SE6 | 特别的求婚惊喜!A surprise proposal!

Convo Chinese
8 min readJun 5, 2022


Hello,大家好久不见,对。 Hello, long time no see everyone, yes.


可能是一两个月 It might be a month or two


一个月没有录音了。 It’s been a month since I’ve recorded.


然后为什么上个月特别忙?先跟大家解释一下,首先是因为我们搬家了。 And why was the last month particularly busy? First of all, I’d like to explain to you that it’s because we’ve moved.


对我们有很多原因很忙。 Yes we’ve been busy for many reasons.


对,但是第一个原因是我们从原来的家,因为我们原来3个人合租的房子,现在我们找到了一个只有我们两个人的房子,所以我们搬家花了很多时间。 Yes, but the first reason was that we moved from our old home, because we were sharing a house with three people and now we found a house with just the two of us, so it took us a lot of time to move.

第二个是因为我在世界经济论坛工作,所以上个月正好是我们的达沃斯论坛,在达沃斯,所以一个星期的论坛我们准备了很长时间,所以特别的忙。 The second reason is that I work at the World Economic Forum, so last month was our Davos Forum, in Davos, so we had a long week of preparation for the Forum, so it was particularly busy.


第三个原因是一个秘密的原因,现在心情知道,但是这两个月我在筹备一个惊喜,给Xinqing是什么惊喜? The third reason is a secret one, the mood is now known, but for the last two months I’ve been preparing a surprise, what is it for Xinqing?


对,是David向我求婚。 Yes, it was David who proposed to me.


对,你可能知道Xinqing已经向我求婚,所以我也要给他一个求婚的惊喜。所以这两个月我筹备一个,我准备一个特别好的惊喜给她,我跟她的在世界上所有的地方的朋友准备一个寻宝游戏 Yes, as you probably know Xinqing had already proposed to me, so I had to surprise him with a proposal as well. So in the last two months I’ve been preparing a, I’m preparing a very nice surprise for her, I’m preparing a scavenger hunt with her friends from all over the world


寻宝游戏,就是 Scavenger hunts,Treasure hunts,对,寻宝游戏是在迪士尼。Disneyland Scavenger hunts, Treasure hunts, yes, scavenger hunts are at Disneyland.


因为我很喜欢迪士尼,我和David也是平时在家我们会看很多的迪士尼的电影、音乐剧等等,所以其实我从来没有去过巴黎的迪士尼乐园,只去过香港的,对。 Because I love Disney, David and I are also usually at home we will watch a lot of Disney movies, musicals and so on, so actually I have never been to Disneyland Paris, only to Hong Kong, yes.


所以我准备了一个比较长的,比较复杂的,在迪士尼的寻宝游戏。有30个线索,线索是clus,所以一个寻宝游戏应该有很多线索,每一个线索都是从他的朋友或者家人来的,所以我跟他所有的老朋友和家人一起合作,准备30个视频跟30个线索。然后我在一个星期以前,我在迪士尼给她一个惊喜,给她这所有的线索,一个一个的给她这所有的线索,所以她可以成功寻宝游戏。 So I prepared a longer, more complicated, scavenger hunt at Disney. There are 30 clues, the clues are clus, so a scavenger hunt should have a lot of clues, and each clue comes from his friends or family, so I worked with all his old friends and family to prepare 30 videos with 30 clues. Then I surprised her at Disney a week ago and gave her all the clues, one by one, so she could succeed in the scavenger hunt.


