Special Episode 1 | 男朋友初次亮相 Introducing my boyfriend

我的中文名字叫Xinqing — 所以你们这一期节目会听到我的男朋友叫我Xinqing ;)
Joanne 00:03
Hello大家好,欢迎大家来到我们的第三十期,瞎扯学中文。今天作为第三十期的特别节目,我有请到了一位特别的嘉宾,就是我的男朋友,之前一直在节目里没有露过相,没有跟大家打过招呼,也没有跟大家提起过,但是其实我和我的男朋友一起住在日内瓦,一起住在瑞士,然后我的男朋友他也会说中文,所以今天我就想找不到其他的好朋友和我一起录节目,不如就和我这位会说中文的男朋友一起录一期节目,现在David来自我介绍一下。 Hello everyone, welcome to our 30th episode, Convo Chinese. Today, as the 30th special episode, I have invited a special guest, my boyfriend, who has never been recorded in the show before like, and has never said hello to yo all. I also haven’t mentioned it to you, but actually my boyfriend and I live together in Geneva, living together in Switzerland, and my boyfriend also speaks Chinese, so today because I can’t find other good friends to record the show with me, I thought why not record a show with my boyfriend who speaks Chinese, and now David will introduce himself.
David 00:59
对,嗨你好,我是备胎的,所以如果Xinqing (我的中文名字是Xinqing)没有别的中国的朋友,他可以跟我说话,我很高兴很喜欢跟xinqing说话。 Yeah, hi there, I’m the backup, so if Xinqing (my Chinese name is Xinqing) doesn’t have any other Chinese friends, he can talk to me, and I’m very happy and enjoy talking to Xinqing.
Joanne 01:15
我们两个其实每一天也会用一些时间来练习汉语,因为我也在帮David学汉语,所以这个属于一箭双雕,一石二鸟。 We both actually spend some time practicing Chinese every day, because I’m also helping David learn Chinese, so this is a double whammy, killing two birds with one stone.
意思就是说可以同时完成两个目标,既可以帮David练习中文,又可以帮助所有听我的broadcast,对听众学习中文。 Meaning that you can accomplish two goals at the same time, you can help David practice Chinese, and you can help all the people listening to my broadcasts, to listeners learn Chinese.
David 01:43
对我也觉得我们应该告诉我们听者。一石二鸟,这个很奇怪,因为中文有短语,美国英语也有这个短语。我觉得很多的别的话题(语言)应该有也有短语。你知道吗?你说很多的语言,你知道别的语言也有这个短语吗? Yes I also think we should tell our listeners. Two birds with one stone, this is strange because Chinese has phrases and American English has this phrase. I think a lot of other topics (languages) should have phrases as well. You know what? You speak a lot of languages, do you know that other languages also have phrases?
Joanne 02:15
我不知道,我觉得我其他的语言没有好到知道这个成语怎么说,但是我想说在中文我们用的比较多的成语是一箭双雕,意思是用箭来射两只鸟,like two arrows,所以我们不是用石头。但是扯远了,我们先让David自我介绍一下你是哪里人,然后为什么学中文,然后我们是怎么认识的。 I don’t know, I don’t think my other languages are good enough to know how to say this idiom, but I would like to say that in Chinese we use more idioms is 一箭双雕, meaning to shoot two birds with arrows, like two arrows, so we are not using stones. But far from it, let’s start with David introducing yourself where you are from and then why you’re learning Chinese and then how we met.
David 02:48
嗯哼,好的,我会解释。So我的名字是大卫,中文的名字是大卫,英语的名字是David。 Uh huh, okay, I’ll explain. so my name is David, my Chinese name is David and my English name is David.
我从美国华盛顿来,我在华盛顿的地区长大,我有两个siblings。 I’m from Washington, USA, I grew up in the Washington area and I have two siblings.
Joanne 03:15
兄弟姐妹。 Brothers and sisters (siblings)
David 03:17
我的问题。跟这个词,我的问题是,我一直忘了(会忘记)兄弟,因为我只有一个妹妹和一个哥哥。到(在)2015的时候,我搬家去中国。 My question. With this word, my problem is that I keep forgetting (would forget) brothers because I only have one sister and one brother. By the time (in) 2015, I moved to China.
