Special Episode 11 | 冥想…do you meditate?

Convo Chinese
7 min readMay 18, 2023

Xinqing 00:03+

大家好,欢迎大家来到我们的新的一期瞎扯学中文。今天的节目非常的特别,因为请到了两位嘉宾,两个好朋友,以前都没有做过,一期节目里同时有两个好朋友,而且这两个好朋友大家都已经知道已经认识了,我们请他们自我介绍一下。大家好, Hello everyone, welcome to our new episode of Learn Chinese by Nonsense. Today’s episode is very special because we have two guests, two good friends who have never done this before, two good friends in one episode, and both of them you already know, so let’s ask them to introduce themselves. Hello, everyone.

David 00:37

我再是大卫。 I’m David again.

Xinqing 00:39

又是我大卫。 It’s me again David.

David 00:44、

还是我大卫。 It’s still me David.

Stella 00:45

对, Hi大家好,我是Stella。 Yes, Hi everybody, I’m Stella.

Xinqing 00:50

Ok,今天为什么会正好大卫和Stella都在我们家呢?大卫一直在我们家,因为他是我男朋友,但是我们今天邀请了Stella来我们家,是因为我们每一个星期四都会一起在我们家冥想,所以今天就想和他们一起来聊一聊关于冥想这个话题。冥想就是meditation。不然请 Stella先分享一下你是怎么样接触到冥想,然后是什么样的体验? Ok, why does it happen that David and Stella are both at our house today? David is always at our house because he’s my boyfriend, but we invited Stella to our house today because we meditate together every Thursday at our house, so we wanted to talk about meditation with them today. Meditation is meditation, so why don’t you ask Stella to share how you came to meditation and what was your experience like?

Stella 01:24

对,其实我好多年前了,我大概是15年前就已经对冥想有兴趣,其实不好意思,我小时候我已经有接触到冥想,因为我爸爸他很passionate。 Yes, I’ve been interested in meditation for many years, I’ve been interested in meditation since about 15 years ago, actually I’m sorry, I’ve been exposed to meditation when I was a child because my father was very passionate.

Xinqing 01:44

他很有激情,很喜欢。 He was very passionate and loved it.

Stella 01:47

对,很喜欢冥想,所以其实我可能七八岁就已经接触到了。我爸爸,他会试试教我们怎么做,怎么冥想,可是那时候还小还是太小,不是很明白,可是我已经有一一点点的基础,可是我自己自己本身是到18岁的时候才真正有兴趣,所以那个时候我就开始自己学习冥想,过去学习了,可能在大学的时候,可能也是有参与了两三个retreat,冥想的retreat。对,所以那个是怎么说,可能是8天或者10天的silent retreat,所以你可能完全不能说话,所以你早上到晚上大部分的时间都是都是冥想做禅之类的,所以我觉得冥想对我们的我自己本身觉得你想对我的健康,然后我的quality of life。生活质量。 Yeah, very much into meditation, so actually I was probably exposed to it when I was seven or eight years old. My father, he would try to teach us how to do, how to meditate, but that time is still small or too small, not very understand, but I already have a little bit of the foundation, but I myself is to 18 years old when really interested, so that time I began to learn to meditate by themselves, past learning, probably in college, probably also have participated in two or three retreat, meditation of the retreat. Yes, so that’s how to say, maybe 8 days or 10 days of silent retreat, so you may not be able to talk at all, so most of your time in the morning to the evening is all meditation doing meditation and so on, so I think meditation is good for our I myself think you want to do for my health, and then my quality of life. .

Xinqing 03:11

David, 你是几岁的时候开始接触到冥想? David, how old were you when you first came to meditation?

David 03:17

我原来从可能5岁开始,我最第一次试一试冥想是5岁,因为我的老师强制我每天冥想,这个很难,我不喜欢。 I started when I was maybe 5 years old, I first tried meditation when I was 5 years old because my teacher forced me to meditate every day and it was hard and I didn’t like it.

Xinqing 03:41

你说你5岁的时候老师5岁你还在幼儿园,kindergarten,对,为什么会有人要求5岁的小朋友和七八岁的小朋友冥想,对这个根本就不可能做到。 You said you were 5 years old when your teacher was 5 years old you were still in kindergarten, kindergarten, right, why would anyone ask a 5 year old to meditate with a 7 or 8 year old, for this is simply impossible to do.

David 03:59

这个老师有点奇怪,我每天都是,这个老师是我的day care的老师,所以从而从从下午3点到晚上,我在这个人的房子跟我的哥哥和我的朋友,所以每天 This teacher is a bit strange, I am every day, this teacher is my day care teacher, so thus from from 3 pm to evening, I am in this person’s house with my brother and my friend, so every day

Xinqing 04:32

下国际象棋,chess,国际象棋, playing chess, chess, chess.