对,因为我其实大概也知道 David在给我准备求婚,但是完全没有想到是什么样的形式,我想迪士尼可能是他会准备向我求婚,但我以为可能就是简单的在吃晚饭的时候拿出戒指跟我求婚,但是没有想到我们第一天去迪士尼的时候,他就打拿出了一个戒指的盒子,但是盒子里面只有一张纸条,然后纸条上写了一个链接,然后我把这个网站的链接输入到手机里以后,发现是把我加入了一个whatsapp的聊天群,然后在这个群里面有像David说的,我在全世界的好朋友,还有我的家人,然后David他就在群里面给我所有的人直播我们的寻宝游戏,一个视频发到群里,比如说第一个视频是我爸爸妈妈给我录的,然后每一个都是一段很好的很珍贵的回忆。 Yes, because I actually knew that David was planning to propose to me, but I had no idea what kind of proposal it was going to be, I thought Disney might be where he was going to propose to me, but I thought it might be as simple as taking out a ring and proposing to me over dinner, but I didn’t think that on our first day at Disney he would take out a ring box, but there was only a note inside the box Then I typed the link to the website into my phone and found out that I had been added to a whatsapp chat group, where there were, as David said, my best friends from all over the world and my family, and then David sent a video of our scavenger hunt live to all my friends in the group. For example, the first video was recorded for me by my mum and dad, and then each one was a great and precious memory.

每一个回忆的最后有一个问题,这个问题的答案就是一个线索,然后我要根据这些线索在迪士尼乐园里面找到一个特别的雕塑,或者特别的比如说一个特别的玩具等等。 At the end of each memory there is a question, the answer to which is a clue, and then I have to follow these clues to find a special sculpture or a special toy, for example, in Disneyland.


对,我觉得最终我有一个比较的普通的向你求婚的,在饭店里我在一个膝盖求婚。 Yes, I think I ended up having a rather ordinary proposal to you, I proposed on my knees in a hotel.


叫单膝跪地,单膝就是一个膝盖,在一个膝盖跪到地上,所以叫单膝跪地。 It’s called one knee, one knee is one knee, on one knee to the ground, so it’s called one knee.


所以我单膝跪地向她求婚,但是普通的求婚以前我有很多的很好玩的线索。 So I got down on one knee and proposed to her, but I had a lot of fun clues before the normal proposal.


我觉得最感动的是David,在我不知道的情况下,秘密的和我所有的家人和我所有的朋友联系上了,而且我也不知道他是怎么样找到我所有的朋友的联系方式,所以特别的感动。 I think the most touching thing was that David, without me knowing, secretly contacted all my family and all my friends, and I didn’t know how he found all my friends’ contact details, so that was particularly touching.


对,我很高兴你特别感动,我很享受准备。想你求婚的寻宝游戏。 Yes, I’m glad you were particularly touched and I enjoyed the preparation. Wanted you to propose on the scavenger hunt.


而且在最后一个向我求婚之前,最后的一个大的惊喜是一个非常可爱的一个PDF,其实每一段寻宝游戏的最后是一个密码,然后把这个密码结合起来,就可以打开最后的一个PDF。 And before the last one proposed to me, the last big surprise was a very lovely one PDF, in fact at the end of each scavenger hunt was a password, and then the combination of that password opened the last PDF.

然后 Pdf非常的有意思,是乐高的说明。对是我们都很喜欢乐高,很喜欢拼乐高,但是这是一个 customized特别定制的乐高说明。它上面写的是怎么样一个男孩和一个女孩可以把它们拼到一起,一起来打造他们共同的未来。 Then the Pdf is very interesting and is a LEGO instruction. Yes we all love Lego, we love to put together Lego, but this is a customized special custom Lego instructions. It says how a boy and a girl can put them together and build their future together.


对,可能我们可以用说明的第一章。 Yes, maybe we could use the first chapter of the instructions.


我可以把它放在 podcast的链接里,大家都可以看到,我觉得特别的有创意。所以这就是我们上几个星期在忙这些搬家,然后求婚,然后工作也很忙,对。 I can put it in the podcast link and everyone can see it, which I think is particularly creative. So that’s what we’ve been working on for the last few weeks with all this moving and then the proposal and then work as well, yeah.


然后这一个星期我觉得我们放松一下,周末我只有一个计划,一个跟别的人的计划,对。 And then this week I think we’re relaxing a bit, I only have one plan for the weekend, one plan with other people, yeah.


但是昨天我们出去跑步的时候,聊到了一个很有意思的中文单词,所以今天也很想跟大家分享,或者跟大家一起学习一下中文单词。 But yesterday when we went for a run, we talked about a very interesting Chinese word, so I’d like to share it with you today or learn it with you.