Joanne 03:40
在2015年的时候。 In 2015.
David 03:42
在2015年的时候,对在2015年的时候,我搬家去中国,搬家去香港,在我住香港就在香港11年,然后在上海半年,所以我有住在中国的经历,我很喜欢这样的时光.我在中国的时光,但是在中国不是我认识Xinqing的地方。所以就在中国以后,我搬家去内罗毕,是Nairobi/内罗毕是肯尼亚的非洲的城市。 In 2015, yeah in 2015, I moved to China, moved to Hong Kong, after I lived in Hong Kong for 11 years and then in Shanghai for six months, so I had the experience of living in China and I loved that time. I was in China, but China was not the place where I met Xinqing. So right after China, I moved to Nairobi, which is the African city in Kenya.
在内罗毕我跟我在初创公司工作的是,美国的初创公司,所以我很喜欢我的在内罗毕的生活,特别是特别是我跟Xinqing可以玩,所以在内罗毕是我认识Xinqing的地方,你记得吗? In Nairobi I worked with the startup I was working at, the American startup, so I loved my life in Nairobi, especially especially because I got to hang out with Xinqing, so Nairobi is where I met Xinqing, do you remember?
Joanne 05:13
当然记得了,我们是下差不多三年以前两年半以前在内罗毕的时候认识,所以David他在内罗毕的时候是一家科技企业初创公司start up。在内罗毕工作,我在内罗毕的时候是给一家非营利组织 NGO工作,然后我们在那里认识,现在我们一起住在日内瓦, David现在在日内瓦是远程工作,对在家工作。 Of course I remember, we met in Nairobi almost three years ago, two and a half years ago, so David was a tech startup in Nairobi, he was working in Nairobi, I was working for a non-profit NGO in Nairobi, and we met there, and now we live together in Geneva, David is now working remotely in Geneva, working from home. working remotely, working from home.
David 05:51
对,我给美国的公司工作,因为我是怎么说,consultant。 Yeah, I work for an American company, because I’m, how do you say, a consultant.
Joanne 06:00
你给美国的公司做咨询或者你是咨询顾问。 You do consulting or you’re a consultant for a U.S. company.
David 06:09
我很喜欢这样的工作,因为有点(比较)灵活 I really like that because it’s a little bit (more) flexible
Joanne 06:11
比较灵活 It’s more flexible
David 06:18
我可以(自己选择)在哪儿工作,可以什么时候工作。但是也有问题,因为不太稳定,什么是有时候我希望我有一个更稳定的工作,但是我觉得有好处也有坏处,所以这样我现在的工作是很好的平衡。 I can (choose) where I work, I can work when I want. But there are problems because it’s not very stable, what is sometimes I wish I had a more stable job, but I think there are advantages and disadvantages, so this way my current job is a good balance.
Joanne 06:48
嗯哼,对比如说我觉得最大的好处是我搬家到日内瓦, David就可以比较灵活的也搬家,然后因为我其实也很喜欢各个地方旅行,或者去不同的国家工作,在不同的国家住一段时间,比如说现在我们在日内瓦之后,也可能会去搬去其他的国家,我们也讨论过去荷兰阿姆斯特丹或者去巴黎,那我觉得远程工作的一个好处就是可以比较自由灵活的决定未来想要住在哪里。 Uh huh, yeah for example I think the biggest benefit is that I moved to Geneva, David can be more flexible to move as well and then because I actually like to travel to different places or work in different countries and live in different countries for a while, for example now after we are in Geneva, we might also go and move to other countries, we also discussed going to Amsterdam, Netherlands or to Paris, that I think one of the benefits of working remotely is that you have more freedom and flexibility to decide where you want to live in the future.
David 07:30
嗯哼肯定,到现在我已经在内罗毕远程工作,在日内瓦远程工作,荷兰,Croatia怎么说? Uh huh sure, so far I’ve worked remotely in Nairobi, worked remotely in Geneva, the Netherlands, what about Croatia?
Joanne 07:51
克罗地亚 Croatia
David 07:53
克罗地亚,在日本远程工作,在中国远程工作,所以我觉得这个让我很有更多的自由。 Croatia, working remotely in Japan, working remotely in China, so I think this one gives me a lot more freedom.