David 04:39

我们打国际象棋, 下国际象棋,我们也需要做冥想,但是我不喜欢冥想,太难在一个地方,坐在一个地方,可能10分钟没说话,太难。 We play chess, play chess, we also need to do meditation, but I don’t like meditation, it’s too hard to be in one place, to sit in one place, maybe 10 minutes without talking, it’s too hard.

Xinqing 05:07

你长大了以后是什么时候开始发现或者重新喜欢上冥想? When did you start to discover or relish meditation when you were growing up?

David 05:15

对,我发现我可能三年以前才发现冥想对我来说有很多的话好处,因为在那时候我很焦虑,我的工作让我焦虑。我的爱情关系让我焦虑,我的我所有的社交生活让我焦虑,因为我用我花太多时间考虑我所有的东西,我觉得我用太多时间用我的电脑,所以我意识到了我需要更减少我考虑的时间,所以我用冥想减少这样的时间。 Yeah, I found that I only discovered that meditation had a lot of word benefits for me maybe three years ago because at that time I was anxious, my job made me anxious. My love relationships were making me anxious, all my social life was making me anxious because I was spending too much time thinking about all my stuff, I felt like I was spending too much time on my computer, so I realized I needed to spend less time thinking about it, so I used meditation to reduce that time.

Xinqing 06:15

我有一个问题,你们长大了以后,第二次发现冥想的乐趣是怎么样开始的?比如说有没有用一些手机上的 APP,你们会不会从比如说比较短的10分钟15分钟的冥想,还是会有一些 guided有指导的那些冥想,还是完全没有声音,只有音乐的冥想? I have a question, how did you guys start to discover the joy of meditation for the second time when you were growing up? For example, did you use any apps on your phone, did you start with, say, shorter meditations of 10 minutes and 15 minutes, or were there guided meditations, or were there no sound at all, just music?

Stella 06:45

我可以,所以其实那个时候第二次再接触到是2008年,所以你们大概可以猜到我几岁,所以那个时候是没有App也没有,那时候应该是比较基础基本的smartphone,所以是没有APP的smartphone,所以我都是完全是没有靠任何Guide。 I can, so actually that time the second contact again to is 2008, so you can probably guess how old I am, so that time is no App also, that time should be more basic basic smartphone, so is no APP smartphone, so I am all completely is not rely on any Guide.

Xinqing 07:18

没有任何人。 No one.

Stella 07:20

指导我。我就是靠我可以从书里学习到的知识,冥想的方法,对冥想的方法,然后自己自己坐在一个我那时候在College的时候,我住在dorm,那时候我住在宿舍,对宿舍,所以我就自己在我的宿舍里冥想。所以那个时候为什么会想要在接触,想要在开始学习?是因为学我觉得学习压力还蛮大的,所以我觉得冥想可以真的是帮助到我减压。 Guide me. I just relied on the knowledge that I could learn from the book, the method of meditation, the method of meditation, and then I sat by myself in a I was in College at that time, I lived in dorm, I lived in the dorm at that time, on the dorm, so I meditated by myself in my dorm. So why did you want to get in touch and start studying at that time? It was because I was feeling quite stressed about studying, so I felt that meditation could really help me to de-stress.

Xinqing 08:07

David呢? What about David?

David 08:09

我不太喜欢指导的冥想工具,因为我我已经说了,我觉得我太多考虑东西,所以用指导的冥想给我更多想法考虑,所以我很喜欢把我的注意力放在我的呼吸,或者我的身体的感受对,让我有更多好处,但是我知道很多人很喜欢指导的冥想,我觉得可以治疗的工具,可以帮很多人开始冥想或者深刻他们的冥想 I don’t really like guided meditation tools because I I already said that I think I think about things too much, so using guided meditation gives me more ideas to think about, so I really like to focus my attention on my breath, or how my body feels, so I have more benefits, but I know a lot of people like guided meditation, and I think it can be a therapeutic tool that can help a lot of people start meditating or deepen their meditation. their meditation

Xinqing 09:09

deepen, 深化他们的冥想或者帮助他们在冥想的阶段更加进步,对进步。 deepen, deepen their meditation or help them to progress more in the meditation stage, to progress.

David 09:18

他的冥想就是需要改善。 His meditation just needs to improve.

Xinqing 09:22

他们的冥想的体验,可能因为比如对我来说,没有指导的冥想会还比较难,因为会不知道注意力放在哪里,所以我觉得对于初学者,对于刚刚接触冥想的人来说,可能有指导的或者有音乐的会更好一点。还有一个问题就是你们都提到了这次长大了以后重新接触冥想,是因为当时比较焦虑,或者是学习的压力比较大,用了冥想或者开始冥想以后,有没有多长时间以后发现了好处,就是你的生活质量或者压力有很大的改善? Their experience of meditation, maybe because for example for me, meditation without guidance would still be harder because I wouldn’t know where to focus, so I think for beginners, for people who are new to meditation, maybe guided or with music would be a little bit better. Another question is that you both mentioned that you came back to meditation when you grew up because you were more anxious or under more pressure to study.

