SE7 | 你最想知道的秘密消息是什么?What is one top secret you want to know?
Hello大家好。 Hello everyone.
Xinqing 00:12
今天又是我和David给大家来录一期这一期的节目,因为David和David录节目很方便,所以以后大家可能会经常听到我和David在家录节目。 Today it’s David and I again to record an episode of this show for you, because David and David are very convenient to record the show, so you may hear David and I record the show at home often in the future.
David 00:27
对,很方便的男朋友。 Yes, very convenient boyfriend.
Xinqing 00:29
对今天要讨论的话题是从一个很有趣的清单上面来的。我不知道大家有没有听说过有这么一个单子是36个问题,36个能让两个人坠入爱河的问题,坠入爱河。 Yes the topic to be discussed today comes from the top of a very interesting list. I don’t know if you’ve heard of such a list is 36 questions, 36 questions that can make two people fall in love, fall in love.
David 00:49
fall in love。 fall in love.
Xinqing 00:50
Fall in the river of love,对。 Fall in the river of love, yeah.
David 00:53
在美国在用英语我们没有具体的你在哪儿fall。但用中文你可以说fall in river,用可能说 fall in the lake of love吗? In the United States in English we don’t have a specific where you fall. but in Chinese you can say fall in river, with maybe say fall in the lake of love?
Xinqing 01:06
不可以,你只能坠入爱河,坠入爱湖不可以,所以36个问题,据说如果两个人两个不认识的陌生人讨论了回答了这36个问题,他们就会非常的了解对方,然后也不能说立刻坠入爱河,可以说两个人会互生情愫,互生、情愫是另外一个成语,大概就是说互相会有一点点感情,感觉会来电,来电也是一个很好的词,就是会有一些chemistry。 No, you can only fall in love, fall in the lake of love can not, so 36 questions, it is said that if two people two strangers who do not know discussed answered the 36 questions, they will know each other very well, and then can not say immediately fall in love, you can say that two people will have mutual affection, mutual, affection is another idiom, probably means that each other will have a little bit of affection, feel will call, call is also a very good word, is that there will be some chemistry.
David 01:41
对可能这个人可能不对对方有意思,但是他们会觉得有(感觉) Yes probably this person may not be interested in each other, but they will feel there (feeling)
Xinqing 01:52
对,他们会觉得可能经过讨论这些问题,对方是一个比较有趣的人,然后他们会更加深入的了解对方。 Right, they will feel that maybe after discussing these issues, the other person is a more interesting person, and then they will get to know each other more deeply.
所以今天我想跟David就选择这些问题当中的一个来回答,然后看看我们两个是不是能再次坠入爱河,对。 So today I want to talk to David about choosing one of these questions to answer and then see if we both can fall in love again, right.
David 02:14
再次?第一次。 Again? The first time.
Xinqing 02:16
我们从来没有过相爱,有可能讨论完了以后我们就不相爱了,也有可能。 We’ve never been in love and it’s possible that after we’re done talking about it we won’t be in love, it’s possible.
David 02:24
三十六个问题让你恨一个人 Thirty-six questions to make you hate someone
Xinqing 02:29
所以今天的问题是:如果你能够知道一个过去的或者现在的一个秘密的消息,而且是保证是是真实的,给你真实情况,真实回答的消息,你会想要知道什么? So today’s question is: If you could know a secret piece of information from the past or the present, and it’s information that is guaranteed to be true, to give you the real situation, the real answer, what would you want to know?
David 02:46
我先说。我觉得我最想要的消息是国家的领导人,有很大的权利的领导人,他们的最重要的目标真的是什么?我觉得如果你看一个习大大的视频,或者拜登的视频 I’ll start. I think the news that I would want most is the leaders of the country, the leaders that have a lot of power, what are their most important goals really? I think if you watch a video of Xi or a video of Biden
Xinqing 03:20
大家这里暂停一下,可能很多人不知道习大大是谁。 Everyone pause here, probably a lot of people don’t know who Xi is.
David 03:24
习大大,是习近平的在中国的nick name Xi Da Dada, is Xi Jinping’s nick name in China
Xinqing 03:27
昵称,因为习是他的姓,然后大大就是 big big nickname, because Xi is his last name, and then big big is big big
因为他是中国的领导人,但是这是一个比较可爱的名字,昵称 Because he is the leader of China, but it is a relatively cute name, nickname
在中国我们很多人管习近平叫习大大,然后同时他的妻子叫彭丽媛,但是我们会管他叫彭妈妈,对。有一些有点像the mother of the nation对,所以习大大和彭妈妈是在中国我们经常会这么叫。 Many of us in China call Xi Jinping Xi Da Dada, and then at the same time his wife is called Peng Liyuan, but we would call him Peng Mama, yes. There’s something a little bit like the mother of the nation right, so Xi Da Dada and Peng Mama is what we often call them in China.