Joanne 08:06
对,而且无论是地点上的自由,还是时间上的自由,都有很多的灵活度。比如说david的,我其实还是蛮羡慕他的生活作息时间,他的生活状态的,因为像我是在一个比较正常的公司机构工作,早上比如说9:00要起床开始工作,9点到下午6点结束工作,但是如果是远程工作的话,或者是怎么说给自己工作,给初创企业工作的话,就可以自己灵活的安排时间,比如说早晨可以做一做锻炼,可以做一些运动,下午可以做瑜伽或者练习中文,这样的时间就是比较灵活。所以我还是蛮羡慕的。 Yeah, and there’s a lot of flexibility both in terms of freedom in terms of location and freedom in terms of time. For example, I’m quite envious of David’s lifestyle, because I work in a normal company, I have to get up at 9:00 in the morning and start working, and I have to work from 9:00 to 6:00 p.m. But if you work remotely, or if you work for yourself, or if you work for a startup, you can make your own flexible schedule. For example, you can do exercise in the morning, you can do some sports, you can do yoga or practice Chinese in the afternoon, so the time is more flexible. So I’m still quite envious.
David 09:06
我工作方式和你工作方式(结合在一起)是最好的。 The way I work and the way you work (together) is the best.
Joanne 09:12
你的工作方式和我的工作方式结合在一起是最好的。 Combing your way of working and my way of working together is the best.
David 09:17
结合在一起。 Combine together.
Joanne 09:19
那我想到一个好问题,你刚才提到你在很多的国家,很多的城市生活过,我也去过很多国家,你觉得在你生活过的城市,哪一个是你最喜欢的城市? So I thought of a good question, you mentioned earlier that you’ve lived in many countries, many cities, and I’ve been to many countries, which one do you think is your favorite city in the cities that you’ve lived in?
David 09:35
这个是有很好的问题,也有点难,因为每一个城市有自己的特点,比如说内罗毕有很多大自然,所以我可以每一个周末去很有意思的大自然的地方。 This is a good question and a little bit difficult because each city has its own characteristics, for example, Nairobi consists of a lot of nature, so I can go to very interesting nature places every weekend.
Joanne 10:01
香港有很多很好吃的餐馆,也有很多很热闹的购物中心。 Hong Kong has a lot of very good restaurants and a lot of very lively shopping centers.
David 10:09
对购物中心和咖啡厅,每一个城市有每一个特点,但是我觉得香港是我最喜欢的过生活的城市。 For shopping centers and cafes, every city has every feature, but I think Hong Kong is my favorite city to live a life
Joanne 10:21
生活的城市。 The city to live
David 10:23
生活的城市,对,生活也是动词。 The city to live; yes Live is also a verb.
好的,香港是我最喜欢的生活的城市,因为香港有很多的有意思的东西,很容易发现这个东西这个地方,所以每一个周末在香港的时候,我跑步跑在哪儿。 Okay, Hong Kong is my favorite city to live in because Hong Kong has a lot of interesting things, it’s easy to find this thing this place, so every weekend in Hong Kong, I run and run where.
Joanne 10:49
无论在哪儿都可以跑步。 Wherever you can run.
David 10:51
对,无论在哪儿都可以跑步。如果我跑了很长时间,我可以随便用地铁,回去我家(回家),所以我很喜欢这样的生活嗯哼。 Yes, you can run wherever you are. If I run for a long time, I can just use the subway and go back to my house (home), so I love that kind of life hmmmm.
Joanne 11:09
你觉得现在日内瓦怎么样? What do you think of Geneva now?
David 11:12
日内瓦也很好,我最喜欢的日内瓦的特点是日内瓦的我们的朋友。在日内瓦很有意思,从各种各样的背景来,所以我们有非营。 Geneva is great too, my favorite feature of Geneva is our friends in Geneva. It’s interesting in Geneva, coming from all kinds of backgrounds, so we have non profit…
Joanne 11:34
非营利组织。 Non-profit organizations.
David 11:37
从在非盈利组织工作或者在科学,高科技公司工作,从很各种各样的国家来的朋友,这个很有意思。 It’s interesting to have friends from working in nonprofits or working in science, high-tech companies, coming from a very wide variety of countries.
你最喜欢的生活的城市是什么(哪里)? What’s your favorite city to live in (where)?