Stella 10:11

我觉得可能第一年或者第二年是比较帮助我my feelings。 I think maybe the first year or the second year was more helpful to me in terms of my feelings.

Xinqing 10:27

可以改善或者可以抚平我的情绪,抚平情绪。 Can improve or can soothe my emotions, soothe my emotions.

Stella 10:32

对,给我一个工具来抚平我的情绪。可是我觉得我可能试了差不多可以说可能我不大记得了,可是可能大概一年左右才会比较 master。 Yes, give me a tool to soothe my emotions. But I think I might have tried almost I can say that maybe I don’t remember much, but maybe about a year or so to be more master.

Xinqing 10:57

才真正的掌握。 I don’t think I’ve really mastered it.

Stella 10:59

对掌握到冥想的正确方式,然后怎么说?所以现在我每天早上我第一件事起床就是冥想,即使是15分钟10分钟15分钟都好,我每天早上如果我发现到如果我没有冥想的话,没有时间冥想,据我的我的注意力就很分散。 What about mastering the right way to meditate? So now I get up first thing every morning and I meditate, even if it’s 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, I find that every morning if I don’t meditate, if I don’t have time to meditate, my attention is very distracted.

Xinqing 11:36

对。 Right.

Stella 11:37

就非常的分散,所以我觉得冥想真的是可以帮我。 It’s very distracting, so I think meditation can really help me.

Xinqing 11:44

集中注意力。 Concentration.

Stella 11:46

集中我的注意力,所以我每天开始我的我的每一天,所以就可以开始到比较有经历,比较有比较 focus。 Focus my attention, so I start my my every day, so I can start to have more experience, more have more focus.

Xinqing 12:04

可以说你觉得比较充沛,精力旺盛。 David你觉得多,你开始冥想以后多久你开始发现这些好处? You can say that you feel more energized and energetic. David do you feel more, how long after you started meditating did you start to notice these benefits?

David 12:20

我觉得我觉得我几次11次开始冥想试试看,开始去发展冥想的习惯,但是我觉得三四次我才成功。我觉得我第二次试试。 I think I think I started meditating a couple of times 11 times to try and start to develop the habit of meditation, but I think it took me three or four times to succeed. I think I tried it a second time.

Xinqing 12:50

第二次尝试。 Second try.

David 12:52

第二次尝试这个习惯。 Second attempt to design this habit.

Xinqing 12:59


develop the habit or develop the habit, but we generally say develop the habit that

David 13:05

培养习惯。第二想去培养习惯。我用这个counting method Develop the habit. Second trying to develop the habit. I use this counting method

Xinqing 13:21

可以说数数的方法。 You can say the method of counting.

David 13:24

counting method。对,所以我数数,从一到100,所以每一次我数数,然后我呼,然后吸。 counting method. right, so I count, from one to 100, so every time I count, then I exhale, then inhale.

Xinqing 13:43

吸气,呼吸。 Breathe in, breathe out.

David 13:45

吸气 breathe in,呼气 breathe out,所以用了很多时间 Inhale breathe in, exhale breathe out, so it takes a lot of time

Xinqing 14:07

所以你们两个都是在尝试了好几次以后,才慢慢的体会到冥想的好处。 So both of you are slowly experiencing the benefits of meditation after several attempts.

David 14:16

我觉得一个很重要的怎么说教训,是冥想你不能成功冥想。你可以成功培养一个习惯,但是一个冥想没有成功,没有失败。你如果很难集中你的注意力,这是很好的练习。如果很容易集中你的注意力,这个很好,你可以享受这个经历,但是不管容易不容易,还是很好的练习。 I think a very important how to say lesson is that meditation you can’t meditate successfully. You can successfully develop a habit, but a meditation without success, without failure. It’s good practice if you have a hard time focusing your attention. If it’s easy to focus your attention, this is good and you can enjoy the experience, but it’s still good practice whether it’s easy or not.

Xinqing 15:06

所以总结一下的话,冥想其实重要的不是结果,因为没有成功或者失败,更重要的是不停的练习,集中注意力的这一个过程,所以在过程当中你会慢慢的练习怎么样?对集中注意力说得好,其实我自己也是刚刚开始接触,所以跟他们两个相比的话,我还是非常初级的,所以今天也是听两两位冥想的大师来给我介绍冥想的好处。Ok,今天的节目先到这里,谢谢,再见。 So to summarize, meditation is actually not important because there is no success or failure, but more importantly, the process of constant practice and concentration, so in the process you will slowly practice how? Ok, that’s it for today’s show, thank you and goodbye.

拜拜。 Bye.

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Hello! 我来自新加坡。非常感谢你们录这个播客!我现在在做工了,所以很少有空去学习中文;不过你的播客每次听得又有趣,时常又好笑。希望你会继续录播客!
