的特别,它不仅仅有海滩,大海、沙滩,也有非常有意思的红树林,就是mangrove这一个自然的生态系统。所以在很靠近海边的地方有一条小溪,有一条河,然后这个河里面长满了红树林,红树林mangrove。就是长在河里长在水里的一种植物,所以我们就每一个人拿了一个像救生圈一样的充气的东西,然后在河里面漂流,看红树林,看然后看大自然。 Yes, I think this rafting is very interesting and it’s the first experience for me. Because Watamu is a very special city by the sea, it has not only the beach, the sea, the beach, but also the very interesting mangrove forest, which is a natural ecosystem of mangrove. So there is a creek and a river very close to the sea, and the river is full of mangroves, mangrove mangrove, which is a plant that grows in the river and in the water, so we each took an inflatable thing like a life preserver and drifted in the river, looking at the mangroves, looking at the nature.


对我觉得特别放松,也特别漂亮,很多的很漂亮的风景,也有很多的,很搞笑的,也有很多搞笑的瞬间,跟我们的朋友。 I felt very relaxed and beautiful, a lot of beautiful scenery, but also a lot of, very funny, but also a lot of funny moments, with our friends.

Xinqing (Joanne)

对,比如说我们尝试在水里面跳芭蕾,水上芭蕾,然后一起唱歌。然后有一个朋友她其实不会游泳,所以她一开始还是挺害怕的,但是到最后完全放松了,漂流了40分钟,最后我们终点在大概日落的时候,我们到了沙滩上晚上6点的时候一起看日落,也是非常特别。 Yes, for example, we tried to do ballet in the water, water ballet, and then we sang together. And then one of our friends she couldn’t actually swim, so she was quite scared at first, but by the end she was completely relaxed and floated for 40 minutes, and finally we ended up at about sunset, and we got to the beach at 6pm to watch the sunset together, which was also very special.


对,非常好的,所以对我们很喜欢我们在Watamu的时间,然后我们回到内罗毕,继续我们在内罗毕的旅游,我们吃中餐跟我们的中国朋友,然后我们去Xinqing的很喜欢的地方,这个地方是什么? Yeah, it was very good, so we enjoyed our time in Watamu, and then we went back to Nairobi and continued our tour in Nairobi, we had Chinese food with our Chinese friends, and then we went to a favorite place in Xinqing, what is this place?

Xinqing (Joanne)

是的。我们现在在录音的这个地方是肯尼亚山。其实肯尼亚,我不知道很多朋友可能没有来过非洲,对非洲的印象是大草原,然后有狮子、长颈鹿,有那些动物大迁徙,然后可能大家的印象是天气很干燥,很热。但是肯尼亚其实很特别,因为它虽然在赤道上,赤道是equator,虽然它处在赤道上,但是因为它的海拔很高,大概有2000米,所以说它的天气其实很凉爽,每年全年的话都在二十几度,然后特别是像我们现在在肯尼亚山,肯尼亚山还挺凉的,可能现在的气温只有15度,但是这边气候非常的凉爽,有很多的植物,然后植物的植物的种类,也和比如说动物迁徙的像马赛马拉的那种稀树草原的植物很不一样。所以对我来说,这次旅游既可以到海边看沙滩,又可以到肯尼亚山享受非常凉爽的天气,我觉得是肯尼亚很有意思,有很多不一样的这样的生态系统。 Yes. This place that we are recording now is Mount Kenya. In fact, Kenya, I don’t know if many friends may not have been to Africa, the impression of Africa is the savannah, and then there are lions, giraffes, there are those animals migrating, and then maybe the impression is that the weather is very dry, very hot. But Kenya is actually very special, because although it is on the equator, the equator is equator, although it is on the equator, but because of its high altitude, about 2,000 meters, so that its weather is actually very cool, the annual words are in the twenties, and then especially like we are now in Mount Kenya, Mount Kenya is quite cool, maybe the temperature is only 15 degrees, but this side of the The climate is very cool, there are a lot of plants, and then the kinds of plants, and for example, animal migration like the Masai Mara kind of savanna plants are very different. So for me, this trip is very interesting because I can go to the beach and enjoy the cool weather in Mount Kenya, and there are many different ecosystems.


对,我特别喜欢肯尼亚的植物和动物和大自然,肯定有有很有意思的ecosystem,对。 Yes, I especially like the plants and animals and nature in Kenya, there is definitely a very interesting ecosystem, yes.

Xinqing (Joanne)

然后在肯尼亚山,其实这几天非常的休闲,非常的relaxing,没有什么需要做的事情,然后在这边信号也很差,没有网络,所以算是一个technology detox,我不知道中文怎么说。 And then in Mount Kenya, it was actually a very relaxing few days, very relaxing, nothing to do, and then the signal was very poor over here, no internet, so it was kind of a technology detox, I don’t know how to say it in Chinese.


对。 I don’t know how to say it in Chinese.

Xinqing (Joanne)

高科技排毒,所以说这几天我们就在森林里面走路,做做瑜伽。然后我们昨天还偶遇了一个摄影师,是一个当地的摄影师,他帮我们拍了一组照片,也算是我们求婚engagement以后的一些照片。 High-tech detox, so these days we’re walking in the forest, doing yoga. And then we met a photographer yesterday, a local photographer, he helped us take a group of photos, which is also considered our proposal engagement after some photos.


对这个是特别 serendipitous,怎么说? This is particularly serendipitous, how do you say?

Xinqing (Joanne)

特别巧,特别偶遇的一个经历。 A special coincidence, a special chance encounter experience.


特别好的巧合,因为我们刚刚(最近)要拍求婚的照片,但是我们没有专业的摄影师。所但是在很远的地方,在肯尼亚山,我们碰到了一个摄影师,我觉得这是一个特别好的巧合。 It was a good coincidence because we just (recently) had to do a proposal photo shoot, but we didn’t have a professional photographer. So we met a photographer in a faraway place, in Mount Kenya, and I think it was a very good coincidence.

Xinqing (Joanne)

你可以说偶遇了一个摄影师,就是非常巧合的碰到,可以说偶遇。 You can say you met a photographer by chance, just by coincidence, you can say by chance.

对,所以我觉得这组照片拍得很好,也可以用在我们的8月份的婚礼的请柬。 Yes, so I think it’s a great photo shoot and can be used for our wedding invitations in August.

Xinqing (Joanne)

我们现在要准备吃中饭了,这期节目先录到这里。 We’re going to have lunch now, so that’s it for this episode.


对谢谢你听我们的podcast,你继续听我们的podcasst,我们保证,我们会更经常发布这个更新。 Yeah thank you for listening to our podcast, you keep listening to our podcasst, we promise, we’ll post this update more often.

Xinqing (Joanne)

而且不知道大家有没有注意David中文也进步了很多,在和我们录podcast的过去的两个月里。 And I don’t know if you’ve noticed that David’s Chinese has improved a lot in the last two months that he’s been on the podcast with us.


因为我听pod cast。 Because I listen to the pod cast.

Xinqing (Joanne)

对因为他听 podcast也录podcast。所以也希望我们的听众中文继续进步,好,我们下期再见。 So I hope our listeners’ Chinese will continue to improve, okay, we’ll see you next time.


下次再见拜拜了。 I’ll see you next time, bye.