Joanne 12:00
我其实要说我真正生活过的城市也没有很多,因为我大多数的国家和城市都是去旅游和生活,我觉得是非常不一样的。比如说我旅游的话,我很喜欢罗马,比如说因为罗马我觉得非常的浪漫,但是我不知道在罗马生活是什么样的感觉。比如说日内罗毕,我觉得是一个很适合生活的地方,我很喜欢我在内罗毕住的两年,因为像你说的内罗毕有很多的大自然,我们星期天可以去森林里跑步,周末的时候和朋友可以租一辆车,开车两个小时,我们就可以去徒步,或者我们可以开车去看动物迁徙,所以周末有很多野外户外的事情可以做。 I actually wouldn’t say I’ve really lived in many cities because most of the countries and cities I’ve visited and lived in are very different, I think. For example, if I travel, I like Rome a lot, for example, because Rome is very romantic, but I don’t know what it’s like to live in Rome. Nairobi, for example, I think is a very good place to live, I enjoyed the two years I lived in Nairobi, because like you said Nairobi has a lot of nature, we can go running in the forest on Sundays, and on weekends with friends we can rent a car for two hours and we can go hiking, or we can drive to see the animal migration, so there are a lot of wild outdoor things to do on weekends.
但是内罗毕不是一个旅游景点,因为内罗毕是一个非洲的城市,然后没有很多标志性的建筑物或者景点。大多数国外的游客如果来内罗毕,基本上不会在内罗毕住或者待很长时间嗯,一般就是直接去马赛马拉看动物迁徙,所以我觉得要说旅游和住的地方的标准是很不一样的。 But Nairobi is not a tourist attraction because Nairobi is an African city and then there are not a lot of iconic buildings or attractions. Most foreign tourists who come to Nairobi basically don’t stay or stay in Nairobi for a long time well, they usually just go straight to the Masai Mara to watch the animal migration, so I think the criteria to say where to visit and where to stay are very different.
如果让我选一个我最喜欢的住的地方,我觉得其实我还是很喜欢内罗毕的,就像你说的,在日内瓦我们有很好的朋友,各种各样的背景,在内罗毕我也有一个我很喜欢的朋友圈,我有很多不同背景在内罗毕做各种各样有趣的事儿的朋友。 If I had to choose my favorite place to stay, I think I actually like Nairobi, like you said, in Geneva we have good friends, all kinds of backgrounds, in Nairobi I also have a circle of friends that I like, I have a lot of different backgrounds in Nairobi doing all kinds of interesting things.
David 14:09
我同意在内罗毕的时候我也有这样的朋友,其实我的朋友跟你的朋友。 I agree that I have friends like that in Nairobi, in fact my friends are the same as your friends.
Joanne 14:19
也是同一群人,对,真的很有意思,但是其实我是一个在大城市里长大的人,因为在我是从啊上海来的,然后我的大学是在北京念的,所以我在北京生活了4年之后,在内罗毕内罗毕也算是一个挺大的城市,后来在巴黎住了6个月,基本上我住的城市都是大城市,所以我觉得我还是比较喜欢在大城市居住。 It’s the same group of people, yes, it’s really interesting, but actually I’m a person who grew up in a big city, because I came from ah Shanghai, and then my university was in Beijing, so after I lived in Beijing for 4 years, in Nairobi Nairobi is quite a big city, and then I lived in Paris for 6 months, basically all the cities I lived in are big cities, so I think I still prefer to live in I think I prefer to live in a big city.
我觉得有几个好处,一个是各种各样的选择比较多,特别是餐厅,我是一定要住在有中餐厅的地方,所以如果这个城市没有两三家好吃的中餐厅,对我来说肯定是不行的。而且我很喜欢看电影电影,我也很喜欢有一些文化活动,所以我很喜欢巴黎的剧院、电影院,博物馆。 I think there are several advantages, one is that there are more choices, especially restaurants, I must live in a place where there are Chinese restaurants, so if the city does not have two or three delicious Chinese restaurants, for me is certainly not possible. And I love to watch movies and films, and I love to have some cultural activities, so I love the theaters, cinemas, museums in Paris.
David 15:26
所以你觉得日内瓦太小吗? So you think Geneva is too small?