我们在跑步的时候,因为现在日内瓦已经很热了,在太阳下跑步很特别的热,所以我们就说可以说在阴影下跑步或者在阴影里跑步。阴影的意思是in the shadow。 When we are running, because it’s already very hot in Geneva, it’s very hot to run in the sun, so we say we can say running in the shadow or running in the shadow. The word for shadow is in the shadow.


对,但是你可以用这个阴影的词在很多的上下文。 Yes, but you can use the word shade in a lot of contexts.


比如说阴影在中文里也可以解释成有很多的baggage或者一些trauma,心理就是mental 或者pyschological For example, shadow in Chinese can also be interpreted as having a lot of baggage or some trauma, psychological is mental or pyschological


对,比如你可以说,我以前有一次掉到河里,所以我现在对水有心理阴影。 It’s like once I fell into the river,that’s why I have trauma for water。你可以举一个例子吗David? Yes, for example, you can say, I fell into a river once before, so I have a psychological shadow over water now. It’s like once I fell into the river, that’s why I have trauma for water. can you give an example David?


对,我可以给你们一个例子,我可能以前我跟一个人有一个特别不好的关系,所以现在对这样的人来说,我有一个心理的阴影,对。 Yes, I can give you an example, I may have had a particularly bad relationship with someone in the past, so now I have a psychological shadow for such a person, yes.


然后David的也问我说,阴影这两个词分别是什么意思?这两个字虽然听起来很像,但是是不一样的,汉字第一个是阴,然后它是yin第一声,其实就是大家可能知道阴和阳。 Then David’s also asked me what each of the two words for shadow meant. Although these two words sound very similar, they are different. The first Chinese character is yin, and then it is the first sound of yin, which is actually what you may know as yin and yang.


Yin and Yang Yin and Yang


对,阳的意思是有很多的意思,比如说它可以是 positive或者是sun, masculin。然后阴也是意思是the moon月亮或者是feminine,或者是negative,所以这里的阴的意思可能就是 negative的意思。 Yes, yang has many meanings, for example it can be positive or sun, masculin, and then yin also means the moon moon or feminine, or negative, so the meaning of yin here could be negative.

然后第二个汉字是影子的影。 Shadow。 And then the second Chinese character is the shadow of shadow. Shadow.


对你也可以用这个影,比如说树影 Yes you can also use this shadow, for example, the shadow of a tree


你可以说什么东西的影子,比如说太阳很大,所以在路上可以看到我的影子,David的影子或者是一幢楼的影子。 You can say the shadow of something, for example the sun is very big so you can see my shadow on the road, David’s shadow or the shadow of a building.

对,所以这个就是阴影,两个字也有不同的意思。好的,最后想跟大家说,昨天是中国的一个传统节日。前天是端午节。端午节要干什么呢David? Right, so this is the shadow, and the two words also have different meanings. Okay, the last thing I want to say to you is that yesterday was a traditional Chinese holiday. The day before yesterday was the Dragon Boat Festival. What are you doing for the Dragon Boat Festival David?


对,我可以给你们的一个故事,这是Xinqing给我的故事 Yes, I can give you a story, this is the story that Xinqing gave me


但是端午节我们要吃什么? But what are we going to eat on the Dragon Boat Festival?


要吃一个东西特别的东西,就是粽子。 We have to eat one thing in particular, which is zongzi.


粽子,你可以跟大家解释一下粽子是什么样子的吗? Zongzi, can you explain to people what zongzi looks like?


粽子是什么样子?粽子是一个,你需要煮的东西。你有这个sticky rice,糯米,有很多糯米,然后你放肉,或者鸡蛋的蛋黄, Egg Yellow (egg yolk), 放在糯米里,然后你煮熟。 What is a dumpling like? A zongzi is a, you need to cook something. You have this sticky rice, there’s a lot of sticky rice, and then you put meat, or egg yolk (egg yolk), in the sticky rice, and then you cook it.


重要的一点是要在米外面包上叶子,是一种植物的叶子,然后它是咸的,因为它里面会放一些酱油,所以就是粽子。 The important thing is to wrap the rice in leaves, which are leaves of a plant, and then it’s salty because it has some soy sauce in it, so it’s dumplings.