David 04:06
所以习大大,或者拜登的最重要的目标是什么?因为他们在一个视频(里),他们可以说我要中国和美国有这样的关系,或者我要贸易增长,或者我要一个战争停止,但是他们只是人 So what’s the most important goal for Xi, or Biden? Because they’re in a video where they can say I want China to have this relationship with the United States, or I want trade to grow, or I want a war to stop, but they’re just people
Xinqing 04:39
普通的人。 Ordinary people.
David 04:40
对他们肯定有自己目标,他们不仅有他们说的跟国家利益有关的目标,所以我想知道他们最重要的目标是什么? Yes they definitely have their own goals, they not only have goals that they say are related to national interests, so I wonder what their most important goal is?
他们最重要的目标,可能是跟国家有关的目标,或者跟他们的家人有关的目标。 Their most important goals, maybe goals related to the country or goals related to their families.
Xinqing 05:09
很有趣的回答,但是我想问你,如果你知道了他们的私人目标,比如说习大大或者拜登,最大最重要的目标是照顾他们的家人,这个又意味着什么?对你来说,我不觉得从这个当中你可以预测很多的东西 Interesting answer, but I wanted to ask you, if you learned that their personal goal, say Xi or Biden, the biggest and most important goal is to take care of their families, what does this mean? For you, I don’t think you can predict a lot from this
David 05:30
我可能预测他们可能不会打击别的很有权力的国家。 I might predict that they might not strike other very powerful countries.
因为他们这个也会让他们的家人的生活更危险。 Because they’re going to make their families’ lives more dangerous as well.
Xinqing 05:51
但是他可以通过其他的办法来保护他们的家人。 But he can protect their families in other ways.
David 05:55
我觉得不管你有没有其他的办法,如果你有世界大战,所有的人都很有危险。我觉得这个如果领导要保护他们的家人,他们肯定不要(战争) I think whether you have other ways or not, if you have a world war, all the people are very much in danger. I think this if the leaders are going to protect their families, they definitely don’t want (war)
Xinqing 06:15
发起战争。 Start a war.
David 06:18
发起战 Start a war Initiate a war Start a war
Xinqing 06:21
但是我还是觉得,就算知道了这些领导人的最重要的目标,他和就真正的会发生什么,或者他们这些领导人会做出什么举动,采取什么政策,这个当中的直接的因果关系, cause and effect我觉得是不是很直接的,所以我觉得其实没有什么用。 But I still think, even if you know the most important goal of these leaders, he and on what will really happen, or what they will make these leaders move, take what policy, the direct cause-and-effect relationship in this, cause and effect I think is not very direct, so I think there is actually nothing useful.
David 06:45
我觉得有一些实用的,一半是实用的,一办是让我满足我的好奇心。 I think there’s something practical, half of it is practical, one office is for me to satisfy my curiosity.
Xinqing 07:08
所以其实我觉得你刚才说的是一个很有趣的点,回答这个问题的话,其实有很多种不同的原因,不同的方面,有可能你想知道这个消息这个秘密只是为了满足你的好奇心,有可能你是可以为了赚钱,比如说你可以回答,我想知道苹果、 apple(苹果)未来会发行什么新的产品,或者比如说Elon mask到底想不想要收购Twitter? So actually I think what you just said is a very interesting point, to answer this question then, in fact, there are many different reasons, different aspects, there may be you want to know this news this secret just to satisfy your curiosity, there may be you can be to make money, for example, you can answer, I want to know what new products Apple, apple (Apple) will release in the future, or for example Elon mask want to buy Twitter or not?
David 07:42
收购是acquire,如果你有这个消息你可以赚很多钱,对。 Acquisition is acquire, if you have this news you can make a lot of money, right.
Xinqing 07:48
所以我觉得这是第二种目标,就是你知道了这个消息可以赚很多的钱对。 So I think that’s the second goal, is you can make a lot of money if you know the news, right.
第三个目标可能是也有另外一些实用的价值,比如说你想知道中国的covid restriction,限制的政策什么时候结束。 The third goal is probably also have some other practical value, for example, you want to know when the covid restriction, the restriction policy in China is going to end.
David 08:07
但是我觉得这个消息这个是非法的消息,因为可能没有人知道这个消息。我觉得这个问题,是如果你可以知道一个消息,是某一个人知道的秘密消息,但是你不知道。 But I think this news this is illegal news, because probably no one knows about this news. I think the problem with this, is if you can know a message that is a secret message that a certain person knows, but you don’t know.
Xinqing 08:23
但是我觉得习大大可能知道。 But I think Xi may know.
David 08:26
所以如果习大大的最重要的目标是放开 So if Xi’s most important goal is to liberalize
Xinqing 08:32
所以如果是我的话,我就会提一个非常具体的问题。 So if it were me, I’d ask a very specific question.