Joanne 15:32
对,日内瓦是一个很好的地方,因为有朋友,也离自然很近,但是我觉得比较小, Yes, Geneva is a very nice place because of the friends and the proximity to nature, but I think it’s rather small
David 15:42
日内瓦的参馆或者别的爱好的选择比较小(少)。比如说,如今(最近)我和Xinqing开始表演课,acting class。 Geneva has a smaller (less) selection of senates or other hobbies. For example, nowadays (recently) Xinqing and I started an acting class.
我们很喜欢,但是没有太多选择。 We like it a lot, but we don’t have a lot of options.
Joanne 16:05
因为日内瓦只有一个表演课,对, Because there’s only one acting class in Geneva, yes.
David 16:09
所以如果,特别是你要学习英语的表演,你只有一个选择。 So if, especially if you’re going to learn acting in English, you only have one option.
Joanne 16:18
对,比如说在日内瓦中餐厅,我觉得好吃的可能只有两三家电影院,离我们比较近的只有两三家对,但是比如说在上海是一个特别大的城市,上海有两千两百万,两千五百万人口,然后有很多的电影院对我来说是一个很重要的东西,我特别喜欢,如果我要看一部新的电影,我现在就要看我在上海一定可以找到一家电影院,在30分钟以内可以上映这部电影,但是在比如说在日内瓦就找不到,可能你要等到明天才能看到这部电影,因为只有三四家离得比较近的电影院。 Yes, for example, in Geneva Chinese restaurants, I think the good ones are maybe only two or three cinemas, there are only two or three closer to us yes, but for example in Shanghai is a particularly big city, Shanghai has 22 million 25 million people, and then there are a lot of cinemas is a very important thing for me, I especially like, if I want to see a new movie, I have to see it now I am in Shanghai If I want to see a new movie, I want to see it now. I can definitely find a cinema that can show it within 30 minutes, but in Geneva, for example, you can’t find it, you may have to wait until tomorrow to see it because there are only three or four cinemas that are close to it.
David 17:09
对我觉得如果Xinqing要看电影,她需要立刻马上看 Yes, I think if Xinqing wants to see the movie, she needs to see it right away.
David 17:18
不能等。 Can’t wait.
Joanne 17:32
今天时间差不多了,今天是David初次亮相,首度亮相。 Ok it is almost out of time today, today is David’s debut, first appearance.
Joanne 17:42
初次我不知道听众朋友会不会喜欢这样的节目,因为David他还是在学习的过程当中,所以他的中文可能发音也会有一些些不准确,所以我觉得未来我们可能会出两个不一样的系列,我还是会尽量找我的中国朋友来录节目,但是可以做一个mini series,有的时候可以跟你一起录,这样的话我觉得中文水平中等的听众朋友也可以听一听我跟David的对话这样子,因为他也在学习的过程当中,所以可能会对正在学习中文的朋友有一些帮助对。 I don’t know if listeners will like this show for the first time, because David is still in the process of learning, so his Chinese pronunciation may be a little bit inaccurate, so I think we may have two different series in the future. In this way, I think listeners who have a medium level of Chinese can also listen to my conversations with David, because he is also in the process of learning, so there may be some help for friends who are learning Chinese.
David 18:28
虽然我的中文能力不太高,但是我说的更慢。 I’m not very good at Chinese, but I speak it more slowly.
Joanne 18:36
我说的很清楚。 I speak very clearly.
David 18:38
说得很清楚,Xinqing也会编辑我的问题(纠正,correct)我不对的词。所以我觉得可以让(对)初学者。初学者有很多的好处。 Speaking clearly, Xinqing also edits my questions (corrects, corrects) the words I don’t get right. So I think it can make (for) beginners. There are a lot of benefits for beginners.
Joanne 19:00
Anyways,所以听众朋友如果对这一期节目有什么想法,希望多听到一些这样的节目,还是不想听到这样的节目,anyways可以在 spotify或者apple podcast或者在任何的平台上给我们留言,希望听到你们的反馈。拜拜,下期再见拜拜了。 Anyways, so listeners, if you have any thoughts on this episode, want to hear more of this or don’t want to hear this, anyways you can leave us a comment on spotify or apple podcast or on any of the platforms, would love to hear your feedback. Bye, see you next time bye.