然后为什么我们要吃粽子? And then why do we eat dumplings?


因为这个节日有一个故事,很长时间以前在中国有一个诗人,诗人是一个poet。 Because there is a story about this festival, a long time ago in China there was a poet, the poet was a poet.


他的名字叫屈原。 His name was Qu Yuan.


这个人写很多诗,这样的诗都关于他的皇帝是emperor,所以在中国在那时候有一个特别腐败的皇帝,very corrupt emperor,这个皇帝和他的政府很多人不喜欢,特别是这个诗人,所以这个诗人写很多漂亮的诗,关于政府的腐败和别的他不喜欢的话题。 This man wrote many poems, such poems were about his emperor who was an emperor, so in China at that time there was a very corrupt emperor, very corrupt emperor, this emperor and his government many people did not like, especially this poet, so this poet wrote many beautiful poems about the corruption of the government and other topics he did not like.


对诗人非常的爱国,所以我们在中文里说它是一个爱国诗人,对。 The poet is very patriotic, so we say in Chinese that he is a patriotic poet, yes.


他很喜欢中国,但是不喜欢皇帝,然后他这么不喜欢他的皇帝,这么爱中国。他自杀,he committed suicide。 He liked China very much, but he didn’t like the emperor, and then he disliked his emperor so much and loved China so much. He committed suicide.


因为他很生气,很伤心,很失望,所以他最后自杀。 Because he was very angry, very sad, very disappointed, so he finally committed suicide.

他自杀的方法是他跳到了河里,在中文里面我们管这个叫投河自尽,就是一种比较高级的方法来说,他跳到河里面自杀。他自杀了以后,因为当时的人民,老百姓,the people非常的伤心,因为他们都很爱诗人,所以这些老百姓为了防止诗人的尸体 (the dead body) 被湖里面的鱼吃掉。 The way he committed suicide was he jumped into the river, in Chinese we call this throwing himself into the river, which is a more advanced way of saying he jumped into the river to kill himself. After he committed suicide, the people were very sad because they loved the poet, so they tried to prevent the dead body of the poet from being eaten by the fish in the lake.

他们为了防止诗人的尸体被鱼吃掉,他们就想了一个方法,把这个米放在叶子里面,包在叶子里,然后放到河里,这样河里的鱼就会只吃这些粽子,不会去吃屈原诗人的尸体。 To prevent the poet’s body from being eaten by the fish, they came up with a way to prevent the poet’s body from being eaten by the fish by putting the rice inside the leaves, wrapping it in the leaves and putting it in the river so that the fish in the river would only eat the dumplings and not the body of Qu Yuan.

所以这就是为什么现在我们为了纪念爱国的诗人要吃粽子。 So this is why we now eat zongzi in honour of the patriotic poet.


对这个英语的节日的名字,用英语是Dragon Boat Festival。因为这样的船是龙舟,所以在这个节日我们吃鱼菜。 The name of this festival in English is Dragon Boat Festival, because such a boat is a dragon boat, so we eat fish dishes in this festival.


哼哼,我们吃给鱼吃的菜。 Hm, we eat dishes for fish.


粽子就是xinqing最喜欢的菜,Xinqing是鱼吗?这是下次的话题。 Dumplings are xinqing’s favourite dish, is xinqing a fish? That’s a topic for next time.


所以大家有机会的话可以在当地买到粽子,或者可以上网查一查粽子是什么样子的。好的,我们今天就聊到这里,希望我们现在恢复正常,可以跟大家每个星期见面。 So you can get dumplings locally if you have the chance, or you can look up what they look like online. OK, that’s all we’ve got for today, hopefully we’re back to normal now and can catch up with you all every week.


对。 Right.


好的。大家端午节快乐,端午节安康,端午节安康。 Right. Happy Dragon Boat Festival everyone, have a good Dragon Boat Festival, have a good Dragon Boat Festival.


对拜拜再见。 Yes bye bye bye.


拜拜。 Bye bye.

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