我想我们知道习大大是真的想要坚持,在中国我们叫zero case,零容忍的covid的政策?还是他觉得可能8个月或者6个月以后可以放开。so anyways你想知道我的回答吗? I think we know if Xi really wants to stick to what we call in China ZERO case, zero tolerance covid policy? Or does he think that maybe 8 months or 6 months from now he can liberalize. so anyways do you want to know my answer to that?
David 08:59
我肯定想知道。 I would definitely like to know.
Xinqing 09:02
我觉得我的回答是单纯的为了满足我的好奇心,我想知道世界上到底有没有外星人,意思是aliens,外部的星球的人,外星人。或者我想知道到底有没有平行宇宙或者多重宇宙,平行的意思是parallel,宇宙是universe。 I think my answer is simply to satisfy my curiosity, I want to know whether there are aliens in the world or not, meaning aliens, people from outside planets, aliens. Or I want to know whether there is a parallel universe or multiverse or not, parallel means parallel, universe is UNIVERSE.
所以我想知道到底有没有parallel universe,但我觉得这个问题可能也没有人真的能知道,但我想可能问,比如说美国的国防部,他们的研究和他们他们收集到所有的证据,觉得是不是50%或者80%的可能性,世界上真的有外星人。 So I want to know whether there is a parallel universe or not, but I think this is a question that probably no one can really know either, but I think it’s possible to ask, for example, the U.S. Department of Defense, their research and all the evidence that they they’ve collected, think it’s not 50% or 80% of the possibility that there really are aliens in the world.
David 09:59
而且我觉得很有意思是,这个问题应该包括外星人,所以如果有外星人,你会知道,所以我觉得如果他们知道我们是外星人,这个问题的魔法的能力会让你知道。 And I think it’s interesting that the question should include aliens, so if there were aliens, you would know, so I think if they knew that we were aliens, the ability of the magic of the question would let you know.
Xinqing 10:22
这是一个好问题,我觉得这个问题应该只限制于地球上的人知道的秘密,对,因为我不是很确定我现在在这里许愿,许愿就是make a wish。如果我在地球上许愿,如果以光速光的速度 the speed of the light,我不知道多长时间以后外星人会听到我的这个问题。他要回答我的时候,我可能已经去世了。 This is a good question, I think this question should be limited to the secrets that people on earth know, yes, because I’m not so sure I’m making a wish here now, to make a wish is to make a wish. if I make a wish on earth, if at the speed of light the speed of the light, I don’t know how long after the aliens will hear this question from me. By the time he’s going to answer me, I’ll probably be dead.
David 10:56
如果魔法能力遵循obey物理定律,可能你会有这个问题,但是我觉得魔法能力不遵循物理定理。 If magical abilities followed obey the laws of physics, maybe you would have this problem, but I don’t think magical abilities follow the laws of physics.
Xinqing 11:09
遵循物理的定律。 follow the laws of physics.
遵循obey。物理,physics。定律,principles,theories,laws。 Follow obey. physics, physics. laws, principles, theories, laws.
David 11:22
不能说法律不可以。 Can’t say the laws can’t.
Xinqing 11:24
法律是legal。定律是theory。所以我不知道,这是一个好问题,但是我就算外星人不在这个问题的范围内,我就想问一问,对世界上在这个问题领域研究最多的科学家或者美国国防部,他们真正的可以可能他们不会对外宣布,但是他们真正的想法是什么? The law is legal. the law is theory. sooooo I don’t know it’s a good question, but I’m even if aliens are not in the scope of this question, I would just like to ask, to the scientists in the world who are doing the most research in this problem area or the U.S. Department of Defense, what can they really may they not announce it to the public, but what do they really think?
David 11:55
对,我觉得在所有的国家的国防部 Yeah, I think in all countries the Department of Defense
Xinqing 12:05
国防部的意思是Ministry of Defense。 The Department of Defense means Ministry of Defense.
David 12:09
对,所有的国家的国防部都有很多秘密,很多的有意思的秘密。 Yeah, all the ministries of defense in all countries have a lot of secrets, a lot of interesting secrets.
Xinqing 12:14
但我最想知道的秘密是关于外星人的对,但其实这个对我来说一点用处都没有,只是单纯的为了满足我的好奇心。 But the secret I want to know the most is about aliens right, but actually this is not useful to me at all, just simply to satisfy my curiosity.
Ok今天的问题很有趣,不知道大家听众朋友们最想知道的秘密是什么?我觉得下一期我们会继续在36个问题的清单上面选一个话题来讨论。好的,今天聊完了以后有没有更加坠入爱河?有没有更加爱我,对。 Ok today’s question is interesting, I wonder what is the secret that you listeners would like to know the most? I think we’ll continue to pick a topic above the list of 36 questions for the next edition. Okay, did you fall in love more after today’s conversation? Have there been more love for me, yes.
David 12:47
我觉得这个是我们最重要的目标。 I think that’s the most important goal for us.
Xinqing 12:52
拜拜。 Bye!